#visual kei translation
Kumo no ito (English translation)
Clatter, clatter, clatter, waiting for the right moment
Rattle, rattle, rattle, aiming for my prey
See, I can't wait any longer
I hope you're so happy that your mouth starts foaming
So delicious, it melts on my tongue
Today is gloomy
That’s good, isn’t it?
Let’s enjoy the meal
Decorating the dinner table,
a crimson corpse
Cute, cute,
Whatever I’ll do, I’ll be forgiven
It’s no good,
If you will get hurt,
You will seem miserable
Living happily
The colours of life
Our worth has been defined by everyone
Let's hope for the best
Where shall we go
Or were you never interested to begin with?
You're going to get stomped on.
Sticky, sticky, sticky
Tickled by the threads of a spider
It’s a bad dream,
I'm dripping with drool
Let's dance
I believe in god - that's what they say.
That's not true, is it?
I myself am god, right?
Obey me, obey me!
I don't need feelings
Only if you are delicious or tasteless
You are cute and useful for a wealthy life
Don’t even open your mouth,
Open your body
You look delicious
It's a wonderful world, isn't it?
Neverland, the world of dreams
Yes, in this happy world
Only my head is laughing
That man who decides everything
who decides the fate of the world?
From this day forward,
this spider shall judge you
I'll show you
Sticky, sticky, sticky
Tickled by the threads of a spider
It’s a bad dream,
I'm dripping with drool
Let's dance
How much are people worth?
What is their use?
Your friends have been erased because of what you've done
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yridenergyridenergy · 7 months
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Vicious August 1998
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satoshi-mochida · 26 days
Classic Key Visual Novel ‘Kanon’ English Release Announced
From Noisy Pixel
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Visual Arts/Key has announced an English release for Kanon. The classic game was Key’s first title back in 1999 and started the brand. It’ll come to PC via Steam but no release window was revealed.
Kanon tells the story of Yuichi Aizawa, a young man staying at his aunt's after his parents moved overseas. Seven years have passed since he was last in this town and his memories of back then are fuzzy.
On the day he moves, a young girl called Ayu Tsukimiya bumps into him. Later, he will get to know other girls who’ll become important in his life, including his cousin, Nayuki Minase, who studies in the same class as him.
Kanon had a recent Switch release by Prototype but that edition was only available in Japanese. This new Steam release marks the first time in 25 years that the game will have English subtitles as an option.
Kanon was Key’s debut title, with Jun Maeda at the helm of Makoto’s, Mai’s and Sayuri’s routes while Naoki Hisaya handled the others. The duo had also worked together on MOON. and ONE, and are well-known for their relevance in establishing the nakige genre (visual novels that pull at your heartstrings).
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junk-story · 14 days
Atsushi and Me – Tanaka Junichi, Director - Ongaku to Hito Special Edition
This interview is on pages 68-69 of the magazine. Footnotes can be found at the bottom of the text.
At the time we first met, the areas where he was immature as a vocalist were numerous. However, he had a unique worldview. For so-called rock vocalists, sexy vocalizations and a husky voice is becoming characteristic, but Sakurai-kun’s voice wasn’t those things, and it had popular-music-like elements to it. There were some who said his voice rivaled The Checkers.1
But, when I met him for the first time at a yakiniku shop in Harajuku, Sakurai-kun said that he liked Peter Murphy (of Bauhaus). So I think he wanted to combine the best parts of Japanese music with bands like Bauhaus and The Cure’s English dark wave to make a style of music not seen before in Japan. That was the sort of conversation we had. Maybe at that time, he thought what he wanted to do could take shape.
The realization of that was “TABOO”, but after that, a change came about in Sakurai-kun’s self-expression. The apex of that was “Kurutta Taiyou”. BUCK-TICK began to function as a place where Sakurai-kun could vent the love and hate and regrets he was holding about his home and his mother. After that, the color of Sakurai-kun became stronger, and what came from within him, the lust for life and desire for death, things like that became his themes, and their music was also influenced by that. At the time, they often heard the opinion at Victor that “it would be better to write things that are easier to understand”, and if they had, they might have been a bigger hit, maybe even hitting the million-seller mark, but, I suppose it’s because he wasn’t hindered in expressing himself that they were able to continue until now. In the first place, they weren’t even looking for that. And his songs, which came to have these themes at their core, had refined his expressiveness, and he was able to develop himself.
I worked for about 36 years recording Sakurai-kun’s songs, but he left all of it to me.2 “I’m doomed to my fate3, so I’ll sing a number of takes in my best form, and afterward, please use your favorite”, he’d say. I almost never had any requests about the take I chose. This is really an incredible thing. Most singers give me detailed requests, but he didn’t. I guess he realized that other people saw things differently than he did, and if he thought they did, I think he thought it was best to elevate that different expression atop the stage. Also, I think he was considerate about not making others feel bad.
Yes, he was a considerate and kind person. For example, when he was traveling to a big city studio, he was coming by car and got stuck in traffic, so he was also late. At times like that, although many musicians would have come in unashamed, Sakurai-kun was prostrate. “Everyone, truly, I’m so sorry…”, he’d say, and he’d bow his head to everyone all the way down to the studio’s assistant. He was someone who understood general thinking. And, he wasn’t that conscious of his commercial success. He also had no desire for fame. For that kind of person to continue being in a band, and think they want to make a career of it, that’s an extremely curious thing. Well...more than the music, more than the band, I suppose the important thing was that he was doing it with the other members. That’s why he was slow to start things outside of that, and he’d find it bothersome. (laughs) There were also things like that, and his solo album, “Ai no Wakusei”, was outsourced by me to various people, and Sakurai-kun only did the singing for it. Because when he’d communicate directly, he’d start to think about what to say, get nervous, and end up thinking about various things. (laughs)
Even after the band separated from Victor, behind the scenes, I did the recording for a number of songs. This is presumptuous of me to say, but I think I was the only one they could leave to doing it for them. However, what I think now...he would sing five takes, and he wanted to hear from me which of the takes was really the best one. Although I can’t confirm that now...but I’d like to think...that he knew the take that I thought was the best, was the best take for BUCK-TICK.
However, from the start, there were also times where he wasn’t the kind of person who could do that. (laughs) The time from “darker than darkness – style 93 – ” to “Six/Nine” was quite tumultuous. He wouldn’t show up to do vocal recordings. (laughs) This was an era without cell phones, so all we could do was wait, and after 10 hours passed, he finally came. (laughs) When we finished recording the vocals, I was listening and heard they’d driven to Mount Fuji. (laughs) There was everything with his mother, and I imagine he was pushed to a breaking point mentally. But from that, the “death” part of love and death came to expand significantly.
At that time, he was experiencing the chaos of the adult world, and I wonder if he didn’t come to have a hard time knowing what was real. So he wanted to run away from everything; his work and private life were both a mess. He drank alcohol like a drunk, like he was trying to forget reality. To put It nicely, he was pure. He wasn’t a person who could get along well in this world. However, he’d tasted that life, so the lyrics of that time had that reality in them. It may just be what I imagine, but “darker than darkness – style 93 – ” is all real. It’s not something that was made.4 I want everyone to listen to it again like that. And it’s also because of that experience that his love, hope, and kindness of not wanting to die emerged after that. And he started expressing his feelings more honestly.
Therefore, his love for family was incredible. Especially for the daughters. He had something he needed to protect, so he started to want to live. Sakurai Atsushi didn’t abandon himself to despair. I wanted to listen to more songs like that from him. If he had, then maybe a chapter where we met again would have begun. With a man who aged well.
Other than that, what I remember is nothing but stuff when we were drinking. (laughs) Because it was incredible, in any case. The live would end, and from about 11 PM we’d take off. After that, it was typical to spend time at Roppongi’s BOO!WHO?WOO!, and the shop has a small window that you can see the outside from, so you know when dawn is breaking. Nevertheless, Sakurai-kun was lively. Meanwhile, “Waratte ii tomo!”5 starts on the television. And then it got dark outside again. We were drinking that entire time. How much alcohol can a person go on drinking? I remember wondering.
Also, he was a person who was loved by everyone. By that I mean falling in love. When we were returning from London and at the airport counter checking in, the attendant saw Sakurai-kun, got heart eyes, and gave us a seat upgrade, and we were able to have an elegant return trip home because of it. (laughs)
1 Band from the same era (worth checking out!) 2 He allowed Tanaka to call the shots. 3 This turn of phrase didn’t really work well in any way I translated it...but sort of like, “there’s nothing to be done for it” – here he is, all he can do is his best! Like that. 4 Just in case this isn’t clear – he means this wasn’t constructed or fake in any way – this is truly where Sakurai was mentally at the time. 5 A long running variety TV show that was hosted by Tamori. It started at noon, to give you a reference of the time he’s talking about here.
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losrtphu · 10 months
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original scan
link to part 1
What's a dream that you've had recently?
RYUICHI: I had a dream where i was put on fire. i was on the rooftop of a building and i was talking to the sky and a random guy came and burned off my left arm.
SUGIZO: I don't remember.. i have a lot of dreams though.
INORAN: When we we're recording i was asleep dreaming about arranging songs.
J: I'm still dreaming now. I'm a boy who's always dreaming (laughs)
SHINYA: I always dream when i go to sleep so i don't know (laughs)
How would you describe what God is?
RYUICHI: Someone who knows everything
SUGIZO: God is the creator of everything, and all knowing. but his form might be all humans as well.
INORAN: ...I wonder where he could be
J: God's real form...i feel like it would be something inside all of us not a figure like Christ or Buddha
SHINYA: Something that is really important/precious. i have a really strong sense of faith so I've never missed hatsumoude (first shrine visit of the year).
What is something that lasts forever?
RYUICHI: I still haven't found it.
SUGIZO: The idea of space. but there might not be anything that lasts forever, but on my level of thinking i would say space
INORAN:hmm... i would definitely say love
J: That is something that I've always been searching for
SHINYA: Something that is endless would have to mean that it's something that you have to pursue but i guess that would also make it impossible to reach.
How do you spend most of your nights and from what hours?
RYUICHI: The time that i do spend in my house is very short. around 12pm i take a bath, have dinner, watch a video on cars. yea i probably do those the most.
SUGIZO: I am always up until the sun comes.
INORAN: I turn the TV because there's always something always going on , but by 4am I'll definitely have NO energy
J: Around after 12pm I'm usually drinking and rolling on my sofa listening to music.
SHINYA: I space out while thinking about a bunch of stuff, while watching TV.
Favorite 3 CDs that you've been listening to during this recording period(TN: genuinely thought i was going insane because only shinya names CDs, everyone else just names the artist for some reason???)
RYUICHI: I haven't had any to listen to recently. I've kind of stopped listening to CDs.
SUGIZO: what I've been listening to is "ICE" and "DREAM DOLPHIN", but "TRICKY" has been my favorite since last year
INORAN: There's quite a lot so i cant pick what's my top 3, but i would probably say john Coltrane's album
J: Smashing pumpkins, Silverchair and John Osborne (TN: I'm guessing he means Ozzy Osborne)
SHINYA: none. when recording i only listen to our music, if i were to say which, style, mother and Eden.
Whats the first thing or person that comes to your mind when i say "quiet/still" ?
RYUICHI: I know a woman who is the exact meaning of the word silent, if i were to say an object..maybe a clock and i would also say that the waves of the sea feel still.
SUGIZO: The moon. the thought of death. I feel that if something is quiet/still it is like death, and not in a negative way but in a beautiful way
INORAN: I don't know...i think stillness coexists with movement
J: Me... why are you laughing??(laughs)
SHINYA: I think i would say God. i feel like he has a very still/quiet image.
Name a moment in the past when you've been the most angry
RYUICHI: I get pissed off when I'm denied to live the way i want to.
SUGIZO: Betrayal in human relationships, there's so many people that i would kill if i met them again.  
INORAN: I get angry often so i honestly don't know (laughs)
J: Around high-school because i had to suddenly decided my own future
SHINYA: At the Budokan live a typhoon blew away the set, i genuinely went insane. (TN:pretty sure this was also their first Budokan live)
Name something that you want right now
RYUICHI: I know perfect things don't exist, but i want an honest love
SUGIZO: Sometime for my mind to go blank.
INORAN: Endless time.
J: Myself, time to be alone as myself.
SHINYA: A medicine that that makes me able to be awake all the time, sleeping is just a waste of time.
Name a book/s that you read often
RYUICHI: I think i have a lot of car books, the books are western so they have a different feel.
SUGIZO: Phillip k.dick books.
INORAN: I don't read books.
J: A book called それから(TN: no Eng title but I'd translate this as "after that/and then") which is a collection of stories by Akemi Edo
SHINYA: The books that i have, have lately been collections of short poems, its more like "Oh i have nothing to do so I'll just read"
A person who has your ideal lifestyle
RYUICHI: No one, I guess that would mean that person is myself.
SUGIZO: Jim Morrison, or Mike Tyson. I think after he came out of prison his performance has been amazing.
INORAN: The life that I'm living right now is the most ideal.
J: Someone who doesn't give up no matter what life throws at them.
SHINYA: Someone who enjoys life, as in, no matter what they do they have fun, i think that's wonderful.
What makes you want to hug someone?
RYUICHI: I really love casual gestures. gestures that come out without knowing.
SUGIZO: When I love that person so much I can't help it.
INORAN: When i want to hug them.
J: There's lots of different cases so...i guess when i want to hug them (laughs)
SHINYA: After a performance. i can't explain it well but after I've used everything up/got everything out of my system i start to feel like i need to hug someone. (TN: proof -> 1:40 https://youtu.be/VAQ20Qoqgm0?si=QWOcF5rK2Md42-CF&t=101)
What do you think is a sin?
RYUICHI: I don't think anything outweighs the sin of lying to yourself.
SUGIZO: Betrayal, and also suicide.
INORAN: Betrayal.
J: Lying.
SHINYA: It's not something you can count, because living as a human at the core is a sin, if we can all live while being conscious of our actions i think the world would be a better place.
What have you lost recently?
RYUICHI: I think when you stop lying to yourself you have to make sacrifices....so there would also be a time where you have to lose friends or partners.
SUGIZO: Time (laughs)
INORAN: There are probably a lot of things I've lost, in order to gain something you need to lose something.
J: Nothing.
SHINYA: Even if i had lost something i don't really care, if I've gained something I've probably lost something in the process (laughs)
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monster-tree · 2 months
静かなくちづけ by deadman, kanji & translation [ENG] & romaji
包む気配 触れる
温度 伝う
抱き寄せて love you
you are the reason I lived
you are the reason I lived
I wish you come see me
I wish you come see me
くちづけ 花束
包む気配 笑って 笑う
抱きよせてlove you
I wish you come see me
側に居て 思い出じゃない事実が欲しい
I wish you come see me
笑ってる 思い出じゃない今が欲しい
I wish you come see me
またいつか じゃ嫌なんだ
I wish you come see me
またいつか じゃ嫌なんだ
Translation [ENG] - Tranquil Kiss
I can feel being enveloped
and the warmth that follows it
Hold me close love you
Loss is under a veneer of abruptness*
Received warmth is clouded by fog
Alteration is under a veneer of abruptness
You are not in my eyes
You are the reason I lived
The promise of yesterday
You are the reason I lived
White breath**
I wish you come see me
I don't want to be by your side in memories,
I want that in reality
I wish you come see me
A kiss and bouquet
I can't hear answers
No matter how many times they are repeated
I want to know
If you are happy
I can feel being enveloped. Laughing. Laughter
Hold me close love you
I wish you come see me
I don't want being by your side in memories
I want that in reality
I wish you come see me
I don't want a memory of laughing you,
I want that now
I wish you come see me
I don't want the "maybe we'll meet again someday"
I wish you come see me
I don't want the "maybe we'll meet again someday"
*the used word means “make-up” but since we use make-up to cover something, I used the word veneer (which means something that hides something unpleasant or unwanted) -> in this case the suddenness of loss hides/covers the real, negative feelings that come along with it. Same with the next line, a wish to alternate reality, rewrite it is hidden by suddenness of forementioned loss
**white breath can mean literally a spirit but also flowers - baby’s breath flowers - used often as a filler in funeral arrangements where they symbolize purity and are linked to the clouds in heaven
Tsutsumu kehai fureru
Ondo tsutau
Dakiyosete love you
Soushitsu no totsuzen wa keshou
Uketotta ondo ga kiri
Kaki kaeru totsuzen wa keshou
Hitomi ni kimi wa inai
You are the reason I lived
Kinou no yakusoku
You are the reason I lived
Shiroi iki
I wish you come see me
Soba ni iru omoide jianai jijitsu ga hoshii
I wish you come see me
Kuchizuke hanataba
Kotae wa kikoenai
Nando kurikaeshite mo
Oshiete hoshii
Shiawase de iru no ka wo
Tsutsumu kehai waratte warau
Dakiyosete love you
I wish you come see me
Soba ni ite omoide jianai jijitsu ga hoshii
I wish you come see me
Waratteru omoide jianai ima ga hoshii
I wish you come see me
Mata itsuka jia iyananda
I wish you come see me
Mata itsuka jia iyananda
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eyelectricmoon · 1 year
That time hide, Heath and Akemi Oshima went to a gay club in 1992 (SHOXX 1999/6 translation excerpt)
[T/N] context: In 1992, Akemi, Heath, hide (and presumably some unnamed friends) were hanging out around The Limelight nightclub in New York.
At that time, the only thing in that place was the remodeled church building. It had a lot of small rooms, so hide, brimming with curiosity, was like "Wow, what's over there!?" and immediately wandered off somewhere. I don’t remember what day of the week it was exactly, but the number of people was tremendous and despite us trying not to get lost in the crowd, it was really frantic…
Having been there before, I seemed to recall another building connected to that one, with a smaller club called “Shampoo”. Everyone was like, “Alright, then let’s go check it out!” and so we began to roam around restlessly in search of the entrance. Instead of us going dancing, it turned into a little expedition of sorts (laughs).
We wandered about for some time, getting lost here and there, until finally we discovered the entrance to “Shampoo”. However, as we went inside, we realised it was a perfectly gay club! What’s more, it was a 4-store building, and with each consecutive floor, the density of gayness increased. On the first floor you could still sporadically spot some girls and the gay couples were keeping it tame. But throughout floors 2 and 3, the aura of obscurity gradually thickened. At some point on the third floor we got a little scared, so we were like “Hey, hide-chan. Let’s stop here”. But he was like “Nope, we’re making it to the top no matter what!”, and contrary to our pleas, he started moving forward even faster than before. 
Just as expected, the condition of the 4th floor was terrible. There were only men; half-naked shredded men exposing bare muscles, men wearing skin-tight leather bodysuits with countless studs, anyway, with just one glance you knew for certain that they were all a part of that world. Even so, hide was completely unbothered by it all, he swiftly made his way to the counter and ordered a beer. It was difficult to be there for our girl gang, but as for Heath, who was clad in black enamel, he must’ve been taken for a man of the same tastes, because everywhere he went, he attracted inviting voices (and hands), it was quite a scene. 
After leaving the establishment, we confirmed that, save for hide, every single man, with no exception, had been approached by someone in the club. Hearing that, hide made a puzzled expression. “Why am I the only one who didn’t get hit oooon?” He made a confused face, but apparently there was no one in that club brave enough to approach him as he sat there calmly sipping his beer, staring intensely and scrutinizing the men around him.
"Oh, it makes sense”, we all agreed in unison, but hide alone kept questioning it till the end, tilting his head to the side in confusion: “But why?” (laughs)
source (Akemi Oshima's blog)
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polyglot-thought-2 · 7 months
[Japanese→English] @YoshikiOfficial 10:02 PM November 7th 2023 Tweet — English Translation
Link to original post
Rest In Peace, Heath
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I am now in NY.
Apart from the wishes of the family, about the member
It seems that part of the news has come out. I'm talking with the relatives in order to discuss what has happened so far and what will be in the future. Give us some time.
As for my feelings, I’ll tell you after I finish this.
Please correct me if I made a mistake
Translated November 2023
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nyappyforeverbr · 7 months
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[JACK IN THE RADIO @ 2023.10.21]
Miku participated in the JACK IN THE RADIO program on Tokyo FM radio. The program is presented by Tatsuro, lead singer of the band MUCC. An excerpt from the interview transcript was published in the section dedicated to the program on the radio website, please check it out!
An Cafe released, for the first time in 5 years, the drama CD “Bandoru! -Idol Band Shiyoze-’ on October 25th, which includes the new song “Fly Again”!Tatsuro: This “Fly Again” is the highest pitched song so far.
Miku: That's right. I fell in love with a certain visual kei band during the coronavirus pandemic.
Tatsuro: Don't say “a certain band” (laughs)!
Miku: (laughs). It's Kizu.
Tatsuro: Ahh!
Miku: I've also been seeing things like the collaboration/feat that the band Kizu did with you ("Ichigeki", Kizu's 4th anniversary project) and, like that, LiME's (Kizu's vocalist) tone is super sharp, right? ?
Tatsuro: Yes it is!
Miku: So, I thought “can I do it too!?”. So I wanted to try something similar and also increased the tone.
Tatsuro: Wow! And it worked?
Miku: It worked. I went to karaoke and sang a lot of Kizu songs. So I thought “this is going to be great!”.
Tatsuro: Really!? When LiME told me “I have this project (Ichigeki), wouldn't you like to participate?”, I said “look, since Kizu's tones are all very high, I don't mind doing it, but I don't know if there is some song that I can sing, then let me sing a song whose tone is low. I said “it would be better if you let me choose between one of them”. So I chose one (among those with a low tone) and sang it (laughs).
Miku: But it was really good!
Tatsuro: Then I thought “I think this song will go well” and he let me sing this one.
Miku: Hmm… And it was definitely your style. When you got into the second verse, LiME said something like, “Aren't you attracted to Tatsuro's singing? (laughter).
Tatsuro: ahahahah(laughing a lot)!
Miku: While I was listening to it I thought “somehow this song is just like Tatsurou, right!? " (laughter).
Tatsuro: But it really was a good project, right? (laughter).
Miku: It was really good!
Tatsuro: So, (the highest note you sang in the new song) was a tone you could achieve before, but never used in An Cafe?
Miku: No, my high pitch increased during the pandemic.
Tatsuro: What do you mean??
Miku: I was frustrated, I went to karaoke all the time. At that time, I sang several songs by female artists, so by doing that, I naturally became able to do that.
Tatsuro: Wow…! But isn't the feeling of vocalization in a karaoke environment and a concert different?
Miku: It certainly is different.
Tatsuro: This trick (of singing karaoke) must have stuck with me somewhere, right?
Translate Credits: Rika & NYAPPY FOREVER
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sweettranslations · 8 months
性欲うさぎ (Seiyoku Usagi) - 甘い暴力 (Amai Bouryoku)
ENG + ESP lyric translation under the cut 🐰
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★;; English
'Cause I'm a rabbit! 🐰
I'm a bun-bun-bunny, see?
I'm lonely
Bun-bun-bunny, see? don't let go pyon pyon pyon pyon
Who dies when they leave it alone? (the rabbit)
Who is vulnerable to changes in the environment (the rabbit)
Who has it feelings written all over it's face? (the rabbit)
Who's in heat all year round it's you, the rabbit.
Good, good, good
Pyon pyon pyon pyon, what, what, what
Not good?
Good, good, good
Pyon pyon pyon pyon
What, what, what?
Nothing good!
Aah, wicked
Deeply jealous
By that strong libido
'Cause I'm a rabbit! 🐰
I'm a bun-bun-bunny, see?
I'm lonely
Bun-bun-bunny hey, I fell in love with you like that
I want to pour out my love until it's annoying
Please don't leave me, pyon pyon pyon
Who has a strong desire of approval? (the rabbit)
Who hates that sense of familiarity? (the rabbit)
Eat well, sleep well, you're lazy, you're a rabbit.
Who does nothing but having naughty fantasies?
it's you, the rabbit.
Good, good, good
Pyon pyon pyon pyon
What, what, what
Why isn't it good?
Good, good, good
Pyon pyon pyon pyon
What, what, what
As you like to keep living
Sinking straight away
Wherever you go, i'll be there following you
'Cause I'm a rabbit! 🐰
You're acting like a child, don't say things like that.
Bun-bun-bunny, hey, I'm going to be tight
Bun-bun-bunny, hey, i miss you like that
i want to be annoying
[The Rabbit song]
A lonely rabbit
Alighlty naughty rabbit
With red eyes
Pyon pyon pyon
Go over there pyon pyon pyon
I'm not crying pyon pyon pyon
Over there pyon pyon pyon
The rabbit that got tired
Little naughty rabbit
'Cause I'm a rabbit! 🐰
I'm a bun-bun-bunny, see? I won't let you go
I don't like being lonely
I fell in love with you like that
It's so annoying
I want to pour my love
I won't let you go, pyon pyon pyon
translation taken from my other blog, i fixed a few things and this one is better okay. Also i changed the "usagi-chan" for "bunny".
★;; Español
¡Por qué, soy un conejo! 🐰
Soy un cone-cone-coneconejito, ¿ves?
Estoy solo
Cone-cone-conejito, ¿ves?, no me dejes ir pyon pyon pyon pyon
¿quién se muere cuándo lo dejan solo? (el conejo)
¿quién es vulnerable a los cambios de ambiente? (el conejo)
¿a quién se le ven las emociones marcadas en el rostro? (al conejo)
Quién está en calentura todo el año eres tú, el conejo
Bien, bien, bien
Pyon pyon pyon pyon
Qué, qué, qué
¿no está bien?
Bien, bien, bien
Pyon pyon pyon pyon
Qué, qué, qué
¡Nada está bien!
Aah, maldito
Profundamente celoso
Por ese fuerte líbido
¡Por qué, soy un conejo! 🐰
Soy un cone-cone-coneconejito, ¿ves?
Estoy solo
Cone-cone-conejito oye, me enamoré de ti
Quiero derramar mi amor hasta que sea molesto
Por favor no me dejes, pyon pyon pyon
¿Quién desea la aprobación de los demás? (el conejo)
¿Quién odia esa familiaridad? (el conejo)
Come bien, duerme bien, eres perezoso, eres un conejo
Quién no hace nada más que tener fantasías traviesas eres tú, el conejo.
Bueno, bueno, bueno
Pyon pyon pyon pyon
Qué, qué, qué
¿porqué no está bien?
Bien, bien, bien
Pyon pyon pyon pyon
Qué, qué, qué
Como te guste seguir viviendo
Directamente hundiéndote
Dónde sea que vayas, yo estaré siguiendote
¡Por qué, soy un conejo! 🐰
Estás siendo infantil, no digas esas cosas
Cone-cone-conejito, oye, va a estar apretado
Cone-cone-conejito, oye, te extraño de esa forma
Quiero ser molesto
[La Canción del Conejo]
Un conejo solitario
Un conejo un poco travieso
Con ojos rojos pyon pyon pyon
Ven para acá pyon pyon pyon
El conejo que se cansó
Pequeño travieso conejo
No estoy llorando pyon pyon pyon
Para acá pyon pyon pyon
¡Por qué, soy un conejo! 🐰
soy un cone-cone-coneconejito, ¿ves?, no te dejaré ir.
No me gusta estar solo
Me enamoré así de ti
Es muy molesto,
Quiero derramar mi amor
No te dejaré ir, pyon pyon pyon pyon
🐰 no me quedó claro si usaba "conejA" en vez de "conejO" pero para mí, la traducción quedaba mejor con "conejO", de cualquier forma, quedo atento a cualquier corrección ^^
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porcelain-yume · 9 months
空虚 Kuukyo - THE MADNA (English Lyrics Translation 英訳)
Lyrics: Ryota; Music: THE MADNA
An uncertain premonition
Waiting for the dawn
A faint glimpse of hope carried away by the white morning sun
Patiently enduring the same night over and again
Simply waiting for the night when I can fall asleep to come
My heart quickens at a call in the middle of the night
Telling myself that this is the last time
More than I could any highly addictive drug
I can't break free from your world
Wrapped in the embrace of cold sheets and gentle warmth
Together, we close our eyes shut
Back turned, profile in silence
The ironic sun, a shadow, sneering
Inside a room scattered about like a true reflection of the heart
Alone, with these countless tears falling
Ever since the beginning,
I’ve known it all along
“Someday, surely" is only but a pipe dream
Pretending not to notice
The heart drifting away
I push down these overflowing emotions
Wearing a smile upon my face
Smiling at the white lies
Until this magic spell called destiny begins to break
Will these tears ever dry up someday?
More than I could any highly addictive drug
I can't break free from your world
Another night left waiting for the words “I miss you”
As I close my eyes shut against the sky’s morning glow
Notes, Japanese, Romaji & Spotify Track:
空虚(くうきょ): Kuukyo means “void” or
“empty” “emptiness”
The song is “an emotional story about a brave girl.”
Japanese & Romaji:
不透明な予感 夜明けを待つ
Futoumei na yokan yoake wo matsu
Awai kitai wa shiroi asa ga ubaisaru
Mata kurikaesu onaji yoru wo tada, jitto taete
Nemureru yoru wo matteiru no
Mayonaka no denwa ni hayaru kokoro
Kore de saigo da to iikikasete
Donna ni izonsei no tsuyoi kusuri yori mo
Anata no sekai kara wa nukedasenai no
Tsumetai shiitsu (sheets) to yasashii nukumori ni dakarenagara
Futari me wo tojiru
皮肉な太陽 一つの影 嘲笑う
Se wo muke mukuchi na yokogao
Hiniku na taiyou hitotsu no kage azawarau
Kokoro wo ikiutsushita you na chirabaru heya de
Hitori, kazoekinu namida
Hajime kara zenbu wakatteru
“Itsuka, kitto” nante esoragoto
離れていく心 気付かないふりして
Hanareteiku kokoro kizukanai furishite
Afuredasu kanjou wo oshikoroshite
Yasashiiuso ni egao wo tsukutte
Unmei to iu na no mahou ga tokeru made
Namida wa itsuka kareru no?
Donna ni izonsei no tsuyoi kusuri yori mo
Anata no sekai kara wa nukedasenai no
“Aitai” no kotoba wo machitsuzukeru yoru
Me wo tojita no wa asayake no sora
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Hishatai wa shitai (English translation)
I can't take it any longer
Please, let me sleep
I gathered all my courage and stood up
On this high, high place
Breathing in and count to ten
One final word

The body is a corpse
One moment and she flew away
The body is a corpse
There was a sea of blood, as well as understanding
The body is a corpse
Taking out phones and starting to take pictures
Muttering that it's amazing,
Everyone looked amused

Everyone is a professional photographer
Shooting everything quickly
So everyone can spread it around
Oh, what a fun time we live in.
What shall we shoot today? What shall we look at?

We've started looking for subjects. We found a crowd
Subject search, in the middle of it, a girl was dead.
I was supposed to be search for a subject, but I got stuck.
I saw people and got scared
I got scared of everything

A message placed on her, written down what she wanted to say
I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry teacher
Please, don't repeat this

The shocking images reached many people
The numbers keep increasing
With those flashy images
She left a note
Her voice is now just a piece of paper and ink,

The body is a corpse
One moment and she flew away
The body is a corpse
There was a sea of blood, as well as understanding
The body is a corpse
Taking out phones and starting to take pictures

Used like a fad
When fads pass, they fade away
Earrings made of hearts
Will this life be mirrored?
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teningosui · 8 months
Diaura - Naraku no Hana (Translation)
A too fragile, wavering hand is reaching from deep solitude
僕が落ちるのは地獄だろうか それさえも不透明のまま
Will I fall into hell? Even that seems uncertain. 
It's not because I'm sad that I shed tears. I’ve known that since who-knows-when.
The meaning of solitude, the sadness of loving, it’s all inevitable.
僕は朽ちる為生きているのか 虚無の部屋で問い掛ける
In a room of nihility, I ask myself Do I live to decay?
ほんの少しでいい あなたに触れられれば答えが出せるから
If I could just touch you, just a little bit, I could get an answer.
A looming shadow…that separates me away from a single wish
Aware of the hand reaching out, why am I unable to do anything?
still I die,still I die last scene by…
The light that flickers at the end of the cold earth is no more
still I die,still I die last scene by…
Laid in the abyss, despair is blooming 
あの時、光を知らなければ 今を愛せたのに
If I had known the light at that time, I could have loved the present
A looming shadow…that separates me away from a single wish
Aware of the hand reaching out, why am I unable to do anything?
still I die,still I die last scene by…
I, who loved knowing it was fleeting
still I die,still I die last scene by…
The light that flickers at the end of the cold earth is no more
still I die,still I die last scene by…
Laid in the abyss, despair is blooming 
If I had met you at that time, this blinding fog would’ve dissappeared
If I had known the light at that time, I could have loved the present
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nana2capriccio · 8 months
[ Kiryu - Yubikiri - English Translation ]
己龍 - ユビキリ [Pinkie-promise]
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JP Lyrics: Mitsuki Sakai and Hiyori Isshiki | EN Translation: meeeee
Notes: This song came on earlier today and i realised how sweet the lyrics are...so i wanted to translate it lol that's it enjoy! again more notes at the end!
We made a promise with our pinkie fingers That even in pain we would find joy Even now... I want to stay as we were that day
Cut strips of paper and twist them together A night spent winding our red strings Someday...will it ever reach your finger? 1
You pretend not to see the trails of incense I've placed around me
Immorality, sin, remorse You pretend to ignore these aphrodisiacs that drip with desire
My shadow, your shadow Untouched by the light of the waning moon
Dozing off, you fall into a dream, just as I'm waking up in reality
The scene is set, [wo]man of my dreams 2 3
Goodnight, sleep tight, we made a pinkie-promise
You of the "past", "present", and "future"... welcome to my night
As thousands of tears are pouring down Let's thread the needle with our red strings
Ouch... ouch... ouch... my finger... 4
Look, look
"We pinkie-promised"
Today once more, I'm embracing empty space Waiting here for you 5
Just the two of us alone, counting the spots on the ceiling as we wait
To my beloved, 3
Lost in a dream Guided by the red string that connects us
Drip, drip... our dripping love has not dried up 6
Welcome to my life
To my eternal love,
Goodnight, sleep tight, we made a pinkie-promise
You of the "past", "present", and "future"... Welcome to my night
1: you may know this already, but this is referring to the "red string of fate" legend in east asian cultures that says all people are connected to their soulmates by an invisible red string tied to each person's pinkie finger, which you can only see once you've met them. the reason this string is tied to the pinkie is the same reason we make "pinkie-promises" (which is the title of the song): because in the pinkie finger is an artery that leads all the way to the heart, so if you link this finger with someone else's, you're basically touching hearts.
2: this line literally says "the person i saw in a dream", but since we have a similar phrase in english i supplemented that. although idk what the speaker's gender is supposed to be since some kiryu songs have female speakers and some male, so....sorry
3: note that the 3 is on multiple lines, this is an untranslatable "pun" because the word for "backdrop/scenery/setting" is pronounced exactly the same way as Japanese people use to start a letter, like writing "Dear Name," . idk if it has some deeper meaning, just know that these lines are started with the same pronunciation but different words.
4: I'mso sorry this sounds cringe LMAO. buuut the word for "finger" here is written in katakana, the same way as "pinkie-promise" is written, so it's specifically talking about the finger used to make the promise.
5: i couldn't make this sound poetic enough....i'm sorry....the meaning is that the speaker kept the space between their arms empty i.e. never found another love, since they were hoping that someday their lover would return to fill the space
6: literally says "our dripping, non-dry love", I think the point is that even though their lover is gone, the speaker didn't let the love dry up, and they're saying they still have love to give in case the lover ever returns
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junk-story · 2 months
Interview Archive 1, 12.1993 - Ongaku to Hito Special Edition
BUCK-TICK is an exceedingly rare sort of band. Although the Band Boom has ended up vanishing as if it never happened at all, in an area totally unrelated to the Boom, where no one else is drawing a crowd, is a group with a unique stance who have continued following their own path of “individuality”. Their stylish visuals have the lingering scent of decadence. Their lyrics, like “I just want to go mad”, are laden with the aesthetics of self-deprecation. And, with “strange” sounds that have absolutely no roots in Western rock, and truly catchy melodies – from any angle, they are a “Japan Original”. Furthermore, although these “nonconformists” have also continued to be a great success commercially, they are still breaking new ground. Although their eerie ambiance is often misunderstood by ordinary people, this unique sensation is something that anyone can have a share of. Sakurai Atsushi reigns with a “negative charisma”, but his absolute desire to escape and narcissism in the sense of “being lenient with oneself” can happen to anyone. I support the weakness of humanity.*
Ichikawa: How do you think BUCK-TICK are seen by ordinary people?
Sakurai: …Maybe...I suppose people who aren’t interested just aren’t interested at all. Because no matter how many times something that doesn’t interest me shows up on TV, that’s where it ends for me.
Ichikawa: Despite your CD sales, you’re passive about this.
Sakurai: Yeah, because there are people who don’t listen to music, so even if I stood face-to-face with such a person and said, “It’s me”, they’ll just be like, “And who are you?” (laughs)
Ichikawa: Conversely, what kind of people do you think listen to BUCK-TICK?
Sakurai: Hmmm...I think a lot of them are daydreamers. (laughs) Even watching the same movies, like Alain Delon1 rather than Jurassic Park. (laughs) When I read the letters I’ve received, that’s the feeling I get.
Ichikawa: What kind of letters do you get most?
Sakurai: In my case, I get everything from the heavy stuff to the light stuff. (laughs)
Ichikawa: What sort of content is in the light letters?
Sakurai: “Your stage outfit was so cool this time”. (laughs)
Ichikawa: And what about the heavy letters?
Sakurai: The heavy ones are incredible, really – like a 21 year old girl who got divorced even though she has a child, or things about their family members, or about how they’re sick. Also, there are many people who write emotional content.
Ichikawa: It’s become Kitaro’s Yokai postal service2, hasn’t it?
Sakurai: Hahaha. But, there’s nothing I’m able to give them...you know.
Ichikawa: Although this idol-like reaction is understandable, is there no “added hidden value” appearing more and more?
Sakurai: Hmmm, I wonder...although I’m making music...music isn’t necessary to living, and you won’t die without it. So I think people who aren’t interested don’t listen to music that deeply, and naturally, they don’t synchronize their listening to the situations I find myself in and my reality. So the band is getting more media exposure, which is supposed to give us more opportunities to be heard, but I wonder…
Ichikawa: But on the other hand, the Yokai Post Box has letters arriving to it frequently, right? Obviously, that’s different from just a popular song and supporting some harmless rock music.
Sakurai: But I expect that the people who are watching idols are definitely greater in number. Because they’re all the same.
Ichikawa: But BUCK-TICK are already big names, and you’ve been reigning on the front lines for 6 years. Naturally, you should be different from them. And hey, if you were part of SMAP3, that would be a problem, wouldn’t it?
Sakurai: Yeah, that would be an issue. (laughs)
Ichikawa: So for example, what do you think people come to see Sakurai Atsushi for at concerts?
Sakurai: I really don’t know...for example, I receive letters saying like, “I want to see more of your humanity4 during the MC sections”, and I think it might be better if I expressed my humanity more. Also, I think the songs I want to sing and the songs people want to hear may be different...I’m always confused.
Ichikawa: You still haven’t gotten a grip on what your stage persona is.
Sakurai: No, if I think about understanding it, it’s easy, but I think hard about it and then it confuses me. I suppose there won’t be any problem if I do everything like an entertainer with a strong sense of providing a service, but.
Ichikawa: Like, “I’m Sakuraiiiiii!”
Sakurai: Wahahahaha.
Ichikawa: What’s an example of a song people are expecting?
Sakurai: Songs like “Speed”, “Jupiter”, or “JUST ONE MORE KISS”, don’t you think?
Ichikawa: And the song you think they’ll dislike?
Sakurai: Taiyou ni Korosareta. (laughs)
Ichikawa: Aah, Sakurai’s song about the thing at the core, the “aesthetics of self-deprecation.” Well, it certainly seems like a song that was written sitting on a hill of despair.
Sakurai: Oh? (laughs) But lately, I’ve received letters saying that Taiyou ni Korosareta was good, so I’ve thought that maybe I’m not as misunderstood as I thought I was.
Ichikawa: So you ought to have more self-confidence, Sakurai.
Sakurai: I should, right. More...not to flatter myself, but I hope I can cross the line to becoming an entertainer.
Ichikawa: Well, I think it’s enough that you’re performing as this “dark entertainer”. What do you think is lacking?
Sakurai: It’s not that something’s lacking...it’s that it’s incomplete.
Ichikawa: Well, then where is something lacking?
Sakurai: Mmm...in my own head. (laughs)
Ichikawa: Oi, come on now.
Sakurai: (laughs) I think it could be anything, but, for example, when I go out in front of 2,000 people, I just don’t get that same high anymore.
Ichikawa: So even though you have this stately and dark look – you don’t even think things like, “These 2,000 people have gathered to come see me!”?
Sakurai: No, I don’t. There can be people who are looking at something else even if they’re directly in front of me. (laughs)
Ichikawa: Aren’t you being narrow-minded about this?
Sakurai: It’s caught my attention. So I stare at a single point and act like an idiot who doesn’t see that sort of reaction to me.
Ichikawa: Wow. First of all, haven’t you ever thought, “I’m popular”?
Sakurai: When they’re screaming, “kyaaaaa!” (laughs)
Ichikawa: A live venue is really a melting pot of those “kyaaa” screams; does that make you feel anxious?
Sakurai: I don’t think it’s anxiety, but...I’m always agonizing5 over if I should take myself less seriously. It’s not only people who are listening to the music and enjoying it; there are also many people enjoying another part of the performance, so I think I should do what I want, but...I’m insecure.
Ichikawa: Have you ever thought about the influence you have?
Sakurai: I have. For example, it’s easy to tell when there are kids wearing the same fashion as I am. Also...I don’t know if this is my influence or not, but...the people who like the same world that I do. They give me these detailed, maniacal (laughs) opinions on things, like, “that musical is really good”, “have you read this novel?”, “you like this type of aesthetic, right?”, “this thing you said in an interview really spoke to me”, like that.
Ichikawa: Fundamentally, is it that the recipients of your work can’t accept Sakurai Atsushi as a real person? With your charisma, it’s like you’re magnified up 5 or 10 times bigger in their minds. And those voices, their expectations are like, “Well, if it’s Sakurai-san, naturally he’ll understand my aesthetic sense.” I think it would be natural to gain some self-confidence from those voiced expectations and support.
Sakurai: It would be better not to betray that sentiment, but when it comes to my own conviction...I think if I can put out more that says, “this is how my world is”, I’ll be able to clearly have that conviction.
Ichikawa: Even with Sakurai having this internal conflict, you’re being seen by ordinary people, other than your fans6, as a so-called “rockstar” now – in your case, you must be feeling the difference of that.
Sakurai: I do. Even people who don’t know music have said, “Ah, it’s that guy” – although I had just come there to have a meal. (laughs) I’m human just the same as a salaryman that’s the same age from that area, so..while I think that about myself, I guess they’re in a position where they can’t see it.
Ichikawa: Even if you don’t want to be considered special, in the first place, rock really must be thought of as “exceptional”. Moreover, being exceptional is the biggest characteristic of BUCK-TICK. Do you not have any awareness that this means you are exceptional?
Sakurai: I’m also very aware of that. It’s both extremes. There are also times where I want to say, “Leave me alone!”, turn my nose up and walk away, but (laughs) that’s also tiring, so there’s the converse argument to be made, too, like, “I’m a human just like you, so leave me alone.”
Ichikawa: Do you think things like, for example, that you could be as self-absorbed with how exceptional you are as Ei-chan7?
Sakurai: …I really do, without everyday life.
Ichikawa: What I’m asking is, can’t you become that way?
Sakurai: I can’t~. I don’t like being interfered with, and I switch Sakurai Atsushi off in those moments. (laughs)
Ichikawa: But there’s David Bowie, who isn’t doing fan service around the clock, but at work...(laughs) As a charismatic person, you can behave as you see fit, right? Although I think you could do it if you tried, you’d always agonize between those two selves.
Sakurai: I wonder why...because I’m afraid of being caught off guard?
Ichikawa: Don’t you think you’re cool?
Sakurai: there are times when I think, “I am super cool”, but there are also times where I think, “What am I doing?!” (laughs) I’m hard on myself, maybe.
Ichikawa: But, it’s simpler8 to think of yourself as cool, isn’t it?
Sakurai, Yes, much simpler. But in order for me to think so, I have to aim for being an entertainer, and I’m no good.
Ichikawa: This orientation you have toward being an entertainer is also being taken too far, actually – it’s like chloroform you breathe in every day until you lose consciousness.
Sakurai: Wahahahaha. That’s harsh!
Ichikawa: Don’t you want to become more arrogant and charismatic?
Sakurai: I really just want to shine within music, if it’s something I’m able to do. Aah...I see...maybe...I’m rebelling against it, aren’t I. Everyone views me as a rockstar, so I wonder if maybe I simply want to betray that notion and rebel against it.
Ichikawa: Does the so-called narcissistic state, where you can think of yourself as cool, not last long? It seems like only the high of not caring what the people around you think lasts, but. (laughs)
Sakurai: It doesn’t really last, no. It’s like...I end up able to see reality. That I’m someone who can go as far as narcissism, but can’t sustain it, I can see that.
Ichikawa: But without narcissism, the fantasy of rock won’t flourish, right? You’re a man who can’t be proactive, aren’t you?
Sakurai: Yeah...but that’s quite kind, because it makes people’s dreams of it expand more and more. I don’t really seem very kind, talking selfishly about my own needs while also saying, “I won’t show you the important parts.”
Ichikawa: If you said more, would it be like, “It’s your fault for coming to love me without my permission”?
Sakurai: (laughs) I wouldn’t say their fault...more like, it’s a waste. If I could be understood even if I didn’t say anything, I’d be extremely happy, because I hate the regret I feel after babbling out an explanation. (laughs)
Ichikawa: Then, explaining yourself to an ordinary person who thinks of you as a rocker must also be miserable.
Sakurai: That’s right. But...lately, my way of thinking about it changes all the time. Sometimes I think, “I’m gonna make that guy who doesn’t know me take another look!”, and other times I think, “It’s no good! I’m tired.” (laughs)
Ichikawa: So then, as I thought, you do think you’re cool, don’t you? If you were to call out to the women on the roadside over there9, you have confidence they’d quickly follow you here, right?
Sakurai: If I wanted to do it. (laughs) But using the energy is more trouble than it’s worth. I think maybe I’m unkind in that way.
Ichikawa: Well, calling out to them isn’t really nice either. (laughs)
Sakurai: Oh. (laughs) But, I’m thinking I want to become less sentimental, colder.
Ichikawa: What’s the reason behind that?
Sakurai: Because I have a heart. Wahahahahaha.
Ichikawa: Well, regardless of some minor occurrences of it, (laughs) Sakurai Atsushi doesn’t have any arrogance, really, in the bigger picture of things.
Sakurai: But I’ve also come to understand that I could be just a bit easier on myself, too. I think I could become cooler if I did.
Ichikawa: As Sakurai, and as BUCK-TICK, too, even though you’re this deeply self-centered person who doesn’t care about the existence of other people at all10, I think gradually it becomes necessary to see yourself objectively. And you have to become aware of the influence you have.
Sakurai: Lately, I’ve been chatting with people who have the same tastes as me, and it’s interesting to see how I can come to see myself when I see those people. While I was drinking in Osaka, a person came and sat down who said, “I can see ghosts” – why, I wonder, is it always that sort of person who comes to me? (laughs) But, it turned to conversation about our newest song, “die”, and they said, “You’re definitely a narcissist”, and I was like, “Ah, right, right, I’d forgotten that, now that you mention it.” The person I show other people is a narcissist; I felt like I’d forgotten.
Ichikawa: In the end, those types of people are the ones who come together under Sakurai with peace of mind, don’t you think?
Sakurai: That’s true. I think the people who are thinking about me must be seeing me with some amazing eyes.11
Ichikawa: Give those “amazing eyes” a response, a spectacular one.
Sakurai: I think it will change during our current tour. (laughs)
Ichikawa: (laughs) With that – BUCK-TICK is a band where the members take walking alone endlessly to the extreme, right? The most of any in Japan.
Sakurai: That’s out of my control. There’s nothing I can do about that.
Ichikawa: And that’s also why you feel like you can’t effectively exert your influence, I imagine.
Sakurai: Hmmm...so, I expect that I’m afraid of cheapening what I do. I just did what I wanted to do, so. (laughs)
Ichikawa: Are you being careful with your words?
Sakurai: You could call it being careful; you could call it cowardice.
Ichikawa: Certainly, in the early years – you may have been perceived as cheap during the pop era of your music where your hair was straight up, but since then, I think conversely, you’re perceived as a luxury good.
Sakurai: Yeah, I think we aren’t perceived as cheap, but I certainly have fear of being thought of that way.
Ichikawa: That’s like an ordinary girl thinking, “Don’t become friends with that person” about a yankii in their same class.
Sakurai: (laughs) Is that so?
Ichikawa: This yankii is stubborn, but in reality, he’s facing the dilemma of wanting to be friends with anyone at all.
Sakurai: Exactly. (laughs) But, I’ve been thinking that from now on, we should harden up more, get colder, and that I hope that those who don’t care about our music don’t bother with it. I hope that those who do care it experience it whenever they get the chance, and that those who don’t, never experience it again.
Ichikawa: Well, but, you’re so cool, so wouldn’t it be better to be more free-spirited?
Sakurai: Hahaha. I’m always overthinking things like that.
Ichikawa: I wonder if that overworrying is part of your personality.
Sakurai: Hmmm...I don’t know. But I’m always thinking about how I want others to enjoy and be happy.
Ichikawa: Even so, there are a lot of ups and downs in everyday life. (laughs)
Sakurai: Hahaha. I may not be handling them so well.
Ichikawa: Well, in the end, trouble always ends up coming about.
Sakurai: And that’s why all you can do is stand your ground, right...or I’m going to act out that pretense. (laughs)
Ichikawa: Have you been acting pretentious lately?
Sakurai: Quite pretentious.
Ichikawa: Anyway, you’ve got a good face for it.
Sakurai: Yeah.
Ichikawa: Oh, an easy agreement on that from this guy.
Sakurai: Fufufufufufu.
Ichikawa: So, if you acted like you owned the place, you could powerfully establish your own world – and moreover, externally, Sakurai is already waiting for it. All that’s left is you feeling like doing it.
Sakurai: ...it’s troublesome, you know.
Ichikawa: You sure are BUCK-TICK’S frontman.
Sakurai: (laughs) I want to have an effective presence that has a detailed edge to it. More than feeling like a big, enveloping presence.
Ichikawa: Aren’t you seeking a long life full of detail?
Sakurai: No way! (laughs) But, lately I’ve realized this. Because I’m using energy on this tour. (laughs) How can I say this...it’s like more...pushing forward the next day while feeling like, “I’m losing it, aren’t I?” (laughs)
Ichikawa: You’re a man predestined to being a paradox.
Sakurai: ...Has this ended up being an unspectacular interview? (laughs)
Ichikawa: Well, even if we sang “Shimauta”12 at karaoke, we didn’t sing “die”, so. (laughs) It’s considered special, you know, definitely.
Sakurai: Even if we’re doing something special, like – I end up feeling like everything is lumped together. I feel like the people who listen to music have become cowards, too. Like the provocation is frightening to them.
Ichikawa: Even though the propagation of provocation is the theme of this band.
Sakurai: Right. And moreover, we’re trying to even out the high and low points of unevenness, and there’s a feeling of something unseen moving.
Ichikawa: When it’s that way, you can only go back to the basics and put your hair straight up again!
Sakurai: Right? Although I wasn’t aware of it during the time my hair was up, that “We are special” thing.
Ichikawa: But I think if you put it up now, you might be able to do it having that awareness.
Sakurai: Imai currently has a mohawk while having that awareness.
Ichikawa: Well then, next will it be Sakurai Atsushi with his hair up?!
Sakurai: When should I put it up...people might say, “It’s uncool!” (laughs) I really don’t want to use my energy on that sort of thing. (laughs)
~~~~~ Footnotes: * This makes more sense as you read the interview - basically, I think he's saying that he argues Sakurai ought to be more lenient with himself. 1 A French movie star. 2 A reference to a manga. Kitaro is a “sullen ghost boy” who “protects others from malicious spirits”. 3 The biggest name in Johnny’s of that time, and still one of their biggest ever. 4 Human-ness? I don’t know a better word for this in English. They want him to emote, talk more, things like that. 5 Very dramatic word choice here – literally “suffering until you faint”. 6 Who are not ordinary people, obviously, lol. 7 Eikichi Yazawa, a big Showa-era rockstar. 8 Simpler in the sense of more comfortable; less work. 9 I wonder if he was actually gesturing to someone, or if this was hypothetical. 10 I think he’s ribbing him here – calling him out on his bullshit. Sakurai is repeatedly trying to say this about himself and then contradicting it. 11 In other words, they are seeing a version of him that he doesn’t believe actually exists. 12 A 1992 song by the band “The Boom”.
~~~~~ Some final translation notes:
I don't know who put the LibreOffice suggestion on my dash, but I used that to type this up this time instead of Google docs, and it seems to have preserved the footnotes (at least on desktop.) I'll try and test this on mobile too but hopefully it's a better experience!
Also, just a basic note on "cool" in Japanese - kakkoii. It's commonly translated as "cool" but really encompasses things like being attractive, sexy, etc. in ways I think the word in English doesn't. I think its usage packs more punch when you think of it that way, as like "heart eyes, motherfucker" cool.
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losrtphu · 10 months
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What is sports do you guys like?
RYUICHI: Surfing,boxing and tennis. I'm the type who has to play the sport themselves or they wont be satisfied.
SUGIZO: Boxing, ah but I'd like to try scuba-diving or sky diving!
INORAN: If it's just watching sports then i like them all
J: Soccer. watching the Olympics (laughs)
SHINYA: i like watching people play sports, because you can feel that person's determination and passion while watching
What is your favorite time of the day?
RYUICHI: Right before falling asleep.
SUGIZO: At night. my body gets a surge of energy, even the rough nights, the lonely quiet nights, everything starts at night.
J: It has nothing to do with the time of the day, but whenever I'm in my bed i feel happy
SHINYA: Morning, when I've just woken up. It's rough, but i enjoy thinking about what to do for the day.
what's your favorite brand of alcohol/cigarettes and how much do you drink/smoke?
RYUICHI: I don't smoke. as for wine i drink white Italian wine or white German wine. for whisky i enjoy 12 year old Canadian club whiskey.
SUGIZO: for cigarettes, JPS. my recent favorite is a vodka base cocktail, or like a vodka martini.
INORAN: about 3 boxes of Kent milds. for alcohol as long as it's good Japanese sake I'm fine. how much i drink/smoke depends on the time and place (laughs)
J: 3 boxes of caster milds. for alcohol, lots of beer, vodka, wine, honestly anything (laughs)
SHINYA: i smoke Rothmans. i don't know about alcohol but i drink watered down whiskey a lot.
name a movie that moved you.
RYUICHI: I think I've been moving away from watching movies...
SUGIZO: This year i would say "STRANGE DAYS" but my all time favorite is probably the 007 series or "BLADE RUNNER". and also "GODFATHER"
INORAN: Hmm i haven't watched many recently. but i want to watch "LISBON STORY" and "HEAT".
J: I haven't watched any recently but "RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT" was really heartwarming, i liked it.
SHINYA: I haven't had time to watch movies. i have a sets of laser discs but i haven't watched a single one of them.
What's your ultimate dream woman?
RYUICHI: A girl who seems normal at first but when she talks she seems a bit stand offish, but a they still have a childish part about them.
SUGIZO: Vanessa Paradis or Sophie Marceau. oh! and Carole Bouquet, for some reason they're all french..
INORAN: I don't have an ideal and I don't really care about appearance, I just want someone who can sympathize/empathize(TN: honestly not sure if the difference matters here lol) with me
J: i think that someone who is put together/independent and is actively trying to fulfill their goal is wonderful.
SHINYA: I admire the idea of being a women. because emotionally speaking it's something i could never be, so i want to know more about them.
Do you guys have any pets, and if not what pet would u like to raise?
RYUICHI: I've started raising 2 dogs, one's a Pomeranian and the other one's a miniature sheep dog.
SUGIZO: Turtles. They're a something-something akamimi turtle (red ear slider) or something like that, they're really cute! by the way they're names are Mickey and Malorie ((TN: he named them based off the two main characters in the movie "natural born killers"))
INORAN: 2 cats. there's a lot of animals that id like to have as pets though, like a dog or a fish... oh yeah, a wolf.
J: I'd want to have a dog as a pet but having an owl as a pet also sounds nice cus they're awake at the same time i am (laughs) letting them sit on my shoulder and then going for walks (laughs)
SHINYA: i have a hamster. if i were to have a pet in the future probably a big fluffy dog, like a golden retriever.
name some items that are near the entrance of your house.
RYUICHI: The first thing you see when you walk in my house is probably the lights, but i do have a stone statue placed there as well.
SUGIZO: I have an art piece that my friend made.
INORAN: i have a lot of stuff, like pictures, framed art, lamps etc
J: I don't have a lot of decorations in my house. ah! but i do have a bass that was made the year i was born laying around.
SHINYA: Mine's filled with car goods, like the emblems of mini-cars or jaguars etc
at 9pm, yesterday, what were you doing?
RYUICHI: I was driving, on my way to go eat.
SUGIZO: starting to check the photos we'd took in the studio (this is after the shooting had ended, this interview was done in a Denny's at 7 in the morning)
INORAN: met with friends and drank
J: I think i was holding a phone?while napping
SHINYA: I was sleeping at home. i was tired after recording something for TV and got home and just finished watching downtown "GOTTSU "A" KANJI" (laughs)
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