#what's next gege?
nevermeyers · 21 days
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“When it's your time to go, make sure you're surrounded by others”
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duckiemimi · 8 days
jjk 261 leaks
i'm gonna ramble a bit here idk if it'll make sense.
i've always been the biggest advocate of not viewing things black and white in jjk, meaning everything is understandable from the readers' point of view, BUT that doesn't mean that the story itself doesn't have distinct boundaries between what's "good" and "bad" in the narrative. take geto, for example. great character, you can't help but like him, but even then you know he's an antagonist for a reason. the narrative says so, even the characters say so. there's a running theme in jjk where every antagonist (and antagonist-adjacent) character is motivated to control other people's bodies—geto and non-sorcerers (to a lesser extent), kenjaku and his CT, mahito and his CT, sukuna needing to have a host, etc. kenjaku, for the most part, has always been our point of reference when we talk about evil in the story. which is why it's so jarring to see yuuta, of all people, resort to the same thing. for the greater good? okay, let's talk about the do or die of the greater good in jjk.
the greater good in this arc is to stop sukuna to save humanity. but even then, this cause has always been eclipsed by less righteous, personal reasons, like wanting to save megumi, or wanting to fight sukuna. those are the reasons pushed for readers to see, to care about. while understandable (they are human, after all), compared to its contemporaries, jjk isn't really a manga where characters sacrifice their morals for the greater good. in fact (i've mentioned this once), for a structured organization with the goal to protect humanity, humanity itself isn't of much importance in the narrative. the story has always centered around the sorcerers. but that aside, in times of despair (like yuuji in shibuya), they've always shown remorse and regret for the things that they cannot control, hesitation. while there is no altruistic character in the series, no one has ever wanted or willingly suggested anything aligned with puppeteering. (why would they? isn't the cog mentality something we're trying to move past, especially with the machine now destroyed?)
to have yuuta be the first to suggest a plan like this is...jarring. from what's written, sure we can accredit it to his love and understanding for his teacher, but yuuta knows what happened to geto. the cast has seen what kenjaku can do and has done. you could say that yuuta has a history with control (rika, in a way), but i like to think that he's grown since volume 0. could this be a desperate last resort by a panicked child? yeah, maybe. but it barely reads that way. there are too many interpretations to call it that, it isn't convincing enough. this is also the first time we've ever seen gojo referred to as a "monster," despite being untouchable and revered as god-like throughout the manga. there are some panels earlier in the series of the cast being asked what gojo is to them, and most people answered that he's the strongest alone. i don't recall yuuta being asked, so maybe he's thought of this concept of "monstrosity" for a while, but it would've built up better if we were shown some sympathetic sentiments from him prior to this chapter. it would've tied everything together well. alas. thanks for the off-screen growths, timeskip.
while for different reasons (does the end justify the means in this story? what about geto?), the fact of the matter is yuuta has adopted kenjaku's methodology for the greater good. what does that mean for jjk's alignment and ideology? could this be commentary on the dreariness of teeth-gritting reality? maybe. i think this chapter alone has ultimately changed what morality means in the bigger story. after all, it's practically a lawless land right now with everything destroyed. but what kind of message will we end with? is there something that needs to be said, or is there nothing at all?
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karvakera · 9 months
I had to do it, this panel spoke to me
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dollsuguru · 16 days
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lulla-bee · 8 months
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if gege is forgetting about this, then I don't
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zeherili-ankhein · 1 month
Idc what y'all do or how much you all cuss out Gege I am fucking loving how he is cooking the story.
When I find Gege, Imma praise this man like nobody in the fandom did..
Gege you are gold 😭😭
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posletsvet · 9 months
Some further chapter 235 thoughts
Alright, a little disclaimer before I get carried away: this may and chances are will in some ways contradict my thoughts from when I last talked about it here. Right after the spoilers came out my thinking was driven by emotion, and before I got a chance to sit down and shape my opinion properly, the emotion was what defined it. I guess I shouldn't have written it down in the first place, as all I really did was allowed my feelings to get the better of me and judged the situation biased. My bad, really,,
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With that out of the way, my opinion has shifted since, and as I've come to see it, there's at least one important thing that Sukuna vs Gojo fight did, and that is precisely cementing Gojo's position as the strongest. It's already a pre-established truth when we enter the story, but it's put into question with Sukuna finding a way out of his seal through Yuuji consuming that finger. Sukuna merely being brought back to existence is already enough to challenge Gojo's title. Is Satoru Gojo rightfully the pinnacle of Jujutsu, or is he, as Sukuna brags, just somebody who is considered the strongest when the King of Curses wasn't around to provide a contrast? Is he the most powerful sorcerer of all eras, or is he simply the one of his time, comparatively mild and peaceful? Two characters getting to be named the only honoured one throughout heaven and earth is an explicit contradiction, so how could both statements be true at the same time? These were the questions hanging in the air from the beginning, looming over both the audience and the characters' heads, and Gege undoubtedly has been laying the groundwork for Gojo and Sukuna's confrontation since the very start. So as much as I or anybody else may dislike it, the purpose of this fight was never solely to rescue Megumi. The debate over who should claim the title of the all-time strongest had come into question long before the necessity to save Megumi entered the equasion, it's been a thread unravelling itself throughout the whole narrative. If Gojo's arc is about to reach its conclusion, that could only be possible with this uncertainty dispelled. Now that we have a concrete answer, the narrative can move on from there.
What's also been a reappearing idea in the manga since the outset, is the notion that the strength positions individual's value in Jujutsu society, brought to us from perspectives of various characters. However, it's not the strength alone which defines one's place, or rather it's not all kinds of strength that are accepted as valuable and deserving of admiration. In actuality, what really matters is how well the person in question fits into the conventional image, which is backed up by centuries of tradition followed by those in charge. Otherwise the instances when extremely powerful in their own ways individuals are driven out to the outskirts of society just because they don't fit into the mold of traditionalistic beliefs enough wouldn't be present in the narrative, we just wouldn't have characters like Toji and Maki. The moral of their stories is, essentially, that in order to be recognized as an individual and have at least some singnificant say when it comes to making decisions in the Jujutsu world, you need to uphold a standard.
And by whom is that standard set?
My thoughts keep circling back to what Gakuganji once said regarding the defining forces in their society which Grade 1 sorcerers are, whereas Special Grades are rather 'something of a misrepresentation'. I guess those who are assigned Grade 1 really do have a greater influence on the world around them, and that is not due to their strength, but rather because they're setting an ideal for those below them in the hierarchical order. They're better fit to serve as role models, and in society where climbing to the top is a way to ensure survival, younger and less experienced sorcerers have no choice but to look up to those who thrive, seeking a way to achieve it, too. The strong get to dictate the standard, yes, but it's still essential that they uphold said standard themselves, providing an example. This even finds a reflection in the procedure of promotion. One needs to be deemed worthy upon receiving recommendations, and that requires having characteristics which fall in line with what is conventionally approved of. So while Gojo is considered the strongest of his generation, he is not, paradoxically, the most powerful player in the field, not in terms of political and influential significance. Not when he displays a mindset that is a stand-alone against traditional beliefs held by the absolute majority. That is a contradiction pointed out by Sukuna in early chapters: he finds it amusing that someone so strong plays by somebody else's rules.
How is all that relevant to the importance of Gojo winning the fight?
As we know, Special Grades tend to be lone wolves, too vastly outnumbered for their voice to be heard clearly. For instance, who in the Jujutsu world knows of Yuki's research and what fruit it bears, what insight into the nature of cursed energy her investigation provides? She's stigmatized for being a delinquent (I think it's no coincidence that the only thing Geto heard about her was how she didn't carry out her duties as a sorcerer), the work of her life going unnoticed with her death. It might be a complicated way for me to get to the point, but what I'm trying to say is that Gojo, as recognizable within sorcerer's society as he is, probably isn't that different from Yuki. No one really remembers his goals when asked to describe him. He's the strongest, and that's the only lingering impression of him. By coming out of this fight triumphant and therefore cementing his position on the top of Jujutsu society, Gojo makes sure he will be remembered -- just like Sukuna is still remembered, even though centuries have passed since he was at the peak of his power. With surpassing the King of Curses under his belt, Gojo's name is now set in stone, and so is his example for the future generations. This means Gojo's ideology will outlive him, and even if his beliefs might seem delusional as of now, it doesn't mean this won't change in the years to follow. Because the adequacy of one or the other set of ideas can only be measured by the context of society they exist in, and now that society has a stimulus to reconstruct itself, adapting to the views of someone who's proven himself ultimately superior judging by its own standarts. So yes, in the end Gojo and Sukuna both fought for the sake of proving they could win, but while Sukuna was after personal gain in terms of self-affirmation and growth, I'd argue that for Gojo it was rather about setting an example.
Now, to once again address my previous thoughts and how they've changed, I no longer think it's Gojo's loneliness that should be breached in order to bring about change. Gojo's being lonely is converted into somewhat of a symbol by the narrative, and, using a little bit of metaphor here, symbols should remain static, unchanged in order to carry meaning. In that sense Gojo still represents the flawed past which the main characters of the manga need to break away from, making him the last strong sorcerer forced to fight alone and trapped in his own position. Gojo as a side character needs to stay at least in some ways inferior for the protagonists of the story to outshine him, claiming the spotlight back. After all, it's all about giving way to the new generation, and Gojo himself acknowledges it well. He as a sorcerer of the previous, older generation is too well-ingrained in that very society which the whole narrative focuses on deconstructing. It's about surpassing your predecessors, and if anything, making sure his students will do so is Gojo's main goal as a teacher.
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sttoru · 6 months
gege just released another choso sketch / drawing . . . yeahhh wrap it up yall
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raamitsu · 1 month
read the analysis [that i just reblogged] and it somewhat connected to those two tweets which I shared earlier this morning.
like- ayooo... maybe it is true that Gojo was not just a random guy stuck in the middle of three descendants in that poster 🤯
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getousatoruu · 1 month
I mean because Gege put the joke of Gojo making fun of Miguel's accent and the most recent comment, someone can allude that Gege is racist/anti-black. If the point was for Gojo to make fun or taunt Miguel, there were many other ways to do so without what Gege made Gojo do. So many people especially black people could point out Gege's problematic behavior tbh. It's no secret that anti blackness is universal...
No way, no fucking way, the reading comprehension and understanding can not be THIS low in jjk fandom no fucking way.
If you think Gege Akutami trying to explore the racist aspects of a character in his own damn story makes him racist, then I beg you to start attending school again anon.
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lbhslefttiddie · 1 year
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then and now
#svsss#arts#backlog#shen yuan#shen jiu#luo binghe#you may be thinking: hey is that yqy over there? yes#why does he look like a salaryman?? because yqy is a sims 2 character trapped in the vessel of a student council president. next question#hey levanna what the fuck is going on here?? you know what. not even im 100% on that one chief#i had some vague notions about a murder mystery featuring a lbh who could see ghosts#and the ghost of a boy who has been stuck in his old friends' haunt (lol) for oh i dont know. thirty years#but see the thing is that sy doesnt know why he's here either!#he doesnt even remember dying but. well. he was always a sickly kid. he cant say hes surprised he suddenly kicked it#honestly it was such a mundane occurrence for him it must have been too boring to recall#but lbh spends time with yuan gege and pretty quickly comes to the realization that this is NOT the case#he finds like an old new article and in reality sy was found murdered in this place 30 years ago#and its much for likely that the trauma of the event is why he cant remember his death at all#oh and there was gonna be some drama where lbh suspects sy's now much older twin#who is now a teacher at their old school and a very different person from what sy remembers#but it wasnt sj he's just fucking traumatized by his brother being murdered in what theyd considered their safe place#he hates this school and he hates qi ge who never Really talks to him but is still fucking HERE (also teacher)#but he cant leave either bc he cant let go#and part fo him is still hoping to find answers for what happened back then#anyways i think this premise is all very good and sexy#but levanna's brain frankly was not built for writing murder mysteries#free to a good home if any of you fuckers want it#death#murder
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cieric-of-chaos · 2 months
why I am so disappointed...i know that he's not going to win but why am I so disappointed....I am not even interested in the next chapter anymore...why is Miguel there...that writer is running out of characters to kill, what even is happening anymore?
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andi-o-geyser · 8 days
not to interrupt my lotr queue but wtaf is going on with jjk. i feel like ive been given cursed knowledge. my friend convinced me to binge the whole thing and i finished 3 days ago. and now this. what the fuck.
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pontevoix · 9 days
actually lmao i dont hate it sfg i don't hate the leaks something was on the stove for a while & it might have overboiled
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elektrae · 16 days
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Gege tell me you're being for real oh my goooood please don't tell me it's a haibara situation PLEASE TELL ME SHOKO WILL HAVE HER MOMENT AKD GOJO IS ACTUALLY BACK
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chiarrara · 22 days
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