#warsaw gets it
shizukateal · 8 days
I understand the buzz over the new chainsaw man chapter because yeah, it is a big moment, development, deliberately meant to be shocking, etc. But if your reaction is like, genuine upset or disgust, or to be more precise the idea that Fujimoto "shouldn't have gone there" or that he crossed some line or whatever... like, you lost me. What about showing jizz onscreen of all things is any more unfiltered than the rest of the story? Wasn't it obvious from day 1 that something like this was going to happen eventually???? When has Fujimoto ever shied away from the fact that sex is kinda gross and visceral? What about this handjob is any worse than the myriad of times Denji and other characters were being groomed????? Btw I'm asexual.
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sam-glade · 1 year
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meirimerens · 6 months
"[dark academia tiktoker voice] emotionally, i'm in a 1940s boarding school and i've just fallen in love with a tall blonde boy [...]" in 1940s europe you're not going to no boarding school you're going to the FRONT for the last push to Berlin, you're sheltering from AIR RAIDS with entire families inside of the subway network, and once it's over your ass is queuing for FOOD RATION TICKETS and helping pick the RUBBLE off the STREETS. drop that fake british accent POSER 😭😭 don't they got ''academia'' in ''dark academia''. don't you people learn about WWII.
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Little kitty cats illustrations from the first Polish edition of "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats", made by Janusz Grabiański
The top 3 are all Mr Mistoffelees, bottom left is of course Skimble and bottom right is Tugger messing with yarn. I do not know who is the bottom middle as I do not own this book yet, if it is even one of the named characters
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jascurka · 1 year
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My poor little meow meow who has done nothing wrong ever
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maeo-png · 9 months
thinking about how simon had a good maybe, 30 or so years before finding the crown and everything going to shit. in the grand scheme of things he’s also a “young victim taken too soon”
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rotzaprachim · 2 months
finding a really cool article about industrial Yiddish typewriter manufacturing but it kind of made me take a step back and say the little Kaddish for the world where the modern laptop was released in Yiddish, for the millions of people who’d buy one
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radioactive-cloud · 7 months
maybe the nordic tour vlog is friends we made along the way
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2fortred · 5 months
Listen I know soldier is so very Illinois and Indiana coded but I would like to propose Central Kansas (Jetmore) Soldier. Perhaps if you’re getting crazy... Central rural Missouri
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petite-elf · 2 hours
This morning, police officers arrived and began to physically remove students from the university grounds. A police spokesman, Robert Szumiata, said that the “rector asked us to unblock the traffic routes”.
The autonomy of universities is protected by law, which states that police can only enter campus in cases of immediate danger to people's lives or health or upon the rector's request.
Alojzy Nowak, the rector, refused to negotiate: he refused to let students into the building, fearing that 'they would start occupying the negotiation room'. He didn't come out to meet the students outside either, despite the intervention of MPs (Members of Parliament), reluctantly sent by students to investigate the situation (they weren't too happy to be represented by politicians and not listened to by the rector directly), whom he had agreed to let in.
The protesters were ID'd by the police and got charged with "disturbing the domestic peace", even though they were protesting outside the university's buildings.
The students demand:
A public, resolute, and unequivocal condemnation of Israel's attack on the Gaza Strip and the occupation of Palestine. Recognition of the right to return for forcibly displaced Palestinians, to statehood, and to equality.
Severing cooperation with Israeli academic institutions and other organizations and companies that are linked to the occupation of Palestine and the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip, as well as boycotting Israeli institutions at the national and international level until the end of the occupation of Palestine."
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zosanbrainrot · 1 month
I have to ask as a ballroom girl myself getting into One Piece- are you in the kiki or mainstream at all? I’d love to connect if so!! :)
omg hi!! I don't walk if that's what you're asking, sadly the scene isn't big in my hometown, but since very recently we've got our first drag house yay!! I occassionally go to Warsaw/other cities to see balls/drag/burlesque events 💗💗💗
hbu?? 💖
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pelinthehay · 1 month
every time i see a fellow butch at the gym an angel gets its wings
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chicago-geniza · 1 month
Was watching Reels about excursions to flea markets and secondhand shops around Poland as part of my customary Before Bed Wind-Down Routine but someone stopped by one of my favorite antykwariaty in Warsaw and now I'm too wired to sleep, I've never seen its interior, only the online storefront!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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salineroses · 11 months
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Every lyric of 'wake up and it's over' is on this page. I'm not sure what else to say here. And yes, this is entirely from memory
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officialkendallroy · 3 months
my friend and i booked such a nice place for our trip to warsaw and we're now staying longer than initially planned and im so excited!!! :D
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