#west agros
patsatshit · 6 months
先日THE WEST AGROSのMIKIさんと一緒にTHE JUSTIFIERSの復刻7インチを聴きながら、互いの近況報告とアホみたいな話、それからアホみたいな話に継ぐアホみたいな話の連続でアホみたいに大笑いした。MIKIさんとは昨年のBOBBY OROZA関連のパーティーを通じて交流が始まったんだけど、まさにきっぷの良い兄貴という感じで、いつもほんまにフレンドリーに接してくれる。日本橋R/H/BでMUSIC CAMPの宮田信さんが物販をされていた際に、数あるお宝レコードの中からMIKIさんは一枚のコンピレーションアルバムを手に取り「土井ちゃん、これめっちゃええで、これ一枚あったらDJでけるで」と言って勧めてくれて、その日のDJタイム時には「いらんいらん、俺ヘッドフォンいらんで!」というMIKIさんの大声がフロアに響き渡っていて、やっぱりこういう人がええなぁ、好きやなぁと思った次第。因みにあの日をきっかけに親交を深めた高槻のホットサンドカフェOTTO KNOTの智子さんや非営利団体S.F.Mの杉本さん、おふたりともめちゃくちゃおもしろくて、カラッとした気性がマジで心地良い。智子さんのホットサンド、杉本さんのタコス、どちらもほんまに美味しいので皆さんも機会があったら是非とも食べてみてほしい。MIKIさんたちと話していて思うのは「ええかっこしてたらアカンで」ちゅうことですわ。そして同時に「かっこ悪いこと」には敏感。これは割と重要で、逆説的でありながらも、確かに両立する。この概念を勘違いしている人が圧倒的に多いんやけど。だから僕らの会話は実際には伏せ字にせなあかんことばかり。とにかくMIKIさんは僕にとって信頼できる兄さんやということでお見知りおきください。
(THE WEST AGROSのインタビュー記事はこちら)
MIKIさんと抱腹絶倒した翌日、東京は下北沢にある日記専門店「日記屋 月日」でディレクターをしている久木さんがご来店。髪色が明るくなっていて、パッと見て印象が変わっていた。久木さんは「蟹の親子」名義で文筆活動をしていて、年内には百万年書房からの商業出版が決定している。ここまで読んで、いやいやいやいや……お前つい先日、商業出版を貶しまくっていたやんけ、舐めてんのか!と前のめりに拳を握り締めた方々、そりゃあ早計に過ぎるというもんですぜ。物事はそんなに単純じゃない。これから出版される彼女の随筆集や今後の活動を目の当たりにすれば、この微妙なニュアンスの差異に恐らく気づいてもらえると思う。わからなければハイそれまでョ。久木さんとは膝を突き合わせて互いの魂を差し出すように腹を割って話をする。そうすることでかつては言語化されることのなかったモヤっとした塊がいつの間にか血肉に変わって自分の言葉で話せるようになる。途中、全盲の落語家、桂福点さんが自身の通う作業所「お気楽島」への帰りかたがわからなくなったとタラウマラに迷い込んできて、そのままどさくさに久木さんに向かって下ネタを開陳していたのは、まるでカフカの小説が目の前で展開されているみたいでズッコケそうになった。「人は誰しもエロいものですから」と冷静に切り返していた久木さんにもズッコケそうになった。その後、福点さんは作業所のスタッフに迎えに来てもらい、無事に「お気楽島」へ。ハットの上にちょこんと乗ったトレードマークの目玉おやじがいつまでもじっとりこちらを見ていた。引き続き久木さんと色んな話をしているうちに互いのバイブルが『冒険者たち ガンバと15ひきの仲間』だということがわかり、ふたりともテンションがぶち上がる。
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celestogroup · 7 months
Zipper Monofilament Yarn Manufacturer – Things You Should Know 
The basic elements of a zipper are the stringer (the tape and the teeth assembly that makes up one side of the zipper), the slider (which opens and closes the zipper), the tab (pulled to move the slider), and stops (it prevents the slider from leaving the chain and it is divided into top stop and bottom stop). According to the best zipper monofilament yarn manufacturers, it comprises two rows of teeth that link the rows carrying numerous specially shaped metal or plastic teeth. If you are working with the zippers, it is common to hear terms like #3, #4, #5, and more. These numbers are the zipper size (gauge). As the number increases, the size of the teeth also increases. The calculation of the zipper gauge is done by measuring the zipper teeth horizontally when the zipper is closed.  
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A monofilament is a single filament of synthetic fibre created by melting polymers and forcing them out of the holes. The lines vary in thickness. Even though they are durable and useable, a lot of people don’t prefer them for braiding or twisted fabric. You can also choose from a wide array of colours and sizes. According to the best zipper monofilament yarn manufacturers in Uttar Pradesh, zippers are classified based on their styles, fabrication, types, colours, and material. There are different types of zippers available in the market. These include invisible zippers, coil zippers, plastic-moulded zippers, and open-ended and closed-ended zippers. These types of zippers have a wide array of applications. Every zipper is unique, and it has its applications, like handbags, bags, apparel, and suitcases.  
The Details of Coil Zippers (nylon coil monofilament zippers) 
These zippers are known as nylon coil zippers. You will find a nylon monofilament coiled in the form of the teeth. The teeth of the zippers are sewn into the tape and extruded plastic. The nylon coil zippers, that are flexible, are available in a wide array of sizes. These zippers are used in tents, suitcases, and camping apparel. As per the best zipper monofilament manufacturers, the nylon coil zippers are used for the outdoor and luggage industry.  
One of the best and most distinct features of nylon coil zippers is that you can put the sliders on both sides of the zipper chain. In case the front of the zipper shows the teeth with the slide and the pull, then it is the basic one. Apart from this, there are reverse coil zippers and reversible coil zippers. The difference between a reverse zipper and a reversible coil zipper is that the reverse coil zipper doesn’t show the teeth from the front, and a reversible zipper can be operated from both sides.  
The teeth of the coil zipper are made up of monofilament polyesters. These zippers are applicable in a wide array of segments in the market.  
The Different Types of Coil Zippers 
Coil zipper without cord: 
Its teeth are made up of monofilament yarn, and it creates a hollow spiral.  
Coil zipper with cord: 
According to the best zipper monofilament yarn manufacturers, the teeth of coil zipper with cord is also made up of monofilament that centres around the centre cord and then forms a spiral.  
Invisible zipper: 
The formation of this zipper is similar to that of the coil zipper with the cord, but they are covered by the zipper tape while zipping it, that makes them invisible in the front end.  
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only-horse-polls · 29 days
Fictional Horse Tournament (FHT)
Starting list - Group Evelyn
#Group Evelyn propaganda
All media of origin are listed in parentheses and sorted in alphabetical order. Character names are not sorted in any order.
Shelly (One Piece)
Fred (Over the Garden Wall)
Artemisia (Paint the Wind)
Li'l Sebastian (Parks and Recreation)
Blackjack (Percy Jackson, The Sea of Monsters, The Titan's Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth,The Last Olympian, The Mark of Athena, The Blood of Olympus)
Scipio (Percy Jackson, The Son of Neptune, The House of Hades)
Rainbow (Percy Jackson, The Sea of Monsters, The Last Olympian)
Lilla Gubben (Pippi Långstrump, Pippi Longstocking)
Ponyta (Pokémon)
Rapidash (Pokémon)
Spectrier (Pokémon)
Glastrier (Pokémon)
Mudbray (Pokémon)
Mudsdale (Pokémon)
Keldeo (Pokémon)
Blitzle (Pokémon)
Zebstrika (Pokémon)
Snow White (Pony Pals)
Lightning (Pony Pals)
Acorn (Pony Pals)
Shadowsong (Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders, Starla & the Jewel Riders)
Moondance (Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders, Starla & the Jewel Riders)
Sunstar (Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders, Starla & the Jewel Riders)
Peachblossom (Protector of the Small)
Starlite (Rainbow Brite)
On-yx (Rainbow Brite)
Skydancer (Rainbow Brite)
Tug, Bellerophon (Ranger's Apprentice)
Kicker (Ranger's Apprentice)
Abelard (Ranger's Apprentice)
Silver Dollar (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Buell (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Fagur (Schleich #70400)
Star Pegasus Mare (schleich #70579)
Agro (Shadow of the Colossus)
Swift Wind (She-Ra)
Shining Star (Shining Star, My Magical Pony)
Donkey (Shrek)
Sigge (Sigge)
The Black Mare, Den Sorte Hoppe, Svart Hoppe (Silas and the Black Mare, Silas og den sorte hoppe)
Maron (Silver Spoon, Gin no Saji)
Trail Blazer (Skylanders Trap Team)
Shadowmere (Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls: Legends, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Arvak (Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard)
Queen Alfsigr, Allie (Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
Frost (Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
Samson (Sleeping Beauty)
Rain (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron)
Esperanza (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Spirit of the West, Esperanza)
Juniper (Star Stable Online)
Rocco (Star Stable Online)
Balder (Star Stable Online)
Mayor Peanut (Star Stable Online)
Morrigan, Galloper Thompson's Horse (Star Stable Online)
Your First Horse, Starter Horse (Star Stable Online)
Mortifa (Star Stable Online)
Acerbus (Star Stable Online)
Khaan (Starshine Legacy/Star Stable Online)
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laresearchette · 3 months
Friday, January 26, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
PWHL HOCKEY (TSN/TSN5) 7:00pm: New York vs. Toronto
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:00pm: Panthers vs. Penguins (SN) 10:00pm: Blues vs. Kraken
DOPPELGÄNGERS: FACE TO FACE (documentary) 7:00pm: People meet their lookalikes and find out the resemblance is more than skin deep.
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN4) 7:00pm: Mavericks vs. Hawks (SN1) 7:30pm: Clippers vs. Raptors (SN Now) 8:00pm: Thunder vs. Pelicans
A.RTIFICIAL I.MMORTALITY (Crave 2) 7:40pm: Exploring the latest thinking and technological advancements in AI.
MARKETPLACE (CBC) 8:00pm: Putting electric vehicles to the test; Charlsie Agro hits the road to explore issues with range, charging infrastructure and reveals the challenges with repairs.
MILLION DOLLAR ISLAND (Discovery Canada) 8:00pm: Only 79 players remain, but that will soon change as two camps are put in a head-to-head arena battle; at the end of the epic war, the entire losing camp will be eliminated.
THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF JERSEY (Slice) 8:00pm: Tessa and Sascha renew their wedding vows; upset about not being invited, Kate and Margaret hold their own version, with Kate Taylor playing Tessa.
BOLLYWED (documentary) 8:00pm: Kuki and Sarab lay down an ultimatum with the second location; the kids think outside the box.
GARAGE SALE MYSTERY: THE MASK MURDER (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm: When Jennifer buys a storage locker at auction, she discovers a dead body inside -- along with a mask matching the deceased woman.
THE FIFTH ESTATE (CBC) 9:00pm: Search for the Smugglers: In 2022, smugglers left the Patel family to cross the Canada/U.S. border on foot during a snowstorm, an ordeal they would not survive; the pursuit of the men who Indian police allege planned the crossing leads to a surprising location.
PARADISE HIGHWAY (Crave) 9:00pm: To save the life of her brother, truck driver Sally reluctantly agrees to smuggle illicit cargo -- a girl named Leila. As Sally and Leila begin a danger-fraught journey across state lines, a dogged FBI operative sets out on their trail to save them.
THE SUMMIT AUSTRALIA (Discovery Canada) 9:30pm: The group falls a day behind; the remaining ten members have seven days to get to the summit with $785,000 left in the prize money on their backs.
NLL LACROSSE (TSN3) 10:00pm: Mammoth vs. Warriors
LITTLE BIRD (CTV) 10:00pm: Esther finds members of her family who help her put together the pieces of the past; Esther returns home to Montreal to confront Golda, her adoptive mother, about the revelations she's uncovered that shine a new light on their life.
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anarkissm · 1 year
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according to canon: canada was one of the countries least affected by the collapse. vast resources and a small population made life easier. the slow rise in global temperature made the region an agricultural paradise.  a nice place to live, if the corpos let you.   being such a stable area , most of the major corporations set up large operations across the country. open corporate military force kept the american nomad population from streaming over the border. many of the smaller nomad families did find their way into canada, but only with the full cooperation of the corporations in question. many of the small families were hired and trained wholesale. CHOOH2 production is now one of canada's largest agro-exports. the new luxury market in hardwoods is its largest growing industry. but the true scope of the canadian economy encompasses all of the major corporations, products and services of the world. the national government is all but gone, replaced by corporations.
claudette morel grew up in a poor, diverse neighborhood in montreal to loving, working class parents who encouraged her interests in sciences. her maternal family were climate refugees, nomads of the thelas nation from south america who managed to enter canada’s borders after the collapse. claudette’s single-minded pursuit in organic chemistry accelerated her academic career and allowed her to have amazing job opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry. inevitably, she was hired as an intern by  biotechnica in night city, california. progressing quickly in her field of expertise, claudette was promoted to field specialist. sponsors provided resources and seed capital to support her research on the coastal edges of the badlands, far away from the city. living out of a secure prefabricated lab-unit on a foggy, isolated beach in coronado, she studies the potential for seaweed and aquatic algae as a cheap, bountiful food source that would be able to grow one billion tons of resources in just 6 months; including dry food, biofuel, bio-plastics, carbon-capture, and fertilizer. undersea agriculture can potentially be commercialized to provide a cheap alternative food source to the insects raised in protein farms, and aid with marine restoration to rebuild the local fish population.
claudette spent eighteen months living on the southern california coast, intermittently returning to night city to give mandated in-person reports on her progress for the company’s head scientists. in the badlands, she has had to learn to be resilient and vigilant, defending her research from nomad raiders hoping to steal valuable technology from corpos... or worse, death squads paid by megacorporation petrochem’s subsidiaries to eliminate competition in the energy industry. the lab is built to survive bombings and artillery fire, protected by deadly quadruped robots that patrol its perimeters. several of her cousins are members of the thelas nation, who protect the borders of the americas’ west coasts, collaborating with biotechnica’s mercenaries to offer additional security.
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faggotwalkwithme · 2 years
i was tagged by @walkingcontradiction42!!! ty!
ten characters, ten fandoms, ten tags (*in no particular order*)
1 - snorpy fizzlebean from bugsnax
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2 - herbert west from re-animator
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3 - pat butcher from bbc ghosts
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4 - jonathan sims from the magnus archives
5 - the delgado master from doctor who
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(i’m so sorry i didn’t have a picture of him saved other than this 😭😭😭)
6 - basil hallward from the picture of dorian gray
7 - antonio salieri from mozart l’opera roxk
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(omfg why don’t i have pictures)
8 - nandor from what we do in the shadows
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9 - sam tyler from life on mars
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(apparently this is my only pic of him!)
10 - james e. negatus from yonderland
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no pressure tags! (also i’m not tagging 10 people i’m sorry): @spooky-georg @sspaceboyy @agro-alone @goofyfibula @jam-the-hologram
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indepwom101 · 11 months
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🇧🇪 Princess Astrid of Belgium, Archduchess of Austria-Este
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
“The first Belgian economic mission to Senegal started yesterday under the leadership of Princess Astrid. The aim is to strengthen economic and trade relations with the country, which is an important gateway to West Africa.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hadja Lahbib, Vice President of the Wallace Government, Willy Borsus, and Brussels Secretary of State, Pascal Smet, are on the mission, as are 155 Belgian companies and various academic institutions.
The mission will visit Dakar, Diamniado and the Fatick-Mbellacadiao region and will focus on a number of key sectors: logistics, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, agro-food, renewable energy, water management, environment and creative industries.
After an opening seminar on women entrepreneurship, in the presence of the Senegalese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aïssata Tall Sall, the official Belgian delegation yesterday met with President Macky Sall and Prime Minister Amadou Ba.”
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indian-turmeric · 2 years
The use of turmeric takes us back nearly 4000 times to the India Vedic culture. Wherein it was used as a cooking spice and had some religious significance. It presumably reached China by 700 ad, East Africa by 800 ad announcements, West Africa by 1200 ad announcements, and Jamaica in the eighteenth century.
Turmeric or Curcuma longa are tropical spice that began from India. The roots of Turmeric are gathered for both medicinal and food purposes. In entire world India remains the largest patron for turmeric.
India holds the first rank for world’s highest production of turmeric and it contributes 80% to the global product. As per records India has produce 389,000 MT during 2018-19 from 246,000 hectares. So India is a top leading producer and also exporter of turmeric powder& finger in the world. Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Karnataka, Meghalaya, Assam are some of the important states cultivates which produce turmeric.
Indian States and type of Turmeric
Meghalaya- Lakadong
Kerela- Alleppey
Tamil Nadu-Madras
Tamil Nadu-Erode
Telangana-Nizamabad bulb
India holds the Turmeric patent:
As per the information two American experimenters which are of Indian origin, Suman K. Das and Harihar k. Cohly of the University of Mississippi Medical Center, put a claim to the US Patent and Trademark Office, maintaining that they had discovered oral and topical use of turmeric powder to heal surgical wounds and ulcers. And, surprise, they were granted a patent in March 1995 for commodity you had known for times and our Ayurveda for centuries. Turmeric powder (haldi) is an Indian discovery and cannot be patented. So ordered the US Patent and Trademark Office before sweeping six claims on the matter off the table. Mr. Raghunath Anant Mashelkar the former Director General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research has courageously fought and abandoned the wrong US patents on turmeric and Basmati rice grounded on India’s traditional knowledge. But to US chains, he certified patents grounded on ultramodern knowledge of Indian laboratories, introducing the trend of rear transfer of technology.
As SAVI AGRO FOODS are manufacturers for Maharashtra origin turmeric fingers and Powder. We offer premium quality of Turmeric Powder in Indian and also for exports. SAVI AGRO FOODS have started its own premium brand known as Harjeevan. If you have any requirement you can directly reach out us on [email protected]
#Indianspices #food #healthyfood #spices
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northbengal · 18 hours
Exploring the Darjeeling Tea Wholesale: An Expert’s Guide
Known for producing some of the most excellent teas in the world, Darjeeling, a location in West Bengal, India, is tucked away amid the gorgeous Himalayas. Darjeeling tea is highly valued both domestically and outside due to its unique flavors, superior quality, and cultural significance. This area is home to a flourishing market of Darjeeling Tea Wholesale that serve a wide range of customers and uphold the tradition of this renowned beverage.
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mudragloball · 8 days
Mudra Global: Leading Raw Cashew Nuts Importer:
Mudra Global being a prime trader in agro commodities, acts as the main supplier of raw cashew to cashew traders and processors in India.
Mudra Global is the Preferred Raw Cashew Nuts importer for traders from all across India. We are trusted by them as we ensure that:
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celestogroup · 9 months
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johnthejacobs · 21 days
Surya Food And Agro Share Price on an Upward Trajectory
In recent market activity, the Surya Food And Agro Share Price, a prominent player in the food industry, has experienced a notable surge, signaling an upward trajectory. This surge has attracted attention from investors and industry analysts, prompting a closer examination of the factors driving this upward movement in the Surya Food And Agro Share Price. Surya Agro and Foods stands as a stalwart among the biscuit manufacturers in India, boasting a rich legacy of 39 years in the business of crafting and distributing biscuits. Renowned for their high-quality products, Surya Agro and Foods have carved a niche for themselves in the market.
Under the well-known brand name "Priyagold," Surya Agro and Foods have garnered widespread recognition. Their trademarks, "Hak Se Maango" and "Priyagold," have emerged as formidable brands within the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, symbolizing trust and quality.
Diversification lies at the heart of Surya Agro and Foods' operations, with a broad portfolio of biscuits spanning various categories including cookies, cream biscuits, glucose biscuits, crackers, digestive biscuits, and more. Additionally, the company offers a range of diversified products such as cakes, confectioneries, and beverages, catering to diverse consumer preferences.
Across its product spectrum, Surya Agro and Foods boast strong brands, including Priyagold, Butter Bite, CNC, Snacks Zig Zag, and Marie Lite. With a daily production capacity of 900 tons, the company ensures a consistent supply of high-quality biscuits to meet consumer demand.
Expanding beyond biscuits, Surya Agro and Foods diversified into the manufacturing of fruit juices through its wholly owned subsidiary, Surya Fresh Foods Ltd., in January 2006. Operating under the brand names "Fresh Gold" and "Treat Juices," these fruit juices have garnered significant traction in the market.
In 2008, Surya Agro and Foods ventured into the chocolate segment with the launch of "Snakker" chocolates, which swiftly gained popularity and attained market leadership. Their latest offering, Snakker Choco-Wafer, has quickly become one of the best-selling chocolate wafers in India, further solidifying the company's position in the confectionery market.
With eight manufacturing units strategically located in Greater Noida, Lucknow, Haridwar, Gwalior, and West Bengal, Surya Agro and Foods ensure efficient production and distribution of its products. Moreover, their products are now sold in over 20 countries, underscoring their global presence and status as a leading player in the industry.
The Surge in Share Price
In a series of recent trading sessions, Surya Food And Agro's share price has witnessed a significant surge, surpassing previous records and exceeding market expectations. This surge can be attributed to several key factors, including strong financial performance, strategic initiatives, and favorable market sentiment towards the food and agro industry.
Robust Financial Performance
One of the primary drivers behind the surge in Surya Food And Agro's share price is its robust financial performance. The company has reported impressive revenue growth and profitability, driven by its diverse portfolio of food products and efficient operational management. Investors have responded positively to Surya Food And Agro's strong financial results, contributing to the increased demand for its shares.
Strategic Initiatives
Additionally, strategic initiatives undertaken by Surya Food And Agro have played a crucial role
in driving up its share price. The company has implemented various measures to enhance its market presence, including expanding its product offerings, investing in research and development, and forging strategic partnerships. These initiatives have bolstered investor confidence in Surya Food And Agro's long-term growth prospects, contributing to the surge in its share price.
Favorable Market Sentiment
The overall positive sentiment towards the food and agro industry has also contributed to the upward trajectory of Surya Food And Agro's share price. With increasing consumer demand for high-quality food products and a growing emphasis on health and wellness, investors have shown a keen interest in companies like Surya Food And Agro that are well-positioned to capitalize on these trends.
In conclusion, the upward trajectory of Surya Food And Agro's share price reflects the company's strong financial performance, strategic initiatives, and the favorable market sentiment towards the food and agro industry. As Surya Food And Agro continues to innovate and expand its presence in the market, investors remain optimistic about its growth prospects, driving further momentum in its share price.
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flairyourtrip · 24 days
Your Perfect Bali Itinerary From India | Top Things To Do In Bali In 2024
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Day 1: Arrival at Bali Arrive at Bali airport and transfer to Kuta EDEN Hotel Kuta Bali on a private basis.
Day 2: Full Day Benoa Beach With Uluwatu Sunset Tour Embark on an exciting adventure with water sports at Benoa Beach, including Banana Boat, Jet Ski, and Parasailing. Later, witness the breathtaking Uluwatu Sunset Tour, visiting the iconic Uluwatu Temple perched on a cliff facing the Indian Ocean.
Day 3: Full Day Nusa Penida Tour Explore the natural wonders of Nusa Penida on a West Island Tour, visiting Kelingking Beach, Angel's Billabong, Broken Beach, and Crystal Bay (excluding Crystal Bay if opting for snorkeling activity).
Day 4: Full Day Kintamani Volcano Tour with Ubud Village Discover the beauty of Kintamani Volcano with stunning views of Mount Batur. Visit Tegenungan Waterfall, Tegalalang Rice Fields, Ubud Palace, and experience the Bali Swing at Alas Harum Agro Wisata.
Day 5: Leisure Day Day 6: Full Day Handara Golf Gate Tour Explore the iconic Handara Gate, Tanah Lot Temple, and Bedugul Temple. Capture picturesque moments at Handara Golf Resort, known for its Instagram-worthy landscapes.
Day 7: Leisure Day + Departure Enjoy a day at leisure before departing. Transfer from Ashoka Tree Resort Ubud to the airport on a private basis.
Thanks & Regards Flairyourtrip
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kavyaorganicfarm · 1 month
9 Major Types of Farming in India
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Title: Exploring the 9 Major Types of Farming in India
India, known for its vast agricultural landscape, boasts a diverse range of farming practices due to its varied climate, topography, and cultural heritage. From traditional methods passed down through generations to modernized techniques, Indian agriculture represents a rich tapestry of farming types. Here, we delve into nine major types of farming prevalent across the country:
Subsistence Farming: Commonly practiced in rural India, subsistence farming focuses on producing enough food to meet the needs of the farmer and their family. This type of farming relies heavily on traditional methods and is prevalent in regions with small landholdings. Crops grown include rice, wheat, pulses, and vegetables.
Commercial Farming: In contrast to subsistence farming, commercial farming involves cultivating crops or rearing livestock primarily for sale in the market. It often utilizes modern technologies, machinery, and irrigation systems to maximize productivity and profitability. Cash crops like cotton, sugarcane, tea, and coffee are cultivated in large-scale commercial farms across states like Maharashtra, Punjab, and Karnataka.
Organic Farming: With an increasing emphasis on sustainable and eco-friendly practices, organic farming has gained popularity in recent years. This method eschews synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, focusing instead on natural inputs and techniques such as crop rotation and composting. States like Sikkim have emerged as pioneers in organic farming, promoting biodiversity and soil health.
Horticulture: Horticulture encompasses the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants. India's diverse agro-climatic zones offer ideal conditions for growing a wide range of horticultural crops. States like Himachal Pradesh are renowned for their apple orchards, while Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh excel in the production of mangoes and bananas.
Aquaculture: With its extensive coastline and network of rivers, India has a thriving aquaculture industry. Fish farming, shrimp cultivation, and freshwater prawn farming are common practices in states like Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, and Kerala. Aquaculture not only provides a source of protein but also generates employment opportunities in coastal communities.
Dairy Farming: India is the world's largest milk producer, and dairy farming plays a crucial role in its agricultural economy. Traditional dairy farming, often associated with small-scale operations, coexists with modern dairy enterprises equipped with milking machines and cold storage facilities. States like Gujarat, Punjab, and Haryana are major contributors to India's dairy output, with indigenous cattle breeds like Gir and Sahiwal prized for their milk yield.
Poultry Farming: Poultry farming involves the rearing of chickens, ducks, and other birds for meat and egg production. It is a significant contributor to India's protein supply and rural livelihoods. While traditional backyard poultry farming is prevalent, commercial poultry farms equipped with automated systems and biosecurity measures are becoming increasingly common, particularly in states like Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
Sericulture: Sericulture, or silk farming, is an ancient practice that thrives in certain regions of India. The cultivation of silkworms for the production of silk involves meticulous care and management of mulberry plantations. Karnataka, West Bengal, and Jammu and Kashmir are notable sericulture hubs, producing high-quality silk that caters to domestic and international markets.
Agroforestry: Agroforestry integrates trees and shrubs into agricultural landscapes, offering multiple benefits such as soil conservation, biodiversity conservation, and additional income streams for farmers. It involves the deliberate cultivation of tree species alongside crops or livestock. States like Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Odisha promote agroforestry as a sustainable land-use practice, supporting rural livelihoods and environmental conservation efforts.
In conclusion, the agricultural sector in India is characterized by a remarkable diversity of farming practices, each tailored to the specific ecological and socio-economic contexts of different regions. From traditional subsistence farming to modern commercial enterprises, Indian agriculture continues to evolve, driven by innovation, technology adoption, and a deep-rooted connection to the land.
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marietheran · 2 months
Given how much stuff blaming Poland for helping Russia as regards the case of farmers' protests and closed borders I've seen recently; here's my translation of a more balanced article I've read:
"(...) The protesting farmers demand that we immediately broaden the embargo to all farm produce. They say that only when we give the Ukrainians no choice will they become more humble in their negotiations. Certainly, our Eastern partners, independent of the fact that they are at war (if anything can be independent of that) are difficult interlocutors. (...)
Only that the current difficulties are hardly caused by the import of food from Ukraine to Poland. The reason is trivial - Ukrainians prefer to send their goods to wealthier EU countries. This, next to the falling prices of agricultural products globally (which is completely independent of Ukraine, let us add), is the main source of our problems. Polish farmers are losing markets in Western Europe, and it must be remembered that as much as 80 percent of their produce goes there. Even if the Polish government banned the transit of Ukrainian food, contrary to all EU rules, it would still reach the West through other channels.
The only alternative is to convince the European Commission to introduce quotas, as before the outbreak of a full-scale war. However, let us not delude ourselves that the Commission will do it. Again, the reason is trivial - it is not Ukrainian farmers who export agricultural produce, but international agroholdings that have been operating in Ukraine for years. Holdings that belong to companies from Germany, France or the Netherlands, and which do not have to comply with the strict standards introduced by Brussels beyond our Eastern border. In fact, it is in the interest of these entities to weaken their competition in Poland. (...) The war in Ukraine has, paradoxically, become a perfect excuse to let agro-oligarchs into the EU market.
However, this is still but a piece of the full picture. The above-mentioned companies make money on Ukrainian land and from the work of Ukrainian farmers, but Kiev does not receive much of it because these companies are registered in tax havens. Today, President Zelensky's administration is fighting with the Polish government not so much on its own behalf, but in the interests of Western corporations. Maybe they hope that they will get something extra from Berlin or Paris in return, but I am afraid that this belief is quite naive.
To sum up, it is not Ukraine that is the source of Polish farmers' problems, but the global ownership structure in this sector. If our politicians wanted to solve this problem, they would have to convince our producers to consolidate, because today Polish farms are much too small and unable to compete even with European giants. However, bearing in mind the fact that farmers have not been keen on such voluntary "cooperative" consolidation for years, the government would have to do it forcibly. Can you imagine, Dear Reader, that any Polish government would announce the collectivization of agriculture? [Note: the last time this happened was under the communist government forcibly established by Russia]
Me neither. This, however, means that Polish agriculture will systematically decline. Politicians of various stripes will throw accusations around and look for scapegoats, because no one will dare to admit that there is really little that can be done about it.
[He goes on to say that perhaps something might be done, but since he doesn't offer any ideas anyway, I'm cutting it off here]
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landofopp · 2 months
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Farm Mechanization
Agri – Economy
According to the 2023 GDP rankings, the Indian economy is ranked sixth among the world’s top economies. The majority of people in the nation rely on agriculture as their primary source of income. A major pillar of the Indian economy, the agriculture industry employs 60% of the labour force and generates 17% of the country’s GDP.
An agro-economy, like that of India, is heavily reliant on the cycle of production, distribution, and consumption. roductivity is another issue with the agro-economy. Indian farmers currently produce only 2.4 tonnes of rice per hectare of land, which is a far cry from their true potential. China and Brazil, on the other hand, produce 4.7 and 3.6 tonnes of rice per acre, respectively.
Since more than half of the population of India is engaged in agriculture, two significant elements underscore the role that agriculture plays in the economy. First off, it gives rural agricultural and non-agricultural labour job prospects. Second, it is important for operations like import and export trading on a global scale. India supports 17.8% of the world’s people and 15% of the world’s cattle with only 4% of the world’s water resources and 2.4% of the world’s land.
About 55% of India’s population relies on agriculture as their main source of income.
It has the largest area planted to wheat, rice, and cotton.
It is the second-largest producer of wheat, rice, cotton, sugar, farmed fish, fruit, vegetables, tea, and farmed vegetables.
India has the second-largest agricultural land area in the world
The increasing income levels in rural and urban areas have boosted the demand for agricultural products across the country.
West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab produced 36% of the total rice produced in India in the year 2022.
In 2022, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab produced 64% of all the wheat that is produced in India .
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka produced almost 38% of all the corn in India.
Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab produced almost 39% of the entire amount of food grains produced in India.
The Government of India had requested that the United Nations declare 2023 as the International Year of Millets (IYoM-2023) in order to increase domestic and international demand and to supply nutrient-rich food to the population.
Mechanization of Indian Agriculture
Agriculture mechanisation is a crucial component of modern agriculture. Along with lowering labour costs and human toil, it increases productivity. Mechanisation also enhances the safety and comfort of farmers, the efficiency with which other inputs are used, and the quality and added value of the produce. Aside from allowing farmers to grow a second crop or many crops, efficient machinery increases output and productivity, transforming subsistence agriculture in India into a profitable industry.
In order to promote an expedited but inclusive expansion of agricultural mechanisation in India, the Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has incorporated the elements of agricultural mechanisation under several plans and projects. The following targeted actions will put small and marginal farmers at the forefront with a focus on “reaching the unreached.” The following components make up the “Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanisation” scheme, which was created with this objective in mind by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare’s Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Mechanisation and Technology Division.
Training, testing, and demonstration to promote and strengthen agricultural mechanization
Post Harvest Technology and Management (PHTM) demonstration, instruction, and distribution
Assistance for the Purchasing of Agriculture Equipment and Machinery
Create Farm Machinery Banks for Personalised Hiring
Create an Equipment Hub for Custom Hiring that is High-Tech
Farm mechanisation promotion in a few villages
Financial Support for the Promotion of Hectare-Level Mechanised Operations through Custom Hiring Centres Promotion of Farm Equipment and Machinery in the Northeast Region
Agritech Boosting Indian Agriculture
The number of agri-tech start-ups in India expanded from less than 50 in 2013 to more than 1,000 by 2022, thanks to growing farmer knowledge, better internet access in rural areas, and the demand for increased efficiency in the agricultural industry. Agtech in India is still growing, with innovations coming from both start-ups or “agrifintechs,” and major technology firms. Core enterprises in the value chain are embracing digital technologies like “super apps” to innovate.
Existing agricultural incumbents employ digital technologies to reach farmers directly or to spread their products and services to nearby areas.
Technology is being used by suppliers of agrochemicals, fertilisers, and seeds to build direct-to-farmer sales channels that cut out middlemen and retailers.
Technology is being used by businesses, including banks and nonbanks, that are primarily involved in lending money through farm and rural loans to better understand the farmer, offer tailored products, and lower loan risks.
Farmers are now getting mechanization services from companies that offer farm equipment.
Organisations that deal with the purchasing, processing, or selling of agricultural goods have begun to integrate back into the supply chain and provide connections to the market for the farmer.
The agtech ecosystem has the potential to raise Indian farmers’ profits by 25 to 35 percent and contribute $95 billion to the nation’s GDP through lower input costs, higher productivity and price realisation, more affordable loans, and other income sources.
View more…https://bdbipl.com/
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