#what is core strength
How to Incorporate Strength Pilates Exercise into Your Fitness
"Strength Pilates Exercise" is a dynamic fitness regimen that combines the core-strengthening principles of Pilates with the benefits of resistance training. This holistic approach to fitness enhances muscular strength, flexibility, and overall body tone. Through controlled movements and mindful breathing, Strength Pilates Exercise not only builds a strong core but also targets various muscle groups, promoting balance and stability. It's an ideal choice for individuals seeking a comprehensive workout that improves posture, reduces the risk of injury, and increases overall vitality. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a beginner, Strength Pilates Exercise offers a low-impact yet highly effective path to achieving a leaner, stronger, and more resilient body.
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ace-lemonade · 2 months
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did he take gymnastics or something
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Very cool and not heartbreaking at all for the PJO show to emphasize that Percy is an outsider not only because he's new to the whole demigod thing, but also because he doesn't know the rules of being a traumatized kid with all the daddy/mommy issues possible
#Percy all the time: wait I treated them with kindness and didn't do anything bad#why am I not being treated kindly in return#absolutely everyone else: why on earth would you be entitled to basic human decency?#(and for the kids it's 1000% down to trauma and how they've been raised#so many of the foster kiddos I work with do the same thing#they either have to be so good and perfect (Clarisse and annabeth) that they can't be ignored which works until the parent moves#the goalpost and they're left in the dust with a perfect report card that doesn't get them a second glance#or they have to be so bad that their parents have to intervene (Luke) because#and say it with me folks#bad attention is the same as good attention if it's the only kind you ever get!!#watching this and revisiting TLT specifically has been crazy because they're kids who have been removed from home at their core#that's what our main cast of demigods are#all the year-round kids are removed from home and Percy's ability to go back home and love it just as much as he loves camp is something#that separates him throughout the series#he has a safe place to land during the TLO summer and he's using it and no one else seems to have that#Percy has a stupidly hard life but he has a home base to go to and most of those kids can't even comprehend that as an option#Percy's home is his greatest strength and it'll also forever be something that sets him apart from his peers#I just have thoughts on pjo and foster kids guys#silence emily#percy jackson#pjo tv#I'm arguing this isn't even a spoiler because it's been a running theme. fight me
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d1gnan · 6 months
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someone explain to me how I have remarkable balance on horseback, an ATV, or if my center of gravity is low (like if I'm squatting) but trip over my own feet and walk like I'm drunk otherwise. and how do i fix that
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zaynes-left-chesticle · 4 months
Okay I just read Zayne's "Still in Dark" anecdote, and now I'm crying and also my jaW IS ON THE GROUND, WHAT IN THE FUC-
enjoy the tags, I just needed to vent....
And I'm scared 🤣
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tamaharu · 3 months
i love reading fan-translated manga bc one group will make it sound incomprehensible due to the lack of localization, one group will make it sound completely normal, and one group will make it sound incomprehensible due to the extremity of localization. never change.
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moe-broey · 7 months
I need like. A Don't Make Me Tap The Sign about Alfonse Fire Emblem specifically about his character and how he's perceived sometimes. Like Book 7 Chapter 12 he's just like that. He's always been like that.
I feel like I've def said it more eloquently before probably in Book 5 (regarding Reginn and Fáfnir), where like. He Will try for and favor a peaceful solution, but if it's clear there's no way out without violence and killing the threat/adversary. He won't hesitate. He won't falter. Crit line literally references this actually, "Above all, the mission".
Like I feel like the difference between Alfonse just doing Alfonse things (most recent chapter Seidr having to kill Kvasir, no way out of it -- plus also even considering killing Seidr herself, if that were to end Gullveig) and the Letizia moment was like. The Letizia moment was a BOLD gambit he played, which is WHY it was so shocking in the story and as an audience member, and why I think it left such a deep impression. Still very in character for him and the way he thinks/problem solves on the fly, carefully evaluating the situation and what would be the best move with the highest rate of success. (THAT LAST BIT ACTUALLY........ he'll do this even with low rates of success, out of sheer stubbornness as well. Which is why I still stand by him being rash at times, a LOT of his rashness is disguised as "calculated risks" and he just has the willpower to pull it off. The worst-best type of guy to me LMFAO)
Going back a bit though, the Letizia moment also stands out as an example of how far Alfonse is willing to go to win, especially if his back is pushed against the wall. It gives you a FASCINATING glimpse into his character and into his mind. A lot of times Lif would be an enigma to me, beyond the basics, character wise. Like yeah I guess that would fuck up a guy. But his methods (working and making contracts with gods when especially as Alfonse he knows better than that??) would be inscrutable to me. But everything absolutely finally clicked when Alfonse made that gambit, playing to Letizia's personality and whatever preconceived notions she may have, that maybe Alfonse could find a weak spot in and take advantage of. Lif is doing the exact same thing. His judgement is maybe a little worse for wear on account of, well *gestures vaguely to all of him* but he's still very much doing The Same Thing.
LIKE. I'm def straying from my point which is. Alfonse isn't shy about having to resort to violence. It Is a resort. But if it has to be done, it will be done. Any damage control (such as Sharena's feelings -- she has CLEARLY been extremely upset these past chapters) can be resolved later. (This.... is also fascinating to me..... bc it's always been clear to me his loved ones are the people who ground him, who stop him from losing himself, from becoming cruel in his practicality and tendency for detachment. There Is his morality as well -- but his loved ones are a huge part in what keeps him kind.)
I guess what I'm really trying to say is. Hit me up next time Alfonse is playing 4D chess with the enemy or throwing himself in a ditch on purpose just to indulge his baby sister's current pet project. THOSE feel like standout examples of Alfonse Off The Shits (but still completely in character for him tbh), while like. The rest is just par for the course for him. Just another (especially traumatizing) Tuesday.
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posletsvet · 9 months
Nothing from what I've learnt this morning is true, I'm gonna cuddle up with my cats and stay in bed all day and daydream about everyone being alive and happy
#jjk#jjk leaks#jjk 236#the most cruel thing of all is that gojo never got to claim the happiness of his youth back#all he ever knew in his life was being the strongest and fighting#gege goes around saying things like what gojo truly lacks is the sense of self#meanwhile gojo was othered throughout his entire life for what he is#he was slaughtered for what he is#he was sealed for what he is#he was left fighting alone because of what he is#gojo coveted change but he himself remains a static symbol etched into the narrative#and now he dies and his death is nothing but a symbol a cautionary tale for others to derive meaning from#at the end of the day gojo is a case study of a romantic hero archetype#he rejects established conventions because they suffocate him as much as his strength does only to be rejected by his society in return#he is the center of his own existence but still carries ideology which has others placed at its core#and he dies for his ideal forever estranged from the world he's put in#and it is all in vain#and it is the cruelest thing of all#and it can't be true it's not true it's not true it's not true it's not true#i need to go scream in the woods#me: it's devastating and terrible and makes me feel sick. i'm emotionally overwhelmed and would not be prepared to talk about it for weeks#my brain: okay but what if we analyze it–#apparently my coping machanism is compartmentalizing#the narrative never pretended to care about gojo as a person his character introduces a body of meaning and that's it#and it's how it's supposed to be honestly since he's not the main character he adds to the narrative but he isn't supposed to drive it#but it still aches so bad#he dies so that his ideal can live on he is not a person he is a narrative's symbol and this is as far as objectification can go
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Surf’s Up! (Linked Universe story)
@bokettochild I am honestly surprised I did, in fact, get this written before midnight lol. Anyway, enjoy! :)
Summary: When the Chain settles in early, Legend seeks out some peace and instead ends up having a very eventful evening. Because where Wild’s concerned, nothing can be peaceful... especially when you throw Sky and Warriors into the mix. Fluff, fun, and chaos with the knights and the veteran.
The clouds created an overcast, shrouding the world below in dull light. A cold chill blew through the trees, blowing what remained of the dead leaves off branches and onto the ground in cascades of dull brown. Legend absentmindedly stepped on a few, listening to them crunch under his boots. He kicked a rock off the beaten path, watching his breath materialize in front of him in a cloud of mist.
 The group had set up camp early in the afternoon. With no monster sightings and a majority of the beasts eliminated, they were winding down in this particular era. It was nice, but it was almost too quiet. It made the veteran uneasy. He didn’t like not having a clear goal, and nothing about this adventure was clear.
 He wished they had something to work with. A particular temple to go to, an item to collect, a particular destination to free. This new adventure was literally just wander around and hope you find something. This adventure felt more like aimless walking with an occasional idea of what was happening with no end in sight.
 Legend’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard the clash of steel on steel. Alert, he hastened his steps, quickly making it to the other side of the trail into a small clearing. He slid to a stop when he saw Wild sitting on a hill looking ahead of Legend, the Master Sword on his back.
 The veteran approached the champion slowly, his eyes tracing from the back of Wild’s head to the sword to wherever he was looking. The sound of blades making contact emanated from farther into the clearing, down the hill a ways, and he finally caught sight of the source.
 Sky and Warriors were sparring.
 Legend watched the two for a moment, marveling at Sky’s speed as he dodged another attack from the captain. It was always fun watching the others spar. Legend sometimes made bets on the outcomes, and any day where the captain got knocked onto his backside was a good day, honestly.
 Shifting his attention to the champion, Legend asked, “You gonna go next?”
 Wild jumped, his hand flying to the Master Sword, when he stopped himself.
 Legend raised an eyebrow. “Boy, sure am glad you’ve got great situational awareness.”
 Wild rolled his eyes. “Oh hush. You sneak around like a little critter, it’s not the same.”
 “Right,” Legend quipped as he lowered himself to the ground, ignoring the mild ache in his knees. The ground was cold, and he shivered a little as his bare legs pressed against it. He pulled his knees to his chest. “Didn’t answer my question, though. Or did Sky already kick your butt?”
 Wild huffed with a smile. “No, not yet. I’m just watching. Figured I’d learn something.”
 “You could just ask him, you know.”
 Wild looked at his lap, his hands fiddling with his tunic. When he said nothing, Legend prompted, “Something wrong with that?”
 The champion sighed. “I… I used to be really good, apparently. He used to be really good. Anyway, I can barely remember anything these days.”
 Legend pulled Wild’s ponytail, garnering his attention with a yelp. “Enough of the self-pity talk, Champion. You’ve more than held your own in battle, and if I recall correctly, you summarily annihilated Ganon. You’re more than capable, so don’t give me that crap. We’ve got enough self esteem issues rolling off of Traveler, I don’t need you adding to the drama.”
 Wild looked at him with wide eyes for a moment before he shook his head and laughed. “I appreciate it, but I really wasn’t trying to be self-deprecating. I know I’m a capable warrior… and I do also wish Traveler would understand that he is too. But it’s not the same… I was a knight, and I thought I knew what that meant, but watching them…”
 “Being a knight isn’t some big deal, you know,” Legend snapped. “Just because they have those titles slapped in front of their names doesn’t mean they’re special. Knights more often than not were the morons helping the enemy by getting themselves tricked and trying to stop me.”
 Wild gave him a flat look. “That doesn’t mean they’re all like that, Vet.”
 Legend shrugged. “Of course not. But it also doesn’t mean that you should think they’re amazing just because they’re knights. Sky and Captain have proven their worth, their status as knights didn’t do that for them. You’re no different.”
 Wild hummed, looking at his lap once more. There was a yell and a grunt, and both Links looked below to see the captain on his back with Sky’s sword pointed at his face.
 Legend clapped. “What a great sight to see, thank you Sky.”
 The Skyloftian glanced up at them, eyes slightly widened in surprise, and then he quickly sheathed his sword and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. Then he reached down to help Warriors stand. The pair walked up to the two seated heroes, and Warriors made a scrunched face as he looked at Legend.
 “Thanks for flashing us,” he remarked.
 Legend let his legs slide to the ground in front of him. “I’m wearing shorts, you ass.”
 “Still a frightening sight.”
 Wild chuckled and unstrapped the Master Sword from his back, holding it out to Sky.
 “Champion wants you to teach him some sword techniques,” Legend interjected.
 Sky blinked, glancing at the champion. “Oh, really?”
 Wild froze for a moment and then threw a sharp gaze in Legend’s direction. Then he sighed and closed his eyes, furrowing his brow. “Actually… yes.”
 Sky smiled kindly. “Sure! Let’s go back down the hill.”
 Warriors crossed his arms, tilting his head as he looked at Legend. “How about I teach you some fighting moves? You could probably use it.”
 If looks could kill, the captain would be in pieces. “Pretty sure I’ve been fighting longer than you, so maybe I should be teaching you.”
 The captain huffed. “Well how about we spar and you prove it?”
 Legend shot to his feet. “Gladly.”
 Stomping down the hill, Legend felt his foot slip on some damp leaves and suddenly his world shifted as he slid the rest of the way on his backside. His cheeks burned and he heard Warriors laughing hysterically.
 “Are you okay?” Sky asked, kneeling beside him.
 Legend smacked his helping hand away, embarrassed and irritated, and stood. “I’m fine.”
 “Please teach me that move,” Warriors said as he caught up to him, his face glowing with amusement. “Does it have a name? Because I think the Veteran Slide would be a good one.”
 “I slide like that all the time down sand embankments,” Sky noted with a shrug. “Can’t really stand on the moving sand anyway, you have to kind of run against the current.”
 “Moving sand?” Wild asked. “It moves?”
 Legend ignored the conversation, adjusting his shorts, which had ridden up and practically given him a wedgie during the tumble, and his tunic, which was now covered in dirt and moisture. Sighing, he looked up to see that Warriors’ attention had been directed to the other two, and he felt his annoyance fade just a hair. Thanks, Sky.
 “Anyway, are you ready to get your butt kicked again?” Legend asked, drawing his weapon. “Because Sky’s not the only one who’s going to have that satisfaction.”
 “Ha! If you say so, Vet, but remember this is a sword fight. No fancy items.”
 Legend took a ready stance. “I don’t need my items to beat you.”
 Warriors smirked at that, also steeling himself for the fight. The two circled each other briefly before Warriors took the first move. Legend dodged it easily; he’d watched Warriors and Sky fight, he’d fought alongside the captain, he could figure this out easily enough. The Pegasus boots allowed him to be quick on his feet, preventing Warriors from ever landing a blow on him. Although he dodged around the captain, he himself couldn’t land a hit either. Warriors’ defense was rock solid, to the point that Legend almost started to wear himself out at the effort – every time they locked blades he’d send a riposte towards the veteran, who would parry and move into a sequence of attacks that would nearly break through but was never enough. He took some satisfaction in seeing that Warriors was also sweating.
Changing tactics, he instead held his ground and let Warriors draw closer. When their blades met, he tried to use his off hand to grip the captain’s wrist and keep his sword at bay. The captain dropped to the ground the instant his fingers curled around his wrist, bringing them both down with a grunt. Warriors maneuvered his blade to Legend’s neck just as Legend did the same thing.
 Both stared at each other, surprised and annoyed. Wild, who must have started watching at some point, whooped. “A draw!”
 “Hmph,” Legend curled his lip, climbing off the disheveled captain. “That was a dirty trick. Not to mention dangerous – you could have skewered yourself let alone me.”
 Warriors dusted himself off. “I had it completely under control.”
 “Right. Hence the draw, yeah? Because you totally wanted to not win.”
 “Maybe I just wanted you to feel better about yourself.”
 “Maybe you just need more training.”
 “Hey, I’ve got something that would be good training,” Wild chimed in. “It’s excellent for building core strength.”
 “What is it?” Sky asked curiously.
 Wild smiled, smacking his palm into his fist. “Shield surfing.”
 Legend gave him a bewildered look. “Shield surfing? I’ve heard of regular surfing, but…”
 Wild smiled maniacally.
 The next thing the veteran knew, he had somehow been talked into hiking up the nearby mountain with the other three, with Wild insisting that he’d seen some ‘great trails’ and that the ground was ‘soft and slick,’ which apparently was perfect for shield surfing. Legend still wasn’t sure about that.
 But at least he could get one last quip in as the four stood at the top of the track, side eying Warriors. “Guess you won’t be able to use my mirror shield to quaff yourself tomorrow morning.”
 Warriors groaned, rolling his eyes. “I’m never going to live that down.”
 “All right, I talked you guys through the basics,” Wild continued, ignoring the bickering. “So, whoever reaches the bottom first wins! Ready?”
 Legend plopped his mirror shield on the ground and stepped on it, wobbling slightly in place, his shield hanging at the precipice, his heart in his throat. He hadn’t had a chance to get a good look at the trail (Wild had insisted it was obvious and wouldn’t be a problem, which rarely boded well). Warriors pinned his shield to the ground with one foot but hadn’t committed to balancing on it yet. Sky assumed a similar position to Warriors, his body tense with anticipation. Wild, however, kept his shield on his back.
 What was he doing? Legend understood the game correctly, right?
 “Three… two… one!”
 Legend leaned forward and felt his stomach lurch as the shield tipped down the hill. He picked up speed fast, and he trembled as he tried to maintain balance. The shield rattled beneath him as it hit small stones and twigs, and he threw his hands out for balance. To his immediate left he saw Wild leap into the air and somersault before throwing his shield under his feet. Then he leaned forward and shot ahead.
 “Hey!” Legend yelled. Oh, he was not losing that easily!
 “See you at the bottom, Vet!” Warriors shouted from his right as he leaned away from him to dodge a boulder.
 Legend gritted his teeth. He was not going to be last. He hadn’t seen Sky yet, so at least that was something.
 The shield jerked under his feet, and he yelped, wobbling wildly and flapping his arms in an attempt to resituate himself. Doing so slowed his descent, which at least gave him the chance to reorient. In the process, Sky blazed by, completely at ease on his shield.
 “Get back here, bird brain!” Legend bellowed, bending his knees and tipping forward as he willed himself to go faster.
 Like hell was he coming in last, blast it!!
 He accelerated quickly, and suddenly the cold wind was stinging his cheeks as his surroundings turned into a blur. He could see Sky just ahead, easily dodging a tree stump. He could see Warriors wobble and yelp as he almost fell off his shield. Wild was nowhere in sight.
 Legend growled. He would get ahead. Narrowing his eyes, he lowered himself even more so his center of gravity was closer to the ground. As he did so, Warriors, who was just ahead on his right, wobbled too dangerously and his shield flew out from right underneath him. The captain went flying, landing on his back and rolling a ways down the mountain.
 “Sucks to be you!” Legend yelled in delight as he passed him.
 The trail, surprisingly, was pretty easy to spot. Legend simply had to avoid boulders and stay away from trees. He felt his adrenaline surge through him, giving him a rush like adventuring always did. This was admittedly quite fun if it weren’t for the anxiety of not knowing what came next.
 The mountain suddenly seemed to lose its gentle slope, and the grading of the hill sharply increased. Legend’s speed nearly doubled, and his joy started to shift to terror as he felt almost out of control.
 Legend yelled, the shield practically vibrating under him from the speed at which he was going, and a small rock was enough to launch him into the air. While in mid flight he could see the bottom of the mountain where Wild and Sky were standing, and he felt the bottom drop out of his stomach as his body finished its little arch and started to descend from the heavens. The ground became uncomfortably closer, and then—
 Legend landed flat on his face, groaning as the air was knocked right out of him (at least the packed leaves softened the blow) and slid on his face all the way to the bottom. He moaned when he stopped, not bothering to get up.
 “Veteran’s in third place!” Wild whooped excitedly from somewhere ahead of him. “I think the captain got wiped out.”
 Legend heard leaves crunch by his ear as Sky knelt beside him. “Are you okay?”
 Legend grumbled into the leaves. He was fine, but his pride sure as hell wasn’t. He wasn’t going to get up. He refused.
 “Wasn’t that fun?” Wild asked, seeming to understand that Legend wasn’t injured.
 Sky’s hand settled on Legend’s back, and the knight laughed. “Yeah, it was. I need to find a way to go faster, though, that definitely wasn’t enough speed.”
 “Wasn’t bad for your first go, honestly! I wiped out the first time I tried it.”
 “Okay, but I need tips, how do I go as fast as you?”
 “It’s all in how you—”
 Legend grumbled again, ignoring the excitable chatter between the two. He heard crunching leaves behind him and the captain’s baritone said, “Well, that was interesting. I see I wasn’t the only one who had an exciting landing.”
 “I’m glad you two are okay,” Sky said before adding, “Let’s go again!”
 “YES!” Wild yipped in delight.
 Legend finally lifted his face, spitting out leaves. “Great. This’ll be fun.”
 He really should have put his foot down after that first round. Instead, he and the captain trudged up after the other two, who were cackling like excitable cuccoos. As they lined up again, Legend smirked at Warriors.
 “Maybe you’ll actually get to the bottom this time.”
 Warriors stiffened, annoyed. “Yeah, and I won’t do it on my face.”
 Legend crossed his arms. “I still finished the race. You’re just a sore loser.”
 “Ready guys?”
 The two glared challengingly at each other and nodded for the champion.
 Round two went better. Legend knew what to expect this time, and he could plan accordingly. What he didn’t plan for, however, was Warriors hovering close to him.
 “What are you doing?!” he yelled over the wind.
 “You’re hogging the smoothest part of the track!” Warriors shouted back.
 “You jerk, get to your own part of the track!”
 “There isn’t a set path for any one of us!”
 “Maybe you should just be better at this so you don’t wipe out!”
 “Maybe you shouldn’t hog the smoothest trail!”
 He really shouldn’t have taken his eyes off the trail.
 Legend’s shield abruptly stopped moving while his body continued, and he realized only too late that he’d smacked right into a tree root. His body lurched once more, and he finally decided that yes, this was the last round.
 Particularly when he landed foot first and his ankle rolled.
 Yelling out, his body fell sideways and he tumbled briefly before clawing into the ground in an attempt to slow his descent. He finally stilled, but he heard Warriors’ own shield quickly coming closer. Looking up in horror, he saw the captain heading straight for him while desperately wiggling his arms in an attempt to avoid hitting him.
 When it became apparent that Warriors did not have enough control over his shield to properly dodge, he instead jerked his body hard to the left, shooting the shield into the air for some undetermined distance and letting him land on his hip and tumbled immediately in front of the veteran.
 Warriors slid to a halt, lightly bouncing against the veteran, and groaned.
 Blowing out a breath of relief, Legend laid back on the ground, trying to ignore the throbbing in his ankle.
 “You alright?” the captain asked breathlessly.
 Legend bit his lip, debating, and then admitted it. “Pretty sure I just twisted my ankle.”
 Warriors grunted as he sat up, brushing dirt and leaves off himself. “Well, at least it isn’t worse.”
 Legend huffed, about to protest that it was actually pretty awful, thank you very much, ankles were so temperamental it was oftentimes easier to break a bone than deal with a sprained ankle.
 Instead of saying any of this, though, he yelped as Warriors pulled him onto his back and held him there by supporting him under the legs.
 “Put me down!” Legend immediately protested at being carried piggyback style. “I’m not a kid!”
 “You want to walk on it?”
 “That’s what I thought.”
 It was quiet as Warriors carefully made his way down the mountain. The more he struggled with his footing, the worse Legend felt. He knew he was useless right now, and he hated it. Maybe he could just slide the rest of the way down the mountain, but he doubted it would end well. He just had to be dependent on the captain. He hated being dependent on anyone, but after the last incident with Twilight… he was learning to grow less hostile about it.
 Legend sighed, grabbing his wrist with his other hand and creating a loose hold around Warriors’ neck. “Thanks.”
 Warriors hummed, and the veteran could hear his smile in his tone. “Of course.”
 He felt his heart grow warm, and he poked the captain in the chest with his thumb. “If I hadn’t crashed I would have totally beaten you.”
 Warriors laughed. “You keep telling yourself that.”
 When the two reached the bottom, Sky and Wild both immediately approached. “What happened?”
 “Just a twisted ankle, nothing too serious,” the captain explained. “But I think the two of us are done with shield surfing for the day.”
 Wild immediately looked guilty, and Legend rolled his eyes. “Quit your stupid blaming and go for another round, I know you two are dying to.”
 They hesitated, glancing at each other, when the captain gave them the permission they were looking for. “We still have a bit of daylight yet. Go on. One more round.”
 Their faces brightened, and Wild grabbed Sky by the wrist, saying, “Okay, so since you still want to go faster, I have great idea, I’ll just use the stasis rune and you’ll be having the time of your life!”
 Wild and Sky’s happy laughs and enthusiastic words dissipated after a time, and the two sat at the bottom awaiting their return. Warriors gently settled Legend on the ground against a tree and out of the way for when they returned.
 Patting Legend on the shoulder, he said, “Well, I guess we’ll just wait. It doesn’t take long to climb back up there, I think.”
 “Yeah,” Legend agreed and then the two sat there awkwardly.
 Great. This was going to be fun. He knew the quiet wouldn’t last long; Warriors was among the chattiest of the group.
 As if on cue, Warriors questioned, “You think we have more monsters to track in this area? We haven’t found a portal, after all.”
 Legend sighed. “I doubt the Shadow would make it that easy for us, so probably.”
 Warriors hummed, leaning back and cupping the back of his head with his hands as he settled against a tree beside Legend. “You do fight well, you know.”
 Legend raised an eyebrow at him. “Hm?”
 “Our sparring from earlier. You’re a great warrior.”
 “I know that.”
Warriors laughed. “You’re almost as bad as me, you know.”
 Legend smirked. “Nah, I don’t come close to your arrogance, oh mighty Captain.”
 “If you say so, Mr. My-Nickname-Will-Remind-Everyone-That-I’m-Clearly-Good-at-This.”
 Legend choked on his spit, spluttering and coughing. “Why you little—!”
 “Easy there, I wouldn’t try to fight me now, you’ll be hopping all over the place. I don’t think I’ll be able to take it seriously.”
 Legend rolled his eyes. “I’d probably still kick your ass.”
 Warriors barked out another laugh, filled with joy. “You know, with your items you just might!”
 With a smile cutting through the scowl he’d previously had, Legend chuckled and sighed, relaxing.
 This adventure was definitely interesting and unpredictable, but he could live with that. He may not know what tomorrow would bring, but at least he knew he had his brothers at his side.
 It was actually kind of… nice.
 The peace of the moment shattered as both Legend and Warriors looked around wildly before glancing upward, following the sound. A small speck of a person was flying at a velocity Legend couldn’t even fathom, and the speck quickly vanished into the tree line.
 “What the f—”
 Wild abruptly slid into the clearing, his face flushed and mildly panicked. “Guys!”
 Warriors and Legend both looked at him at the same time, immediately knowing.
 “What. Did. You. Do.”
 Wild laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head.
 Legend groaned, rubbing his face with his hand. Okay, sometimes it was nice. Other times…
 Oh, who was he kidding? He enjoyed it, chaos and all.
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Core Strength: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Your Core Strength
Achieve optimal fitness with enhanced core strength. Our comprehensive guide covers the best exercises, workouts, and yoga poses to build a strong and stable core. Discover effective strategies to improve posture, prevent injuries, and excel in various activities. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, our expert tips and insights will help you develop a solid foundation of core strength. Unlock the benefits of better balance, reduced back pain, and enhanced athletic performance. Elevate your fitness journey today with our proven techniques for building core strength from the ground up.
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halfyearsqueen · 5 months
thinking about her calling her sons ‘ my strength and consolation’
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novelconcepts · 2 years
They do vulnerability with Mac so well, and in such careful doses. The soft reverence in the way she says, “They had tons of clothes” breaks my heart. So does the confidence in her mispronounciation of “chic”—a beautiful little reference to comic!Mac being a reader, often above her grade level, but feeling like she has to hide it. This kid has so many layers, and she wants so badly to keep anyone from seeing that, because in her world, every layer offers a new chance for someone to slice in deep. Prioritize tough. Prioritize cajones. Don’t let them see you’re smarter than they expect. Don’t let them see you wish you had more than your brother’s hand-me-downs. Don’t let them see you’re dreaming of getting out in a thousand tiny little ways. Let them remember only the brash outer surface, the one that can’t hurt when they don’t like it, because it isn’t really you.
Contrast this with the desperation in her voice when she thinks it’s all going to be erased. The panicked apologies. The hitch in her smile: “Let’s be honest—you couldn’t [forget me], even if you tried, right?” She knows there’s only so much road out ahead of her; she’s seen the stone in the ground. And she’s begging them—with that smile, always play-acting, just a little—to tell her again she’s more than just a tough little shit-starter. To tell her she’s worth remembering. That they will, even if she can’t stay. If I’m going, that moment says, I want it to be when you three can see who I actually am. I want friends. I want to be remembered. I want to matter. It’s all built to with such careful detail work over the season, and I am desperate to see more of it in the future.
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superfluouskeys · 4 months
i finally lifted weights again. i am so weak.
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freeonlineworkouts · 3 months
Full Body Workout: What is The Best Workout Program for Home?
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wet-toast-slime · 3 months
in regards to my unpopular opinion about pokemon does not own the monster collecting genre, and how not every monster collecting game is a pokemon clone--
if you want to talk about pokemon clones just look at palworld's plagiarism problem
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