#which still feels daunting
urban-hart · 1 year
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another Calder clan portrait set! Runa's face is taking better shape, which feels nice
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figofswords · 4 months
anybody remember the stephanie brown essay I was working on under a research grant fully last summer? yeah it’s not done yet it super needs to be done and I’ve been avoiding working on it for weeks. someone tell me to just do it already
#the problem is. actually there are several problems#1) I’ve been out of the Batman/dc comics phase for almost a year so I don’t care that much about the topic#2) I am fifteen pages in and have not touched it in months so I’ve completely lost my train of thought#3) I can’t just reread it because I hate first five pages or so and I know I need to change it but I was trying to finish before editing#so now my only solution is I need to open up a new doc and completely restructure the whole thing by splicing together the existing writing#so that I can figure out where the hell im going with this and make sure things fit together better#unfortunately that sounds fucking exhausting#but I told my mentor I would have an update for him by the end of the week and. well. it’s the end of the week#I have to present it in April. I have to write and submit an abstract in March#the school gave me $1500 for this stupid essay and if I don’t have anything to show for myself.#well. I don’t know they can’t take the money BACK but it’s not a good look#and also I would feel bad#I did the research!!! i interviewed comic writers even!!! I just haven’t finished WRITING IT DOWN#and I KNOOOOWW once I get started it’ll be fine once I’m going I’m going#but STARTING is hard because I feel like I have to finish it in one go which makes it so huge and daunting#I’m like. slamming my head into a wall. just write a couple sentences Jess something is better than nothing#just start it you don’t have to finish just START just MAKE the new DOC#I know!!!!! that is what my therapist would say!!!! Jess you’re trying to oneshot it bc of your dumb adhd brain!!!!#stop looking at it like that and making it scarier!!!#but even tho I know that logically I’m still like oh I should put away the dishes o should make bread#I should work on my six different art pieces I should do laundry i should play with the puppy I should go for a walk I sh
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jendoe · 5 months
okay it has been. Months. BUT i wanted to pop in since today is my birthday and let yall know how much i've appreciated the patience and kindness that's been shown to me this year 🫶 i am really proud of myself for getting here and i can only thank the wonderful people in my life for it 🤧 so lots of love from ME to all of you and also here's a picture of my fosters bc i Have been doing things in my absence
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jessiesjaded · 2 months
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random picture dump :)
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defness · 4 months
→ drawing the same pose over and over again and feels cringe
→ realizes that these drawings are simply pre-ref drawings to figure out one's design so I can Draw Them
→ no longer feels cringe
#jic ur wondering why all of them are drawn w that same arms out legs semi open pose#do i obsessively worry about this to an unhealthy degree? yeah#do people not verbally tell me that seeing me draw the same pose over and over again is Boring or Lame or stupid or smth? yes but i get#like. stupidly anxious and start thinking about things like that which i obviously know probably isn't the case and that in actuality#no one cares about how i draw more than i do#but it's still difficult not to ruminate on thoughts of people subconsciously rolling their eyes at my art because its so plain and boring#and static and stiff and it doesnt feel lively and dynamic like the artists i aspire to be like#but then i also remember im only just starting my art journey. by this year I'll only have been drawing for 4 years. 4 YEARS.#which seems like alot honestly? especially w the progress I've made#but most; if not everyone who isn't me have spent 7+ YEARS of drawing and i remind myself that. oh#yeah! im on the same path they were#maybe they had the same issues i did#but ill get through it :) i want to experiment more this year w my art#i say that but i need to COMMIT#i need to commit. to actually put in effort to learn posing and perspective instead of trying to lazily scrawl color on a digital canvas#but it all seems so daunting#but; you know; in time it'll come. seeing the difference only a few months has done to my art is also truly refreshing#it lets me know that im still learning and improving my technique and that really helps iron out any anxieties i have.#sorry this got super rambly super quickly lol
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zyrafowe-sny · 10 months
I think I need to actually find some paper and pencil. I have made three different Google Drive documents trying to plot a multi-chapter but none of them are working terribly well.
I can also imagine this ultimately becoming an Excel spreadsheet, with subplots/themes as columns along the main plot.
There is a reason I write short-form.
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slippery-minghus · 6 months
i want to paint, but autism is hungry and needs to be fed 8hrs of skyrim a day
#i'm trying to set up to paint bc i want to!! but every bone in my body says no#i'm gonna feel sad and disappointed in myself if i don't paint because i want to actually *do* something#and not spend this whole weekend having barely even scraped the surface of what i truly genuinely wanted to do#and instead just burn away the time looking at skyrim#i'm not even really having all that much fun playing it!!! but i can't break away from it#which isn't always a bad thing especially on week days but? on a long weekend where i want to enjoy myself??#and i can't because my brain won't let me??? not fun!!!#painting is so boring and understimulating and my brain is way too foggy right now to think about mixing colors and layering#(secretly i don't even want to paint i just want to feel satisfied at creating a thing!!) (my brain is too fried to hold a thought long#enough to do the physical action of painting! it sounds wayyyy too daunting and taxing right now!!)#but if i spend this whole weekend having sat on my ass doing nothing will i feel rested? no!!!#but if i spend all my energy doing A Hobby will i feel rested? also no!!! but then i'll at least have something to show for it#i'm riling myself up and i feel like i ALMOST could make myself paint right now#but as soon as i think of what it will feel like to sit here and focus and move my hands to do the painting my brain screams NO#and sure i can argue i'll feel better if i do it i'll be glad if i do it and it'll be easier once i start#but this isn't the walk i took yesterday (that i was glad i took but still felt like garbage after)#i WANTED to take a walk. i was just struggling with the level of exertion i could manage (walk my neighborhood or drive 30min to the park?)#my brain is latching on to 8hrs a day of skyrim bc that's all i have the energy for#work has been killing me#and it's so painfully bright in my apartment but i can't close the curtains bc i need all the sunlight i can get#i WANT to have the energy to paint and enjoy it but i just don't.... (but i feel like if i Give In to the exhaustion then i'm#no better than my mom who just sits around all day refusing to live her life bc she refuses to take care of herself.#and calls sitting perfectly still—instead of actuvely managing her condition—'not letting her disability win')#(so i don't want to be that. i don't want to waste away like my mom bemoaning how i Just Can't when i totally can!!!#i could push through this exhaustion and hype myself up but the only thing i'm going to be thinking about is Am I Done Yet? Can I Rest Now?)#and i can't convince myself that 'just paint for 30min' is worth it bc mixing paint and setting up is Just So Much#enough that 'just 30min' is a lie and not a legitimate out if i need it to be#i need to commit or not do it. and i just can't......... my eyes hurt and i'm tured and i just wanna play my game#and all this indecision and feeling like i'm wasting time is just making me want to cry. im gonna close the curtains and boot up the xbox;(#personal
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stabbylambchop · 11 months
Hey uh
anyone here on Art Fight this year or-
Cuz I'm on there, same name and everything. I'm on Team Vampires.
You can like, add me or whatever...I mean, if you want...
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I haven't interacted with anyone on here or even really drawn in a couple months, sweet pulsating spider-christ ...
#I KNOW I KNOW I CAN JUST. DO THE THING. BUT I ALSO CAN'T. YKNOW????#I DON'T KNOW WHERE MY MIND HAS BEEN I DON'T#I'M STILL STRUGGLING WITH HEALTH Y'ALL#and sometimes instead of bouncing back and forth from feeling stable enough to do things and absolute dog shit i just-#-'welp i guess I'll just not do anything! that'll solve all of my problems! I'll get better if i don't do things and just rest and space out#-'WOW I CAN JUST BE ISOLATED AND PATHETIC IN MY ROOM ALL DAY COOL'#like...I EVEN GOT MY PAIN MEDS BACK! AND I QUALIFIED FOR A HIGHER DOSE WHICH IS A MIRACLE BC THIS IS FLORIDA!!#but like. idk.#and it's not like i don't care at all!!! I've missed you guys like fuck!!!! i just feel like I'm so far behind and everyone is on another-#-plane of existence at this point! and the longer it goes the more guilty i feel coming back bc i feel ashamed and lazy...#but i know you guys don't give a shit about at all. and I'm sorry for assuming and being so hard on myself#but also my fandoms are all over the place rn so uh. I'm so sorry LOL#but seriously anyone on art fight?? i really need to get back drawing but it's daunting...#especially since my guess 2 or 3 years were kickass by the last 2 literally no one but my wife interacted with me#one friendly fire from my partner. in two fights. after putting HOURS OF EFFORT THRU CHRONIC PAIN AND ILLNESS into all of those pieces...#i know I didn't draw a fuckton but i just got so discouraged and sad after awhile. and some never even got any attackee comments.#it all felt so damn pointless#but I'm nothing if not a survivor#as Zapp Brannigan once said; 'the spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised'#I'm a hot fuckin mess but even if i barely get any interaction at all again i can at least say i didn't give up-#and put in effort and love like always. no half-assing with art fight unless it's just me and my wife or a friend doin stupid friendly fires#BUT ANYWAY I STILL WANNA FUCK SLASHERS. IF ANYTHING THERE'S STILL THAT. IT'S STILL ME.
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timegears-moved · 1 year
the only lightroot i have yet to get is the one under hyrule castle and i'm so afraid
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venusdebotticelli · 1 year
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*shows up three years late and with a new fandom*
Hello, I still exist! 👋 My adhd has made it so that posting things on tumblr is A Struggle™ nowadays, which is why I've been absent for so long 🫠 But I've still been lurking in a couple of different fandoms, mostly just reading tons of fic on ao3!
The latest one of those fandoms is Our Flag Means Death, and after a million years of writer's block, I've suddenly been churning fic for it like crazy for the past week or so :D One of them is ready to start posting already, so I thought I'd pop in here, say hi and see if there's anyone who might still be around, also into ofmd, and willing to do some beta reading for me? :)
The fic in question is a "crack treated seriously" where a mid-twenties Blackbeard gets thrown a couple of decades into the future, right onto the ship of semi-retired, robe-wearing, good-life-enjoyer, co-captain Ed, and it's a character exploration following the ordeal that Ed (both of him) has to endure in dealing with the worst of worst foes: Himself™ :p
So yeah, would someone potentially be interested in doing the beta? Please message me 😊
And for any of the people I used to interact with here, how have you all been? 😁
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volfoss · 7 months
I cannot recommend enough starting game series from the start. Both because if you get used to the clunky gameplay of earlier ones, the later ones will be easier (from experience, going the other way just makes the originals seem IMPOSSIBLE) and also bc it does in fact help w understanding the story. Also because honestly old games are so cool
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vullcanica · 8 months
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@vilestblood : "Absolutely not. You will get out of bed and go to school — whether you like it or not." (For Avita, he's using his Dad Voice.)
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A much-aggrieved whine comes from the pitiful lump of disgruntled eight year old coccooned under sheet and blanket. It's a long, modulated, drawn out sound that within it contains the most common sentiment of displeasure every child confronted with school at 7 am has historically needed no words to convey: i don't wanna.
It's horribly, unacceptably unfair, Avita thinks, that she has to have school every day. Has to, even if she doesn't want to. Come hell or high water, plight or sorrow. Sun death, perhaps. Sometimes it feels like a personal slight against her. Some horrid unbreakable loop of having to return to the place that ails her most often. One small foot pokes out comically from the bundle - a measly attempt to jumpstart her day which gets interrupted by a great tantrumy kick at the air. Must she be required to exert effort from her feeble little body? Is it not enough she will visit hell? Must she be presentable and punctual for it too? God, but what a cruel joke. Why even go when she knows she'll just bungle her science oral exam and take way too long in maths and have words with insufferable little Cecilia and get snickered at in english for her slow drawl and tie her sneakers too loose in P.E. and-
The buildup comes to a head when the bundle writhes angrily. Loud, moaning and apocalyptic in her frustration, she kicks her feet against the duvet, snagging sheets and blankets off the bed in the heat of it. One pillow becomes collateral as well. It's a seconds-long, yet heartfelt hurricane, its little face scrunched up pre-waterworks style. With one last aborted outburst and a resolute 'umph', she stills.
Spent and left a lone ship on her stripped clean bed, Avita lays there in a moment of peace, sighs full-bodily and sits up. Bleary eyed, squinting, morose. Little devil interrupted.
Then takes a deep, back-straightening breath and picks her head up high.
"Ok, fine."
Half-socked feet come to dangle off the bed's edge as she faces papá at last, resigned. Little steps for little feet, he'd said once. Very well, then. She'll walk. Even if they feel especially little this morning.
"Will you tie my shoelaces for me today?"
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percyjacksonfan3 · 2 years
hi i just wanted to say yours is the best eddie x chrissy fic i’ve read (and i’ve read TONS this past month) and i’m selfishly praying you’ll never stop writing them in some capacity bc you just GET THEM so well
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I'm overwhelmed and can only say thank you a million times <3 I can promise you that I have no plans to stop writing for them because I have like five different ideas for them on the go right now, and now that the season is done and I know how their stories play out my mind is going wild. Hopefully you guys won't get sick of me
But seriously, thank you so much, characterization is always something that's super important to me as a reader and I try to do the best I can as a writer. Plus with these two I just connected so suddenly and so strongly it's really nice to know it's not just me imagining it :D
<3 sending you all the hugs nonny
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storybook-souls · 2 years
have spent all weekend holed up in a cabin working on my novel and while it’s been very creatively fulfilling i’m left feeling very very [emotion] about the whole thing overall
#on the one hand every time i spend time writing it's so validating to get to go. 'oh i DO love this. i really really do.'#'i haven't just tricked myself into thinking i like doing this i really do feel like this is the thing i could do Forever'#but there IS a. 'hey am i actually any GOOD at this????' 'is it supposed to be easier than this? feel less like pulling teeth?'#'should the characters feel more real by now? am i as funny as i think i am? do i have the courage to take the swings i need to?#do i really control the plot as well as i need to? are my ideas really even anything at all?'#and then the third thing is. 'jesus christ it's really hard to write a novel when you have a full time job.'#especially when you're also running 4 dnd games and actually working 45ish hours a week and have to#maintain your own apartment and life and try to have some sliver of a social life and have family obligations#and are trying to get more sleep and have recently gotten back into reading books--#i got a lot done!!!! but not as much as i maybe HOPED to#this draft is like. not quite halfway done and i STILL don't know exactly what i'm doing with some of the#later chapters and while i think this draft is BETTER than draft 1 (obviously) it still like. needs a lot of work#and i'm so Tired....i feel GOOD but i'm so Tired and i have to go back to WORK on tuesday....#i. :( i know these things take time and that's okay i can be okay with it but it's just. really daunting to look down that road#and to know that i could only get as far as i did bc i set aside two whole days for it and WHEN am i gonna get that again#instead i'm just gonna have to go back to fitting it in around all the everything else which is. sigh#but i can do it! i literally can and i'm going to.#and i'm very glad i had this weekend it DID do the main thing i needed it to which is that it made me figure out#HOW to do a proper second draft. so now i can keep going#fcm#my writing
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kethabali · 1 month
am so glad i didnt give up on that stupid washing machine bc now that the drain doesn't keep popping off being able to wash at home saves so much time and money i can wash things however i like with water temperature and soap to make sure its Really clean and not damage the material i can let it wash while i finish other things instead of sitting at the laundromat and when i do it is so much more flexible i can wash things on days where i get home late and then have more free time on my off days not doing chores and wash things in an emergency quickly never have to sleep on dirty sheets or not have blankets bc they're all dirty or worry about running out of pants.. i even have a drying rack so i don't have to put clothes on all my doors awkwardly lmao and i dont trust those doors bc its not like im wiping them down every week so putting clean wet clothes on them feels suspicious.. anyways im very satisfied with this situation
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pair-of-doxes · 4 months
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