#walter perhaps
hyunpic · 2 months
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dr. hwang 🧪
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honeydots · 3 months
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i've been dipping my toes into experimenting with borders, lately 🌿
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age-of-moonknight · 3 days
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“What If Venom Bonded to Moon Knight?” What If…? Venom (Vol. 1/2024), #5.
Writer: Jeremy Holt; Pencilers and Inkers: Jesús Hervás and Geraldo Borges; Colorist: Ceci de la Cruz; Letterer: Ariana Maher
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afieldinengland · 9 months
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from the thick of it, james walters
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toodrasticallydumb · 1 year
Oh c’mon you knew I had to.
My version of the Barbie mugshot with stricklake because I just COULD NOT get it out of my head:
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This is specifically from my Trollhunter!Strickler au solely because of the white streak in Barbara’s hair lol and now that I’ve drawn it I am oh so tempted to have it be an actual scene that happens somewhere along the story…
Little snippet of the would-be scene (it's so long it got away from me, I'm sorry):
*the two are rummaging around in a very much broken into museum to find what may or not be a message from Nomura*
Barbara: Walt...?
Walter: Hm? Yes, love?
Barbara: What's that outside?
Walter, pausing for a second to listen: Oh. That would be the em...the police, my dear.
Barbara: Oh, okay, okay, excuse me, the WHAT.
Walter: ...Em. That is, I- um I suggest you hide the skathe-hrün somewhere, lest the authorities care to investigate further into what exactly it is when they take it from your person.
Barbara: So we're not even avoiding this? You know, getting arrested by the police?
Walter: Mmmm, no, unfortunately. I don't want you using the skathe-hrün (or more specifically its magic) anymore than absolutely necessary for today. You've expended yourself enough as it is.
Barbara: And getting arrested for breaking and entering is not an 'absolute necessity'???
Walter: Not particularly, it would only be a considered a second-degree burglary since it is a museum and not a residential, habitated building; which that sub-type of burglary is a 'wobbler' charge in the state of California, which equates—if it is persecuted as a misdemanor rather than a felony—to merely (at most) a year in county jail—
Barbara: A year?!
Walter: —and 1,000 dollar fine if, that is, we are found guilty by being proven to have harbored the intent to steal something, of which we did not and do not have evident by the fact neither of us pocess any given tools to break or take any item from its case. I assume this is the first time you have been accused of any given crime aside from speeding or any other driving-related violation? Without evidence of a previous criminal record we should be lined up quite well to be merely fined or, if NotEnrique can manage it (if I can bear to call upon endless embarassment and taunting), nothing at all but a slap on the wrist though I doubt we could not accomplish that on our own given our positions in the community as school teacher and doctor respectively.
Barbara: You have wings, Walt.
Walter: And mothman escaping a building with a strangely human-shaped figure in its arms is not at all a cause for alarm to the police who will no doubt be keeping close watch of all exits and entrances which would also draw unneeded attention before we can reach the proper cover of the clouds.
Barbara: *face-palms* Getting arrested. How wonderful. 'Oh, just breaking and entering, officer, not much.'
Walter: It is hardly as terrible as it sounds, really. We can omit the 'breaking' portion since we snuck in through the window without running into any trouble that would damage it. Frankly, we could go the route of claiming guilty to the crime of trespassing according to the Penal Code 602 (California's trespassing law) being that we entered the exhibit past museum hours. On top of which it is far more accurate to what we're doing in actuality, not proper burglary since we have established neither of us had the intent to run off with anything that was not ours. Doing so we would also fare far better than with a so-called 'breaking and entering' offense (such a named law does not actually exist in California, only burglary and trespassing separately but I will clasify it as the burglary law for sake of consistency) in which we would be recieving just a simple fine rather than possible felony charges that could come with a second-degree burglary we may have committed.
Barbara: Not really helping here, Walt.
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Walter: Right, apologies-
Barbara: Which, of course, getting arrested is an experience you obviously know about.
Walter: The (pun intended) offense aimed against me is dully noted. However, my dear, the fact I know how the intricacies of the specific laws of California operate does not entail I have been arrested prior to this. That would be Nomura who holds the experience in that particular department.
Barbara: Walt. Don't you dare. You stop it right there. Unless you want--
Walt: The police department. Heh. *guilty snort*
Barbara: *sends him the disappointed death glare*
Police: *break through the door* Hands up! On the ground, now!
Walter: *laying down* I hardly find my pun to have been that egregious.
Barbara, already on the floor: Really, Walt? Good puns involve good TIMING too.
Police: Dispatch, we have the two culprits in question now in our custody. *taking a pair of cuffs out* You're coming with us. You have the right to remain silent.
Walter, being actively handcuffed: Well, I suppose then, now would be the less than appropriate time to say this museum has gained quite the em...standing in the Lake family...?
Barbara, being stood up with her arms behind her back: Officers, I have no idea who this man is.
Walter: I never once said I intended to make good puns.
I made this entirely too long but once it started I couldn't really find myself stopping. Whoops. Hope you enjoyed chaotic Walt not caring about being arrested because jail is honestly the least of his problems rn. It would honestly be a break.
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
Little sneak peak for you~
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Oh now I’m…kinda curious 👀👀
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finished the new walter moers book last night, and i loved it. it is not flawless - some of it feels a bit too familiar within the series - and he may perhaps never again reach the heights of Rumo, City of Dreaming Books, and whatever Der Schrecksenmeister is called in English, but it feels like a return to form. it's less about plot and more about dabbling in the sending up of northern german island culture/tourism, but more focused, more engaging, more Zamonien than, say, whatever Prinzessin Insomnia und der albtraumfarbene Nachtmahr is called in English, or the two thinner volumes of Zamonia novels that felt more like writing exercises than actual writing.
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deancasforcutie · 19 days
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I may have mixed feelings on SuperWiki as a resource but they really went off with this "Meanings of Episode Titles" entry (the last words are linking to Wayward Sisters)
Berens @ CW/WB:
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parasitoidism · 3 months
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wearebackbagels · 1 year
How Bruckner tricked the free french and the audience.
@invisiblegargoyl​ and I had a conversation a while back and one of their comments stuck with me-
 “[...] he( Bruckner) actually used Essner's rough side and the dislike he aroused to his advantage; in contrast, Bruckner himself was very low-key and even tried to stop him from causing trouble, so no one ever suspected him.”
It piqued my interest and I started analyzing Essner( more) and peeled away at the layers to find what made him dislikeable.
Essner was a character it was easy to dislike, but how did the directors write him, how was he portrayed and how did Herbert Bruckner use all of this to his advantage?
First off we have to answer the question: what makes Walter Essner?
The casting. When we meet someone we subconsciously take in their features, body and posture to try and decipher what type of person they are. If the person is very masculine we expect them to act big, loud, dominant and cocky as a result of higher tesosterone, if they are feminine we expect them to not take up too much space, act small and not be very loud etc (as a result of lower tesosterone). 
For anyone who hasn’t watched Peaky Blinders: what type of personalities does these three brothers have?’ Who is the brains and who is the brawns, how can we tell and why do we think that way?’ (- Qoves Studio)
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Our brain needs this information to get a grip on what type of person we are dealing with and their intentions and when that fails the brain goes haywire.
  Paul Boche is a great example of just that, of someone who fall in between ( the reason why he is so successful as a model, he isn’t just pretty, he is memorable). 
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He has a very polarizing look with feminine features like big blue eyes, high cheekbones, thin eyebrows and darkly colored lips( on top of that he often sports longer hairstyles which adds to his femininity), while also having very masculine features like a prominent browbone, square jaw, big nose, overall sharp, angular features and a noticable height of 1,85 m. 
If someone has a very polarizing look it becomes more difficult for the brain to read them which in turn makes their intentions and eventual actions a lot harder to anticipate. He falls into the same, dare i say, uncanny spectrum as actor Cillian Murphy (who many have split opinions about, some realy like his looks and some really don’t). We simply don’t know what to expect from a person who we can’t read.
With Steven Knight nothing is a coincidence, he made both Peaky Blinders and SAS Rogue Heroes and I want to belieave the decision to cast someone who looks a bit creepy or odd( no offence Paul) as the innocent one was intentional. 
Bruckner used the fact that Essner drew attention to himself in more than one way to stay away from everyone’s radar.
Walter Essner’s voice. First off it’s a lot deeper than what one might expect from someone of his built, it also has a lot of vocal fry( explanation at the end) which basically means that his voice is scratchy or gravely( listen to how Essner says “I- am a real soldier” there at ‘I’ you can clearly hear it)( a lot like Paddy’s voice actually) and quite frankly not very pleasent to listen to. Bruckner and most of the others on the other hand has a lot smoother and slightly more highpitched voices, almost singsongy in comparison to Essner’s. This might have been a conscious acting decision from Paul’s side, in almost every other thing he has played in his voice is a lot smoother, lacks that vocal fry and closer resembles his natural speaking voice.( I have noticed he uses his voice differently when acting ‘evil’ characters, they ofter get more vocal fry and that creaky, unnerving aspect to it.)
Though the actor do have a deep and at times a bit gravely voice it is by far not as prominent as when he plays Essner. Essner is also a pretty loud character( the way he shouts at Paddy for shooting at him instead of biting his tongue, how he sings along with the others without ANY care of how it sounds( I am so sorry)) and we usually don’t appreciate people that are big and loud.
(Im gonna roast the shit out of this poor man now) In conclusion of this paragraph the character does have a really interesting(read as unlikeable) voice, its gravely and at the same time almost a bit creaky, the closest thing I can compare it to is a sheep’s bleating( this resemblance I caught up when Paddy was shooting at him the first time), it is piercing but not in a nice way and it makes something under the skin itch  if you think about it for too long. It really adds to building up his character.
(sidenote) The accent. I am not an expert on accents but the way Essner says ‘real soldier’ and ‘sir’ sounds extremely American to me, his tongue is a lot farther back and curled up in his mouth when he says those words compared to when, for example, Bruckner says his line “Im corporal Bruckner, Im German too” where his tongue is a lot more forward which makes the r’s shallower and the voice a bit more European. 
If I’m not wrong about this then Essner is a German who is part of the Free French and also speaks American and not British( Paul Boche went to an American acting school which explains the accent, now you might be thinking “why didn’t he change the accent for the role, how lazy” but personally I think it really works in making the character stick out, one might not notice the change in accent consciously but the brain picks it up and takes note) one more thing for Paddy to dislike.
His actions. When we first meet the free french every single one of the legioneers are scared of Paddy( or at least have decent respect for him), everyone except Augustin and Essner ( I know Bergé could be counted in aswell but he never bitched with Paddy the way these two did). When Paddy addresses Halévey and Bruckner they actually look scared, you can even hear Halévey’s voice shake when he speaks and they don’t even dare looking at Paddy( maybe this is just how they have been trained or they know who this man is and what he is capable of). During the entire time Bergé introduces Essner on the other hand, Essner isn’t afraid to look at Paddy( it’s a bit interesting how he observes Paddy through the corner of his eye)and he keeps eye-contact with him basically throughout their entire interaction, a really cocky power-move in the psychology field. Then at the end instead of just leaving everything be and letting Paddy go on with his inspection he adds with A LITTLE SMIRK that there are two of them. He speaks to Paddy like he is just another soldier and not their superior officer
The final nail in the coffin though is of course that scene where Essner is a total dick to both Halévey and the piano. The audience went through Paddy’s grief alongside him, we know what that piano meant to him and seeing Essner fucking around with it doesn’t just make us think “Ohhh I bet Paddy won’t be too happy about that”, WE feel disrespected and angry. 
So here are all the things that makes Walter Essner unlikeable, what the conclusion is I don’t know. Bruckner was really smart and knew how to use  “Essner's rough side and the dislike he aroused to his advantage”. That is the conclusion. 
I wonder if Bruckner’s plan would have worked as well as it did if he was the only German in the Free French or if there was another German but he was super kind and sweet. 
*Vocal fry is when the vocal folds close together at such a slow rate that it is possible to hear the individual pulses, some people talk with a lot of vocal fry some with nothing at all. The vocal fry can be acheved by lowering ones voice and using less air while talking.
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litres-of-cocaine · 9 months
do many drug dealers struggle to distinguish if they have a second son or a second wife in their young partner
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gael-garcia · 6 months
why is there a tumblr tag limit i wanna say more things about that filmography post fjkf
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mummer · 1 year
skyler saying shes waiting for the cancer to come back im sick oh im so sick
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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artekai · 1 year
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yikeszoinks · 2 years
i think instead of tighty whities we should say walter whites
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