#which starts at BotW but extends to TotK
full-pockets · 6 months
Wait wait okay so Mineru's ability is she can seperate her soul from her body and put that soul in something else. I believe in game she calls it her spirit but soul is like the same thing. Also spirit sounds more 'mystical' and soul might have religious context to it? Whatever. The stones amplify the holders already present power, not giving them 'new' ones, meaning she already had some power relating to spirit magic.
Two questions.
One, what was the extent of her power BEFORE she got the stone? In the scene she describes it as the stone gave her the ability to take her soul out of her body, not like she always had the ability to do that.
Two, if she can do that, why couldn't she separate Ganon's spirit from his body as a way to stall for time or temporarily stop his rampage?
It still doesn't make sense to me that Rarau, the light guy, was able to put Ganon in a stasis when Sonia's thing was time. Thou with Ganon killing Sonia and stealing her stone that couldn't be done. But it felt like, a kinda crappy way to go about that. The whole scene felt, not planned well. It felt like a first draft they went with instead of really dissecting the possibilities and making a more compelling and imo, more 'logical makes sense' of a story. If Sonia wasn't used as a sacrificial lamb for the story, SHE could have used her time powers to stall+stasis Ganon. She could have used her time powers to stall the malice infecting Link's arm, slowing it but never fully able to stop it due to her weakened power from keeping a lock on Ganon all these years and giving us the same reason to get the orbs to purify Link's arm.
This could also serve as a mirror back to Zelda's plight from BotW, stalling the big bad (she wasn't using time powers but still) but her power waning, unable to fully end it, just slow it down. Fighting the same foe, failing, and stalling, relying on the hero to finish business.
However, I feel like part of the reason Rarau was chosen to stop Ganon and give Link his arm was that he's Zonai, he's new, and the developers wanted to push that rather than the ancient Hylians. After all they did give us *too much of the Zonai and also still not enough. Even thou Rarau ends up playing such a small part in Link's encounters and is like, never seen again after the tutorial area then once more at the very anti climatic ending for Zelda.
Incase you couldn't tell, I have NOT finished the game, I probably never will and I've only spent 45 hours on it then never picked it up. 5 of those hours was spent on the tutorial sky island (I messed up so badly my first time that I *had to start over). I have also not seen many ending scenes so maybe there was a legit reason Mineru couldn't trap Ganon's soul but with the crappy writing of this game, I wouldn't be surprised if it was some dumb reason.
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derrickwildsun · 9 months
The obsession with wanting "consequences" to TOTK's ending are infuriating and shallow. (Massive TOTK Spoilers ahead)
"Why did they have to change Zelda back?"
Because her kingdom NEEDS her. Everyone, not just Link, is fighting together to get her back. NPCs tell you about things she did in between BOTW and TOTK to help them, stressing her importance as a leader. One of the schoolchildren waits outside her house every day in anticipation of her return. Speaking of which, Zelda was able to take her nerdy interests and love of learning and channel that love into bringing improvements to Hyrule via establishing a school and a research team. The kingdom is worse off without her. The title "Tears of the Kingdom" is important because the tears are Zelda's, and she IS the kingdom since she's all that's left of the royal family. It's kind of like the story of the Fisher King: the King is the land, and if the King is sick/ailing, so too is the land.
The main theme of the game is community. Director Hidemaro Fujibayashi had this to say about the game's core theme:
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Everyone working together to push back the forces of evil and save their homeland. It's emphasized that Link (and many of the characters, especially the sages) can't do the job alone; he needs help. This even extends to the ending. Link's Recall wouldn't have been sufficient to change Zelda back; Rauru and Sonia amplify his power the same way Sonia and Zelda amplified Rauru's light beam in the Gerudo Invasion memory. Likewise, Rauru and Sonia couldn't bring Zelda back because Link had the necessary ingredient: a motive in the form of his love for Zelda. Just like how Zelda found the necessary motive to unlock her powers and save Link in BOTW, so too does Link accomplish the same in TOTK.
Leaving Zelda as a dragon would have contradicted her character development in BOTW, which amounted to her learning to move past her failure and loss from the Calamity. She also, um, can't figure out "what kind of person she's going to be and what she is going to say" if she's a dragon. The end of her arc amounts to her taking up the role of leadership and restoring her kingdom with the help of Link, the sages, et al. Again, the theme of community, connections, and working together to overcome obstacles.
"Why couldn't she come back with dragon features?"
To quote Mr. Garrison: "That's fucking stupid."
Sonia explains that Recall recalls an object's memory, meaning the only result of the Literal Triforce of Link, Sonia, and Rauru using an amplified Recall on Zeldragon was to return her to the state she was before she ate the stone. This is why her stone is tied around her neck at the end. She couldn't have leftover dragon parts because she was never a dragon to begin with. Also, the greatest loss one could suffer from becoming a dragon is, as emphasized by Mineru, the loss of self, not the body.
"Why does Link get his old arm back?"
The amplified Recall restored it. Also, thematically, it works better for Link to grab hold of Zelda's hand with the hand with which he initially failed to grab her at the start of the game.
"Changing Zelda back nullifies her sacrifice."
No, it doesn't. She fully accepted she would never change back. She wasn't thinking about the possibility of Link saving her because as far as she knew that was impossible; she made her decision out of love for her kingdom and Link. In the end, she succeeded in her mission (as did Link). If she made the sacrifice with the assumption Link would save her, then I could see this argument holding water. But Link was never going to give up on her because he LOVES her. Even she's in disbelief at having changed back (and very thankful because now she's home). In the secret ending, she says, "I never thought I would stand in this place again." We feel the weight of her sacrifice in the final memory, and the ending provides an emotional release because we the player repay her for all she did to help us and because she more than proved her heroism. I liken it to the ending of Pinocchio (1940) wherein the Blue Fairy changes Pinocchio into a real boy as a reward for giving his life to save Geppetto's.
"Her not remembering being a dragon is a copout."
Mineru explains very clearly that becoming a dragon means losing one's self. You lose all your memories and indentity; you cease to be the person you were. So, yes, she wouldn't remember being a dragon flying around for centuries. But you know what she would remember because it happened before she lost all sense of self?
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Though not outright stated, it's clear from the character animation that Zelda was in immense pain as the transformation began to take effect. Also, you can tell she was absolutely terrified in that moment. She knew what she was doing was necessary to save her kingdom, but she's thinking, "Shit, these are my last few seconds before I lose myself forever. I'll never see my loved ones again: Link, Purah, Robbie, Riju, Sidon, the schoolchildren in Hateno, etc. And I'm doing this all on a MASSIVE gamble and act of faith that Link will find me, reclaim the Master Sword, and destroy the Demon King." That's not the kind of traumatic event you'd easily forget. She'll probably be contemplating "Wow, if Link hadn't been so determined, I wouldn't be here now and that would have been my last moment alive," for some time. And no, you don't need to see her suffering psychological effects in-game; that's best left up to the viewer's imagination; there's only so much story they can cram into the game before it's overstuffed.
"Why did Rauru and Sonia come back to restore Zelda?"
Because they loved her, and Zelda loved them. From the moment Zelda met them, they promised to find a way to return her home to reunite with Link. They have an emotional (and familial) connection to her. By helping Link restore her, they're extending a final act of love to the princess they adore so much. It's a beautiful sendoff to them, because unlike Zelda's biological parents (Zelda's mother died when she was six, and Rhoam was too busy being a king to actually be a father to her), they were able to provide for and help her on her journey. It would have been a mistake to not bring them back to wrap up that plot point.
I think a lot of nerds suffer from Cinema Sins/TV Tropes brain: only able to deal in the most literal without any room for meaning. "Punishing" Zelda for her sacrifice wouldn't have added anything to her arc, as the whole point of her character isn't to be a stoic symbol for her people to mindlessly obey. The game deals in second chances, not just for Zelda obviously but also for Link. Link gets a second chance at the end to catch Zelda to make up for not catching her at the beginning; that's parallel storytelling with actual deliberate meaning behind it. Otherwise, the story amounts to, "He fucked up and there's nothing he can do about it." Remember that much like Zelda, Link had enormous pressure placed on him from a young age. He was expected to carry his duties out lest the entire kingdom be DOOMED FOREVER. But with TOTK's ending, he can realize that he doesn't have to worry about that pressure since no one's forcing it on him anymore. He can shape his own destiny and bounce back from a mistake; he doesn't have to lose Zelda forever.
I've already explained that the power Link, Sonia, and Rauru use is just an amplified Recall, but technical explanations aside, it's mainly the sort of scene that's driven more by emotions than by "logic." A good example of a scene that relies on the emotions of the story to carry it is the climax of Disney's Dumbo (1941). Animation critic/historian Michael Barrier writes:
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If you're the sort of person who questions why Dumbo is able to fly without the "magic feather" or how Dorothy Gale goes home just by clicking her heels and repeating the mantra "There's no place like home," you probably shouldn't be watching movies.
Special thanks to @avalypuff, @blueskittlesart, @thecagedsong, @aquaticpal, and @nolongerapileofashprobably for their posts on the subject; all of you made some excellent insights on the ending and how it ties in with the game's themes. I'll go ahead and link to said posts for further reference:
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ofcowardiceandkings · 10 months
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companion piece of young Link
AAHH i finally finished something :'D
i've uh had some very specific Thoughts about Zelda's childhood for a while now so its about time i put them to paper - this is actually round TWO since the original doodles are lost to ... somewhere ... i like these second editions better though so alls well that ends well
we're looking at ages around 4, 7 and 10 years old here touchin bugs in the dirt, archery practice, and playing a lyre ;w;
more detailed Thoughts under the cut 💙
iiitssss customary ranting about my BotW/TotK opinions tiiiimeeee welcome my darlingsss jfkdjfkd 💙
i had a much more solid idea about where i was going with Zelda than with Link but some of it is kinda abstract or weird lol
we know a fair amount about her upbringing in general, or can infer as much from Zelda's interactions with her father and what they and people around them wrote. she was clearly a smart and vivacious kid with a strong personality from the start, no matter how much you sort of squash that shit for the public face, repression etc. so yknow, her mother's death when she was 6, awful. her father's change in attitude especially in her teens, awful. being under public scrutiny her whole life, awful. restrictive structure of royal life, dull (i bet it bored Zelda to death at times no matter how strongly duty-oriented she is). having said that though, she got by and just by looking at her study, she clearly got stuff done to herself - you can take the kid away from the science but the science stays with the kid !!!
additionally, forgive me for mentioning ... timelines ... but in my humble onion, BotW/TotK serve as a Dragon-Break scenario which are SO far in the future from other entries that ALL timelines will inevitably converge and lead to that point, so it doesnt matter any more (i dont like extended Timeline theory, Nindooty doesnt like extended Timeline theory, the current writing team seem to want shot of it, let me be). being a history guy i also subscribe to leaning on the LEGEND aspect of 100 and 1000 year games of telephone, it makes things spicy. tradition is a strange thing, we do things we dont have much of a context for anymore, we're still living with the cultural hangovers of people living when mammoths were around and no thats not hyperbole lol its WILD. ive typed around the point enough lets get going
she was a bugs girl !!!! she still IS a bugs girl lmao but if our 16 year old girlie is gonna pounce on frogs apropos of nothing, that 4 year old girlie is gonna go catch bugs in the Royal Gardens and freak out her maids or escorts with them, good for her 💅
the other two are where my timeline thing comes in; the triforce is never mentioned by name, its just there in symbolism ?? something about the blood of the goddess ?? divine sealing powers ??? no one knows in the same vein, i like to think that its traditional for Hylian Princesses to learn archery and play a lyre or harp ... but no one remembers quite WHY ?? so Zelda does. the Priestess-Princess* role means the public is aware that Zelda had formal singing training, but its not really common knowledge outside of the Castle that the Royal Girls do THIS (no one knows why that part is important either, but it stays in the Castle). she might be a little out of practice now, but give that muscle memory enough time and she might be able to really surprise people.
*this is part of the Japanese translation, at least in Kass' final song Zelda is referred to as an term roughly meaning Priestess-Princess - which makes total sense to me
ohhh my god i talked a lot okay i just love my gorl fhjdkfjdk
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actual footage of me explaining my shit and going way long
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bestlinktournament · 1 year
I need your submissions 🫵
Our next tournament will be The Most Gender Zelda Character, meaning any character you look at and go "I want their gender!" Or who's Gender Vibez™️ are simply just off the chart.
You may submit up to five characters via my Tumblr inbox. Be sure to include what media they come from!
For funsies, I open this tournament up to all official Zelda media, including spin-off games, Zelda mangas and anything else in some way affiliated with Nintendo. No fan made content.
With spoilers in mind, please do not submit any new characters from TOTK. Characters that were already in BOTW but have physically changed since TOTK (Link, Zelda, Tulin, Purah, etc) are allowed.
If submitting a member of the Triforce trio or a reoccurring Zelda character, please specify which version of the character you mean. I will not take just "Ganondorf" as a submission, for example, but I will take "Ganondorf (Wind Waker)."
Anything can be a gender if you're brave enough. This tournament extends to any characters, be they hylian, lolian, zora, rito, glowing eyeball monster, you name it!
Characters must get at least two separate submissions to potentially make it into the tourney. You can ask how many submissions a certain character has received and I'll tell you!
The tournament will start when I have either 16 or 32 characters, depending on the submission rates. Good luck! And may the most gender win!
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
How do I give my anime designs more character? I don’t want them to look bland, especially not the girls!
I had a whole different argument here and suddenly realised I was answering a question you didn't ask. I'm sick at the moment so my brain isn't working the best so forgive me if my answers seems a bit all over the place.
Most importantly, and something i think a LOT of modern anime does badly these days, is to not be afraid to PUSH the expressions of your anime girls.
if you'll forgive the mini-rant; modern anime has a really bad habit of not allowing female characters to have "ugly" expressions. Or when they do, they make them simplified emojis or make the one second of extreme emotion SO extreme it becomes completely off putting. Especially as there will be a tendency to only push an extreme expression in one single episode during a "dramatic scene".
This results in most girls in modern anime looking more like the limited expression range of a Vtuber than actual characters. There ARE exceptions, but this is a MASSIVE issue which was not the case in the 80s or 90s and only really started becoming more common around the mid 2000s.
Comparison examples! (you know I love those). I am using still images instead of gifs so the animation doesn't mask the drawing. But I'll show some animated gifs later in this ask
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This extends beyond just facial expressions tho. Or rather... it doesn't.
Most modern anime shows will have the characters pull expressions in their face, but have their bodies relatively static, even in extreme emotions. If you compare the two screenshots above, the more modern example has a more extreme push to her eyes, but in the Dirty pair screenshot, not only is Kei's mouth open very wide, but her head is tilted backwards and to the side, her shoulders are drawn up, and she gives the impression even in a still image that she is in the middle of a physical reaction to something which annoyed her. Similarly, Yuri down there is also annoyed, and even though we only really see her eyes, you can tell she's hunched over and seething. In the modern anime screenshot she's just.... got the default "these are my angry eyes!" face with nothing really happening elsewhere.
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Her shoulders I guess are kind of drawn up but so barely you wouldn't be blamed to think they always look like that.
And this comes to the second point.
There is NOTHING wrong using a pose doll to figure out a challenging pose. I have used pose dolls when I am unsure how a certain pose looks from a specific angle. But looking at real life, whether photos or if you can, life drawing, will be your biggest tool in figuring out how to breathe more life into your poses and art.
Now, to answer the ACTUAL question you asked about design;
I have to admit that character design is not a strength of mine. I have little to no practice with it myself and when I design OCs I end up not liking them or not enjoying their designs. I feel someone far more skilled at the design part of design might have better input, but I can tell you what I know just from observation;
The first BIG advice is; do not confuse interesting design with clutter.
This doesn't mean strip down your character design to look like a Y/N drawing, but more have every element you introduce into your design be there with some kind of thought in mind as to how it applies to the character and who they are as a person. This is a mistake I often see made with characters both OCs as well as professionally. Where character designers seem to think adding MORE to a design will make a character more interesting to look at. (PreCure has this problem a LOT)
Giving your character too many details without some kind of larger unification or idea, makes them harder to envision for people, because there's too much visual noise.
If I tell you to think of Link from Legend of Zelda, it doesn't matter WHICH Link you picture 9although at the moment it's most likely TotK or BotW Link), Link has unified design elements which means regardless of how detailed or cluttered his outfit becomes, we all know what Link looks like;
1: Blonde hair on the longer side usually, with fringe and side bangs 2: blue diamond shaped eyes, pointed ears, light skin 3: wears some variation of green. Can dress in other colours but Green is an identifying colour. Even in ToTK and BotW where he is most often shown in blue, Green is still the vast majority of the outfits and gear he will wear 4: boots and light coloured tights/pants 5: Twink
You don't need to look at a picture of Link to know this is what Link looks like. Other details like his earring, belts, gloves, bracers, undershirt etc are all there and enhance these elements and distinguish one Link from another exist, but they are not the unifying elements to Link's character design.
On top of this, all of Link's character design make SENSE for his character, what he does, where he comes from etc.
He is a Hylian so he has pointed ears and is generally elf-like in appearance. He spends most of his time in European forests so he dresses in green. When he wears other colours it usually corresponds to where he is currently traveling. He carries a sword and shield so he has a belt with scabbard. He carries an entire pantry worth of food with him, so he has various satchels and bags on his person (but not too many or the design becomes cluttered). He wears light protective gear to show he gets into fights but they are usually not heavy in nature because Link is nimble and relies heavily on movement.
This doesn't tell us anything about his personality because Link doesn't really have one, but it's a very strong character design all the same and informs us what kind of character he is and what sort of life he leads as well as what sort of background he might have (He is a skilled adventurer. Not a rich sheltered boy who has never been outside of a city before or something of the like).
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Now I'm gonna compare him to the character design of a Mass Effect character which I don't THINK you'd have played since your profile says you're a teen and the game is rated M 👀 (or you might have, idk I'm not your mom) but ANYWAY! Looking at a character design which tells us about their PERSONALITY as well as way of living.
I'm not going to use any of the aliens as examples because then you have to bring in the subject of alien species into the equation and how they stand apart from the various other members of their species and etc etc. So we'll talk about a human character.
So... this is Jack
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Although you may think her tattoos make her design cluttered, they don't because you don't really need to know what every individual tattoo looks like. You just know "Jack is covered in Tattoos".
So just looking at her, you can pretty much instantly pin down her personality. That being; she will most likely fucking stab you if you say one thing to annoy her.
She's like a punk on steroids. Shaved head, heavy make up, COVERED in tattoos, both ears capped in some futuristic piercings, some or other heavy duty uniform except she decided she'd rather walk around fucking topless and boots that could crush a man's skull.
Everything about her design screams "don't fuck with me I am VERY unhinged and will kill a man for less than the $4 in his pocket".
Jacks' entire personality is on display in her design. And the design as a whole present a single concept of who she is as a person, while ALSO tying into her backstory and lifestyle. (escaped prisoner from high security facility, still wearing the prison uniform, has been in an unknown number of gangs, has an extremely casual approach to sex and sexuality, uses her intimidation as a first line of defense to prevent people from getting close to her indicating a painful past)
And then you compare her to her design in the following game
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This is a great design because it not only informs you on Jack's personality, but also her GROWTH AS A CHARACTER.
Her design is, at least compared to her first appearance, softer. She's grown her hair long enough to tie it into a ponytail, making her appear more feminine. But she still shaves the sides so you know she can still shank you if she wants.
Her outfit is still VERY revealing but she's also dressed borderline decently. She is not as defensive any more and could probably even walk around in normal society without getting a ticket (and then shooting the cop in response).
However even covered up, she's wearing a leather studded jacket, and she is still displaying her tattoos on her chest and hands proudly. She's still the same person... just less likely to murder you (although the option is still there if needed).
Now compare these character designs to some others which I would count as being "too busy" and tell me if these designs tell you ANYTHING about what kind of personalities these characters might have, what kind of lifestyle to they live, what do their environments and world looks like, or what it says about them
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Fun fact; that last one is NOT a magical girl, but is in fact an alchemist who is living in a slowly dying world whose resources are being depleted and the future looks grim and hopeless as humanity tries to navigate this slow apocalypse.
I have no idea if any of that made sense or is useful in any way, but hopefully you get what I mean?
Look at real life. Don't rely on just referencing other anime and pose dolls. Don't clutter a character design with details that don't mean anything. make the parts of your character design you use have meaning or purpose. Even if that purpose is just "to give them a silhouette different to the other characters so she's easy to identify by sight"
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Here's what I have for Tears of the Kingdom so far:
This was actually what inspired me to finally make this blog because one of my friends said the sages reminded him of classpects and I had a lot of thoughts.
Let's start with our main boy Link
Link is a Knight, obviously. He is a passive server, serving Zelda and the royal family first and foremost. It's his purpose in life. Now for his aspect, I believe he is a Heart player. The aspect of heart is very closely tied to the concept of souls. In botw, the main quest revolves around collecting the souls of the champions, in totk it revolves around him collecting the avatars (basically souls) of the new generation of sages. Heart is also tied to identity, and in botw, Link spends the story trying to remember who he is, through finding the memories scattered around Hyrule. He also deals with ghosts more than the average hylian. The first character you meet in both botw and totk after waking up is a ghost, the manifestation of a soul. This would make him the Knight of Heart, one who serves heart, or serves through heart for others.
Now for Zelda, things are a little more complicated.
This is because Zelda's aspect is not Time, despite her being the sage of time. In botw at least, Zelda is a Light player. Personality-wise, Zelda fits the bill of a Light player perfectly. The Extended Zodiac quiz describes light players as "the universe's knowledge-seekers." and says that "They are, above all, driven to learn and understand. They are great alchemists, able to take multiple sources of information and synthesize them into something useful. They are scholars and researchers, absolutely dedicated to knowledge for knowledge's sake." and if that doesn't describe Zelda, I don't know what does. In botw Zelda's arc focuses on relevance, she struggles with being important, and has the pressure of being an essential part in defeating Ganon. Also her motif throughout the game is light. Any time she speaks to Link, her voice is accompanied by a bright light, the same light that shines when her power is finally awakened. For her class, I think Page makes the most sense here. Pages start out as incredibly weak, not having any grasp over their aspect at all, but when they do reach mastery over their aspect they become one of the most powerful out of the classes. This reflects Zelda's arc throughout the game perfectly, making Zelda the Page of Light. In totk however, Zelda is the sage of time, and her character arc in the last game has been fulfilled. If we operate on the idea that her new aspect is Time, I think it makes a lot of sense for her class to be Witch. Witches are innovators, changing their aspect or changing through their aspect for themselves. This makes sense at least at the point in the story I have gotten to, as it seems that Zelda has traveled back in time and is changing historical events. Further evidence to support Zelda being a Witch comes from @homestuckexamination who describes witches as "Passionate about that which they love, they can be heavily influenced by their interests and by their surroundings." This fits Zelda's personality strongly and sort of makes up for her no longer being a light player. This would make Zelda the Witch of Time.
The next character I want to do is Tulin, because I just beat the Wind Temple.
Tulin is the sage of wind, so it makes sense that his aspect is Breath. Breath as an aspect of the story has those tied to this aspect move the plot forward. Tulin is antsy, he can't be tied down and he desperately wants to stop this blizzard and save his village. He disobeys everyone telling him to wait and let the adults handle it. He flies ahead and stubbornly rockets head first into the tornado to stop the blizzard. For his class, I think Heir fits him the best. He is literally an heir to the secret stone and the title of sage of wind. In the sense that he changes wind, he physically changes the direction of the wind to propel others forward and he even changes Ravali's vertical gust power to a horizontal one. This would make him the same classpect as June Egbert, and I think Tulin is very June coded when he talks about his dad. Thus, Tulin is the Heir of Breath.
I will update this post with the rest of the characters as I complete more of the game. Some that I'm figuring out right now are Ganon, Sonia, and Rauru but I feel like I need to unlock more Dragon Tears cutscenes to figure them out.
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giriduck · 6 months
I’m not referring to rhe “he don’t cate about the timeline article” I mean the “No Comment” article when he was asked about an OoT remake. It’s on gameinformer and twitter, and I think i might be skeptical bit time
Ah! I have a several thoughts on this!
(Disclaimer: I do not work for Nintendo and this is all speculation.)
Given Aonuma’s high profile in games, “no comment” is really all he could say in that situation. If they were considering an OoT remake, HD re-release, anime series, etc. in the indeterminate future, he couldn’t hint to it in an ad hoc interview question and certainly wouldn’t announce anything outside of a larger, Nintendo-driven marketing reveal. Given the interest in the topic, anything other than a hard “no” could easily be interpreted by the fandom and game media as a “maybe yes” (hence all the speculation around the “no comment” response itself). If they are not planning on making anything OoT related at this time (or even if it’s not on any future long term release roadmap), they also wouldn’t want to commit to a hard “no” there, either.
My guess is that if they were to “remake” OoT, it’d be like all of the other Mario and Zelda HD remakes: “upres it” to significantly higher detail and frame rate, modify the controls to make sense on Switch, and don’t change the content at all (other than adding additional graphical details—like what can be found in the delta between the original N64 OoT release the later 3DS re-release).
The “upres” of an older game is a massive undertaking. The OoT 3D port came out in 2011. For the sake of accuracy and feel, they might be able to rebuild / extend the engine they used on the 3DS to run on Switch, but that would likely be extremely difficult. Or maybe they could recreate the entire game in an already Switch-compatible engine (perhaps the Skyward Sword HD or BotW tech), but then it would be difficult to capture the core gameplay experience. Perhaps they could just start from scratch, but that’s even more expensive. No matter what they run it on, they’ll have to reproduce all the assets. Because OoT is such a beloved game—and there is precedent here with WW HD, etc.—they would likely choose to closely and carefully recreate the style of the original game, vs. drastically changing the art, sound, etc.
Regarding the narrative content, as others have mentioned, the game is 25 years old and from a less inclusive era, so aspects have not aged well. If there were edits made, it would perhaps be to modify those rougher spots, but likely not be a drastic rewrite.
To quote Husband, “There are very low odds they’d go the Final Fantasy VII Remake route” and retcon / change a bunch, especially since Nintendo already has such a strong HD re-release precedent. Because it would essentially be a port at that point, it would likely be given to another company to handle as the first-party TotK team moves on (if they haven’t already) to their next big project.
I have no idea what Aonuma’s role entails at Nintendo, but at the very most he would be part of the greenlight process to have another studio work on a re-release of OoT, and would likely not have any creative nor directorial influence on the game itself (there even are several interviews in which Omega Force described having very little oversight from the BotW team as they worked on AoC). So if folks are worried about him taking the game in a different direction, if he’s even still in a creative position at Nintendo, he will undoubtedly mostly focus on the Next Big New Title. But it sounds like maybe he’s moved to the more corporate / franchise level now, in which case he will not be in the weeds on creative direction much at all.
In the end, if Nintendo did decide to tackle the heavy lift of delivering a new generation of OoT to players (including getting it running on the Switch, redoing the art and audio, and making then localizing specific string changes, etc.), the end result probably won’t be different enough to risk undermining the long-established OoT lore nor impact the game’s place in the hearts of the fandom.
If anything, it could be a great chance for returning and newer players to experience this chapter of the older lore at >20fps.
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mil-doo · 10 months
Tears of the Kingdom
I'm kind of surprised how hard I fell off of TotK. Now I want to preface this compliment sandwich style by saying I put 85 hours into this game and I enjoyed every minute of it! But I doubt that with more time I'll end up logging any more than 100 hours in total to the sequel of a game I put over 300 hours into.
A lot of that isn't necessarily TotK's fault. Breath of the Wild had the advantage of being our first exploration into this version of Hyrule and the vast majority of the hours I put into BotW came from the sheer joy of finding what's behind each nook and cranny. But I did that, I've done that, and as it turns out I don't really want to do that again.
There is more to the world of TotK than what was present in BotW of course. In terms of sheer scale it's a lot! A whole underworld nearly as big as the over-world, and more sky islands than I care to try and count. Something that felt beyond impressive when I first started playing. But there's gotta be a but.
TotK feels like it falls into a lot of the worst excesses of BotW. Maybe that's not the best way to put it, but more specifically there's a sort of quantity over quality problem these open world Zeldas have had so far.
I won't rehash the common critiques people have had with BotW's shrines and divine beasts in terms of their repetitive designs and ideas other than to say I think these problems extend to both the depths and the sky islands. Both of which are great ideas and were very enjoyable for roughly 80 hours of gameplay for me. But you can't help but notice that most of these sky islands are very small and break down into just a handful of repetitive categories, and nearly all of them are just a means to get a new gadget or material. There's also only so many floating stone islands you can see before they start to lose their wonder.
This goes double for the depths which are fun in how disorienting they are, and in how much the each trip feels like a major expedition, up until the point where it becomes clear that part of the reason why they're so disorienting is because save for your map there isn't really a clear way to tell one part of the depths for another outside of the occasional colosseum or mech factory.
Now again, I really do like this game! The physic engine is the most technically impressive thing I've seen or experienced in a video game. Putting together your own machines, gadgets, and weapons is wildly fun and addictive! I actually liked the temples a good deal in this games, and the boss battles were sooo much fun. But once I played through the story just didn't find much was keeping me there.
I've heard that this might end up being a trilogy of games, and while I would definitely buy whatever comes next I don't honestly know how much more could be done with this specific version of Hyrule and I'm not sure how much more time I really want to spend there.
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risingshards · 1 year
❤️ Happy WorldBuilding Wednesday! ❤️
What are your cities or towns like? Feel free to talk about the layouts or the people or the architecture, etc. and to talk about more than one if you'd like!
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday, let's go!!!!
My original idea for D6R in the earlier drafts was to have each city kind of be its own city-state, allowing the mains to travel between them after getting exiled from their original home and having a new shot at each time, but also having to move on from them as they move along on their way to finding their new home.
Early drafts had all the buildings be carved from stone, and there were some unique ones, the starting one is on a small island, one is in a system of caves, one is a seaside vacation town...there were two I didn't get to that I wanted to do and may still have—one was a city made of like bungee tethers connecting blocks, like a spiderweb city that extended upward around that had citizens that jumped around it, and the other was like inside a giant computer and was floating (I was working at a computer store when I was daydreaming about this one.
Because I'm deep in Tears of the Kingdom right now, I think BOTW/TOTK convey the aesthetic vibe I wanted for the world having a big vast area of nature with stone ruins scattered about, but then also cities spread about. Bionicle's Mata Nui Online Game was a big influence on that as well, a vast open space with a lot of mysteries but such a textured aesthetic of nature mixed with tech and fantasy magic. The earlier drafts of D6R had very vague worldbuilding that I want to beef up now.
The social aspects are through the view of exiles, so a lot of their journey is them rejecting society (or societies) as they try to find a happier one. A lot of the people they run into are very cruel, as well as the systems they enact. Even just the main characters getting exiled is due to them getting blamed for a crime they didn't commit, but the people wanted someone to blame. There are kind people about but everyone was worn out and exhausted in the aftermath of a war. Another thing from Bionicle MNOG that I've thought of a lot when thinking of D6R and its setting/people, the quote "a land of great hope, and great sorrow," which describes D6R's setting well.
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tetrylia · 11 months
hi everyone :D so. Let me just say a few things before i begin writing for everyone's favourite mythical princess !
my prose for zelda will be experimental as i gain confidence in writing her, i'm thinking of going with a gameplay-style of dialogue and description for her — atm i'm not even sure what that means LMAOO.. but i will soon be able to hone her successfully methinks! just as a forewarning i might be a bit slow w/ writing her <3
i've only played botw, and pls hear me when i say i'm so unbothered with playing anything else (regardless of totk which i'm starting tn) .. i will be taking and implementing lore from previous games and dynamics, but for now my knowledge literally just extends from wikis and playthroughs! :]
i don't think i will be using a faceclaim for zelda anytime in the near future but who knows? nobody really suits how i see her as far as i'm aware.. plus i think it'd be cool to use the art that the designers spent countless hours on cause they made her just SO beautifully <3
i am still learningggg i am Not an og so pls bare with me as i understand this universe more and more. that said — i'm going to be writing in canon (as aforementioned, only botw + totk) and crossovers for my friends. <3
alsooo hey hey i am stu (they/she/he) queer arab muslim from the uk. fiend for little blonde princesses from faraway lands <3<3<3
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timbrrwolfe · 9 months
Yesterday I finished replaying Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages. The first time I've done so in around 20 years. And the first time I'd done so using secrets to link it with Oracle of Seasons. When I was a kid, I only beat Oracle of Ages, but failed to beat Oracle of Seasons because I couldn't coordinate my kid brain and kid fingers well enough to beat the final boss (I later ended up picking that save back up and beating the boss in like two tries). I knew I wanted to replay what are ostensibly my favorite Zelda games (and also I think the only Zelda games I'd really spent a ton of time with), as well as finish BotW, and maybe play through some other Zeldas like Minish Cap. And I wanted to do that before I played TotK (which I still don't have but hopefully will be picking up for my birthday). Alas, because I am the way that I am, I started this journey before TotK released, beat Oracle of Seasons in about 2 days, and then completely dropped the endeavor until now. Actually I was hoping/planning to replay the Oracles games on Switch Online but they only /just/ released them for the Game Boy section, months after I already beat Seasons. And hopping back and forth between how I played Seasons and playing Switch was way too much of a hassle (unless I played Switch handheld but eh. Maybe if I eventually play Ages into Seasons).
Anyway, all that to actually get to me talking about the games themselves. As a kid, I preferred Oracle of Ages. Probably because I actually beat it. Though I did prefer some items (mostly just the Roc's Cape upgrade to Roc's Feather because it quadrupled your air time or something). Having replayed them, that opinion has flipped. I like Seasons way more. With Ages, there is /way/ more backtracking and going around in circles. Which I guess makes sense with the fact that Ages is supposed to be more puzzle focused, whereas Seasons is more combat focused. Except that in several cases, the puzzles were extended beyond a single room and it was very easy to lose track of what you were doing and wander aimlessly trying to figure out what you were supposed to do before you realize that you had missed a completely normal door you'd just forgotten to go through or something. Really it started with the area of the third dungeon requiring you to go back and forth within a fetch quest to trade out items until you do something that gives you something that lets you avoid that back and forth. But it's also kind of baked into the time traveling aspect of the game as well, where you have to pop back and forth between past and present to maneuver around certain areas. My main point being if you're only gonna play one, I'd suggest Seasons. And while I can't be sure since I haven't done it in both orders, I might say that if you're gonna do it linked, maybe start with Ages (unless you're gonna go back and redo the first game after you link the first time. Play the worse game first unless you're playing it twice. You get the idea.)
Still need to finish up BotW and maybe hit up Minish Cap (though that's less of a Need before I play TotK and might make more sense to wait until I can pick up a 3DS so it can be part of me working my way to Link Between Worlds)
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masonsystem · 1 year
super long post of me complaining abt totk irt to my totk playthru bc I <3 Complaining ❤️❤️
maybe its cuz i played like a fuckton during the first week (tho i only have 65 hours total so idk how that compares to the average playerbase) or maybe its cuz ive been playing in an unconventional way, but totk is starting to feel boring to me... (or maybe the game design just sucks..?)
i play unconventionally in that i have disregarded the plot.. bc in botw it was so boring to me. and i watched all the totk cutscenes online anyways and it was as i suspected, i wouldve been disappointed and annoyed if i wasted time collecting all those memories just to get some half-baked story.
im on the fence for doing dungeons tho.. i see my sister doing one, and it does actually look kinda fun, but i worry how satisfying it will actually be, and if i finish the dungeon's boss, will this game's final boss(es) be too easy? (thats what happened in botw.. but maybe ill just do the dungeon and skip the boss? if i can do that?)
i did do the beginning of the gerudo main questline, and it was rly.. boring.... fighting the gibdos was rly boring.. i guess figuring out that mirror puzzle with little help was fun. but it was overall pretty (._.) have yet to enter the dungeon. again idk if i want to
but also another thing is that like its rly rly Really hard for me to gaf abt any npcs in this game LOL.. they just like. say a whole bunch of nothings..... bc like in older games, dialogue helps w worldbuilding since theyre so technologically limited. but in a game like this, you see the world that you get. theres not much that their dialogue adds on, and its only sometimes funny anyways. and i always find myself mashing thru it anyways, bc i just.. dont care.. and also, even if they are saying something supplemental to the world, a useful tip or whatever, its 1.) a teeny tiny tip that i probably could or wouldve learned online or 2.) a mini questline with the most eh reward ever.
i guess cuz in older games you Had to talk to people to figure out what to do next. theres no 'what to do next' in this game so i just.. yeah. im just often unmotivated to know what theyve got to say. of course theyve helped me here and there but its like.. in most games i play, i try to talk to as many npcs i can. but i never feel the need to do this in totk, from either how uninteresting they are, or bc the info they tell me tends to be something i already know.
and my apathy of npcs unfortunately extend to the main quest as well (gorons rito etc), and although i say i wish this game gave me more reasons to talk to npcs, i still end up disliking how totk/botw goes around w it in their main quests; cuz now theres like, a break in the gameplay, where i Must speak to NPCs to advance the 'plot'. my gameplay of exploration, engaging in combat whenever i please, and so on, has to be paused to do this quest. and arguably these quests do provide me the opportunity to explore and whatnot, but its no longer done by Myyyy pace. i have to follow whatever pace and order the game has set for me to do. which Sucks. it really sucks to have a game which im enjoying bc of the freedom, to restrict my freedom like that.
(and this is also why i disliked shrines in the first game.... my regular gameplay gets broken up in order for me to enter shrines (which all look the absolute same as every other one btw, so theres no motivator of 'ohhh i wonder what this shrine looks like?'). and i have to solve the shrine in whatever way its making me to. and obvs some shrines have multiple solutions but more often than not it tends to be limiting.... anyways this is why i deeply prefer shrine quests in the overworld over basic shrines. i much prefer solving puzzles as im exploring as opposed to having to essentially pause my gameplay just to earn hearts and stamina.
in terms of exploration + combat (bc the two go hand in hand).. after getting all the towers, i feel that theres little left for me to do. now that i have a decent amount of hearts and stamina (8 hearts + 1.75 stamina wheels), theres nothing tht really motivates me to do more shrines. the shrines in this game are a lot better than botw's (most of the time), but once ive lost the desire to do shrines as well its a bit.. (._.)
and ive explored most of the west side of the depths, i think roughly 30% overall, but that has gotten a bit boring as well. which is a shame, bc i think its a lot of fun to explore in pitch-black terrain. but as ive said before, it visually stays the same throughout the entire terrain which ends up making it feel very monotonous. same ol grey and purples forever and ever... i wish there was a variety of biomes and landscapes or something (itd be nice if the east looks drastically different but i sincerely doubt it). so far its just grey stretches of land and monster mine camps and maybe the occasional flux construct boss like :/
and combat... ergh... EH.... well just like botw its a blast in the beginning when everything is still hard. but like... all my weapons are pushing 40 atk power now. im like. Ripped. the monsters.. do not reflect this. like firstly u still get those annoying one hit monsters like chuchus, keese, and bokoblins. which is whatever i guess.. annoying but theyre there to spice it up. so whateves. but its when the monster camps still have red monsters like.. what?! even having blue monsters is pushing it honestly. the red ones dies in one hit, and the blues dies in 2-3 hits. black ones are starting to catch up in this regard, but are still a challenge. but there just isnt enough silver ones which ideally should be spawning at this point...
its come to a point where i just end up ignoring most monster camps, bc the reward drops just aren't very good either. like i do not explore in a conventional order, so im already stacked with royal gear. i do not need traveller sword #5. and the game has not adapted with that. i wish it did, bc man the game is getting boring 😮‍💨
there is more to say. maybe ill be more coherent after i get off my bed LOL. but yeah totk still has the same issues as totk which is... erm. not great
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drsteggy · 3 years
Fanfic Master Post
Because it’s just getting out of hand. I am DrSteggy on AO3, and pretty much everywhere.
I write Legend of Zelda. It’s mostly Breath of the Wild flavored, but not exactly BOTW. I like ZeLink, but have not written much of it just yet.
Here is what we have.
The long fic:
Uneasy Lies the Chose of Farore this is how I dealt with 2020. It is a long multi chapter fic that I am really pleased with about a Link who is 42 the day he draws the Master Sword out of its pedestal, and he is not ready for it. At all. It’s not the legend you’d expect to hear, but I really wanted to read about an actual adult Link and had to write him myself
The newest fic.
The Dragon at Lanayru set between BOTW and TOTK. I wrote it off a prompt before TOTK came out and somehow it still fits in the canon universe. Anyway. Marriage proposal that is just fluff and cute
Everything else is below the cut
There is a series of short side fics off of Farore:
Pots in which we briefly examine the hero’s relationship to pottery
Cuccos in which we briefly examine the hero’s relationship to cuccos
The Hero of Thyme I think there are a lot of kids who get named Link, and here is one of them
Sunset in Lurelin Written as an experiment with softer stuff, it’s Actual Adult Link at the beginning of a relationship that you see the end of in the long fic
The Night Before Ordon written as an experiment with smut, this is a sexually explicit piece with middle age Link and Zelda
After the Boss Battle another sexually explicit piece with middle age Link and Zelda because years do not mean you can keep your hands off each other, it just means you fumble less
After the Wedding YES one more explicit go around with Mature!Link and Zelda
Reflection Zelda thinks back on some key points from the long fic, as the Hero snores like a monster. G rated fluff.
Nauru’s Counterpoint WIP with no set update schedule that retells Farore from Zelda’s point of view.
Link and Fancy the horsegirl!Link story I have threatened to write. This is about a ten year old future hero and his fabulous pink pony. G rated.
True Colors I lost a bet and had to write a mild emotional hurt/comfort with a side of platonic snuggling about my version of Link and Impa, who go from not really enemies to besties over the course of the long fic. Everyone won. G rated
ZeLink Week 2022 collection: One Last Look Age Rainy Days Sparring Healing
The Constant A series of five extended or missing scenes from Farore exploring the Link and I pa friendship. They go in chronological order starting with a very traumatized Link who doesn’t really trust the royal advisor sent to bring him back to the castle and ending as besties people watching over a beer. Written as part of a fic exchange.
The Risk of Love set between the end of Uneasy Lies the Chosen of Farore and Tris of the Wild’s wonderful Naive Melody Zelda shares a painful part of her past with Link
The Longest Night my winter solstice/Hyrule holiday fic in the Faroreverse
Straight up Breath of the Wild fics:
Everything so far is rated G
In Memorium written for a challenge on Amino, exploration of memory 17
Eternal Shipwreck of our Hopes character study of Urbosa as she waits in Vah Naboris, post Calamity
(Nothing But) Flowers Link and Zelda 3 months post Calamity, trying to figure out what’s next.
Homecoming- Link and Zelda spending their first night in Link’s Hateno home. Rated G. Yes.
Tempest- Prequel of sorts for Shipwreck. It’s the years and weeks before the Calamity through Urbosa’s lens.
They Stumble That Run Fast- character study on Breath of the Wild Link, meant to fit into the work of StudioRat specifically the series Nor Shall Death Brag
Today shows Breath of the Wild’s Zelda heading to Hyrule Castle to go put the Calamity in a head lock.
This one is rated E
Reunion- could be a sequel to Homecoming, but both stand alone. Slow burn slice of life until it’s all hands on, uh, deck.
Tears of the Kingdom:
Rising Storm a Tears of the Kingdom one shot about redirecting your angst onto a Large Monster
The Ficlet Collection
Is a half dozen super short things I wrote off prompts from others in 2021. It’s all Zelda and includes from Skyward Sword, Breath of the Wild and the Farore-iverse.
The veterinary AU :
Minor Species written off a prompt, it’s about Vet!Link and his goldfish patient
And, the sole non Zelda thing I have...
Freak an X Files story that I wrote in 1999 and assumed lost until I stumbled over it on my hard drive in 2020. It’s about a unicorn.
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