transfaulkner · 1 year
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spy support group no smoking allowed
lazare belongs to @19orionis, the first spy is @friendlyengie's, valere and viche are a friend's, and the robospy is @throesofincreasingwonder's. the other 2 are mine :]
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cjsees · 1 year
pfsh okay who cares about sunny anyway do you have any other tf2 OCs possibly a demoman
LMAOOOO yes nico I do in fact have one other tf2 oc
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this young lady is Ceridwen Demophon Hughes, aka "Demo", my blu demoman oc! she specializes specifically in smoke bombs, and her skillset is tailored around debuffs and making life difficult for opponents as much as it does around plain old explosions. she's a self-proclaimed "hippie" in that she is VERY adamant she HATES violence and she does NOT want to kill anybody, but in reality what this means is more often than not that she wants to see how close she can bring someone to the very brink of death yet leave them alive. she considers herself an Artist and she considers this practice an Art and she loveeeesssss all of her canvases :]]]]
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If Sunny is my more serious tf2 oc (à la heavy from the comics, usually serious with occasional levity), demo is my more comedic one (more like scout, mostly humorous with some serious moments). she typically comes off as absentminded and her moral system is a mystery to everyone including herself, but she's quite the genius when it comes to chemical compounds and she's not half bad a companion!
fun facts:
she is 6' 6"
grew up on a farm in the middle of rural wales with about 5 million siblings (exaggeration) and sends individual gifts to every single one of them every holiday
she collects things but not, like, things you buy, just things she picks up off the ground. she has like 80 sticks in a box
she crochets things for people if she likes them! she will hand you a perfectly made full crocheted sweater that looks like it took a whole year to make and clasps your hands and tells you gently that the greatest thing you could ever do with it is wear it into battle and get it blown up
has absolutely terrible impulse control combined with quite a lot of curiosity. she will absolutely stick her hands into a patch of poison ivy to pick a cool berry she's never seen before, only to find out the berry is also poisonous and she has to send herself to the er
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cabinette · 1 year
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More OHW Art because god forbid i EVER stop pestering my friends about their OCs. Here's a class-swap between @cjsees's Sniper (Sunny) and @transfaulkner's Spy! (Pascal)
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ammkooo · 9 months
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Ex de IIC T6 Explosion-proof LED Emergency Light 2x3W for Zone 1, 2, 2, 22 Hazardous Areas Lighting
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orioonsstar · 1 year
Whimpering and Begging | HurtNoComfort fic
(Heavily Referenced the game for this, its kinda shittily written but i tried nonetheless, plot is changed quite a bii minus the minor details.. word count is like 3800+ so be wary if you read.)
CW/TW: Major Character Death, Angst Soap dies.. i mean what... noooo....
Graves had betrayed them, and fuck did it hurt.
A voice was struggling to pull him back from the harsh ringing plundering his hearing. Soap looked round, trying to figure out who was speaking to him.
Ghosts blurry face came into view, his senses coming too-- "-Johnny, get out of there." He watched a blurry fist come down, "SOAP GO." The words were heavy on his already beating skull, fucking hell... his body twitched as he pushed the heavy body off him. 
"Ghost.." He moved to crawl to him, but Ghost shook his head "Go Johnny, run."
His heart hammered as he looked toward the barrier, he nodded back towards Ghost before pulling himself over the barrier.
"STOP HIM." Graves yelled, he stumbled forward gun shots flying all around him, most narrowly missing save for one -- a bullet shot right through him, he fell hard scraping his knees through his pants. Holy shit.
He tumbled down, falling onto his chest, the dirt was turning to mud and caused him to begin slipping down the hill. He cried out as he tumbled, his body twisted and contorted, head banging against the loose ground.
He could do nothing but take the onslaught of pain being thrown at him.
The shadows calling to eachother became silent as he slid farther and farther away, finally coming to a stop he whined.
"Shi-t," he stammered, eyes wide and filled with tears. He placed a hand over his wound and forced himself up, the pain seared through his body as he got out of there, away from the heavy fire of guns. He was crying now, barely able to breathe as blood pooled in what he hoped wasn't his lungs - god damn it this isn't how he wanted to die. 
Making it to a wall he collapsed, wincing as he pulled his hand away he rasped staring at his blood covered glove, it dripped down and onto his pants staining the dirty brown red. His ears were filled with cries of a young woman, begging what seemed to be the shadows for mercy. Groaning he reached to the comm on his chest, switching the radios until there was silence. Sure Ghost would hear him he spoke into it, "This is- shit, bravo 7-1.. in the blind..." he winced, "How copy?"
He waited a moment, no response. "Ghost, This is 7-1, do you copy?"
Letting go of the comm he felt utterly alone, leaning his head back against the cement wall. He whimpered, "fuck,, Where are you Ghost?" knowing he wouldnt get a response, but needing to keep himself talking if he didnt want to die.
Pulling himself up slowly, he stammered into the alley way, two dead bodies of what seemed to be young men lay there - stiff and covered in blood. What a fucked way to go.. he couldn't help but feel sorry for the men. Pain flared up in his chest, he lost his balance and crashed into the ground, surely he must have a concussion now. He'd banged his head so much...
Struggling to get up his comm crackled to life, "Soap-- This is Ghost, how copy?" There was urgency in his voice, Soap could barely move at this point, crying out as he crawled forward.
Wincing hard he forced himself to his knees, the pain was excruciating sending flares all over his body. He didn't want to move anymore, just wanted to lay there and cry. His comm crackled again, "Johnny... how copy?" 
A twitch of a smile pulled at his lips, so Ghost really did care huh. 
He pressed on the comm, "Solid." It was wheezed out but Ghost didn't catch it, "Thought we lost ya." Fuckin' brits.
On all fours Johnny crawled towards a car, grabbing onto the bumper to pull himself up and onto his feet. He leaned down, Shadows moving somewhere infront of him, he could hear them talking. Graves voice caught his attention..
"2-0.. Your men cordon this area.. Yeah? If Soap, Ghost or Hassan's here, let's keep em contained yeah?" 
And to think he actually started to like Graves. 
Bodies littered the streets, it was a scary sight honestly, nonetheless Soap crawled up to a couple of bodies and sat near them as Graves passed down the road - he nearly wretched at the smell. He was best to keep out of sight though, he wasn't able to fight in this condition. He crawled between cars and next to buildings, he was trying to get to the alley way Graves came from without being spotted.
"Oww" He cried, pushing himself to his feet. He looked around the area before leaning against the wall next to the alley way entrance, Ghosts voice startled him.. had he accidentally pressed the comms button while getting up?
"You injured?" It was stark, straight to the point. 
He felt like he should hide his injuries from Ghost, unsure if he would just leave him behind knowing his condition. He groaned settling for a half and half answer. 
"Whats the difference?"
Ghost chuckled through the mic, "Life and Death." With that he was gone again, Soap screwed his eyes shut for a moment before peaking down the alley way. Three men were at the exit, moving round a car and out into the streets. He hissed lowly, "Where are you, L.T?"
"Theres a church. Im heading to it, lets RV there." There was no fighting the way he said it, off in the distance he could see the makings of a church. He hoped he could get there before he bled out. "You'll need to improvise to survive, keep it careful and maybe you'll make it."
Graves voice brought him back to reality, shit, he peaked down the Alley again, "The shadows are on a killing spree. Fucking murderers." 
"Looking for Hassan."
Soap Tsked lightly, unheard by Ghost, "Hassan and us,  i heard them."
The shadows were threatening and forcing what seemed to be the cartel against the wall, questioning them while using brute force. It was sickening. Holding onto the wall for support he moved down the alley way and behind the parked car, the street was full of Shadows. He ducked against the car, hand flying over his mouth to muffle his cries of pain. 
All he could taste was iron, whether it be from him slowly dribbling out the blood in his lungs or from the blood covered glove pressed there.. he didn't know, he also didn't wanna find out.
"Do it." Graves commanded his men, a few gun shots going off as bodies hit the ground.
Soap grunted, "fucking hell.."
Graves directed his team around the corner, "found some dirty cops, lets go have some fun with them shall we?" He spit on the ground, team following him as he walked out of sight.
Now in the clear he moved forward, Ghost crackled alive in his ear "Advise you move interior, if you're not already. It's good cover."
Watching down the street he moved toward into an open garage, pulling on a door. Locked. "No joy.. doors locked L.T."
"Look for supplies- things you can make tools with." Always good with advice, Soap huffed out a laugh immediately regretting it as his chest lit up like a fire on christmas. "Welcome to Gorilla Warfare, McTavish."
Gathering some supplies he came back to the door, popping it open whilst breaking what he'd just made. The heavy movement of busting the door open made him pause for a break, he leaned against a table, unfinished food and chairs scattered. Someone left in a rush..
He heaved for a moment before continuing on, he crouched around the house, he could hear women and children crying and begging for help. 
"Don't hurt my children.. im begging you.. please.." A woman cried out, a small child screaming for her mother, they continued to cry out as a loud gun shot was heard. Soap winced, knowing he could nothing to help the civilians right now. He hurried out into the living room, moving around. 
"Take the kid, get him out o' here." Graves.. fucking hell.. atleast he wasn't sick enough to hurt the kid. A shadow began talking to the child, "Let's go, come on, you're with me," the child cried, "quiet, come on... shhhh-shhhh."
Graves laughed, "oh look what we got here, more policia. Cops, helping cartels." He paused, Soap froze and covered his mouth, "Let's show 'em how we handle corruption!! Yeah-"
"Happy to, sir." 
"El Sin Nombre, will kill you for this." The cop spoke, anger evident in his tone. Graves barely chuckled, "Oh, no, no. El Sin Nombre's no beuno right now, amigo."
"He'll cut your fucking head off-" A shadow kicked his face in, knocking him to the ground. Soap winced backing up and away from the door. 
"Shut, the fuck, up!" Graves spoke again.. Soap was to close. He backpedaled towards the stairs, limping up them and into an open hallway. "No more talking." 
A guy stumbled out of a corner, knocking into a table and collapsing. 
Soap was startled to say the least, "creeping fucking jesus.." he coughed, then winced. Graves could be heard downstairs, talking to the cop.. it didn't sound all to good. The cop threatening to rip their balls off.
Swallowing, Soap moved forward, toward the fallen man, he barely moved other then to offer a weak groan. Hissing he moved round him, he moved into a sheltered little closet area -- maybe a storage room? Either way a head lamp rested on the ground, 
Graves voice was loud and clear outside, though through the ringing he barely caught the end. "...Keep your head on a swivel for these Brits.. Take 'em dead or alive.. you know my preference."
Soap scoffed, he was no brit.. he was a proud scottsman. 
He focused on updating Ghost on his predicament, "Found a headlamp... not to far away from its.." he glanced back at the dying man, "original owner."
"Good. Careful with it. Can light your way but attract unwanted attention."
"Whats the latest?" Was there a tinge of.. concern in his voice? Soap must be loosing more blood then he thought.
Speaking of, he looked down at his abdomen, stomach and chest covered in blood and then some. The latest wasn't good, not good at all. He tsked himself, to hell with it if he was bleeding out, if he was so cold he could barely feel his fingers.. it didn't matter as long as he got where he needed to. He could get help if he just kept pushing.
"Mercs are killing everything in their path." Short, keeping his own problems out of it.
A scoff, "War crimes.."
"Yeah, makes me want to commit a few war crimes of my own.."
"Tyranny. It won't stand." Ghost was a cold blooded asshole but.. he believed in the peace of civilians so.. maybe there was some good in him.
Spluttering Soap knelt down, spitting up blood onto the wooden floorboards, no more then there was before he supposed. "You think we'll get a green light to go after these guys?"
"No more green lights, Johnny. We're on our own." 
That didn't sound to good.
A short few quips later, Soap found himself prying open another door, he found himself in predicament when a caged dog began barking at him. 
"Whats going on up there?" "Dunno, i'll go check it out."
"Shit's hitting the fan right now.." He looked around the room quickly, making an escape through the balcony. He lifted himself over the fence piece, "You see the caged dog?"
Judging by how high up he was, this was going to hurt -- especially since he was incapable of properly putting himself in a landing position. He gnawed on his lip, "Big Geezer. If he barks, shoot him and repo quickly--" No remorse.. "Don't get compromised."
With a pray sent to any gods listening, Soap jumped down landing hard on his side. He gritted his teeth together, fuck that hurt... he laid there for a moment, breathing in and out trying to lessen the pain bouldering in his side and chest.
Ghost crackled through, "Gimme a sit-rep."
Once again forcing himself to stand he groaned, "Outside.. Gated Alley."
"Stick to the edges and stay low."
Leaning against the wall for support he moved round, trying to find a proper exit. "You may get a brag rag for this," Ghost teased, the scott huffed out a laugh, "a medal?" "Chest candy."
"Thats all rubbish." He groaned, "Well, you said you wanted a win. Congratulations, you're a winner.."
Soap smirked, resting against a wall, "Away n' bile yer head..!"
"English, McTavish.." Ghost teased again.
"Sorry sir.. let me translate.. Go fuck yourself."
"Much Better."
Silence over took the two, Soap slinking down the wall to catch a much needed break. He pulled off his vest, revealing a bullet hole that went straight through the back and out the front. "So thats how you're bleeding then.." 
He groaned as he pulled out some duct tape, supposed to use it for something later but right now... he thought he might lose consciousness. He wrapped it tightly round his abdomen, not as good as gauze but would have to do for now. He slunk the vest back over his chest, tightening it with a grumbled laugh. 
He had to keep going.
"I've set up a sniper position in the church tower. Find your way there, and you might just make it." Ghosts most comforting words.. ever. Soap had made his way to the roof tops, watching as shadows beat up and killed three cops, they were berating them for working with narcos. It was brutal to watch.
Clicking on the comms he spoke quietly, "Graves is rounding up cops.."
A response was quick, "Hes judge, jury and executioner now."
The comms crackled before turning off again, Soap sighed as he watched the final cop get his brain shot across the cobble path. As the Shadows began moving away, Soap made his move, sliding off the roof and onto the ground. He winced and grabbed at his chest, the tape was rubbing the wound the wrong way.
Moving round the fountain he picked up a bottle, alerting Ghost to what he'd found, "Good for a distraction. Make it count, Johnny."
The shadows were talking about Ghost over comms, it caught his attention only because of the last sentence. "You're right, you won't see him, if you see him you're dead already."
Soap didn't know much about Ghost, but apparently his reputation proceeds him even now.
He had to get the attention of the guard away from the exit, he gripped the bottle a little tighter. Good for a distraction. He looked around, carefully planning where to throw it. Focusing on the fence he tossed it the guard immediately turning to check it out. 
"Tossed the bottle, worked like a charm."
"Told ya.. Pay attention and you just might learn something.."
Cheeky bastard.
Pain flared in his chest suddenly and he fell forward, barely catching himself. He pulled himself behind a planted bush, squeezing his eyes shut tight and begging for the pain to go away, begging for the ringing to stop. All he could see was white, all he could hear was ringing and that is not a good sign.
He took control of his breathing, and slowly the ringing faded away until he was able to hear the guard move back into position. Shit. He'd wasted his opening because of this stupid injury. He groaned, moving to his knees and looked round the area spotting another bottle. 
Hurriedly he picked it up, he aimed slightly farther away and threw it. The guard didn't react like he had before though, merely turning in the direction and shining his light. It was better than nothing though.
Quickly Soap slid by him and into an open doorway, he grabbed another bottle as well as some wax.. he was sure it'd help later -- lord was he right, he found some chemicals and Ghost was happy to tell him how to make a smoke bomb.
"A Toxic distraction."
Soap smiled, "Sick.. I like it." As long as he didn't hurt any civilians in the process he was all for it.
Ghost was quick to quip back, "Guarantee you they won't." The teasing edge was back, replacing the serious undertones he'd been replying with. Soap made his way out of the.. shop?.. He didn't quite know, he slid past another guard and down a back alley. A dark and cold back alley. There was no way out through here, he had to go by the guard. 
Not knowing if he'd actually win the fight due to his injuries, he rested against a shop door.. Mentally preparing himself to die in a fight against a shadow personnel. Pulling a bottle from the ground he took a deep breathe, slowly moving towards the Shadow. 
"Feeling weak are you?" Ghost startled Soap, causing him to take a few steps back and press against a nearby wall. "A bit shaky-Sir. Yeah."
"Graves tried to kill us, would stand to reason if you were a little off."
Of course yes, the trying to kill them through him off but the constant pain in his chest and arm was another factor -- a factor he wouldn't bother the Lieutenant with, but a factor nonetheless. "Find a stim- it'll give you a boost."
"Yes sir."
Slinking by the Shadow again, Soap moved into another shop, he found more chemicals and a mouse trap.. that could prove to be pretty useful.
He stumbled down a hall way, falling into an open door. A dead Shadow greeted him, "Ghost, you missing a knife?.."
Soap was a bit to excited, "Think i found one."
A little cheeky Ghost crackled through the comms, "Some of the dead shadows are.. my handiwork."
"You came through here?" His voice cracked slightly, but he covered it with a cough. "On my way to the church."
"And you left me?" Soap wouldn't lie, that kinda hurt.. almost as bad as being shot in the chest. "I'm used to working alone." Ghost, ever so heartless.. 
"So much for no man left behind." He was a bit snarky in his response, but he was hurt that Ghost would just leave him. "Just.. get yourself to the church. 'M tryna keep you alive n' get you here in on piece. One of us needs to survive to tell the tail."
That one of them seemed more, and more likely to be Ghost with how hard it was to breathe. But as always.. Soap bit through it. "Taking a shine to me then?" Trying to joke his way through the pain.
"Not in the slightest." That was more then obvious. "Still got a lot of ground to cover."
With a sigh, Soap pulled himself through a window, he moved down the alley way finding a small black box. Opening it revealed some interesting treasures... "Seek and ye shall find.."
"Whatchya got?"
"Black powder." They seemed to jump over the last hurdle, going back to how they were before. 
Soap could hear the slight smile through the comms, "Nice, this could get interesting.."
Pulling out the tape, and mousetrap Soap fashioned a homemade mine.. so the mousetrap did prove to be useful. He took a moment before deciding to tell Ghost, "a man after my own heart." It was teasing, breathless and most of all not meant to be flirty.. but it struck somewhere in Soaps heart, he bit back a smile.
"Thought you'd like that."
"You thought right."
Now smiling, he made his way round the streets, a shadow blocked his exit. Slowly he creeped up behind them, having taken the knife with him, he launched up grabbing the shadow in a choke hold and stabbing him in the neck. He threw them down, pulling the knife out and taking their gun. 
The Shadows comms were going off, asking Shadow 3-1 to respond -- unfortunately he wouldn't be responding any longer. He shuffled away from the body just as the comms crackled again, "this is Shadow 2-7, im on my way to check out 3-1."
Soap hurried to move out of sight, pulling himself into a nearby shop and moving out and around. He dropped his head down a Shadow moving just outside the building, he crawled out the open door and into the streets. He sprinted across the street and into another building, Ghost coming to life in his ear. 
"You'll need to go through the tunnels, keep in mind sergeant theyre flooded. It's gonna be a cold swim."
"Yes sir.."
He'd waded through the tunnels, taking out guards in his way, taking breaks when needed. All this movement made him feel like he was about to pass out, but he was so close to finishing this, to being safe. 
"I've got your back sergeant, im you're guardian angel right now, stay safe."
Soap groaned, as of current he was tucked against a wall -- Ghost was keeping watch, heat flooded his chest. He pulled out an adrenaline shot, he'd had it tucked away just for this. For when he knew he wouldn't be able to hold himself up anymore. 
He popped the lid and slammed it into his thigh, eyes rolling back as relief immediately flooded his system. Easily moving to his feet he shuffled to the door, trying the handle only to find it locked -- with a grunt he manufactured a pry and weaseled it into the door. Popping it open only to met with a Shadow, knocking him on his ass and pointing a gun at his head. 
It was commanding, his ears rang from the brute force of being knocked in the head with the barrel of the gun. His sight went black for a moment as a gun shot rang out, blood splattering all over him and bringing him back to his senses. 
Another Shadow moved forward and he was quick to shoot them, crying out as he pulled himself to his feet. So much for the adrenaline shot, he thought to himself. Moving out of the building, shooting any Shadows that dared come to close. 
"Holy hell.. Ghost was that you?"
"Who else?.. Now go." It was urgent again, Ghost could tell they were on bought time, if they wanted to RV they had to move fast. 
Johnny moved quick, making his way to the church, he watched as Ghost threw himself over the fence. "That'll do, sergeant."
Soap smiled, he took a second before opening his mouth, Ghosts eyes widened "Shit Johnny-" But it was to late, a bullet rang through the air. Slicing clear through the centre of Soaps neck, he collapsed against Ghost, spluttering,, "No you made it Johnny, c'mon, you made it."
Ghost returned the fire, pulling Johnny with him to behind a car, the latter was spluttering and coughing, tears in his eyes. "G-ost, p-se" He cried hard as the pain took ahold of his body, there was no saving him from this. 
"Johnny, no come on, Johnny stay with me."
Ghost hated to admit it but he'd grown attached to the Scott, he imagined they'd be good friends after this - heaven knows Ghost needed one. "Johnny.." He spoke softly, wiping his sweaty hair from his forehead. 
Heavy gunfire was upon them, and as much as it pained Ghost to have to leave Johnny he couldn't carry the body with him. He couldnt save Johnny from this. 
With a soft smile, Ghost lifted his mask just enough for Johnny to see, if he could see at this point. "You did well kid, so well." With a pained smile, Johnny went limp in Ghosts arms. He was going to kill Graves for this, Johnny had so much to live for, he was so young and inspired.. with hatred in his heart he pulled down his mask and got to work, killing every Shadow in sight.
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taimonromance · 1 year
Oscar in WF2
To read this post, you must be familiar with this post in order to know who Oscar is. Otherwise, you won't understand anything.
[Warning: this is not fanfiction, just an idea of what could have been.}
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Willy Fog 2 is a pretty weird thing in many ways, even the animation… nevertheless, I'll try to imagine how much the story would change (or even improve) if there was an Oscar.
The first thing is Sullivan's absence because he left London at the end of the first series in my version. Accordingly, there will be no bet here and the Transfer, which will try to interfere with the main characters. The beginning will be about the same, the gang, but together with Oscar, who is the adopted son of Willy and Romy, they receive an invitation from Professor Lidenbrock on an expedition to the center of the Earth. During the six months Oscar lived with Fog, he got a pet raven named Edgar (he named it after his favorite writer) and believe me, this bird will still have an important role. During the train ride, Oscar befriends Axel and they discuss various books and historical eras. However, their life views differed, Oscar wanted to travel and see everything with his own eyes, and Axel really wanted to stay at home, as it turned out in the end. They did not condemn each other, but simply said goodbye and Oscar and the gang get to another city, from which they planned to start going to the center of the Earth. Although Oscar really wanted to go along with Willy and the others, Willy considered it a risky idea to take a child with him, it is still a very dangerous journey, but Willy promised him that after that they would have fun together, which encouraged Oscar.
Willy, Rigodon, Liedenbrock and Hans go to the center of the Earth, while Romy, Tico and Oscar stayed in the city.
And this is where important changes begin. Remember these guys?
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Willy and the gang met them at the mountains in canon version, but in this version they live in the city where the main characters are staying for a while. The fact is that when Willy won the bet, he became a fairly famous person throughout the world, which entails the fact that you can have envious people and people who want to kidnap you in order to get some kind of ransom. Sid and Billy decided to take advantage of this.
Meanwhile, Oscar was just in town minding his own business. He still remembered Sullivan and… he wanted to find him. Maybe he still resented him for leaving him, but after all he took care of him for 13 years, for which Oscar was a little grateful. The boy had hope that Sullivan could be in this city and decided to start searching, he really wanted to talk to him and maybe Sullivan redeemed himself during this time, Oscar really hoped so. He released Edgar the Raven from the portable cage and showed him Sullivan's photograph, which he still kept in his jacket. "We really need to find this wolf." - Oscar told him "as soon as you spot him, fly back to this house and let me know about it, okay?". They split up, the little wolf was looking for his father in the city, and Edgar flew to another part of the city to spot something.
Sid and Billy watched the little wolf's attempts to find someone and overheard his conversation with some villager, they realized that they had the perfect chance to capture Oscar and use him for their plans. They told him that they knew where the wolf from the photograph was, and the boy did not immediately realize that it was a trap. Only when they entered the forest did he realize that something was wrong here… "If you know who this is, you know his name right?" But unfortunately for him, it was only a trap and they quickly revealed their true intentions. There was nothing Oscar could do but obey his captors and go to the mountains with them to be their guide, as they think he is smart enough to lead them through the mountains. Their plan was to capture Oscar, get to the volcano, meet Mr. Fog, and offer to trade the boy for supplies to travel to the center of the Earth and money.
It was a long trip, as I recall in the original, Fog and the gang took several days to get there, so Oscar spent quite a bit of time with Sid and Billy. They didn't have much food, so obviously the little wolf was starving and it was very painful for him to move around. He never thought that the adventure would be like this… he thought it would be much easier than the situation he found himself in….
They get to a cliff and see a volcano, it was a long way to go before Oscar saw in the sky how Edgar was flying here to help. A bird attacks one of these dogs, pecking right in the eyes, and when they try to unhook the raven, Oscar takes the opportunity to push them both off the cliff.
The dogs fell screaming and Oscar was horrified by what had just happened. Had he killed them? He didn't know the exact answer, but he didn't have a choice… Oscar quickly writes a letter in which he writes to Romy that everything is fine with him and that he is with his dad now. He asks Edgar to deliver it to the city and the bird flies away.
Oscar is left alone and does not know what to do at all … he cries and does not believe what just happened. The little wolf is traumatized by this event, but it was too late to go back and without food. He hoped to have time to find Willy and get help from him. Luckily, Oscar finds the gang and they all noticed that something was wrong with him… his jacket and trousers were dirty and torn in some places and the boy himself looked very tired. He categorically refused to say what happened, but Willy only said that they would talk about it later. Mr. Fog did not believe that Oscar came here of his own free will.
Even though Oscar gets food and water, he was still nervous and started to panic… they walked for many days, saw the skeleton of other people who were here before them, Oscar began to think that all the words of the professor were lies and he accuses its in what happened. He makes a scandal and, out of emotion, calls Professor Lidenbrock various bad words, "it is because of him that we are stuck here. It is because of him that we will die here!".
The gang didn't know what to do with Oscar or how to calm him down. Willy decides to take matters into his own hands and he retired with his son to console him. If my words were a series or fanfiction, then trust me, this dialogue would be the most touching of all in the entire history of the franchise, but since this is just an idea from my head, then you just get the information that Oscar confessed Fog about what really happened.
Willy was truly horrified to hear of this, promising that he would deal with the aftermath of Sid and Billy's fate after the journey and that they would try to find Sullivan together. Oscar calms down and the gang moves on. They achieve their goal as it was in the original version. Willie passed on information about Sid and Billy and later rescue services were looking for them to help and then they were both convicted of kidnapping and child abuse and were arrested.
And now it's time to go under the water!
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I don't really have many ideas of what Oscar might be doing in this part of the series, but I have an idea for an interesting BROTP:
As you remember from the first post about Oscar, he is a hybrid of a wolf and a fox. Half-breeds in their world may be bullied due to racism. And according to my headcanons, Ned Land is a hybrid of a badger and a bear.
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The fact that Ned is strong and overcame bullying because of his species (he told him about it) inspired Oscar to move on.
When the gang gets on board the Nautilus, Ned was the most scared but tried not to show it… he, like in the Jules Verne book, tries to commit suicide to end it, but Oscar stops him, convincing him that they can handle it together. Thus, Ned and Oscar inspire each other. Ned is strong, Oscar is smart and they complement each other, creating a duet.
I should also point out that Oscar thinks Captain Nemo is quite an interesting person. They had a private dialogue in which Nemo reveals to the boy the true reasons why he wants to create a new world underwater. Oscar realizes that to some extent, Nemo is insane and needs psychological help.
They later escape from the Nautilus as in the original and they never see Nemo again.
This journey taught Oscar many things. He became more mature and began to better understand people and overcome difficulties. He believed that now he could handle everything. He believed that one day he would find Sullivan.
In the meantime, he was just having fun with Willy who did not leave him and supported him in all situations, whatever they were.
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edgewaterparts01 · 2 months
Washer Drain Pump Compatible for Samsung
Edgewater Parts Washer Drain Pump Compatible for Samsung DC96-01700A, PS4217077, AP4564724 (Fits Models: WF2, WF3, WF4). drain pump assembly for Samsung Front Load washer, replaces AP4564724, PS4217077, 1863223 . Washer Drain Pump Compatible for Samsung
About Company:-
Edgewater Replacement Parts believes the strength of our company is our dedicated people who work for our organization. Our location allows us to ship UPS within two business days to a large segment of the U.S. population. we are positioned to supply our customers with products in a fast and efficient manner. We aim to fill 98% of all line items ordered from current inventory. We ship all orders received by 3:00 pm (EST) the same day. We double-check every order that is shipped for part number and quantity accuracy. Our goal is to provide our customers with the best value of any supplier in the industry.
As we continue to seek higher levels of performance for our company, we would like to express our gratitude to our loyal customers for helping Edgewater Replacement Parts to attain steady growth in a competitive and mature industry. As always, we welcome and encourage your input on how we can best meet your needs as business conditions continue to change in today's marketplace.
Click Here For More Info :-  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M9C7K2C
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withleeknow · 6 months
almost a month since wishful thinking 🥹
ahhh i’m sorry life got busier than i expected 😭 but rest assured that wf2 is coming v soon!!
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transfaulkner · 1 year
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edited That tf2 panel with my oc and @cjsees's sniper
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cjsees · 1 year
Is there any more interesting things you can tell us about the sniper OC you posted a while back?
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for those who didn't see him when I posted him previously: this is alistair "sunny" sunshine, my red sniper oc! he's a disgraced former pop star singer and idol who has turned to mercenary work after a massive scandal in his star life (caused by his own team's spy, actually, although he only learned this some time after joining the team). he's a charmer and he knows it; he loves being the centre of attention, which is his main downfall on the field, since while he's an excellent shot, he tends to accidentally give his position away purely because his enemies can track him down based off of the sound of his snappy post-kill one-liners. he's a heartthrob and a romantic and a shameless flirt, but as much as he loves getting people to fall for him, he gets a little confused when anyone flips the script on him. he swings between being silly and shallow at his most comedic-
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-and being nasty and vindictive and spiteful at his most serious.
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fun facts:
he has a mallen streak in his hair; however, the term "mallen streak" is anachronistic by only five years (his story is set in 1968, while the term was invented in 1973). also, nobody knows whether it's natural or if he bleaches it in himself
his hair is naturally curly! he uses copious amounts of hairspray and gel to keep it slicked back like that (under the cut)
he's hard of hearing from all the Guns so he wears custom hearing aids designed by his team's engineer and is fluent in ASL
he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would be good at focusing (and he's usually not) but
his father is a movie star (sunny got quite a lot of his initial fame out of nepotism) and his mother is head editor of a fashion magazine
a solid 70% of stuff he does is driven by spite he's SO spiteful. if you even Vaguely insinuate there's something he can't do he'll immediately try to do it just to prove you wrong (however he is kind of a loser and will probably fail unless it has something to do with one of his two talents)
he has an uncanny ability to tell when he's being watched! this mostly stems from either being on stage (where people are watching him) or being in a sniper's nest (where he's watching others, so he knows what it feels like)
he is totally for sure and definitely not crushing on his team's engineer (with whom he holds dance lessons) not at all no sir. not in the slightest. he's not even dealing badly with it don't worry about it
other doodles and drawings under the cut (he is shirtless in some of them because he. he is like that)
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yoyik456 · 6 months
China Manufacturer Three Phase Induction Motor YE2-280S-4 WF2 for power generation
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China Manufacturer Three Phase Induction Motor YE2-280S-4 WF2 for power generation Deyang Dongfang Yoyik is located in Deyang, Sichuan, which has convenient transportation and varieties of homemade products and brands. Our company is committed to the development of heat-resistant materials. Our company's products cover a variety of high quality requirements. We sell both domestic and foreign brands, cheap, durable. Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below: #DF-Three Phase Induction Motor YE2-280S-4 WF2-DF piston pump PV29 2R50 000 oil vacuum pump P-1258 piston pump PV270R1D3T1NMRC pressure hose S100-AC-AL-0040 servo valve MOOG761-003 turning solenoid valve 23D-25 balanced vane pump F3-SV10-1P5P-00 hydraulic screw pump 3GR42×44 vacuum pump parts 30WSRP screw pump stainless DLZB820-R64A-12 vacuum pump P-537 oil change pump 80AYZ-40 bellows globe valve 20FWJ1.6P vane pumps F3-20V5A-1C22R vacuum pump P-1761-1 vacuum pump ac P-1964-1 Inlet main valve Z941T-25 D2500 fuel pump 65Y60B bellows globe valve 50FWJ1.6P hydraulic motor 125LY-35-5 twin screw pump HSNH120-46 vacuum pump parts A10VS0100DR13/31R-PPA PROFILE SEAL 604/590X8.9 ac vacuum pump sealing ring HB4-56J8-170 vane pump diagram F3-SDV10-1B7B-1A solenoid valve SK7244 Plug in one-way valveM-SR8KE05-1XGear oil pump PFG-214/RO balance diaphragm KC50P-97 OPC solenoid valve GS020600V+CCP230D Solenoid valve 4WE6HA62/EW230N9K4 stator cooling water pump DFB80-80-240 Pneumatically operated angle seat globe valve GEMU 514 PN25 DN65 Material 1.4408 hydraulic screw pump NM063BT01L06V nozzle 19D61-5-0 Three Phase Induction Motor YE2-280S-4 WF2 Accumulator NXQA-2.5/31.5-L mechanical seal 45 mm BGM37G/50R-G9 vacuum pump seperatorsealing P-1753 centrifugal pump vertical YCZ50-250B multistage centrifugal pumps -50-250C axial piston pump PVH74QZC-RSM-1S-1XC25-31 vaccum pump P-1741 trip solenoid valve 4WE6D62/EG220N9K4/60 vacuum pumps P-1836 pumps centrifugal 100-80-125A electric motor with hydraulic pump 200LY-67 servo valve SM4-40 (40)151-80/40-10-S205 sealing oil DC pump mechanical seal 104-φ35 screw pump diagram HSND280-46N metering piston pump 10PCY14-1B magnetic coupling centrifugal pump DFB100-80-250-03 piston pumps A10V100R-31R-PPA12N00 AST/OPC solenoid valve coil CCS115M 14W 120VDC vacuum pump ac P-540 Shutoff valve HF02-02-01Y 300MW turbine AC lube pump volute 125LY-35-5 reciprocating piston pump PD060PC02SRS5AC00E1200000 globe valve SHV16 vacuum pump lock nut Coml centrifugal pumps LK45/CZ65-250-4 globe throttle check valve LJC40C-4.0P AST solenoid valve 73B.776.5Z0616SJ screw pump working HSNH4400Z-46NZ solenoid valve 4WE6D62/EG220NZ4/V centrifugal pumps head 65-250A stator cooling water pump 65-250C liquid ring vacuum pump P-1751 piston pumps A3H56-FR01KK-10-X33 solenoid valve4WE10D3X/CG110N9K4/Voil transfer gear pump 3GR42×44 vacuum pumps P-1433 Three Phase Induction Motor YE2-280S-4 WF2 DFYLSYC-2023-12-15-A
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darklightbouquet · 8 months
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❤➡ https://wf2-girls.com/darklightbouquet
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hempstore · 11 months
SANSI Grow Light Bulb with COC Technology PPF 65.6 umol/s LED Full Spectrum 36W Grow Lamp (400 Watt Equivalent) with Optical Lens for High PPFD Energy Saving Plant Lights for Seeding and Growing
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About this item
4000K DAYLIGHT: Imitate the solar spectrum, customize a more ideal full life cycle full spectrum supplementary light program, covering the entire visible spectrum of 400nm-780nm; Color rendering index Ra is close to 100, infinitely close to natural light, suitable for every cycle of plant growth, effectively promotes plant growth, and improves crop yield and quality.
SECONDARY OPTICAL DESIGN: PPF: 65.6 umol/s, PPFD: 265.58 μmol/s/㎡ @ 1ft. Through the lens for secondary scientific light distribution, improve light utilization, give plants more supplementary light, and improve light bulb lifespan to 25,000 hours.
PATENTED COC TECHNOLOGY: Chip on Ceramic, SANSI's patented technology replaces the traditional Mcpcb aluminum substrate with a non-conductive ceramic heat sink, and directly solder the LED chip on the ceramic heat sink, effectively reducing the system thermal resistance between the LED PN junction and the surface of the heat sink, resulting in faster heat conduction and higher product reliability, makes the SANSI bulb has higher light efficiency.
SAFE & RELIABLE: The lamp body is made of special ceramic material, and the flame retardant grade reaches V0; the reinforced insulation structure design, no risk of electric shock, is safer; the whole shell material reaches the WF2 anti-corrosion grade, which is more reliable and durable; low IR, less heat radiation, avoiding close Distance exposure burns plants.
GUARANTEES: ETL listed & CE certification, quality and safety verified, 5 years warranty.
source https://hempproducts.shopping/sansi-grow-light-bulb-with-coc-technology-ppf-656-umols-led-full
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cksaksen-blog · 1 year
BESPOKE 그랑데 세탁기 AI 25 kg [올인원컨트롤] (WF25B9400KB) 소개 및 스펙/매뉴얼 보기
BESPOKE 그랑데 세탁기 AI 25 Kg [올인원컨트롤] (WF25B9400KB) 를(을) 소개합니다. 보시기 편하게 복붙 수준으로 상세 정보를 가져왔습니다. 구매하시는데 도움이 되길 바랍니다. ▽ 제품 소개 * 평생보증은 기한 없는 무상수리를 의미하며, 제품 교환 및 구입가 환급에는 적용되지 않습니다.* 평생보증은 디지털 인버터 모터 한정입니다.* 제품 품질 보증기간은 1년이며, 평생보증 관련 자세한 내용은 제품보증서 참고 바랍니다. 사계절 이불에 맞춰 더 꼼꼼하고 빠르게AI 이불 세탁 AI가 알아서 이불의 종류를 센싱 하여 얇은 이불은 물 사용량을 줄이고 더 빠르게,두꺼운 이불은 꼼꼼하고 깨끗하게 케어합니다. * AI 이불 코스1) 당사 22년형 신모델 세탁기(WF2*B9*****)의 이불…
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taimonromance · 1 year
Headcanons for characters' food preferences and cooking skills
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Willy Fog
Willy Fog's cooking skills are pretty decent, but his dishes are not masterpieces. He usually relied on his servants to cook for him, so he lost those skills (or he didn't have them at all). He prefers to eat light food to keep his body in perfect condition, he has a reputation. But sometimes, on special occasions, Willy can eat a piece of cake, but he always takes only ONE piece.
Rigodon's cooking skills are significantly higher than Willy's. He used to have experience when he worked in the circus and cooked food for himself and Tico. He also had cooking experience when he cooked for his past master. Considering what a responsible guy Rigodon is, I'm sure he tried to improve his skills every time. And as shown in the series, Rigodon is a very patriotic Frenchman, so he probably likes French pastries like croissants and baguettes. And I don't know if he eats frogs ._.
For some reason I think he is a vegetarian. The thing is, an unknown number of animals are not anthropomorphic in their world, so I think he refused to eat meat so as not to upset Koa. He buys fruits and vegetables, and can also find something in the jungle during the trip.
Andrey is a fat ass. He also doesn't know how to cook like Fog because he relies on his ship's staff, but he seems to eat very well and I don't understand how he has so much food on the ship considering he saves money and tries not to spend a lot. It is possible that there is someone in the USA who cooks for him. And I'm sure that Andrey smells of vodka. He is Russian, after all.
I'm not sure about her eating habits, but I'm sure she's not picky. And there is one interesting detail... as shown in the first episode of WF2 (which is not canon and i will not take it into account when i do headcanons) Rigodon cooks food for them as a servant. In that case, the question is, does Romy cook food for them? She is a woman, and they most often fulfill this role in families, and given that they are in the 19th century, and the attitude towards women then was a little different, this question still stands.
Dix and Bully
All I can say is that Bully is a much better cookthan Dix. That's all. And after the series, Bully cooked something very, very tasty and satisfying for both of them.
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edgewaterparts01 · 2 months
Samsung Washer Drain Pump
Edgewater Parts Washer Drain Pump Compatible for Samsung DC96-01700A, PS4217077, AP4564724 (Fits Models: WF2, WF3, WF4). drain pump assembly for Samsung Front Load washer, replaces AP4564724, PS4217077, 1863223 . Samsung Washer Drain Pump
About Company:-
Edgewater Replacement Parts believes the strength of our company is our dedicated people who work for our organization. Our location allows us to ship UPS within two business days to a large segment of the U.S. population. we are positioned to supply our customers with products in a fast and efficient manner. We aim to fill 98% of all line items ordered from current inventory. We ship all orders received by 3:00 pm (EST) the same day. We double-check every order that is shipped for part number and quantity accuracy. Our goal is to provide our customers with the best value of any supplier in the industry.
As we continue to seek higher levels of performance for our company, we would like to express our gratitude to our loyal customers for helping Edgewater Replacement Parts to attain steady growth in a competitive and mature industry. As always, we welcome and encourage your input on how we can best meet your needs as business conditions continue to change in today's marketplace.
Click Here For More Info :-  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M9C7K2C
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