#which was the initial plan
allylikethecat · 6 months
While doing research for an upcoming fic it has come to my attention that Brussels is only a 2 hour train ride from London and now I'm pissed I didn't pop over and get a waffle last time I was in the UK.
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delicourse · 11 days
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end of spring🌸🧶🌱🧵
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sugaaz · 3 months
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@animangacreators badge battle #2 ⋆ shounen ↳ haikyuu!! + shounen sports tropes
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spamsandsuch · 5 months
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collection of (most) sweet capn cakes stuff ive drawn these past couple of months
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carlyraejepsans · 4 months
i don't think I've ever enjoyed a birthday party with friends as much as today i am genuinely getting a bit teary eyed
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fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
High-key want Arya and Varys to cross paths again at some point, like I need Varys to know that he was spied on by a 9-year-old Arya and that his plans could've potentially been foiled by her
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whatlovelybones-if · 7 months
🎶: DHL // frank ocean
i can proudly say that the chemistry between the killer and romanced!detective is going to be juicy asf. definitely one of the best routes and characters i’ve ever written for ngl
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good-beanswrites · 6 months
If it's okay with you, could you write a drabble about the hypothetical aftermath of Amane getting attacked by Kotoko?
Welp thank you pal for making me absolutely insane with this request 👍 I ran through a few hypotheticals and realized I had to shift some things around since there were so many absolutely tragic outcomes. I worked something out but damn if it didn’t make me emotional to think about how uniquely rough Amane has it. Even making sure she's in a good place at the end, this got pretty serious, so warnings for child abuse and cult references. 
(So in canon, Kotoko goes in order and attacks Fuuta, but Kazui steps in. Then she attacks Mahiru while he’s distracted with his injuries. She’s about to attack Amane, but Mikoto gets in the way (my hc that he did it on purpose survives!). By the time they reach a draw, Kazui is back, and the two of them can prevent Kotoko from any further action against Amane. Sticking to this apparent system of three attacks and one rescue, I’m just shuffling around the injuries for this story. Fuuta’s attack went unnoticed, and he’s in the same state as canon Mahiru. Mikoto steps in before Kotoko can fight Mahiru, so Mappi’s the one who get out physically unscathed. While Mikoto checks on Mahiru, recovers himself, or discovers Fuuta, Kotoko is able to attack Amane next. Kazui comes to help, but not before she leaves Amane looking like canon Fuuta.)
Mahiru could practically feel her heart shatter into a million pieces when Amane finally cried in front of her. She hadn’t shed a single tear yesterday – it was the shock, Shidou said. Mahiru was skeptical. After all, she had been shocked, too, and cried plenty.
Amane woke as she came in with breakfast. She took a moment to survey herself, bandages peeking out from beneath her pajamas and an eyepatch securely over her right eye. As calmly as one might say “good morning,” she started to cry. Mahiru might have missed it, if Amane hadn’t wiped at her good eye with her sleeve.
“Oh, sweetheart…!” Mahiru rushed over to her. “It’s okay, I’m here.” She wanted nothing more than to wrap the girl in a secure embrace, but she remembered the mass of bandages that were around her chest. Shidou had mentioned broken ribs and bruises. It took everything in her not to cry along with Amane, at the thought.
“I can get you another ice pack, if you need. Or more medicine.” Her mind spun with ways to help with pain. Many of the first aid supplies had been used to keep Fuuta from the brink of death, but surely there were extras to spare for Amane. 
The girl just shook her head. 
She muttered, “I can’t… I…I’m going to be punished, I’m going to be punished…”
“No! You’re safe now.” Mahiru placed her hands gently on Amane’s arms. “Kotoko’s not coming back. We’re all watching over you. You’re safe. She’s not going to hurt you anymore.” 
“That’s not…” Amane pulled away. Her voice stayed level, despite hiccups interrupting her. A hand reached up to her eyepatch. “It’s this. It’s all of this. It’s sinful. I took it off last night, but he must have…” She started unwrapping it. “They’re going to punish me...” 
With a careful motion, Mahiru held it in place and took Amane’s hands into her own. She’d been picking up on the signs ever since they arrived here together, and a final wave of understanding washed over her. 
“I can’t let you do that.”
Amane’s expression twisted, though words came out far more frantic than fiery. “Let me go.” 
Mahiru didn’t. “I’m sorry. Amane, you need this treatment.”
“That is not your decision to make. That is not any human’s decision to make.”
Mahiru pressed her lips together. “I know. But I can’t watch as you… I can’t sit by again while someone…” She was careful not to apply any pressure, but she could no longer fight the urge to gather Amane up in her arms. “You don’t need to be afraid of those people, anymore.”
“I’m not afraid.” Amane hiccuped. “They love me, and I love them. I need to be good for them.”
“I love you, and I don’t want to see you in pain.”
“You just pity me because I’m young.”
“Why does your age matter? You are a lovely young woman – you are my friend – and I can’t bear to see you in pain.”
The two sat in silence for a moment. Mahiru doubted she would take that as an answer; Amane had refused to call any of the others her friend. At least she didn’t argue. In fact, it seemed she was leaning into the embrace a bit more. She sighed a shaky breath into Mahiru’s uniform.
“Listen, Amane. Can you do me a favor? I’m trying to be a good girl, too. To make up for something awful, I need to make sure you’re alright. Can you help me? Can we be good together?”
A long pause followed. Amane’s voice spoke up, ever so gently.
“I suppose I can consider it.” She added quickly, “for the sake of your redemption. Of course.”
“Of course.”
#milgram#amane momose#mahiru shiina#thank you so much! i dont want to be bubbly on such a serious drabble but i want to give an enthusiastic thanks because this one really got#the gears turning!!#i started making plans as soon as i saw the ask and it took so long finding something that wouldnt result in straight up tragedy :(#if i kept to the initial timeline and said kazui didnt step in until amanes attack then both fuuta and mahiru would be close to death#and given there seems to limited supplies i think one of them would have died if shidou needed to treat three critical patients#so i moved people around to make sure everyone survived#which brought me to the main problem of amane self sabotaging her medical care#even minor injuries could have resulted in death if she got her way and removed bandages/refused treatment#but the mental strain of keeping the treatment would be just as bad as the physical pain -- shed be paranoid 24/7 of#divine punishment and repeating the mistakes that led her here.... it would hurt more to be forced like that#so i needed someone to be able to get through to her gently#but the only one who shes been able to trust just got the shit beat out of him and is in no position to talk!!!!#everyone else would just make her more upset or not know how to convince her the right way :(#still - i think mahiru could do it the best! with her own trauma from allowing loved ones to die in front of her i think shed be motivated#so. yeah.#i know amane is supposed to be talking in the plural pronoun now but i couldnt get it to work - lets just say that kicks in soon after this#tw cults#tw child abuse#drabbles
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natsmagi · 3 months
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surely not. are you implying that during date plan natsume was struggling with coming up with an idea and not only went to tsumugi, a completely irrelevant third-party with probably ZERO dating experience for advice, but then used tsumugis OWN IDEAL FIRST DATE as a base to work off of rather than, oh, i dont know, GOING WITH YOUR IDEAL DATE????? WHY ARE U BASING UR DATE PLAN ON TSUMUGIS IDEAL DATE AND NOT UR OWN ARE U STUPID. ARE U GAY. my eyes must be deceiving me bc aint no way
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fivekrystalpetals · 28 days
Okay, going into #bsd fyodor tag is still impossible for me :/
Look, I love Bram a lot, but how are people saying that Fyodor somehow killed Bram??
'Cause if you see it in order:
Bram orders his vampire to kill Fyodor -> Fyodor dies -> Crime and Punishment activates -> He becomes Bram
So, in this case, (cuz we do have a lot of other things to blame Fyodor for lmao) but in this particular case, what are we blaming Fyodor for lol? Dying? Getting killed by Bram? His ability activating involuntarily?
Dazai literally says this:
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Meaning, Fyodor has no control over his ability. He becomes whatever or whoever kills him, so he has been morbidly molding his masterplans around his own DEATH all along! He was frantic because he feared he will be MURDERED by the wrong person!
No wonder, he wants a world without abilities! Because, no matter what, he just cannot DIE. No wonder, he says this. He almost sounds envious other humans can die so easily?
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Also, did he manipulate Bram into killing him? No. Fyodor has not made contact with Bram at all. He let Bram do whatever he wanted. Bram was under direct control of Fukuchi, btw. And, it was Ranpo who asked Bram to kill him with one of his vampires.
In fact, Fukuchi says he locked up Fyodor faraway in prison so, he won't interfere in any of Fukuchi's plans.
I mean, once again, this panel:
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Sorry I am salty, but I guess seeing him as a demon who feels no pain in killing others or even himself (rather than the fact that he has been killed who-knows-how-many-times over the centuries yet is unable to "die" and be set free from the world -- this has made him completely desensitized to the idea of pain felt over death) makes it easier for everyone to plot out the next plan for "its" the demon Dostoyevsky's death.
Murder is the activation condition for his ability god just just think about it?
He might have lived his whole life as a normal ability-less person
until the day he was......... killed
I wonder if he died a death of natural causes, his ability would never ever have activated??? idk
but this also carries the heavy implication that he has never died a death of natural causes.
Only murdered by another human every. single. time.
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n7punk · 3 months
remember when i was posted about struggling with my fic well it turned out the scene was bad and the concept sucked and when you give up on the sunk cost fallacy it can actually work out 👍
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vorakh · 3 months
disco elysium written in the brothers karamazov style and the brothers karamazov written in disco elysium style
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bloomingsalma · 3 months
i think one of the most disappointing things is to see that your childhood friends have grown up to represent the kind of people you're disappointed in
#had a friendship break up w like one of my entire friend groups of six ppl?#found out that one of the girls in our friend group had sent screenshots of our private conversation about smth I was hurt over#to a gc with our other friends (but not me ofc)#and they all proceeded to talk shit about me :// I swear the way my stomach dropped when the friend I was having the convo w#sent me screenshots of what our mutual friends were saying about me#she knew how much it would hurt me but still did it just to prove a point (though I'm certain she misrepresented our conversation + my word#to them considering she blocked out what she had initially said to them lol)#my stomach hasn't dropped like that since high school#which is exactly where I thought we left this kind of deceitful behaviour. like how are you guys twenty one and still sending screenshots#and talking bad behind only one (1) friend's back when you know she can't defend herself in that space#I immediately texted our collective gc to explain a text she had sent but failed to give context for#then told them if I'm as selfish as they say I will leave this friend group. and then I left that gc#I also texted two friends who I knew were talking shit and I sent them the screenshots that first “friend” sent and pointed out how#she blocked out what she said so I'm suspicious that she skewed our conversation so they (the two other “friends”) should be wary#I told them I understood it was fair game to stoop. this low considering neither of them tried to reach out to me to hear my side#or defend me + my privacy#for context: the original argument was me voicing out that I was upset bc that first “friend” had invited and planned with with our friend#group an event that landed on my birthday without checking in with me if I was planning to spend time with them that day#and she kept defending herself and saying she didn't know I'd plan smth (probably bc my bday is two months away lmao) and she said#the event they'd be attending is just as important and necessary as being there for my birthday?? it's literally just a party her brother#(who none of us are close to lol) is DJing at. and I brought up how I'm their close friend (not her brother) and it's not fair to call#it equally necessary. but I suspect she skewed what I said greatly considering all of our friends started calling me selfish and unfair#but yeah v v crazy and hurtful and just astonishing#salmaspeaks
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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‘who stays up to draw shun akiyama’ me mfer
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vulturevanity · 1 year
Thinking about ScarVi's overarching theme being The Truth Shall Set You Free. I am so normal about this
#spoilers in tags#pokémon#pokemon sv#Arven initially being closed off and not trusting you because he was neglected by his parent and learned to only rely on himself#realizing very early on that being honest is the best chance he has at healing his Mabostiff#but still not opening up about his bigger issues until it was absolutely necessary which pushes the story forward into endgame#Penny hiding herself behind Cassiopeia to protect herself from bullying#getting an entire group of outcast kids into a team to scare their bullies off#only for the plan to backfire splendously when they're mistaken for the bullies#and Clavell in a rare display of clarity ffrom an adult in a position of authority#rather than simply punishing them for it opted to team up with us to understand what was really going on#and that made him much more lenient in punishing them (because they did still cause trouble!)#the truth of Turo/Sada spiraling into their work and refusing to see the damage it was doing to EVERYTHING including themselves#to the point that they DIED#and the AI they built explicitly for the purpose of continuing their work ran the calculations and realized said work was Bad#and that truth made it go against its own programming which is what kickstarts the main story to begin with#and may I contrast all that with NEMONA whose sheer energy and eagerness is 1000% GENUINE#I've seen so many people say they thought she was going to eventually be angry for losing to us all the time#but the whole point of her character is that she's free to do whatever the fuck she wants and she's pretty happy with her life#she has no reason to fake happiness. she's just like that. she is free from the beginning and she's always be free and that's the point#in a story where no one else is!!! everyone else is bound by some complication or another that holds them back from being honest#i changed my mind i'm insane about this. no longer normal#pokemon sv spoilers#babbles
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figureofdismay · 6 months
at what point between Za'tarc testing and Threads do you think it would be most crushingly, precipitously painful for Sam and Jack to encounter another Alternate Universe Mirror Sam and Jack, who are of course Together (as usual)? I'm trying to decide what the maximum angst point would be for fic writing reasons 🤔
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