#we better get slicked hair Haru next
pinehurst · 4 years
Unwrapping the Fourth Episode
It’s safe to say that the fourth episode absolutely destroyed the internet. Fugou Keiji was trending on Tumblr and Twitter in many countries with many others out of the loop asking, “Where exactly can I watch this anime?” This surge in popularity makes sense though as this episode had it all: the boys in casual clothes, hair down Daisuke, drunk Haru, and some quality bonding. Score one for the fangirls.
Disclaimer: This discusses the fourth episode as well as my thoughts on how the show may progress. My theories and beliefs are reminiscent of the only four episodes out at the moment so this may not be the most accurate thing out there.
Disclaimer #2: The way that I set up the entire review is more of a “live commentary” but I do offer my thoughts throughout so please bear with my rambling.
When the official Fugou Keiji team teased the fourth episode on their Twitter, I was speechless to say the least. Right off the bat, it was obvious that this episode would be much more lighthearted and relaxed than the previous episodes: Daisuke trying to survive day-to-day life without his life source? Let’s see this millionaire try to last in our shoes. This anime has a record of unveiling new information every episode, so I was interested to see how the story would progress. 
The episode opens up dramatically with Suzue running after Daisuke as he storms out of the mansion. In fact, he’s so irritated that he leaves without HEUSC or his money. Ok two things. First of all, Daisuke’s unforeseen emo side is showing. What could possibly make him want to leave that suddenly that he forgets the two things that practically define him? Secondly, Suzue addressed our beloved millionaire as “Daisuke-sama.” Wait, what? Being unfamiliar with Japanese culture, I decided to do a quick Google search as to when the honorific “-sama” is used. Wikipedia noted the following: 
Sama (様、さま) is a more respectful version for people of a higher rank than oneself or divine, toward one's guests or customers (such as a sports venue announcer addressing members of the audience), and sometimes toward people one greatly admires. 
At this point, it’s still unclear as to whether or not Daisuke and Suzue are siblings or spouses; however, it is now known that, whatever their relationship may be, Suzue holds Daisuke to a higher regard. Only three seconds have passed, no need to rush. The remainder of the episode must contain answers. 
After the opening comes to a close, Haru asks Daisuke for some help with a lost dog as he hopes to use his “magic” to trace the dog’s path. Immediately afterward though, Haru affirms that “it’s not like [he] absolutely needs [Daisuke’s] help.” It’s pretty clear from this one sentence that Haru doesn’t want to seem inferior to Daisuke. Even when asking for assistance, he doesn’t want to lower himself just to get Daisuke’s help. After all, he needs to assert that he’s got the better philosophy out of the two. 
This call does, however, represent the growth in their relationship that we ever so hoped for. The fact that Haru called Daisuke at all showcases two things. First of all, it reinforces that fact that Haru’s morals and humanistic mindset dictate his actions. He not only helped a child in his spare time (which I’m sure many people wouldn’t do) but also called his coworker (that rich boy with completely different morals) for help with assisting a troubled child. It also emphasizes something much more important for the upcoming epiosdes though: Haru is beginning to trust Daisuke more. Episode 3 already helped lay the foundation for their acquaintanceship (soon to be friendship), and this episode only works to add onto that footing. He knows that Daisuke has the resources to help others; in this sense, it may seem as though Haru is only exploiting Daisuke for the greater good, but that doesn’t lessen the fact that he feels comfortable enough to even think of Daisuke as an option.
Once again though, Daisuke and Haru’s views clash when dealing with this child. Haru is determined to help this poor child whereas Daisuke blatantly states that “looking for a dog isn’t a police officer’s job.” This entire situation did teach us a little bit more about Daisuke’s personality though. He’s easily swayed by a child’s tears as he reluctantly agreed to help once the child wept crocodile tears of grief. Even though he is generally unconcerned, anyone would feel guilty leaving a poor child alone. As Haru put it, “[he’s] a human being after all.” 
We also learn that Daisuke likes to do his work swiftly and quickly if the past episodes didn’t already emphasize that. He interrupted the child, who we learn is named Tsuyoshi Nomura, asking him where his house is located. The entire time it’s clear that Daisuke oh-so-dearly wants to finish up this business. He even convinced the child that the dog returned home, indifferent to whether or not that may be true. When Haru called him out, Daisuke smirked, “That has nothing to do with me.” Even if he feels guilty, that doesn’t mean he should waste his precious energy trying to help find a lost dog. He may even regard it as trivial. 
The episode cuts back to Suzue as we see another side to her that the previous episodes failed to display: her obsesssion with Daisuke. I know what some of you may be thinking, and yes at first I thought that “obsessed” was too strong of a word too. The exact definition of obsessed is to “preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent.” Nevermind, Suzue definitely fits this definition. She scattered messages all throughout town, watching Daisuke’s every move. My favorite message of all though was the one in front of the grocery store: “I am eagerly waiting for your return.” Emphasis on the eagerly. That gave me a good laugh; she is so devoted to Daisuke to the extent that she’d give up sleep just to ensure his wellbeing.
Suzue, however, did give us an insider’s look at Daisuke’s life. The fact that she was in utter dismay when she found out that Daisuke left his precious wallet behind goes to show that Daisuke depends on his money to indulge in his everyday activities. Even though we already knew that, Suzue’s reaction really put emphasis on the fact that this was going to be a new and maybe even tough experience for Daisuke to endure. He is pampered by his family, with Suzue worrying about trivial things such as the fact that maybe he “didn’t like the patterns on his shirt”or that she “upgraded his shoes from +5 centimeters to +7 centimeters.” The fact that that put a dent in their relationship made it all the better since it just goes to show that Daisuke is so conditioned to having everything done for him that a sudden shift in behavior wrecks havoc. 
It shifts back to Haru and Daisuke shopping, something that I never realized I needed until now. Daisuke’s spoiled side shows once more as he questions why Haru doesn’t just let others do the shopping for him. Running errands? Pathetic. Let someone else do them for you. 
Now this is where the million dollar question is answered: what exactly is Suzue to Daisuke? After being questioned by Haru, it’s finally revealed that Suzue is, in fact, Daisuke’s relative. This is where fifty questions popped into my mind, all of them being “Huh?” Suzue is clearly devoted to him on an incomprehensible level, but to be a relative? After much thought and a quick scroll through the Discord servers, someone mentioned a website that got my attention. One website, Nakasendoway, stated the following: 
“A main or stem family might have affiliated to it branch families. Each branch family at some time might itself, while maintaining its subordinate position to the main family, become the stem family to several branches. Thus, a well-established, well-organized, and rich family could become extremely large.” 
Aha! Now this is something I can get behind! This would explain her sincere devotion to Daisuke and why she referred to him as “-sama.” This doesn’t, however, really explain why Daisuke is holding her in the opening with such passion. Or maybe it does explain everything and I’m just not processing it correctly. I mean it is midnight at the time that I’m writing this and maybe I just need some sleep. Nevertheless I believe that there’s still more depth to Daisuke and Suzue’s relationship that hasn’t been explained yet. Maybe it’ll be explained in the future episodes in the midst of some event that reminds Daisuke of his backstory (that was briefly mentioned at the beginning of episode 1).
Anywho, back to the episode. Daisuke stays over Haru’s house, where he is shocked by the lack of grandeur. That apartment is where he lives? Not some grand mansion? Wild. Ah the adventures that occurred in that tiny apartment sure were grand though. We are once again reminded of Daisuke’s lavish life when he accidentally cuts himself. He immediately requests for a first-aid kit and when Haru makes the grand reveal that he doesn’t actually have one, Daisuke is forced to almost lower his standards. How is he going to heal himself? Why, he’s going to lick his cut! He is away from the comfort of his home so he must accommodate to his needs by doing going through the “harder,” more economical approach. He is finally starting to have a taste of the real world, outside the comfort of his own home.
After this scene is the moment we all have been waiting for: hair-down Daisuke with an oversized hoodie. All I can say is yes. Daisuke once again rediscovers his love for commoner’s food as he chowed on Haru’s recipes. This was wonderful bonding between the two as Haru tried to satisfy Daisuke’s wealthy plate and even taught him a few recipes. The two even watched a show together. Now this is where I believe foreshadowing will take its course.
The show that they’re watching follows a humanistic detective (with attire similar to Haru’s) arguing with his boss (whose attire is similar to Daisuke’s). The detective insists that they act on some case without affirmation from the higher-ups, but his superior refuses to budge. Later on, it’s revealed that this boss dies from a gunshot. Now I theorize that something similar will happen between Haru and Daisuke. Besides the similar attire between the two, the opening also shows Daisuke disappearing before a gun’s line of sight. Maybe this disappearance symbolizes that Daisuke may get shot or even suffer from severe injuries in the later episodes. Whatever it may be, I doubt any of the (relevant) characters will die since they play important roles and I just don’t see Fugou Keiji as the type of anime to do so (now this is obviously subjective but it’s just my opinion).
We are also let into Haru’s internal struggle: the difficulty of balancing their roles as heroes and civil servants. This practically relates to his philosophy as he would do anything to save anyone, carrying heroic acts of kindness and service. He is definitely the type to disobey orders in the name of justice, but in doing so he would be tarnishing his reputation as a civil servant. He wouldn’t be doing as his job wishes, and wouldn’t that be a crime in itself? Not doing what your superiors, who supposedly know better, and all. 
Haru and Daisuke part ways after the night together comes to a close. Haru’s off helping that child find his lost dog while Daisuke is out doing whatever he must. All hope is lost when Haru and the child just can’t seem to find the dog. But surprise! Acting as a beacon of hope, a light that came amidst darkness, Daisuke appears holding a dog leash with a dog attached to it! Oh how the tables have turned. Daisuke now decided to help find the dog. It became his obligation to find the dog now. Maybe Haru used his own magic and caused Daisuke to have a change in mindset over night. Maybe he finally came to realize that it’s worth the trouble to help others. Or maybe he had nothing better to do and decided to do his job without his display of wealth. No matter the reason, Daisuke still helped out. He still did what he didn’t want to do in the beginning of the episode. Ah how we love a change in mindset.
Daisuke finally returns home after two eventful days. The first thing he does when he returns? He recreates the “Kato family recipe” for Suzue, and he is very clearly satisfied with the result. After spending the night together, Haru served Daisuke natto for breakfast (love the recurring theme here) in the form of some sacred family meal. Daisuke replicated this recipe for his family WITH the natto. Oh how we love character development! He concluded by saying something along the lines of “It’s called the Devil’s Natto Recipe.” I found it kind of cute how he referred to Haru as a devil considering it was his recipe. It really shows that they still recognize their differences despite becoming closer over time. It’s safe to say operation friendship was a success as the episode comes to a close.
In my opinion, this episode’s sole purpose, besides showing us their lives away from work, was to help Daisuke get out of his little bubble as he was exposed to the real world. He no longer had Suzue’s welcoming warmth nor the unlimited wealth that his wallet provided. Rather, he was put in a situation where he had no money and was thrown into the “working class” for the first time ever. He would have had to scrap by if it weren’t for Haru. Heck, Haru paved the way for Daisuke’s character development as he taught him how to make inexpensive recipes and save money. 
However, this episode also raised the question: “Is Suzue going to merely be a comic relief character?” This episode really just utilized Suzue for the laughs as she’s presented as a character who’s overly worried about her dear relative. Personally I view this episode as a much more lighthearted one so of course Suzue would be much more exaggerated. At the same time, it introduced her devotion for Daisuke, unveiling an important plot point. This may make it less shocking if she does end up putting her life at risk for Daisuke’s sake. This certainly explains why she didn’t mind trying to swoon the smuggler in the second episode. Nevertheless I believe that she will be of utmost importance in the future, helping to turn the gears of story development through her gadgets. Her sincere devotion to Daisuke will most likely still serve as comic relief, but it won’t undermine her other characteristics.
As for how the series will progress, personally I believe that the future episodes will have more of an overarching plot and follow a more serious storyline, as we still need to see Daisuke and Haru confront the struggles fettering them down. It seems as though the anime wants to first develop a solid relationship between the two main protagonists before any sort of angst occurs.  
Edit: The Fugou Keiji team confirmed in a commentary article that things went downhill between Daisuke and Suzue because of the shoes. Love that!  
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a two player game | obey me | leviathan
title | a two player game fandom | obey me! character | leviathan genre | smut, mild comedy? (situational)  warnings | includes sexual activities kinks | tentacles, bondage, suspension, sensory deprivation intended gender audience | female pov | second word count | 2869 words (haha, 69)  written by | @mythiica requested by | @jennacat84​ other comments | i return, and ofc it’s with smut. this turned out pretty well! there’s more banter than usual and i had a grand time writing it
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“And what are you doing with this game~?” 
It’s an innocent enough question until Leviathan tips his head back to glance at the game in question. 
“How did you sneak hentai into the House of Lamentation? I would have expected Lucifer to have some anti-porn devil dog to confiscate these types of things.” Your fingers are perfectly curled over the main character’s lewd expression as she’s ravaged by… tentacles. 
You smile slyly and drape your arms over his shoulders as the blush settles across his cheeks. 
“I got it as part of a promotion. People pay me to review games, y’know.” It’s the best excuse he can give really, but he is at fault for not hiding it better. “Now give it here so I can put it inside of my desk. If Mammon finds this, I’ll hear about it for the next century.” Leviathan paws at the box, but you hold it just out of reach. 
“You haven’t opened it.” “It’s a two player game.” “You plus me equals two.”
Leviathan laughs a bit and scratches the back of his neck. “Very perceptive. You don’t even know what the game is about.” 
“Play as Haru or control the tentacle monster that has her locked up in its underwater dungeon. Win the game by resisting the orgasms or by bringing the second player to their knees,” you read from the back of the case. “Sounds easy enough. Wouldn’t it be funny if you were getting pegged by tentacles though, and I was the one to control them?” 
Levi finally manages to swipe the game from your hand and sets it down on a stack of papers. “You’re into that? I think we skipped over that in last week’s kink-meeting.” The demon laughs at his own joke. (There had not, in fact, been a kink meet between the two of you, but it makes you giggle as well.)
“You never asked! I’d be down to try it with you.” 
His nose brushes against yours gently and his hand finds yours. As Levi’s fingers lace with yours, you reach for the box with your opposite hand, click it open, ignore the surprised hey! and hold on tight so that the game absorbs the two of you. 
Maybe you jinxed it when you teased Levi about getting pegged, because now you’re the one bound and half suspended in the air. When you try to move your wrist, the kelp-like ties around your wrist only grow tighter. “Kinky,” you mutter under your breath. 
There’s a loud crashing sound outside of your cell, but it is quickly followed by Levi’s familiar voice. He looks damn good as a merperson: dark purple hair floats just above his shoulders, an iridescent tail, and of course (likely the best scene of them all) his more-than-usual pronounced abdominal muscles flecked with purple scales. 
“Finally! I found you– I’ve been going through this maze for ages, just looking for you.” 
“Did you miss the sign that says ‘human sex prisoner here’? Maybe turn the neon lights on.” 
This earns a laugh from Leviathan before he leans against a pillar. “You look good,” he comments, checking you out in the same manner you had. When your face turns into a quizzical frown, Levi fetches one of the mirrors on the other side of the room. Upon holding it up, you realize he’s not entirely wrong. You are sporting a half ripped bikini top (calling it meager would be generous) and a sheer skirt that hangs from your hips. 
“Are we underwater?” 
“Technically, yes– at least according to the game we’re meant to be. Don’t question things too much, this game is still in its beta stages.” He pushes his bangs back and fusses with one of his gold rings. 
“Oh, I see.” You continue to hang in place. “...What now?” 
Leviathan lifts a hand. “Well… you read the instructions. Either you cum and I win, or you hold out and win.” 
It takes a moment before you hear similar crashing noises. Swallowing hard, you turn your head back and see shadows darting around in the shadows. Finally, they emerge into the light: tentacles. They’re not attached to anything in particular. In fact, you can’t tell where they have come from, but your attention is quickly pulled back towards Levi. 
He grasps your chin with one hand and smiles almost devilishly. “Y’know, I was going to be nice, but you were so cocky that I think I’ll just edge you and make you cum.” Levi has the ability to control these tentacles, and suddenly, you’re being held in place by said appendages rather than the kelp bindings. 
“So, what, you’re going to take meme with your fancy new toys?” 
One of the limbs climbs up your right leg, pulling your thighs apart. It doesn’t feel sticky in particular, but you can’t help but yelp at the sharp sensation of cold air hitting your now semi-exposed cunt. You yelp meekly and try to keep your legs closed, but there is no way you can overpower the tentacles. 
Levi makes his way over to you and brushes his fingers over your collarbone. “Hm.. I think I will. This will be entertaining, no?” He lowers his head slightly to press a kiss to your lips. “Tell me if it hurts, alright? There might be some glitches because of the game.” 
You’re not entirely sure how he’s controlling the tentacles, but before you can manage a response, one begins to prod at your entrance. It’s cold and sticky, but makes you moan nonetheless. “Levi!” 
“What, did you orgasm just from that? I’m only testing things out.” 
“Get on with it–” 
“Oh? Gladly..” Levi covers your eyes with his hand and keeps the other at your jaw. Driven by a seemingly animalistic urge, he presses his hips against yours while stealing wet kisses from your lips. The tentacle moves in sync with Levi’s motions: every body roll translates to a languid stroke from the extra appendage. When he captures your nipple with two fingers, a suction cup finds your clit and pulls at it teasingly. 
It’s a plethora of sensations, all at once, and is almost overwhelming. You’re being ravaged by Leviathan and his tentacles at the same time, but the worst part is that you can’t even see his beautiful expression as he wrecks you. How could anyone last in a game like this? 
Saliva dribbles from your swollen lips and you open your mouth to say something, call his name– anything to warn him that your underwater tryst might come to an end faster than you could have anticipated. 
A pathetic moan rolls off your tongue, but it’s cut short when something smacks your ass. Another tentacle?! How many are there?! 
Not that you could count them, even if you wanted to, because Levi keeps his hand firmly over your eyes. It’s torture at this point, feeling every little thing and listening to the intense lewd sounds, but not being able to see them. 
“Levi,” you whine with desperation. “I can’t see– I want to see you.” 
“Eh?” He moves his hand back, and you nearly squeal with delight at his expression. Leviathan is blushing more than usual, as if he’s feeling pleasure from what the tentacles are doing to you. “Better? Does it hurt?” 
You shake your head. “You’re so cute…” 
“Cute?” Levi huffs. “I’m fucking you with tentacles made of pixels and you call me cute?” Now he laughs a bit and a few suction cups stick to your ass, pulling your cheeks apart. “I can’t do you anally though, that’s Level 2.” 
Now you’re the one laughing, tears prickling in the corners of your eyes. “Are you serious?” 
“Yes, I actually am. No matter who wins, with each level increase, more toys and positions are unlocked. That’s kind of smart actually.” 
“But Levi, don’t you want to put your tentacle in my ass?” 
This makes him shiver, and you know what the answer is. Regardless, it seems like any attempts to make the tip of the tentacle get closer to your second hole, nothing happens. With a pensive sigh, your hips meet the side of his tail so that you’re grinding on both Levi and the tentacle simultaneously. “This will have to do.” 
Up until this moment, the tentacles hadn’t actually entered you, but instead danced around your hole and focused on your clit. However, your momentary leap of authority gives him a figuratively boner, since he doesn’t technically have a visible dick. It might be in his tail somewhere… but you aren’t about to ask where he’s hiding his cock. That would be weird. 
“Hey Levi?”
He grunts back in response, obviously focused on other things. 
“Do you think you can penetrate me? I’m sure you’ll win if you do–”
“It’s not as easy as you think– I have to give each thing something to do or my stats drop.” “You have stats?!” You lean back slightly and eye Leviathan. 
“Yeah, just flex your palm.” You give Levi a flat stare. “It’s kind of difficult to do that when my wrists are bound.” 
The tentacle holding your right hand releases slightly, giving you enough room to do as he’s suggested. A small screen appears in front of you. “Moaning level 2, cockwarming level 1– wait I can change the size of my breasts?!” 
Levi pauses for a moment long enough to look at the small screen. “Oh, yeah, I had dick options too, but I didn’t mess with them yet.” 
This makes you blink a few times in astonishment, thinking that this game is far more complicated than the first one you played. You want to look through the menu more and see what other things you can do– your mind drifts to the actual purpose of the game. Could there be a power up that would help you resist the tentacles? 
Before you can continue scrolling, the slick sound of something penetrating you fills your ears. He’s done what you’ve asked him to, and is absolutely merciless about it. Now that Levi’s found a way to fuck you hard, he’s not going to let up any time soon. In fact, chances are that he won’t stop until the Congratulations, you’ve made your bitch cum screen pops up over his head, if that’s even how the game works. 
A string of curses fly off your tongue, meant to be praises than anything else, but you don’t hear your own voice. “Why don’t it let me say ----?!” you screech, dragging your fingernails across Levi’s bare shoulders. “I just wanna moan for you, Levi–” 
“Curse words are censored, but that’s stupid, I don’t know why. Is it possible you changed the settings?” 
You’re frustrated now because, now you’ve finally accepted that you’re his and the stupid game won’t let you call out for him. It’s not a problem for very long though, because the next thing you know, he’s kissing you. A burning sensation ignites your entire body now, and your mind can’t anchor a single coherent thought for more than a few moments at a time. 
The strangest thing: it actually feels like he’s the one fucking you. Not the tentacles, but rather, it feels the same as if Leviathan were fucking you in his bed. This makes you happy, so happy that saliva begins to dribble down your chin as the inevitable pressure of an orgasm starts to fill your lower abdomen. You arch your back in such a way that the bikini straps give away, releasing your breasts from the fabric. 
Next thing you know, you’re subconsciously grinding against the biggest tentacle– the one fucking your mercilessly– in search for more delicious friction for your clit. At this point, it doesn’t matter who wins or loses, you just really want to cum and see if those tentacle things of his will splurt out some cum. 
“Hm?” His lips dance over the crook of your neck, and the last thing you need now is for him to suddenly decide to be all daddy-merman. You bet anything that his tongue is wetter than your pussy is right now, and the way his teeth graze over your skin–
And then you’re cumming. 
Something breaks inside of you, and then it feels as though you’re drowning but breathing at the same time. Is it part of the game? Is this what a simulated orgasm feels like? Your body pulsates like never before and you understand the appeal of sex games. Another moment passes and your mind goes blank, but only for a second because you feel the budding warmth of seed running down your legs. 
So the tentacles can cum.
You manage to find the minimal strength it takes to just open your eyes, and you’re met with Leviathan’s beautiful expression as he crashes down from his high as well. He freezes for a split second, almost as if the game is glitching or overloading from the sheer impact of both orgasms taking place. You pray that he remains like this for just a bit longer, giving you the chance to lean your head against his chest. 
Levi’s skin is soft, but covered with a thin, inexplicable film of perspiration. If anything, it just makes you giddy again, but you’re not sure that either of you could last for Level 2 in this sorry condition. Running your tongue over his pronounced clavicle, you nip the skin there and suck on it just as he buffers for a moment and releases a painfully loud moan. 
His heart thunders loudly, echoing in your ears. It’s the only thing you can hear until his hand lands on your cheek. “Are you okay?” Leviathan’s voice grounds you, and then you realize that the tentacles are no longer in sight, but have retreated into the shadows the first emerged from. 
“Yeah… but I think you froze for a second there– we should do it again, y’know, to make sure we can review the game correctly.” 
This makes him laugh. The beautiful sound prompts a giggle from you as well, so you throw your arms around his neck for a tight hug. It doesn’t really matter that your skirt has magically disappeared, you’re pleased with the experience. 
A screen flashes in front of the two of you, but you’re actually surprised to see the congratulations message. 
“We both lost?!”
“How? I made you cum.” 
You read the small print: “Haru successfully made the sea monster cum first, but unfortunately succumbed to the tentacles.” With a huff, you scroll through and read the extended audit log of your ‘underwater’ sex adventure with Levi. “That’s bull----! Ugh! I still can’t ----ing curse!” 
Levi shushes you gently before brushing your hair back and offering you a consolation kiss. He taps the ‘return to main screen’ button, and the two of you are transported back to the real world. 
Nothing’s changed since you left: in fact, it’s only been a few minutes, according to the clock on Levi’s nightstand, that you even opened the game in the first place. Before you can say anything, Leviathan closes the box and throws it into the desk drawer. “No more hentai games for you. I need a cold shower and something to eat after that.” 
You stretch and massage your wrists. Although there is no physical evidence of the bindings, you can sure as hell feel where his tentacles kept you in place. Disappointed though, your eyes follow the outline of Levi’s body, happy to see that his normal legs have returned… with a third, very aroused, appendage sitting comfortably between the two of them. 
“Two things. One, give it a good review, but say that I need to be able to curse when I cum.” 
He raises an eyebrow, but then nods. “And the second thing?” 
Now, you’re smiling and reaching for the bulge in his pants. “I think you need a second orgasm to take care of this, no? But no game– this one, I’ll give it to you and make sure it’s real.” 
Levi just swallows and shoos you away, calling you silly and that he doesn’t have any energy for that because he knows you’ll leave him an absolute mess. You can’t help but laugh at his reaction though, because now he’s both painfully hard and blushing brighter than a virgin on a windy day. 
“Hey Levi?” 
“What is it now?” 
You just smile and wave your hand. “No, it’s nothing like that– I was just thinking, maybe next time we’ll be in reversed positions. Wouldn’t that be fun?” 
He contemplates this for a second. “Why, you want to try and win?” 
“Well yeah!” “In your dreams, Haru.”
“I was really worried you’d moan the in game character’s name instead of mine. That would have been awkward as hell.” 
Levi extends his arm, offering you a place to sit on his lap. “I wouldn’t do that. But let’s keep this between the two of us for now. Okay?” 
You nod and nestle against his chest. Regardless of who the game declared, or didn’t, the winner, you like to think that both of you won. At least for a moment.
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 3 years
For the hurt/ comfort dialogue prompt: 11 and/or 14? 😳🙏 thank you and have a lovely day!
Hey, you know how Strikers gave us all those Protect Oracle fights?
11 - “Just keep breathing. In and out. You’re doing great.” 14 - “Show me where it hurts.”
Yeah. Yeah, I can work with these. Thank you so much! Under a cut cause I rarely write small. Enjoy!
Send me a hurt/comfort prompt and I’ll (try to) write you a thing!
Futaba Sakura was a lot of things; a second year in high school, a prolific Featherman merch collector, one of the most formidable white hat hackers in the eastern hemisphere (possibly the world), and Oracle, the official Gal In The Chair for the notorious Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
She was not a combatant. Not even remotely built for being on the front lines in the middle of all the action.
Really, it was the worst part of these Jails. She never had to leave Necronomicon during a fight for a Palace run or down in Mementos, but the Jails were practically lousy with terminals tied to otherwise impassable walls. Terminals that only she could crack, and only by directly interfacing with them. Oracle trusted the other Thieves with her life, there was no doubt about that. But it was a lot easier to say that when she was cozy in her UFO controlling the flow of battle with just a few taps of her fingers than, say, completely vulnerable hunched over a screen with only four Phantom Thieves between her and an endless, fuming horde of Shadows eager to snap her like a glowstick.
Not only was it more comfortable to be where the baddies couldn’t reach her, it was a lot easier to see when a particularly nasty Shadow was winding up for a full-party instakill attack when she was that high above the action. Down in the thick of it, nerves thrumming with adrenaline and heart pounding a deafening drumbeat in her ears, she had only a split second to register the ominous droning of a Shadow casting Mamudoon. Really, it wasn’t even the sound that tipped her off, not over the din of the battle raging behind her and the rapid-fire clattering of her fingers flying over the keys in front of her and the rising hysteria screaming bad idea bad idea bad idea in the back of her head. No, something about Mudo was pure instinct, the hairs on the back of her neck standing straight up as icy dread trickled down her spine and settled like lump of ice in her stomach before those creepy little straw dolls could even manifest. Not only was Mona out of juice and Skull completely devoid of healing abilities, Sophie was in the fight and Joker was using one of his better healer personas, leaving them both weak to curse. Mudo would shred them, and if they went down, everyone else would go toppling after like the world’s worst game of dominoes.
When that realization hit, everything sort of happened at once.
In a heartbeat, Oracle had twisted partway around, one hand on the keyboard and frantically tapping out the last little bit they needed to take the barrier down, the other hand flinging her goggles haphazardly off her face. The next heartbeat, Necronomicon rose in a blaze of blue fire, painting the battlefield flickering teal as vivid green glyphs spread under her teammates’ feet and protective barriers shimmered to life around each of them. Another heartbeat, Mamudoon glanced off of them, curse nails clattering uselessly to the ground and blood-slick handprints sizzling away on contact with the shields, and Oracle almost had time to breathe a sigh of relief. Fourth heartbeat, the hack was almost done, but a shadow fell over her, pain lanced through her abdomen and... she was suddenly a lot more preoccupied with whatever that little point of silver was poking out of her suit than whatever it was over her shoulder. Fifth heartbeat, more painful than the last four as red seeped out around-- ah, that was the tip of a spear. She’d been stabbed clean through her diaphragm. Rude.
And then the world went sideways.
The Shadow--Eligor?--had flung her across the field with his spear still run through her and Futaba was distantly aware of several screams as she’d gone sailing through the air. Her vision went hazy as she bounced off of a wall and thumped to the ground. Man, how hard had that thing thrown her? She was either concussed or just delirious, because the last thing she saw before blacking out was Joker and some little blond girl laying into the enemy with an army of teddy bears with dynamite strapped to them.
The next thing after that was pain. Futaba didn’t so much regain consciousness as she was dropped unceremoniously into it like a pool of ice water and agony. One arm flailed blindly, trying to push away the hands that were holding her down, the other grabbed at her face in attempt to summon Necronomicon in her panic. Utterly blind to the Shadows that had her but if she could just get her persona out she’d be safe there, she’d be away from the fight, she wouldn’t hurt so damn much, she just needed to escape. But her mask was gone, her hand smacked uselessly against her face and pain was overshadowed by terror. Shadows had her pinned, Necronomicon was gone, this was how she was gonna die, wasn’t it? One hand was still free, she ignored the way every rib in her chest screamed in protest to fling one last defiant fist out at whatever had her trapped, and connected hard with--
“OW! Dammit, Oracle calm the hell down! You’re just hurtin’ yourself worse!” Ryuji’s voice snapped as a hand gripped her wrist, firm but gentle. The panicked haze in her head cleared a little and her eyes came into focus enough to see Skull looking down at her. He was rubbing at a bruise on his jaw and pouting hard enough she could have laughed. Theoretically. Y’know, if every muscle in her abdomen hadn’t seized up hard enough to keep her from breathing through the pain when she tried. Instead, all that came out was a strangled whimper and she tried not to focus on her vision going grey at the edges or the black spots that danced in front of her eyes.
“Easy.” Queen’s voice soothed as fingers gently combed through Futaba’s hair. “We had just enough stamina left to fix the worst of your injuries, but you’re still pretty beat up. Thankfully we still have enough medicine to do things the old-fashioned way.” Makoto was off to her left, uncapping a container of weird smelling ointment after she released Oracle’s other hand. Futaba tried to crane her neck to see who had her head in their lap only to have every bruise across her entire left side throb at once at the movement. A choked sob escaped her and her head spun, stomach roiling as tears blurred her vision. Skull’s hand slid up from her wrist to lace his fingers with hers and she squeezed back hard.
Whoever was holding her head and petting her hair stopped long enough to wipe the tears away from her face as they welled up. “Try not to move until Mako-chan has finished,” Haru murmured and ran her fingers gently through her hair again. “Can you move your right arm?” Futaba released Ryuji’s fingers and raised it gingerly rather than try to answer verbally. Why risk her voice cracking partway through or just flat out screaming as soon as she unclenched her jaw?
“Good. Show me where it hurts.” Makoto ordered gently. Oracle winced and released a shuddering breath as she gestured weakly to her entire left side. Her vision blurred again and Haru cleared just it as quickly. Ryuji took her hand again rather than let it drop and hurt her from jostling herself.
“Broken?” Futaba rasped quietly. The searing ache in her ribs every time she even breathed meant she barely managed to force enough air into her lungs to get even that much out.
The beat of silence was broken only by the sound of fabric being shredded as Queen sliced through her shirt to survey the damage underneath, then she finally answered, “no, nothing’s broken. That was the second thing we checked when we got to you.” The hacker managed a quizzical noise in the back of her throat, only to suck in a sharp breath through her teeth as Makoto started applying the ointment. The touch was gentle but still felt like Queen was dragging the knife over her bruises rather than her ungloved fingers. “Your... your pulse. It was weak, but still there.” Queen finally answered, her voice slightly thick.
Futaba managed to huff a weak laugh that time and that medicine was apparently doing its work because she barely even got any tunnel vision when she did. “Hack?”
Skull squeezed her hand a little, maybe to comfort her and soothe the fear clear on her face, maybe to force some circulation back into the fingers she was strangling the life out of. “Sophie finished it up for ya. Basically just hit the open button after Joker cleared her a path,” he chuckled, but his smile didn’t meet his eyes. Behind him, the rest of the team--minus Queen and Noir--watched at a distance to keep from crowding her. Mona up on Fox’s shoulder, each of them alternating between watching for more enemies and keeping an eye on their preoccupied teammates; Panther with one arm around Sophie and rubbing soothing circles on her shoulder, although it wasn’t clear whose comfort it was for judging by the wobble in Ann’s lower lip; Joker was a few steps away from the other group, mouth pressed into a tight line and hand occasionally reaching to his side like he would have been flipping his dagger as a distraction if he hadn’t passed it off to Queen. Every single one of them was visibly paler as they watched Futaba receive treatment with red-rimmed eyes and tense shoulders. Oracle’s chest ached in a way that had nothing to do with her injuries to realize how terrified they’d obviously been, even Joker. Maybe especially Joker; he was always so cool and collected and stoic even when shit was about to really hit the fan, so if she could see how scared he was under his mask, especially that far away...
Dwelling on it wasn’t going to help. Thinking about it and working herself up into a panic attack definitely wasn’t going to help. Especially when hyperventilating was probably the worst thing she could have done to her bruised ribs right then. Eventually Ryuji was sent away in favor of Ann and Sophia when Makoto had to start cutting away her shirt past what was decent to get at the rest of her injuries. Sophie brought one of the “armor” pieces they’d leveled past--an oversized hoodie with a nonsense motto in English that Futaba had called dibs on and wouldn’t let Akira sell--as well as Joker’s trench coat, both meant to cover her up when they were done. At Ann and Makoto’s insistence, the boys were banished entirely to the Monabus with no argument. Somehow that lack of argument is what really drove it home for her. It was almost funny, it wasn’t the bruises or the pain. No, the lack of Ann and Ryuji bickering, that was what made it real.
Futaba had almost died.
From there things were just sort of a haze of soft words barely keeping down the panic attack building in her chest while the other girls on the team patched her up. They wrapped her injuries that the medicine couldn’t completely work its magic on, they wrapped Futaba in the hoodie and coat to get her presentable long enough to make it to the next checkpoint, and they planned to wrap up the infiltration for the next couple of hours so everyone could get some rest after running on fumes. Of course, when Ann gave her a hand up, Oracle’s knees wouldn’t support her. Akira was kneeling in front of her in a flash, quieter than usual without the rustling of his coat to give him away, and thankfully kind enough to ignore her yelp of surprise when he materialized.
“I can carry you, it’s not too far--” Futaba didn’t even wait for him to finish his offer before gratefully and bonelessly draping herself across his back. The rest of the group scouted ahead and Mona took over navigator duty to make sure no more Shadows got the drop on them between there and the exit.
“Onward, noble steed.” She mumbled into the material of Joker’s vest, arms thrown loosely around his neck as he shifted her a little higher and a little less likely to slide off onto the ground. Huh, Ryuji was right, Akira did always smell like coffee and curry. He smelled like Leblanc, like home and Sojiro and--oh god, if she’d died, what would they have told him? What would her dad have done without her? He’d closed himself off almost as hard as Futaba had after her mom had died, how would he have handled--
“Hey.” Akira’s voice was low and soft when he pulled her up out of her downward spiral, and she felt it rumbling in his chest more than she actually heard it. “Deep breaths. Match me, okay?” Futaba did her best to follow along with his pattern; slow inhale, hold, slow exhale. It was shaky and still hurt, but eventually she fell into rhythm with it. “Just keep breathing. In and out. You’re doing great. Is there anything else you need me to do?”
“Keep talking, that’s all. ‘S calming.” Futaba added with a weak chuckle, “you should do ASMR, dude. You’d make bank.”
“I’ll think about it.” Akira hummed in thought as she worked on keeping her breathing even. “We can talk about whatever you need after you’ve gotten some rest in the real world, we’re almost to the checkpoint now. I’m sorry...” he trailed off, readjusted his grip on her legs as he hoisted her further up on his back, and started again, “I’m sorry I did this. I knew it was dangerous because we were all exhausted and you all warned me it was a risk but it was my call and I pushed us because I thought it’d be okay. The checkpoint was just on the other side, but then you took that hit and I was terrified I’d just gotten you killed because we were all out of energy and--”
Futaba awkwardly patted the side of his head with one shaky hand and he leaned into the touch while his babbling slowed but didn’t stop. It was kinda cute and a little funny how he acted more like a cat than Morgana did sometimes. But that wasn’t what she was trying to do. After the third pat, she found where his ear was hiding under that thick mop of curly hair and yanked on it.
“OW, THE HELL--???” Akira’s voice was a lot less soothing when it was that loud and the shout made her head pound and the rest of the team whip around in alarm. At least he’d stopped hyperventilating and holding her tight enough to leave bruises. As if she needed more.
“Those are not calming words, Joker.” She grumbled against his back.
“Right. Sorry.” He waved off the other thieves, who all had their hands halfway to their weapons like they were ready for another ambush after he’d yelped.
“We can definitely talk about it later, but I get the first Futaba Almost Died Panic Attack, okay? You can have the second one.” It was meant more as a joke, but once she’d said it, it actually seemed pretty fair.
“Sounds good. Any other requests?” He laughed, although the sound was really more of a quiet little huff, all nerves and no humor.
“Hmmm. I get to pick dinner for the rest of the vacation.” Futaba said matter-of-factly, hoping to lighten the mood until they were in the clear.
Akira sighed and, after taking a moment to readjust her on his back again and catch up to the rest of the group, nodded. “I’ll stock up on curry supplies when we get back.”
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she-witch-inanna · 5 years
Leadership || Drabble
Continuation of this right here.
Special shout out to @rexidot and @ryujithisisbullshitsakamoto for encouraging my bad behavior
The silence was deafening. He had to make a decision he knew, but...
Ryuji wasn’t good at strategy beyond ‘headlong attacks and brute force’. Futaba could guide them but wasn’t good when it came to combat situations. Morgana was impulsive and rude, and he’d wind up getting ignored. That left Ren with Makoto or Akechi.
Makoto was the safe bet. Everyone respected her, and she knew what she was doing when it came to combat, but she seemed more focused on her own capabilities than everyone else's. It was up in the air whether or not she knew enough about the team to use everyone effectively. But Akechi...
Akechi was the outside bet. Most of the team didn’t like him, and they’d be upset if Ren told them to listen to him. But he was cunning and he learned quick. Plus he seemed to already understand a great deal about the team; their strengths and weaknesses. On more than one occasion he had given Ren sound advice on their potential next move. Plus...
If he got the team to trust him, got Akechi to feel accepted...maybe this wouldn’t all end in tears.
“Ren?” Grey eyes focused on Haru, who had tipped her head to one side. “Who are you leaving in charge?”
Breathe, Ren. One. Two. Answer the question. “Akechi.”
The reaction was immediate. Ryuji damn near fell out of his chair with a loud yell of his usual “FOR REAL?!”, Ann raised her eyebrows but didn’t look displeased, Yusuke simply nodded, his face almost as impassive as Ren’s own, Makoto was doing her best not to look disappointed, Futaba had an incredulous expression as she looked between Ren and Akechi, Haru smiled into her cup and nodded as Yusuke had done, and Akechi...
Akechi’s eyes had positively lit up. He seemed so thrilled to be trusted with this. “I won’t let you down, Joker.”
“Are you serious, Ren?!” Ryuji was incensed.
Ren could see the way Akechi’s shoulders stiffened slightly as he turned to address the blond. “Now now, our Dear Leader has spoken.” He was smiling that same Detective Prince Smile that hid his eyes and his emotions from the world. Suddenly Ren was worried that this was a bad call.
Ryuji wasn’t listening to him, focused as he was on Ren. “Why him?”
Well, here goes everything. “Because he’s smart, crafty, learns quickly, and has quite a few good ideas. I need you all to trust me on this. More importantly, I need you to trust him.”
Ryuji sat back in his chair with a huff as Akechi beamed down at Ren. “That is high praise indeed. I will endeavor to live up to your expectations.”
Ren shot him a small smile of his own. “Just be yourself out there and you’ll do fine. You’re good at what you do. Just make sure that you’re all listening to each other.” He shot a pointed look at Ryuji.
Hopefully, this wouldn’t all end in tears.
“Skull, hang on!” Akechi’s voice rang out as a pale gloved hand pulled at his mask in a flash of blue fire and blinding white light. He dashed over, pulling the gun that Ren had gifted to him only days earlier and firing three succinct shots to drop the final Shadow. He reached out a hand, pulling Ryuji to his feet. “Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah.” The blond rubbed the back of his head for a moment before stretching his arms out. “I owe ya one, Crow.” He grinned at him, that bright Sunshine grin as Ren had often called it.
Akechi wore a rather cocky smirk up until Ryuji smiled at him. It made him soften, offering a small smile in return. “I’m just glad you’re alright.”
In his ear, Akechi heard Futaba’s high-pitched tones. “Those were some slick moves, Crow. Glad to know at least one of you can keep on your feet.” There was a playful sneer in her voice that made Ryuji scoff.
He saw Ryuji scowl, but he couldn’t help the lighthearted chuckle that rumbles in his chest for a moment. "Thank you, Oracle, but I'm glad to have Skull. He's the heart of the team, and I would hate for something to happen to him. So be more careful, perhaps?"
Ryuji looked back at him with something akin to shock before an easy smile returned to him. Was that simply his default expression? How did he manage to smile all the time as he did? Was it normal to be so inhumanly positive?
There was more to that line of thought, but he was drawn out of his reverie by a voice behind him. “So, Crow. What’s our next move?”
He turned to smile at Ann, who had stepped up to get the team back on track, before his hand went to his chin; a habit he always had when deep in thought. “Well, we don’t seem to be making much in the way of progress here. Perhaps we should search for a workaround. Oracle?”
“Ask and ye shall receive,” chirped Futaba in his ear again. “Just hang on one second.” Akechi spent the entire thirty seconds of silence checking the rest of the team and the hallways around them. They looked tired, but they couldn’t afford to leave yet. They had barely made any progress. Honestly, what was with the security today? Had they truly been so careless when Ren got injured?
Futaba pointed them to an alternate route and Akechi wasted no time in leading the way. “Let’s move. Quick and quiet. The less they notice us, the better.” They couldn’t risk raising the alarm today. They had almost reached their destination when Akechi noticed a familiar door. “A safe room...! Inside, everyone.”
He held the door open, waiting until everyone had gotten inside before ducking in after them. Looking around at the team as they all collapsed into chairs, onto sofas, or in Ryuji’s case the floor, Akechi frowned. “Let’s take a break and recover.” He himself took a seat on the edge of the table in the center of the room, pushing his mask up onto his head as he ran his fingers through his hair. Honestly, how did Ren manage to make this look so easy?
“Mona, did Joker ever manage to restock on that medicine he always has?” Something of a foolish question, Akechi figured. He cast a rather worried glance to Ryuji, who was still on the floor, and another one to Makoto, who had been barely keeping her feet during that last battle. “I think we have a few teammates who need it.”
Morgana nodded, reaching for his fanny pack and pulling out the bottle of pills and tossing it to him. There was a small part of Akechi that was wondering why he was going so far out of his way like this, why he was caring so much, but he pushed it aside. He had a job to do. He had to make this look good. He had to convince them that he cared.
He didn’t. He couldn’t. He had a job to do. There was no time for emotions now. He was too close to his goal for that. Just stay focused, Goro. Keep up the lie.
The lie...
Even he wasn’t sure who he was lying to anymore.
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nexttrickanvils · 6 years
P5 fic: Celestial Beauty Guardian
This has been a WIP for a long while and I figured it was as good as it was gonna get so I finally finished it.
So have some super self-indulgent fluff of Akira and Haru watching Not-Sailor Moon.
Title: Celestial Beauty Guardian
Ship: Akira Kurusu x Haru Okumura
Akira looked over the cover of the DVD box as Haru was setting everything up. At the center was a girl standing in a dramatic (and kind of familiar) pose. The clothes she wore reminded Akira a bit of Haru as Noir. Behind her was a man with slicked back hair wearing a black and red suit. A devilish smirk on his face. 
On the top was the title, Celestial Beauty Guardian.
When Haru invited him to watch something with her at her home, Akira was more than happy to accept. All she said about what they were watching was that it was something very nostalgic for her and that it was going to be a little silly and cheesy.
But after everything the group went through in the past few weeks, Akira figured he needed "silly and cheesy."
"All set!"
Haru stood up and joined Akira on the couch, "Thank you for coming over. I... I really wanted to share this with you."
Akira smiled, "This was one of your inspirations wasn't it?"
"Back when you first joined the team, you mentioned being inspired by female heroes. That you were trying to be a heroine of justice."
Haru let out a small laugh, "Well... there were other heroes I loved. But Celestial Beauty Guardian is something special for me... so I suppose you could say she was my biggest inspiration."
Without another word, Akira picked up the remote from the coffee table.
"Shall we get started then?"
Haru was not kidding about the silliness and cheesiness. This was obviously a show made over a decade ago and meant for a younger audience. But Haru was enjoying it and Akira was having fun too. Although he couldn't resist making a few jokes here and there, earning some (not entirely serious) glares from his girlfriend.
"I... I am... I am a fighter for all that is good in this world! I am the Celestial Beauty Guardian!"
As the young woman on the screen struck the same pose from the DVD cover, it finally occurred to Akira where he had seen it before.
"Heh, you're weren't kidding about her being your biggest inspiration... Beauty Thief."
Haru blushed slightly at recalling her and Akira's first meeting in the Metaverse. He chuckled as he pulled her closer.
The two continued watching as Beauty Guardian faced off against the monster.
Eventually the monster gained the upper hand and threw the heroine into a wall.
"N-No, I can't... I can't lose."
The monster laughed and raised their clawed hand but was struck by a bolt of magic.
"What crude manners. This simply isn't gentlemanly."
Before the heroine was a man in a red and black suit. He took her hand in his and lifted her up.
"Are you alright ma chérie?"
"Who are you?"
A charming smirk graces his face as he takes her hand to his lips and kisses it.
"You may call me, Kamenshinshi."
After a few episodes, Akira couldn't help but notice just how excited Haru got whenever Kamenshinshi appeared on screen. Even when it just a scene of him reminiscing about "his Empress," Haru seemed to be a lot more attentive.
It was during one such scene when Akira decided to ask.
"I guess Kamenshinshi is your favorite character huh?"
Haru's attention snapped to her boyfriend.
"W-what gave you that idea?"
"You're practically on the edge of your seat every time he shows up."
"He's... not my absolute favorite... but I do love the character..."
She blushes a little before continuing "...And to be honest, I... kind of had a crush on him when I first watched the show."
Akira let out a loud laugh and Haru gave him a playful shove.
"Don't laugh!"
"I'm sorry, I just thought it was cute. If it makes you feel better, I had a crush on Feather Cockatoo as a kid. Now you know my deepest darkest secret."
Haru giggled and said with a wink, "I'll be sure to remember that."
"But why!? Why do you act like we're on opposite sides!? Why can't we fight together!?"
"I do not consider you an enemy, ma chérie. You are in fact a valuable ally. But I cannot be distracted from my mission. I have waited far too long for my Empress' return."
"But Beauty Guardian is the Empress."
"They don't know that yet." Haru said in response
"But it was obviously her silhouette in the flashback."
"It's supposed to be a twist."
"A very obvious one and it's frustrating. And I think he knows who she really is considering he keeps calling her "ma chérie" even though he's supposed to be in love with the Empress!"
"Akira-kun, I think you're taking this a little too seriously."
Akira was about to say something in response but instead sighed.
"Yeah you're right."
He can't believe that he got so worked up over a decade old show for middle schoolers.
Haru simply smiles, "Look at it this way, it just means you're getting into it."
The twist was finally revealed several episodes later, with Beauty Guardian discovering her true identity as she holds a dying Kamenshinshi in her arms.
"Y-you're as beautiful as the day I first saw you, ma chérie... my-my Empress."
He raised a gloved hand to wipe away his love's tears.
"Please no! We finally found each other! I can't lose you again, my noble knight!"
Akira heard sniffling next to him and turned to see Haru on the verge of tears.
"Haru are you alright?" he asked with concern
"Y-yeah. You know, I've seen this scene a dozen times over the years and it still gets to me."
He watches as Haru tries to wipe away her tears and then a idea comes to him. Akira puts on his most charming smile as he places his hand on Haru's chin and turns her to look at him.
"Do not cry, ma chérie. I'm right here by your side."
The smile becomes a smirk, "Akira? Have you forgotten me already my Empress?"
It then occurs Haru what is happening and she smiles back as she pulls her boyfriend closer.
"Of course not. I'd never forget you, my noble knight."
The two giggle as they collapse onto the couch and kiss while the show continues to play in the background.
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