#well if you’re following me on toyhouse or find a link to it in general it’s on there lmaooo
dammarchy211 · 19 days
It will not for the life of me let me add a link to Gazer’s toyhouse page in a post so nvm ig
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gummycatsss · 2 months
quick info/faq/dni post
a bit about yours truly for a second: hi! i’m sammie [but gummy is okay too]. i’m an autistic lesbian who uses she/they, please. super into dogs, collecting [stuffed animals, figures, and physical media are my favourites], glowy things, and music.
<do you take commissions?> i do! please read my terms of service and send me a dm or an email.
<do you take requests?> most of the time, no. if i ever decide to open requests, i’ll make a post about it. OCs will, most likely, not be accepted unless i specify. you can commission me for that.
<do you do art trades?> only with mutuals or friends.
<can i use your art as my profile picture/banner/etc?> for sure! provided you clearly link back here to my tumblr. but only my fanart. any usage of my OC art, of mine or others', is strictly prohibited.
<can i use your OCs for roleplay?> absolutely not. should i find out that you’re using my OCs for any purpose, you will be immediately blocked and blacklisted from potential future commission work.
<well, can i draw your OCs?> yes you may! and please tag me! i would love to see it. just be normal about it, ok?
<who do you not want following you?> basic dni criteria, you know who you are. terfs shot on sight. proship/profic/“anti-antis” or whatever you call yourselves, and i would prefer nobody under 16. generative AI and excuses for it in any capacity aren't welcome here, either. i do keep tabs on my notes and who is interacting with me.
i understand dnis are a bit contentious on this site- but i've personally noticed that whenever i remove mine, i start getting people i would never want in my vicinity interacting with me, and they go away when i put it back. so it's staying.
<anything else?> i block liberally. this blog isn’t my main. sometimes i’ll draw [untagged?] suggestive content, so if you’re not into that then maybe don’t follow me, no hard feelings. it's mostly OC work here, and if you follow me for strictly fanart you'll probably be disappointed. but if all of that is ok, i'm glad you're here!
you can find me on deviantart [archive, no longer updated as of nov 2022], toyhouse [if you're extra cool and want to see my OCs], and lastfm [if you’re into that i guess?]
☆ will be updated as needed. thanks for reading!ᓚᘏᗢ ☆
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I’ll just post here instead of the PSA thread, at least here I’m still anonymous. i sincerely want to keep giving them the benefit of the doubt but I’ve personally already given up on getting what I’m owed.
This is just a caution against sapphicserval and the people running their account. There are, apparently, 5 people simultaneously running the account, but none of them make it clear who is speaking at any given time and it’s frustrating to say the least. They take forever to reply, and it's a toss up on who is actually talking to you at any given time. I have still not received any of the owed artwork mentioned, and I've come to find out during this that they're taking other commissions on the sapphicserval twitter. It's just. A lot. and I can't just keep this to myself anymore. Be cautious when dealing with them, is all I wish to say.
On pronouns, sapphicserval uses they/them, and babezebub uses it/its. While briefly mentioned, their other partner st6x ultimately isn't involved, but they use they/them as well. I have no idea who the other two people are on the account, other than knowing DD is the initials of the person who I paid on paypal. i apologize if I misgender anyone in this post on accident, it is not my intention and I tried my best to keep identities straight.
On April 27th I reached out to buy an adopt I saw in the trade listings. In short, I ended up paying $50 dollars to outbid another bidder on twitter who had attempted to autobuy the same adoptable at basically the same time. No worries, I was promised additional artwork for the purchase.
imgur: https://imgur.com/a/7cfUKJz
these first messages kinda show the problem already. As you can see, I was initially confused by who I was talking to and I made it clear that I understood that babezebub was the designer of the adopt. I also made it clear that I was talking to sapphic at this time. They didn’t have to say anything, but the top half of the messages are at least VERY clearly from babezebub, as babezebub is the artist.
I followed babe on twitter as a result of this. I liked its designs quite a bit and I wanted to follow it to continue to support it.
Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/CoTPQbX
On May 8th, I saw another adopt posting and I wanted to buy the red panda mentioned in the post. Obviously, there was miscommunication and we figured it out, but what’s important about these dms is babe clarifying that it is the artist. I am not looking for, nor do I care about, the art for the 20-dollar donation. It was a donation. I did not want art for it in the first place.
Anyway, sometime in mid-May babe stopped using twitter. In early July I checked its partner’s twitter, and they were posting INCREDIBLY worrying things that made me worried about their situation. That is when I sent my last dm to it. The sapphicserval account was also inactive at this point.
On July 19th, I saw the sapphicserval account upload another adopt.
Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/ErTGYBV
I 100% believed them, and I still honestly do believe them, but what followed upset me a lot and just frustrated me. Throughout the rest of July and into August the sapphicserval account uploaded more and more designs by babezebub. Babezebub was completely inactive on twitter, I had yet to see any art posted aside from the adopts. What ended up breaking my trust completely was seeing a few free raffles and draw to adopts posted. I have no issue with promotion and making more designs for money, but what bothered me (and what still bothers me) is the fact that I kept seeing adopts created for DTA and raffles and I still have yet to see any art aside from it.
My issue with this just comes down to why is it even accepting non-currency as payment for these designs given their current situation? Why have I not received owed artwork that I paid extra for? Why is it putting more time and effort into creating raffle and DTA characters than finishing what’s been owed? Plus, these designs are STILL on hold.
Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/0wKNa0W
https://toyhou.se/7602728.pink-trans-serval-dta- this was the adopt that upset me. It’s even more upsetting that this is still not even sold/given out yet despite the 31 comments on the adopt.
So now I’m at today. I see in the PSA thread that someone has sent the sapphicserval account headshots as payment and they are now also being forced to wait on a reply. This prompted me to write this, and as I am writing this, I’ve noticed a few things that have changed:
1: the babezebub twitter account now lists @sapphicserval as a QPP. This twitter is active.
Another adopt recently made: https://imgur.com/a/CUBa7PI
There’s a common problem with ALL of these designs. The design I purchased was at least somewhat properly credited, but at some point they stopped bothering to even put babezebub as the creator despite it owning a toyhouse and apparently being online enough to check/use the sapphicserval account. Why are all the designs credited in the description to babezebub and not just to its toyhouse, I won’t ever know.
Tweet about commissions?: https://i.imgur.com/eAxR02e.png
Tweet about making a new sales account and offering a design?: https://imgur.com/a/vRjUZ7I
Commissions are apparently being done, well after my owed art: https://imgur.com/a/JdUOT85
I won’t dig through the rest of their tweets. Again, I really do believe they’re having problems. I don’t doubt that. But I feel this is enough to at least warn people that communicating with these people is frustrating and confusing, and it’s entirely possible you’ll never end up getting what you’re owed. There is no excuse for them to be taking and doing commissions with owed artwork.
I’ve sent a dm to the sapphicserval toyhouse account and I’ll probably send one to this twitter eventually. But again, I’m so confused why their partner can’t talk directly to me despite clearly having access to these accounts. By their own admission, the account is used by multiple people.
Supplemental imgur: https://imgur.com/a/chpr2eB
as an aside, if you recognize who i am because i've told you about this before privately/you're guessing based on my writing style, for the love of god don't post my name in the PSA thread/in general. as in, don't link to this post and say "I think this is <name> here, but they had a similar issue!". i feel awful writing this even if I am well within my right to do so by now. I don't want the attention or the drama that comes with this PSA, i simply want people to be aware of what's going on. please do not harass them either on my or anyone else's behalf. if either sapphicserval or babezebub recognize who i am based on this post, please do contact me. I mean no ill will towards you, but i hope my frustration is understandable and I hope we can work it out even now.
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A (Really Long) Intro Post
Hey there, I’m Katie! Back at it again with yet another side blog. I say yet another because I have split a lot of my interests into sub-categories to make me less nervous about sharing them, I guess. Despite how bad I am at them, intro posts are supposed to have actual intros in them, so here you go?
As of right now I’m a 23 year old aroace artist and writer living in Canada, trying desperately to find a direction for my life, like most mentally ill 20-somethings do. My goals involve drawing, writing and self-publishing my own original stories, which is what this blog is for. 
I have a background in animation, but I do character design, graphic design, illustration, comics, writing and worldbuilding. I even dabble in a bit of HTML and CSS coding here and there, like some kind of multi-headed hydra (or well-established identity crisis).
I love video games, cartoons, anime, movies, music, novels, comics, a whole mess of things. With a particular focus on the cute, colourful and otherwise fantastical!
I call this blog a “storybook” because it will have content about the stories I’m making, but also a bit about my personal story while making them. I hesitate to call this blog a full-on writeblr, as there will be some writing, yes, but I will also be talking about personal experiences with creative endeavours and generally note my progress and musings on the subject. Not necessarily as curated as a typical writeblr would be. Like me, it’ll be a bit of everything. 
Why not use my personal blog for this? Well, I can’t think of another place to put this stuff (other than spamming a friend with it at 1am every so often), and I thought others might find it interesting as well if I had a dedicated place to put it rather than flooding my dash over there. Either way, I think it’ll help to put it somewhere rather than nowhere, especially if I really need to get it out of my head. As you can probably tell by now, posts like these can get very long, so having a separate place is another advantage. Anyone who might see it can choose to follow this or any of my other blogs depending on what part of me they want to see, rather than having to see all of it at once.
My current blog list, if you’re wondering:
@sweet-star-cookie​ is my main personal blog, a sort of catch-all for my interests, be it cartoons or silly videos I watch at 2am. I also reblog my art and comic posts here. I am most active here when it comes to reblogs and messaging. I do accept asks on all of my blogs, but I check this one daily.
@akysi​ is my main art blog, where I post my finished artwork on average every 3-5 days (barring any unforeseen circumstances). I’m primarily a digital artist, but I do post traditional stuff on occasion. 
@sweet-star-sketches is my sketch blog, which only updates if I have a sketch or WIP I feel comfortable with sharing, but I also link finished works if it came from that initial sketch.
@starglasszodiac​ is the blog for my current webcomic project, Starglass Zodiac (I’ll talk more about this and my other projects later on). I plan on being more active on this blog in the near future, but you can still go there for updates on the comic itself.
You can also follow me at these other social sites if you like:
My Main Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest | DeviantART | Weasyl | FurAffinity | YouTube | Toyhouse
As a general note, while I don’t wish to turn this blog into one about mental health specifically, I have anxiety and depression, so that will likely appear in one way or another in some of these posts, especially with the ones talking about how difficult being a creative person can be. That said, I don’t want to make this blog inherently negative either, for my sake and yours. I’m just here doing stuff, and if you want to come along for the ride then welcome, fellow voyager!
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