#was a moment of well of course they don’t and then also one of shiiiiiiiit
haorev · 2 years
What I did this morning before my doctors appointment was open a million webpages about Proto-Indo-European society and mythology and also mythological themes that pop up a lot of times and started kind of making a conculture for no fucking reason other than it made the brain do the good
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italicwatches · 6 years
My Hero Academia, season 2 - Episode 33
So my movie plans fell through. Instead let’s watch anime. It’s My Hero Academia, episode 33! Here we GO!
-It’s the end of Deku’s internship, as he thanks Gran Torino for everything…And Gran reminds him that even if he did better against Stain than he might have before coming here, he still got damn lucky. And he still caught another fracture in his right arm by going beyond the 5% his body can safely handle. …Right.
-But also before he goes, he has one question…The question of why Gran doesn’t have a bigger reputation, despite all of his…Everything. His skill, his training, his having taught All Might and being friends with the man’s predecessor, all of it…
-The answer’s simple. Gran Torino never wanted to be a working hero. He just needed the freedom to use his Quirk entirely freely, and that means a heroism license. …Ask All Might about the rest. Now get out of here, kid, you have a train to catch.
-Also there’s a really great little moment where Deku really owns that name, that title, as something he can wear with true pride. Real talk, I wish I’d known that moment was coming so I could have shifted my name patterns then instead of at the start of the season…Oh well. The important thing is this kid’s coming into his own.
-Episode 33: Listen Up!! A Tale From The Past
-So everyone’s gotten back to the campus…And Katsuki is getting laughed at for the hairdo Best Jeanist enforced on his head. Which lasts right up until his raw fury pops it back into an explosion shape.
-And Mina’s hearing all about Kyoka and Tsu’s crazy adventures and she’s super jealous. And Ochaco, who has awoken to her TRUE POWERRRRR. The human trash has learned to truly be terrified of women.
-Also it seems folks heard a little more about the Stain situation. They still think Endeavor came in and saved the day, but they were allowed to know their classmates were in the thick, unlike the public who had no idea. Also, even Kaminari saw the viral video.
-And Tenya…Tenya can understand all too well how Stain’s sheer tenacity and force of will could sweep people up. But he is ever-more firm in his beliefs, that he will not cross the lines he did, ever again. He has to hold firm on the line of heroism again, to be a symbol, to do everything he can to make sure nobody ends up where he did…Except, you know, presented comedically, because it’s Tenya.
-Cut to another round of hero training outside of the core campus. All Might has gathered up the kids for a rescue race at one of their facilities! Welcome to Field Gamma, a labyrinthian mock factory district! Go to any city in the country, nay, in the world with a support-gear industry and you’ll run into districts that look just like this! You’ll be going through in five-man groups to reach him from wherever he sends out his distress signal…And of course, keeping damage to an absolute minimum is crucial. Katsuki. Looking at you there. Don’t blow shit up. Katsuki. King Explosion Murder. Don’t do any of those things. Katsuki. Katsukiiiii.
-First group! Which of course includes Deku, as well as Tenya, Tailman, Mina, and Cellophane. Can you tell which ones I actually care about and which I don’t? But that’s just about everyone with straightforward mobility-related Quirks…There’s a thousand possibilities, as all three get on the move! Cellophane’s in the air almost immediately…Only to be leapfrogged by Deku, who’s got Full Cowling on and is moving like a man possessed! They’ve never seen him go like that before…
-But they’ve seen those kind of movements before from someone else. And Katsuki recognizes his own parkour styles being cribbed by Deku. Sure, Deku can’t do mid-air kabooms, but his leaps, the way he’s putting his hands forward and pushing off as much with them as his feet…Somehow, Deku is catching up to him again…!
-Into Deku’s head, where he has to focus, to concentrate…To keep himself at 5%. It’s an incredibly difficult task in the thick of things, but that’s all the more important to mas—
-Aaaand Deku slips and hits a truly terrible impact. When it’s all done, Cellophane ends up being the victor…Though All Might makes a point of quietly asking Deku to come see him when they’re done here. You, did, amazing. And they need to talk.
-So that class is over, everyone’s changing back into their school uniforms and contemplating things…And that’s when the human trash reveals that he found a peep hole into the girls’ locker room. Which promptly gets Kyoka’s earphone jack stabbed through it and into his eye. Do it again, get the other one.
-To No Might’s office, where he’s…REALLY serious. Terrifyingly so, even. …Do you remember what he said, back when he gave you One For All? EAT IT. No no not that. The part of how all you need is some of his DNA, once he willed the transfer…
-It cannot be stolen, so there’s no worry about Stain having it. But it can be forced to be transferred. And that is connected to One For All’s origins…
-Connected to its birthplace, its brother Quirk, All For One. The first generation of superpowers. The chaotic times, that gap between the glowing baby and the first real superheroes that nobody likes to talk about. The limits of humanity began to crumble away. Society nearly collapsed into a worldwide civil war. (Sidenote, this handily explains why Japan in this world looks basically like modern Japan, and not like some cosmic space-age thing. They not only lost tons of time, they were no doubt actively sent back in technological development. It probably took an entire generation just to put shit back together.)
-In that chaos, there came a man who could steal Quirks. A calculating, cunning individual, who managed to briefly rule Japan with an iron fist…A story constantly rumored online, but never held in any textbook. Know this, Deku. It is not through lack of truth that it is kept from your learnings. It is because the reality was scrubbed out of history, on purpose.
-Which brings them to All For One, and its connection to One For All. The man who held All For One could not just steal Quirks, but give them away. He would empower lieutenants and loyal soldiers, give those born without power a taste of it in trade for loyalty. Many people fell apart, their bodies unable to hold onto what they were given, their minds collapsing under the strain…Like the Nomus.
-And some Quirks were twisted around by their changing hands. One For All was one such Quirk. This man had a younger brother, a Quirkless young man who had a strong sense of justice…And he tried to turn his own brother into a bank, forcing a Quirk that could store power onto him. To make him into a walking storage facility for Quirks. But it turned out that he was not as Quirkless as he thought. He had a weaker form of All For One. It could not steal, but it could transfer itself.
-On its own, with nothing else bolted onto it? It would be useless. He would have lived his entire life not even knowing. But with the power-storing Quirk interweaving with his own…The two became as one. And that one, became not just for oneself…but for all. One For All was birthed. Growing stronger with every soul it connected to, its strength growing with each generation…
-But that brings them to the issue of now. All For One was generations ago. And yet, the man who holds it, still lives. Stole someone’s long-life Quirk. Probably multiple someones, stacked them up. His younger brother was forced to pass his own strength on, working with the one tool he had…When All Might finally got it, he finally did the job that One For All was made to do, finally set the world just!
-But somehow, All For One survived. Somehow, he still exists, and is the one pulling the strings of the League of Villains. You must understand what you have to step into, Deku. No Might didn’t want it to be this way. He wanted that figure to be finally buried, to let his own successor merely be the symbol, not the sword. All For One is weakened, that much is certain. He is acting through cat’s-paws and distant orders and lab-work, not taking to the field as he once would have. But he may still recover enough to fight once again, and if he does, the—
-Deku will do everything he can to win. He’ll make himself ready when that day comes! He’ll have your back, All Might! They can do it together!
-And that’s when No Might has to let out the worst, most terrible admittance. But…He cannot. All he can do is thank Deku, can send him off…Unable to admit to the boy who looks up to him, whose entire worldview was so shaped by him, that…That’s not how it works. By the time Deku must face All For One…He will have to do it alone. There will be no All Might to stand by his side…
-Aftercredits! Summer vacation is coming up…And there’s going to be a woodland training camp to keep them working, and also get in some fun…But nobody who passes the final exam will get to go. They’ll be in the hell of summer school! Which is exactly when Deku realizes All Might’s big speech didn’t mention anything about himself.
-Cut to a skyscraper far away, where a man learns of the imprisonment of Stain…And sees just how useful this could be. Tomura could so easily unify all of the raging souls that will be birthed from this, could bring the League of Villains together…As his doctor continues to put him back together, piece by piece, slowly but surely trying to make All For One rise again. Yet even in his current state, almost entirely covered in scar tissue, he is already planning both his return, and his making Tomura into his successor…
Shiiiiiiit. Just…Shiiiiiiiit. That got real.
Also I’m about 80% sure that Deku took a nut-drop onto that pipe when he slipped in the rescue race. Which gives me great sympathy for the poor lad.
But we’ve got all this Real shit to deal with now. Also, summer camp. And the final exams. This is all gonna be interesting next time, in episode THIRTY FOUR of My Hero Academia! Wait for it!
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blaperile · 4 years
Homestuck^2 - Catnapped (Part 2) Reaction
Page 9:
Holy CRAP!
Wow, there's a lot to address here again...
First of all, nobody ever saw Jasprose here on Earth C. Yeah, now that you mention it, the only time we ever saw her on this planet was in that Halloween snap together with Gcatavros, and that seemed to be a pretty isolated place somewhere.
Why did she never show herself though? What has she been doing these 7 years??
"Returned to her rightful role as Queen", ha! Probably referring to how all the Creators were crowned upon their arrival on Earth C. She didn't get crowned herself, but does consider herself that because she was with the Creators.
"Fefeta's Reach", d'aww. She lives on in the name of this place. I wonder, did Roxy name this place upon their arrival here, or has it existed for much longer?
It's really interesting to see the Carapians' side of the story here! The Candy Epilogue mostly focuses on the Trolls' issues with Jane, but here we see the Carapacians don't like it either. At least in this version of events.
And of COURSE they accepted Jasprose as their queen. These people did originate from a monarchy after all, haha.
Alright, so Ataxia isn't really on the side of the Trolls in this matter. That's unfortunate. :(
Swifer!!! :D
I definitely didn't expect to see her pop up here! But yeah, I'd been wondering how she'd be doing in this timeline, without Kanaya or Karkat by her side.
But looks like she's gotten a VERY significant role and will fill Kanaya's place in trying to negotiate with Jane? Holy shit! :O
The "Old Post Office" building. Something that PM once built, perhaps?
I wonder, those "popular historical journals", when Rose wrote those and provided them to society. Was that 5000 years ago before they moved to the future, so that society would grow up with their history from the beginning? Or is it more recent?
I'd like to think she already provided those journals right then 5000 years ago.
Page 10:
Oooooh, look at this scene!
I like how there's a painting there of Rose, Kanaya, Calliope and Roxy, the ones crowned in this kingdom.
Oh boy, looks like Jasprose isn't just trying to get ride of Jane as president, but trying to get rid of the ENTIRE GOVERNMENT.
Oh man, this is going to get surprisingly political. But I love that Jasprose is taking up the fight.
She's probably got knowledge of what her B2 self got up to, and the corrupted society that came from The Condesce.
And that Rose definitely put up a great fight against the batterwitch, and looks like Jasprose is looking to continue that!
Cliper!!! The guy with Swifer here is Cliper! :O
The same guy who was mentioned during the Candy Epilogue, who was part of Karkat's rebellion but was sent to the camps!
Oh man, I didn't think we'd be seeing anymore of that guy!
"I know a red flag when I see it"
*scrolls back up to panel*
*sees Carapacian holding red flag*
Goddammit. xD
Page 11:
Yes, Jane is the red flag. It helps that she's also conveniently dressed in red, haha.
I wonder if Jasprose has knowledge of what happened / would happen in the Candy timeline, where Jane basically led the planet into war?
That could definitely inspire her even more to take this sort of stance.
I like how she doesn't immediately want to simply remove Jane from the picture all together, but would rather advise her into becoming a better leader.
Three pillars, eh? Well, at least they're not truth, essential and relevance, ahahaha.
Gotta love the Midnight Crew reference. Women, wine, and song.
Cliper has a clipboard, oh my fricking GOD. I love that.
Page 12:
Oh shit, she's summoning a fenestrated wall!
Right, that was one of her abilities! Almost forgot about that!
But... what is it showing?
Is it... a view on the Candy world? To show Jane what her actions could lead to? :O
Page 13:
....OH GOD. They went THROUGH the fenestrated wall.
That's one hell of a giant wal, haha.
Where the HECK will they end up?
I swear to god, if I didn't know Catnapped had 3 parts (at least), I'd almost have thought it would end here and they'd next show up in Homestuck^2 somewhere in the Candy world, haha.
*sees next command*
PROBLEM SLEUTH^2 ?????????
Probably just a jokey reference referring to how Jasprose is going to sleuth this problem, but still, hahahaha.
Page 14:
What does this even MEAN?? Problem Sleuth, the character, EXISTS somewhere in the Homestuck multiverse then... but where???
Are we gonna see the Midnight Crew? Is this somehow on Alternia during the Exile time?
And... what the fuck is going to happen now??? Is Jasprose going to telephone him??? xD
Is... it taking place in the future of the Problem Sleuth webcomic? There's some small but noticeable differences in the decorating of the office, and the narration of the first page of Problem Sleuth (just checked).
I suddenly understand jack shit.
Page 15:
A NEW touch-tone telephone, a NEW computer (...which we don't actually see here). Things we definitely never saw in the original Problem Sleuth comic.
Holy shit, this is DEFINITELY making some implications.
Page 16:
Perpetually midnight though... that can't be Alternia, right? It could also be daytime over there.
And there's Jasprose appearing, and what the shiiiiiiiit
Page 17:
It's a replica of page 10 of Problem Sleuth!!! Except, "long night AGAIN".
Page 18:
Page 19:
Awwwwwwwww.... looks like that's the end of the PS interlude. xD
Oh god, look at how they're drawn, it's in a PS-esque style, I love it.
Wait a second... is that Ace Dick next to Jake?? :O
I love how Jasprose is drinking milk.
Ah... and this brings me right back to those "OH PSYCHE" moments in earlier parts of Homestuck.
Page 20:
Another theme change! :D
I love how the martini glasses are now at the top of the page.
Confirmation that Jasprose knows what's going on in the Candy timeline!
There's no way she didn't mention the "redemption arc" on purpose there either, hahaha.
Oh man, go Jasprose. Let's hope it works and gets Jane on a straight path again, before it's too late.
Page 21:
Pfffff, Jasprose seductively licking the milk.
Ooooh, I love Swifer here. It gives us some more deep insight into her character! More than we've seen from her in the Candy path, at least.
So Kanaya's considered a Matriarch... what exactly is that supposed to mean? The main caretaker of the Mother Grub?
I'm wondering if perhaps SWIFER herself will be the one to talk to Jane, and try to get her to see the other side of the story?
And oooooh, so Jasprose also knew about Dirk's powers then.
Is she gonna try to make Jane see how much Dirk influenced her into doing this?
Page 22:
I didn't expect we'd see Dad here!!!!
Oh man, he must have read about Jane's disappearance and that she was taken here, and wanted to try and save his little girl!!!
N'aww... :)
Oh boy... is he going through the wall and also end up over there??? Is he going to meat Problem Sleuth??? Is abundantChewtoys right that he ends up with the Midnight Crew and that the "Diamonds, Dames and Dads" story is a spin-off from this one??? What the shiiiiiiiiit
I'm loving the hell out of this, this is SO worth the money.
Page 23:
Dad drawn in Problem Sleuth style... REFERENCE TO MOM AND HER "A mother will dow what is best for her children".
I didn't know what to expect from this story. But dang. This is AMAZING.
I love, love LOVE this, and am highly anticipating to see where it goes next.
As it happens, part 3 is already available, and YOU CAN BET YOUR ASS THAT WE'LL CONTINUE READING THIS TOMORROW.
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