#we're in a pandemic people
tawaifeddiediaz · 5 months
you know what boils my blood.
over the last 2 weeks, i've seen countless patients walk into my urgent care center, symptomatic for so many things, refusing to get tested for covid and flu, citing that they don't want to knowingly bring it to their holiday tables. i had a patient tell me, verbatim, "i don't want to test for covid, because i don't want to be the asshole who brings it on a plane."
i understand that - i understand that holidays are times where people look forward to meeting loved ones that they might only see once a year, or where they get a break from the hectic back and forth of their lives.
but here's the thing - whether they get tested or not, they will bring whatever they have to their holiday tables. it's pure recklessness to know that you're sick, and walk into someone else's house spreading the disease.
today, january 2, i saw 91 patients, many of them who have tested positive for covid and flu. many of these patients are the same ones who didn't want testing 3 days ago, until their events were over, and now, they will have to reach out to everyone they know to let them know that they were positive because they were showing symptoms well before their event.
the next week or two? we're going to see many, many more, all people with symptoms that started around christmas. these are the only two viruses we test for rapidly in our office, but they are potent and can be fatal in many people.
so here's why i wrote this post, and maybe it's a little late, but - if you care about your loved ones, please get tested if you know you're sick. it doesn't have to be at a clinic if you don't want it to, because the over-the-counter tests work just fine too (if you test within 5-7 days of symptom onset). just...please don't try to run from the knowledge that you might have covid, because immunocompromised people, elderly people, people with co-morbidities like asthma, pregnancy, diabetes, etc...many of them may not recover. and they may not be sitting at your holiday table in the future because of it.
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poisonousquinzel · 2 months
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"a dude in Texas legally changed his name to "Literally Anyone Else" and he's attempting to run for President against Biden & Trump" [source]
okay, but putting aside the comedic aspect of this, it is concerning the amount of people who are prompted to vote for candidates just because it's funny. I'm not the biggest fan of how his policy about the boarder sounds [Site], but I do implore anyone who is able to vote in the 2024 US election to please research other candidates.
The media is only going to continue pushing the idea it's inevitably going to be Trump vs Biden 2.0 and we have no other options, that we have to vote for Biden again because of Project 2025. Is that whole thing terrifying?
Yeah, fucking absolutely.
But voting for Biden will not solidify our safety from that. Biden is exactly like the rest of them. He always has been. You can't make the lesser of two evils argument when they're both just plain evil.
You cannot say that Biden is even mildly a better choice than Trump when he is currently directly involved in a genocide. That is not some little fucking thing. That in and of itself disqualifies him as a lesser evil. Biden is just as bad as him and he will not save us because he doesn't fucking care.
Cornel West [Site] is an Independent candidate running for President in the 2024 Election. [Policies]
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia [Site] are running for President and Vice-President as the candidates of the Party for Socialism and Liberation in the 2024 Election. [Policies]
There are options.
There are people trying to change the corrupt foundation our system is built on, but we have to help amplify them because the mainstream media will not.
#have you looked at what's happening in New York & the subways#There's so many reported shootings and deaths and it just seems to be getting worse.#I just looked up subway shooting ny because I wanted to check before saying something#There's reports from like 3 hours ago about someone getting pushed in front of one of the moving subways & there's so many others#or how about the like thousands of police officers that they've got stationed at subways in ny literally doing fuck all#or how everyone's going through a housing crisis and cant afford rent and cant get medical care because it can cost#$4000 to get a fucking ambulance and that's cheap. That's a ride to the hospital less than 20 minutes away probably.#or the rise in hate crimes and bigotry and all the shit they're now trying to censor with the kosa bill#or how terrifying places like Florida have became for anyone thats not seen as an equel by people who dont view most others as equels.#or how they're pouring billions into wars while we're in the midsts of a homeless crisis#suicide rates are at record levels in the us and it's only going to get worse. theyre pulling telehealth which will take away#life saving medical care for people who dont have the ability to go in person. people's ability to get therapy and meds being taken away#Is going to kill people. or how the Biden administration has fucked up their Covid response so goddamn badly#people are referring to the pandemic in past tense and have lost understanding for others who they'd have understood before#they've lied and they've concealed and its killing millions of people and disabling even more. but they will not take accountability.#long covid is ruining people's lives and they've successfully led the narrative that its not real or not that serious.#they will sit there and they will lie. they will say they've protected women's rights and that its a top priority.#they'll say that healthcare is a top priority but have suggested that they'd veto a healthcare for all bill because of its price tag#but will spend billions and billions and billions on a genocide that the majority is against. the system isn't going to begin collapsing#it already is.#its crumbled and we must demolish the corrupt remains and rebuild a better government that gives a shit about people#ALL people.#they use basic human rights as bargaining chips.#the Democrats and Republicans on a Venn diagram is a circle. wake up.
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sage-nebula · 27 days
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Every day is suffering when you're a Hollow Knight fan. (Happy for y'all in the Hades fandom, tho.)
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letteredlettered · 5 months
I'm still confused by the wedding-industrial complex, tbh
#take proposals#like one day basically shortly after we got together my gf was like I want to marry you#i was like that's nice#then another time not that long after she was like hey we should get married#and i was like um that's nice i'm not ready#and she was like yeah sure okay#so next time we're together in person (because we're long distance) she was like hey I want to marry you#and i was like well there are things we'd have to talk about such as kids and finances and what country to live in#and she was like sure yeah okay#then there was a pandemic and the inability to see each other and a lot of other things including discussions#and then i was like okay yeah i think that's a great idea i'd like to marry you#and she was like that's great i love you we still don't know where to live#and so after that she still periodically says we should get married#and asks me to marry her#and i ask her to marry me#and we always say yes#and eventually figure out where to live and start applying for visas etc etc#but when we mention we're engaged people always ask#how did she do it?#did you know she was going to?#who proposed to who?#like fuck idk when it even happened don't you propose to each other like every other day when you love each other?#and isn't marriage a much bigger decision than a single question#and then like my cousin who coined the term 'wedding industrial complex' told me she was getting married#and i was like cool do you know when the wedding is?#and she was like what? no. he hasn't proposed#and i was like . . . but you know you're getting married?#and she was like yeah we've discussed it and agreed#and i was like sooo....that's not a proposal?#and she was like no because he hasn't asked
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 9 months
i'm so jealous of how it seems literally every other human on earth is really chill with being in rooms full of groups of people again. i'm still not!!! i'm still having the ol' covid anxiety about it!!!
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The Last of Us (1x02)
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liminalweirdo · 4 months
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grinchwrapsupreme · 1 year
i'm not saying this to make any sort of point but as someone who works in canadian theatre, the wga strike is going to have an interesting effect on live entertainment too, like i know multiple people who have lost their jobs or will lose their jobs soon because so much american television is produced here and obviously the iatse union is standing with the wga which it should and i also know that when film crew are out of work like this they often turn to theatre because it's a different local of the same union (and a lot of them started in theatre) and they wind up pushing permits out of work because film crew are usually members which means they get first dibs on all calls even if they don't have much live entertainment experience and even though attitudes in theatre and film are VERY different. And i really really hope the wga gets everything they want, they deserve that and more, but i also hope it happens quickly before young iatse permits get priced out of this city and we get into into another situation like the one right after the pandemic
#when the pandemic hit and live entertainment pretty much died for a few years#most established theatre iatse guys moved into film so when theatre started up again there was this huge crisis#and iatse was so desperate for permits they were literally advertising for them on facebook and weren't requiring advocates or anything#which is a massive fucking deal and also how i got my permit#but it also means theres a ton of experienced film iatse members who aren't averse to jumping ship to a familiar field#and all those new permits who found their opening in that crisis are now in danger of being out of work#in the most expensive city in the country#and as someone who works at a theatre that's labelled a learning theatre by the union (we get all the green permits)#it's going to be very interesting to see what happens next#fortunately we don't pay as well as many of the other venues in the city#but we're more likely to offer steady work#so film guys who want cash will take the jobs at the high paying venues doing dailies and weeklies#and the ones who just want to keep busy will wind up here#i have two very good friends who work for the film union#one decided to take a vacation during the strike (good for her) and the other was let go from star trek and intends to go back to theatre#but knowing the attitude of the well established members and people who got used to film there are going to be Problems#so depending on how long the strike lasts this could actually have some serious ramifications for a lot of people outside of the wga#again i'm not trying to make any sort of point here just getting my thoughts in order in the wake of all these tumblr posts about the strik
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ace-with--a-mace · 1 year
i definitely think quarantine stunted everyone under the age of like 25's growth and its detrimental to society today
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canichangemyblogname · 11 months
They kept telling all of us that we are just supposed to return to normal. How the fuck are we supposed to return to "normal"? What even is "normal"?
I need everyone to know that the healthcare professionals, public health officials, and public sector employees who worked through the pandemic and responded to the emergency are not okay, and neither are your disabled friends and family.
I saw a video of people crowded in a hallway at O'Hare, sheltering from the tornadoes that touched down. Practically no one was wearing a mask. And I started shaking. I felt nauseous.
I don't think I'll ever be the same. I don't think I will ever be able to enter public spaces the same. I am having a really hard time handling crowds or more confined/enclosed places. They make me feel trapped; helpless. Trapped in spaces with people who don't care about raw-dogging the air. Helpless to prevent the spread of illness.
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theloveinc · 2 years
honestly im not really bothered by note count anyway bc i have about 5 followers ... but it’s still really funny to me to see bakugo pieces that i know would’ve gotten 1k+ notes instantly last year only get about... give or take maybe 400 now. cuz if the ratios were off for characters other than him before, they’re literally HORRIBLE now. 
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albonium · 1 year
caring about not getting covid repeatedly plays a big part in not getting sick and feeling like shit often btw
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vimbry · 2 years
drains collapsed. under house
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#we've had on and off plumbing issues for like 2 months now & this is why. so#no clear reason why probably just. you know age and wear. uk sewer system's old and garbage#my parent & I have had flu also which I still have a lingering cough/feel tired from#anddd we haven't been speaking to my grandparents (who we prev saw like. once a week) for about the same length as the plumbing issue#after they did something pretty selfish and thoughtless and are the type too proud to apologise/want everyone to move on#so now we're at a stalemate bc we're still hurt and it's like. even if we do move past it#I still view them differently now. you know? family disappointing you really leaves you feeling empty#I already went nc with my other parent in 2019 cause they suck and then my dog died in 2020#just feel like I'm slowly running out of people in my immediate circle esp with pandemic limitations#and this is just like. a whole thing now on top of the existing energy crisis to worry about#also someone stole our recycling bin LMAO like I put it out for collection a few days ago and now it's just gone dk where it is#which is not that big a deal you can just order another for free but it's like. why'd you have to do that man#I want to be grateful for what I've got knowing people are living through warzones and famine rn but like#I'm very weak and things mess me up easily I won't lie#that information only makes things worse. I mean each year everything just gets worse around the world.#it's already blisteringly hot each summer I just don't feel very. hopeful about anything anymore#I've just been really depressed#I guess the good thing is not caring about anything means I don't even particularly care about venting this online lol#it's hard to feel any cringeworthiness or insecurity over anything when you're not feeling anything at all
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when you think about going to a party and then remember what you gotta do to stay safe oof
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i love ishu cause I came here to rant abour one (1) topic and they had rhe same shit going on
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noxtivagus · 1 year
damn it's been a while since i've been on tumblr
#🌙.rambles#hi ><#one of my cets is soon so i've been busy aaaa#after that tho ! gna get a lot more done#wna return here honestly#make a proper spam bcs i end up rambling too much on my twt priv oops n#hmmm. i've being doing better tho! esp compared to last year. kinda weird but i'm doing alright rn#only have like a week left. more like less than a week now bcs i'm gna rest on friday#saturday's my exam day. haven't had exams in a while. ever since the pandemic#haven't had to take any entrance exams for so long too bcs i've been in the same school ever since grade school#weird how in just a few months i'll be in my last year of high school#i'll make the most of it ! i'm v excited for college tho >.>#stressed tho abt the upcoming exam bcs for the past few months i haven't been properly reviewing#i understand n learn well but 🥹 still nervous honestly#i really want to get in.#n then growing older is just. yeah odd. i'm closer to being 17 than being 16#16 has admittedly been rather uneventful n uh kinda 'sad' actually but#17 is too close to 18. i want to do a lot more before that time comes#i always wished that. yk when i'm older i'll still be close w ppl i grew up with. esp during my teen years#drifting apart from the person that used to be my best friend back then hurts. we're different people now.#n other stuff too w other ppl that i think i'll just have to keep a secret for eternity#i've been keeping to myself a lil too much lately. but i've been doing mostly well lately#just a bit emotional rn. it's nearly midnight#ah.. my family's asleep rn n i'll sleep soon too but. oh fuck having this moment finally to myself n being properly alone#makes me finally just. feel it all. n it hurts. it's really lonely.. w the exception of my family#it's really lonely but i'll never say that while the sun's up. i just. want to#cry in someone's arms? i love my family but i just.. want someone else right now. but no i'm fine. it'll be fine#i'll focus on myself. i have my family n i'll reconnect w some friends after the exam#i'll do my best n study. i really need to get in. i want to do this for myself. but if i don't get in then i'll eventually make my peace#with that too. n i'll play video games n read n write n go out. catch up on a lot of stuff. yeah
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