#we doubfounded
fuck-off-im-ace · 4 months
A girl came in at the coffee shop where i work, asked for an iced coffee to go, so i started making it in one of the plastic to go cups we give for cold drinks. She watched me prepare it all, and right where i was about to put the plastic straw in it she went "oh... i didnt want a straw... could you maybe do it in one of the cardboard cups for hot drinks?" And that seemed like a peculiar but reasonable request so i transfered it, threw away the plastic cup, gave her the iced coffee and she said "thanks! Now i dont have to waste plastic!"
And then she left, leaving me doubfounded by the fact that she wasted More Plastic than if she had just. Taken a fucking straw.
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mynhoos-blog · 5 years
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I didn’t move out last night. - how could I?
So today I tried to wrap my mind around my next move. Do I go home and pack? Do I get a bag of clothes? Do I just go buy new clothes and go look for apartments and then come back to pack?
I had to deal with people telling me my medication was what was making me see things from my perspective. Maybe my medication is what caused me to blow this out of proportion or why I had TW: suicidal thoughts.
Now that last part is something that can happen with SSRIs, but it’s not the case. I went back on this medication for the thoughts and it does help. A lot of it is situational. And I finally got that point across.
Then my dad asked me to coffee. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go. I was exhausted emotionally and physically and I was pretty tired of talking about it. I had already made an effort to fix things and it made things worse.
Well I went and I am glad I went because things got better. It wasn’t at first. At first it was round and round agin debating stupid things and not talking big picture. Slowly we got there and slowly he listened.
The worst thing? Was he had forgotten all the emotional abuse and trauma that he took my mom to court over to get custody of me. He asked me to remind him. So I told him somethings and he was like oh I get it now I get why you would be afraid of me kicking things and how words mean so much more to you.
I’m just kinda doubfounded that he forgot.
Don’t get me wrong I’m immensely greatful that he and I are on good terms and I’m sleeping in my own bed comfortably all week, but I’m still kinda like wait what?
Anyway, I’m still planning on moving out. It’s nice though that there is more understanding and hopefully room for some improvement and healing. Also, I am so greatful that I can move out in a more relaxed pace rather than all of the sudden.
If you made it this far 🤟 ILY. If you didn’t I still Love you 😍
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woah-its-al · 5 years
so i have a friend who is SUPER into naruto. Shes also hella straight (this will become relavent in a moment). So i was having a convorsation with her and some friends. One of our friends say "hows Naruto going." and my dumbass went "holy shit u like naruto?? u like anime??" she confirmed and began talking about naruto. i asked during this convorsation "wow i never knew! what drew you in?" and so me and her had a nice one on one convo about Naruto. Eventually she said her favorite character was Kakashi saying and i quote that "he is hot as fuck" and "when he took off his mask.. uhhhg that was hot as fuck. hes so fucking hot." I was doubfounded at the statement but we then continued from there. A while after that she showed me some of her drawings and one of them was kakashi. She then asked me "Dont you just find him so hot?" i said "idrk" since the only place i had seen him before this was the fucking kakashi from accounting post
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