#we got hella tractors out there and shit happens
wyn-n-tonic · 13 days
Not me sitting here just shocked and delighted and loving that 9-1-1 Lone Star is beating the 'dumb southern hick' stereotypes to a pulp and any time somebody goes to laugh about accidents that happen from very southern things, they get pulled up to not be dickheads.
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slidewhistlebj · 4 years
TUA Season 2 is finally here! I think it was a really cool season with some really awesome potential, but there are some parts that I think really didn’t work and this is how i think they should have been fixed
(Spoilers for Season 2 of the Umbrella Academy. Obviously)
i think landing the siblings in different years was amazing, they got time to explore themselves and we could see their personalities through what they did
On the other hand, they didnt devote enough time to those storylines so it never felt like they had a solid purpose (for most of the siblings), it was more to show “time has passed”
How did Luther end up boxing under a gangster? How is he adjusting to no dad, no academy?? He was alone on the moon, He was left behind by his siblings in the academy, now he is alone and in a whole other *time* like i wanna hear about that!
Klaus has mansion and a cult and had a girlfriend benefactor lady?? Like: lets get into that! if the show wants humor that can be amazing
but it can also be really interesting and deep for exploring klaus’s need for both personal space (physically and somewhat emotionally) yet also his need for positive attention from whoever will give it to him!
More on that alone now track: the opening scene with their fighting was built to get us hyped
it fucking worked, that shit was amazing
but along with wishing that we saw more of their individual stories, i wish some of their growth had been gradual
like Klaus should have been showing off ghost stuff with his cult which is part of why they follow him which would set up his new ability to summon and conjure multiple ghosts at a time
instead of it being a throw away scene at the end where he gets caught
or Diego could have been shown in his ‘alone in dallas’ storyline to be trying to escape multiple times from the asylum and in that, figuring out his ability to start affecting other peoples shots at him, etc
Stuff like that would have been a great way to both dive into the characters *and* ramp up their abilities
Moving onto The Commission who i absolutely love so so much 
Hell yeah u funky lil time-space assassins
I think that the Handler should have stayed dead
her return to the show while awesome (because she is played so well by her actress) continues this problem for the show of seemingly running in place where things dont have consequences like they should
I also think her return made a very campy feel to certain parts which is fine, the story should have fun! but it doesnt fit with the vibe very well with the other more serious plots
Imagine a storyline where the Handler is replaced by Carmichael, a competent replacement with no close personal relationship to Five
A head to head show down throughout the season of Five trying to outthink and outwit Carmichael and Commission Agents to get a briefcase 
The misdirects! 
The drama! 
The action sequences and reveals!
More Screen Time for the Cool Ass Talking Fish 2k20!
All of which culminates in the board of directors scene but now with real weight behind it for the audience because we have been watching these two face off with one another for a season of build up
Giving that scene to the handler was the worst part of the whole season, u cant change my mind bros
This would also open up Lila to be more of her own person
Her storyline would change without the Handler there so that instead of being actively manipulated by the Handler, she has gone rogue from the commission to kill Five for her parents deaths due to previous planning and programming from her mother
(its only been 14 days for Five, a very normal turn around for him to desert, have the Handler tell Lila her version of the story, get killed, and have Lila get ready to take him down)
its generally the same plot, but Lila is more in the drivers seat
Going from tagging along with Diego in the hopes that Five returns for him to questioning some of her commitment to her mission as she spending time with them, etc
it could culminate in a reveal of her mother to Five and Diego and then a redemption where she helps them get a case from Carmichael in someway, looping her into the main plot in an important way with generally the same story
but skipping the pretty basic “obviously evil character is obviously evil but hero doesn't see it” trope that they fell into
I think that Luther’s arc in this season was awesome 10/10 gold standard
he was still him, but this storyline showcases the softer side of his loyalty and lets him grow from season 1 mistakes which is everything I hoped for
Comforting Vanya? Check
Being there for Five? Check
Being a voice of reason but still being a dumbass? Cheeeeeck
Diegos arc this season fell flat for me which was hard because he was such a main part of the plot 
This whole season had a build-up trying to break down Diego’s need to be a hero (which they turned to a fucking 11 from last season?? he was not *this* intense last season, im not quite sure why they made the switch), telling him that he isnt / cant be the hero
I assumed this was leading to Diego having a big moment or sacrifice that proved that hero or not, he cares and the effort that he puts into all of these different things matters
But it just didnt??
He didnt stop the president from being assassinated, he didnt save vanya, at the farm he got trapped under a tractor
it just felt like the point was “haha see he isnt a hero”
which,,,,,,okay? What the point of that??
His involvement with the Commision was weird too, i didnt care for him being a part of that storyline very much, it just didnt add anything
Allison’s arc was just on the edge of greatness for me
it was an awesome choice to put in her in a position where she wasnt treated equally and show exactly what kind of person she is by how she fights back
her not using her rumors also seems very genuine and character based here like: 10/10 character motivations and work
My one complaint, like with just about all the partners in this season, is that she fell in love with a man and just had to leave him 
which makes sense and they talk about it but like: she loves him, its hard to picture someone as loving and loyal as Allison just leaving her husband behind forever 
Klaus’s arc just needed more *time*
He is a hella deep character but all of his story lines needed more time to be able to address that complexity 
Show us more of the cult and his ghost powers being used there to trick and amaze and how he has been handling being cut off from the family again
I,,,,,,I understand,,,dave’s storyline
I get the time period
but fuck
that just hurts
I think Klaus not trying to rekindle his relationship with a younger Dave, but trying to protect him from the war was an amazing angle and it needed more time to get the full punch of klaus pulling out all the stops to save him but failing to really land it
My Son
My Trash Boy
I feel like his job as ‘leader of the stop the apocalypse’ movement is good but that was his whole story this time around
He should have gotten more to play off of with the Commission (*cough cough* Carmichael) in his fight to get a briefcase instead of what felt like 10 hours of Five trying to herd his siblings and them just fucking up in someway or another
Five and Older Five was a cool dynamic and im glad they brought him in but again, it just felt like another long storyline attempt that didnt have a purpose as they ended the scene without the case or anything new
Ben’s arc was,,,,,strange
I love Ben and i think his interplay with Klaus is really cool!
But the writers made him fall in love which someone so they could give him a reason to want to possess Klaus which i feel like didnt need to happen
The possession was a good part of the season and could have been taken to some awesome places
It was rough and the ‘consent’ wasnt run entirely well but i think the possession is supposed to be on the line and not quite black and white 
its Ben asking to take control of Klaus! That can be conflict! Thats good stuff right there! Ben is selfish! so is Klaus! thats a cool story to get into between them and see how they try to work it out
Ben wanting to connect with his other siblings after the small taste of being corporeal that he got and pushing Klaus for more and more of that freedom into possession territory would be A+ shit
and Finally: Vanya!
I think most amnesia plots are lazy and just a way to stall progress and reset a character so you can run a very similar plot again but this one seemed to genuinely grow Vanya’s character, even when she remembered 
She definitely has more personality in this season
And while shes quiet, thats just who she is, she isnt as afraid to take space and speak up which is awesome!
And this stays when she gets her memory back which is very good, i dont want to see backsliding for no reason! Give me growth!
I have two complaints about her storyline though
 First Sissy and Harlan
I love both of them and I think they are really cool characters!
Theyre pretty similar to vanya season 1, taking whatever is thrown at them which places Vanya in a more assertive position where she wants to protect them which i loved!
but their ending doesn't sit entirely right with me, just like Raymonds
These characters are in love and they all just leave each other so that the siblings can have a clean, no characters permanently added slate for the next season
it just makes me tired and i really want season 3 to have little to no romance if the only way the show can go about it is to do a love interest per season
My second problem gets its own section because it is the culmination of everything else i have said 
episode ten
Vanya is strong af so any writer that wants big final fight needs to very carefully weigh out how to give each sibling their appropriately sized struggle so they get equal ability to contribute
Instead of doing that though, they did my least favorite trope: Evil Character secretly can do everything the heros can but better and without a problem or ***training***
It meant that they could do whatever they wanted with throwing commission agents at them because Luther, Allison, and Klaus were completely added on just to react to things
Five sort of got to do some fighting (<3 thats my lil geriatric 13 year old) but it was minor, he was mainly there to very obviously turn back time when the big bad shoot out happened
Diego got the most to do out of the siblings and it was suddenly knowing a new ability and doing it a little bit
I dont want a final fight to be trying to woo a bad guy to the good side because theyre too strong to fight 
I want there to be stakes and drama as the siblings show off exactly what the season was all about, what they learned, how they grew together and apart, etc and to take down the big bad which could have very easily been the united front of the Commission instead of 18% Vanya, 15% Harlan, 30% Lila and the Handler, 20% the Swede(s), etc
Lila’s turn to good could have been to help them sneak attack the commission, maybe in their base so as to shrink the fighting to manageable bites for each character?
That would have allowed five’s killing of the board to draw the fighting to a close, a hard decision for him as he is trying to move away from killing but does so to save his family, always to save his family :’( 
Luther could protect his siblings from hits like they showed at the beginning in a way that mirrors how he has been doing that emotionally all season
etc etc etc for all of the siblings so that they each get to show off and have their moment in the spotlight as heros
I loved the season even though i just ranted for like 3 pages, and it has some of the best one liners and line readings ever (”Thats where you come in Five” “Nope. No it isnt”) I just wish that some parts of it had been given some more thought / care so they could really show of the amazing cast, effects, sets, etc without writing in the way
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winteriron-trash · 6 years
My Fucking School
So I know this is a Marvel blog, but yall are always hella amused by my personal shit posts, so here are some more shenanigans in my world.
I fucking get that everyone says their school is “so bad” or “so wild” but mine literally is. Because you’re legally required to go to school until you’re 16, the state has to provide said schooling. Basically, in most poorer areas, there’s always one school district that has to take all the kids that get expelled from other schools because they are legally required to have an education. 
That school happens to be my school.
But my school is also a really fucking small town surrounded by a lot of big cities! So culturally we’re influenced by the cities, but we still have like half the kids in the school who live on literal farms. Basically, my school is what happens when rednecks try to be gangsters.
So with that setting in mind, here are some school stories from literally less than a month into my junior year.
I walked down the hall to hear literally the entire hallway chanting “All Hail Russia”. I still don’t know why
There have already been two fist fights (one was over a carton of free milk)
My new Spanish teacher from Washington, DC walked into the classroom for my College Spanish class, looked at us and said: “Where are the rest of you?”. We were the entire class. There are 12 of us
My College Historical Geology 111 is even smaller, at 9 kids total. I’m the only junior
Speaking of Geology, we watched a documentary today that I swear to fucking god, was what it would sound like if a shitpost got to narrate a documentary
I’m not kidding, an honest to god quote from this documentary was “A poet might call the centre of the Earth it’s glowing, pulsing heart. But perhaps a more accurate description of the core is an upset stomach, one that belches and pukes up indigestion [zoom in on a flowing lava] and lets out lots of gas. Bad gas [zoom in on smoking volcano]” as well as the quote “And what hell lies beneath this crusty top layer of Earth? [picture of the molten mantle] Actual hell.”
My school got a new turf. We had to be told to not eat the turf in Gym class. People still tried to eat the turf
Two dudes in my Spanish class have taken to adding an ‘o’ and calling it Spanish. For example, we have to ask to use the bathroom in Spanish or we get ignored so this kid goes “May-o I go-o to-o the bathroom-o???” and I swear he’s gonna drive my Spanish teacher insane
To add to the above, the guy’s favourite thing in the world is when he says an actual Spanish word with this method. For example, he shouted “CORRECT-O” and my Spanish teacher realized she couldn’t yell at him for it and lost her mind on the spot
My APUSH teacher was pointing to a map and he said: “If you know a lot about geometry- no wait, geology- wait no, what’s the other one? Geo... geo” and a kid quietly said “Geography?” and he screamed “THAT’S THE ONE! ... I’m qualified for this job, I swear”
When someone asked the above teacher why he teachs American history if he’s from Canada, and I think we gave the poor man an identity crisis
Once again, same teacher, asked us if we’ve read The Scarlet Letter in English, we said no. He nearly had a heart attack and asked if we’ve read The Cruciables, also no. So he turned, looked up (his classroom is in the hallway on the floor below the English & Math hallway) and SCREECHED “WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN TEACHING THEM?” and we all jumped and he softly followed up with “I’m not talking to God. I don’t know why I did that, I’m on the math side, I just screamed at [insert name of a math teacher whose classroom is directly above his]. I’m an awful person. These walls are thin, she can hear me if I scream. I’M SORRY [math teacher]!”
I have a study hall with literally 2 other people, and the room has basically become our gossip centre and I now know far too much
My school is having Spirit Week soon, and one of their days is “Meme Monday” and I am concerned as to what results that’s going to yeild. Will keep yall posted
Someone let their dog lose in the school
Someone drove their tractor to school. We had an assembly about it. This is not the first assembly we’ve had about this
Someone asked me what I did over the summer, and I said “nothing much, I’m a pretty boring person” and this motherfucker looked me dead in the eye and said “Rebecca, you’re too quiet, too nice, and too smart. What secret life are you hiding?” and I still don’t have an answer to that
It’s not even October. Help me
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Devil’s Little Angel Chapter Two: A Friend of a Friend
By the time I had arrived home, it was pouring down rain. Lightning flashed outside my window, and the sound of rolling thunder wasn't too far behind. I opened the window in my room just a crack so I could smell the fresh rain, and better hear the relaxing tapping of droplets on the side of the house. Turning around, I flopped onto my bed. Who knew watching a bunch of sweaty dudes who make me self conscious about myself bouncing a ball up and down a gym would make me so exhausted? Maybe Oliver was right. Getting out of the house every once and a while might be good for me....but I still don't like it. It's not like I ever have anyone to do anything with, so what's the point really? I don't really talk to any other people besides Flavio and Oliver; Flavio almost always has other plans, and Oliver's too head over heels at the moment to even think about doing anything else. And then there's my younger brother, Lutz. I don't really hang out with him that much. He's always doing something with his friends as well; though he does invite me along every once and a while. I usually decline though. I'd probably end up clinging to his side like a leech the whole time, and I don't want to do that to him. A lot of the things he is usually doing isn't in my particular interests either. A flash of light beamed through my window, followed by a loud crash, nearly knocking me off of my bed. It began to pour down harder outside, forcing me to shut my window. I yawned and looked at the clock on my phone. 10:30. It wasn't nearly close to what I time I usually went to sleep, especially on a Friday night. I grabbed my pillow and wrapped my arms around it, not even bothering to get under the covers. It didn't take more than a minute before I was sound asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I awoke the next morning to the sound of my phone blowing up with text messages. I almost didn't even move to look at them, but the annoying sound of vibration against my hollow wood nightstand was unbearable for my ears to withstand. With a low groan, I grabbed it, squinting at the brightness of the screen. As the blurriness began to disappear from my eyes, I could finally see from whom the messages were coming from. Flavio. Dammit. I unlocked my phone and opened the messaging app. Most of them said something like "Bitch, I need details" or "Wake up dammit", and even the long and drawn out "GIIIIIILLEEEEEEEN." None of them provided a purpose as to why he so desperately needed my attention at ten in the morning though. I groggily answered him. "What's the matter? Details for what?" I threw my phone onto the bed, shoving my face back into my pillow. I hoped he wouldn't answer it quite yet and maybe I could close my eyes for a bit. But the speed texting demon answered as soon as my face planted into the soft fabric. "Oliver said a guy was giving you bedroom eyes last night!!!! Was he hot?! Was he tall?! Basketball players are usually hella tall." Bedroom eyes?! Who? What the hell Flavio? At first, I had no recollection of what Oliver had been talking about. I began to message back, but then it hit me like a tidal wave. HIM. My senses tingled as I began to remember what happened last night. His eyes, his smile, his scent, his strength, his warmth, all of it came back to me. My blood began to pound through my veins with nervousness. I started to panic. Oliver had gotten the wrong idea, and now he was flapping his gums to Flavio about it. "No, no! Nothing like that happened! I just accidentally ran into him outside, and we glanced at each other like once! Nothing more!" I responded frantically. "Oliver said he gave you a wink~ ;)))" What? .....oh.....that. About halfway through the game last night, a ball flew out of bounds and into the bleachers. I wasn't paying attention and it bounced right into my lap nearly knocking my teeth out. I swore it knocked one loose. I was panicking. I didn't know what to do with it; it was like when someone hands you their baby to hold but you really don't wanna hold it. And who do you think came to take it? Him. He extended a hand out to me with a smile. I quickly handed him the ball, and in return he winked and said: "Thanks, sugar~" I shivered a bit at the memory. "I don't know him and I'm never going to see him again so what does it matter anyways? It was a casual encounter with a stranger." That's right, that's all it was. An encounter with a stranger; someone I'll probably never see again. Besides, who would even want to see me again? I'm nothing special, I'm far from it actually. Extraordinarily ordinary. My phone buzzed again from under my pillow. "A stranger who seems to want to get to know you better~ Did you catch his name?" His name...his name...? "I think his name was Roland??? Something like that???" There was a pause. "Roland Edelstein?!!! What a catch~" "Wait, you know him?" "Not very well, but we've met before. I think I have his number though~! *gASP* Imma hook you two up~ ;D" "No, please don't do that." About five minutes went by. No answer. "Flavio, please don't." Still no answer. "Please?" Flavio replied. "Meet me at the fire hall at 7 o'clock sharp~ Dress nice~" Dammit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I went through most of my day like I would always do. Play one online games, watch movies on Netflix, things like that. When six o'clock came around, I decided I should start getting ready for whatever Flavio was dragging me to. I closed my laptop and rolled out of bed, making my way to the bathroom. A large mirror cabinet hung above the sink, sitting right next to the door. I turned my head away from it, instead turning to the dresser beside it and pulling out a towel. A few moments later, I was practically cooking under the near boiling hot water. It was really nice to be able to take a hot shower for once. Lutz usually gets in here before me in the morning, leaving me with only a fraction of the hot water. I stood there for a bit, trying not to get too lost in my own though. "Dress nice~"  Flavio had said. I could practically hear him purring that with a honey sweet voice, with a hint of sinister intent. I sighed and looked at myself. Looking nice was certainly a challenge for me. I almost always had bags under my eyes, my clothes are worn and baggy, my posture was horrendous, and my hair never seemed to go in the right direction. And not to mention... I gently ran my fingers over the scars on my right arm, as well as the ones on my face and chest. They were from an accident that happened a long time ago. The scars it left have earned me a lot of stares from strangers, though the only ones they usually see are the ones on my face, since I try my best to hide the others. What happened to him? Did he get run over by a tractor? (Most of the time the comments aren't quite as bad as that last one though.) I've even frightened a few kids with my overall appearance. Whenever I catch someone staring, they usually try to smile it off. I more often than not offer a small smile back, to be polite. None of their smiles are ever genuine though; I can see pity in their eyes no matter how much they try to hide it. But...somehow Roland's felt...different. He didn't look at me as if I were odd, or misshapen. He didn't look at me as if I were a grungy nobody. He smiled upon me and treated me...nicely. My spine quivered at the thought of it. It made me almost think there was something wrong with him. Pushing that aside, I quickly got out of the shower and got dressed. The only nice thing I really had available was a black, long sleeve t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I put on belt as well, though Flavio might kill me for wearing a brown belt over black. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs into the kitchen. "Whoa, who's the date, stud?" Lutz chuckled from the living room. He rested his elbow over the back of the couch, turning to face me. "Flavio," I muttered under my breath. Lutz smiled and nodded. "I see. Where's he dragging you off to this time?" "The fire hall? I have no idea what for though...." "Oh! I know! There's a fundraiser there tonight for some kid with cancer or something like that. There's supposed to have live music and a shit ton of food," Lutz stood up from the couch and walked closer to me. "If ya want I can drive you, I was planning on going at some point anyways." "Alright, I guess that works..." Lutz smiled and tussled my hair. "Coolio," he said before walking by me, running up the stairs and into his room. With Lutz now taking me, that gave me an extra half hour to do whatever. I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone. The slow and dull ticking of the wall clock echoed through the quiet room. I could hear the floorboards creak as Lutz moved around upstairs. I looked at the basement doorway and debated on whether I should go down or not. That's where Dad works. He's a craftsman, making homemade furniture and things of the like. The basement is almost always covered in sawdust and dry wood stain. My dad's a great guy to get along with most of the time, but when he's working, it's "Do Not Disturb Or Else". Lutz takes a lot after him, both in looks and personality. I was always told I was more like my mother. I never really knew her besides pictures and things like that. She died after Lutz was born, about two years after I was born. I'm always told that I have her eyes and calm disposition by almost every relative I've met. Lutz soon came bounding back down the stairs, twirling his keys around his finger. "Alright dude, leggo." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The fire hall was packed with people. Way too many people for my particular liking. I'm totally glad that so many people came to support the cause, but it was making me claustrophobic; even more so than at the game last night. As soon as I got there I couldn't wait for it to be over. I've had enough social interaction for a week under my standards. Lutz began to wander off as soon as we got in the door, leaving me chasing after him. I hadn't seen Flavio yet, and I didn't want to get left behind. Lutz was talking to two older men, who seemed to be aged around mid-forties. He introduced me to them when I came over, and I just smiled and waved awkwardly. They apparently were the shop guys that Lutz takes his car to for inspection and repairs. I stood there for a bit listening to their conversation while scanning the room for the man who dragged me here in the first place. Maybe he ditched me...I thought to myself sadly. At least I had Lutz here, so I wasn't completely by myself. A long line of baskets lined the farthest wall of the room for the auction. Tables were scattered throughout the room, and speakers were set up in the front with the local radio station playing. The smell of the food was incredible, which made me hungry, but the dessert table in the back made me even hungrier. I was so caught up in the whole thing, I didn't notice someone walk up behind me, until a deep throated chuckled spooked me. I jumped and turned around, looking up at the man. A gleaming white smile and fiery eyes looked down upon me. "My, my. I didn't know a sinner like me could get so close to an angel~" he purred. ______________________
I promise it gets better. ;;;;-;;;;;
Wattpad: oddartist
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