#what causes eczema
not-spiders · 9 months
skin conditions are super fucking hot actually. like fuck the beauty industry we are SO beautiful dude
sincerely, someone with perioral dermatitis and rosacea who is fucking sick of being told i’m supposed to want to get rid of them for any reasons other than physical comfort. fuck you, this is my face. get the hell used to it.
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lunityviruz · 10 months
It is 4 AM and I have woken up with what appears to be an extreme an allergic reaction to something
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bluebeetle · 4 months
Cant tell if irs eczema on my arm or hives...
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waterloggeddaughter · 8 months
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youareunbearable · 2 years
My car died this week and I finally went out and bought a new one and Christ I Hate How Expensive Everything Is Right Now
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fyodorkitkat · 23 days
Don't take this badly but the wrinkles under your eyes are really cute
Thanks the ones directly under my eyes aren't wrinkles tho they are Dennie-morgan lines and I have had them since I was a kid.
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healthhub123 · 29 days
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I am tired of this sudden eczema breakout!
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mosspapi · 6 months
Hhhhhh I'm still not done the stupid drawing but I am starting to break out into eczema all over me in places I've never fuckin has eczema before and my body is telling me it's because I need to lay down. Which makes literally less than zero sense to me but I'm gonna lay down for 15 minutes and see if it stops
Edit: my body hates me why does laying down make the eczema stop. Literally what the actual fuck. I need to be put in a fucking test tube and studied like a little rat or some shit atp
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zincbot · 8 months
so tired of my single eczema finger
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safetyinmusic · 1 year
took me three hours to get out of bed cause stress nightmares and then immediately upon sitting down at my desk sneezed wrong and pulled my back/hip
I was just laying on the floor for like two hours today sucked
Also side note every doctor that asks you what level of pain you have and doesn’t explain the pain scale should be flayed
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oneshortdamnfuse · 2 years
Vaccine PSA
Since Monkeypox is spreading, I just want to inform people that smallpox vaccines are potentially very dangerous for people who have eczema / atopic dermatitis. A lot of people don’t know this, but exposure to the traditional smallpox vaccine even if it’s skin to skin contact with someone who has recently been vaccinated can cause eczema vaccinatum in people with a history of eczema. It basically causes a systemic reaction that could kill us without proper and immediate treatment. This hasn’t been a huge issue because we haven’t had to universally vaccinate for smallpox in a long time. However, one of the two monkeypox vaccines has the same problem according to the CDC. Yes, there is a safe vaccine available for people with eczema / atopic dermatitis called JYNNEOS, but the ACAM2000 monkeypox vaccine is not considered safe for us and you should probably avoid skin to skin contact with anyone who receives this vaccine. That also means you should not share clothes or other items with someone who received this vaccine until at least 30 days after their last dose. I’m not a doctor, but I do have atopic dermatitis. I generally don’t want to discourage people from getting vaccinated but a lot of people like me simply don’t know we’re not physically able to be vaccinated for this the same way as people who don’t have a skin condition. Please talk to your doctors first to figure out what you can do to stay safe at this time.
Just to clarify, ACAM2000 is not actively in use outside of people in the military and researchers. It's in consideration for usage. It is a live virus that can spread past the vaccination site. JYNNEOS is not a live virus and it is safe for most people and you may have an equivalent vaccine available in your country if you live outside the US, though some people are allergic to the ingredients. That's why you should talk to your doctors first to figure out what you can do to stay safe. I've already reblogged this post with links from the CDC, but here's another in case you missed it:
Please read it carefully.
Eczema vaccinatum and other complications are rare, but not impossible and most people with a history of eczema do not know about them. I am not against vaccination, but people should know that the risks are not zero with certain vaccines. If you do develop these complications, treatment is available and necessary.
The directions are still the same, regardless if you are vaccinated. Mask and clean surfaces for monkeypox. Do not share items with an infected person. If you think that you've been exposed to monkeypox, most people can safely vaccinate to prevent a bad case, so contact your doctor immediately.
My intention is not to fearmonger people into thinking they're at immediate risk of death if they have been vaccinated or exposed. It is only to mention risks that are already included by the CDC and other eczema organizations, but may not be well known, in light of the US considering using ACAM2000.
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paper-dragons · 2 years
Love having a mysterious skin thing going on that the drs are conflicted on so one arm gets one set of creams and the other arm gets a different cream <3
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To Get Relief You Need To Understand the Causes Of Eczema
Most sufferers of eczema use a life time of looking for relief with little to no achievement. This is for the reason that they unintentionally direct their efforts towards reliving the symptoms rather than eliminating the causes of eczema. Not that there is anything wide of the mark with relieving the symptoms. The itching and burning tenderness can mess up your day and steps to alleviate these needs to be taken. On the other hand, it needs to be recognized that although these symptoms can be kept to a bare minimum with creams and moisturizers, just having dried out skin is most likely not the cause and any respite will be momentary.
Symptoms of eczema
An approach that will bring control for the long-standing is to not only alleviate the symptoms of eczema but also take steps to do away with the causes or triggers. This will take a little more endeavor but is well worth it in the extensive run. The thing is one and all are different, so there is no one single examination or approach that will give you answers fast. It becomes a work out in trial and error, a process of eradication and knowing what is the cause of eczema?
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There are a number of types of eczema. The most frequent is referred to as "atopic dermatitis". There is also sensitive contact dermatitis and nummular eczema to name the major ones. This represents nearly all cases and you will notice which you might be suffering from as we go on.
What is the cause of eczema
Internal causes turn around the individuals’ immune system. In this state, the happening or the condition manifesting itself on top of your skin is caused by an overactive reaction of the body's immune system to different forms of anxiety or contaminates. Bacterium that by and large live on your skin or minor irritation factors in the surroundings is interpreted next to your immune system to be more serious than it in fact is and your body in point of fact starts attacking itself, in this case your skin. This is akin to individuals who suffer from lupus only not a severe.
An eczema flare up can also be triggered by mental and arousing triggers revolving around nervous tension. Anxieties flourish these days and pressures at work, school or even in the dwelling can be the prompt to an eczema flare. These types of flares are very difficult o control once upon a time started, accordingly preventing the stress or at any rate minimizing them on the front side is the most excellent approach.
External causes are a little easier to manage just the once identified but can be harder to sort all the way through at first for the reason that of so many possibilities. One frequent issue is the changing environment as far as warmth and moisture. Hot or Cold climates changes that are dried up, (with low dampness) can dry out areas on top of your skin causing eczema. Also your immune system can exaggerate to these changes prompting a flare. Believe it or not this happens more in the wintry weather in areas of very cold typical weather.
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newtkive · 4 months
shift shenanigans - social media au (pt. 2)
note: yes there’s the main work chat w carmy, the secret coworker chat w/o carmy, and the secret secret bestie chat w syd, marcus, and yourself. it would be canon.
warnings: crude humor, slightly offensive jokes
part one
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liked by carmyberzatto, marcus.brooks11 and 40 others
chefboyardee: life lately
see all 9 comments
syd_adamu: that pho was life changing
↳ chefboyardee: i think it was the best i’ve ever had
marcus.brooks11: feet off the table @syd_adamu
↳ chefboyardee: leave my girl alone
↳ richietheking: I knew you guys were lez
↳ syd_adamu: we aren’t and you can’t say that
↳ chefboyardee: oh.. we aren’t? ☹️😔
↳ syd_adamu: 😑
carmyberzatto: 🍲🔥
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[ 7:45 AM ]
y/n: did you see
did you see
syd: pardon??
what did richie do oh my god
did he post another picture of him with the gun from that one day
fuckkkk carmys gonna be so mad
marcus: nope i wish
y/n: he commented on my post 😭😭😭😭
syd: who
marcus: think about it
who else would cause this reaction
y/n: carmy!!!!!!!
i woke up to him commenting 🍲🔥 😍😍😍😍
syd: woah and the heart eyes?
y/n: no that’s my addition
syd: the bar is in hell
marcus: y’all so hype to be pregnant THEN BOOOMMM ‼️ THE BABY’S UGLY AND BALD WITH ECZEMA 😩🤨
y/n: bye im done
im leaving for work.
don’t talk to me ever again
marcus: bye 👋
why do you leave so early fool
syd: so she can be teachers pet
marcus: smh always there before everyone
y/n: not true.
syd: i thought you weren’t talking to us
y/n: 😒
marcus: want me to bring y’all an iced latte again
y/n: …. 😁
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[ 8:15 AM ]
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great job cleaning up after work yesterday 😊👍
richie: Is this a joke?
y/n: why would i joke about such a thing
carmy: Y/n what are you doing
y/n: u said to tell everyone their housekeeping is shitty
carmy: No I said I was going to tell them that, and you said no I’ll do it
This is not what I meant
y/n: well you yell too much
marcus: ouch
that’s my station 😔
carmy: Well clean it better
y/n: im using reverse psychology and positive reinforcement
carmy: Not what that means
y/n: well notice how no one’s mad at me
im making alliances day by day
richie: You’ve worked here for two years and we are already friends
y/n: so you’re saying you aren’t my ally
richie: No
We are definitley in an alliance
y/n: love u richie
richie: Don’t go that far
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chefboyardee’s instagram stories
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[ 3:25 PM ]
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he so fine im bouta cermmmmm
syd: …..
marcus: :O
y/n: why are you acting shocked
like i haven’t said this daily
tina: Woah girl who?
y/n: HUH
richie: I’m not in the picture I don’t get it
syd: let’s just keep working before carmy notices
tina: I don’t care I’m on smoke break. Who are you talking about girl? Spill the tea..
marcus: she was talking about me you guys
y/n: the guy in the back
oh i mean yeah marcus
tina: The meat delivery guy? He has a wife..
y/n: we are having an affair
marcus: no it’s about me
richie: I didn’t know Marcus and Y/n were a thing..
tina: Something ain’t right. No way they are.
marcus: we aren’t it’s just our sense of humor
y/n: i was just being funny!
tina: What did Jeff just yell inside?
syd: came out of the office and said “just cuz we’re slow doesn’t mean you can play on your phones” 👍💯
tina: Whatever. No chance Y/n meant Marcus. You got the hots for Jeffrey?
y/n: what no
tina: Well I wouldn’t blame you. He’s cute
its the tattoos isn’t it
richie: You have to be fucking joking
tina: I was playing..
y/n: im confused
syd: that was cruel
marcus: who cares it’s not a big deal
y/n: so you don’t think he’s cute tina?? ☹️☹️
tina: No he is cute… for you 😝
y/n: this is humiliating
richie: I’ll tell him
y/n: NO
richie im not joking i’ll put a bomb in your floorboards
richie: I’m just fucking with you kid
tina: This isn’t over.
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[ 3:40 PM ]
syd: y/n….
marcus: you look like a ghost y/n
y/n: i cannot believe i sent that to the wrong gc
i’m done im so done
marcus: stop looking so sad it’s making me feel bad
syd: it’s okay! just be thankful it wasn’t to the work groupchat with him in it..
marcus: true it could be worse
y/n: i guess so
thank you for trying to cover for me marcus
marcus: anytime you know i got you
syd: let’s get back to work before we start looking obvious
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scientia-rex · 5 months
Do you have any moisturization tips? :0
Oh DO I!
Listen, skin has two jobs: keeping you in, and everything else out. Skin has to do a lot of complicated stuff to make that happen. Skin is chock full of glands and pores and whatnot. There's dermis (deeper layer) and epidermis (shallower layer), and 99% of what we're doing from the outside is about the epidermis.
Epidermis grows in as layers--there's a bottom layer that has cells that will just keep dividing forever, and then the cells that divide off that layer will start getting pushed up towards the surface of your skin. As they get pushed up, the cells get flatter and more keratinized and eventually dead.
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That "stratum basal" is where you have your forever-dividing cells. So when you start something like Accutane, you can't transform the skin layers above it--you can only start affecting the skin as it marches upward towards its death and flaking off, so you have to give it months to take full effect. And we NEED to have some dead skin. It protects us.
Skin cells have proteins that hold them to each other. The goal is to form a watertight barrier. We need to keep water in because we are basically bags of water. Different protein issues (largely genetic) can cause different skin diseases.
Our skin also has glands that make protective oils (forming a powerful anti-bacterial barrier and trapping moisture inside) and sweat (because we DO want to be able to get rid of water, but only when WE want to).
So here's the thing about commercial moisturizers: none of them can put moisture back in your skin. That's just not a thing. The very best thing they can do is keep further water from leaving your skin. This is especially important if you have eczema, where you stand a good chance (about 50%) of lacking ceramides, which are critical to forming the natural skin barrier. As water evaporates off the skin, it takes more water with it. We don't understand the other half of eczema. Psoriasis involves dysfunction of the keratinization process, which is why those plaques form.
So the best moisturizers are those that create a moisture barrier without evaporating more water off. Any moisturizer where alcohol is a significant ingredient is worthless. Vaseline, or straight white petrolatum, is the best moisturizer. It feels greasy because it is. Its job is to form a watertight barrier, and greasy chemical are a lot better at that than thinner, waterlike chemicals. Moisturizers with silicones, like Aveeno (dimethicone is the active ingredient--I know, the bottle says oatmeal, it's a liar), will provide a fairly robust barrier without as greasy of a feeling. Lanolin, from sheep's wool, is also a great ingredient for forming a barrier, which is why I like Neutrogena Norwegian Formulation. Natural oils like jojoba (the best of the bunch) can be moisturizing, but just FYI, they're a tiny fraction as effective as white petrolatum. Like, less than 10%. I'm too lazy to get up and find my Cosmeceuticals textbook to remind myself exactly how much. So if you want "all natural," resign yourself to worse.
BUT!!!! Your skin is not all the same! You have scalp skin, face skin, neck skin, trunk skin, arm skin, leg skin, skin around your genitals, skin of the palms, and skin of soles of the feet. And all of those can act different. So I can't say "apply Vaseline everywhere" because that might be too much skin barrier for your face--what if your face has oil glands that work perfectly well? What if we need a lighter, less occlusive moisturizer? That's where my personal hell was for the last ten years as I struggled to find a facial moisturizer I like! What if you have oil glands that are overproductive? You may need a totally different moisturizer than I need! No good way to figure it out except trial and error while paying close attention to ingredient lists.
Sunblock is also a good thing to have but as someone who doesn't wear it because a) I don't go outside and b) it always breaks me out, I feel hypocritical talking extensively about it. I wear "dad hats" (at least a 2" brim all the way around) and long sleeves while gardening. You should definitely still wear sunscreen, though. Do as I say, not as I do.
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