#where are oil glands located in the skin
ceyhanmedya · 1 year
What is an oil gland? How does the sebaceous gland (lipoma) pass? 2023
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What is an oil gland? How does the sebaceous gland (lipoma) pass? 2023
Sebaceous glands , medical term lipomaThey are fat-filled and usually small, tumor-like formations that occur in any part of the body. The sebaceous glands, which can be of various sizes, are surrounded by a capsule and are visible in white-yellow colors. While fat formation can be observed at any age in adulthood, the incidence of this problem in children is quite low. 
Sebaceous glands located in visible parts of the body are generally undesirable because they disturb the individual visually. Methods such as squeezing these glands at home and emptying them with a needle both pose a risk of infection and cause scarring in the area where the oil gland is located. For this reason, the procedures to be performed for the removal of the oil glands must be carried out by the physician in a health institution using appropriate equipment.
What is an oil gland?
The encapsulation of the fat deposits in the body by settling under the skin results in the formation of sebaceous glands, also called lipomas. These glands, which can also be described as a simple form of tumor, are generally benign and do not cause any health problems, except for disturbing people in terms of appearance. 
While sebaceous glands can be seen in all parts of the body, it most commonly occurs on the face, shoulders, scalp, genital area, neck and back. Many have a soft texture and feel as if they are moving when pressed by hand. This is because they are not fully integrated with the skin. Although sebaceous glands are a problem that can be seen in people of all ages, it is rarely seen in children. 
They usually do not cause pain. Pain in these types of glands, It is usually a condition that indicates that the sebaceous gland requires medical attention. Fat cells, which grow and multiply over time, like all cells, can in some cases cause the size of the sebaceous glands to get out of control and to overgrow. In these cases, it is necessary to remove the growing oil glands with the help of surgical operations.
What are the symptoms of sebaceous glands?
The first and most characteristic symptom of sebaceous glands is swelling in the tissue where the gland develops. This swelling can grow slowly and continuously. While the oil glands in the face vary from the size of a pinhead to a few millimeters, the swellings that occur in areas such as the back and neck are larger and deeper. 
Again, in the formation of under-eye oil glands on the face and oil gland formation on the eyelid, it is possible that the oil mass inside can be easily seen due to the fact that the gland is white-yellow in color and the skin covering it is very thin. In deep sebaceous glands formed in other parts of the body, since the gland is located in the lower layers of the skin, only swelling is felt, the fat layer cannot be seen from the outside. 
They usually do not cause pain. But if the meringue is hit, In case of infection or malignancy, the sebaceous glands may cause pain or discharge over time. Especially in cases of rapid growth, color change, redness and severe pain, lipomas should be removed with the help of surgical procedures and sent for pathological examination.
What causes oil glands?
The exact cause of the formation of oil glands is not known. However, there are some issues that are known to increase the probability of occurrence. Some of the factors that predispose to the formation of sebaceous glands are as follows:
Genetic predisposition
Impact of the skin
High cholesterol and triglyceride levels
metabolic diseases
Unhealthy eating
advanced age
Insulin resistance and diabetes
Liver diseases
What are the types of oil glands?
Oil glands are examined under 3 different groups according to their structures. These are as follows:
Sebaceous cysts:  Sebaceous cysts , which are commonly seen on the scalp, are not completely glandular, but consist of a fluid fat mass and a very thin layer of skin covering it.
Benign adipose tissue tumors: Adipose tissue tumors  , which have a glandular structure commonly seen in the neck and back regions, are generally benign and fall into this group. The fat mass in it is light yellow in color and has a hard structure. Just like other types of cysts, they can reach large sizes and therefore need to be surgically removed.
Malignant adipose tissue tumors:  Masses formed as a result of cancerization of the subcutaneous fatty tissue are called malignant adipose tissue tumors. The fluid in these tumors, also called liposarcoma, has a yellow to grayish color. This rare type of sebaceous gland is softer and must be removed with the help of surgical operations.
Apart from the above grouping, the under-eye oil glands are also divided into three. These are examined under 3 subheadings: thin layers of fat called xanthelasma, which occur due to high cholesterol, small round fat cysts called syringoma, and miliums that are smaller than syringoma and have a fainter appearance.
How is the diagnosis of sebaceous gland made?
Visible sebaceous glands can only be detected by physicians by physical examination. Sebaceous cysts usually have a round structure, a spot in the middle and a slightly reddened appearance. In many types of sebaceous glands, the fat mass under the skin is displaced when pressed by hand. A fixed swelling that does not move easily may indicate a different disease. 
Although it may vary according to the region where it occurs, lipomas generally have a soft structure and may change shape when pressed during manual examination. In the diagnosis of larger and hard sebaceous glands, the diagnosis can be supported by ultrasonographic imaging in order not to be confused with different diseases with similar appearance.
How is the oil gland treatment done?
Almost 99% of the sebaceous glands are benign and do not tend to become cancerous. However, especially the oil glands in visible parts of the body such as the face and neck do not look aesthetically pleasing and cause discomfort in patients. In addition, although adipose tissue tumors in the back region do not pose any risk to health, they can cause pain due to pressure in situations such as leaning back and using a backpack. 
Infection may develop as a result of blows in some oil glands or spontaneously, and accordingly symptoms such as pain, redness, discharge and fever may occur. In all these cases, the glands should be removed with the help of a simple surgical operation, also known as oil gland removal. 
This operation is performed under local anesthesia. usually completed in less than half an hour. It does not require hospitalization, patients can be discharged on the same day and return to their daily lives the next day.
In cases where the sebaceous glands do not cause any discomfort to the individual in terms of aesthetic appearance or health, they may not need to be removed. However, it should be kept in mind that these masses may be malignant, albeit very rarely. For this reason, in some cases, a biopsy can be taken for masses that are suspected to be cancerous or that tend to grow rapidly. 
By performing a pathological examination of this sample, it can be determined whether the mass is benign or malignant, and the next treatment process can be planned according to this result. If you have sebaceous glands in any part of your body and are wondering how the sebaceous glands go away, you can go through a doctor’s control by applying to a health institution and get rid of the sebaceous glands that bother you.
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reijnders · 1 year
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this one's a long one so strap in. Mildly nsfw innards under the cut.
Bajorans are most easily compared to Earth mammals, though their "fur" and "hair" are not structurally the same. Having evolved from a small prey animal in a jungle environment, Bajorans are both nimble and packed with muscle. They have as few bones as possible to hold themselves up structurally, mostly centered around the protection of the brain and stomach. Bajorans evolved on the medium island chain lining the west coast of their planet's single continent, and eventual spread to the entire planet.
Being originally an island-dwelling creature, the average Bajoran can swim nearly as fast as they can run. When relaxed, the end of their limbs resemble flat, but muscular paddles, good for walking and swimming. When fully flexed they resembled fingers in structure, and can be used for climbing and fine motor manipulation.
The Bajoran mouth is located on the underside of the body, nearly centered similar to that of a starfish. This gives their faces a quiet and calm look to humans at first. Bajoran expression rely on body language, movement of the facial feelers and throat sac, and the release of camouflaging filaments. I'll do a ref sheet of Bajoran expressions later, but most important is the full release of those facial filaments during moments of fear, which acts with a freeze response, and is made to help the Bajoran in question blend in with local flora. The ear holes are surrounded by two protruding bone structures, which can vary in length and width. The ear itself has a membrane that can be closed when going underwater or in loud environments.
Clothing for Bajorans tends to be open-backed, as covering up the spinal plates can be uncomfortable and make it harder to run or defend oneself. An exception would be those who have jobs related to Bajoran religion, as purposefully covering up that much is a way of showing that they should not be placed in a situation where they have to fight or be in fear.
Eggs hatch into a larval form that lacks many features of a fully realized Bajoran. Eventually, backplates start to form, which leads to the larva entering its second stage of development, encasing itself in a hard shell with the back remaining exposed. At this point, the mother secretes a modified suspension fluid that forms a sort of net that holds the pupa close. Small vascular connections form along these lines, allowing the larva nutrients while they change. They emerge like mini adults, and their skin and fur lightens over time from a dark red to their adult coloration.
Now for the uh the last image :)
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Some parts of this are self explanatory, while some are... not. So let's get into that!
Filament Nodules: As mentioned above, a common instinctual Bajoran fear response is the unfurling of specialized filaments from their facial ridges, which were meant to mimic many of the understory plants in the jungles they evolved from. However, these can get stuck and irritated just like any hair follicle, and its considered a part of personal hygiene to left them unfurl every once in a while for a good clean and detangle.
Oil Gland: The facial tendrils are very sensitive, and also house glands used to spread oil over the body to keep their fur waterproof in jungle environments.
Gastric Arm: The mouth has formations that operate similar to lips in terms of pronouncing sound, but not so much when it comes to grabbing onto food and pulling it into the stomach. Bajorans lack internal teeth, having only small plates surrounding the mouth that can be used to snip larger stalks of plants into bits before consuming. The gastric arm rests curled up just beyond the entrance of the mouth, and is used to manipulate food, and also provide lingual variation in consonants similar to the tongue on a human. However, this "arm" is longer than the tongue, and more flexible. It is also used to draw food directly into the stomach opening.
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rnedicalimaging · 12 days
18th May 2024
CC: A&P - Skin Deeper Terminology
Skin - This organ functions as an immune barrier, blood storage unit, temperature regulator, vitamin producer, waste extractor, environment sensor, and odor producer.
Tactile Corpuscle - A type of receptor in the epidermis that is sensitive to light touch.
Lamellar Corpuscle - A type of receptor in the dermis that is sensitive to vibration and wide pressure.
Cutaneous Sensory Receptors - The collective name for all the parts of the nervous system that sense touch and pressure in the skin.
Sebaceous Glands - The type of skin glad that produces oil in hair follicles.
Ceruminous Glands - The type of modificed apocrine sweat gland that produces ear wax.
Mammory Glands - The type of modified apocrine sweat gland that produces milk in lactating women.
Sudoriferous Glands - A technical name for sweat glands, and located all over the body, these skin glands may produce either watery or sticky sweat.
Eccrine Sweat Glands -The type of sudoriferous glands located all over the body but concentrated on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, these produce salty watery sweat.
Apocrine Sweat Glands - The type of sudoriferous glands located in the axillary and inguinal regions of the body, these produce viscous sweat, containing lipids and proteins that contributes to body odor.
Insensible Perspiration - A constant level of low level sweat produced constantly by the skin, at about 0.5 liters per day, to regulate temperature.
Sensible Perspiration - A variable and potentially high - up to 12 liters per day - amount of sweat produced as needed to cool the body.
Hair Root - The center of a hair in a follicle, where keratinisation is still active.
Hair Follicle - The part of every hair embedded in the skin.
Hair Shaft - The part of every hair that extends beyond the surface of the skin.
Hair Cuticle - The outermost layer of a hair, made of overlapping dead keratinocytes.
Vasodilate - Dermal blood vessels do this to dump excess body heat.
Vasoconstrict - Dermal blood vessels do this to reduce heat loss and send blood deeper to keep vital organs warm.
Jaundice - A yellow of skin, usually indicating liver dysfunction and a buildup of bile in the blood.
Cyanosis - Meaning "blue appearance", this term describes the colour of skin - usually the lips - when blood oxygen levels are low.
Erythema - Reddened skin caused by increased blood flow due to high body temperature, fever, inflammation, or embarrassment.
Vitamin D - The only vitamin that can be made in the body, its synthesis starts when sun hits the skin.
Melanin - The primary human skin pigment that mostly protects deeper layers of the skin from damage from UV light from the sun.
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healixhospitals24 · 2 months
Exploring The Causes Of Head Cysts: Insights And Solutions
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Welcome to a journey into the intriguing world of head cysts – mysterious growths that can appear anywhere on or inside the head, causing discomfort and concern for many individuals. At Healix Hospitals, we understand the importance of shedding light on these enigmatic conditions to provide clarity and offer effective solutions. Join us as we delve deep into the causes, insights, and solutions for head cysts, unraveling their secrets one layer at a time.
Did You Know?
Head cysts are often benign and non-cancerous, but they can still cause discomfort and affect quality of life.
These cysts can develop at any age, from infancy to old age, and can vary in size and severity.
Head Cysts
Head cysts, also known as cephalic cysts, are fluid-filled sacs that can develop anywhere on or inside the head. These cysts can occur in various locations, including the scalp, face, neck, and even within the skull. While many head cysts are harmless and asymptomatic, others can cause pain, swelling, and other complications.
Causes of Head Cysts
The exact cause of head cysts is often unknown, but several factors may contribute to their development. These include:
Blocked Glands: Cysts can form when the ducts of oil-producing glands in the skin become blocked, leading to the accumulation of fluid and the formation of a cyst.
Trauma: Injury to the skin or underlying tissues can trigger the development of a cyst as part of the body's healing process.
Genetics: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to developing cysts, making them more prone to these growths.
Infections: In rare cases, infections of the hair follicles or oil glands can lead to the formation of cysts in the affected area.
Insights on Head Cysts
Understanding the characteristics and behavior of head cysts is essential for accurate diagnosis and effective management. Here are some key insights into these intriguing growths:
Appearance: Head cysts typically present as round or oval-shaped lumps beneath the skin, varying in size from a pea to a golf ball.
Texture: The texture of a cyst can range from soft and squishy to firm and rubbery, depending on its composition and location.
Symptoms: While many head cysts are asymptomatic, others may cause pain, tenderness, swelling, or drainage of fluid.
Diagnosis: Head cysts are usually diagnosed through a physical examination, medical history review, and in some cases, imaging tests such as ultrasound or MRI.
Solutions for Head Cysts
Managing head cysts often involves a combination of conservative measures and medical interventions. Here are some common treatment options:
1. Watchful Waiting
Description: In cases where head cysts are small and asymptomatic, a strategy of watchful waiting may be adopted. This approach involves regular monitoring of the cyst over time without immediate medical intervention.
Allows for observation of cyst behavior and changes over time.
Minimizes unnecessary medical interventions for small, asymptomatic cysts.
Provides reassurance and peace of mind for patients.
2. Drainage
Description: Larger or symptomatic head cysts may require drainage to alleviate discomfort and reduce swelling. This procedure involves making a small incision in the cyst and draining its contents under sterile conditions.
Offers immediate relief from pain and discomfort associated with swollen cysts.
Reduces the risk of infection and inflammation by draining accumulated fluid.
Improves the cosmetic appearance of the affected area by reducing swelling.
3. Surgical Removal
Description: Surgical excision is often recommended for head cysts that are large, persistent, or causing significant discomfort. During this procedure, the cyst is carefully removed along with its surrounding capsule to prevent recurrence.
Provides a permanent solution by completely removing the cyst and its surrounding tissue.
Prevents the risk of recurrence and potential complications associated with untreated cysts.
Improves cosmetic appearance, especially for cysts located in visible areas of the head or face.
Alleviates chronic discomfort and symptoms associated with large or persistent cysts.
Continue Reading: https://www.healixhospitals.com/blogs/exploring-the-causes-of-head-cysts:-insights-and-solutions
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fitnessbeautyarts · 5 months
Dandruff is a common scalp condition characterized by the shedding of dead skin cells, often appearing as white or yellowish flakes. The location of dandruff is primarily on the scalp, where the skin experiences a higher rate of cell turnover. It is most noticeable in the hair and on clothing, particularly dark-colored fabrics. The scalp is rich in sebaceous glands that produce oils to keep the skin moisturized. Dandruff can occur when these oils, combined with dead skin cells, create an environment conducive to the growth of a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia. This can lead to an accelerated shedding of skin cells, resulting in the visible flakes associated with dandruff. While the scalp is the primary location for dandruff, it may also extend to other areas with high concentrations of sebaceous glands, such as the eyebrows, beard, and mustache. Additionally, dandruff can sometimes affect other parts of the body, including the ears and chest. Managing dandruff often involves the use of specialized shampoos containing active ingredients like zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, or ketoconazole, which help control the growth of the causative fungus and reduce flaking on the scalp. If dandruff persists or is accompanied by severe symptoms, consulting with a dermatologist is advisable for a more targeted and effective treatment plan. Dandruff is a prevalent condition characterized by flaking skin on the scalp. While it is neither contagious nor serious, it can be embarrassing and challenging to address. Dandruff is a prevalent scalp condition characterized by the shedding of small, dry skin flakes from the scalp. If you have dark hair or are dressed in dark colors, you may observe these flakes in your hair or on your shoulders. Additionally, dandruff can lead to itching of the scalp. Various factors, such as certain medical conditions, hair care practices, or oily skin, can contribute to the development of dandruff. What is Dandruff? Many individuals mistakenly associate white flakes on their shoulders with dandruff. The common misconception is that a dry scalp is the culprit, leading people to apply oil in an attempt to alleviate the issue. Unfortunately, this can exacerbate the condition. While flaking is a shared symptom of various scalp ailments, dandruff specifically arises from an oily scalp and the presence of the naturally occurring fungus Malassezia Globosa. Factors such as hormonal fluctuations, weather variations, or stress can prompt the body to produce and release excess oil, which may accumulate on the scalp. This sets the stage for the Malassezia fungus to metabolize the oil into oleic acid, potentially causing sensitivity. In response to this irritation, the body may trigger an accelerated growth of skin cells on the scalp, resulting in the shedding of white-yellow flakes. Dandruff is often accompanied by symptoms like itching and redness, aiding in the distinction between dandruff and other scalp conditions. Types of Dandruff While exploring the various types of dandruff, it's crucial to understand where is dandruff located on the scalp. Dandruff can manifest in different forms, each associated with distinct causes. Dandruff manifests in various types, each attributed to a distinct cause. Certain types can be easily managed by adjusting your hair care routine or employing home remedies for dandruff, while others may necessitate prescription medications. Let's delve into the different types of dandruff and their respective underlying causes. Dry Skin Dandruff: A prevalent form of dandruff, dry skin dandruff is often exacerbated in winter due to cold weather and indoor heating, which can dehydrate your skin, including the scalp. Frequent washing of your hair with hot water can also contribute to this type of dandruff. When the scalp becomes excessively dry, it may lead to irritation and the shedding of skin cells. The flakes associated with dry skin dandruff are typically small and white. While your scalp may feel mildly itchy, it is not usually excessively so.
If the itchiness intensifies significantly, it may indicate a more serious skin condition requiring professional attention. To prevent dry skin dandruff, it is advisable to use a moisturizing shampoo. Additionally, home remedies such as a scalp massage with coconut oil can be effective in alleviating itchiness and maintaining the moisture balance of the scalp. Oily Skin Dandruff: Beneath the surface of your skin lie glands that produce sebum, an oily substance crucial for moisturizing and safeguarding your skin. When these sebaceous glands overproduce sebum, it can result in oily hair. Moreover, the surplus oil can conglomerate, provoking scalp irritation and contributing to the occurrence of dandruff. Flakes associated with oily skin dandruff are generally larger compared to those from dry skin dandruff. They may exhibit a more yellowish tint and appear oilier. A more severe manifestation of oily skin dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis. To manage oily skin dandruff, regular shampooing and the use of a dandruff shampoo containing salicylic acid can be beneficial. Fungus-Related Dandruff: A common fungus known as Malassezia is present on the skin of every individual. In some cases, it can incite an inflammatory response leading to dandruff or other skin conditions, such as eczema. Utilizing a shampoo with Malassezia-inhibiting ingredients, like zinc pyrithione, may effectively address fungus-related dandruff. According to a 2018 study, such shampoos may also aid in the prevention or treatment of other scalp conditions, including seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema. Additionally, applying diluted tea tree oil or a shampoo containing tea tree oil has shown promise in reducing fungus-related dandruff. Signs and Symptoms of Dandruff Understanding the signs and symptoms of dandruff is crucial for pinpointing where is dandruff located on the scalp. The unmistakable indicator is the presence of characteristic patches of white flakes on the scalp, hair, eyebrows, beard, mustache, and shoulders. The unmistakable indicator that an individual may be experiencing dandruff is the presence of characteristic patches of white flakes on the scalp. These flakes, composed of dead skin, often detach and become noticeable in the hair. Signs and symptoms of dandruff encompass: Skin flakes appearing on the scalp, hair, eyebrows, beard or mustache, and shoulders. Itchy scalp. Scaly and crusty scalp in infants, a condition known as cradle cap. The severity of these signs and symptoms may escalate during periods of stress and tends to exacerbate in cold, dry seasons. Causes and Risk Factors of Dandruff Delve into the causes and risk factors of dandruff to unravel the complexities surrounding this scalp condition and answer the question, "Where is dandruff located?". Dandruff is a common scalp condition that causes white or gray flakes of dead skin to shed. While the exact cause of dandruff is unknown, it's likely a combination of factors, including: Increased Oil Production: The scalp's production of sebum, an oily substance, has the potential to ensnare dead skin cells, resulting in the formation of flakes. Hormonal shifts during puberty and young adulthood can escalate sebum production, thereby increasing the risk of dandruff. Malassezia Yeast Overgrowth: Malassezia, a yeast naturally present on everyone's scalp, may experience overgrowth in certain individuals. This overgrowth leads to the breakdown of sebum into irritating fatty acids, triggering inflammation and flaking, ultimately contributing to the occurrence of dandruff. Skin Conditions: Dandruff can be linked to skin conditions such as eczema and seborrheic dermatitis, which provoke inflammation and scaling of the skin. Other Factors: Various factors, including scalp sensitivity to hair care products, infrequent hair washing, dry weather, stress, and certain medical conditions, can also contribute to the development of dandruff. Dandruff can affect individuals across the spectrum, but certain factors may increase susceptibility:
Age: Dandruff is most prevalent in teenagers and young adults, often attributed to hormonal changes. Sex: Men are more susceptible to dandruff than women. Genetics: Individuals with a family history of dandruff have an increased likelihood of developing it. Weakened Immune System: People with HIV/AIDS, organ transplant recipients, and those on specific medications face a higher risk of dandruff. Neurological Conditions: Parkinson's disease, stroke, and traumatic brain injury can elevate the risk of dandruff. If you're experiencing dandruff, seeking the advice of a doctor or dermatologist is essential to rule out other medical conditions and receive personalized treatment recommendations. How to Get Rid of Dandruff To effectively get rid of dandruff and address the question of where is dandruff located on the scalp, follow targeted treatments and remedies. Eliminating dandruff may involve the use of medications, available both with a prescription and over the counter. Additionally, there are various home remedies you can explore as potential solutions. Dandruff Treatments You can typically address mild dandruff at home by maintaining regular hair washing. If this proves ineffective, consider the following recommendations from board-certified dermatologists: Select an appropriate dandruff shampoo: Numerous shampoos designed to combat dandruff are available over the counter at local drugstores. If one doesn't yield results, try alternating between dandruff shampoos containing different active ingredients. Look for shampoos with these ingredients: Zinc pyrithione, salicylic acid, sulfur, selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, or coal tar. Follow the specific instructions on the shampoo bottle, as application and duration can vary based on the chosen product and your hair texture. Adapt your shampooing routine to your hair type: If you have fine or straight hair or an oily scalp, consider frequent washing, incorporating the dandruff shampoo as needed. For those with coarse, curly, or coily hair, adjust the frequency of washing and dandruff shampoo use accordingly. Apply the dandruff shampoo only to the scalp for curly or coily hair, as the ingredients may dry out the hair. You can follow up with your regular hair care products after using the dandruff shampoo. Sun protection for the scalp: Certain dandruff shampoos, like those containing coal tar, may increase scalp sensitivity to UV rays. Guard against sunburn by seeking shade, wearing protective clothing, such as a wide-brimmed hat, and applying a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to your scalp, especially if you have thinning hair. Consider powder or spray sunscreen for easier application. For the majority of individuals, dandruff doesn't necessitate medical intervention. If your dandruff persists despite these measures or becomes severe, consider consulting with a board-certified dermatologist for personalized guidance. Common Dandruff Shampoo Brands Various products available on the market include: Head & Shoulders and Jason Dandruff Relief: Contain zinc pyrithione, which possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties. While dandruff itself is not caused by fungus, these shampoos can help slow down the excessive production of skin cells. Neutrogena T/Gel: A tar-based shampoo that can alleviate conditions from dandruff to psoriasis by reducing the rapid turnover of scalp skin cells. However, it may discolor hair, especially if it's blonde or gray. Neutrogena T/Sal: Contains salicylic acid and can reduce the amount of scale on the scalp, but it may leave the scalp dry. If dryness occurs, it's advisable to use a moisturizing conditioner. Selsun Blue: Contains selenium sulfide, slowing skin cell turnover and reducing Malassezia. However, it may discolor lighter hair shades. Nizoral: A ketoconazole shampoo with broad-spectrum antifungal properties, available over the counter or by prescription. However, the American
Academy of Dermatology (AAD) advises caution when using coal tar shampoo, as it may discolor light hair and increase scalp sensitivity to the sun. If using it, take extra precautions when exposed to sunlight. Dandruff Home Remedies For those considering natural remedies before turning to medicated solutions, the following options can be explored: Baking soda: Gently rub into the scalp in the shower and rinse after a few minutes. Apple cider vinegar: Mix 1/4 cup with water, apply to hair for 15 minutes to 1 hour, and rinse out. Repeat twice a week. Coconut oil: Rub 3–5 teaspoons into the scalp and leave for 1 hour before shampooing. Lemon juice: Rub 2 teaspoons into the scalp and rinse out. Then, rub one more teaspoon mixed with 1 cup of water. Repeat daily. Aloe vera: Rub into the scalp before washing the hair. Olive oil: Rub 10 drops into the scalp, cover with a shower cap, and leave overnight before shampooing in the morning. How to Prevent Dandruff When exploring how to prevent dandruff and understanding where is dandruff located on the scalp, adopting effective scalp hygiene practices is crucial. Preventing those itchy flakes from ever appearing is always the sweet spot! Here are some fantastic ways to keep dandruff at bay: Scalp Hygiene: Wash regularly: Find your sweet spot for washing frequency. Oily scalps might benefit from daily washes, while drier scalps do well with 2-3 times a week. Gentle touch: Choose shampoos free from harsh sulfates and alcohols, and massage your scalp gently to avoid irritation. Condition wisely: Focus conditioner on the mid-lengths and ends to avoid weighing down the scalp and clogging pores. Natural Remedies: Apple cider vinegar rinse: Dilute it with water and use as a final rinse after shampooing for its antifungal and clarifying properties. Tea tree oil: Dilute a few drops in carrier oil and massage into the scalp for its anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal benefits (patch test first!). Coconut oil: Apply a small amount to the scalp before or after showering to moisturize and soothe. Lifestyle Tweaks: Healthy diet: Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains for optimal scalp health. Stress management: Practice relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation to reduce stress that can trigger dandruff. Scalp TLC: Avoid tight hairstyles, harsh shampoos, and excessive heat styling that can irritate the scalp. Sun protection: Wear a hat or apply sunscreen to your scalp when spending time outdoors to prevent sun damage that can worsen dandruff. Remember: Consistency is key! Sticking to these practices regularly will help prevent dandruff flare-ups in the long run. Listen to your scalp: If any remedy irritates your scalp, discontinue use and try something else. Consult a doctor: If dandruff is severe or doesn't improve with home remedies, seek professional advice for a personalized treatment plan. By making these simple changes, you can say goodbye to dandruff and keep your scalp happy and healthy! When to See a Doctor It is recommended to consult with a doctor under the following circumstances: Persistent Symptoms: If dandruff symptoms persist despite regular use of over-the-counter dandruff shampoos. Severe Dandruff: In cases of severe or worsening dandruff that is not responsive to home remedies. Scalp Irritation: If the use of specific treatments or products leads to irritation or adverse reactions on the scalp. Skin Conditions: If you suspect that your dandruff is associated with an underlying skin condition such as eczema, psoriasis, or seborrheic dermatitis. Medical Conditions: If you have pre-existing medical conditions, a weakened immune system, or are taking medications that may be contributing to or exacerbating dandruff. Professional Guidance: Seeking professional advice is crucial when home remedies and over-the-counter solutions do not provide relief or if you have concerns about the overall health of your scalp. Remember,
a doctor, particularly a dermatologist, can provide personalized recommendations and a tailored treatment plan based on the specific characteristics of your dandruff and overall health. Common FAQ about Dandruff a. How do I stop my dandruff? To address dandruff, consider incorporating daily washing using a mild shampoo, an over-the-counter or prescribed dandruff shampoo, and minimizing the use of styling products. It's important to note that medicated shampoos may not be the most suitable for maintaining the health of healthy Black hair. However, when applied exclusively to the scalp, they can still provide beneficial effects. b. What causes dandruff? Dandruff can stem from causes such as dry skin or the accumulation of oil. Additionally, skin conditions like seborrheic dermatitis, a compromised immune system, and specific neurological disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, can contribute to its occurrence. c. Is having dandruff healthy? Generally, it is not indicative of a severe medical problem. However, if dandruff becomes a persistent and chronic condition, especially if linked to underlying skin issues like seborrheic dermatitis, it warrants proper treatment. d. How long can dandruff last? Dandruff is a condition that cannot be completely cured and may persist as a chronic issue. However, in certain instances, adopting new habits such as more frequent hair washing can lead to a relatively quick reduction in flakes. e. Is dandruff a fungus? In certain cases, dandruff is triggered by yeast, which is a type of fungus. The yeast feeds on scalp oils, leading the body to interpret the breakdown of these oils as an irritant. Consequently, the scalp accelerates the renewal of skin cells, resulting in the manifestation of dandruff. Conclusion Dandruff, characterized by the shedding of small, dry skin flakes from the scalp, is a prevalent condition that, while not contagious or serious, can be embarrassing and challenging to manage. Understanding the causes and types of dandruff is crucial for effective prevention and treatment. In navigating the complexities of dandruff, it's essential to stay informed, listen to your scalp, and consult with a healthcare professional for optimal scalp health. By adopting these practices, individuals can bid farewell to dandruff and maintain a happy and healthy scalp. Although dandruff can be bothersome and socially awkward, it typically does not signal a more severe health concern. The itching and flaking associated with dandruff often show positive responses to over-the-counter shampoos and treatments. It may be beneficial to experiment with various brands and types until you discover a product that effectively addresses your specific needs.
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foxcoiffeur · 8 months
antalya makeup
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Antalya makeup
Antalya Makeup, Antalya Kalici makyaj
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Professional Makeup  As Erdal Önal Hairdresser and Beauty Salon, we serve you with professional make-up services by carefully providing this service to our valued customers in Antalya.We have many skin covering applications, from daily make-up to night make-up, from wedding engagement make-up to invitation make-up.Looking beautiful is, above all, important for a person to feel good. It is a phenomenon that shapes a person's life not only aesthetically but also psychologically. Make-up is the most important part of the concept of beauty, which has a different definition in every era. Nowadays, when make-up is mentioned, not only make-up materials but also many applications such as permanent make-up applications, professional make-up, eyebrow cocktail, medical camouflage and prosthetic nails come to mind.First of all, professional makeup does not mean painting the face. The purpose of professional make-up is not to cover flaws with paint; It is to reveal the beautiful lines of the face on clean, bright, radiant and smooth skin. Attention is drawn to beautiful lines and imperfect parts are left in the background.Antalya MakeupPermanent makeup Permanent make-up applications are the permanent placement of completely organic dyes with micro needles in the areas to be treated. The person does not feel much pain during this procedure, which is performed with disposable and sterile micro needles. The duration of the permanent make-up process varies depending on the area to be applied, the person's skin elasticity and the moisture content of the skin. How long this application stays on the skin also varies depending on the person's skin type. In fact, permanent makeup applications have a permanence period that varies from person to person. Because the dyes used are removed from the skin over time. These dyes, which do not cause any harm to human health, break down and disappear with the constant renewal of the skin. At the end of this period, it is important to renew the application and make minor retouches to some parts to ensure the continuity of the application. Normal skin makeup This skin type has a thin, smooth surface due to the ideal balance between oil and moisture content and is therefore not oily or dry. People with normal skin have small visible pores. Therefore, their skin usually appears clear and free of blemishes and blemishes as often. This type of skin needs minimal and gentle treatment, but still requires care. Dry skin makeup Dry skin has a splotchy appearance and flakes easily. In addition to not being able to retain moisture, wrinkles and lines appear due to insufficient serum production by the sebaceous glands. Dry skin often has problems in cold weather, which dries it even more. Constant protection in the form of a moisturizer during the day and a moisture-rich cream at night is essential. It's important not to over-exfoliate, even in cases of extreme exfoliation, as this will only dry out the skin further. Oily skin makeup As the name suggests, this type of skin surface is slightly to moderately oily resulting from excessive secretion of serum. Excess oil on the surface of the skin causes dirt and dust from the environment to adhere. Oily skin is often prone to blackheads, whiteheads, blemishes and acne. It needs to be thoroughly cleaned every day, especially in hot or humid weather. Combination skin makeup This is the most common skin type. As the name suggests, it is a combination of oily and dry or normal skin, where certain areas of the face are oily and others are dry. Fatty parts are usually located in a central panel called the T-Zone, which consists of the forehead, nose and chin. Dry areas usually occur on the cheeks and areas around the eyes and mouth. In such cases, each part of the face should be treated according to its skin type.Eyebrows Permanent Makeup This service is known to deliver exceptional results, regardless of the condition prior to treatment. Our clients can be assured of the utmost comfort in our beautiful, clean and private salon. Call us today to learn more about how this service can be personalized for your unique needs. Eyeliner Makeup One of our most popular cosmetic procedures, it has made countless of our customers feel more confident and happy in their own skin. Our team works closely with each client to understand exactly what they are looking for and to make sure they get exactly those results. Contact us for more information about this service or any of our other services. Lip Permanent Makeup By using only the latest technology, we guarantee that this treatment will exceed your expectations. This service is customizable and every client can get the results they want without compromise. If you are interested in this service, contact us today for a consultation with one of our experienced team members.Antalya MakeupAntalya Kalici makyajAntalya PermanenetMakeup Antalya Read the full article
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msmerrysunshine13 · 10 months
How Do Female Reproductive Organs Work?
That's the big question, isn't it?
(it's currently 3am and i have nothing better to do than to explain sex organs on tumblr to random strangers on the internet who want nothing to do with me)
Today, I will walk you through how female reproductive organs work and why they are important for things other than conceiving children.
Female Reproductive Organs
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What is the female reproductive system?
The female reproductive system is made up of body parts to help women or people AFAB (assigned female at birth) have sex, reproduce, and menstrate.
What are the parts of the female reproductive system?
The female reproductive system is made up of two sets of parts; external and internal.
External Parts:
The function of a woman's external genitals are to protect the internal parts from infection and allow sperm to enter the vagina.
Vulva is the collective name for all the external genitals. A lot of people mistakenly use the term "vagina" to describe all female reproductive parts. However, the vaguna is its own structure located inside the body.
The main parts of the vulva or external genitals are:
Labia majora: The labia majora ("large lips") enclose and protect the other external reproductive organs. During puberty, hair growth occurs on the skin of the labia majora, which also contain sweat and oil-producing glands.
Labia minora: The labia minora ("small lips") can have a variety of shapes and sizes. They lie just inside the labia majora, and surrond the opening to the vagina (the canal that joins the lower part of the uterus to the outside of the body) and urethra (the tube that carries pee from the bladder to the outside of the body). This skin is very delicate and can become easily irritated and swollen.
Clitoris: The two labia minora meet at the clitoris, a small, sensitive protrusion that's comparable to a penis in men or people AMAB (assigned male at birth). The clitoris is covered by a flap of skin called the prepuce and is very sensitive to stimulation.
Vaginal opening: The vaginal opening allows menstral blood and babies to exit the body. Tampons, fingers, sex toys, or penises can go inside the vagina through the vaginal opening.
Hymen: The hymen is a piece of tissue covering or surronding part of the vaginal opening. It's formed during development and is present during birth.
Opening to the urethra: The opening to the urethra is the hole women pee from.
Internal Parts:
Vagina: The vagina is a muscular canal that joins the cervix (lower part of the uterus) to the outside of the body. It can widen to accommodate a baby during delivery and then shrink back to hold something narrow like a tampon. It's lined with mucus membranes to help keep it moist.
Cervix: The cervix is the lowest part of the uterus. A hole in the middle allows sperm to enter and menstral blood to exit. The cervix opens (dilates) to allow a baby to come out during vaginal childbirth. The cervix is what prevents things like tampons from getting lost in the body.
Uterus: The uterus is a hollow, pear-shaped organ that holds a fetus during pregnancy. The uterus is divided into two parts: the cervix and the corpus. The corpus is the larger part of the uterus that expands during pregnancy.
Ovaries: Ovaries are small, oval-shaped glands that are located on either side of the uterus. The ovaries produce eggs and hormones.
Fallopian tubes: These are narrow tubes that are attached to the upper part of the uterus and serve as pathways for the egg (ovum) to travel from the ovaries to the uterus. Fertilization of an egg by sperm usually occurs in the fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg then moves to the uterus, where it implants into the uterine lining.
What are the functions od the female reproductive system?
The female reproductive system provides several functions. In addition to allowing a person to have sexual intercourse, it also helps a person reproduce.
The ovaries produce eggs. These eggs are then transported to The fallopian tube during ovulation where fertilization by a sperm may occur. The fertilized egg then moves to the uterus, where the uterine lining has thickened in response to the normal hormones of the menstrual cycle (also called the reproductive cycle). Once in the uterus, the fertilized egg can implant into the thickened uterine lining and continue to develop. If implantation doesn’t take place, the uterine lining is shed as the menstrual period. In addition, the female reproductive system produces sex hormones that maintain the menstrual cycle.
During menopause, the female reproductive system gradually stops making the female hormones necessary for the menstrual cycle to work. At this point, menstrual cycles can become irregular and eventually stop. Women are considered to be menopausal when they've gone an entire year without a menstrual period.
What happens during the menstrual cycle?
Women or people AFAB of reproductive age (beginning anywhere from 11 to 16 years of age) experience cycles of hormonal activity that repeat at about one-month intervals. With every cycle, the body prepares for a potential pregnancy, whether or not that’s the intention. The term menstruation refers to the periodic shedding of the uterine lining when pregnancy doesn’t occur that cycle. Many people call the days that they notice vaginal bleeding their “period.”
The average menstrual cycle takes about 28 days and occurs in phases. These phases include:
The follicular phase (the egg develops).
The ovulatory phase (release of the egg).
The luteal phase (hormone levels decrease if the egg doesn’t implant).
There are four major hormones (chemicals that stimulate or regulate the activity of cells or organs) involved in the menstrual cycle. These hormones include:
Follicle-stimulating hormone.
Luteinizing hormone.
Follicular Period
This phase starts on the first day of the period. During the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, the following events occur:
Two hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are released from the brain and travel in the blood to the ovaries.
The hormones stimulate the growth of about 15 to 20 eggs in the ovaries, each in its own “shell,” called a follicle.
These hormones (FSH and LH) also trigger an increase in the production of the hormone estrogen.
As estrogen levels rise, like a switch, it turns off the production of follicle-stimulating hormone. This careful balance of hormones allows the body to limit the number of follicles that will prepare eggs to be released.
As the follicular phase progresses, one follicle in one ovary becomes dominant and continues to mature. This dominant follicle suppresses all of the other follicles in the group. As a result, they stop growing and die. The dominant follicle continues to produce estrogen.
Ovulatory Phase
The ovulatory phase (ovulation) usually starts about 14 days after the follicular phase started (the exact timing varies). The ovulatory phase is the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Most people will have a menstrual period 10 to 16 days after ovulation. During this phase, the following events occur:
The rise in estrogen from the dominant follicle triggers a surge in the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) that your brain produces.
This causes the dominant follicle to release its egg from the ovary.
As the egg is released (a process called ovulation) it’s captured by finger-like projections on the end of the fallopian tubes (fimbriae). The fimbriae sweep the egg into the fallopian tube.
For one to five days prior to ovulation, many women or people AFAB will notice an increase in egg white cervical mucus. This mucus is the vaginal discharge that helps to capture and nourish a sperm on its way to meet the egg for fertilization.
Luteal Phase
The luteal phase begins right after ovulation and involves the following processes:
Once it releases its egg, the empty ovarian follicle develops into a new structure called the corpus luteum.
The corpus luteum secretes the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Progesterone prepares your uterus for a fertilized egg to implant.
If intercourse has taken place and sperm has fertilized the egg (conception), the fertilized egg (embryo) will travel through the fallopian tube to implant in the uterus. This is how pregnancy begins.
If the egg isn’t fertilized, it dissolves in the uterus. Not needed to support a pregnancy, the lining of the uterus breaks down and sheds. This is when the period begins.
How many eggs does a woman have?
Women are born with all the eggs they'll ever produce. During fetal development, they have about 6 million eggs. At birth, there are approximately 1 million eggs left. By the time women reach puberty, only about 300,000 remain. The number of eggs they have continues to decline as they age and menstruate each cycle. Fertility also declines with age due to the decreasing number and quality of their remaining eggs.
How does reproduction work?
In humans, female and male reproductive systems work together to reproduce. There are two kinds of sex cells — sperm and eggs. When a sperm meets an egg, it can fertilize it and create a zygote. This zygote eventually becomes a fetus. Both a sperm and an egg are needed for human reproduction.
If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading this. I likely won't make one about the male reproductive system as I am a woman but we'll see. All of this work came from the Cleaveland Clinic website which I will link below if you'd like to check it out.
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shirazcosmeticau · 11 months
Skin Temple - A Medispa For Men of Color
A skin temple is a place where you feel safe and at peace with your skin. This is because you are entrusting it to the care of experts, who can help treat even the most complex problems and make sure that your skin looks beautiful. Whether you have a minor rash, an autoimmune condition or a more serious skin cancer, a team of specialists at Temple Dermatology can diagnose and treat your condition.
Located on leafy St. Kilda Road in Melbourne, Australia, Skin Temple is a medispa in the truest sense of the word. Its deluxe treatment rooms, hammam and extensive list of treatments are enough to rival some of the most exotic spas in Asia and the Middle East.
But what sets this medispa apart is the way it focuses on the unique needs of men of color. Its founders, Raphael Babalola and Adam Hutchinson, have created a collection of naturally-derived skincare products specifically for darker skin tones, which are designed to address the specific issues that men with darker shades face such as blemishes, scarring, hyperpigmentation, and dryness.
If your blemishes on your forehead are the result of sweat buildup, you can reduce them by drinking plenty of water. This will keep the oil glands at your temples from overworking themselves and clogging up your pores, which can lead to breakouts. Drinking more water also helps to keep your skin hydrated, which can make it less prone to blotchy and itchy.
One of the best ways to keep your skin clear is to get a regular facial, which can also help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on your forehead. However, if you don’t have the time or money to visit a salon regularly, there are plenty of at-home skincare treatments that can help, including vitamin C serums and exfoliating wipes.
If you’re considering filler on your temples, it’s important to find an injector who understands the delicate anatomy of this area. Ideally, the injector will be skilled at targeting specific planes and placing filler only to a safe depth where there are no blood vessels, like the hairline or forehead. It’s also important that the injector knows how to balance your hyaluronic acid filler with non-HA volumizers, so the results don’t look overdone or fake. In fact, an overfilled temple can actually look angry and lionlike, so it’s important to find a doctor who is experienced in this area.
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bestreviewtodays · 11 months
 Best Face Wash for Oily Skin in USA
Oily skin can be influenced by various factors. One common contributor is genetics, as some individuals are naturally predisposed to having more active sebaceous glands responsible for oil production. Additionally, during younger years, the sebaceous glands tend to be more active, while oiliness typically diminishes with age after puberty. The geographical location and climate where you reside can also impact the oiliness of your skin. Warmer and more humid environments tend to promote shinier skin.Read more..
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uchihajason69 · 1 year
Ear Wax Removal Treatment: Clearing the Path to Better Hearing
Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by the glands in our ear canals. It plays a crucial role in protecting the ear by trapping dust, dirt, and other foreign particles, preventing them from entering deeper into the ear. However, an excessive buildup of ear wax can lead to discomfort, impaired hearing, and even ear infections. Fortunately, various ear wax removal treatment center in the colony are available to safely and effectively clear the ear canals, restoring optimal hearing and overall ear health.
Understanding Ear Wax:
Ear wax is a waxy substance produced by the ceruminous glands located in the outer portion of the ear canal. It consists of a combination of secretions from these glands, dead skin cells, and debris. Under normal circumstances, ear wax removal specialist in the colony slowly migrates from the ear canal towards the outer ear, where it eventually dries up and falls out. This natural process helps to keep the ears clean and lubricated.
However, some individuals produce an excessive amount of ear wax, or their ear canals may not allow proper wax drainage, leading to a buildup. Factors such as narrow ear canals, the use of ear wax removal water treatment in the colony hearing aids or earplugs, and attempts to clean the ears with cotton swabs can contribute to wax accumulation.
Signs of Excessive Ear Wax:
Excessive ear wax can cause a range of symptoms, including:
Earache or pain
Reduced hearing or muffled sounds
A feeling of fullness or blockage in the ear
Tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ear)
Dizziness or vertigo
Coughing or an itchy throat (due to stimulation of the ear canal's nerve endings)
Ear Wax Removal Treatments:
When ear wax buildup affects your hearing or causes discomfort, it's essential to seek professional help for safe and effective removal. Here are some commonly used methods for ear wax removal:
Irrigation: This procedure involves using a syringe-like device to flush warm water or a saline solution into the ear canal. The water dislodges the ear wax, which is then drained out. It is a painless method and typically performed by a healthcare professional.
Manual Removal: In cases where ear wax is impacted or hardened, a healthcare professional may use special instruments like a curette or suction device to carefully remove the wax. This method requires expertise to avoid injury to the delicate structures of the ear.
Ear Drops: Over-the-counter ear drops or prescription-strength solutions can soften and loosen ear wax, making it easier to remove. These drops typically contain substances like hydrogen peroxide, saline, or mineral oil. It's important to follow the instructions provided and consult a healthcare professional if symptoms persist.
Microsuction: This procedure involves using a small vacuum-like device to gently suction out the ear wax. It is a precise and effective method that is often performed by ear specialists.
Prevention and Maintenance:
To prevent excessive ear wax buildup, consider the following tips:
Avoid using cotton swabs or other objects to clean the ears, as they can push wax deeper into the ear canal or cause injury.
If you use hearing aids or earplugs, clean them regularly to prevent wax accumulation.
Maintain good ear hygiene by gently washing the outer ear with a washcloth during your regular bathing routine.
If you experience recurrent ear wax buildup, consult a healthcare professional who can recommend preventive measures or provide regular ear cleaning.
Ear wax removal hospital treatment in the colony is a vital aspect of maintaining healthy ears and optimal hearing. When ear wax buildup becomes problematic, seeking professional assistance is crucial to ensure safe and effective removal. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and available
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pelcas-beauty · 1 year
Where Does the "Oil" in the Skin Come From?
Have you ever wondered why your skin can sometimes feel oily? The presence of oil on our skin is a natural occurrence that plays a vital role in maintaining its health and balance. The "oil" in our skin, also known as sebum, is produced by tiny glands located throughout our body. In this blog, we will explore the fascinating origins of sebum and its significance in maintaining healthy skin.
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Understanding Sebum
Sebum is an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands present in our skin. These glands are found in large numbers on our face, scalp, chest, and back, but are also scattered throughout our entire body. Sebum is primarily composed of triglycerides, wax esters, squalene, and fatty acids. While it may seem bothersome when excessive, sebum is actually crucial for maintaining the overall health of our skin.
Sebum Production Process
The production of sebum is regulated by hormones, particularly androgens, which are more prevalent during puberty. However, sebum production continues throughout our lives. The sebaceous glands produce sebum by a process called holocrine secretion. This means that the entire glandular cell, filled with sebum, is released onto the skin's surface. The production of sebum is influenced by factors such as genetics, hormones, and environmental conditions.
Functions of Sebum
Moisturizing and Lubrication: Sebum acts as a natural moisturizer, lubricating the skin and preventing it from drying out. It forms a thin protective layer, helping to maintain the skin's suppleness and elasticity.
Protection: Sebum possesses antimicrobial properties, which means it helps protect our skin from harmful microorganisms. It creates an acidic environment that can inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and fungi.
Waterproofing: Sebum aids in creating a hydrophobic barrier on the skin's surface, preventing excessive water loss and protecting against environmental elements such as wind and harsh weather conditions.
Hair Health: Sebum is also beneficial for the hair. It nourishes and conditions the hair strands, preventing them from becoming dry and brittle.
Sebum Imbalance
While sebum is essential for healthy skin, an imbalance in its production can lead to various skin issues. Excessive sebum production can result in oily skin, clogged pores, and acne breakouts. On the other hand, insufficient sebum production can cause dry skin, leading to flakiness, itching, and discomfort.
Managing Sebum Production
Cleansing: Regularly cleanse your skin with a gentle cleanser to remove excess oil, dirt, and impurities. However, avoid over-washing as it can strip away essential oils and disrupt the skin's natural balance.
Moisturizing: Even if you have oily skin, it is important to moisturize regularly. Look for lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizers that won't clog your pores.
Diet: A healthy diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can promote healthy skin. Avoid excessive consumption of greasy or sugary foods, as they may contribute to increased sebum production.
Sun Protection: Protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun by using sunscreen with an appropriate SPF. Sunburns can lead to increased sebum production as the skin tries to compensate for moisture loss.
Skincare tool: A good skincare tool can promote the biggist potential of skincare product. I recommend microneedling pen. This skincare tool is a popular cosmetic procedure for women and men looking to enhance their beauty through their body’s natural response to puncturing the skin. It triggers your body’s natural healing process which treats your skin through production of collagen and elastin, which promotes healthy skin and keeps it soft and youthful-looking.
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The "oil" in our skin, known as sebum, is a natural substance produced by the sebaceous glands. It plays a vital role in moisturizing, protecting, and lubricating our skin. By understanding the origins and functions of sebum, we can take better care of our skin and maintain its health and balance. Remember, achieving a harmonious sebum production level is key to achieving healthy and radiant skin.
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hairstyleforteen · 1 year
How to Prevent and Treat Red Bumps After Shaving: A Comprehensive Guide
Shaving is a common grooming practice for both men and women, but it can also lead to red bumps, irritation, and discomfort. Red bumps after shaving are caused by many factors, including improper technique, dull razors, and skin sensitivity. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to prevent and treat red bumps after shaving. 1.Use a sharp razor: A dull razor will tug at your hair instead of cutting it cleanly which can cause irritation and lead to red bumps. Make sure you use a sharp blade that is designed for your skin type (sensitive skin requires a gentler blade). 2.Prepare your skin before shaving: Before you start shaving, make sure your skin is properly prepared. Take a warm shower or bath to soften the hair follicles before you shave. This will help ensure that the razor glides smoothly over your skin without causing any irritation or redness. 3.Use shaving cream or gel: Shaving cream protects against razor burn by lubricating the surface of your skin while also helping to create a smooth surface for the razor to glide over. It also helps reduce friction from the razor blade which prevents irritation and inflammation from occurring on your skin’s surface. 4.Don’t press too hard: Applying too much pressure when shaving can cause redness and irritation on sensitive areas such as your face or bikini line. Instead of pressing hard with the razor against your skin, try using light strokes in an up-and-down motion without applying any additional pressure. 5.Rinse with cold water: After you’re finished shaving, rinse off with cold water as this helps close up pores and reduce inflammation on the surface of your skin caused by shaving irritation or razor burn. 6.Moisturize: Applying moisturizer after you finish shaving helps keep the moisture in your shaved area which reduces itching and prevents further inflammation from occurring on sensitive areas such as those around the bikini line or underarms where sweat glands are located near hair follicles that have been recently shaved off. 7.Treat existing red bumps: If you already have existing red bumps from previous shaves then there are several treatments available that may help reduce their appearance such as hydrocortisone cream (which helps reduce swelling), aloe vera gel (which soothes inflammation), which hazel (which calms irritated tissue) or tea tree oil (which has antibacterial properties that help fight bacteria). By following these steps carefully before each shave, you should be able to prevent future irritation and discomfort associated with red bumps after shaving while also treating existing ones if they occur! Read the full article
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Pure Essences includes an all-new, advanced processing facility located simply 20 mins north of world-famous Whistler, British Columbia. Pure Removes was provided its Requirement Handling Permit by Health And Wellness Canada under the Marijuana Act Upon September 25, 2020, and also its Sales Change on July 19, 2021. The Firm's supply began trading on the Canadian Securities Exchange on November 5, 2020. Pure Extracts' various other OCS listings are Pure Chews edible Fire Burst THC gummies and Pure Chews edible CBD 100mg gummies. Please note that our products go through schedule on a per shop basis. Each store might sell out of product at any offered time so we advise contacting your close-by store ahead of time to ensure our items are offered at the time of purchase.
These items can can be found in liquid or solid form, such as marijuana oil, hash, vape cartridge liquid, shatter, wax, kief, tinctures, and are either ingested or inhaled.
PEI Cannabis currently complies with a Check 30 plan where our retail team requests ID from any kind of consumers that appear to be under the age of 30.
There is no flawlessly sustainable model for the cannabis sector, but we can all collaborate as a community to be thoughtful regarding the items we utilize as well as recycle, where they originate from and also where they end up.
Chamomilla recutita extract/Camomile essence-- conveys a gloss as well as elasticity to the hair, gets rid of dandruff, strengthens the hair roots and promotes blood flow in the skin of the head.
ETL handling includes drawing out the data from the resource system.
A suggested method to handle the issue involves adding a storage facility surrogate secret, which is utilized as an international key from the fact table. Information warehousing procedures typically subdivide a huge ETL procedure into smaller items running sequentially or in parallel. To monitor information circulations, it makes good sense to label each data row with "row_id", and tag each piece of the process with "run_id". In case of a failing, having these IDs aid to roll back and rerun the stopped working piece. Your personal information will be made use of to support your experience throughout this site, to take care of access to your account, and also for various other purposes defined in our personal privacy policy.
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22nd Century Group (XXII) Q2 2022 Earnings Call Transcript.
Posted: Wed, 10 Aug 2022 00:00:58 GMT [source]
Melissa officinalis extract/Melissa essence-- enhances the hair follicles as well as avoids the appearance of the areas of hair loss. It conveys a gloss to the hair launches from dandruff as well as peeling of the skin of the head. Betula extract/Birch remove-- normalizes the function of the sweat glands, removes dandruff, and stops hair autumn. It presents the flexibility, healthy and balanced gloss to the hair and also boosts the growth. Quercus robur bark extract/Oak essence-- enhances hair, gives the elasticity, gentleness and lightness to it. Oak bark extract eliminates dandruff, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands and soothes the skin swelling.
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Arctium lappa extract/Burdock extract-- stops hair loss and dandruff formation. It passes on a gloss, silkiness and toughness to the hair, successfully nurtures, reinforces the roots as well as recovers the hair framework. Design evaluation should establish the scalability of an ETL system throughout the lifetime of its usage-- including understanding the quantities of data that should be refined within solution level agreements. The moment readily available to remove from source systems might transform, which might suggest the exact same quantity of data may need to be refined in much less time.
Syrup And Removes
Grownups aged 19 and above are allowed to acquire and also bring approximately 30 grams of marijuana in a public area. Be the very first to hear about new items, specials & events, & get unique deals! Baldwin's Pure Vanilla Essence makes use of just the most effective, most tasty as well as most pricey range of bean - the Bourbon Vanilla Bean from Madagascar. The aging in our over 100-year-old oak barrels mellows and increases the remove, making a more powerful, darker, richer as well as extra flavorful item. They have been skilled over a number of generations and also continue to improve with each and every brand-new set.
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akashjadh2849 · 2 years
All You Need To Know About Acne-Prone Skin - Types, Causes And Treatments
Most of us have experimented with every purported anti-acne field, from the greatest acne treatments with unquestionable web evaluations to hunting out top DIY remedies for acne. We have prayed for clear skin, cut back on our sugar intake, and used every spot treatment known to man, yet that awful pimple is still there.
All skincare experts have been searching for that one anti-acne solution that can control oil production, stop breakouts, and clear the skin for a very long time. But because every skin type is different and has certain characteristics, there is never a universal treatment for acne. Continue reading as we dive into the causes of acne-prone skin and effective treatments for it.
Why Is Skin Prone to Acne?
We refer to this condition as "acne" when the skin's pores become blocked and produce bumps or occasionally cysts on the surface.
Sebaceous Glands, which are tinier glands that can be located beneath the skin's surface, are where the pores are connected. These are designed to produce an oily material called sebum to lubricate the skin and hair to stop it from drying out. Skin that is prone to acne is caused by the sebaceous glands not functioning properly, which leads to an imbalance in the production of sebum. In the follicle, the extra sebum combines with dirt or dead skin cells to produce a clog that eventually inflames to form the unsightly pimple.
There are many things that might cause or aggravate acne-prone skin, from dietary imbalances to—even now—the masks we wear all day.
Hormonal changes : Androgens are hormones that rise during puberty, causing the sebaceous glands to grow and the production of sebum to increase. Breakouts are frequently caused by hormonal changes throughout midlife, pregnancy, or even during the menstrual cycle.
Medications : Acne can also be brought on by some medications that contain corticosteroids, testosterone, or lithium. This brings us full round to the subject of hormonal imbalance; medications like testosterone affect the body's normal hormone levels, causing acne and outbreaks.
Diet: Yes, dear reader, even something as simple as eating may cause heartbreak (outbreaks) and frequently can serve as the best acne therapy. According to studies, some components may contribute to acne-prone skin. Acne can be aggravated by processed diets, an increase in carbohydrates, fat and hydrogenated oils, spicy, pungent foods, meats, alcohol, and even coffee. Yes, they are the greatest parts of your typical diet, but in difficult times, drastic measures are called for!
How Do I Get Rid Of Acne-Prone Skin Permanently?
Everyone who has ever had acne will concur that treating the condition's symptoms or consequences is the immediate drive for treatment. Google searches typically go something like "how to get rid of a pimple overnight?" rather than "what is causing acne on my skin?" According to studies, treating the root of the problem is the first step in effectively treating acne-prone skin. The best place to start when trying to permanently get rid of acne is by first understanding the type of acne you have, how it forms, and what is causing it, and then eradicating those causes.
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foxcoiffeur · 1 year
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