#when she's mad @ u
justpassingbyoursht · 1 month
Yknow when I first saw Chronos i couldn't quite take him seriously bc he's... he's a twink. who gave him that tiny tiny waist and those birthgiving hips? why is he built like that? i expected a giant or something, i mean the big 3 brothers are built ykno their father should be big muscly guy too right?? and then i realized he's got an hourglass shape and. 😶
my bad supergiant u are right. titan of time. hourglass. titan of time? hourglass. checks out ✓ he is hourglass shaped. an hourglass. ⌛that. that is him. titan of time alright. hourglass
but still that tiny waist
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antigonick · 10 days
I want you to be aware that I KNOW you have treated me infernally—infernally! Do you hear? And if you flatter yourself that I don't perceive it, you are a fool; and if you think I can be consoled by sweet words, you are an idiot: and if you fancy I'll suffer unrevenged, I'll convince you of the contrary, in a very little while!
—Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights
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feymaid · 9 months
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Gnome tav playthrough going very well
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sinclairstarz · 6 months
im a hosegate believer btw. i think its really fucking funny
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meowlod · 7 months
focalors in the 4.2 archon quest does something to me. that VOICE is so pretty. the OUTFIT. shes so mother.
i would let her destroy me, make me a mess, do stuff to me and i wouldn‘t mind. please continue.
shes definitely a titty grabber. likes to randomly grab your breasts from behind and squish them like a toy.
i think she would be a great cuddle partner, like, she would give you a thousand of warm cuddles. burying and resting her face into the crook of your neck and have her soft arms wrapped around your body as you both lie under the blankets. she wants to keep you warm and comfy so you wont get sick.
oh and shes a big teaser, definitely. basically teases you about everything possible until you get super embarrassed from all of it. and that woman wouldn‘t stop!! no she will not, until you actually want her to stop, then she‘ll respect you and stop, of course.
if she used to battle and fight, then she would teach you on how to use a sword. she is always being careful to not wound you. and if she does, she will just simply heal you or get you bandages.
talks about furina sometimes whenever you both are sitting somewhere, or laying down on a bed.
and when she dies, she wants you to take care of furina. comfort her at any time whenever shes in a sad mood, get her favourite desserts, give her cheek kisses, dance with her, go to her tea parties, etc. make her happy, and focalors would be proud of you.
but you also have to stay close to furina whenever shes in a bad mood. if you went out somewhere without telling her, especially at night, she'll think that you are starting to dislike and leave her, or that you got kidnapped, making her panic. if you come back, the first thing she always does is run up to you and hug you tightly, asking you where you went, and why you didn't tell her that you went out. its best to tell her the truth, or she will ignore you for a day.
but she cant ignore you for long, because she can be a pretty clingy person. slowly crawling into the bed you're sleeping in, quietly wrapping her arms around your body and slowly starting to cuddle you, mumbling to herself about stuff such as “am i too annoying for them?“ or “i'm sorry if i did something you didn't like.“, hoping you wouldn't wake up and hear her talking bad about herself.
furina will randomly pin you to any wall to jokingly flirt with you. if you flirt back, she'll have a red face for the rest of the day! it can be outside, inside, to the bed, to the grass…seriously, everywhere.
if you buy her gifts, especially with desserts inside them, she'll buy you a gift aswell, but a bigger, and a more expensive one.
LOVES to teach you to dance a waltz or help you sing. if you suck at any of those, she will gladly help you because you are someone she deeply cares and trusts.
if you're sad, she comes running up to you with your favourite food, plushies, etc. to comfort you and have you smiling again. she hates seeing you sad, and doesn't want you to go through the stuff she did.
too shy to ask you out on a date, but will pull an all nighter to practice words and flirty pick up lines to say to you. if you're the first one to ask her out on a date, she'll get mostly flustered but will be happy, jumping into your arms and giving you thousand of kisses.
if you guys are together, she's extra clingy and could be a little jealous if a man or a woman stares at you. you're her partner, of course you should be paying attention to her! if you look back at the stranger, she will wrap her arm around your waist and glare at the stranger who was looking at you, silently telling them that you're hers, and shes yours.
animal lover! if she sees a cat or a dog anywhere, she pulls you along and walks towards the little animal and will pet it, feed it, caress it, etc. if you're a animal lover aswell, expect a lot of animal plushies in the house and furina bringing a random cat inside.
if you kiss furina in public infront of everyone, she would push you away and laugh like nothing happened. but if you're somewhere private, hidden, or in a back alley with her, she'll kiss you with alot of passion like she was starving for that kiss.
cake lover. please buy her cake anytime! it can be chocolate, vanilla, strawberry or anything. she will even demand you to get her a cake when she feels like it. or you both just cook a cake together.
can't cook, but is still learning! loves to make sweets, and sometimes asks you for help. if you can't cook aswell, then…expect alot of flour or a whole mess in the kitchen. you both have to clean everything up if you guys are finished with baking or cooking. she can also make YOU clean everything, just to piss you a little off. but she will help a little bit, don't worry.
listens to your problems in life, and talks to you about her problems aswell. you both deeply care for each other, and she trusts you enough to talk about her secrets and stuff she never wanted to mention because of her insecurity.
makes you sit on her lap while you both play games or watch a movie on the tv.
and furina absolutely loves piggy rides.
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femmesandhoney · 2 months
male socialization is wild to me because when men deviate it by generally being nice to women and then get womens attention by being friendly and normal to us other men get mad and punish them for it bc they're actually meant to be domineering, rude, and misogynistic to us and if a man doesn't do that they're either gay or trying to unassumingly get with one of the women. like it blows mens minds that they can actually try and be normal and nice to women for no sexual gain, and then they punish men for deviating from it. they're like we see you're getting female attention without abusing the women?? thats wrong and also we hate u for it. like jesus men are so fucked up as a whole.
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quirkle2 · 5 months
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[zombie au] when ur.when ur brotherturns into a z.when ur brother turns into a zombie and u spend the next several years of ur childhood braving the most fucked up shit ever so u can find a cure and it gets to the point where ur killing parts of urself just to pick up the pieces of ur brother with shaking, cut up hands and glue him back together but at that point ur just going to end up bringing him back to a world that's not worth living in
#qkdraws#id in alt#mob psycho 100#mob psycho#mp100#zombie au#ritsu kageyama#mp100 ritsu#shigeo kageyama#mp100 shigeo#mp100 mob#btw even tho i like to draw mob snarling and being a bit feral i do wanna make it clear that he's Very rarely like that#i just enjoy it when he Is so i draw it <3 hope thishelps#he's usually more like the top right. chill as fuck. not a single thought in that head#mob only gets aggressive when ritsu's in trouble#in the top left one he's actually snarling at tome. bc of uhm.reasons <3#dw she didn't hurt ritsu. mob just Thinks she did and he's going mad abt it#wanna write that part eventually. maybe. some day perhaps#anyway yeah.uhm. i think im cookin w this au#im cookin Smth. might not be edible but im cookin and u can't take that away from me#mob doesn't just have eye bags cuz he's a zombie and owahh zombies gotta look scary#he has them cuz in this au it's REALLY hard to fall asleep when ur zombie#but ur stillhuman and u still require sleep to live. which is why sleep deprivation is like the leading cause of zombie death in this world#and that means ritsu has to be Super careful not to let mob go too long without sleep#he's always tryin to get the poor guy to Rest. even when ur exhausted beyond belief it's Rly hard to sleep when ur a zombie#ur brain's been rewired n shit man. it fucks up a lot of systems#ritsu has eye bags bc he's .tormented.by the entire earth#quite literally everything is against him.for a very long time#and he's fuckin exhausted man.he's fuckin tired#fun fact if u raid my inbox about this au ill kiss u on the mouth
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xythlia · 6 months
hey this aot "writer" stole your one levi fic word for word they've been caught for stealing before too
tysm for bringing this to my attention, and im sorry to be putting this on everyones dashes esp on a holiday but it looks like ppl will act mad weird whether it's a holiday or a regular ass day bc why wouldn't they
anyways this writer @hvnlydemon decided to copy word for word a leviathan fic I posted from last year.
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you can see by the dates this is blatantly stolen, she just changed the name to make it fit a character in the aot fandom.
after getting this anon I decided to msg her privately, just to see if we could have a grown up civil convo about it without all this. but turns out we can't
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she had the balls to lie to my face & call her post "similar". similar is something like using the same premise as someone else, or maybe the same title but nothing else is the same. it doesn't mean "I just steal a fic word for word, change the name, and lie when I get caught". I wanted to scream when she blocked me because I HATE doing things like this I don't like it but atp she forced my hand so I really don't have a choice (she also blocked a moot who rb'd the stolen fic calling her out on it).
before being blocked I saw other pieces of writing on her blog & to my fellow writers that follow me you should 100% check to make sure she hasn't stolen from you bc I would bet money every single fic is stolen. also please please please report this fic because I doubt she'll take it down on her own
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kandyzee · 9 days
Ian and Debbie were both adorable kids like we all know that but when they grow out of that childish look it's only really Ian who people keep sympathy for.
Debbie has an awkward phase of finding herself. She wears mandys clothes and has a questionable hair style. She doesn't automatically fit what most people would deem attractive. It's like people only care about female characters if they fit into the box of "cute" or "hot." In s4/5, Debbie doesn't fit into any of these boxes, but she's going through some very similar things to Ian (like being groomed)
When Ian stops looking so childish (after s1) people still care about his problems. They still know that what kash was doing was wrong. Maybe apart of it is because of how Ian doesn't have as much of an awkward phase as Debbie. He's sure of himself in a way that she wasnt.
In s3 when Debbie is creeped on by the guy on the bus it's so easy to see how that's disgusting. In s1 when Ian is fucking kash it's easy to see how that's disgusting. Why does it stop being easy to see things as disgusting when Debbie gets older but not Ian??
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can-of-slorgs · 2 months
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Final surprise boop attack for @yowassupitsred!!
Faeran would 100% be really obnoxious about Calamari, and would intentionally make others appreciate her boopings haha.
(Secret second boop attack to @starbiology in revenge to the april fools war because even though i didn't know if you had any characters, I think of her as your character by this point and I found this scenario hilarious in my mind)
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cowboyslikedean · 1 year
my mothers favourite story to tell people is the time she was sitting on the t-party couch between scott and andrea and she told andrea that The Best Day made her cry and andrea laughed and said it made her cry too and recounted the whole story of how taylor surprised her with it from her perspective and like anyway it’s been over twelve years and taylor just told the same story to a thrice sold out stadium and i’m the one crying now
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silusvesuius · 6 days
N*loth is literally prime NPD representation and that's just how it is. Dat's just how i feel . if iiiiiii hear anyhing ab him needing to be humbled or put in his place i'll just tear my hair out right here and match his look. not even trying to lift him up or defend him i'm just defending the mentally ill skajrim characters nobody wants to understand,
#text#literally sick to my stomach from people sayin that shit omfg#no i'm exaggerating but be serious#my sk*rim NPD trifecta is n*loth + s*ddgeir + m*raak#s*ddgeir is the one you all should be humbling cause he's just gay (derogatory)) and materialistic#i swear n*loth didn't do anythign to any of you people he doesn't even like fancy stuff even tho he has the bag#people see a smart bih with a rocket science degree and just wanna say she needs to be '' '' put in her place '' '''#my hyper sk*rim character rambling. .. but seriously tho...#i think 2 this site its: traumatized character = 'sad wet cat'#intimidating woman = 'MAMA DOM'#and character with blown out ego = 'actually pathetic'#like i'll start swinging idc#m*raak is a good personification of NPD cause he doesn't wanna believeee there's someone better than him in his 'skill'#notice how he's Always throwing shit on U for no reason#he's so mad. lols#the entire DB DLC is about m*raak's NPD and how it consumed him. very artistic..#but n*loth i find to be extremely realistic even in the little things#how his NPD isn't an escape from anything but just pillars of his existence#+how his ego doesn't help w/ not caring about wat others think about him.. he neeeeds that validation to feel good 2#but not to survive. his Ego can carry him on it's own#i'll defend n*loth's mental illnesses with my life idrc abt m*raak's diagnosis tho just cause he annoys me from the gameplay LMFAO BYE#if i sound crazy when i post shid likethis it's cause you don't LOVE sk*rim like i do.........rubbing my temples
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seri-tonin · 8 days
Y'all gotta stop immediately jumping to calling asagiri a misogynist for killing off a single female character
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bellamysgriffin · 6 months
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BELLAMY BLAKE WEEK 2023 ⇢ DAY 4: Favorite Comfort Moment
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spooky-activity · 4 months
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Sorry Himeko, you really aren’t great at single target damage and Kafka is an actual assassin
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rubiatinctorum · 7 months
I get where people are coming from when they say Diaspro in Winx lost the plot for the sake of being turned into a minor villain and that's all once Valtor enabled her to do what she did in S3, but I feel like that was a reasonable narrative choice. It's only a love potion at that point (while I could go on all day about the ethics of love potions, of course, a later season has her straight up trying to do direct murder). She's a noble, guards will do her dirty work, and I understand that she would feel like getting revenge on Bloom while getting back together with Sky. She was promised a position — romantic AND political — she nearly had and then it was taken from under her by a random fairy who wasn't even "supposed" to be in the running. I don't think what she did was nice, but it makes sense for the story and for her character for her to want to reclaim her position in the way she did. Sky's love was an accessory, in part, to her political ascension, and thus he is again rendered accessory and accomplice by the love spell. And, sending guards after threats seems to be the thing to do in the magical universe if you're a disgruntled noble, so it's probably not unfamiliar for Diaspro to have seen occur before or want to do. It's not a uniquely rotten response any more than Radius' behaviour towards the monster (who, he didn't know it, was Stella). If we fault her for this action rather than only the intention behind it, we need to examine how the worlds in Winx Club deal with threats to their monarchs in general, which sounds interesting but I frankly don't have time for tonight. Diaspro did wrong, but she didn't do uniquely wrong there, and Eraklyon has the punitive security structures in place to have enabled that.
Diaspro's later appearances seem to flatten her motives and the symbolism behind why her relationship with Sky was important and what she does about it (who cares what Diaspro's political aims are and how her status might reflect how she deals with problems, the audience needs to see Bloom thrown into fire I guess), but I feel like seasons 4-8 weren't really that good anyway, so I can't even claim this as a fault of the writers doing Diaspro specifically wrong instead of them just doing the whole show wrong at that point. It might be related, and it might be a coincidence, but a lot of the writing choices seemed to become more flat to me right around when the art shifted to that lifeless godawful Flash simulacrum of S1-3's art.
Also like... idk but if some long-haired hottie wizard in a sick coat and contemplative eyeshadow told me he could help me get my promised chance at both romantic and political success back, I'd at least hear him out, yknow, see what he had to say (<- don't trust me I simp for Valtor)
#rubia speaks#winx club#winx#diaspro#winx diaspro#not supporting women's wrongs but parsing them in context#actually you know what. love u bloom but i have a diaspro apologism streak in me#love potion BAD AWFUL ROTTEN but the guards? we need to interrogate the king about that one i think#and make ur guards pass a basic test on the obvious visual difference between a fairy and a witch idk :/#is diaspro entitled to sky's love and the political position of being his wife? no. does it narratively make sense for her to be mad? yeah#is her position of having been given the expectation of a certain status and result and having it 'undermined' a compelling one? yeah!#i think there's a lot to say about expectation vs reality and the burden of unfulfilled unsealed commitments in Diaspro's situation#and the societal structures in Eraklyon that allow her to act outside of due process because she's big mad as long as the king is cool w he#how the nobles protect their own class and interests even when Sky is acting unusual from VALTOR'S FUCKING MAGIC DAMN#now if she could just drop the magical coercion and the classism and the witch slander..........#interesting how that arc makes Bloom almost an underdog when... babe.... ur a Princess.#Sky's not out here marrying a commoner he's courting a princess of another world#.... sociopolitical views of Domino by other worlds? Bloom acting vs not acting the part of how a princess acts on Eraklyon?#Bloom as a Lesser Princess because of the condition of Domino?#Association with the Winx and Alfea in general making of her a symbolic commoner?#much to consider about Bloom's 'underdog' role compared to Diaspro in the Eraklyon Engagement Era
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