meruz · 2 years
some weirdly specific artist game questions im answering while eating dinner. im gonna use my truly abysmal surface pen so theyre gonna be jittery af.
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2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
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8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in I feel like I don’t lose interest in projects so much as I run out of time to do them nowadays. I had a bunch of ideas for a shortbox comics fair project and then got too busy to execute and meet the deadlines. same with some zines... I still want to do them!! Idk when though. I guess when I was a kid I used to be interested in more ambitious original writing, long form fantasy type stuff. I think if you really dig through my archives you can probably find ocs from ideas like that but I don’t have a lot of interest in pursuing stories like that anymore because... idk even writing short things is tough for me.
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11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
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5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
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I think this is mostly because ive been “finishing” art less lately? or like... making less small things and more singular big/complex illustrations? idk. it’s tough, I want to post more because I like posting art on the internet. I grew up watching other people post art on the internet and wanting to do the same. there’s a lot of artists who don’t like it but its fun to me. unfortunately this whole year has kind of been like a non-posting year tho.
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
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25.  Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by Uhhhh this is tough idk. I think I’ve gotten like...ava’s demon before?
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Which doesn’t make a lot of sense to me looking at the style alone but does like...make sense in the way that I think I share similar cultural inspirations with that comic like...being online in the mid 2000s...deviantart digital art type stuff. So even if there isn’t any direct inspiration there’s some shared dna probably.   I think I’ve hard art compared to transistor (the supergiant game) too and I think its like. a similar story there. Heck, If i drew more sexy characters my inking tendencies would probably get my art compared to hades just with how big that art style is culturally rn.too bad i only draw dumb looking kids.
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I’ve never played a supergiant game. they look very nice and I rly respect them as a company but they’ve yet to make smth that’s really up my alley.
(unrelated but tumblr user wellnoe I’m a huge fan of ur art you have one of the biggest brains in xmen fanart imo...!! thanks for sending in an ask LOL ;-;;;)
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atissi · 1 year
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here’s your request @viivianite i actually have no idea what this girl is like but i hope she enjoys her boba
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kokabegami · 10 months
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Artfight 2022. Character belongs to @viivianite
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pageofminds · 4 years
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Happy holidays, @viivianite, I was your secret Santa this year :) !! You can see the other gifts at @homestuckss!!
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sugakei · 5 years
AH i've loved your art since like 2014????? and i always love... seeing your art on my dash/timeline!!!!!!! you highkey got me to become more interested in p5 and also seeing your art progress has been such an amazing treat!! can't wait to see where your art goes in the future
HI THANK YOU SO MUCH?? dude i was like 14 when you started omg... im still an entire child tho LOLOL
im glad i could get you interested in p5! its def my favorite game and ughgh ive met so many good friends through it and hadsdhhf im gonna get emotional--
thank you so much for sticking with me!! im definitely pushing myself to improve more this year. i want to make my friends proud!
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steakbatter · 5 years
GOD i always love ur art so much.... i just wanted to lyk how much ur art slaps and how unique it is 😔✊
you’re always such a peach pie, tysm!!
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worldbuildguild · 6 years
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this is a character from an existing series (kingdom hearts), but i’d like to see how i could improve on anything, particularly the pose since i feel like it’s stiff, and choice of clothing to make it stand out more since it seems a little bit bland right now! thank you so much!
i tried to be as thorough as possible in my text analysis, but tl;dr i really like the outfit and concept here, you just need to think mood through a little more and pay attention to quirks of character. thanks so much for the submission! 
-mod goji (ko-fi)
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anicream · 5 years
happy birthday!!! hoping you have/had a good one
I did, thank you so much!!!
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projectdestati · 6 years
ooo tell more about if namine had a brother 👀 the concept sounds super cool
hahahahaha, we just make music--there are people way better at coming up with good charactersbut what if Namine had a blond-haired twin brother who dressed in white and similarly had memory powers over Kairi and those connected with her
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roxasinaboxas · 6 years
have you had any other flavors of ice cream besides sea salt? if so, what is your favorite flavor?
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Guess I gotta start eating more ice cream ;)
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the-rose-owl · 5 years
oh heck i saw the notif for ur bday on dA but i didnt have tim.... im sorry pauline pwease forgive me and happy late bday 😔😔😔😔
It’s cool, dw about it,, thank you vi!
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illichi · 6 years
ur so fucking horny on main but also i love ur art 😡😡😡
im sorry vivian im a lesbian daisuki
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viivianite replied to your photo: here’s a cutie pie owo! i got art blocked so i...
hhlkshdfelk i miss interacting w sakura lots
[( askdljfadiof Ask box is always open! And you’re welcome to interact on Anon-- )]
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uh sup
yeah i know it’s been literally over a year since i’ve been rping and guess who’s feeling nostalgic!!!! i’m uh. gonna be revampin martin into an oc (actually an oc who looks mostly different and tweaking that personality too bc my writing was terrible [and probably still is])
that being said, i recommend yall mosey on to @continuousescapade to keep up on updates!! its gonna be MULTI MUSE BABY!!!!!
(ALSO I HOPE THE HENRI ANON SEES THIS AS WELL AS MY OLD RP PARTNERS IF ANY BC HMU OVER THERE I MISS YOU LOTS..... henri anon and/or lex pls dm me especially i wanna rp w u so baaaaadd)
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drawthiere · 2 years
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secret santa for @viivianite and a piece i did for an art telephone (also hosted by vii)
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rf5-countdown · 2 years
⭐️ 11 Days left ⭐️
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The doctor called to remind you of the upcoming examination 🩺 You better be on time, or else she'll get mad! @viivianite made this adorable gif!
Artist:  viivianite    -    Twitter    -   Tumblr
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