doverobbie · 4 months
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CONEXÕES PROCURADAS . Abaixo do read more, você encontrará uma lista de conexões que estou procurando para desenvolver para a Dove.
Obs.: Por ser bissexual, nenhuma delas possui gênero definido.
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001 . HOLD ON TIGHT : baby , you and me are a twisted fantasy
O famoso morde e assopra. Desde que se conheceram, tem uma dinâmica constante de flertes e provocações, que faz com que não deem o primeiro passo por puro orgulho. Mesmo que não vá confessar em voz alta, Dove morre de ciúmes de MUSE A.
002 . I GOT YOU :  we'll never fall apart even million miles apart
Se tem alguém que entende Dove, essa pessoa é MUSE B. Estão juntos desde o começo e sabem que jamais abandonarão um ao outro. Os piores segredos da Robbie é MUSE B que guarda.
Fechado para @maximeloi e @pips-plants
003 . ALREADY GONE :  we were always meant to say goodbye
O primeiro e único amor de Dove. MUSE C aconteceu não muito tempo atrás, então até hoje a mulher queria algo a mais. Terminaram provavelmente por algum ciúmes bobo por parte da Robbie, já que é a pessoa com muitas emoções que borbulham o tempo todo pela intensidade do próprio poder.
Fechado para @andrvna
004 . DAYDREAMIN' : i'm daydreamin' with my chin in the palm of my hands
Por muito tempo, Dove bloqueou qualquer memória da infância quando tinha cerca de 8 anos. Ninguém pode culpá-la já que são poucos que lembram claramente dessa época da vida. A verdade é que, recentemente, olhando para o rosto de MUSE D, a filha de Apolo percebeu o porquê era tão familiar: costumava comunicar-se com o outro semideus em seus sonhos. Não sabe exatamente se o outro lembra, mas a verdade é que cada vez mais tem os flashbacks de memórias que nem se recordava.
Fechado para @stcnecoldd
005 . TOLERATE IT : lay the table with the fancy shit and watch you tolerate it
Mesmo que seja muito orgulhosa para admitir, Dove queria muito a aprovação de MUSE E. Faz tudo o que o outro desejava, estudando e ansiando para que sejam amigos finalmente. Independente dos seus esforços, a filha de Apolo jamais conseguiu conquistar a tão desejada amizade.
006 . AUGUST : i can see us lost in the memory
MUSE F, um amigo super próximo dela e muito propenso ao caos, e Dove fizeram uma aposta, porque a filha de Apolo estava muito mal depois que terminou com MUSE C (mesmo depois de algum tempo) e precisava novamente entrar nos eixos. Aqui é aquele plot clichê que fazem uma aposta para Dove conquistar MUSE G. O que não esperava é que a Robbie começasse a enxergar em MUSE G alguém que realmente poderia gostar se não tivesse dado tudo errado e agora MUSE G começasse a odiar Dove depois que descobriu tudo.
MUSE F para @psylcve
007 . JAR OF HEARTS : runnin' 'round leaving scars , collecting your jar of hearts
MUSE H é a pessoa que faz parte de um dos traumas de Dove que faz com que ela chore para curar as pessoas. Os dois foram em uma missão juntos, mas alguém acabou morrendo no processo. Como é uma pessoa muito orgulhosa para admitir, Dove começou a colocar a culpa em MUSE H, mesmo que não esteja diretamente ligado à morte do campista que gostava muito.
Fechado para @d4rkwater
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goldengraves · 2 months
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#⠀⠀⠀──────⠀⠀⠀perfect murder, take your aim! i don't belong to anyone, but everybody knows my name.
𓍢    ・⠀⠀⠀𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍⠀⠀⠀ ﹕ ⠀⠀⠀the midnight sister, dark-eyed and silently watching. she is nameless, faceless, soundless creeping with her cloak of darkness amongst the sleeping lands.
⌗⠀⠀⠀𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐧⠀⠀⠀✩⠀⠀⠀𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭⠀⠀⠀✩⠀⠀⠀𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐬.
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era uma vez… uma pessoa comum, de um lugar sem graça nenhuma! há, sim, estou falando de você KAIA AERI HWI-GRAVES. você veio de NOVA YORK, EUA, e costumava ser ADVOGADA por lá antes de ser enviada para o mundo das histórias. se eu fosse você, teria vergonha de contar isso por aí, porque enquanto você estava FINGINDO SER HERDEIRA E DESVIANDO DINHEIRO, tem gente aqui que estava salvando princesas das garras malignas de uma bruxa má! tem gente aqui que estava montando em dragões. tá vendo só? você pode até ser ESPERTA, mas você não deixa de ser uma baita de uma TRAMBIQUEIRA… se, infelizmente, você tiver que ficar por aqui para estragar tudo, e acabar assumindo mesmo o papel de LUA na história ORIGEM DOS GUARDIÕES… bom, eu desejo boa sorte. porque você vai precisar!
Todo mundo sabe como funciona o mundo e como o dinheiro o move. Desde criança, Aeri sabia que, assim como era seu maior problema, pela escassez, dinheiro seria sua salvação, quando pudesse tê-lo em abundância. Entre poder, contato e tantos outros benefícios, o que a garota sempre quis era o acesso que dinheiro podia dar. O pequeno comércio dos pais no bairro mais periférico de Nova York era o suficiente para proporcionar pequenos acessos: aulas de piano e francês, roupas de qualidade mediana e muitos livros. Desde sempre escutou que aquilo era o que lhe daria a oportunidade de ascender, uma boa educação e uma boa forma de se apresentar para as pessoas.
Na escola, era a melhor. Precisava ser. Da forma mais cruel consigo mesma, Aeri dedicava-se aos estudos como se sua sobrevivência dependesse disso. Dormia o mínimo de horas por dia para se manter saudável, não tinha nenhum amigo e não fazia absolutamente nada que não proporcionasse resultados futuros. Os resultados disso foram uma adolescente extremamente deprimida e ansiosa, mas, ao mesmo tempo, uma bolsa para estudar Direito na melhor faculdade da cidade.
Já na faculdade, passou a focar seus esforços em um novo passo para sua ascensão: misturar-se com aqueles que já estavam no topo. Aeri passou a ser Kaia e, depois disso, tudo nela mudou: sua origem, seus pais, sua condição social. Para quem se aproximasse da garota, ela contava, com um sorriso encantador e postura exemplar, sobre os negócios milionários dos pais na Coreia, sobre a saudade da mansão em que vivia antes de se mudar para Nova York, sobre as festas que frequentava em seu país, sobre as pessoas influentes de lá que conhecia. Influência gera mais influência, ela descobriu, e aos poucos as mentiras foram abrindo portas.
Quando finalmente se formou, com as melhores notas da turma e uma popularidade absurda, embora as pessoas sempre tivessem a impressão de que não a conheciam, teve a oportunidade de trabalhar em um dos maiores escritórios de Nova York. Agarrou a oportunidade com tudo que tinha e continuou se doando para aquela mentira que, àquele ponto, já havia ficado maior do que ela.
Seus primeiros clientes ficaram impressionados com o potencial de Kaia, com sua cultura, com sua beleza e, principalmente, com seus resultados. Novos clientes foram chegando, seus honorários foram ficando mais caros, a ascensão que sempre sonhou estava no horizonte, próxima, quase o suficiente para que pudesse alcançá-la. Mas não foi o suficiente. A ganância falou mais alto e Kaia, utilizando da mesma inteligência que beneficiava tanto seus clientes, passou a roubá-los.
Começou com pequenos desvios, imperceptíveis para o tipo de clientela que tinha. Depois, passou a pedir favores, vender informações, se enfiar cada vez mais no perigo de ser uma pessoa tão envolvida com a elite de Nova York. Ser influente tinha seu preço, um preço muito alto, mas que Kaia estava disposta a pagar.
Para quem a via à distância, Kaia era tudo que uma mulher bem sucedida poderia ser: inteligente, rica, bonita, famosa. Morava numa cobertura no centro da cidade, se envolvia romanticamente com os solteiros mais cobiçados, era uma das advogadas mais requisitadas no ramo empresarial, literário e artístico. De pertinho, o sucesso era ainda maior. Tinha aposentado os pais, dado uma casa confortável para que pudessem viver a velhice, podia investir cada vez mais na própria educação e, finalmente, tinha tempo para ser ela, sem precisar ficar lutando contra as possibilidades.
Mas no mundo real finais felizes não existem. Do dia para a noite, o mundo que Kaia havia construído sozinha desmoronou. Acordou numa segunda-feira com inúmeras chamadas perdidas, caixa de e-mail lotada e centenas de mensagens, algumas preocupadas, outras enfurecidas. Os desvios de dinheiro de milhões de dólares feitos por Kaia nos últimos 5 anos chegaram à mídia com uma reportagem especial que denunciou tudo que a advogada vinha fazendo com seus clientes importantes da elite novaiorquina.
Na terça, soltou uma nota oficial afirmando ser inocente e que provaria isso à justiça.
Na quarta, um oficial de justiça bateu em sua porta, intimando-a para comparecer na delegacia na sexta.
Na quinta, suas contas foram bloqueadas. A maior parte de seu dinheiro já estava em um paraíso fiscal. Todo o resto de dinheiro que tinha foi colocado numa maleta e enviado para os pais.
Na sexta, pela manhã, um livro foi deixado em sua porta, junto com jornais, cartas e mais notificações judiciais e extrajudiciais. Já estava vestida para comparecer à delegacia, deixou as cartas e demais correspondências na mesa da cozinha, mas o livro chamou mais atenção do que todo o resto. Já estava com a bolsa no ombro, de óculos escuros e celular na mão quando decidiu folhear aquele exemplar tão único. Quando a luz brilhou e Kaia já não estava em sua cobertura em Nova York, um alívio imediato a abateu por alguns segundos. Mas só durou isso, alguns segundos.
Encantadora. Se tem alguma coisa que Kaia aprendeu a ser com os anos, é alguém que prende a atenção, que parece confiável e que passe credibilidade. Ela é convincente, observadora, consegue compreender os desejos das pessoas ao redor apenas conhecendo-as um pouco. A mulher é absurdamente educada, tem uma postura impecável, um sorriso brilhante e olhos que passam verdade. Tudo isso, é claro, são ferramentas que foram muito bem utilizadas para conseguir o que quer. Kaia é inteligente, mas isso acaba ficando atrás de toda a ambição que possui, sua maior característica. Ela sempre quer mais, quer ser gigante, quer ocupar espaços que não são seus, mas ela faz com que sejam. Basta ser observador para perceber que por trás de tudo que Kaia faz há uma intenção, algo que ela quer por trás. Óbvio que tendo uma vida completamente planejada do inicio ao fim, num mundo diferente do que está agora, as coisas mudam. Sua única ambição, no momento, é voltar para sua cobertura em Nova York e, a partir de lá, fugir para algum país sem acordos diplomáticos com os Estados Unidos.
Além dos pais, Kaia tem uma afilhada com pais extremamente problemáticos que depende dela para ter uma vida decente. Louise talvez seja seu ponto mais fraco e o principal motivo para querer voltar para sua vida.
Tirando a afilhada, Kaia não gosta de crianças. Também não gosta de boybands, o que torna o papel de Lua basicamente seu maior pesadelo.
Enquanto está sumida, Kaia é considerada foragida pela polícia dos Estados Unidos.
Sua ética passa pela ética simplista de todo bom anti-herói: ela sempre roubou de pessoas extremamente ricas. O que faz bem para a própria moral, mas também faz com que seja ainda mais perseguida pelos crimes que cometeu.
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jess-suvari · 5 months
holiday prompt → tara mikami.
001. under the mistletoe—
Her first kiss under the mistletoe was probably around middle school with some random kid at a friends holiday party, nothing special, just something she did to get out of the way cause all her friends already had and she wanted to fit in.
This year she was hyper aware of where all the mistletoe was considering how Willow and Jess were set on pushing this friendship between her and Chan and the more than usual amount of mistletoe at both of their houses. Nice try.
002. in front of the fireplace, cuddled up under a blanket with a hot drink.
If there's any takers hit a girl up *finger guns* Honestly she probably just dissociated in front of the fireplace when the rest of them broke off to do their own thing. Probably just went to her room to watch rom coms once she felt like enough of a third wheel.
003. snowed in from a heavy snow storm.
people she would want to be snowed in with would be: 1. Margaux. Her best friend. As smart and resourceful as she is pretty. Could probably keep each other distracted while everyone goes Lord of the Flies on each other. 2. Her uncle Ace since he would probably find a way for them to get out of any situation in 5 minutes, max. 3. Chan. Not that she necessarily cares to have him around. He could probably keep her entertained though and if worse came to worst she could offer him up as a sacrifice. 4. The dance rival who injured her. Just to see how tough she is when she doesn't have her posse backing her up. 5. Harper. Even though she would be a drama queen about it the whole time. She had plenty more people who would care where she was and would actively go rescue her.
004. at a busy dinner table, food piled on the center and family chaos ensuing around the house.
Like Christmas wasn’t gonna be a whole Lost Boys love fest? Especially now that Polo’s back in the mix? Probably loud, rowdy, and runs into the next day.  A little awkward for the younger ones this year with all the unresolved tension between Polo and the rest of the Mikami kids. So a lot of tip toeing around each other to not ruin the holidays for everyone else. Someone sit them down and make them talk please.
005. standing in front of the christmas tree, decorating it with an assortment of baubles, lights and tinsel.
Usually it’s probably Harper taking the lead, decorating it according to whatever is trending at the time, so that it’s to her taste when she takes her pics for social media. Typically it usually calls for a big tree with a lot of lights. Tino probably tries to sneak in some gag ornaments on the tree and he and Harper fight about it until she let him add them on, to the back of the tree lmaooo
006. setting out snacks for santa and his reindeers. don't forget the milk and cookies for christmas hardest workers!
Gonna be real the best parent out of the pair was probably Polo. Not that Jess didn’t entertain the idea of the whole Santa thing but with his enthusiasm and playful attitude she let him take the lead on all that. And helped him put the presents under the tree and finish the cookies he couldn’t stomach. So when he went to prison the quality on all that kinda went downhill. Which is probably when the kids stopped believing in all that. 
007. at the mall, waiting in line to sit on santa's lap and spill your christmas gift wishes. will you be deemed naughty or nice?
She would probably be on the nice list. At least she hopes she would be. She’s a kind person with a lot of love to give even though she sometimes has trouble expressing that. Anything shitty she’s done has mostly been to the detriment of her own well being. 
008. exchanging and open gifts, anticipating what gift they may get. is it something cool or just another pair of socks?
There were a few material items on Tara’s list, very on brand for my little coquette girlie. A locket ring, lots of cute platform heels, some over ear headphones to block out her family’s bickering lately. As for non material things she would want but would never say out loud she would like to not be in pain anytime she dances anymore.  And I guess it would be kinda cute if someone put in the effort to help her break her pointe shoes in.
009. auditions are now open for the town christmas extravaganza !!!
Considering she’s been doing ballet for almost as long as she’s been walking, Tara’s always been in some winter recital. But her favorite performances and best memories were the little shows she and Harper used to organize a la Little Women style and dragged all the kids in their family friends circle to take a part in, whether they liked it or not.
010. in the trenches of snow forts, amidst a war of a snow fight! who will win?  
Girlypop runs for her life when it comes to any kind of confrontation, snowball fights are no exception. As much as she would consider herself an athlete and has always had a very active lifestyle her aim is shit. So she can be caught hiding behind cars or even using others, usually Tino, as human shields.
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viillaincoded · 6 months
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lee pace. 43. cis-male. he/him. ┊┊ cerberus corp has been watching JACKSON BRUNGOT.  some of the public has dubbed them HIVE because of LIVING HIVE gifted by A HORNET ATTACK. having been an extra ordinary since 2023, they’re doing a good job at hiding THAT’S HE'S TERRIFIED OF HIMSELF. when they aren’t working their day job as an ATTORNEY, they are fond of ICE SKATING and are never seen without HIS WEDDING RING. at first glance they seem SENSITIVE & PRAGMATIC, though their close friends know them to also be REPRESSED & NERVOUS.  they consider themself a CIVILIAN. ┊┊ connor. he/they. 24. cst.
name  jackson brungot nicknames  jack (hates it, but probably won’t correct you) age  forty three date of birth  march fifteenth zodiac  pisces place of birth  buffalo, new york current residence  new york city, new york gender  cis male pronouns  he/him sexuality  gay occupation  attorney
faceclaim  lee pace height  6’5” tattoos  a small duck on the inside of his ankle piercings  (closed) lip piercing distinguishing features  dark academia style, closely trimmed fingernails positive traits  pragmatic, focused, loyal, sensitive, magnanimous negative traits  repressed, intense, calculated, insecure, nervous labels / tropes  love martyr, creepy good, body horror, guilt complex, people pleaser likes  reading, fashion, (pretends to like) hockey, (actually likes) figure skating, musicals dislikes  disappointing people, dogs (scared of them), the dark (also scared of it) fears  his powers, dogs, the dark, being alone hobbies  reading, ice skating, singing habits  holding his reading glasses in his hands (for effect), 
the questions here for each section are suggestions to get you thinking. as long as the section is appropriately elaborated upon, you’re fine!
near death experience…  five weeks ago, he had been trying to get rid of some yellow jackets that had nested in a crack in the wall outside his balcony. the can of raid lasted just long enough to make them all angry before going empty. he suffered twenty three stings, and spent the next day and a half in a coma, one that he was lucky to survive. when he woke, jackson had been afraid that he was still being attacked, but it was simply the hive that had nested inside him, buzzing in his ears.
power…  living hive. jackson is a host to a swarm of yellowjackets. they live inside of him, and are able to come out through his mouth, nose, etc, as well they are able to “molt” through his skin. he is able to direct them through thought, as well we can see through the eyes and ears of them (he has not yet learned this technique). when a yellowjacket dies, he is able to make another one, though it can take twelve hours to regenerate a single yellowjacket. 
drawbacks / vulnerabilities…  the yellowjackets cannot function without his input, as well cannot leave a sixty foot radius. if too many of the yellowjackets die, he will die—similar to a large blood loss. similarly, if he makes too many, jackson will get weak, though he has yet to test the actual limit. he’s terrified of his ability, so he hasn’t been using it. 
codename…  hive. not chosen by him, just the name from a youtube video that maxed out at two thousand views (currently). jackson doesn’t like it, would rather no one knew he had this ability at all. 
003.  EXTRA
jackson grew up with a very controlling father. beckett brungot was the city attorney for buffalo; ambitious, and image-obsessed, he had an idea of what his son was supposed to look like. he would divorce jackson’s mother when he was six, believing she was making his soft. a nasty custody battle gave his dad full custody. desperate for his remaining parent’s approval, he learned to hide himself to please his father. 
his father remarried quickly, giving jackson a younger sibling. half-sibling. the divide between them was encouraged by him, who believed that competition was healthy between siblings. the contempt made it impossible for jackson to truly bond with them, as well as the age gap. 
jackson left for college, and quickly went off the rails, like many who have controlling parents. wanting to have his fun, while still not disappointing his father, he started to abuse adderall, thinking it was the lesser of evils. this addiction would follow him through his first marriage, and the majority of the strain between them. 
ten years ago, jackson’s younger sibling would confess their powers to jackson and their father. beckett was repulsed by what they could do, whereas jackson was terrified. their father disowned his younger sibling, and he couldn’t find the courage to reach, rationalizing that they had never been close. 
it was his cowardice that would lead his first husband to leave him. the shame of the divorce had his father give him the cold shoulder. the rejection, and guilt, pushed him further and further into addiction and self-destruction, until he showed up at his father’s—high, awake for four days—to have the only honest conversation they would ever have. by the end of it, jackson agreed to go to rehab. 
he spent the next two months there, and came out truly dedicated to his sobriety. jackson did much of it alone—despite paying for his rehabilitation, his father still refused to talk him, and when he attempted to reach out to his younger sibling to reconcile, he got a short go to hell. despite the odds, he has been able to maintain his sobriety since. 
jackson made a solid group of friends, people who showed him how to have fun without drugs, people who showed him the love he never had through his family. through his friends, he met his current husband. life had been merry, domestic bliss
until his nde. since the accident, and the discovery of his powers, he has been slipping back into hold habits, lying, working long hours, isolating himself. jackson was scared of himself, and hasn’t wanted anyone to see his shame. 
wanted connections
sibling: please see here.
any gender, fc utp, 30-34 ( 0 / 1 )
somewhere only we know: jackson’s husband. they have been married for 2-5 years, though they’ve known each other for six years (give or take). since jackson’s nde, he’s been very distant, spending basically no time at home, scared of y/m’s reaction (and generally just scared in general tbh). he doesn’t know y/m is an eo as well. all other details i’m down to plot, but i want it to be a wholesome, loving relationship (with a few harmless secrets just for funsies)
men (or masc aligned), rahul kohli or utp, 38+ ( 0 / 1 )
something comforting: a mentor!! jackson is soooo out of his depth, with having a power at all, nonetheless the one he has. he needs someone to teach him how to control this shit (and also someone to tell him everything is fine). jackson’s a neutral good character, so preferably hero/vigilante/good guy leaning, but i’m also down for a villain/villain-leaning character tricking him?? 
any gender, 35+ ( 0 / 1 )
narcotics anonymous: jackson has been sober for the last nine years, but still attends at least one meeting every few months. i’d love for him to have some friends/acquaintances he has met from here.
any gender, any age ( 0 / ∞ )
i’m down for basically anything though, i love to brainstorm
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marce-mallow · 2 years
Marcemallow’s Writing Prompts 001 (aka stories i want to read but not write)
Starting on February 4th, a girl receives a note reading ‘You looked so beautiful today <3.’ (or some other sappy love note) tied around a black rose on her doorstep.
With no name attached, she asks around at her school/work to see if anyone knows who wrote it, but no one admits.
She sets the rose in a vase and heads to bed.
The next day, another rose is left on her doorstep, another sweet message left for her.
The days go by, and every morning when she leaves for the day, she brings the black rose into her home and adds it to the vase, falling more and more in love with her secret admirer everyday.
Until February 13th, the day before the day of eating chocolate you bought for yourself and watching crappy rom-coms.
Instead of a letter probably stolen from a Conversation Heart, ‘Will you be my Valentine? Yes No’ is written on the note.
The girl circles Yes and leaves the rose out for the (hopefully not a) stranger to find.
Sometime late at night, the girl is wide awake, unable to sleep. Anxious to see who it is, she heads to her neighbors’, who’s more than a little pissed for being woken at 3:00 in the morning.
Still, she shows her the security cameras. She speeds it up until 4:50 am, when a ghostly figure enters the screen.
Her heart speeds up. It’s not who, it’s a what.
The thing was wearing a black, withered gown, a hood hiding what looked like at empty face devoid of a face. The only features were two glowing red eyes that seemed to bore right into her soul from the screen.
Her neighbor, in pure terror, recognizes it.
She tells her the urban legend of the Secret Admirer (that took literally two seconds to come up with).
It’s a demon that gives young and beautiful ladies black roses and love notes everyday leading up to Valentine’s Day Eve, when he asks them to be his Valentine. When they accept, the women unknowingly agrees to give full possession of their body to this creature, allowing him to take a human form all the way until February 4th, where he seeks to find a new vessel.
She asks the girl if she said no, but with one looks she can tell.
She already said yes.
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enrax · 1 year
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The apartment in Osaka needed to be maintained. Although no one had bestowed the obligation upon the seven-year-old Junji Okada, it fell on his child’s shoulders nonetheless. Maintain, maintain, maintain, or it would crumble. His childhood home was the place he remembered most vividly. Most terribly. As an adult, he could close his eyes and visualize the layout in painstaking detail; the father-shaped viscousness, the mother-shaped loneliness. His familiarity was a byproduct of his meticulous nature, his need, the oppressive barometric pressure of his compulsion. He checked every nook and cranny, the hidden and not so hidden, for the disaster he was certain would come. Despite all evidence to the contrary, he remained steadfast that whatever was going to get him would come from the outside. It would, like a spider, a shadow, a bad dream, creep under a crack in the door if he wasn’t watchful; if he wasn’t careful. Junji had been careful. But it didn't matter how many times he swept the floor or rearranged the cutlery, cleared the cobwebs or made the beds. This house was coming down. The disaster was inside. The cracks were structural. Inherited.
The Australia home was bright and spacious. He recalls feeling as if he’d suddenly fallen heir to a large family when he previously had none, even though they were tan and blonde and looked nothing like him. (They made a point of bringing this up at every opportunity.) Everyone was impressed by his English, despite the fact that he'd been speaking it since he was a baby, and his accent was identical to theirs. He began to have doubts about himself, about who he was, about the foundation of his identity. He looked for cracks and found them.
The Swedish dorm was often freezing and cramped and grey. He shared the room with a boy with whom he would share a myriad of teenaged firsts: kiss, bed, body. While the academy sculpted his moldable frame into the shape of a refined young man with manners, etiquette, and class, the small dorm taught him that, despite the continual challenge it presented, personal freedom was possible. 
Another small dorm, this time in Oxford, but it would not be occupied for long. He and Charlie would split their time in England between an ancient brownstone near their university and a lush flat in London. Nine years later, Junji is rendered incapable of recalling details, his memory of these homes disengaged from his mind like an amputated limb. Though he couldn’t see, he could still feel: the weight of Charlie's fist against his cheek, the agony of seeing someone he loved spiral into a drug-induced rage. He'd lived in that London flat for a considerable chunk of his existence, but he could no longer remember something as simple as whether it had two bedrooms or one. He, however, recalled with perfect clarity that his second and final flat in London had only one bedroom. And when he recalls that bedroom, it is swashed in blood.
South Korea. His first flat a hollow shell. Junji was a minimalist at heart, but this place was ascetic. Austere. Self-denying. Self-effacing. He'd built himself a grave, and it wasn't until the appearance of a certain orange feline that he'd been able to dig himself out of it. When he moved to his present apartment, he consciously tried making it a home, although it never would be. He knew this all too well. He'd never had a place to call home. 
All these places and not one to call his own. 
And then along came Soa and, as espoused by the romantic poets of yore and twenty-first century rom-coms alike, he fell in love and everything changed. He began to realize, with no small shock to the system, that his flat felt like a home when she was in it. Comfort — compounded with the looseness of being, the delight of being seen and understood, to be met on one’s own level — existed within her. 
But then comes that niggling fear of childhood, a creature in hibernation stirring in a dark den, rubbing the sleep from its nocturnal eyes. A whisper on the wind: Junji and Soa need to be maintained. Maintain, maintain, maintain, or it will crumble. 
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creelsclocks · 2 years
Summary:   Henry Creel, the original subject of Hawkins Lab, tires of the abuse and breaks free from Doctor Brenner’s carefully-imposed chains. However, his newfound freedom comes at a cost — and not just his own. Warnings:  References to child abuse, Brenner’s kind of his own warning, yada yada yada. Author’s notes:  This is a basically a fix-it fic that gives Henry the same chance that El got in canon.  This is a collection, not a chapter-by-chapter story, though the instalments will be in order.  For the sake of chronology, Henry is a similar age to Nancy/Jonathan/Eddie.  The Eddie/Henry is not romantic;  the eventual Henry/Nancy is, because god she deserves better than both Steve and Jonathan.
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Blue skies.
The boy lays on his back, heaving for air and bleeding from his nose.  Copper congeals like glue in his throat.  He’s more tired than he’s ever been, the urge to let his eyes slip closed all but overpowering.  It’s as if the void is begging him to enter it, long willowy arms outstretched and waiting.
He’s done something.  
Something huge.
And yet he can’t remember what it is.
001 forces his eyes open a crack  —  stares unflinchingly into that brilliant blue and tries to make sense of it.  What is he looking at, exactly?  The sky, but when?  Why?  Why does it seem so ethereal?  How is it shimmering like it’s made out of sapphires?  And why does his body vehemently protest whenever he thinks to sit up?
An annoying ringing sound pierces the moment, its shrill scream pinprick and glinting.  001 watches with resolute grief as the colour fades, striking azure moulting into ashen grey, then blinding white.  He wants to stay here.  He doesn’t want to wake up.  He doesn’t want to do his lessons and he doesn’t want to see him.
“Good morning, 001.  It’s time to wake up.”
It's too late.  The dream is over.
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The sky is grey and overcast as the boy slows to a staggered halt.  Ever since he broke free from Hawkins Lab, his life has been an exhausting mix of bolting into the unknown and finding hidden nooks to sleep in.  A hole in a tree here;  beneath a makeshift log bridge there.  God only knows how far he's come, and with no way to quantify it, all he can do is keep pushing forward.  His bare feet sting.  His lungs ache.  His thin hospital gown is caked in a mixture of dirt and blood.
001 tips his head back and exhales hard, breath fogging like a cloud above him.  September is chilly, he's come to realise.  He should really have waited until spring, but he knows deep down that he wouldn't have lasted another day in that dreadful place.  Now or never.
Toes shift bracken and wood chips as he takes in where he is; a ratty, overgrown forest full of nothing but skinny trees and runny mud.  Having been caged for his whole life, he knows incredibly little about the outside world; is stricken deeply by everything that he sees.  If he lets that fact deter him, he’ll be back at the lab before he knows it.
The boy flinches when something hits his face.  It’s wet and unexpected, and he shrinks away, only for the sensation to repeat itself.  Immediately, he’s on the defensive, looking for the source like one might look for a ticking explosive.  He receives his answer in the form of the sky splitting open, grey clouds releasing a downpour fit to make a seasoned sailor cry.
He’s never experienced rain before–  has never felt the cold, untamed hand of nature.  It sees him looking up once more, wide blue eyes affixed on the darkened sky  —  and then they close, leaving him fully exposed to the elements.  
Frigid rain whips his grimy face, washing away some of the evidence of his brutal escape.  Rusty brown drips over his mouth and down the gentle slope of his chin.  In this moment, he feels so weak and frail, as if the storm is trying to reach out and comfort him, to tell him that it’s okay and that it understands why he did the things that he did.
There was no other way.  Those people were hurting me.  Killing me. I know, kid.  Let’s wash it away. Okay.
It isn’t real, but most things that comfort him aren’t.  It’s why he retreats into the realm of fiction so often:  because this world is rotten, and he is desperate to escape it.
The almost blissful ignorance is disrupted by a sharp snap.
Immediately, 001 rights his head and squares his feet, dripping wet and feeling fit to combust.  Whoever has come to corner him in the woods, he’ll deal with them.  Just the same as he’d dealt with the sixty-three staff members that had tried to stand between him and freedom.  What’s another body to that already terrible pile?  Why does it matter if he lets it heap up?  Humans have been nothing but cruel to him throughout his life.  He doesn't see why he shouldn't be so in kind.
Leaves rustle.  Thunder rumbles in the sky.  001 grits his teeth and readies himself–
– and then a beam of light hits him, blinding him momentarily.
He shrieks like a ghoul, angered and volatile, and a small chorus of voices scream back.
"Ghost!"  One of them howls, kicking up leaves as he falls back.
The boy realigns his focus in time to see two kids that look roughly his age attempting to hide behind the trees, their bright raincoats garish against the muted browns.  They seem… afraid of him.
Before he can ask, the apparent leader of the group–  the only one who hasn't retreated–  bends low and hurls a rock at his front.  It's tiny and smooth, and its impact is short and sharp.  001's head declines, watching as it falls to the ground and stays put.  When he's certain it won't move again, he looks back at the one who had thrown it.
"... ow,"  he utters dully, voice monotone and quiet.
"Holy shit!"
He can't understand the excitement he's approached with, the boy bounding closer to him as if he's managed to tame a wolf.  001 remains still and stiff as his personal space is invaded, the stranger's eyes round like saucers.
"Sorry, man.  We thought you were dead."
"Yeah!  Like, you look totally creepy.  Standing in the woods in a dress like that.  We figured you were in the middle of a haunt."
001 blinks owlishly.
I wish I was mid-haunt.  I really wish I was dead.
It occurs to him how underdressed he is in this moment  —  and how cold he is as a result.  It's as if the realisation brings with it a deeper chill, his body beginning to shiver.  He's soaking wet, dripping from head to toe, and he has nowhere to go and no clothes to change into.  The others all sport coats and shoes, hoods drawn up and hands in pockets.  001's gown is all but see-through now.
"Hey…"  The one who had struck him reaches out to place a hand on his shoulder, and 001 rears back like a wounded animal, a flash of teeth telling him to step back.  "Whoa, it's–  it's okay, man.  Um, listen, we…  we're sorry, okay?  Are you in trouble?"
He's the first person to ask.  He's been out of that hell for a couple of weeks now, alternating between running for his life and sleeping in ditches, and the further he's gotten from Hawkins Lab, the more people he's passed.  The most he's earned thus far is a worried look from a mother of three, and she'd made no effort to talk to him, too consumed by her own offspring to do so.
001 coils his arms around himself, feeling small and defeated.  He loathes this feeling more than anything  —  he isn't weak, and he doesn't need anyone to look after him.  He didn't need Papa.  He doesn't need this boy, either.
"Look, uh, come back with us, okay?  My uncle's at work right now, so you can come in no problem.  I can get you a towel."
"You're bringing him back?"  A boy with poofy hair asks incredulously, face contorted with scorn.  Just a minute ago, they thought he was a phantom;  now he's being invited over?  "You're inviting all sorts of weirdness into your place, dude."
"Shut up, Gareth.  He's freezing cold."  The torch light settles on 001 once more, the ringleader smiling in what he hopes is an encouraging fashion.  "He's not a ghost.  He's just scared."
"Not scared,"  001 utters stubbornly through chattering teeth.
"Sure.  Look, just come with me, 'kay?"
He wants to argue.  He wants to tell them to go away and leave him be, that he's perfectly content dripping wet and freezing cold  —  but he knows that if he stays like this, he won't last long.  He'll have escaped just to die, and what's the point of that?
You already tried that once.  It didn't work.
Slowly, begrudgingly, 001 nods his head.  Worst comes to worst, he can kill this kid too.
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The trailer is a strange looking house if ever he's seen one ( which he hasn't ).  Everything is stuffed into place, yet it feels wider a space than it ought to.  The only thing that separates rooms from one another is the strategic placement of the kitchen counter and the subtle shift of flooring.  Thin carpet in the main living room area tapers off into faux linoleum come the kitchen.  There only appears to be one proper room in this place;  one door that hosts its own enclosed grove.  His skin crawls.  It makes him think of his tiny room back in Hawkins Lab, just slightly less cold.
“This way!”  
The door is pushed open, revealing a messy bedroom, and 001 doesn’t know where to look first, hovering in the doorway like a wet dog.  His towel is draped over his shoulders, fingers curled tight in the fluffy white material.
This kid has toys in his room, and multiple blankets on his bed.  There’s a strange white object on his bedside table, resembling a starship, and his walls are lined with posters.  He tries to read the names there, a mixture of men with long hair and painted nails on proud display, guitars poised like weapons.  He’s never seen style quite like it.  He feels slightly mesmerised by the freedom of expression.  They all look so different, so unique.  It makes him feel ashamed of his sheared head and his unremarkable features all the more.  Aside from his height, there's little to distinguish him from 002, from 004, from 006.
Iron Maiden.  Black Sabbath.  Guns ‘N’ Roses.  Who are they?
“Here,”  he says, before tossing a shirt and pants at him.  They land in his arms with an almost fluttery quality, his eyes drawn to the foreign material like most would be drawn to jewels.  All he knows is this thin, scratchy gown and his slip-on shoes from the lab.  Holding pants, especially ones so soft, fills him with wonder.
001 grips the bottom of his gown and tugs it over his head without a thought.
“Whoa!”  The other shrieks, covering his eyes.  “Your modesty, dude!”
“My… modesty?”
“Yeah, just–  je-sus, at least let me turn around!”
The boy’s brow furrows slightly, confusion settling in the space between his eyes before beginning to dress.  The people at the lab were never concerned with that.  He changed in front of strangers;  was thoroughly examined by doctors he didn’t know several times a year, and had invasive procedures performed on him from when he was six.  He was given cold jet-stream showers by different people every week.  Back there, there was no such thing as privacy.
The shirt–  a band tee, Metallica spattered across the front–  comes down to his mid-thighs, and the pants refuse to stay around his waist.  He’s just too thin, too wiry.  He holds them there, afraid to invoke the other boy’s frustration once more.
“... um.”
He turns slowly.  After seeing that he’s clothed and how he’s gripping the waistband, he chuckles and crosses the space between them.
“Here, you–”  His hand sticks out to help, but 001 jerks away.  “Whoa…  it–  I'm not gonna hurt you, man.  Really.”
Eddie Munson isn’t very old–  a boy of twelve–  but he’s getting a bad feeling in his gut.  He’s never met another kid this jumpy before, and he’s starting to wonder what the other boy’s lived through to be so aggressive.  His home life has never been ideal, but Uncle Wayne has since removed him from that mess of a unit.  Now, he’s as close to safe as he can be.  
Did this kid run away from somewhere bad?
“I’m just gonna–  tie the string, so that they stay up, okay?”
001 stares at him like a deer in the headlights, before nodding once, skinny limbs wrung taut as if he expects he’ll need to run away soon.  Only when he stays still does he reach forward again, slower this time, tying the drawstring until the sweatpants remain in place.
“What’s your name?”  When the boy looks away rather than replying, he gestures to himself.  “I’m Eddie.  And the guys in there are Gareth and Jeff.”
“I… don’t know.”
“You don’t know your name?”
Talk about unsettling.  Eddie frowns, searching him for any trace of a joke, but the boy’s flat face and tight demeanour leave much to be desired in the way of humour.  It’s as his eyes are travelling over him that he notices his battered state.  Ugly yellowing bruises litter his arms, a noticeable scar on his neck, scabby and brown with dried blood.  Brown eyes shift to look at the filthy gown once more, the red stains spattered across its front spelling a foreboding truth.
“What’s that?”  he asks as he notices something dark on his wrist.  With a gentle hand, he turns the other’s hand palm up, revealing a small set of numbers on his wrist.  His thumb strokes gently across them, as if he expects the numbers to smudge.  They hold firm.  “001,”  he mutters aloud, eyes scanning them several times before they meet the boy’s face.  He cracks a smile.  “It’s pretty punk that you have a tattoo already, man.  What does it mean?”
001 is silent  —  and then he points to himself, finger tapping the centre of his chest.
“... o-kay,”  Eddie says slowly.  Being around this kid is skirting a fine line between depressing and creepy.  “You’re One.  Cool.”
001 blinks, then looks away, and Eddie releases his grip.  As soon as he does, the other stops shuffling uncomfortably.
“I should go,”  he says quietly.
“What?”  Eddie balks, moving to stand between him and the door.  “No way, man.  At least stay here until the rain stops.  You’ll catch your death out there.”
Part of him wonders if he should call Uncle Wayne.  The state of this kid is worrying, even to him, and he doesn’t know what’s best to do.  From the bruises to the severe lack of consideration for his privacy, Eddie suspects that there’s something worse at play  —  something worse than any of them know how to handle.  He knows what abuse looks like–  has received one too many lashings from his own deadbeat father during his life–  and he fears that 001 might know it too.
“Are you hungry?”  Food has always been a reliable way to earn people’s trust.  He wonders if it’ll make the boy loosen up any.  “We’re running a little low on–”
“I can only eat certain things.”
Eddie stops dead in his tracks, blinking with evident surprise.
“Uh, okay–  like–  like what?”
“Potato.  Bread.”
“Porridge, sometimes.”
Eddie makes a face, tongue stuck out, eyebrows drawn tight together.
“No way.  This way.”  It’s all he says before his fingers coil around the other’s wrist, tugging him gently towards the kitchen.  It’s a small space, though 001 seems more curious about the many mugs that line the shelves than anything else.  As the fridge is opened, the boy’s attention whips towards it.  “We got…”
Most of these things are things 001 has never heard of.  Spaghettios.  Spam.  Ramen.  As the options stretch further, alienating him all the more, he gradually stops listening, looking at the interior of the fridge on his own.  There are cans in there, tucked towards the back, and he wonders briefly what they are.  They look more like drinks than something edible, though he wouldn't know.
“Y’know, you’re not exactly making this easy,”  Eddie says, before he plucks a can from one of the cupboards.  “I’ll make the call then.  Spaghettios it is.”
“What is this?”  001 asks, his fingers brushing a can that seems isolated from the rest of the fridge.  It’s almost as if it’s been forgotten about, nudged behind a carton of yoghurt.
“Oh, that’s pineapple.  It’s been in there a while,”  Eddie replies, tone dismissive as he wrestles with the can opener.  The spaghetti hoops make a wet whatack sound as he dumps them into a pan, the hob flicked on before he turns to pluck the can from 001 and open it for him.
It’s already open.
He’s got his face ever so close to the can’s sharp rim, eyes big and round as he observes the juice.  It’s almost as if he expects it to move  —  for something to leap from the tangy lake and spit in his face.
“Uh, how did you…  open that?”
001’s sharp gaze flits from the fruit to Eddie’s face, a hint of mischief in it before he looks back down.
“The lid must have been loose already.”
Without waiting for a response, he takes a sip from the container  —  and then promptly rears back, looking shocked.  It has such a strong taste that he very nearly gags, yet he’s never felt this excited to eat something before.  He goes back like a moth to a flame, alternating between sipping and backing away.  Each time he performs this ritual, he makes a face;  his tongue sticks out, his eyebrows knit together, but he always returns.
Eddie can’t quite help himself.  He laughs.
“Do you like it or not?”  He procures a fork from the draw, handing it to the boy.  “Eat it with this.”
001 acquiesces, the fork poked in deep enough to withdraw two pieces from the can.  He retreats several paces back before crouching low, beginning to eat as if he’s never been fed.  Juice drips down his chin, fork scraping against the sides of the can as he fervently grabs more.  Slowly, Eddie turns his back and focuses his attention on his own meal, as if he’s seen something he shouldn’t.
Gareth and Jeff watch 001 from the couch, pensive looks on their faces.
By the time the can has been emptied, 001 feels slightly nauseous  —  and yet alight with sick, triumphant fury.  This is something he knows that Papa never would have allowed, a food he’d never have tasted if he’d stayed in that dump, and now it’s his.  All his.
“I like pineapple,”  he murmurs, the words carrying a strange, malicious heat as his body slowly unfolds.  He’s standing straight now, looking far more energised than before.  “Do you have more?”
“Uh, no, that was it…”  He doesn’t miss the slight disapproval on 001’s face.  “But, I can ask Uncle Wayne for more tomorrow!”
“You can…  get more?”
“Sure!”  He pauses then, before adding:  “If you do something for me first.”
001’s eyes flit from the empty can to Eddie’s face, then back again.  Something in him relaxes as he puts it on the kitchen counter.
“What do you want?”
For better or for worse, this is a rhythm that he’s used to.  Everything’s a transaction, something that thrives from mutual benefit.  Eddie has fed him and kept him warm for the night.  He can stand to repay that kindness in some way.  It isn't often that people are kind to him.
“I want you to tell me where you live.”
001 levels him with a blank look.
“Y’know.  Where your house is.”
001 blinks slowly.
Eddie feels uncomfortable.  Suddenly, he knows that his gut feeling is right.
“... you don’t live anywhere, do you?”
“No.”  It’s a resolute answer, and while 001 seems largely unaffected by it, it makes Eddie’s heart drop into his feet.  This kid’s so young and frail looking.  There’s no way he’ll survive if he stays out there.  “I left my old residence.”
“Why?”  Eddie asks softly as he pours his spaghetti into a bowl.  By now, the boys on the couch are sitting up straight, leaning forwards with their hands on their knees.  They may not trust this strange kid, but they’re certainly hooked on his odd delivery.
“It was a bad place.  They hurt me.”
Eddie’s bowl has been left on the kitchen counter in favour of closing distance between them.  After raising his hands, palms up as if in surrender, he gently feels along the murky flesh of 001’s forearm.  Even in an expanse so limited, he can spot at least three fading bruises.  Eyes trace the line of his sleeve before following the curve of his chest and the lilt of his neck.  His gaze focuses on the ugly scab that has formed there before it shifts to the other's once more.
“Papa,”  he answers, voice a fraction more watery than before.  “And his associates.”
The grief that befalls the Munson trailer is silent but overwhelming.  None of the boys know what to say in response.  The closest they’ve been to this degree of child endangerment is Eddie’s biological father, and he’s been in prison for several years now.
Thunder rumbles outside.  Rain beats with renewed vigour against the window pane.
Eddie grits his teeth and clenches his fists.  He can’t explain it–  the desire to help this kid–  but he knows that he has to somehow.  He’s a shepherd, 001 a lost lamb stumbling his way through a field.  If there’s anything he can’t do, it's leave him to fend for himself.
“I am looking for my true family,”  the boy says plainly.  “I know he stole me from them.  He said we were father and son, but I know that Papa lies.”
Everything, from the sharpness of his tone to the indirect way he refers to this ‘Papa’ person, makes Eddie aware of the distance between them.  That they likely aren't related on a biological front.  The term sounds almost like an insult with the way that 001 spits it;  it fizzles with hate, a poisonous barb he’s been ready to hurl for years at this point.  It makes Eddie hate him too.
“I’ll help you find them.”
Both boys look at the source of the voice, seeing Gareth now standing up.  There’s frustration in his face, but there’s fear too.  001 observes him silently, keenly, vaguely interested in the different emotions flickering across his face.  He’s spent so long smothering his own under the command of his benefactor that he’s convinced he doesn’t feel them any more.  To see them be displayed so outwardly by others is mildly intriguing.
“Eddie, you don’t know anything about this guy.  You’re really going to just–  just trust him?”
“He needs help, Gare.  That’s just it.”
And as far as Eddie’s concerned, there’s nothing more to say about it.  He’s too cynical to believe in divine intervention, but 001 must have stumbled into his neck of the woods for some reason.  Eddie has a history of helping people;  it’s exactly why he has the friends that he does now.  Jeff was bullied mercilessly for his skin colour;  Gareth for his quick temper.  Both are now under his protection, and he doesn’t see why 001–  a kid that’s been bullied by the adults in his life–  should be any different.  He may not know who this ‘Papa’ figure is, nor does he know where 001 originally came from, but the knowledge that it’s a ‘bad’ place is all the confirmation he needs.  He has to help.  This is his calling.  He’s supposed to.
“You will really help me?”
All eyes drift to 001.  The boy has not spoken much, yet he does so with such crystalline clarity that it’s hard not to gravitate towards him.  His vocabulary is far more vast than others his age, and though he’s blind in this outside world, his mind is sharp.  In fact, the Munson trailer doesn’t yet know how sharp.
“Sure we will,”  Eddie replies.  “We all will.  Won’t we, Gareth?”
Gareth’s scowl deepens, though his friend’s pointed look makes him look away, giving in.  “... sure.”
“Uncle Wayne too.  He’ll know what to do.”
“What is an uncle?”
“I’ll fill you in later.”  For now, he has to figure out how to keep 001 in his trailer semi-permanently without Wayne finding out about it.  “From now on, we’re friends.  All four of us.”
001’s gaze shifts to the boys in the living room.  They look back at him firmly, saying nothing, so he looks back at Eddie instead.
“... an alliance?”  he asks uncertainly.  These kinds of relationships were always heavily discouraged within his old regime.  His siblings were there to learn from him, not to like him.  He's torn between following his old teachings and wanting to defy Papa even further than he has already.  An odd mix of fire and fear twists in his gut as he's tugged closer.
“More than that,”  Eddie answers with a smirk, arm slung over his shoulder  “We’re blood brothers.”
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novisaude · 1 year
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiBq1jF5uQo CURCUMY | DEPOIMENTO REAL COM 15 DIAS DE USO {CURCUMY GRÁTIS + FRETE} CURCUMY CNPJ | CURCUMY ANVISA Site Oficial + Frascos Grátis + Frete Grátis: ✅Curcumy site oficial com desconto ativado Oi! Eu me chamo Natalia , resolvi gravar esse vídeo hoje depois de muitas pesquisas para ajudar as pessoas que estão buscando informações sobre o Curcumy e querem saber se vale a pena, se funciona, se é seguro e se você vai conseguir ficar livre das dores mesmo. Como prometido no vídeo vou deixar aqui todos os dados que pesquisei sobre o Curcumy para você comprar de forma segura. FABRICANTE: Promel Industria e Comércio de Produtos Naturais Ltda AUT. ANVISA: 6.04.572-1 Dispensado de registro conforme resolução RDC N.240/2018 DISTRIBUIDOR: Caps Digital CNPJ: 39.808.701/001-97 O que é o Curcumy? O Curcumy é uma fórmula inovadora com componentes 100% naturais, que oferece todos os benefícios do extrato de curcuma longa do tipo BCM 95 que é um dos mais potentes remédios naturais para dor existentes na natureza, além de ser um antiflamatório eficaz que age rapidamente eliminando a causa na raiz da dor. CURCUMY | DEPOIMENTO REAL COM 15 DIAS DE USO {CURCUMY GRÁTIS + FRETE} CURCUMY CNPJ | CURCUMY ANVISA Site Oficial + Frascos Grátis + Frete Grátis: ✅Curcumy site oficial com desconto ativado  
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crownat4 · 1 year
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News on Crownat4.com: Patek Philippe Split-Seconds Monopusher Chronograph perpetual calendar ref. 5373P-001 #patekphilippe #monopusherchronograph #perpetualcalendar #splitseconds #watchoftheday #watchlover #watchaddict #watch #orologio #horology #uhren @patekphilippe https://www.instagram.com/p/CkFwnXXIk3l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wangletblog · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比被拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
0 notes
voozon · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比被拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
0 notes
shktee · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比被拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
0 notes
seabryzeblog · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比���拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
0 notes
outoffblog · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比被拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
0 notes
motoburg · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比被拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
0 notes
leilockheartme · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比被拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
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