#vlogs faster than the update account
tinamybeloved · 1 year
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I really hope we get the return of spot the Tina from the streamer awards anyways a low quality Tina from Poki’s TikTok
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What I should be doing; Updating my current BFU/GoMens fanfic
What I am doing instead; drafting an entirely NEW BFU/GOMens fanfic
Here it is;
Story Idea:
BFU*Good Omens, but make it scary.
The Unsolved Crew are trying to return to the airport after a successful hunt in London. Shane suggests they follow a scenic route of no discernible town. They somehow find themselves in a town that is not on the GPS maps with weird vibes and, surprise surprise, their rental breaks down. They have all watched enough horror thrillers to know all the cliché-est plot points. What lives in Devil's Dyke? Are the Them serial killers? Is Warlock going to betray them? Shane and TJ are probably going to die. But most importantly; What does it all have to do with Ryan?
-This is Shyan centric. On their way back to the airport, Shane suggests the crew take a scenic route down South Downs on their way back from London with the promise of a beautiful lake. The London shoots had been rife with sexual tension, and Shane does not want the moment to end.
-They find themselves driving into a town instead, suburbania and quaint. The townsfolk frown at them as they pass by. RP Tyler straddles his barking poodle. They obviously don't like newcomers.
-The rental breaks down. The cliche Ness starts to dawn on them
-"Hahaha, next we'll find out this place doesn't have line!"
-There is no line. They all glare at Mark.
-In a fit of nervousness, Ryan starts offline vlogging. Shane suggests they go into town to ask for someone to call the two service and find someplace with line. Surely SOMEONE will recognize them.
-But strangers look away and walk faster away when they approach. Whoever they manage to start scowling or fidgeting, and none of them seems to recognize the duo. Some even claim to know only faintly of YouTube. It's getting unreal. They do not seem to be joking, and get only more upset whenever the Crew tries to convince or tell them otherwise. It is finally pushing dusk. The Crew stops by a beautiful park. There is no one around, but a young boy, who has a look in his eyes they find relief in: recognition.
-His name is Warlock Dowling, and he showed them a copy of his birth certificate to prove it, claiming that it happens often enough that he has to resort doing so. It's so fucking cliche it hurts. Ryan hates this movie already.
-But Warlock is the son of an American Ambassador who lives in the UK, and thus, likely the only child who seems to recognize them and their YouTube Channel. He is not a big fan, but it's a whole site better than literally everyone else. South Downs is a bedtime story, he claims. It's perfect in the way all the towns in children storybooks are perfect. Nobody plays the internet in a storybook town. It is not a prank. Devon is skeptical.
-Warlock invites them to go to the Ambassador's house a little ways down the airbase near the back of the town, (what kind of horror path will they take? Thought Ryan. Both feel like equally bad ideas.) but they decide to go tomorrow. He directs them to a bed and breakfast instead. All the rooms look the same. The lady barely looks up as she hands them their keys. There is electricity in the rooms, meaning they could charge their appliances. For naught of anything better to do, they are filming this entire experience. They somehow convince themselves that Shane is going to die because Ryan is evidently the Protagonist, and since Shane is his Best Friend, he is either going to betray them or die in a heroic act sacrificing himself for Ryan. In a fit of panic, Ryan tells Shane he has a crush on him. Which is great and sweet and all, but now REALLY seals the deal in because now Shane is a love interest instead. Hasnt Ryan heard of the bury your Gays trope?
-"I knew you guys were gonna end up gay" "what why." "they have to kill SOMEONE off and none of us are black and Ryan s the protagonist."
-They don't find Warlock in the park the next day, and are forced to look for him themselves. Walking of course. They find out about the satanic nunnery that caught on fire on a cafe because the waitress explains that they have to pass through that and the abandoned airbase in the back of the town to get to the villa on foot. They all sigh in exhausted manner, not much in the mood for dying.
-Trudge they do anyway. Nowhere out but through.
-The old satanic nunnery is....not abandoned
-They rush inside and find that it is a company teamwork support organization, and they give out paintball sessions. There is electricity. There is a line, even if the company wasnt currently in season. They try to find a worker.
-They find her. Sister Mary is haggard and busy running an entire company and booking sessions all by herself. She is in turns dismissive and annoyed to moderately tolerant....up until she learns of Ryan's name
-She suddenly wants nothing to do with any of them, practically shoving them out her door and face sheet white, mumbling about being busy and how it wasn't personal. The door slams in their faces. Ryan looks like he is about to cry. Shane snaps.
-He breaks the door down, to the shouts of surprise from the rest of the crew, and announces, with the loud, arrogant nonchalance of a white man, that he is not going to budge until she tells them everything they want to know about Lower Tadfield, the South Downs and yknow the fuck what? Neither will Ryan. The rest of the Crew follow his example and dig their heels in, pretending to film her for good measure. They are counting on the fact that she does not have security, and that even if she calls the cops on them, the building is far too suburbania to find very quickly. Mary looks absolutely terrified, and refuses to look Ryan in the eye. She eventually gives in, on the account that they will soon leave immediately.
-The find out that she was an ex convent of the Chattering Order of St. Berryl's, a satanic nunnery. She came back because she had been born here, and oddly enough, the convent meant something to her. A good dozen of the Satanists died due to a lightning storm catching the nunnery on fire the night two babies had been born, and three left through the gates. She's never been afraid of Lower Tadfield. Nothing ever happens here. They don't buy it, but it's apparent she believes what she is saying.
-They demand to use the present line to call for another rental, cancel their airport tickets, etcetera etcetera, emphasizing that they are excited about leaving just as much as she does. With this promise, she allows them to do so.
--They manage to get their raw footage to Cloud and cancel their tickets but just as they are about to call for a new car, the lights start flickering. The building rumbles. Mary looks straight at Ryan and tells them to run. They grab each other s hands and does so.
-There halfway down the road when TJ yelps, and Devon announces they are being chased by something. They decide to run into the woods down further down south to lose it.
-It is dusk. Nobody is happy. At least everyone is alive though, which is something. Ryan remarks that the chase scenes in the movies are exactly as tiring as they make it out to be.
-Mark hears running water, and the Crew finds an occupied cottage on the shoreline of the sea. Their sighs are loud; both relieved and annoyed. Mark starts chanting/praying that they are not serial killers. Shane announces that everyone must be ready to leave at a moments notice, and sleep in the woods of they must, to everyone's agreement.
-The man who opens the door wears glasses and low slung jeans, eyebrow raised rudely. His husband, blonde and plump, tells him to let them come in, and that it is nearly dinner. They are gracious hosts-old enough to be someone's grandparents. Cute and domestic as well. Shane goes strangely quiet when the couple dances in the living room, and Ryan chalks it up to their romantic relationship, for which they share talks. There are unoccupied rooms they could bunk in-five; each of them reserved for the couple's godkids. Despite getting their own rooms, Ryan cuddles with Shane. He is oddly tense, at least until they start making out.
-Ryan wakes at night to voices in his ear, and decides to get a glass of something to drink. Shane is out cold. He finds TJ in the kitchen, looking at his phone. It is a picture of his family-Kate and their daughter. This is hugely concerning, as it is a surefire telltale that TJ might not make it. Ryan promises him they'll get back home. TJ clasps him on the back and tells him not to make promises he can't keep.
-Shane wakes the crew at 4 am and tells them, quietly, to pack up and leave for town. He had found a map, and determined the way to navigate. They are confused but obliging. They do not wake their hosts-in fact, Shane seems to want to make sure they leave without their knowledge. They find their way back into Tadfield by 8.30 am, and it is only as they are having bfast that Shane tells them that there is no tech but the radio-which isn't plugged in. The water runs, but the pipes underneath the sink are not attached to anything. Crowley does not eat, and his eyes were....weird. Too many red flags. And as he searched the room for maps before Ryan came into his room the night before, he had found a crumpled poker card of the Antichrist, and Devon admits to finding one of War, a horseman of the Apocalypse, in hers. Mark taps his fork anxiously, and his eyes spell out what they all could tell. The climax is soon.
- It is not until Ryan walks and spots a bespectacled child of Warlocks age that he realizes he has barely seen any children in this town, and suggests that they follow him to ask whether he knew Warlock. The rest of the crew return to the BnB for some well deserved rest, but Shane and Ryan pursues the kid....into the forest.
-They lose him until HE found THEM. He immediately recognizes Ryan, who had to introduce his best friend Shane. Two other kids appear from between the trees. One of them, a girl, has a large wooden sword. They are surrounded. Shane grips Ryans hand, and asks, half jokingly, is they are serial killers, and if they are intending to kill him.
-The Them claims that it happened like, one time, and they do not plan to kill Shane, but their smile looks too wide to be genuine, like they are sharing a personal joke. The boys start walking away. The Them follows. Ryan asks if they know Warlock. They stop, sharing looks. Brian asks how they met Warlock. Ryan refuses to tell them . The kids get defensive, the way 13 year olds tend to get when they are about to justify doing a notable offense, like staying awake past bedtime The wind picks up, and the kids get visibly relieved. Brian tells them that Adam is coming, in a way that makes them feel like they definitely do not want to meet Adam. They scram it.
-They are being chased again. This time, when Ryan looks back, he sees what looks like a dog but isn't-like something is badly wearing the skin of a dog, like it has too many limbs to fit into four legs, a slobbering maw and hellfire eyes.
-They manage to leave the woods, and almost get hit by a three wheeled blue car. Shane bangs on the door and it opens for them, and Ryan shouts at them to step on it. It is only when they get to a quaint little cottage at the other end of the town do they acknowledge their saviours-a bespectacled, brown skinned woman and a jittery boyfriend.
-The woman is American. She recognizes them immediately, and says that she is a huge fan of True Crime. It is the most mundane , normal conversation they have for all of 2 days. They enter Jasmine Cottage. Shane slumps.
-there is a horseshoe above the door, and runes etched into the wood. The smell of incense burns strongly, and a redlined conspiracy board in a corner of the kitchen.
-The woman calls herself a professional occultist. A witch, basically. Which is...fine. She is at least honest and blasè about it, which made someone in this godforsaken town at least. Shane spots a picture of the Antichrist on her pinup board, the same one as seen in the poker card he's found in AziCrow's cottage. Anathema notices, and admits that it's complicated. They are confused, angry and terrified, and mentions their encounter with Adam, and everything else they'd had to suffer through as they are stuck in the village. Her facial emotions change from shock, to calculating, to confused, to skeptical, before finally ending In blank. She claims that it is very unlike Adam, as he usually does not go about scaring people from out of the village. He had welcomed her in just fine, and the town had followed short after. Shane asks about the Antichrist and Horsepeople symbolism. She waves that one away, claiming how it wasn't important and that 'They wouldn't believe her anyway.' She offers Meet to drive them back to their Inn, and they accept.
-They get back to the village; as they open the door to their rooms, knowing that the rest of the Crew is waiting for them, Warlock is also there. He takes a single look at them, and raises an eyebrow. They tell him what happened. Warlock frowns. Tells them the only reason they'd been hounded In such a way if Adam wants something from them, and TJ puts his face into their hands.
-They ask if they should lock the door. Warlock tells them not to bother-it won't stop him anyway. Devon asks the possibility of leaving this very night. Warlock shakes his head, but looks contemplating.
-That night, Shane gets kidnapped.
-Ryan doesn't see the culprit, but something tells him it's the Them, and the Hound, and Adam. He runs into the woods. The night is cold and still, but the trees shake like they could be alive. Ryan yells angrily into the void, asking Adam what is it that he wanted, that it's him they actually want, to let Ryan go. He faces the Hound, a slobbering, monstrous nightmare. Ryan thinks he is going to die. There is a boy sitting in a dilipidated throne above a chalk pit with blood red eyes.
-Two headlights pierce through the gloom. The trees still. The hound sits, and Crowley steps out if the Bentley.
-Aziraphale is in the car. Warlock peers over his shoulder. Crowley stomps over and tells Adam to come down-that his game is over, and it stopped being funny for quite some time. Shane stumbles out of the woods, dazed and terrified, and Ryan traps him into an embrace.
-After some chastising Adam admits that he's made a bet with Greasy Johnson in school that Demons and Ghosts are real, and that the Them had managed to convince him that it lives in the woods. He had not believed them, and made them bet that if it was really haunted, Paranormal Investigators would come and make a whole documentary about it. Warlock had showed him a few episodes of BFU, and Adam thought it perfect.
-Crowley scolds him, telling him against manipulating and keeping the Crew here against their will, and Adam looks appropriately chastened. Dawn breaks. The crew emerges from the Inn in a state of panic. Crowley pat's the van twice and it comes to life.
-Someone asked Crowley if the kids really HAD killed people. Crowley waves it away, claiming that it isn't important. In the light of morning, the kids and the dog almost looks normal.
- They decide not to prod any further. Aziraphale apologizes one last time, and tells the that they are welcome in Tadfield if they choose to come again. Ryan and Shane emphasizes that they absolutely will not, ever. Aziraphale nods like he understands. They pack the equipment and leaves the town, possibly England, forever.
-In a few days time, Adam gets an email- a video titled The Horrors of Hogsback Woods, and he grins cheekily to himself.
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gamescare217 · 3 years
How to make logitech gaming software work with g930
Why You Really should Start off Your Gaming Weblog On GameSkinny (Instead Of WordPress)
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arienettewolfe · 5 years
feeling things
I used to type out life updates on here all the time.. but then I started working on growing my YouTube channel and started doing that in my vlogs.. sort of.. but now.. I dunno.. I really miss typing.
You guys, I’m at a crossroads. I can see everything I want to be, and I’m halfway there.. but I’m scared.
It might all sound dumb, but I really want a blog. I know they’re not cool or whatever and no one reads them but I just don’t like that I live online, spread across a few different social media platforms that could disappear at any moment.
My goal, is to have a blog that has different sections, one for lifestyle tutorials (cooking, DIYs, fashion etc), one for life updates and one for my music. I knew it would take me a long time to save enough money to buy all of the equipment I need for music, but I only have one thing left to buy now! It’s taken a year which is waaaay faster than I thought it would take me
(I don’t really like talking about money.. but I’m a housewife, I don’t work and lots of people IRL think I’m spoiled rotten and my fiance buys me anything I want but a few years ago I took over our finances and we both have savings accounts that are automatically transferred $100 each week, that’s our individual spending money and I’ve been saving up that to buy my instruments)
The only thing I didn’t buy was my keyboard, that was a birthday present.
I wish to have my space set up so that I don’t have to move furniture or pull equipment out of storage.
This has been the longest I’ve ever stuck with something. When I decided that I wanted to make videos two years ago I knew it would take a really long time to get good at it (I’m still not quite there but soon :p) and I knew that it would take a long time to buy everything I needed and learn the new skills etc. Then when I added in music to the mix last year I was really excited to have found something I’m actually good at but also terrified because of how much LONGER it would now take to get everything...
but still.. here I am.. one piece left to buy. That final piece only costs $200, sure I still need to wait for the basement reno to be finished before the recording studio gets it’s permanent home but that could be sometime this year.
This is the year I turn 30, and also the year that I finish steps I’ve been working towards for years.
I guess it’s making me feel some things, but I’m not sure what they are because I don’t think I’ve felt them before
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First draft of sticker
So one of the main ideas from our Six Thinking Hats visual thinking session was using stickers for the public to engage or interact with. We wanted to combine this with a few of our other ideas as well to create a fully interactive experience for the audience, that in turn promotes the richness of the High St. 
This image above shows the first draft of what we created for the idea. The stickers would be given to the business owners whose properties were once a place of interest. They can stick it on their windows to draw in an audience, who once that scan/type in the code/Instagram account (etc) will give them a personalised tour of the High St and inform them of all the fascinating places to go nearby.
There are a few parts of the scanning and how the stickers link to the online map/Instagram feed that needs to be finalized but otherwise, we feel confident in our progress so far and the basis of the creative interventions concept. 
If you don’t want to use the stickers on the shop windows the hashtag #GonebutnotForgotten (as exampled in the sketch) will allow you to find the buildings and surrounding history and stories on our Instagram account: SaveHighStreet. We are planning to include updates on places, discounts, and events happening in High St to further promote its deep culture. 
We chose Instagram because of the popularity of blogging and vlogging. The statistics we discovered on Stastita were from 2016 and we discussed in depth the relevance of the low percentage of people using apps to find out about goods and services. We argued and came to the conclusion that that statistic, in particular, does not apply to us because of our format and goal of an interactive user experience. We are not solely fishing for customers to buy into sales promotions, that is not the outcome we are rating our success on, we are looking for people to ‘buy into’ the High St as a place to be. 
Back to Instagram, it is generally more popular than Tumblr or other blogging platforms. It’s easy to use and you can significant exposure on it if you use it effectively as we are trying to do. Hashtags are very useful and they are easy to find, this is why we devised our own. 
We are using Google Maps because It’s more convenient than a paper map and less wasteful. It fits well with Falmouth and its zero-waste and ‘eco-student’ aesthetic.  It’s also a lot faster, and cheaper to update in a digital app platform, as well as the main and largest benefit being that almost everyone has google maps and uses it constantly on their phones.
Our next plan is to continue sketching and prototyping. This design is simply a draft and we as a team are open to re-working and discussing more options for the stickers art direction. As we also plan to complete the map on Google Maps then our ideas for the design we are open to change because of that. We want the feel and the look of our creative intervention to visually flow quite nicely together so that although we have merged 3 ideas together the creative intervention in whole feels consistent and together. 
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yuppielionheart · 5 years
kriz Wanders in Taiwan: New Year Escape 2019
DIY travel is in nowadays, but we have to admit that having a DO-IT-YOURSELF Travel in a country wherein you are unfamiliar and you can not understand their language is a bit difficult, but me and my friends were able to pull it off when we took our vacation last December 2018 to spend our New year in Taipei, Taiwan. I’m going to share our 6 day itinerary and some of our travel hacks. So if you are interested, keep on reading this blog.
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So this is my first time to travel overseas, and luckily, I don’t have to get a visa for this trip since currently, Taiwan is visa free for Filipinos. Originally, my friends and I were planning to spend the first quarter of 2019 in Cebu for Sinulog. But, suddenly they had a change of plan and I had to choose if I will come with them, or I will just go to Cebu on my own. And that’s how I ended up with this trip. Taiwan was not in the list of the countries that I wanted to visit, but as I come to wander around, I fell in love with the place. And so with the people who are very nice to us.
We booked our flight way ahead of time, so we can get a lower price for the plane tickets and my friend booked a place via airBnB, which is supposed to be cheap if only, we were able to book ahead of time. There is a big price increase if you will book a month before your stay, which happened to us.
So does with the place that we're going to stay, we didn't book ahead of time. When we were doing a canvas like 6 mos before our stay, the price was cheap, but when we alreadydecided to book a place, few months before our flight, that was the time that the price suddenly went up.
So always remember, BOOK AHEAD OF TIME!
You can really save some money if you will book ahead of time from the tickets to the place that you will stay. What happened to me was, I was so confident that I won't be needing an extra baggage allowance, since it will just be a week of stay, but in the end, I realized that I need an extra baggage, which lead me to a pricey addition of extra baggage. If you will just add a week before your flight, then it would cost you a lot. That was my case, and I regret it.
TIP # 2 FREE WATER @ the airport
We arrived in Taiwan at around 1AM, most stores in the airport is already closed at that time. Since most stores are not open when we arrived, the choice that we have is the 7-11, it's open 24 hours near the airport food court. But if you just want a water and you don't want to spend, the airport water refilling station is there. If you've watched my Vlog, it's the part where in there is a paper cups.  I was a bit amazed when I first saw the paper cups and I was like, that's cool.
Upon arrival at the airport, you're going to need some money to spend to buy some stuffs. There's a money changer as soon as you go out after picking up your luggage in the carousell area.
My friends chose to have there Php change to NT before leaving the country, they bought some NT in NAIA before our flight. They had an exchange rate of 1.85Php to 1NT that time.
But I chose to exchange my money as soon as I arrive in Taoyuan Airport. Since I have US dollar, the exchange rate will be higher to NT than if I chose to buy NT using Php.
1 US Dollar = 30NT
NOTE: The money changer at the airport only charges 0.30NT compared to having a money exchange at the local bank in Taiwan which charges 200NT.
I really regret that I didn't exchanged everything at the airport, and just had my other money exchanged at the bank a few days after our arrival. I didn't have an idea that it would cost that much.
TIP # 4 PORTABLE WIFI + SIM (Bought at the airport)
We live in a modern age, where in internet is a part of our life and we love to update our social media accounts on our whereabouts. So here's a very useful and economical tip that I can share with you guys. You don't have to register your sim for roaming and subscribe to a surf promo using your local network here in the country so you can use data when you're abroad. You don't also need to rent a portable wifi in the airport  or from an online shop.
What you'll need is just YOUR OWN PORTABLE POCKET WIFI which is not locked from any network (OPENLINE), so you can use any network and enjoy surfing.
So upon arrival at the airport, we decided to buy a simcard that is under a local network in Taiwan, what's cool about is for 5 days, you'll get unlimited data for only 300NT!
That's cheap!
And of course, having an internet connection in a foreign country is a way of survival, well that's our case. We can always use google maps, online translator so we could understand the things that we're not able to understand.
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There are a lot of ways to get around in Taiwan, there's MRT, BUS and TAXI. But we chose to use the MRT, because it's easier and faster than taking a ride by bus/taxi. You should be aware of the bus routes, if you will choose to get around by bus, there bus ride system is different than ours because they use bus route numbers for their destinations. MRT is very convenient for transportation and cheaper. Since most of the tourist spots can be accessed using MRT, we chose this as our mode of transportation.
NOTE: You can buy a card that is good for 1 week stay in the train station, so you don't have to buy chips whenever you're going to take train/bus ride.
But in our case, since we know that we won't be able to consume everything in the card, we chose to buy chips every time we're going to need it.
(See here: Getting around Taiwan)
It will be much easier to wander around the area and will be cheaper if you will stay near MRT stations. In our case, since our place is near the MRT Station, whenever we're going out, we will just walk to the nearest station and head to our destination.
We only took a cab like twice? It's because we are too tired that we don't want to walk anymore.
There are two options in taking a cab:
1. UBER - it's simple, just pin the place and you're good to go, no need to explain.
NOTE: Cash is not accepted, so you must connect your credit/debit card in your account as a mode of payment.
2. Hire a taxi
We're lucky enough that the driver is fluent in english so we we're able to understand each other and had a fast drive.
So here is our travel itinerary
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You can go here by walking from Taipei Main Station, no need to ride.
Day 2:
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You can find a lot of animals that is not present here in our tropical country. So if you're an animal lover, you must visit this place. There is just an entrance fee of 60NT.
From here you can also ride going to MAOKONG, however you can also go to Maokong without entering the zoo, because they have a station outside the zoo. In our case, we rode from the south station of Taipei Zoo going to Maokong Station, which costed us 70NT.
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A post shared by Kristine Bonx (@kristinemaeb) on Dec 30, 2018 at 12:38am PST
It's very cold here!
So we went here riding a crystal clear cable car, it's a 30 minute ride so the 120NT charge is not bad (MAOKONG STATION-TAIPEI ZOO STATION)
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A post shared by Kristine Bonx (@kristinemaeb) on Dec 30, 2018 at 1:39am PST
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A post shared by Kristine Bonx (@kristinemaeb) on Dec 30, 2018 at 3:26am PST
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If you love shopping, this is the place to go. The Red brick house is also found here.
Another place to go for shoppers. There's a nice vietnamese restaurant here.
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At Taipei 101, there's a starbucka where in you can chill and enjoy the beautiful view of Taipei city, but you'll have to make reservations for it.
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A post shared by Kristine Bonx (@kristinemaeb) on Dec 31, 2018 at 3:50am PST
TIGERROAR is a korean cuisine restaurant and they have great food. This is where we chose to have our New Year's eve dinner. Most restaurants were full and we found this as we search for a place to eat. 
NEXT = > DAY 4
0 notes
How to Create a WordPress Blog For Your Internet Business Opportunity
How to Create a WordPress Blog For Your Internet Business Opportunity
A blog is a type of website maintained by means of regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, graphics and or video. A blog is a very simple method for promoting your individual internet business opportunity with practical and valuable content; content that can be applied to any business whether online or offline.
The written content you post on your blog is referred to as a "blog post." Your blog posts can show up in the search engine results of Google for specific keywords that are in your posts. For example, if you wrote a blog post about "the difference between top tier direct sales and MLM," your blog could show up in Google's results when someone searches for "top tier direct sales". Blog post entries are generally displayed in reverse-chronological order.
Blogs provide commentary on a particular subject or can function as more personal online diary. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments is an important element of many blogs. Most blogs are generally text, although most will also include photographs and videos. Micro blogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts.
The following list provides some incredible statistics and the significance of a blog for today's internet marketer.
Blogosphere Stats 133,000,000 – Number of blogs indexed by Technorati since 2002 346,000,000 – number of people globally who read blogs (COM Score March 2008) 900,000 – Average number of blog posts in a 24 hour period There are many different types of blogs, different not only in the type of content, but also in the way that content is delivered or written. The following are only a few examples:
Personal Blogs The personal, traditional blog is the most common form of blog. It is an ongoing commentary or commentary by an individual. Few personal blogs rise to fame but some personal blogs quickly acquire a wide spread following. Microblogging is a form of a personal blog which is extremely detailed and seeks to capture a moment in time. Sites such as Twitter and Facebook allow bloggers to share thoughts instantaneously with friends and family and are much faster than e-mailing or writing.
Corporate and Organizational Blogs A blog can be private or it can be for utilized for business purposes. Blogs used for marketing, branding or public relations purposes are called corporate blogs. Similar blogs for clubs and societies are called club blogs, group blogs, etc .; typically used to inform members and interested parties of club and member activities.
By Interest Some blogs focus on a specific subject, such as political blogs, travel blogs, house blogs, fashion blogs, education blogs, music blogs, legal blogs, etc. Two common types of genre blogs are art blogs and music blogs.
By Media Type A blog comprising videos is called a vlog, one following links is called a linklog, a site containing a portfolio of sketches is called a sketchblog or one follows photos is called a photoblog. Blogs with shorter posts and mixed media types are called tumblelogs.
A blog is primarily a website that allows you to quickly and easily add fresh content whenever you wish. Blogs are easy to publish (you only need to know how to type, easy to find (your audience can easily find your content), social (a great way to build a presence in the online community), viral (your blog posts can be virally distributed), and easy to link to and from. Blogs do require frequent and ongoing maintenance as the addition of fresh content – writing, photos, video, etc. – is necessary in order for a blog to remain effective. relevant, informative, thought provoking, etc …
There are many different blogging platforms. If you are new to blogging WordPress.com is a very simple platform for ease of setup. WordPress provides flexibility, tutorials and support and you can easily migrate your content from one blogging platform to another should you choose to switch platforms in the future. Do be aware WordPress.com can place ads on your website. However, this can be avoided if you choose to use WordPress.org By paying for you hosting, which is very minimal in cost, you gain total control of all your content without unsolicited advertisements. And most importantly you avoid the risk of never being suspended.
Now the following are a few basic action steps to start you blogging experience:
1. Sign up for a WordPress Account 2. Select a theme 3. Select a hosting account (this can be done at a late time) 4. Write Your First Blog Post
Easy Ways to Get Blog Post Ideas: • Write down 5 things you learned today, and post it on your blog. • When you learn something new, post it on your blog. • When you do something fun, post it on your blog. • When you make a video, post it on your blog. • When you take new pictures, post them on your blog along with a description of what you did. • When you have a strong opinion about something, post it on your blog. • When you submit a new article or press release, post the link with a brief summary on your blog. • If you have the solution to a common problem in the industry, make a blog post.
5. "Ping" It When you "ping" your blog you are notifying the search engines that you have new content on your blog. • Step One: Go to Pingomatic.com • Step Two: Enter the name and the URL of your blog. • Step Three: Click all blog services to Ping. • Step Four: Make sure you ping every time you update your blog with new content.
6. Manage Comments Comments are good; it means you have active readers. Make a point to respond to your readers who take the time to leave a comment. If someone makes a general comment you can always respond with "Thanks for your comments. If you disagree with a comment one of your readers let them know WHY you disagree. Do not be defensive or confrontational. Be open to joining the conversation and supporting your opinion in a rational effective manner. Remember, you want to give your readers a reason to regularly return to your blog.
You are now on your way to becoming a professional blogger. Here are several basic tips and tricks.
• Do not ever plagiarize. If you are quoting content from another source be sure to cite your references and include any appropriate links. • Always be yourself and be original. • Share your opinions. • Avoid clichés. • Provide Fresh Content • Provide real content, not just sales' pitches. Your blog posts should not sound like sales' pitches. You should be sharing valuable thoughts, ideas, and opinions with your readers. As a general rule in blogging and in marketing in general, you want to provide 80% content for every 20% sales pitches. • Engage in meaningful dialogue with your readers through comments. Your audience will increase as your readers share your blog with their circle of influence and they'll be more likely to do this if you take the time to acknowledge their interest in your blog. • When sharing your opinions, consider framing your thoughts in such a way where you acknowledge that you could be wrong. If you come across as being close-minded to new ideas or other perspectives you run the risk of turning your readers off. However, if you pose your opinions from a "here's what I'm thinking right now" perspective, you could encourage some healthy debate in your comments. With that said, some of the most successful blogs are highly controversial and unapologetically opinionated. • Check out other blogs. Examine other blogger's styles and discover what you like and what you do not like.
The following are several more advanced suggestions:
1. Blogging Etiquette When you include a link to another site in your blog post WordPress will automatically "ping" that site letting them know you just linked to them. If both blogs are on the same platform you should see a reference to your trackback link in their comments section. When someone links to your blog you should always go check out their blog and then leave a thoughtful, intelligent comment on their blog. Include your blog's URL with your name in the comment and this will not only foster two-way communication between you and the other blogger, but will also encourage them readers to also check out your blog.
2. Submit Your Blogs to Web 2.0 Sites You can get rankings to specific keyword posts with the keyword by submitting your post to all the Web 2.0 sites with a service called Socialmarker.com. After you input your title, URL, descriptions and your username and password to each site, Socialmarker will submit your post to 20 to 30 Web 2.0 sites for you with one-button simplicity.
3. Optimize Your Blog for Search Engines If you have a post that you want to push up in the search engine results you will want to have your keywords in the title of your post, in the first paragraph and in the closing or concluding paragraph. A simple trick to include your keyword or keyword phrase in your title is to create a title such as "How to find / do (insert keyword)".
As you become proficient with blogging you might want to consider advertising on your own blog. To accomplish this you will have to setup a self hosted blog ie WordPress.org. This will allow to place your own text or banner ads on your site or to take advantage of an advertising network such as Google AdSense. A self-hosted WordPress.org site will also provide you with much more flexibility with the layout, design and advertising options on your blog.
Ata Rehman
0 notes
yourabsentgod-blog · 6 years
How to Create a WordPress Blog For Your Internet Business Opportunity
How to Create a WordPress Blog For Your Internet Business Opportunity
A blog is a type of website maintained by means of regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, graphics and or video. A blog is a very simple method for promoting your individual internet business opportunity with practical and valuable content; content that can be applied to any business whether online or offline.
The written content you post on your blog is referred to as a "blog post." Your blog posts can show up in the search engine results of Google for specific keywords that are in your posts. For example, if you wrote a blog post about "the difference between top tier direct sales and MLM," your blog could show up in Google's results when someone searches for "top tier direct sales". Blog post entries are generally displayed in reverse-chronological order.
Blogs provide commentary on a particular subject or can function as more personal online diary. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments is an important element of many blogs. Most blogs are generally text, although most will also include photographs and videos. Micro blogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts.
The following list provides some incredible statistics and the significance of a blog for today's internet marketer.
Blogosphere Stats 133,000,000 – Number of blogs indexed by Technorati since 2002 346,000,000 – number of people globally who read blogs (COM Score March 2008) 900,000 – Average number of blog posts in a 24 hour period There are many different types of blogs, different not only in the type of content, but also in the way that content is delivered or written. The following are only a few examples:
Personal Blogs The personal, traditional blog is the most common form of blog. It is an ongoing commentary or commentary by an individual. Few personal blogs rise to fame but some personal blogs quickly acquire a wide spread following. Microblogging is a form of a personal blog which is extremely detailed and seeks to capture a moment in time. Sites such as Twitter and Facebook allow bloggers to share thoughts instantaneously with friends and family and are much faster than e-mailing or writing.
Corporate and Organizational Blogs A blog can be private or it can be for utilized for business purposes. Blogs used for marketing, branding or public relations purposes are called corporate blogs. Similar blogs for clubs and societies are called club blogs, group blogs, etc .; typically used to inform members and interested parties of club and member activities.
By Interest Some blogs focus on a specific subject, such as political blogs, travel blogs, house blogs, fashion blogs, education blogs, music blogs, legal blogs, etc. Two common types of genre blogs are art blogs and music blogs.
By Media Type A blog comprising videos is called a vlog, one following links is called a linklog, a site containing a portfolio of sketches is called a sketchblog or one follows photos is called a photoblog. Blogs with shorter posts and mixed media types are called tumblelogs.
A blog is primarily a website that allows you to quickly and easily add fresh content whenever you wish. Blogs are easy to publish (you only need to know how to type, easy to find (your audience can easily find your content), social (a great way to build a presence in the online community), viral (your blog posts can be virally distributed), and easy to link to and from. Blogs do require frequent and ongoing maintenance as the addition of fresh content – writing, photos, video, etc. – is necessary in order for a blog to remain effective. relevant, informative, thought provoking, etc …
There are many different blogging platforms. If you are new to blogging WordPress.com is a very simple platform for ease of setup. WordPress provides flexibility, tutorials and support and you can easily migrate your content from one blogging platform to another should you choose to switch platforms in the future. Do be aware WordPress.com can place ads on your website. However, this can be avoided if you choose to use WordPress.org By paying for you hosting, which is very minimal in cost, you gain total control of all your content without unsolicited advertisements. And most importantly you avoid the risk of never being suspended.
Now the following are a few basic action steps to start you blogging experience:
1. Sign up for a WordPress Account 2. Select a theme 3. Select a hosting account (this can be done at a late time) 4. Write Your First Blog Post
Easy Ways to Get Blog Post Ideas: • Write down 5 things you learned today, and post it on your blog. • When you learn something new, post it on your blog. • When you do something fun, post it on your blog. • When you make a video, post it on your blog. • When you take new pictures, post them on your blog along with a description of what you did. • When you have a strong opinion about something, post it on your blog. • When you submit a new article or press release, post the link with a brief summary on your blog. • If you have the solution to a common problem in the industry, make a blog post.
5. "Ping" It When you "ping" your blog you are notifying the search engines that you have new content on your blog. • Step One: Go to Pingomatic.com • Step Two: Enter the name and the URL of your blog. • Step Three: Click all blog services to Ping. • Step Four: Make sure you ping every time you update your blog with new content.
6. Manage Comments Comments are good; it means you have active readers. Make a point to respond to your readers who take the time to leave a comment. If someone makes a general comment you can always respond with "Thanks for your comments. If you disagree with a comment one of your readers let them know WHY you disagree. Do not be defensive or confrontational. Be open to joining the conversation and supporting your opinion in a rational effective manner. Remember, you want to give your readers a reason to regularly return to your blog.
You are now on your way to becoming a professional blogger. Here are several basic tips and tricks.
• Do not ever plagiarize. If you are quoting content from another source be sure to cite your references and include any appropriate links. • Always be yourself and be original. • Share your opinions. • Avoid clichés. • Provide Fresh Content • Provide real content, not just sales' pitches. Your blog posts should not sound like sales' pitches. You should be sharing valuable thoughts, ideas, and opinions with your readers. As a general rule in blogging and in marketing in general, you want to provide 80% content for every 20% sales pitches. • Engage in meaningful dialogue with your readers through comments. Your audience will increase as your readers share your blog with their circle of influence and they'll be more likely to do this if you take the time to acknowledge their interest in your blog. • When sharing your opinions, consider framing your thoughts in such a way where you acknowledge that you could be wrong. If you come across as being close-minded to new ideas or other perspectives you run the risk of turning your readers off. However, if you pose your opinions from a "here's what I'm thinking right now" perspective, you could encourage some healthy debate in your comments. With that said, some of the most successful blogs are highly controversial and unapologetically opinionated. • Check out other blogs. Examine other blogger's styles and discover what you like and what you do not like.
The following are several more advanced suggestions:
1. Blogging Etiquette When you include a link to another site in your blog post WordPress will automatically "ping" that site letting them know you just linked to them. If both blogs are on the same platform you should see a reference to your trackback link in their comments section. When someone links to your blog you should always go check out their blog and then leave a thoughtful, intelligent comment on their blog. Include your blog's URL with your name in the comment and this will not only foster two-way communication between you and the other blogger, but will also encourage them readers to also check out your blog.
2. Submit Your Blogs to Web 2.0 Sites You can get rankings to specific keyword posts with the keyword by submitting your post to all the Web 2.0 sites with a service called Socialmarker.com. After you input your title, URL, descriptions and your username and password to each site, Socialmarker will submit your post to 20 to 30 Web 2.0 sites for you with one-button simplicity.
3. Optimize Your Blog for Search Engines If you have a post that you want to push up in the search engine results you will want to have your keywords in the title of your post, in the first paragraph and in the closing or concluding paragraph. A simple trick to include your keyword or keyword phrase in your title is to create a title such as "How to find / do (insert keyword)".
As you become proficient with blogging you might want to consider advertising on your own blog. To accomplish this you will have to setup a self hosted blog ie WordPress.org. This will allow to place your own text or banner ads on your site or to take advantage of an advertising network such as Google AdSense. A self-hosted WordPress.org site will also provide you with much more flexibility with the layout, design and advertising options on your blog.
Ata Rehman
0 notes