#washette week
ouiouixmonami · 3 years
In honor of Washette Week, today I’ll be talking about Washington’s letter to Lafayette on 30 September 1779 which is ultra-detailed and surprisingly lengthy (something that George himself acknowledges in the last paragraph). It even includes mention of George being ghosted *gasp! Who would do such a thing?!* Don’t worry, I’m about to tell you! Here’s a little collection of my favorite snippets from this bad boy.
Your forward Zeal in the cause of liberty—Your singular attachment to this infant world—Your ardent & persevering efforts, not only in America but since your return to France to serve the United States. your polite attention to Americans—and your strict & uniform friendship for me, has ripened the first impressions of esteem & attachment which I imbibed for you into such perfect love & gratitude that neither time nor absence can impair which will warrant my assuring you, that whether in the character of an Officer at the head of a Corps of gallant French (if circumstances should require this)—whether as a Major Genl commanding a division of the American Army—Or whether, after our Swords & Spears have given place to the plough share & pruning-hook, I see you as a private Gentleman—a friend & Companion—I shall welcome you in all the warmth of friendship to Columbias shore; & in the latter case, to my rural Cottage, where homely fare & a cordial reception shall be substituted for delicacies & costly living.
This specific compliment is so sweet! No matter the time or the place, George wants Lafayette to know that he’ll always care about him. Fun fact: Lafayette took George up on his offer in 1784 when he visited Mt. Vernon from approximately August 17 - 26.
Colo. Neville called upon me about a Month since and was to have dined with us the next day but did not come, since which I have not seen him nor do I know at this time where he is
Yep. You read that right. Colonel Neville ghosted George. 
let me entreat you to be perswaded, that to meet you any where after the final accomplishment of so glorious an event would contribute to my happiness—& that, to visit a country to whose generous aid we stand so much indebted, would be an additional pleasure—but remember my good friend, that I am unacquainted with your language—that I am too far advanced in years to acquire a knowledge of it. and that to converse through the medium of an interpreter upon common occasions, especially with the Ladies must appr so extremely aukward—insipid—& uncouth—that I can scarce bear it in idea. I will therefore hold myself disengaged for the present and when I see you in Virginia—we will talk of this matter & fix our plan.
George not speaking French would surely put a damper on the trip that Lafayette has proposed! Not to worry, they’ll reconvene and figure out a plan that will leave neither of them embarrassed in front of the ladies. Spoiler alert: George never went to France.
But to conclude—you requested from me a long letter—I have given you one—but methinks my dear Marquis I hear you say there is reason in all things—that this is too long—I am clearly in Sentiment with you, & will have mercy on you in my next—But at present must pray your patience a while longer, till I can make a tender of my most respectful compliments to the Marchioness. Tell her (if you have not made a mistake, & offered your own love instead of hers to me) that I have a heart susceptable of the tenderest passion, & that it is already so strongly impressed with the most favourable ideas of her, that she must be cautious of putting loves torch to it; as you must be in fanning the flame. But here again methinks I hear you say, I am not apprehensive of danger—My wife is young—you are growing old & the atlantic is between you—All this is true, but know my good friend that no distance can keep anxious lovers long asunder, and that the Wonders of former ages may be revived in this—But alas! will you not remark that amidst all the wonders recorded in holy writ no instance can be produced where a young Woman from real inclination has prefered an old Man—This is so much against me that I shall not be able I fear to contest the prize with you—yet, under the encouragement you have given me I shall enter the list for so inestimable a jewell.
George joking that Lafayette is the one who loves him rather than Lafayette’s wife, Adrienne, is such a fun glimpse at his lighthearted side that was reserved for a select few. Aw! Not so fast, though, because this paragraph takes a sudden turn that’s reminiscent of what I read as Alexander’s not-so-subtle attempt at compliment fishing from none other than John Laurens but with just a dash of self deprecation. 
When I look back to the length of this letter I am so much astonished & frightned at it myself, that I have not the courage to give it a careful reading for the purpose of correction—You must therefore receive it with all its imperfections—accompanied with this assurance that though there may be many incorrections in the letter, there is not a single defect in the friendship of my dear Marquis Yr Most Obedt—& Affecte Servt Go: Washington
Lafayette had requested long letters, so long letters he shall receive! Proof-read long letters? Now that’s pushing it. The closing sentence here is both wholesome and heartwarming - throughout this letter George stresses how much he cares for Lafayette but this one sentence stands out to me because it’s both plain and poetic.
I highly recommend reading the entire letter - it covers a variety of topics, both political and personal, and is all around a great read to get a sense of their relationship!
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thegrinningone · 6 years
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this is continuing slowly so, welcome to day three!
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jacepens · 3 years
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It’s that time again! Wonderful Washette Wednesday!! You can read a bit more about what it specifically means in the first post here.
Today I want to share something not on the romantic side of things but platonic!! Seriously, if you enjoy washette but avoid platonic then I simply must shake you by the shoulders and then hand you this:
The absolutely gorgeous and lovely platonic!washette series by @bennyboy-tallmadge !!
I’ve provided the link for the first fic in the series but there are eight, yes eight works total in the fantastic series that just keeps giving! I’m very serious, I adore this series so much. The author clearly has a lot of love for them and their relationship and it shows in the adorable way she writes them and the time and effort that clearly goes into it all. I cannot emphasize this enough: they’re fantastic. Please go check it out.
In conclusion: I hope you all know this, but platonic is just as good (dare I say better) than romantic washette:) and it’s because of this series. Thank you for joining me on this Wonderful Washette Wednesday!!💖
(p.s. any creator I’ve showcased any week can contact me to ask me to edit or take down a post)
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oohlalafayette · 4 years
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A prompt from washette week a few years ago! The first meeting between Lafayette and Washington.
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deadrcbins · 4 years
Oneshot Requests! (Bonus: Jeffmads headcanons!)
Yeah, I’m pretty imitable and unoriginal. Sorry, Aaron. Anyway, like a majority of the fandom, I’m making Hamilton one shots! I take requests, I’m great with any angst, no smut, and I’m great with fluff, as well! 
(The cover is John Laurens approved, even though he preferred birds to turtles, the background looked nice.)
SO, onto ships!
I do:
~Jeffmads, since that’s my OTP
~Lams, since it’s also OTP
~Mullette, because it’s OTP in the fandom and in my heart
And literally ANY other ship in the fandom. ANY. If I name them all, I can go on for days!
The exceptions are incest between the Schuylers, and Washette/Whamilton unless there’s no age gap. 
Anyway, thank you so much for reading!
Jeffmads Headcanons:
Let’s start with Madison:
How do they react to a breakup?
James will usually cry a lot and shut himself inside the house for a bit until Thomas comes over and forces him into a Disney movie marathon, complete with ice cream, pillow forts, and a lot of blankets. Of course, this was before Thomas and James professed their undying love for each other. He also becomes very moody and becomes the ULTIMATE emo kid, often dressed in dark and everything. He’ll also contemplate what he did wrong in the relationship and wallow in his self-pity for a bit. This span stretches out for two weeks before he’s back to normal, and so far, he’s only had two breakup episodes.
What would they do if they caught their soulmate cheating?
James’ entire world would crash down. Everything falls out of orbit, and it’d be exactly his worst fear. Thomas is a real good-looking guy...why would he even want to be with James when there are so many other people much more impressive than James? He’d definitely fall into depression. It’d be horrifying for him. Life’s colorful palette would surely turn monotonous. 
Would they leave in the middle of an argument?
No, never. Thomas and James have an envious relationship with each other, and it never becomes that extreme. They’ll talk it out and compromise when it gets to this point. This is quite seldom, though, and over odd issues. 
“Tommy! You’ve burned my favorite pan! Now my omelette won’t taste as good!”
“Buy a new one, then, Jemmy! That YouTube video was so hard to follow!”
Would they make up after a huge argument?
Most definitely. They’re a power couple, a force to be reckoned with!
If James would break up with Thomas, for what reason would it be?
Thomas is too easily jealous of anyone even looking at James the wrong way. He’s a bit clingy, as well. Also, Thomas ends up in a lot of fights with Hamilton, and James gets worried for Thomas’ safety. Gremlin though he may be, he also went to summer military academy, so Hamilton is stronger than he lets on. Thomas has height and build, but can’t channel much of it.
Moving on their S/O?
Jemmy would be horribly depressed, but life has a way of moving on whether you wish to or not. He’ll most likely never find passionate love again, and Thomas remains etched into his memory for life.
Emotions while arguing?
Mostly irritation and annoyance, and afterward, regret and sadness.
How do they and their S/O deal with loss?
It was Thomas who experienced loss, between losing his father at fourteen, and Martha Wayles, his high school sweetheart. James comforted him both times. Madison lost his grandmother to cancer a few years back, and he immediately fell into a grievance for months. His grandmother was his only confidant after Thomas left for Paris, and it disheartened him greatly. He’d never felt so alone in the world, and on top of that, while Thomas was gone, James’ parents pressured him in the first place to go to that highly competitive boarding school for the gifted and talented. He developed his anxiety and anxious introvertedness (Is that a word?) that would plague him for quite a while after. He fears not being good enough, and he constantly feels incompetent and unimportant, despite Thomas’ protests. He kept a secret from Thomas. He tried to take his own life. He stopped hurting himself after Thomas and James got together. 
Biggest regret? 
James’ biggest regret was not being able to maintain the best relationship with his grandmother, who was the one pillar in his life, as he lived with her for two years while James’ parents sent him off to school two hours from there, in the same town Gramma lived. 
Thomas’ Headcanons:
How do they react to a breakup?
Thomas has only been in two relationships before James. Before he met Martha, there was this girl named Sally who dumped Thomas for someone named William Clark. He was depressed, quiet, reserved, and sad for a week with Sally gone, and he was horribly self conscious about his tics, he was fidgety, too. It was horribly out of character, and even Hamilton bought Jefferson a cupcake. He compared himself to everyone else for ages after that. Luckily James was great at comforting, and he was so kind to Thomas afterwards. James made Thomas Mac ‘N’ Cheese and they both pranked Hamilton secretly just for fun, He bottles his emotions until the last day of his phase, then cracks. The next day, he’s back to normal.
Would they ever leave in the middle of an argument?
Again, no, never. Thomas might get stressed out trying to compete with Hamilton at work and work itself, and/or might have had a bad day occasionally, so he’ll be extra moody those days. James knows that he’s anxious about something, so he tries to give Thomas space those days, often reading or watching TV or doing something quietly until he cools off.
Would they make up after an argument?
Most definitely. Thomas is a little puppy. He’ll always come back, loyal and a tad clingy. They enjoy talking out their issues and compromise. 
If Thomas were to break up with James, for what reason would it be?
Thomas loves James and you cannot convince anyone otherwise. Cons
Moving on from their S/O?
Thomas actually had to do this with Martha. In the beginning, it was difficult, and he fell down a vortex of emotions, feelings he wasn’t used to feeling, and like with Sally, Hamilton tried his hardest to console Thomas so that they could fight again. Thomas hates being alone, and losing James as well...it’s unimaginable.
Emotions while arguing:
First, it’s annoyance and irritation, then guilt and sadness. 
How do they and their S/O deal with loss?
It was Thomas who experienced loss, between losing his father at fourteen, and Martha Wayles, his high school sweetheart. James comforted him both times. He likes to keep it private, you won’t even know he cried. Mostly his way of accepting is helping and comforting other people, and shuts his emotions and mourns privately.
What is their biggest regret?
Not getting to say goodbye to his father and Martha, who both died in car crashes. Martha died, she was going with her friend Merida, who survived, on their way to A La Mode, and Peter, Randolph, and Thomas were involved in a car crash the year before, after coming back from a guys’ day out fishing trip. He feels he distracted the drivers both times and deaths were his fault, though it wasn’t. Thomas rode shotgun, giving him his cane, and Randolph had his spleen removed. Elizabeth, their sister who had autism and brain trouble, went crazy after hearing of the crash and refused to sit in a car. They give her Benadryl or sleep medicine. now for necessary trips. A secret Thomas kept from James was that he failed a suicide attempt, but doesn’t self-harm anymore after James and himself got together. Little did he know, while he was in France...James, ever depressed, tried the same thing.    
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grumblebee-trilogy · 6 years
Anon wishing to pass on some love! Hope you are enjoying your professional work and I'm hoping the train commutes are most productive. Your Washette fics are what get me through life. Keep up the awesomeness and I hope you have a good day/night/week/month/year!
AHHH THANK YOU! This is so sweet and I’m mad Tumblr Mobile buried it so deep :D every day I write a little bit and I’m excited to share it all with you ♡
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legrandepapillon · 6 years
Safety (washette)
Summary: The zombie apocalypse seemed like the worst thing that could happen, but it wasn’t all bad. Prompt: “I just want to protect you.” Author’s Notes: based on the video game State of Decay 2, but instead of a little camp thing I decided it would be cooler if it were a complex
“Alright, people,” Washington’s voice rings out, loud and sharp over the hum of the compound activity going on outside. It was a late Summer evening, and although the sun was still high in the sky─blistering down on the heads of everyone around them─the clock definitely betrayed it. It easily looked to be around noon, but in two hours, they’d close the gates to the militarized apartment complex and the Field team would set out for the night. They recovered survivors, supplies and weapons during the evening time─preferred it against the broad daylight, when most of the infected were particularly ravenous or the cover of nighttime, when raiders ran the most rampant. Things quieted down during the evening time. Almost time, the older man thinks, a single hand shielding his eyes from the blazing sun. No matter how many years he’d spent doing this since the original outbreak, or how hard he tried to push it to the back of his mind, supply runs would always make him nervous. His well-trained Field crew could easily become one of those mindless, flesh-eating monsters. “Let’s get inside. We don’t want any civilians out when we open the gates.”
Most of the people that had taken up in the complex were just normal people. Most of the people that George and his field crew had recovered had jobs inside the complex─gardening, cooking, inventory, etcetera─but it was only a handful of people that had been outside the gates since the outbreak, and all of them had been personally trained by George himself. He didn’t see the need to put civilians at risk, doing supply runs, when he could prepare a few trusted associates to do it.
Due to this, George was very tentative about who was around when he opened the reinforced gates. He didn’t like anyone that wasn’t at least somewhat trained in defense to be around, should a raider or an infected manage to get past the defensive line set up outside the gates. He made sure that civilians were safe at all times─it was his biggest rule. The only one he had that had a no tolerance for being broken.
Except… there were a handful of exceptions.
He’s surprised, really when he’s ambushed by his lover─it was weird, to think in a world where people were cannibalizing each other, that he had found romance─attacking him with a suffocating hug. See, George had a special rule about members of the Field Team. He wasn’t a naive man─he was very well acquainted with the dangers of what went on outside those walls. When they went out on supply runs, there was a good chance that either a raider or an infected could take their lives. And despite his team being a bunch of very well-trained professionals, they had hearts. They’d had families, and romances long before the outbreak. And this family cared greatly for them.
Washington never wanted to have the opportunity to say he’d denied someone of seeing their loved one just hours before said loved one had been killed.
So, he allowed certain amount of family members to be out when the gates opened. Of course, his partner─boyfriend just sounded so juvenile, and didn’t fit their preference anyways─took advantage of this established rule and was around him until just seconds before they pulled out of the compound to go on the run.
Arms encircling Gilbert’s frame, George allows the facade of the hardened military commando to fade away as he presses a kiss against their cheek. It feels nice, he must admit, to be loved. He’d spent so many years alone until the Outbreak. He’d let his military career and then later, his work in law, take over his life. Had never stopped and made any plans for a private life. But afterwards, when he’d been at Site Zero and had found the kid─terrified, shaking and locked in a medicine room─things had changed. Gil had been a resident studying to be a surgeon when Patient 04728 had managed to escape and infect many of the hospital’s patients, and had originally proven to be an asset to a group of people that hadn’t had a medic yet. But all that time spent in a truck alone with Gilbert until they found a place to settle permanently had sparked something in what George thought was a long defunct heart. He found it sad that it took the country he’d fought so hard for going to shit for him to stop and think of himself.
It had been four years since they’d met at the site of the outbreak, and Washington isn’t sure if he’d have made it through this long without them.
“I hate this time of week,” Gil whines, when they’ve released him from the hug. They’re a few feet shorter than him, and it’s cute how they stand on their tiptoes to keep their arms wrapped around his neck. “What are you guys going for again?”
“Food and munitions. James received intel about an abandoned armory a few cities over in an overrun city. Raiders and scavengers have made attempts before, but it’s surrounded by what was previously a military base. And you know what that means.”
Gilbert did. It meant that the Field Team would be greeted with not only a city full of infected, but a city within that city of infected. That was far too many zombies to possibly take on without the proper equipment. It could mean more weapons, which could also mean expanding how many people were on the Field Team, but it could also be certain death.
“I hate when you go on long runs.”
“It’ll just be a week and a half. Just hold out for a week and a half. While I’m out, I’ll see if I can find you a new color of ribbon,” George says, referring to the ribbon that Lafayette wore around their neck. It had started out as a joke─using one of the purple ribbons that Gil used to tie up their hair and tying it in a bow around their neck. Washington had said it made them look like a present, tied up just for him. After that, it had become a sort of tradition. If he found a new color ribbon that Laf didn’t yet have while they were scavenging stores or homes, he’d bring it home to them. And every morning, before Gil went to work in the infirmary and George went to work with his Field Team─whether that be training, working on a run, or gathering intel about what the compound needed and how they could acquire it─Washington would tie a ribbon around their neck.
They wore it pridefully, along with his old dog tags. A small, little luxury of a gift that George could give them in a world where they encouraged people not to keep more than they could carry should they have to evacuate the compound.
“I don’t have maroon yet,” Lafayette reminds him─though, they already know that George kept track of all the colors they did or didn’t have. Sometimes it seemed it was more important to him than it was to them. “or white. I think white would look nice with my work scrubs, don’t you?”
“Anything would look nice on you,” Washington mutters, trying to prevent his team─who were all chatting idly with their own loved ones while their truck was loaded up with food and supplies they’d need for the next week and a half─from hearing. The teasing that he’d receive if they did would be positively unbearable. “I’ll look for maroon, but I wanted to get you a gray to match your civilian clothes.”
“Speaking of civilians, do you want to offer any explanation on why you made Eliza Schuyler your Field Medic and not me?” they ask, arms crossing over their chest. He had known this was coming, as word would’ve travelled unbelievably fast. There was a small amount of medically trained people working in the infirmary, and when his Lieutenant had made it known they would need a medic onsite for long runs, he had a select few to choose from. Lafayette had been the closest to becoming an actual doctor before the outbreak─just been a few months from achieving his surgical degree. However, George knew that he couldn’t have Laf in the field.
Not only was it a conflict of interest─he knows himself, and knows that if it came between him saving the rest of his crew or him saving Lafayette, he would choose them time and time again─but he didn’t think he could stand them being in the field. Being in the line of danger at all times.
“It’s nothing personal, m’love,” he begins, but now Gil is crossing their arms and there’s an expectant look on their face. “I have to act in the best interest of the entire Team.”
“Then why didn't you pick me? I am the most qualified in this compound. You know that. Should anything happen out there, I’d rather my knowledge over hers.”
“To be fair, she was studying to be a doctor, too. She wasn’t yet a resident, but she was damn close. You can’t dismiss her qualifications, you can’t pretend she doesn’t know what she’s doing,” George says, using his ‘commander voice’. This calms Gil considerably, as they do look a little embarrassed to have been rude about Eliza’s competence. “Finally, Eliza has no relationship ties to anyone on the team. As of now. The second that a relationship between her and a member of the Field Team is confirmed, you know she’s off the team. I can’t put anyone on the Field Team that I may consider more favorable than the other members.”
“But, George─”
“Gil, please. I just want to protect you.” George gives them a withering look, not wanting to continue the conversation any further.
The words he spoke were true─it wasn't about competency or technicalities about playing favorites. He didn't know how to use his words to say it, and maybe he didn't want to admit it, but he didn't know what he'd do with himself should any harm come to his lover. They were the light at the end of tunnel, his reason to keep soldiering through every bleak day. The United States had been completely quarantined, for every person that he managed to save, five more died, and he was forced to willingly put himself in the line of danger nearly every day. Just to save people who were more than likely to be doomed anyways.
All of these things had taken quite the toll on him, but Lafayette… they taught him how to see the rainbow after a day of rain. They showed him that even though it felt like the world was over, they didn’t have to mope around about their predicaments. They painted pictures of evacuations and rescues sure to come, showed him that it was possible to laugh through the dark times.
He loved them. More than he would ever have the guts to admit aloud.
Seemingly sensing George’s disposition, Lafayette settles back on the heels─growing quiet, the argument squashed. Or at least, for now.
“This isn’t fair,” they whisper, hand coming up to gently brush against his cheek and pout forming on their lips. George brings his hand up to meet theirs, gripping it like it’s a lifeline. “I want to protect you, too.”
“You know how you can protect me? Stay here, where you can be safe.”
“Washington! Gates are opening, time to roll out!” Mulligan’s voice calls, interrupting their little moment. Though still despondent about not being on the Field Team, they seem to be cheered up a little. After rising to the tips of their toes to plant another sweet kiss on George’s lips, they gently remove the ribbon from around their neck and offer it up to him.
“For good luck. Come home to me alive, you understand? I’ll kill you if you die out there.” they say seriously, tying the ribbon around his wrist. George gives a bark of laughter, and though the phrase is funny, he knows there’s a serious connotation there. “I love you. Be safe.”
“I will. For you.”
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washetteweek-blog · 7 years
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Washette Week begins November 5th! The prompts are below:
Sunday November 5th: First Meeting / Last Goodbye
Monday November 6th:  Jealousy / First Kiss
Tuesday November 7th: Injury / Recovery
Wednesday November 8th: War / Domestic
Thursday November 9th: Song Lyric / Letters
Friday November 10th: AU
Saturday November 11th: Free Choice
Artwork by the very talented @bloody-cuban !!
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exadorlion · 7 years
there was washette week and y’all didn’t tell me the fuck
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ouiouixmonami · 3 years
The fantastically creative pupbeepaws has been hosting a Washette Week celebration over on instagram, and now @jacepens and I are bringing the party to tumblr!
What's Washette week, you ask? We’ll let pupbeepaws do the talking here! ;)
I am hosting a celebration dedicated to the close and heart-warming relationship of George Washington and the Marquis de Lafayette-- and you’re all invited! Washette Week is 10 days long, in honor of Lafayette’s 10-day visit to Mount Vernon in August, 1784. (It is likely he visited Aug.17-26). I’ve added a little twist to spice up the festivities! For historical fun and extra inspiration, each daily prompt is accompanied by a quote taken from their letters to each other.*
🐝✨ What are the “rules” you ask?✨🐝
❤️ For each of the 10 days you will be given a Prompt Word and a related quote as your source of inspiration. You may choose to interpret the Prompt Word however you wish! You may decide to focus on either the quote, the Word, or a mixture of both--however creativity strikes! Neither the Word nor the quote need to be featured anywhere in your submission! It’s merely there to offer inspiration.
❤️ Fanart and fiction are the most obvious ways to participate, BUT every conceivable form of submission is appreciated!
❤️ If you don’t like to draw or write, you could simply make a post that shares your opinion on the day’s quote. Maybe talk about different lines from the same letter, or offer alternative letters that also fit the Prompt Word. Washette Week aims to be as inclusive and engaging as possible! Start a conversation!
❤️ If you need to skip a day(s), submit entries at a later date, or would rather submit something unrelated to the Prompt but still related to Washette, no worries! As far as I’m concerned, every week is Washette Week, so feel free to revisit this Prompt List at your leisure whenever you are seeking inspiration.
❤️ Please TAG your entries with #washetteweek so we can all see!
❤️ Please feel free to SHARE this Prompt List.
*The full letters can be found on FoundersArchive.gov. I include the date, location, and author of each letter so you can easily look them up. I hope you will read and enjoy them as much as I do! :3
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jamalam · 7 years
And He Wipes Away Someone Else’s Kiss Marks
This is the Domestic AU Washette y’all voted for! Big thanks to @8cringefest8 for helping me edit this! Make sure to reblog if you enjoyed!
“George, darling?” Lafayette asked quietly, setting his book aside and looking up at his husband. “May I ask you something?”
“Anything, Gil,” George answered, folding back the pages of his document and taking off his glasses to clean the lenses, the cloth of his shirt leaving smudged lines on the glass.
“Do you… Do you love him? Alexander?” Whispered Lafayette, his tone of voice a facade of strength, like steady castle walls protecting cobblestone that had long ago turned to dust. Fire had been set, and now all that was left, instead of flame, was a desolate, empty landscape that had once held so much life.
Furrowing his brow, George set his glasses down on the coffee table and sat up straighter, his back no longer leaning against the smooth leather of their couch. “I… Of course I do, Gil- he’s like family to me-”
“Family that you fuck,” Lafayette interrupted, turning his gaze upwards to stare the man in front of him directly in the eyes. Much to George’s surprise, it was not a squinted glance of spite, striking fear into his heart like ice stabbing chills down his spine. Instead, Lafayette’s eyes were wide, glassy and seemingly a silent plea for him to be wrong, that his accusations held no weight, that he would be proven incorrect and they could reconcile with cuddles next to the fireplace and steaming mugs of hot cocoa. “I found a bottle of lube in your car, George.”
“Laffy Taffy, that’s not a sign that I would do something like cheat on you,” George explained, leaning forward and attempting to brush a stray curl out of Lafayette’s eyes, frowning when his husband flinched away, eyes only becoming even moreso wet with unshed tears. “I kept that there in case you wanted to-”
“It was half empty, George,” Lafayette spat, cutting him off once more and shoving him away, feeling a stinging pain in his heart. It was as though the honey-sweet affection of only days ago had somehow been hunted down by bees that decided he was worthy of attack. “But your texts were definitely full. The… The pictures were very explicit… I hadn’t known you were such a deviant that you’d go so far as to, how did you put it, ‘give your darling Alexander a bit of fun after the meeting, if he stayed in the conference room afterwards’? Your darling Alexander… You know, not so long ago, I was your darling Gilbert. Tell me, when did you start thinking I was interchangeable with your… your… your whore?!”
“Alexander is not a whore!” George shouted, standing up and grimacing as soon as he heard the words he’d spoken. The soundwaves echoed through their apartment, bouncing off their wedding photos and family portraits, perhaps even finding their way to the picture of their son’s first day of school, which had only been framed a few weeks ago. “I-I mean…. Lafayette, I can- I can explain, I swear, just give me a chance…”
“You don’t deserve a chance,” Lafayette murmured, rubbing his eyes in effort to prevent the tears in his eyes from spilling over and trailing down his cheeks like waterfalls from a broken dam of broken trust and shattered promises. “You fucked him, and in the process, you fucked up everything we’ve built up over the years.”
“I know I fucked up,” George admitted, biting his lower lip in fear and dropping to his knees, staring up at Lafayette with wide, terrified eyes at the thoughts racing through his head like running water. Every time his managed to grasp one, it slipped out of his grasp and flowed down, far out of his reach, quickly being replaced by one that was far too similar but undeniably different. “I know that I ruined everything, and fuck, I don’t deserve you, I never did. But I love you, and I know that you used to love me. And if you used to love me, maybe there’s a little bit of that love left in your heart, and you could manage to look inside your heart and find it again, if only to tell me that you need time to think things over. Please, Gilbert… I love you, and I made a mistake…”
“You didn’t make a mistake, George,” Whispered Lafayette, turning his gaze away from the desperate man in front of him. “You are one of the smartest, cleverest men I’ve ever met, and I used to love it, but now I think it’s a damn shame how much our son takes after you.”
“I never meant for it to be like this, Gil, I never meant to hurt you,” George pleaded, doing his best to ignore the warm sting of tears forming in the corners of his eyes. “I was drunk, and I missed you, and that time I slept with him was the worst decision I’ve ever made because it’s a decision that hurt you…”
“I’m not an idiot, George. I know that it’s been more than once… I know that you’ve been fucking him for… for months…” He breathed, the words coming out struggled, as if they were twisting through the air and wrapping around his throat to strangle him. “I know you’ve been having an affair for six months… And I’m going to ask you again… Do you love him?”
George reached up and grasped Lafayette’s hand tightly, squeezing it and not making any effort to wipe away the tears that struck down his cheeks like comets on the night sky. “What kind of question is that, Gilbert? You and I have been married for six years-”
“Seven,” Lafayette corrected him, returning his gaze to the man below him and pulling his hand away as if George’s touch had burned his skin. “Seven years. Our anniversary was on Tuesday… And you forgot. But you didn’t forget your six month anniversary with your slut, now did you?”
“He’s not a goddamned slut!” George screamed, standing up once more, his heart beating so loudly and quickly that he could barely hear the rustling of their couch as Lafayette stood up, staring him in the eyes.
“You’re right,” Lafayette whispered, grabbing his car keys and walking over to the front door, opening it, walking through, and turning back just enough to be sure that George heard him. “Alexander’s not a slut- you are.”
And with the simple motion his hands, Lafayette tugged off his wedding band and dropped it, slamming the front door behind him as he left the building that he had once considered home.
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jacepens · 3 years
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It’s that time again! Wonderful Washette Wednesday!! You can read a bit more about what it specifically means in the first post here.
I feel like this author and fic don’t need an introduction, but maybe that’s just me being a big fan. Anyway, without further ado this week I’d like to share...
@grumblebee-trilogy ‘s Fathoms and Foundlings!!
This one is multi-chapter and incomplete as of now but I promise it’s absolutely worth reading. Also did I mention mermaids? Did I mention a beautiful amount of cold cuddles? Crushes?!
It’s just beautiful and a very cozy read, you know?
Ok ok, I just adore this fic and even if this doesn’t seem like the fic for you, I must highly encourage you to go check out their AO3 and the other things they’ve posted! You will not be disappointed, I promise. It’s just all fantastic!
Anyway, thank you for joining me this week! (Here’s to hoping I’ll be consistent now) Have a Wonderful Washette Wednesday!:) <3 Oh and, don’t be shy to reblog and add your own praises!
(p.s. any creator I’ve showcased any week can contact me to ask me to edit or take down a post)
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sonofhistory · 7 years
What are your favorite washette moments? Like historically
1) Lafayette getting shot at the Battle of Brandywine and George Washington calling for his personal physician to tend to his wounds, “Treat him as if he were my son.”
2) After finding out that France was siding with American Independence, Lafayette started crying and hugged Washington up and down while he just stood there in shock. 
3) Lafayette getting super, super sick and Washington not leaving his bedside the whole time. 
4) George Washington and Lafayette taking a nap together underneath a tree after the Battle of Monmouth. 
5) Lafayette and George Washington taking one last carriage ride together before Lafayette had to leave to go back to France on his second trip there and Washington is unable to say anything. They hugged each other one last time and then right before Lafayette was getting on his boat a few weeks later, he was given a very emotional letter Washington wrote to him expressing all of his love for him in the whole world. Lafayette thought they would see one another again, Washington thought not; they would never see one another ever again. 
6) Georges Lafayette living with George Washington. 
7) During his last visit to America, Lafayette visiting George Washington’s grave where he told everyone to go away and sat there for a few hours thinking to himself. 
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wellreadfan · 7 years
For @fickleobsessions, a little more Washette omegaverse (though it’s different than my first foray into it yesterday) Gilbert always knew he was special.
From the time he was very small, he could recall his mother telling him so. “My darling,” she would say, holding his tiny hands in hers, “My treasure. You are not like other children. You’re an omega.”
At first, he enjoyed the privileges that came along with that explanation. Whenever his cousins took his toys or pushed him, all he had to do was run to his mother or an aunt who would immediately come to his rescue. “You mustn’t be rough with Gilbert!” they would scold, holding him on their hip. “He is delicate!” However, what began as an unqualified boon transformed into something else. When other children went to school, Gilbert got a tutor.  Play dates were arranged between him and other omegas with reasonable frequency, but it was not the same as making friends in an organic way. Or having the chance to go off the estate unaccompanied. As the years went on, Gilbert chaffed under the stifling that came with being an unbounded, adolescent omega. He would frequently argue with his tutor during the lessons about his nature. “Only five percent of males are like you, Gilbert,” the man would say, “While fifty percent are alphas. And alphas can only successfully bond and breed with omegas, so omegas are very important and highly valued.” “And why does that mean I’m stuck with you instead of going to a normal school?” he would ask, bitterly. “Or that I cannot associate with anyone except other omegas outside of my family?” To the man’s credit, he did not lie. But the truth was frustrating. “Your mother doesn’t want you to get confused, or heartbroken, or hurt. Young alphas can be dangerous to you; they may try to initiate a bond before you’re ready. And it wouldn’t due for you to become attached to a beta.” Given no other choice, Gilbert spent most of his time in fantasy. He read hundreds of books about alphas and omegas, longing for the adventures they got to have, the spark of romance. When he fought ineffectively with his mother for more freedom, he soothed himself with tales of omegas being given everything they wanted by their alphas. Though Gilbert knew his bonding would be arranged with limited input on his part, as was traditional, he held tight unto hope that the alpha chosen for him would be like the ones in the stories. The happy stories, that is. He sometimes had nightmares about the cruel, domineering alphas of the classic tragedies who kept their omegas imprisoned. Just as often, and more realistically, he woke up in a cold sweat after dreaming of a too gentle, overly protective alpha He’d spent years locked up that way, even if the cage was gilded and his jailers well meaning, and at nineteen, Gilbert knew he would not be able to bear it much longer. So when the day came that he went to take his heat suppressants to find the bottles gone, Gilbert nearly sobbed in relief. There was only one reason he would no longer have to take the drugs he’d been swallowing every morning since he turned twelve. Gilbert rushed to his mother’s chambers to confirm it was true.   “Maman!” he called. “My suppressants… they are not simply being changed, are they? There is an alpha?” She smiled. “Would I cruelly raise you hopes like that, cher? Of course there is an alpha! I have finally found one who is worthy of you. He will arrive in two weeks.” “Two weeks?” Gilbert asked, stunned. “I didn’t think it would be so soon.”
His mother pulled him into a hug. “I think you’ve waited long enough, hmm? His name is George Washington, and he is quite excited to meet you.”
The wait was the longest two weeks of his life. Gilbert spent hours mentally rehearsing how he would greet his intended alpha. He practiced doing so aloud, trying to figure out the perfect words and manner to impress him. He paced the halls. Going off the suppressants left him restless, but it did not explain the majority of his anxiety. In short, Gilbert was terrified, even if he had been longing for this day for almost as long as he could want anything. When the morning George Washington was scheduled to arrive finally came, Gilbert did not think he would be able to endure even the few hours left until their meeting.
He waited for George in the parlor after eating breakfast, as his mother suggested. They would meet alone and then… then what happened could not be predicted. It was possible they would simply talk and get to know each other. It was also possible they would bond on the spot. When a knock sounded through the room, Gilbert jumped to his feet, almost falling the process. He took a deep breath. “Come in.”
George Washington walked into the room, and Gilbert’s breath caught in his throat. The alpha was tall and handsome, with a powerful stance and gaze. A flash of arousal rushed over him, coming from a place beyond any sense of rationality.
He tilted his head to reveal his throat, and George’s nostrils flared. Gilbert noticed his fists clench as well.   “If you want this to be civilized,” George said (or more accurately, growled). “I suggest we take this meeting outside. I have been waiting for you a long time, and I can wait longer… but not if I am inundated with such a concentration of your scent.” Gilbert swallowed. “I do not want that.” A look of confusion passed over George’s face. Perhaps Gilbert hadn’t been clear; it was hard to think. Or maybe George was struggling with thought, too, just as Gilbert was. “That is to say,” he clarified, “I do not want this to be civilized.” It was as if a dam broke. In seconds, his alpha was upon him. George pushed Gilbert against the wall, and distantly he felt his legs wrap around the alpha’s waist.   When George sunk his teeth into Gilbert’s throat, breaking the skin and bonding them, Alpha and Omega, the world itself shifted. Gilbert whimpered as George licked away the blood, the sensation soothing and stinging all at once. Nothing could have prepared him for the pain of it, or the pleasure. “Ssh, ssh, it’s alright, my boy. I have you. I have you.”
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comp-lady · 7 years
This is kind of a strange DVD Commentary ask (the third I am sending because my self restraint is nearly non-existent), but could you talk a bit about the Washette chapters of "Panels of Stained Glass" (5,6, 11, and 16)? I am really fascinated by their dynamic! Also, the idea of George setting "challenges" for his subs is also something that is clear in that collection of prompt fills (Washette and otherwise) and I love it a lot.
The washette chapters are fun to write (and this applies to the whamilton ones too) because I get to write a different dynamic that is also under a different contract from what I write with Ben in SMS. George tailors all of his contracts to his subs, to their experiences and wants/needs. It’s why he takes those two weeks of meeting up, so he can get the best feel of them that he can and alter the contract accordingly.
I think the biggest difference is that Lafayette is a lot more confident and a lot settled in who and what and how they are, where Ben is much more insecure and still trying to find himself and his place in life currently in SMS. So it’s fun to write that and present a sub with so many fewer hang ups.
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grumblebee-trilogy · 7 years
#16 Mermaid Washette for the angst prompts?
There's only so much one person can take. Lafayette had taken pride in his ability to last longer than that, up until now. Overworked. Underfed. And not a fresh water source for nearly two weeks. His lips were dry and cracked, splitting if he opened his mouth too widely. The pain in his feet intense and all consuming to the point that every step was accompanied by a wince or a hiss. And it did not escape Washington. He frowned, tightlipped, biting back words. Until..."Your service is no longer needed, Marquis. You are much to ill.""I am fine, sir. All I need is a swim. A few hours in a river or creek to recharge myself." Lafayette said, trying not to make it look as though he was leaning against the desk for dear life. "If it is my health, I am doing my best under our circumstances, sir, isn't that enough? Besides, there are the matters of finance--""The alliance has been secured." Washington clipped. "And we thank you for your service. But it is best for all of you return to the sea, to your home, before you rot here."He turned away coldly, and Lafayette reached to grab ahold of his shoulder. It was jerked back from him, and Washington disappeared into the adjourning room. "But this was my home."
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