#vento areo
syre-stane16 · 1 year
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evermidnightforest · 2 years
he melts like Cirno
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pastaandpencils · 4 years
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I have a bunch of slots open! Please DM if interested! ❤️
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art-0flife · 5 years
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He's so pretty
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soundwhoreshira · 2 years
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se4rch404 · 4 years
I just can’t,,,
sorry my kawaii desu doppio,,, My hands are killing me,,,
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jhojuju · 4 years
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Vento Areo, But Doppio is FUCKING PISSED
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madbunny1010 · 6 years
Every JoJo part has a title that relates to its story.
Phantom Blood had vampires and undead.
Battle Tendency was about Joseph training to fight literal gods who only respected the trongedt fighters.
Stardust Crusaders was about two JoJos going on a trip across the world(they have star birth marks)
Diamond Is Unbreakable referred to Joskue being stupid strong and no matter what never stopped fighting even though he couldn’t heal himself he never “broke” in spirit.
Vento Areo is about a golden haired boy making a great change (Golden Wind usually refers to a change coming “winds of change”)
Stone Ocean is set in a prison on the ocean and the main character has a stand named after Stone Free, the Jimmy Hendricks song.
Steel Ball Run is about cowboys I’m a race and one has literal steel balls he uses as weapons instead of guns.
But Jojolion is a weird one, it’s supposed to be a mixture of evangelistic and JoJo. Meaning that JoJo is a blessed being? I really don’t understand how relegion fits into this story at all because it’s been nothing but fucking 70 something chapters of NOTHING, there is no main villain, there’s no real follow through with any plot point, the story starts out with trying to find out who Joskue really is, they figure it out like a chapter later and it’s supposed to set up this huge chain of events and foreboding adventure of like “woah is there anyway to bring him back to normal? How is Kira’s sister going to fit into all this, whats Love Love Delux’s deal? WHO IS PULLING THE STRINGS HERE?” But instead we’ve been thrown so much guff, the Hagashikata family are so much more interesting then they should be, Araki just tosses them into the background and doesn’t do shit with them yet every time they are on scene you just wanna know more about them and see them actually fight and do anything else but sit around and bitch about random stuff like sausages and if god exist??? because pancakes???
Kira’s sister is supposed to be an under cover bad ass but she’s been super undercover by not showing up for like 20 chapters, Kato the Mom of the family just showed up and has already been vanished into the background we don’t even know her stand ability or if she’s really evil or if she’s good we know nothing about her but she was made out to be a huge deal. Yasuho the love interest of Jojolion always seems to be tossed into harms way but some how just has thick plot armor that she could be hit by a train and stand up brush herself off and then go “oH NO I HAVE A TINY CUT!” but Joskue would react like she just died in front of him, I’m sorry he actually would just stare into the fucking camera and have an internal monologue about how he wants to save Holly and find this fucking fruit for some reason. It’s chapter 76 I think and we are just now getting to a tense part in the series where the main plot device this Rokakaka fruit that can transmute shit, is gonna finally fall into the hands of either the bad guys or the good guys, and he worse part is the interesting bad guy who is part of the family is now being made out to just be a naive spoiled child, like how would he have known these bad guys where bad guys??? He just wanted to make his daddy proud!! DONT GIVE HIM ANY CONSEQUENCES CAUSE HE JUST DIDNT KNOW HE WAS DOING WRONG. Jojolion is a mess, stand designs are getting weirder which is okay, but they feel like repeats of stands we’ve already seen. “Rock Humans, and Animals” are appearing and they make no sense cause Araki just hasn’t explained shit about them even though they are super important to this story, this entire story seems to be revolving around EARTH and ROCKS. What the flying fuck does that have to do with Religion??? Why isn’t this story more interesting? Why isn’t Araki explaining shit? WHY?
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zappsbrannigan · 7 years
tbh  Ghiaccio is more like sympath (is that the right word) but i need to re-read vento areo again ,damn it im not sure
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Facila Vojoj Kultivado de Kuracaj Plantoj Pala
Muskato kultivado kaj kultivado de muskato http://slosa.blogspot.com/2016/03/cara-menanam-dan-budidaya-pala.html multaj evoluintaj Indodnesia farmistoj en kaj individuaj kaj administrata de la kompanio, pro la alta peto de muskato al la bezonoj en la lando kaj eksterlande, la planto estas sufiĉe alloga por entreprenoj, speciale en la mondo de agribusiness ,
 Krome muskato plantoj ankaŭ povas vivi bone en areo kun temperaturo de 20 al 30 gradoj Celsius. 50 ĝis 80 procentoj humido, kaj pluvokvanto de 2,000 al 3,500 mm je jaro estas ankaŭ tre bona kiel loko por la kultivado de muskato.
 Muskato povas prosperi en lokoj kiuj ricevas sufiĉan sunlumon. Ĉiuj karakterizaĵoj menciitaj supre estas renkontita en la stepoj de Indonezio. Neniu miro muskato povas kreski bone en Sudorienta Azio ĉefe Indonezio.
 kultivo Pala
Kondiĉoj Grow
Tropis.Syarat kreskas optimume en la areo kreskas.
Idealo kreskas ĉe alteco de 0-900 metroj super marnivelo.
Struktura loza grundo, sabla grundo, argila grundo kaj riĉaj en materio orgánica.
Pluvokvanto 1500-3000 mm / jaro.
Optimuma aertemperaturo 20C-25C.
Humido 55-60%.
Grundo acideco (pH) ideala distanco inter 6.5-7.5.
 La muskato planto estas sentema al waterlogging (deslustrar), ĉar stagna akvo povas kaŭzi nanaj planto kresko kaj susceptibles al radiko rot. Sekve, la muskato kropo taŭgas tofografinya kultivita en areoj kiuj ne estas plata (ondecaj) kaj bona drenaje.
 protektanta arboj
 En la plantado de muskato, kovri rikoltoj vento devus akiri atenton. Aliaj uzas ombro arboj estas protekti la planton de troa sunbrilo, speciale kiam la plantoj estas ankoraŭ muda.Yang notu, tiutempe la planto estis en aĝo de 4-5 jaroj, la muskato kultivaĵo jam postulas multan sunlumon esti produktiva. Tial la protekta arbo adelgazamiento farenda, ĝi estas ankaŭ grava por malhelpi eksternorma kresko kiu etendas supren kaj malhelpi konkuradon en sorbi nutrientes inter la muskato kropo kaj ekaperas pelindung.Pohon bona protektanto estas arbo kies folioj estas ne tro densa kaj imuna la vento blovas kiel palmo, Duku, rambutan kaj specioj de fruktarboj aliaj.
 Kiel Plant
Por grundoj ke ne estus plantitaj, liberigante subkreskaĵaro kaj tala de arboj devus esti farita en la seka sezono, ĉi tio maleblas la rapide kreskanta reen belukar.Pengolahan arbusto lando intencita por eliĝo grundo, menciptakanareal la aireado (aero trafiko) tiel kiel purigado radikoj kaj planto skombroj. Por dekliva areoj, estu la portiko-terusuntuk malhelpi erozion.
 By. Cara Menanam Hidroponik
Source: slosa.blogpsot.com
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evermidnightforest · 2 years
𝚄𝚙 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚏𝚝𝚘𝚙 𝚊𝚝 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝
I'm really quite proud of this...
also yes, this is another self-indulgent AU of mine that I will not elaborate.
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pastaandpencils · 4 years
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Jojo discord Giomis
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art-0flife · 5 years
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I love the JoBros in part 5.
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herzspalter · 6 years
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Quick doodle!
Grab yourself a nice hot cup of coffee and a warm bread and enjoy yourselves today! Happy JoJo Friday!
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mobiusghost · 10 years
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art-0flife · 5 years
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