#we’re back: a dinosaur’s story
Hey, Rex (and the other dinosaurs) all pass the Harkness Test.
So Rex from We’re Back: A Dinosaur’s Story.
Hi anon, never speak these words to me again
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punster-2319 · 7 months
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Both released on November 24, 1993
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dyke-o-matic · 1 year
Something I love to see in movies and television is dated technology with big, clunky buttons and arduous switches performing fantastical functions. Like a 16mm projector that plays your dreams back to you with a loud whirr and a flickering light; a CB radio that can slice through crackling static to communicate with another dimension.
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sundove88 · 4 months
We’re Back! A Cartoon Monster’s Story (We’re Back! A Dinosaur’s Story Parody Casting)
Four fun-loving monsters take a trip to New York City, courtesy of Rauru. The dimension hopping Zonai is intent on bringing some joy to the lives of the children of the Big Apple. After eating a potion to boost their smarts and cuddliness, Rathalos, Diablos, Legiana, and Zinogre hit the town! But trouble soon arrives when Rauru's evil old friend hatches a devious plot.
Rathalos as Rex (Monster Hunter)
Legiana as Elsa (Monster Hunter)
Diablos as Woog (Monster Hunter)
Zinogre as Dweeb (Monster Hunter)
Various Other Monsters as Themselves/The Dinosaurs’ Friends (Monster Hunter)
Kirby as Vorb (Kirby)
Rauru as Captain Neweyes (The Legend of Zelda)
Elliot Edwards as Louie (NiGHTS Into Dreams)
Claris Sinclair as Cecilia (NiGHTS Into Dreams)
Simisear and Simipour as Chimp!Louie and Chimp!Cecilia (Pokemon)
Hollyberry Cookie as Dr. Juliet Bleeb (Cookie Run)
Wizeman The Wicked as Professor Screweyes (NiGHTS Into Dreams)
Jackle as Stubbs the Clown (NiGHTS Into Dreams)
Various Characters as People of New York
Blue Slushy Cookie as Buster (Cookie Run)
Dessert Paradise Cookies as Buster's Family (Cookie Run)
Here’s your hint for the next casting:
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rxin3akamallory · 4 months
Hiro Hamada and my BH6 OC Itsuki Takara as Louie and Cecilia from “We’re Back! A Dinosaur’s Story”
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Omg something that isn’t related to my self inserts!
I don’t think I ever properly posted anything related to Itsuki here, but she’s my non-insert oc for Big Hero 6. She and Hiro go way back, they’re childhood friends. Just like Hiro, she’s a child prodigy and graduated high school early. When Itsuki decides to enroll into SFIT soon after, their friendship falls off a bit due to Hiro being jealous, thinking Tadashi took his best friend away when that couldn’t be farther from the truth. During the events of Big Hero 6, the two reconcile and rekindle their friendship. It isn’t until after the film and right before the tv series that they become a couple and start dating.
Why is this related to “We’re Back!”? Well I was reminded of the film recently and I realized how similar Louie and Cecilia are to Hiro and Itsuki, both in terms of appearance and ship dynamic. So I wanted to draw them in their outfits! I like how Hiro barely changed because Louie wears a strikingly similar outfit. Like Louie is just Hiro if he was born in the 90s.
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chibi-n92 · 9 months
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Update of my dino Oc Ren. She’s no longer Rex daughter and decided to keep her as my sona. I hope you guys get to know cause I’m gonna interact with her.
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weirdgirl92 · 11 months
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Wanted to do another one of these things with one of my other favorite childhood movies. It may not be a “great” film, but I always found the premise of it to be very fascinating.
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Louie and Cecila
We’re Back A Dinosaur’s Story-1993
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kingnice1219 · 1 year
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Shoutout to @thehyperrequiem for the brain grain idea with their transformers one, so here’s one with Mr Wolf from The Bad Guys. In order, A savage Mr Wolf who’s on all fours, Mr Wolf having Brain Grain, and after eating Brain Drain. Looking all monsterous, inspired by both Rex getting ready to eat Prof. Screweyes, and himself attempting to attack Marmalade after finding out he stole the Mcguffin.
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rogerfromamericandad · 11 months
me: *goes on twitter and sees an unironic viral post about how mermaids are real and They are hiding them from us followed by a tweet asking how the barbie movie is able to afford such good marketing*
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thehyperrequiem · 2 years
Brain Drain/Savage
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Brain Grain/Civilized
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(Reblog if you feel like doing something similar to this, but with different character designs of your fav)
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well since anon mentioned they pass the Harkness test,
Woog from We’re Back: A Dinosaur’s Story
thank you. Thank you for this. Ruin my childhood why don’t y’all.
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punster-2319 · 1 year
I forgot one film the last time I made this poll.
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I feel like Yancy would reeeaaallly like Don Bluth films. Idk why I just do.
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oceanusborealis · 9 months
We’re Back! - A Dinosaur’s Story (1994) – Exploring the Past
TL;DR – A fascinating time capsule to the early 1990s, which might feel as far in the past as the dinosaurs featured.  ⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There is no Post-Credit Scene.Disclosure – I paid to watch this film. We’re Back! – A Dinosaur’s Story Review – I always like plugging in gaps in my knowledge when it comes to cinema, especially when it hits one of those topics…
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jaysmily2919 · 2 years
We Roar! Godzilla’s Monster Story part 1
In a jungle, a small creature was running from a monster who roared. Hunger reached within the giant’s belly, no matter the size! Eventually the monster bent down to his prey, who fell down from tiredness. The giant beast gave a small growl that turned into a roar!
Capturing the creature with his mouth, to tired and scared to run as the giant predator’s tongue was wet. Lifting his head to take him down to his throat and eventually stomach, and the monster gave a victorious roar.
only to hear an unfamiliar sound, turning his whole body around to find an unfamiliar sight. The spines on his back glowing, ready to fire as the object coming down landing near him.
Only to see a new creature, who despite being small. Came up to him, making something unintelligible to him. Curiosity got the best of him, to the creature’s height on all fours.
The new creature held something on it’s strange looking paws. Despite being giant they looked tasty! Turning down his beam, he opened his jaw and the creature threw the treats he gave to the monster
It tasted pretty nice, giving a small happy growl! The creature gave him more. “Mmm! Tasty!” He shouted, lifting his head up to shoot a beam! “My, you certainly like my Smart Cereal! “ the small creature said, making the monster look down.
Only to see that he had become small! Of course, he was still taller then the small creature. “You mean, I talk?”
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