mariajoseignacia666 · 6 months
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Vril-Ya Nations
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Rating: Mature Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: Gen
Fandoms: L.E.G.I.O.N. (comics) R.E.B.E.L.S. (comics) DCU (Comics) Lobo (Comics)
Relationship: Vril Dox II & Lobo
Characters: Vril Dox II Lobo (DCU) Brainiac 2
Words: 1,964 Chapters: 1/1 Summary:
Vril is tasked with having to fetch an phenomenally intoxicated Lobo from a bar and drunken shenanigans ensue including art and dance.
Vril honestly would have preferred washing dishes in the canteen for a full week over enduring even a minute of this. 
The man, the main man himself, Lobo was drunker than anyone Vril had ever seen in his life. 
Lobo was so drunk, that if any insect happened to come within a two foot diameter of his fumes it would have shriveled up and plummeted to the ground curled in upon itself. 
Lobo was so drunk that he needed a ‘caution, flammable’ sticker slapped on his ass because just one spark would have ignited him in flames that would have been so engorged by the alcohol in his system they would have burned for days. 
He was so irrefutably drunk that he could be used as a new power source.
The vapors from him alone were enough to make Vril’s eyes water and cough. It was the cough that alerted Lobo and he belted out in response a rambunctious “Doxy!” before falling from his chair clumsily. A mass of hair, he vibrated as he giggled then tossed his head back and grinned at him. “Izza ‘bout time ya finally took the time off ta let loose! ‘Ere, I gotta… gotta round fer ya,” he slurred as he held out to him a clearly empty glass. He swayed as if he were on a boat. 
"I'll pass," Vril said, waving the glass away. Lobo belched then shrugged.
"Yer loss then Doxy." He took the empty glass back and brought it to his lips. He pulled it back sharply like it bit him. "Hey! How'd ya drink it without drinkin' it?!" he exclaimed, bewildered like a child that had just seen a magic trick.
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wyrmfedgrave · 5 months
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1. Portrait of Edward Bulwer-Lytton, son of General William Bulwer & heiress Elizabeth Lytton. His father died before he could be 'elevated' into the Peerage. So, the honor fell to his son - for his popular literary works!
2 thru 4. Photos of Edward, a prolific writer who gave us the following sayings: "the great unwashed", "the almighty dollar" & "the pen is mightier than the sword!"
1906: The Earth (is) Not Hollow.
In 1871 (some say 1870), E. Bulwer- Lytton published his lost world novel "The Coming Race." Whose very title is supposed to be a Darwinian threat!
Edward was a prolific British novelist, playwright, poet, critic & politician. He served once as a Whig. Then, again as a Conservative!
The reason he was so prolific was the extravagant lifestyle that he & his wife followed...
Edward's "Race" was 1 of the 1st lost world & proto-scifi works. Sadly, this particular book would play a role in the creation of the German Nazi Party!!
Plot: An unnamed American narrator & his engineer friend go spelunking in a cave system below an abandoned mine shaft.
Their rope breaks, killing the friend!!
Then our hero is hunted after - by a large lizard (cave dino)!!
The narrator basically stumbles into the Vril-ya (winged humanoids)! Who learn English by viewing our hero's own memories...
Millions of these Ana (their race's name) live in this netherworld. They had fled there long ago - to escape the Flood!!
Under the Earth, they found vril - an unlimited power! A force controllable by willpower & special staffs...
With vril, their society grew into an utopia! One that has no 'real' laws - as enforcement is impossible.
Instead, they have ritual customs - like mutual guidelines & conventions. A single magistrate resolves the few disputes.
Religion & philosophical speculation is seen as pointless & counterproductive to the Vril-ya's 'happiness'...
But, strangely enough, they do believe in a reincarnation cycle, where the dead "change form!"
The Vril-ya are horrified learning of human civilization. They see our democracy as an ignorant type of government!!
Worse, nation states seem repressive, politics seem like conflicts & our system of capitalism is just plain barbarous!
One day, their prophecies say, the Vril-ya must eliminate the savages above!! Though, they'll take no pleasure in these acts.
Just like they've already made most other underground races extinct...
A Vril-ya youth takes our hero back into the cave system - & mentally forces him to act as 'bait!'
When the dino shows up - the kid kills it with 1 blast of his staff!
Luckily for our hero, Zee (a Vril-ya woman) is falling in love with him. Something that could prove fatal to both of them...
Yet, our narrator only has 'feelings' for a younger Vril-ya 'princess'!! He wants to marry her - to take control of this land & make it a proper democracy!
But, being that the Vril-ya only really respect vril wielders, he's asking to be murdered!!
Worse, he's not allowed to leave! The Vril-ya fear that he would reveal their future plans...
Zee, however, 'clears' the blocked tunnel, allowing him to escape.
Back in the U.S., our hero records his warning (the very book that the reader is holding)!!
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1 thru 3. Covers for various editions of the book that's a warning against an invasion from the Vril-ya underworld.
Note how tall the women are in regard to all males - human or Vril-ya! But, all of the artists forgot that these folk are winged!!
Criticism: The plot here acts as a framing literary device. The rest of the story is a long description of the Vril-ya society.
There's chapters devoted to the Vril-ya's language, sociology & their failing Arts! Even the Vril-ya's skull shapes (a 'science' back then) are all detailed.
Characterization is extremely thin for everyone. Our hero is a mere reader's surrogate & serves as a mouthpiece for the views of the author's times...
Only Zee, the narrator's would be platonic lover shows any real traits beyond her race's usual 'serenity.'
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A VRIL-YA BOOKS lhe oferece uma variedade de temas relacionados à Magia, Esoterismo, Ocultismo, Ciências Divinatórias e afins, além de incenso, baralhos de Tarô, pêndulos e outros materiais de interesse. Faça-nos uma visita! Você será bem vindo e ficará a par das melhores publicações.
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agentgrange · 2 years
Field Notes: Lemuria, Lloigor, & Ghatanothoa
Caution, long post but bare with me.
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Trying to unify several different accounts of mythos prehistory and the lloigor even among Delta Green resources and trying to gauge people's over-under on the following all being the same entity:
Yaldabaoth, the first dragon, the blind creator god occasionally referenced in some mythos writing. Linked to the development of humanity's tie to material reality and Phillip K. Dick's Black Iron Cage. In many interpretations it is no longer one force but split into lesser "archons" that govern the Black Iron Cage. (Note: When I use the Demiurge in my work I don't mean to imply that gnosticism is canon or "real" but as an imagined Outer God that fits the archetype.)
Ghatanothoa, brought to earth by the Yuggoth from out of space and time as a weapon against the Elder Things. Becomes the god of the Lemurians, known for granting unnaturally long lifespans and teaching the Lemurians how to conjure hypergeometric constructs into the material world. Remained dormant several hundred million of years after the fall of the Lemurians until the alleged arrival of the Lloigor from Andromeda 2.5 million years ago. There's some conflicting information on if they were a major opponent against Lloigorian conquest or, in fact, the source from which all Lloigor split from.
Nug and Yeb, the twin blasphemies, also called. The Twin Dragons. Represented as a red and white dragon respectively. Worshipped by the Lemurian-decendant K'n-yan and said to have split from the Yuggothi god Cxaxukluth-- the creator-god counterpart and celestial pair to Azoth, the destroyer god.
Zhar and Lloigor, the twin obscenities. Also represented as dragon-like creatures. Bares very uncanny resemblances to Nug and Yeb, I'd go so far as to say they are cognates or aspects of the same gods worshipped by different cultures. Called "the star treaders" and often called the progenitors to the Lloigor "race".
Alright so heres the heady part I've been thinking of; how do we unify all this and reconcile it with all the alleged information that shows the Lloigor arrived from Andromeda 2.5 million years ago but Ghatanothoa was brought by the Yuggoth and led the Lemurians hundreds of millions of years before that? Here's my suggestion, in brief.
The Yuggoth detect the emerging sentience of the Elder Thing's humanoid servitors including what would become the Lemurians. (Reference my earlier Field Notes on The Cult of the Lam.) They arrive on earth completely ignorant of the Elder Things, resulting in a first-contact war. The Yuggoth attempt to win the war by creating a physical construct to hold a fragment (Ghatanothoa) of a larger creator entity. (Cxaxukluth to the Yuggoth, later mantled by the Gnostic concept of Yaldabaoth.)
Ghatanothoa cuts a path of destruction that destroys the Elder Things and Yuggoth on earth alike with the humanoid servitors fragmenting off as humanoids and Lemurians. Or maybe Lemurians are entirely different from us and just showed up from Agartha in the wrong place at the wrong time, it's impossible to tell. The Lemurians of Mu evolve faster through the worship of Ghatanothoa but are forced underground after the war with the Deep Ones. The Lemurians eventually become the K'n-yan, Vril-ya, and Nephilim of legend and remember the liberation war against the MiGo and Elder Things as the war against the Star People. The Yuggoth for their part promptly forget this forrey to Earth ever happened because of their horrible brain geometry and pisspoor understanding of causality while humanity sits on the back burner a few epochs until it's psychic awakening.
Things go silent for a while with Ghatanothoa still kicking around in some capacity in the ruins of Mu / Lemuria. Thing is, if it could be split from a larger chunk of the Yuggothi god then under the right conditions it can happen again, even spontaneously. The supernova in Andromeda, for reasons unknowable in our galaxy, bombards Mu with just the right type of "downhill" Boltzmann energy to spontaneously fragment the god into Zhar and Lloigor / Nug and Yeb who continuously consume eachother and fragment off into smaller and smaller archons-- inadvertantly birthing the Lloigorian race / Xin on earth like snakes bursting form the corpse of the Demiurge. The greater will of the Demiurge and Ghatanothoa still exist, but only as a cosmic echo in the material world desperately trying to rebuild itself by joining together scattered Lloigor plexus fields.
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the man
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Name: Joseph Cornell
Height: 6'0"
Arcana: The Tower
Persona: Vril-ya (?)
Weapon of Choice: Indradhanus
Bio: As a rising star in the American division of the Kirijo Group, Cornell has had his work cut out for him, but he has continually excelled in every situation he has found himself in. Now, as the current head engineer of the American division, he has directed its efforts to produce top-quality products for the conglomerate as a whole.
However, what lies beyond the surface is someone who will stop at nothing to realize his dream, no matter the cost. One night, in a dream, Cornell had an encounter with a figure who promised him an easy path towards his ultimate goal. He accepted the offer, and when he woke up, he discovered that he had not only awakened to the power of Persona, but also now had a shimmering bow which complemented him perfectly.
With the help of his Persona, he conducted research on this power, with his liaison in the Japanese division helping translate many research documents held in the archives of the Kirijo Group. Although initially keeping this a secret, rumors about Cornell's actions soon started to circulate in the top echelons of the conglomerate, reaching the other side of the Pacific. The head of the Group summoned him to Japan, demanding an explanation. Little did she know that this was the perfect opportunity for Cornell to begin realizing his dream...
A dream of a new, perfect world.
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urbanshaman30 · 1 year
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On May 25, 1803, exactly 220 years ago, Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton, was born, the author of the famous Rosicrucian novel "Zanoni" ("Ghost"), written in 1842. In "Zanoni" the author presents a description of the action of the “Guardian of the Threshold,” protecting the esoteric truth from unprepared and unworthy students of the occult sciences. The preface to the Rosicrucian novel was published in "Serpent of the Book of Genesis" by Stanisals de Guaita. This preface states that the manuscript of this novel fell into the hands of Bulwer-Lytton in a ciphered form from the old Rosicrucian. Thus, there was a reason to believe that Bulwer-Lytton himself is a Rosicrucian. Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia declared Bulwer-Lytton its "grand patron", which Bulwer-Lytton himself could not influence in any way. For the first time, the novel “Zanoni” was translated into Russian by an unknown translator in 1879, but the translation was incomplete and imperfect. In 1994, the translator G. Parkhomenko made the literary processing and correction of the old translation, and O. Chorakaev translated the missing chapters.
It should be noted that the novels by Bulwer-Lytton enjoyed considerable popularity among his contemporaries, and his name was well-known. In the Russian Empire, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, inspired by the work of Bulwer-Lytton "Pelham; Or, The Adventures of a Gentleman" (1828), was going to write the novel "Russian Pelham" based on its motives.
Another work by Bulwer-Lytton concerns occult matters - "The Coming Race" (1871). It describes the concept of "Vril" - magical power, the owner of which becomes the master of his destiny and the whole world.
#lordLytton #Vrill #Vrill-ya #thecomingrace #the_coming_race
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La física Vorticular nos enseña que la vorticidad de ciertos elementos, líquidos y gases, abren la puerta hacia otro mundo, que reduce radicalmente la distancia en tiempo y espacio, otorgando así una gran velocidad a las naves Haunebu o Vril. Es la fuerza de succión que el vórtice concentra en el centro del círculo lo que permite la vibración y la consecuente levitación del platillo volador, misma técnica utilizada en los motores de los Vimanas de la antigua India Aria. Es menester destacar qué, de esta misma física, el genio e ingeniero Hans Kammler de las SS, del departamento de desarrollo SS E-IV, logró construir el proyecto de la Campana, cuya vorticidad operaba con Mercurio cuyo resultado fue la creación de un vórtice, un agujero de gusano que permitió la manipulación y experimentación con el tiempo, dando origen a la ingeniería del tiempo. Los propios servicios de Inteligencia de las potencias de la sinarquía,  han intentado recrear la campana de Kammler, como lo prueba el Incidente de Kecksburg. Es este movimiento circular, la recreación del movimiento de la Esvástica girando, el cual se materializa en el Sol Negro, siendo la construcción de un Vimana la reconstrucción del Sol Negro en laboratorio de cuyo accionar, al ser girado en potencia, su energía de centrípeta se concentra en el centro, dando origen a la energía de implosión, la cual es opuesta a la energía de explosión de la cual están hechos todos los medios de transporte dentro de esta matriz, utilizando energía en caliente que contamina el medio ambiente y no utiliza el Vril, el éterz el Prana para obtener energía libre limpia e Infinita para su funcionamiento. Esto refleja que los levitadores y Taquionadores Thule utilizados como motores principales de los Vimanas nacionalsocialistas se basaron en este mismo principio vorticular, presente en el Vymanika Shastra y Samaranghana Sutradhara, aprovechando la potencia de los terriones y los takyones con sus turbinas cada vez más especializadas, estructurado como una esfera principal adecuada de un disco que en principio facilitaba el despegue y suspensión de la nave. A día de hoy el modelo de disco volador (JFk, Haunebu y  Vril) ha venido perfeccionándose a modelos cada vez más grandes como las Nodrizas Haunebu V o Andrómeda Gerat, y también a naves dinámicas como las esféricas de las cuales desconocemos su nombre, modelo muy distinguido del llamado Foo Fighter. Tal cual el gran Viktor Schauberger y el gran Viktor grebenikov establecieron, la energía infinita de estas naves procede de la naturaleza, el propio Nikola Tesla lo reconoció al establecer que vivimos rodeados de océanos de energía y que simplemente habría que buscar formas de aprovecharla. La biofísica y el naturalismo científico en estos ámbitos abogan por una renovación científica libre del control de la mafia Rockefeller en la que exista una ciencia más formas que de fórmulas, que recree e imite las virtudes  de la naturaleza. Por ende, varios sitúan la localización del sol negro en el centro del Universo, pues sigue el patrón vorticular de las galaxias, las cuales siguen la misma geometría sagrada del gran vórtice...Desde el centro del Sol Negro, los Alemanes imperiales de Nueva Suabia ya han viajado más allá del año 2033 y ya conocen el destino final de esta Balla entre Arios y Judíos, lo que les permite estar más adelantados en estrategia de guerra, pues saben que sus enemigos pueden autodestruirse, o cometer un gran error que puede ser aprovechado para acabar con su dominio mundial, ello explicaría su actual no intervención, establecida seguramente para un año en particular.
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sons-from-adam · 3 months
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Vril Dox
[No. 19 of 100 Pepsi cards from 1995]
Vril Dox, the villain known as Brainiac, and son of Coluan, is the Master of the tactics that leads L.E.G.I.O.N. Dox is also an excellent manipulator. Sometimes even their superiors are mere puppets of their plans. Lyri, drink of Dox and Stealth, not lying about his cast, has the intellect and ability, as developed as his father, to manipulate people from a young age.
Vril Dox
[N° 19 de 100 Tarjetas de Pepsi  de 1995]
Vril Dox, hijo del villano Coluan conocido como Brainiac, es el Amo de las tácticas que encabeza L.E.G.I.O.N. Dox es también un excelente manipulador, aveces hasta sus superiores son simples marionetas de sus planes. Lyri, bebe de Dox y Stealth no miente sobre su casta, ya que a su temprana edadtiene el intelecto y habilidad de manipular gente tan desarrollada como su padre.
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apebook · 7 months
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orderjackalope · 2 years
"I myself cannot explain it. I know only that I remember Lemuria! Remember it with a faithfulness that I accept with the absolute conviction of a fanatic…"
The world is ruled by evil dwarves who live beneath the surface and control your life with devious ray guns. This is the Shaver Mystery… either the most astonishing revelation in history, or its greatest hoax. Only you can decide.
Transcript, sources, links and more at https://order-of-the-jackalope.com/a-warning-to-future-man/
Key sources for this episode include Richard Toronto's WAR OVER LEMURIA: RICHARD SHAVER, RAY PALMER AND THE STRANGEST CHAPTER OF 1940s SCIENCE FICTION; Fred Nadis's THE MAN FROM MARS: RAY PALMER'S AMAZING PULP JOURNEY; David Standish's HOLLOW EARTH; and the stories of Richard Sharpe Shaver.
This week we're cross-promoting with The Paranormal Son! Join JT as he explores all topics paranormal, fortean, mysterious, strange and unexplained!
Discord: https://discord.gg/Mbap3UQyCB Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orderjackalope/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/orderjackalope Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/orderjackalope Tumblr: https://orderjackalope.tumblr.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/orderjackalope Email: [email protected]
Part of the That's Not Canon Productions podcast network.
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CONNECTION! Shaver wasn't the only one borrowing from Edward Bulwer-Lytton's THE COMING RACE. Scam artist Ann O'Delia Diss Debar tole the name "Adiva Veedya" from the novel for her last big scam. In the language of the Vril, "A-Diva Veed-ya" means "the unerring and absolute truth of immortality." In Mantong it means "detrimental to the vitality of animals and self." Score one begrudging point for Shaver there. (We talked about Diss Debar in Series 3's "Spirit Princess.")
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scych · 5 years
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Vril: Maria Orsic who prominent Thule Society members believed was psychically communicating with beings from Aldeberaan and/or inner earth. Orsic’s psychic information appeared genuine after providing the secrets of advanced technologies that would make space travel possible and also offered to transform German society by giving its citizens first hand knowledge of a mysterious universal force called Vril. Antarctica’s Hidden History corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs Dr. Michael Salla
Description of Vril in Power of the Coming Race. There is no word in any language I know which is an exact synonym for vril. I should call it electricity, except that it comprehends in its manifold branches other forces of nature, to which in our scientific nomenclature, differing names are assigned, such as magnetism, galvanism,etc…These people consider that in vril they have arrived at the unity in natural energetic agencies which has been conjectured by many philosophers above ground and which Faraday thus intimates under the more caution term of correlation… Pg 14 Vril: The Power of the Coming Race Edward Bulwer-Lytton

These subterranean philosophers assert that by one operation of vril, which Faraday would perhaps call “atmospheric magnetism,” they can influence the variation of temperature in plain words, the weather, that by operations akin to those ascribed to mesmerism , electro biology, Odin force, but applied scientifically, through vril conductors, they can exert influence over minds and bodies animal and vegetable to an extent not surpassed in the romances of our mystics. Vril: The Power of the Coming Race Edward Bulwer-Lytton

U.S. Thomas Townsend Brown “There is a decided tendency in the physical sciences to unify the great basic laws and to relate by a single structure or mechanism, such individual phenomena as gravitation, electro dynamics and even matter itself. It is found that matter and electricity are very closely related in structure. In the final analysis matter loses its traditional individuality and becomes merely an “electrical condition.” In fact it might be said that the concrete body if the universe is nothing more than an assemblage of energy which in itself is quite intangible. Of course, it is self evident that matter is connected with gravitation and it follows logically that electricity is likewise connected. These relations exist in the realm of pure energy and consequently are very basic in nature. In all reality they constitute the true backbone of the universe. It is needless to say that the relations are not simple and full understanding of their concepts is complicated by the outstanding lack of information and research on the real nature of gravitation.

Vril for energy and healing: The fluid is capable of being raised and disciplined into the mightiest agency over all forms of matter, animate or inanimate. It can destroy like the flash of lightning yet differently applied it can replenish or invigorate life, heal and preserve and on it they chiefly rely for cure of disease, or rather for enabling the physical organization to re-establish the due equilibrium of its natural powers and thereby to cure itself. By this agency they send way through the most solid substances and open valleys for culture through the cracks of their subterranean wilderness. From it they extract the light which supplies their lamps finding it steadier softer and healthier than the other inflammable materials they had formerly used. Vril: The Power of the Coming Race Edward Bulwer-Lytton

But the effects of the alleged discovery of the means to direct the more terrible force of vril were chiefly remarkable in their influence upon social polity. As these effects became similarly known and skillfully administered, war between the vril-discoverers ceased,for they brought the art of destruction to such perfection as to annul all superiority in numbers, discipline or military skill. The fire lodged in the hollow of a rod directed by the hand of a child could shatter the strongest fortress, or cleave it’s burning way from the van to the near of an embattled host. If army met army and both had command of this agency it could be but to the annihilation of each. The age of war was therefore gone, but with the cessation of war other effects bearing upon the social state soon apparent. Man was so completely at the mercy of man, each whom he encountered being able, If so willing to slay him on the instant, that all means of government by force gradually vanished from political systems and forms of law. It is only by force that vast communities, dispersed through great distances of space, can be kept together; but now there was no longer either the necessity of self preservation or the pride of aggrandizement to make one state desire to preponderance inpopulation over another. Vril: The Power of the Coming Race Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Discussion of Vril and Zero Point “
Belief in psychokinesis-the ability of the mind to influence the physical world, say a firearm,” she said nodding at the screen’s endless loop of footage, “ is generally considered a debased form of metaphysics a kind of mysticism which in the absence of responsible religious tradition to back it up, is easily dismissed as pseudoscientific fantasy. But there are various brands of pre scientific mysticism that put mind over matter, seeing the power of consciousness itself as a way to affect the world -faith healing say, or levitation. The concept of energy fields connecting all things is ancient wisdom in matters of religion. Think of the notion of chi or ki in various East Asian cultures the life force that binds things together and sustains them. “And Star Wars certainly borrowed some ideas about the force from China, Japan and other neighboring regions. But what if it isn’t the stuff of space opera fantasy? What if we stopped viewing these ideas in the contemptuous terms of anti science and the primitive? What if we were able to assimilate both positions as compatible within an expanded notion of physics, a unified theory, if you like which recognizes that the metaphysical concerns of the human mind-including so called paranormal capacities-can coexist harmoniously in a strictly scientific notion of the universe?” - Sekret Machines A Fire Within pg 293.

Have you ever heard of zero point energy?
“It’s also called ground state energy.’ said Hayes. “According to quantum mechanics, it’s an all pervasive energetic field that is random, ambient and fluctuating. What’s interesting about zero point energy is that it exists even in so called empty space. So instead of thinking of the universe as a collection of isolated particles, we have to view the universe as made up of continuous fields the quanta and fermions of matter fields and the quanta and bosons of force fields.” - Sekret Machines A Fire Within pg 293.
“Right from its birth the CIA has been in the movie business.” - Sekret Machines A Fire Within Pg 117
“But in our society we attach fame to nothing which man in that moment of his duration which is called life, can perform. We should soon lose that equality which constitutes the felicitous essence of our commonwealth if we selected any individual for preeminent praise; preeminent praise would confer pre-eminent power and the moment it were given, evil passions now dormant would awake other men would immediately covet praise, then would arise envy and with envy hate calumny and persecution Our history tells us that most of the poets and most of the writers who in the old time were on the whole rendered very unhappy, partly by the attacks of jealous rivals, partly by the diseased mental constitution which acquired sensitive ness to praise and to blame tends to engender.” -Taee of the Vril-ya  Vril: The Power of the Coming Race Edward Bulwer-Lytton
 Pg 48
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wyrmfedgrave · 5 months
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1. The "Vril-ya Bazaar & Fete" was a fundraiser that failed spectacularly! Its founder & organizer actually became bankrupt!! But, it marked the 1st genre fan convention - beating all others by some 40 years...
2 & 3. Posters for the "Iron Sky" movie series. Not the best intro to the Vril-ya & their nefarious plans.
Author: Edward went to several British private schools. While still a student, he fell in love with a mysterious "Lucy D" - who 'disappeared' 1 day!
She had actually been forced into a ruinous marriage...
3 years later, she wrote him to say that she still loved him - &, that she was dying!!
This drove Edward into a melancholic state. But, a visit to her graveside, brought him out of his depression.
Edward then had a brief affair with Lord Byron's ex-mistress, one Lady Caroline Lamb!
In 1827, he married a fiery Irish lass. Their extravagant lifestyle forced him to become more prolific.
But, the stress of such an output caused Edward to grow irritable & become negligent of his family, which led to violent quarrels with his wife.
It was no surprise when they divorced in 1836.
Edward had originally been a Liberal politician - until he retired, due to the repeal of the Corn Laws.
But, his friend - Benjamin Disraeli - 'converted' Edward & he returned to politics as a Tory!
As a writer, he anticipated & 'satisfied' changes in public 'taste.' Yet, none of Edward's plays have 'endured' any great fame...
Edward's historical novels were all weighed down with meticulous details - but, they sold.
The best are "The Last Days of Pompeii" & "Harold, Last Saxon King."
Then, Edward tapped into the British audience's fascination with crime & gangster works, bringing a new type of realism to his readers.
At this time, Edward's best known for a satirical verse novel attacking Lord Tennyson, the British poet laureate!!
Edward also wrote the unsuccessful historical epic "King Arthur"...
Though elevated to the Peerage, his critics attacked him unmercifully, leading to Edward's rep taking a sharp dip!
The worse of it was being labeled a "silver fork" (novel about high class manners & fashionable lives) polisher!!
By nature reserved, Edward's growing deafness kept him out of the public's 'eye.'
He lived alone, going to continental spas for his declining health...
Among Edward's many honors are the Orders of, both, St. Michael & St. George!
He was even offered the Greek throne!! Which had been left vacant by King Otho's abdication...
Edward wisely declined.
In January of 1873, he complained of sharp pains & "horrible noises" in his ears...
Days later, Edward went totally blind!!
This was followed by a series of non- fatal epileptic seizures.
Edward would die, in his sleep, on January the 18th. A victim of a lifelong ear infection that finally reached his brain.
Output: Of Edward's interesting & unique firsts, we have:
1. 1832's "Eugene Aram" a history based, psychological crime thriller that raised a storm of protest - for Edward making the criminal the hero of the tale!
2. 1833's "Godolphin" where Edward tackled the occult for the first time.
3. 1837's "Ernest Maltravers" & its companion "Alice", both of which blend metaphysics with auto- biographical observations of the time's high society.
Legacy: Stories of weird civilizations had been common for centuries. But, they had all been treated as fantasies.
Edward added sci-fi elements atop of "Race's" fantasy tropes.
Even vril had a scientific explanation, rather than being a magical or super- natural force.
Also new was 1891's "Vril-ya Bazaar & Fete", the world's 1st known genre fan convention!
This sci-fi party was held at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Which was all decked out in Mid-Eastern motifs.
The show featured special guests & performances, costumed folk & stalls selling Vril merch - like Bovril (bovine plus, vril), a beef drink!!
There were even winged mannequins floating overhead!
Definitely a party to visit - if you have a time machine...
In 1947, an escaped German scientist claimed that some prominent Nazis were members of a "Vril Society."
In time, other folk also came to believe that the Vril-ya were a real civilization!
The Nazi "Thule Society", influenced by such tales had helped create the Nazi Party & its horrible ideology.
But, these occultists lost their power when Hitler assumed control over Germany.
However, ideas from "Race" still persist in modern Nazi circles...
It has also spread out into other media. Case in point, the "Iron Sky" movie series.
In particular, the 2nd film - which steals the title, the underground world, an unlimited energy & a plan to eliminate humanity.
But, the enemy are actually reptilian (from UFO myths?) shapeshifters (from Native American myths?) led by a T-Rex riding Hitler!!
(Sigh... It's things like this which let's me know that deep fakes aren't really a new idea. They've been a literary trope or device for quite some time.)
Legacy: Like Plato's Atlantis, Edward's murderous Vril-ya are a cautionary tale of what not to imitate.
Of course, the opposite happened.
Readers missed the point & vril took on new life - as a psycho-electric or bioelectric 'treasure' to be found & used!!
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spearhafoc · 5 years
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It was a dark and stormy podcast. A new episode of What Mad Universe?!? is up. Adam Prosser and I are joined again by Jess Nevins to discuss Edward Bulwer-Lytton's influential Hollow Earth novel The Coming Race.
"There’s an energy coming from the underground…it’s the strange and wonderful power known as Vril, as documented in the book Vril: A Story of the Coming Race by the infamous Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Bulwer-Lytton’s left huge mark on pop culture, and in this episode we sit down with guest Jess Nevins to see whether his reputation doesn’t deserve a bit of rehabilitation…"
My art depicting one of the Vril-ya.
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