absartakespictures · 8 months
How social media is being used to build political communities.
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Building political communities has benefited greatly from the use of social media. Regardless of where they live, it enables people to connect with others who share their political opinions. Additionally, it makes it simpler for people to band together and support political issues.
Social media is being utilised in a variety of ways to create political communities. Using groups and forums is one popular method. People may organise events, share information, and discuss politics in these groups and forums. For instance, there are Facebook groups for people who support certain political issues as well as groups for fans of each of the main political parties.
Utilising hashtags is just another way that social media is being utilised to create political communities. People may use hashtags to search for and connect with others who are discussing similar political concerns. For instance, the #MeToo hashtag has been utilised to create a community of those who have been the victims of sexual harassment or assault.
Social media is also being used to create political communities by giving political figures and activists a forum to communicate with their followers. Political leaders may mobilise their fans, offer their opinions, and make announcements on social media. Social media may be used by activists to organise protests, gather money, and spread awareness of vital topics.
The development and organisation of political communities has been significantly impacted by social media. It has made it simpler for individuals to interact with political leaders and activists, organise and mobilise around political issues, and connect with those who share their political beliefs.
Here are some concrete instances of how political communities are being formed through the usage of social media:
Social media has been utilised by the Black Lives Matter movement in the US to create a network of activists opposing racial injustice. The campaign spreads awareness of police brutality and violence against Black people using hashtags like #BlackLivesMatter and #SayHerName. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in India has amassed a sizable following among young people thanks to social media. The party mobilises its members through social media to propagate its message of Hindu nationalism. The Workers' Party (PT) in Brazil has reached out to its followers in rural regions through social media. The party posts information about its initiatives on social media and also share information about its programs.
Benefits of building political communities on social media
Building political networks on social media has several advantages. First, social media facilitates communication amongst people who hold similar political beliefs. People may feel less alone and more a part of a larger community as a result of this.
Second, social media facilitates the organisation and mobilisation of individuals behind political issues. This is so that individuals may more quickly exchange information, plan activities, and find supporters thanks to social media networks.
Third, social media gives political figures and activists a way to communicate with their followers. This might encourage people to take action and raise public knowledge of political concerns.
Challenges of building political communities on social media
Even while there are numerous advantages, creating political communities on social media has certain drawbacks. The transmission of false information and disinformation via social media is a problem. This can lead to polarisation and conflict within political communities and make it difficult for individuals to determine which information to believe.
The potential for echo chambers in social media is another issue. People in this situation are only given information and viewpoints that support their preexisting ideas. This may cause people to solidify their opinions and become less receptive to novel concepts.
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thenervousgroup · 8 months
Today @ September 27, 2023 we the proponents of the "thenervousgroup" conducted a follow-up interview with our client @ Lugait College to further clarification and insights about its business operations on payroll management. And after the interview each of the proponents continued the information gathering for our project design and future development of our project.
Group leader:Rejean Daverao
Hustler: Rejean Daverao
Hipster: Nikka Shane Canoy
Hacker: Jayniel Oridinario
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subigrad604 · 9 months
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ardn516sarahjay · 10 months
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The fields of Albany station
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cm3groepi · 1 year
How can we capture emotions through facial expressions ? Emotions linked to colors. We tried to write a program that recognizes facial expressions and color code them..
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ashleysah-blog · 5 years
#my_art #week_5 #retro_game #shante_and_the_pirate_curse
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yasirdj · 4 years
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Met Office weather warning: Mid-week washout blitzed by 99F Mediterranean heat frenzy http://club4news.blogspot.com/2020/08/met-office-weather-warning-mid-week_5.html
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awusvad-gd · 4 years
Blog Week_5 response
Inequality by Design: Ceros Originals 
The article provided by Molly was pretty interesting. It gave a different perspective to the world of design. The first thing it asked was to guess how many women work in the design field, which instinctively i thought was a small amount; turned out it was half (53%) as much as men! It wasn’t hard to believe that only 11 out of that 53% are on top of the design field. You don’t often hear a female lead as an art director (however, i’ve met one and it’s surprising but at the same time i took pride in meeting one. Katie O’Brien, creative director of WayFair. She was kind enough to have a google meet with me to talk about my future plans and career.). 
I don’t know for sure if men are to blame for women’s restricted potential growth, however there is a large factor that men is a big reason for it. They may be manipulative, but women can also be as well. I’ve seen ‘reality shows’ where women use their feminine sensual ways to climb higher. Not to say they all do, but because some do, one bad potato makes the whole sack rotten.
It’s true, men are intimidated. Deep down, somehow they’re afraid we are better than them. To be honest, we are in a lot of ways but because they’ve had a longer head-start, they dominate the business world. Again, doesn’t mean ALL men are trying to pin women down to tie them to the ground. Some do uplift women. Such is reality. Some women bring other women down as well.. unfortunately it’s a human nature. 
But the fact that there’s still a wage gap between women and men’s salary is still shocking and unheard of. Salary payments should be based on skills and experience and not by gender (that’s common sense! everyone knows that!) It’s sad to see from the article that women have to work twice as hard as men to prove a point. 
As the article concluded, i truly stand by what it said: “At the end of the day, I don’t think women do themselves any favors trying to be more like men. I say double down on being a woman.” I believe feminism today is being sidetracked. We shouldn’t want to be more like men. (People often call men: pigs or nasty to put it harshly, yet we strive and encourage others to be more like men?) We should be WOMEN, different, stronger. We are capable of the same and even more if we wanted to. 
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dyerjack · 5 years
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Lighting plan week_5
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subigrad604 · 9 months
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Shot on Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ10
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Latest Xclusive African Fashion styles 2019 Follow us for 24/7 ankara styles, asoebi styles and casual dress inspiration.
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fashionvilleng · 5 years
Latest African Fashion Trends 2019 Follow us for more 24/7 ankara styles, asoebi styles and casual dress inspiration.
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best-plan-diet · 5 years
2 Weeks In The Super Fast Lane Diet-3 Week Diet System Review https://ift.tt/2tTekQ4
2 Weeks In The Super Fast Lane Diet-3 Week Diet System Review https://ift.tt/2tTekQ4
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danielabely-blog · 5 years
“A Conversation With Claude M. Steele Stereotype Threat and Black Achievement” discussed how society attempts to label unfamiliar groups; common criterion include age, race, and gender. 
The reading mentions a psychologist who felt negative pressure among natural science professionals, she was made to feel of lesser rank because her field wasn’t portrayed as integral to the sciences. 
I grew up in a small town which was mostly comprised of Caucasian people while I was Hispanic. I faced some racism in which neighbors would call me racial slurs and students that I considered friends would make jokes about my culture. Much like the psychologist I felt pressure to adhere to the standards of the people that surrounded me. I often reflect on these experiences and wonder if the struggle was positive, had I grown up in an easier environment would I be the person I am today?  This reading touched upon crucial topics of conversation and it did well to highlight the issues in an environment not usually associated with this kind of influence.
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yasirdj · 4 years
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Met Office weather warning: Mid-week washout blitzed by 99F Mediterranean heat frenzy http://club4news.blogspot.com/2020/08/met-office-weather-warning-mid-week_5.html
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Week_5  Bath House Abstract
Based on utilising existing scoria walls to create a sensory bathing space, this design built all required bathing places surrounded the stone walls.
Major bathing pool has light beams slitting into dark atmosphere (inspired by 'Film Noir', 1940s-1950s), and penetrating steamy space (inspired by DS+R 'Blur Building'), which can be seen at entrance.
Before accessing changing rooms, rain-like natural light effect teases both pupils and pores, which created by extreme fine holes within outdoor roof. (inspired by Citizen ‘time is TIME’, Milan Design Week 2016, by Tsuyoshi Tane, DGT Architecture firm.)
While stepping into the water, the scoria wall can be seen as a floating island in the pool, which is a statement of this design. The same view can also be seen from open showers.
Guests could stay at a underwater platform or swim towards a small scoria cliff to explore where are the steam and darkness from.
Interior of the major pool has plant decorated scoria stone on both side and black painted columns illuminated by bottom-installed artificial yellow light.
While wind blows through the interior, diluted stuffy steam shows clustered glass pole installation which suspended above the water. It brings condensed steam back to the pool.
The cool water inconstantly drops on hot human bodies could distract attention from visual to tactile.
Two more different elevated underwater platforms are at the end of major pool. It's time to allow guests grabbing a drink with half body soaking in the water, and seeing through the floating scoria hall to find out what's happening on back wall.
Meanwhile, on the bottom left conner of concrete back wall, natural light that comes through the small cliff makes the interior more like a grotto. Water reflection swings in shadow on the wall.
There are walkways at each side of hall, which between the columns and the walls. Constant water tapping sound reverberates the space modestly that should thank to gaps between walkway panels.
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