#watch pokemon horizons god bless it
cloudbends · 10 months
man. newest pokemon episode. how does it keep being so fucking good.
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (07/05/23)
jump is finally back baby let's go!!! next week marks the last week of this serialization round but very much looking forward to the tall girl
ended up not watching more anime like I said I would last week, there were still 4 more I wanted to check out, but currently watching 5 airing which I think is pretty good considering I hadn't watched anything in almost 4 years, plus all those other shows I wanted to check out are all manga adaptations so I'm putting no hope in them being fully adapted so I don't feel as bad putting them aside
I want to catch up on another manga next but, after that, I want to go through my "watching" list and clean it up of stuff that's been left hanging there for these years, and then make my way through stuff I wanted to see from seasons I missed in that time ANYWAY
blue - finale/completed green - new series/new to me
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Uma Musume - Road to the Top Ep4 (Finale)
what can I say that I haven't already. I love it obviously. I rate things on my mal for personal enjoyment but I usually have a "real" rating for it (like I did for jigokuraku not that long ago), but I can't do it in this case, horses just got too much power over me. I think I teared up in all 4 episodes (maybe not 1 but). it's good, period. the art is good, the animation isn't that special most of the time, but it has a lot of little character acting moments that hit really good, and let's not forget that maenami cut I was gushing about. the music isn't memorable but it served it's purpose, and the voice acting was really good ofc, I especially loved tokui sora's performance as opera, it's nice to see her getting to flex her range instead of always being yazawa nico, but ofc ayabe and topro were really good too. anyway really good, left me really hungry for S3 coming later this year tho I still have to go and watch S2 and even finish S1 tehe
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Megumin Ep5
honestly this ep felt a lot like a finale, tho there's still 7 more left anyway the explosion scene was pretty cool also megumin x yunyun is quite good, good to see they'll keep feeding me since they'll be goofing around together for a bit longer
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Imas CG: U149 Ep5
good episode (ofc), was wondering where they'd take it with risa being such a daddy's girl but she surprised me also the insert song was beyond the starlight (deresute's 1st anni song) so I was losing my gourd as soond as I heard the first couple notes god bless
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Mashle Ep5
decent episode, dot's explosion magic looked decent enough, tho speaking of him I didn't expect him to sound like this at ALL, I thought it was gonna be something more high pitched like bakugou. also they teased the lang baddies, which is when this starts shifting more into an action series with a sprinkle of comedy instead of the opposite, which is nice, even if they're all over the op lol
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Pokemon Horizons Ep5
nice little ep, the roy scene before this pic was cute. next ep should be more exciting, including the appearance of a brand new mon, like riko's pendant turtle from before
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Jigokuraku Ep6
good episode, was really nice to finally see sagiri's first time to shine, and now they're finally at the village, I forgot about the rokurouta fight so I thought they were getting here earlier tehe. it also ended on the gay sex scene so that was very nice I figured the village was gonna be the cliffhanger but that's a really good one too, they really went IN on animating the tongue-fu, anyway curious to see who'll voice mei, she's very cute
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Do Retry Ch1
that line in the pic below is the title of the one shot for this btw anyway. nice first chapter, the art is really striking with it's thick outlines which makes sense since the author was an assistant to matsui too. it's also a period piece which would be funny if it was cause of matsui too. good solid first chap, no complaints for me, did it's job of setting up the story, the main character and his motivations without getting too distracted with other things. we haven't had a sports manga in a while (I don't count blue box as one) so we'll see how long it'll stay around, or how sportsy it'll be in the first place lol
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Dandadan Ch104
the vamola backstory continues, I thought this was gonna be the last ch but I guess not. it's been decent tho it could've been shorter imo
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Show-ha Shoten! Ch18
VERY good chap, one of the best so far tbh, it's nice to see azemichi making a stand for himself, even if he's stumbling a bit. next chap should be pretty exciting but waiting a whole month is painful
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One Punch Man Ch181
just an aftermath chap of the saitama tatsu fight, not really much going on. however I did read the jp raws for the next chap and it has a buncha cute tatsumakis so that's very good
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Pension Life Vampire Ch4 - 5
apparently I completely missed ch4 OOPS. anyway, cute chaps like usual, going even more in on the yuri cause of this new girl here. it's nice that eri's moving in, opens the door for a lot more Situations
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Tokyo Underworld Ch39
ok chap tho not much happened, the action was p dece but that's about it. the ending cliffhanger is something tho
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The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins Ch23
another eh... chap, they show him waking up but considering the previous pages it's gotta be not real right? anyway it needs to hurry up and end already, feels like it's just dragging on on purpose now
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Fabricant 100 Ch20
the final battle is finally here, not much more left now, prob just enough to finish filling a vol
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Witch Watch Ch107
GREAT chap, I didn't expect them to continue straight from the last one, much less to go this far right away, very excited to see what happens next week with that ending
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Kill Blue Ch3
nice chap overall, not much to say, good to see we'll have some more action next week too
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Blue Box Ch99
TAIKI MY BOY they grow up so fast 😢, I was already hyped for ch100 but with them dropping this right at the end I'm even more pogged up now holy
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Cipher Academy Ch22
as much as I like cipher this felt a lot like a final chap, and it's been doing badly in ratings lately, so there's probably no hope of it making a comeback like medaka did back in the day it's sad that jump readers can't appreciate nisio's work and we get things like roboco running for a billion years instead sigh
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Mashle Ch154
good chap, had that good balance of action and comedy that mashle is really good at, still gonna be a handful more chaps of the final boss
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch4
nice chap, it's always nice to see someone's passion for something be apparent in their work like it has been in tenmaku
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Undead Unluck Ch157
nice chap, like I said last time it's good that not everything is going according to fuuko's plan and seeing her struggle and overcome these unexpected situations is good. looking forward to the (possible) addition of a milf to the cast
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Sakamoto Days Ch117
good to see them learning from sakamoto's example tho this being a flashback arc is annoying cause we know rion dies so every time something happens I'm just expecting it to be now argh
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The Elusive Samurai Ch108
very good chap, good to see tokiyuki make up with yorishige after that argument a couple chaps ago and in such a meaningful way too also the colour page is beautiful but I'll put it on it's own post
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Akane-banashi Ch60
good chap as usual, I've been waiting a long time for the dad to come back into the fray since he's such a big deal for akane's whole character, excited to see where this goes and her growth from it
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Ayakashi Triangle Ch129
good chap, especially with those plot complications at the end making things not as simple as they seemed at first
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medea10 · 3 years
Medea’s Worst Year of All-Time Anime/Game Superlative
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Nobody saw this year coming…except for maybe Barbara Walters! Who could have predicted that this year would bless us with Australia burning, the entire west coast of the U.S. set on fire, stupid people setting fires because they wanted to reveal a baby’s gender, murder hornets, Ruth Bader Ginsburg dying, an almost war with Iran, serial killer mascots arrested, policemen killing unarmed black folks for having a counterfit $20, policemen killing unarmed black folks for breaking up a fight, policemen killing black folks for holding sandwiches, policemen killing unarmed black folks for fucking sleeping, a wide variety of “Karens” coming out of the woodworks, the end of Bojack, the end of Steven Universe, the end of Empire, and a pandemic so huge it’s killed the economy, canceled fun, and given the U.S. president the dumb-fuck idea of injecting bleach to kill the virus!?
At least there was anime this year.
At least there was SOME anime this year.
Biden won the election and Vickeblanca came out with Black Catcher this year.
Hey internet, it’s Medea here to give you her trashy opinion on this years anime and games that she’s watched or played. Because for some reason, my loser-ass loves to do out-dated as fuck memes! I shouldn’t complain, this shit brings a lot of attention to my page every year when I do this. Yes, 2020 was a complete dumpster fire so large that Domestic Girlfriend is crying foul. Many of us had to go on lockdown and ended up binge-watching the entire 957+ episodes of One Piece. I did no such thing. I am one of those “essential workers” so I didn’t hunker down for 9 months straight. But when I was home, I was watching anime. Actually, I would have done that even without the pandemic. I’m an introvert and find the human race to be deplorable.
You all know how this goes. I go over the best this year had to offer me. I had to search really hard to find the good in this year, especially in the anime world. Many things had to be put on hiatus or were delayed to a later date. Just a reminder, I don’t discriminate in what year the anime or game came out. If something came out in the happier times of 2007, that anime or game counts! Let’s get at it!
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First Fandom of 2020: Interspecies Reviewers
Did anyone expect a fan-favorite of 2020 was going to be a hentai? Did anyone have on their batshit 2020 bingo card that a hentai was going to grab everybody’s attention? At the beginning of the year, my mind was set on the Railgun sequel and Eizoken. It wasn’t until licensors, streaming sites, and TV stations in Japan dropped this series that I started to pay attention. And got immediately hooked! It’s about three men going to different brothels and reviewing their time with the ladies. And these ladies are of different species! So with every bang comes possible enlightenment, new kinks, or a night of having your dick sucked off more than humanly possible. This anime blew away all of my skepticism and first impressions right out the window. Maybe it’s because I’m a degenerate and am often curious about sexual content, but this was a guilty pleasure of mine this year.
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Favorite Main Character of 2020: Moroha from Yashahime
I know the majority of this story is going to revolve around Towa and Setsuna, but can we please focus a little more energy on the spunky, quarter-demon girl?! I know they’re pitting Moroha as the comic relief, but I’m hopeful that she’s going to surprise us one day. We fans of InuYasha would spend the past decade and some change wondering what InuYasha and Kagome’s daughter would be like. This year, we got our answer with Moroha. She’s got this wild side to her, probably due to the fact that she’s spent her entire life on her own. And while she’s silly at times, she can get down to business in a pinch. She has her father’s sense of smell. She has a sword. She’s able to shoot sacred arrows much like her mother. And to top it all off, she has this special rouge that if she puts it on, she’s able to unleash that ¼ demon power inside her and become Beniyasha! Yeah, I know the power only lasts a minute, she’s only 14, give her a break! I will gladly go through another week scratching my head at the confusion this story gives me if I get to see one more second of Moroha and her crazy antics or her bad-ass slaying.
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Favorite Villain of 2020: The Devil Believers from Black Clover
This was one hell of a year for Black Clover. It would have been an easy choice to pick the devil and possible super devil that appeared during the elf fight. But I’d like to give a nod to the filler arc villains. And you can’t blame this group for wanting the power of the devil. They’re literally the bottom-rung of the Clover Kingdom and ones with little to no power or mana. So I can agree with why they would want the power of the devil. For one thing, they’d have more power. And for another thing, they’d be able to exact revenge on those who have wronged them. On some occasions I agree with exacting revenge and when it comes to the nobles and some characters in Black Clover, some folks do deserve death. I mean, have you met the king of the Clover Kingdom? Plus, this town and many other poorer towns get looked over by the kingdom. Peasant uprise! Anyways, I thought these people were really crafty in their crimes. I mean, they were able to knock Asta out on his ass with specially made poisons. I was actually hooked to this story of Black Clover (despite it being a filler arc). I know we’ll never see them again as they have been exiled, but it did have me semi-rooting for them.
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Favorite Video Game Character of 2020: Honey from Pokemon – Sword & Shield (Expansion Pass)
Sorry Raymond from Animal Crossing!
Honey is the saucy wife of Mustard…I did not expect that to come out the way it did, but here we are! She has one hell of a team you can fight once a day. She looks out for her husband, the dojo, and the students of the dojo like they were her own children by providing food, drinks, and others. However that does come at a price as you do have to give up a sizable chunk of your watts that you collect in raid dens. I’m sure a bunch of MILF chasers were more than happy enough to give her all their hard-earned watts just so they can have their one-on-one moment on the beach with Honey.
What won me over was when that one guy from a rival dojo bad-mouthed her husband’s dojo and she…I think she kicked this guy’s ass herself. I don’t think she used any of her pokemon. Game Freak won’t show it, but we all know she kicked this guy’s ass to a point where he’s begging for mercy.
Honey, for the win!
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Favorite Game of 2020: Animal Crossing New Horizons
This game was just Zen for me. I know the release of this game came with some controversy like Gamestop saying it’s an essential business and will remain open for people to get their copies of the game. Hell, I was one of those assholes in line waiting to get a copy on March 20th. Did I predict that a pandemic was going to rage out of control when I got a prepay copy of this for Christmas 2019? NO! I only predict political things, not deadly pandemics! The good news, we social distanced, didn’t catch the covid and got the game.
Anyways, this game has been a non-stop calming and fun ride. I can even forgive their botch-up of Bunny Day. They even have events for holidays I never thought they would ever touch. I mean, does anybody know when Museum Day is? Probably not until Animal Crossing had an event for it! I’ve been able to let my freak-flag fly with designing my island. And this goes way beyond New Leaf for the 3DS. I can make a sign post with the words “Fuck Trump” on it and post it in my yard. I can dig up trees and plant them elsewhere. I can poop in a toilet. I can craft furniture and put my own design on it. My furniture can have Tracey Sketchit’s beautiful mug on it. I can sit on Tracey Sketchit’s face. I am a sick fuck and I don’t care. I can give Raymond and Bob maid outfits. Magical time in my game! My hopes for next year…I don’t know, get the Festivale furniture, get Papi and Olivia to join my island, maybe visit Danny Trejo’s island, who knows, sky’s da limit!
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Favorite Het Couple of 2020: Nasa and Tsukasa Yuzaki from Tonikawa
This is one of the most unorthodox marriages I’ve ever seen. But in this 90 Day Fiance world we’re living in, I shouldn’t pass judgement on these two getting married in episode one and not knowing much about each other. Nasa meets Tsukasa as he was about to be plowed by a truck. Tsukasa saves his life. Nasa says she’s beautiful. Tsukasa says she’ll be his girlfriend if they get married. He agrees. She disappears. Four years later, Tsukasa appears in front of Nasa’s front door with a marriage registration form. Congratulations buddy, you’ve got yourself a waifu! In some way, this felt like watching Yamato and Takeo from My Love Story. I was fascinated with them progressing through their relationship. The only difference is that Yamato and Takeo took the old-fashioned route. This couple did everything ass-backwards in terms of having a relationship. But I couldn’t take my eyes off Nasa and Tsukasa’s relationship during each episode. I find them cute.
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Favorite Yuri Couple of 2020: Karin Asaka x Emma Verde from Love Live Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
AAAAAAAAAH! I’M IN IDOL HELL AGAIN! Yeah, no kidding! I came this close to putting Miu x Nicole from that abomination 22/7. But thank God for Love Live! There’s no telling if any of the girls from the Love Live franchise are confirmed to be lesbians. But fuck it, all of them attend all-girl schools, no males exist anywhere, and Sunshine gave us Kanan x Mari! Yeah, you know Kanan and Mari is canon as fuck, don’t at me. So naturally, I found more third-years to ship in the new Love Live series. Now I know I should have put up Ai x Rina or Ayumu x Yuu. Especially the latter due to recent events! But Emma x Karin is my OTP.
Now Emma is an exchange student from Switzerland and in coming to Nijigasaki, she first meets Karin and they became instant friends. When Emma said she wants to become an idol, Karin helped her quite a bit. Even though Karin had no interest in being an idol as her modeling career is starting up, Karin would occasionally help Emma out. And surprise, surprise, Karin ends up fascinated with the idol world and Emma helps her come to the light to be herself there. Okay, I’m totally reading this in some fragmented way, but I’m currently playing Love Live School Idol Festival All Stars and the app game has a lot more stuff involving stuff the anime has yet to talk about. Confirmed or not, Karin x Emma for the win!
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Favorite Yaoi Couple of 2020: Eiji Okumura x Ash Lynx from Banana Fish
It took me a while to get here, but I finally made it to 2018’s overlooked gem. Forgive me for not being fully caught up, but from what I’m watching at the moment, I’m sticking to my guns and supporting the hell out of this. I mean, I could have mentioned The Titan’s Bride here…but fuck no, I ain’t goin’ down that mess! Ash has gone through a lot, I mean a helluva lot in his past. His cute boy looks have made him a target on the streets of New York, with mafia dons, and with prison inmates. But dude can kill if you mess with him. Then you have Eiji, who is just a literal example of a “pure cinnamon roll (until episode 8)”. These two are as opposite as you can possibly get. Ash is from New York and Eiji is from Japan. Ash likes hot dogs with everything on it. Eiji likes grilled fish and natto. Ash spent the majority of his life killing on the streets. Eiji was a track superstar. You get my meaning. But when we got these two together it’s quite adorable. Ash is really able to change when he’s around Eiji. Ash isn’t some heartless killer on the street about to kill a thug with prosthetic fingers. When he’s with Eiji, he’s a joker that can easily get scared of pumpkins. And even in later episodes, you got these two acting like a husband and wife.
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Fandom That You Didn’t Expect to Get Into: Les Miserables – A Girl Named Cosette
Let me explain a little something. Les Mis! I have never seen the play, watched the movie, or read the novel prior to picking up this anime. Not a single one of those! And that’s a bit of a head-scratcher when you realize I was a bit of a musical theater nut in my teenage years. But one thing I do like is when Japan does an anime based on plays or historical events (like Romeo x Juliet or Rose of Versailles). The second I popped in Les Miserables the anime, I wanted to binge watch the whole 52 episode series. It is by no means a perfect adaptation of the Victor Hugo novel. Several key players end up surviving all the way up to the end of the story! But because this was my very first viewing of anything Les Mis, I took to the story of Cosette and was eager to see what was going to happen next in her tale. Unlike the movies and play, Cosette was the main focus of the story besides Jean Valjean and Javert. And thanks to watching the unfortunate stories of Cosette, Jean Valjean, the Thenadiers, Javert, Marius, and the rest, I thought it was time to watch the OTHER adaptations to Les Mis.
Russell Crowe sucks.
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Fandom That Made An Unexpected Comeback: Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni
Higurashi or When They Cry is one of my favorite fandoms of all time! So naturally when we heard that it was making a comeback, I was excited. It was also very odd that Higurashi was given this sequel or reboot. Ahem! There’s another franchise that needs a face-lift. Umineko still deserves a better treatment. Plus, now that this series was out of the faulty hands of Studio Deen, Higurashi will get the special care it deserves. Believe it or not, it wasn’t just the anime that made a comeback for me, but the manga as well. Since 2009, I’ve read several volumes (out of order) and would every now and then come back to read the story. Back to the anime, this reboot or sequel…you know what, I’m gonna call it a “rebooqual”! This rebooqual sucked me back to the town of Hinamizawa and all the murders. Every week, I find myself comparing the current episode to one from the 2006 version. But then the fourth episode of each arc seems to catch me off guard.
Where are they going with this story and these twist endings to our favorite arcs? I did not expect Rena to turn a simple attempted murder into the end of School Days! I didn’t expect Rika to die in the most disgusting fashion they could think of. Could someone kill Teppei fucking Hojo? I will pay ¥5000 for someone to do that job. So yeah, because I know how much of this plays out and who does what, I’m usually watching and reading while making wise-ass remarks. But I still have fun with it.
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Fandom That Inspired the Most Crack: Konosuba
In a year where I caught up with the popular Isekais like Shield Hero and Re:Zero, I found the wacky misadventures of Kazuma Satou to be amusing as all get-out. From the first 5 minutes, I found myself laughing at Kazuma’s misfortune. Seriously, how the fuck do you mistake a tractor for a car, have a heart attack, piss yourself, and fucking die in the first couple minutes to the series? You can only get away with this shit in gag animes! But it’s not just Kazuma’s dumbass, there’s a mage who only does explosions, but loses all her energy after one blow-up. Then there’s a busty, blonde who gets turned on by getting hurt and can’t strike anything with her sword. Anime’s biggest masochist or Cheryl Tunt incarnate, I haven’t decided which one to believe! Then you have this loud, crazy goddess chick named Aqua. She’s also useless about 86% of the time! Watching their unfortunate missions is all the crack that I need to get through this year. Seriously, Darkness is just all kinds of fucked up, but we love her.
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Last Fandom of 2020: Yashahime
That’s right, the InuYasha sequel gets top spot here! Even though week after week I find myself asking more questions than when the episode started, I’m still hooked. If you’re like me, you watched and fell in love with the series InuYasha. So if they’re doing a sequel, you’re expecting to see all of your favorite characters from the prequel like InuYasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Sesshomaru, Koga, Rin, and the rest. Actually, no! Quite the opposite! We’ve got Sesshomaru’s daughters, but no Sesshomaru. Rin is sleeping in a tree we think! We’ve got InuYasha and Kagome’s daughter, but they’re M.I.A. None of the girls even know a thing about their birth parents.
Now are these new characters a catch like the ones from the previous series? Some are! The three main girls, yes! Especially Moroha! I’ve already praised her name earlier in the superlative. Towa and Setsuna do take on some personality traits from their parents. Setsuna is definitely serious like Sesshomaru and Towa sometimes has a carefree yet loyal aura to her like Rin. I know I’m always skeptical when a series gives us a sequel featuring the offspring of the main characters. Especially when you’ve got some lame examples like Boruto and Eureka Seven AO (I might retract my diss on Boruto later)! As each week gives us a new episode, we’re unraveling new clues into a lot of things involving our old favorite characters, as well as the new ones. So I have high hopes for Yashahime for the time being!
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nelvana · 5 years
First [ARC 1]: In which the human is transformed First [ARC 2]: In which a present is prepared Next: In which two allies return from their journey together Previous: In which the judge is spoken to
    Temporal Tower stood out far away from any of the continents, though closest to the Grass Continent. This structure was built on a single, floating stone island. A few other of these islands surrounded it, but none of them had the same mass as the one that had to support the Temporal Tower.
    Standing at the top of this tower, was the legendary pokemon of time, Dialga. They slowly looked over their home, leaning down to peer down the sides to make sure everything was holding strong. This was a routine they had developed for themself; only after they were certain that the Temporal Tower wasn’t going to crumble and that all the time gears were in place that they would allow themself to relax.
    With that morning task out of the way, Dialga was able to breath out a breath of relief and simply stare out into the horizon. If they completed this early enough, there would still be time to watch the sunrise. Staring out into the peaceful morning always brought ease to their very being, so they would often stand still in place until the sun had fully risen.
    However, this morning there were some difficult thoughts plaguing their mind. In fact, as much as they disliked admitting it, this had been worrying them for many days now, and they had just elected to ignore it. As selfish as it was, they had just wanted to be able to relax for just a little bit longer. It was absolutely irresponsible, and they knew it, but part of them had been hoping the problem would fix itself. At this point though, it was becoming painfully obvious how much of a danger this could become.
    Dialga let out a sigh, “Celebi, it’s time we speak about the world’s balance,” they announced.
    From behind Dialga, the green pixie pokemon fluttered over to the much larger pokemon. Celebi wasn’t even anywhere near the size of the god’s head, but they still made sure that they were noticed by their companion as they moved. Celebi did not make eye contact with Dialga, instead choosing to hover beside them and stare out into the horizon as well.
    “Ah, finally,” Celebi murmured, “where would you like to start?” they asked.
    “As I’m sure you’ve noticed,” Dialga began, “the world’s balance has not been properly restored. It should have restored itself with the flow of time righted, however something has been delaying it. Something, or someone, has been keeping the world still out of balance.”
    Dialga spoke aloud in a hushed voice, as to not be deafening in comparison to their smaller friend. In the past, the pair would communicate through telepathy to solve this problem, but in recent times Dialga had come to prefer speaking out loud. It was comforting to them to hear themself able to properly speak softly, instead of hearing abysmal roaring. While they had not said so, Celebi seemed to agree, and begun speaking as well to avoid it sounding like a one-sided conversation.
    Celebi nodded courtly, “yes, I have noticed that. It is Palkia’s doing.”
    Again, Dialga sighed, turning away this time, “…I knew that,” they admitted, “I had just hoped that it would not be the case.”
    “Denial will not help us any,” Celebi told them, “Palkia is most certainly the cause.”
    “The question is… why?” Dialga questioned.
    “That, I am not certain of quite yet…” Celebi now turned to look at Dialga. “I assumed you would have known. Can you not sense anything from your kin?”
    Dialga slowly shook their head, “no, I cannot. It would seem as if Palkia has found a way to completely block me off.
    “I… didn’t think that was possible,” Celebi commented, blinking. “They must be aware of what they’re doing then. Revenge, perhaps?”
    “Palkia isn’t the sort to go for revenge. And even if so, their quarrel would be just with me,” Dialga replied, “no need to involve anything, or anyone else. Seeing as they’ve been delaying the restoration of the world’s balance, this must be more than just revenge.”
    “What do you suppose then?”
    Dialga opened their mouth only to close it. Their throat was dry. They looked down at their feet, which were the same as ever. Blue, just blue, no orange, no glowing. The tower still stood solidly under them. As a quietness from the lack of either of them speaking crept in, Dialga could listen to their heartbeat. Always keeping the same rhythm, the same strength. They took in a deep breath, slowly exhaling as they sorted out their thoughts.
    “I believe… Palkia may be going primal,” Dialga finally answered.
    Celebi paled, “you think so…? But how come? Nothing has happened to prompt that.”
    “It’s just… it’s just a theory. I’m not sure if it’s the case,” Dialga responded all too hastily. “I’m not sure why that would happen, but there aren’t that many other possibilities.”
    “I see.” Celebi swallowed, looking away again for a moment, but their gaze was drawn back to the worried legendary. “Either way, there is not much we can do about that at the moment. We shall have to see how this all goes,” they continued.
    “We cannot just sit back on this for much longer though,” Dialga murmured.
    “Agreed. For now, we will collect more data on the situation. You know that if Palkia has gone primal… you won’t be able to beat them in a fight,” Celebi replied, “you may need to collect more allies if it comes to a fight.”
    “I have you,” Dialga pointed out, looking back up.
    Celebi laughed, but it carried no joy with it, “you and I both know that I am not much help against a primal legendary,” they said darkly, their expression creasing back into a small frown.
    Dialga’s throat felt dry again, “you would still be a help.”
    “Hm, I suppose so,” Celebi hummed, crossing their arms behind their back.
    There was a pause between the pair; the strain of their relationship hanging in the air. Dialga knew what Celebi meant with those comments. Celebi had died in the other timeline to Primal Dialga, after all. The both of them were connected to the flow of time, they both clearly remembered what happened. And no matter how many times they could apologize, they would never have the same friendship as they had had before.
    Again, Dialga opened their mouth to speak, but then reconsidered and closed it again. They opted to stare out into the horizon again, which had long since faded into the plain blue of the sky decorated with puffy white clouds. Celebi, however, kept their gaze focused on the temporal pokemon, working up the courage to speak instead.
    “There is something on your mind. Speak up,” Celebi instructed firmly.
    Dialga chuckled quietly at themself; of course it would have been foolish to try hiding their feelings from a psychic-type, especially one that knew them so well.
    “You said that we should be considering gathering more allies… truth be told, I have been thinking over that myself,” Dialga began.
    “And?” Celebi prompted.
    “There is someone… from the other future, who I’d like to bring back here for a second chance,” Dialga told them.
    Celebi furrowed their brows with displeasure, “him?” they questioned, already knowing who this “someone” was. “You think that he deserves another chance on this plane?”
    “Yes, I do,” Dialga replied confidently, lifting their head up. “Dusknoir was not the best person in the time he got to live, but that was because he had the misfortune of being under… my influence. He could become a better person if given the opportunity.”
    “Mm... Sure, let’s say I believe that. Why bother bringing them back? We can find allies elsewhere; without risking ruining the world’s balance more than it already is,” Celebi huffed, bringing their arms up to cross them in front of their chest.
    “Because,” Dialga sighed, “they were incredibly loyal, and they got nothing out of that. I feel that I should repay that somehow,” they told them, “and, while your concern is understandable, bringing him back won’t destroy the world’s balance completely. I know how to do that safely. There have already been four pokemon brought back from that realm; he won’t tip everything over.”
    “Four?” Celebi repeated, “I thought there had only been three.”
    “Ah, you are thinking of the time travelling heroes. Yes, there were three in that group. The human, the grovyle, and… your successor. They were all brought back, but that was weeks ago,” Dialga responded, “recently, a fourth was brought back. Not someone from that timeline, but a cursed spirit guide. The curse was broken ahead of its time, and they have been brought back to life.”
    “Hmph, so you’re certain then that bringing Dusknoir back would not harm the world’s balance?” Celebi asked.
    Dialga nodded, “I am.”
    Celebi paused, thinking this over before shaking their head, “I still do not agree with this. He should not be brought back, even if you think he should be blessed with such a second chance,” they told them, “this is a bad idea.”
    “What makes you think that?” Dialga questioned, leaning closer to their companion. “You are my advisor; I’m always willing to listen if you think.”
    “I…” For once, Celebi seemed to be having difficulties forming together their thoughts into words. “He’s a murderer, Dialga. Have you forgotten? He felt no guilt for killing hundreds, directly or indirectly, just because you told him to. You may not have been in your right mind, but he always was,” they spat.
    “He can change,” Dialga insisted.
    “How do you know?” Celebi snapped, whirling to fully face Dialga. “How do you really know? He was just a servant to Primal Dialga, you don’t know him.”
    “Neither do you,” Dialga responded.
    “I know enough to know that this is a bad idea,” Celebi growled, turning away again and letting out a sigh. “But you know what? Fine. You do what you want. I can’t really stop you. I never could.”
    “Celebi.” Dialga stepped over to have the smaller pokemon be facing them again. “I don’t appreciate you trying to manipulate my decision by guilting me.”
    Celebi barely noticeably stiffening at being called out, but slowly relaxed again. Dialga sighed, reminding themself to relax again as well. They didn’t want to lose their temper.
    “However,” they continued, “I do want to respect your opinion on the subject. I will think this over some more. You are right, it is an important decision to make. And… if it does turn out poorly, know that I will accept the consequences of that and do my best to fix it,” they assured them, “I’ll add as well, that if Palkia really does go primal… being picky about our allies won’t help us any.”
    “…fine. I’ll trust you on this,” Celebi finally replied, “and I apologize for acting in such a way. I just…”
    “I know. It’s alright; I understand.”
First [ARC 1]: In which the human is transformed First [ARC 2]: In which a present is prepared Next: In which two allies return from their journey together Previous: In which the judge is spoken to
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the-story-of-six · 6 years
“Meditation provides a way of learning how to let go. As we sit, the self we’ve been trying to construct and make into a nice, neat package continues to unravel.”
- John Welwood
Iris would sit on the roof for hours, never moving even for the slightest passing breeze, with one leg resting upon the other and both paws clasped together firmly. The sun had just begun to disappear over the tops of the trees, and the Spring air had started to cool as the distant Westward horizon glowed with waves of soft red and purple light. In the distance, the swooshing sounds of passing cars on the nearby freeway could be periodically heard over the serenity of an otherwise quiet and peaceful late afternoon.
The Lucario’s eyes were gently shut, and a small stream of transparent, blue aura vapor seeped from the crack between her right eyelids, indicating that she had been concentrating hard enough to draw energy from the outside air, and then let it flow throughout the conduits in her brain to increase her focus. It was not as violent as it usually was during a battle, rather it was more gentle and wispy as it floated upwards from her eye socket and then dissipated.
She was, on the outside, completely at peace with the world, her entire body appearing as relaxed as a hammock on a warm beach. She was still, and she stood with as much poise as a buddhist monk. On the inside, however, her train of thought had begun to drift off of the tracks, letting old memories and internal struggles plague the mindscape she had worked all day to create. The small thoughts happened so suddenly, like rolling a snowball down a mountain only for it to reach the bottom and become a devastating boulder. She couldn’t help it, not after what she now knew, not with the truth that plagued her like an Egyptian curse. Another wave of anxiety hit her body like a speeding truck, and it shook her so badly that it nearly threw her off balance as she wobbled slightly in the wind passing over the roof of the house, jolting her back to consciousness.
Iris gasped and stared into space for a moment, the real world returning to her, and the haze of aura stopped flowing and then evaporated into the atmosphere. She stood dazed, her pupils dilating, and her surroundings came back into focus. This never happened to her, she had never felt like this for years, not ever since she matured. She needed to calm down, to think things through rationally. She regained control of herself and sighed, taking in a fresh breath of afternoon air to clear her head, and then she righted herself as she was before. It took but a few seconds for her to return to her previous state of thinking, but she eventually recalled the thoughts that had been violently shaken from her mind and then continued where she had left off, pondering the events for the past week of her life.
The pendant she wore around her neck, artfully smithed from gold and embroidered with a black cross passing in front of a smaller sapphire-blue disc, had been with her ever since she was still inside an egg. It was engraved with symbols that roughly translated to a dead language used by an ancient tribe of Lucarios, a tribe that had lived in the Northern mountains of the Sinnoh region thousands of years before the first man had ever set foot in the area.
It was her tribe, it was her ancestors who had all but disappeared as the sands of time etched away at them and their history, their entire population thought to be completely extinct and yet here she was. They were always heavily shrouded in mystery, as ancient ruins with unsolvable hieroglyphs were the only lead to go on. However, more recent investigations had been conducted since the early 50’s, when technology and research had advanced to the point where they were finally able to learn from this apparently once-great civilization. Books were written about their findings, and Iris read them, as many as she could get her hands on. As she read, she began to notice a pattern, a series of intersecting threads that never seemed to quite connect. Of the dozens of books she has ever flipped through, each one of them had always pointed to one, terrifying paradox.
She. Should. Not. Exist.
Her eye, tinted blue and constantly glowing with an intense light, was one of the few connections between her and this tribe of Pokemon she called her ancestors, her family, the ones who left her alone up in the mountains as an egg and never heard from again. It was all there, the language they used that was inscribed in the jewelry she owned, the location she that was found in as a newborn, and most importantly, the source of her abilities.
Her abilities were not simply gained through sheer willpower and physical exercises, no, her power could never be achieved through any normal means of training. This was something else, something that materialized in her when she had evolved into her final form, it made her see and feel things she had never felt before, like she had been injected with knowledge that which existed beyond the boundaries of the dimensional plane she resided in. She could never understand it, nor could anyone else that came across her. Even her trainer was baffled and slightly afraid at the sudden, seemingly unexplainable changes that sprouted, but it never affected the bond they shared as Pokemon and master.
What she read in those old books made her out to be some sort of savior, like a demigod of sorts, blessed by the god named Arceus who watches over all life from above in his Holy kingdom. Her eye was the determining factor, anyone could see that it was something special, but it carried a weight that Iris would have to bear for the rest of her days. The eye represented power, it represented wisdom, and most importantly it represented that Iris’ connection to the spiritual realm of aura and thought was so strong, that she essentially transcended from being a mere Pokemon to being nearly omnipotent.
Arceus was supposed to bless one chosen member in each generation of her clan’s life, as per the deal they made with their holy idol. As long as they continued their worship and sacrifice, as they always had, they would always be protected from harm. Arceus was far, far too busy (apparently) to attend to the needs of each individual on the planet, so instead he bestowed upon them a blessing. In her clan’s own language, Iris memorized the prophecy upon which her life was created to fulfill;
“May the plagues infest us, for our savior will arise from within our numbers to burn the pestilence with aura like fire, and those who oppose our way of life and threaten our loved ones will be forced to face their sins until they repent, and only then can our hero find divine rest until they are once again needed.”
There was a book in the back of the Public Library, which was located in her hometown of Jubilife City, a place she went to quite often. Pokemon were allowed to use public services such as the library, or the local shops, or public transportation, because they could be trusted to understand how such things operated. She got herself a Library card, and she used it periodically to indulge herself in as many intellectual and philosophical works as she could possibly find, occasionally delving into other genres like fantasy and things that entertained and engaged her. She also used the library for her own, personal research, as she scoured the depths of the History and Geography section for anything related to her ancestors. Of course, there were the documentaries, the investigations that gave her the knowledge that she had memorized end to end. There were even works in the Religious category that talked about cases of Arceus appearing on Earth and granting wishes and blessings to those who prayed to him. In those she could sometimes find her clan hidden within the pages, amongst other tribes that were similar to hers, but not quite as important to her for the moment. Her tribe had always been written off as another ruined civilization, a fallen kingdom where all of their beliefs and practices had meant nothing because they had ultimately destroyed themselves and completely disappeared off the face of the planet, never to be seen again. Iris was so emotionally attached to the history of her people, who they were, what they believed in and strived for, but to everyone else they were another example of the way that time can just completely wipe away an entire tribe of once-magnificent creatures and move on to the next one, and then the next one, over and over to infinity and even beyond that. Time is unending, time is limitless, and time feels no remorse.
No matter how deep she dug, Iris always felt in her heart that something wasn’t there, like a piece of the puzzle had escaped and run off. For months she lost her lead, up until she found that book. She had never seen it before, not until it randomly fell off of it’s shelf as she passed by. To any common man the situation could have well been written off as simply being coincidental, albeit incredibly so, like perhaps it wasn’t shelved right, or the wind blowing off of Iris’ body as she passed by was strong enough to knock it off of its fragile perch. But she knew that wasn’t possible, the aura in the air was faint but it happened to appear right where the book has been, then vanished. It was like a passing ghost, something otherworldly that still had a physical interaction with the plane of existence all life on Earth inhabited, but whatever the case may be it still got Iris’ attention as she picked up the book and studied it. The writing on the front of it had faded away so it could no longer be legible, but some red, shiny lettering on the spine of the book barely read, “Gōruden'ōra.”
“Golden Aura…”
She had heard her clan’s name many times before in several different languages, so she knew how to pick it out, but she had never come across this book before until now. On the spot she began to rapidly flip through the pages, reading as fast as her eyes were allowed to move, at first finding only information she had already figured out up to this point, but then suddenly the pages stopped turning and she froze.
It was there, depicted in detail with fine, black ink, next to a wall of text, the pendant she was wearing around her neck. She took one hand off the book and used it to quickly remove the necklace from herself, then placed it on the page. The two of them were side-by-side, identical copies of one another, it couldn’t be mistaken for a different one even if the most skilled craftsman alive attempted to replicate it. Her mind raced with questions as she took the necklace and sat down with her back against the bookshelf behind her, starting to read the text beside the picture.
Since the clan was founded, sightings of this pendant around the tribe leader’s neck had been sourced through studying the surrounding areas of the Eastern Sinnoh region, where other, less-prosperous tribes of other Pokemon had written their history on their own walls. They would write about the blue warriors whose leader would always sport a shiny, blue medallion they would wear wherever they went. In this specific instance, it was a group of Sneasels and Weaviles that had never before been thoroughly documented, as many investigations never seemed to look further than the collapsed snow banks that used to be their homes. This was different, way different. As Iris continued, she discovered that a small group of humans, a party of around 4 or 5, came from their homes to another country in 1942 to further investigate what other researchers had called a dead end. They dug into the snow for months, setting up a remote base camp near the site. Nobody passed through the area normally, so nobody even knew they were out there. They eventually hit a cavern some 10 feet underground, and what they found inside now lie within the pages of the book Iris was holding, and it had never been investigated since.
But her ancestor’s trail ended centuries ago, where no further evidence could prove they still existed past that point in time. There were no writings, no relics, and no way to pull back the thick blanket of snow that had covered the sacred ground upon which they used to roam. According to all accounts she had ever read, the tribe had been wiped off the face of the planet.
And yet here she was
The people who discovered her took both her egg and the necklace back with them, and it had been in her possession ever since. It carried quite a bit of emotional weight for Iris, even if she never made it outright obvious. She never knew what it was for, but she knew it came from her family and that it was important to finding out who she was. Now here, in this book that she had been gifted by some entity whose origins remain a mystery, it was said that the trinket that she had been left with has been worn by every single documented tribe leader that had ever ruled over her tribe. No other history book, encyclopedia, cultural website or Pokemon professor had ever even mentioned any of this before, as far as she knew the necklace was given to her as a parting gift from the family that had left her behind. But now she knew, that it had a much, much greater importance than she could have ever imagined.
The pendant was a symbol of strength, of utmost authority over all others and respect from even the wisest of elders. She could barely come up with a reason as to how, or why, but there it was hung around her as it had always been, a silent symbol of the past that she had so longingly wanted to uncover bit-by-bit. She stood motionless, but visibly there were signs that her concentration was waning, every fiber of her being felt like it was falling face-down into an endless pit as realization washed over her in a tidal wave.
At that moment, she heard voices whisper to her.
They were incoherent, and very, very quiet, but the cacophony of whispers contained key phrases that Iris could just faintly pick out as they swirled around her head like ghosts;
“… forgotten…”
“… -will never understand…”
“… -need you…”
“… prophecy…”
“… half-god…”
“… protect us…”
She could sense the presence of other entities with her now, they were all around her, suffocating her and spinning around her like the clouds of a hurricane. Books began to fall over and off the shelves around her, and lights started to flicker on and off in the section of the library she was in. And her necklace, her necklace seemed to almost hover upwards as the thread attached to it hung around Iris’ neck still. The sapphire disk was glowing brightly then, and it shook violently with the concentrated power of hundreds of generations of Lucarios, who all gave their lives to protect their families, their loved ones, all of the innocent people in the world that needed to be saved because that’s what leaders do. That is what leaders do… and this one singular phrase repeated itself inside of Iris’ head over and over again, with different voices sounding off in an orchestra of enlightenment. These voices, this necklace, it was a connection to the other side, to her ancestors, to her tribe, it was a link to everything she had ever wanted to know, and now it was decided that it was the right time for her to understand.
Now she did understand, she hadn’t just been chosen to protect her clan, she had been chosen as the clan’s leader, and ever since she was born it was always her destiny to take her place beside her ancestors. And now her family was calling her back, lending her their energy, their knowledge, their willpower, to have her lead her clan as their chief, to guide her into her true calling as a hero amongst her people.
But the question still remained, why did they leave her in the first place?
And more than that, where did everyone go?
As she stood there on the roof, all of these realizations rattled around in her head so hauntingly, so absolutely brutally and unrelentingly, that she just had to stop. Her eyes thrust open as an audible gasp escaped her lips and she planted her second foot on the roof to prevent herself from losing her balance again. She took a second to breathe, to calm herself down as the deep dark thoughts of paranoia phased away into stardust inside her head. She was calm now, she felt the gentle breeze blow through her fur, heard the droning sounds of cars on the highway once again, and she sighed as she stretched her arms out into the air. She put them back down and just stared at the sunset, watching the last shred of color vanish behind the horizon, appreciating the world and the small pleasures that came with living there. She smiled slightly, but it dropped again as she turned her attention towards the pendant, using her right paw to lift it up so she could see it around her neck.
She studied it closer now, picking out every detail she could find, all the tiny engravings with thin, swooping lines and miniature stars, and as it sparkled in the moonlight the sapphire disc seemed to almost glow. It was a beautiful work of art, crafted by the finest artisans in the village thousands of years ago, and it was entrusted to her for reasons she used to wonder about constantly.
She used to think perhaps it was a reminder that she had a purpose, set forth by the gods and left for her to figure out the rest. Perhaps her parents knew, or had always known, and they wanted to give her hope, to show her that they would always be with her in one form or another, maybe it was a sign of love.
A single tear rolled down her cheek, she hadn’t cried for years and yet this was enough to bring forth her emotions from the steel-locked gate that she kept them behind. She needed to know why she was abandoned, only to be called back like this. She needed to know how, and she needed to know as soon as possible. There had been a feeling clawing at her back, which had gotten more severe in the past month or so. Something was coming and she didn’t know exactly when, or even what she needed to look out for, but she could tell it was going to be devastating to her and everyone she’d ever loved and that she needed to do something about it before the point of no return.
Iris let the pendant drop to hang where it would always sit, and then turned to stare at the moon coming up and over the trees. On this night it was full, casting the entire region in a soft, bluish light. She looked at it with an expression of determination, with a tinge of melancholy. No matter what may threaten her home she would protect it with her life. No matter how menacing or how powerful these monsters could possibly be she would find a way to save the ones she cared about, she would save them all. Then she would go on to lead her people and rebuild their civilization, if there was anything left at all. She hoped to the gods that it would be so. Iris would never be afraid, not with the strength she had knowing her ancestors were watching over her. She only hoped she had enough time to prepare for what lay ahead, for failure would destroy everything she’d ever had, and the threads of prophecy would be cut. But first, she would have to find her home, if there was anything left of it at all. She hoped to Arceus that she wasn't too late...
As she stood, she swore she could almost feel a warm, reassuring paw on her shoulder.
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jenniferasberryus · 4 years
All 2020 Video Game Release Dates We Know of
2020 is shaping up to be one of the biggest years in video game history, with heavy hitters on the way like Cyberpunk 2077, Final Fantasy VII Remake, The Last of Us Part II, Marvel’s Avengers, and more. As the final year in the current generation of consoles comes to a close, it’s worth noting we haven’t seen such a stacked lineup since 2013 - the previous generation’s final year. Click through the gallery below to explore every game confirmed for release in 2020 that we know of, or scroll down to see the entire list. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=every-2020-video-game-release&captions=true"]
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PC) - January 9
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot - January 17
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore - January 17
The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners - January 23
Journey to the Savage Planet - January 28
Warcraft III: Reforged - January 28
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics - February 4
Zombie Army 4: Dead War - February 4
Granblue Fantasy: Versus - February 6 (Japan - Worldwide release date TBD)
Yakuza 5 - February 11
Darksiders Genesis - February 14
Dreams - February 14
Snack World: The Dungeon Crawl - Gold - February 14
Street Fighter V: Champion Edition - February 14
Bayonette and Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle - February 18
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition - February 20
Persona 5 Scramble - February 20
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] - February 20
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection - February 25
Two Point Hospital - February 25
Iron Man VR - February 28
One-Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows - February 28
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV - February 28
[ignvideo width=610 height=374 url=https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/09/12/15-uncut-minutes-of-final-fantasy-7-remake-gameplay-in-4k]
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX - March 6
Langrisser I & II - March 10
Ori and the Will of the Wisps - March 11
My Hero: One's Justice 2 - March 13
Nioh 2 - March 13
Animal Crossing: New Horizons - March 20
Doom 64 - March 20
Doom: Eternal - March 20
Bleeding Edge - March 24
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 - March 27
Persona 5: Royal - March 31
Half-Life: Alyx - March TBA
[ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/05/24/7-cyberpunk-games-to-play-before-cyberpunk-2077"]
Resident Evil 3 Remake (includes Project Resistance) - April 3
Final Fantasy VII Remake - April 10
Cyberpunk 2077 - April 16
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - Road to Boruto - April 24
Trials of Mana - April 24
Predator: Hunting Grounds - April 24
Gear Tactics - April 28
Minecraft Dungeons - April TBA
Fast & Furious Crossroads - May 9
Wasteland 3 - May 19
Maneater - May 22
Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris - May 22
The Last of Us Part II - May 29
New World - May TBA
[ignvideo width=610 height=374 url=https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/09/28/the-last-of-us-part-2-how-the-world-and-gameplay-have-evolved]
Marvel’s Avengers - September 4
Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories
Heart of the Woods
Psikyo Shooting Stars Alpha and Bravo
System Shock
Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition - Summer
Dying Light 2
Empire of Sin
Kerbal Space Program 2
Roller Champions
Sports Story
Streets of Rage 4
[ignvideo width=610 height=374 url=https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/10/21/marvels-avengers-how-gear-works]
Axiom Verge 2
Death Stranding (PC)
Planet Coaster: Console Edition
Tell Me Why
Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!
Guilty Gear -Strive-
Halo Infinite
[ignvideo width=610 height=374 url=https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/09/04/animal-crossing-new-horizons-deserted-island-visual-tour]
No Official Window
12 Minutes
A Total War Saga: Troy
Crusader Kings III
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise
Death March Club
Destroy All Humans!
Digimon Survive
Doom Eternal (Switch)
Gods & Monsters
Gridiron Champions
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Little Nightmares II
Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond
Microsoft Flight Simulator
No More Heroes III
Oddworld: Soulstorm
Pokémon Sleep
Psychonauts 2
Robotics;Notes Elite
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated
Tales of Arise
The Artful Escape of Francis Vendetti
The Settlers
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Quarantine
Twin Mirror
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2
Watch Dogs: Legion
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
[ignvideo width=610 height=374 url=https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/08/22/watch-dogs-legion-is-unlike-any-other-ubisoft-game-gamescom-demo-impressions] While many release dates are likely to change, this is what we’re aware of currently. Some of 2020’s biggest release dates are still a mystery, though, including some recently delayed games from Ubisoft. Watch Dogs Legion, Rainbow Six Siege Quarantine, and Gods and Monsters, for instance, are now slated to release sometime during Ubisoft’s next fiscal year which begins April 2020. We’ll be sure to keep you updated on next year’s biggest games and beyond. Which games are you looking forward to most? Let us know your top picks in the comments below! [poilib element="accentDivider"] Matthew Adler is a Features and News writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @matthewadler and watch him on Twitch. from IGN Video Games https://www.ign.com/articles/all-2020-video-game-release-dates-we-know-of via IFTTT from The Fax Fox https://thefaxfox.blogspot.com/2020/01/all-2020-video-game-release-dates-we.html
0 notes
feedingfrenzy91 · 4 years
It would appear that we may have another Nintendo Direct on the horizon.
Gameplay: Pokemon Shield
May God bless you all.
RGT 85 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dqpeb...
Spawn Wave: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gSFc...
Instant-gaming site: https://www.instant-gaming.com/
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