#venti build
yume-fanfare · 2 years
venti!! i like him a lot as well he is very gender… i have a venti but i dont use him much how do you utilize his playstyle and build him properly
ooooo!!! here is a quick how-to-venti guide!
his play style is p simple, just use his ult and it will generate this vortex that vacuums (small-ish) enemies on the field and deals anemo dmg. if the vortex comes into contact with another element, it'll swirl it and become infused in said element (it'll deal anemo damage And damage of that other element). a cool thing to know about it is that it "snapshots": if you use it while bennett's atk buff is up it will deal buffed damage even if the buff runs out before the vortex vanishes :)
HOWEVER an important important thing to know is that his ult is a bit elevated from the ground and not all characters can reach it, so here's a spreadsheet that compiles who can and who can't :D
the elemental skill deals aoe anemo damage and launches the enemies into the sky a bit (it stuns them and will, for example, stop abyss mages from putting up their shield again). if you hold the skill it will have a bigger aoe And create a wind current to let you fly up :) it's very useful in exploration to help you reach higher places too!
you don't really have to use his normal attacks so don't worry about that 👍
and as for build, venti uses 4pc viridiscent veneerer and the first thing to know is that you'll need around 160-170 of energy recharge. you can have some more if you want to but this is like the most important requirement because you'll use his ult the most.
and now i often joke that all of us venti mains are insane and crit build him and the function in game that lets you see what artifacts do most people use has happened to prove me right aldjskdjsk but the crit build vs elemental mastery build is a bit of an ongoing thing so i can try to summarize points to take into account:
the basics are: a em build will give you a more support-oriented venti, while a crit build will have him deal more personal damage
so, crit builds Can reach a higher damage ceiling
however you will need a lot of good crit rolls to reach a decent ratio between crit dmg and crit ratio (because venti has an energy recharge ascension)
meanwhile em builds can reach a very good damage ceiling even if your substats aren't that good: the em you get from main stats should be enough more or less
still, the viridiscent veneerer domain rng kinda sucks so em pieces might still be hard to find
(fun fact: if you need an offset em artifact, the husk of opulent dreams domain is your best bet, because the rng there makes it harder to get def pieces but easier to find em ones. similarly, some of your best crit pieces may come from the maiden beloved set)
another thing to take into account is the team: if he's in a team without many reactions a crit build is a better investment
so, for a crit build you'd use ATK/Anemo DMG/CRIT for main stats and for an elemental mastery build you'll need EM/EM/EM if possible. you can also perfectly use an energy recharge sands to meet er requirements
as for weapons, his best f2p one is the stringless, and it's very very good for both crit and em builds, it may even beat the 5*s in some aspects. and if we're talking about 5* bows, elegy for the end is perfect for a support venti while the skyward harp is better for crit venti. other good 4* options are the sacrificial bow and the favonius bow, to help meet er requirements
and that's all i think? i also greatly recommend checking out the very cool venti guide at keqingmains.com as it has much more info about other stuff like talents, constellations and cool team compositions :)
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thank-barbatos · 2 years
Help me decide please: skyward harp, stringless, or elegy. I just want my bard to be very very strong
Also should I try to get constellations for him?
Alright, buckle up anon because I'm here to help you!
Abbreviation index:
ER = Energy recharge
EM = Elemental Mastery
F2P = Free to Play
DPS = Damage per second
Cdmg = Crit damage
CR = Crit rate
Elegy and Stringless (Any stringless is fine, but R5 is preferred!) are fantastic weapons for a Venti that's meant to support your team. Honestly, I would recommend Stingless over Elegy for the support role, as in my opinion, Venti doesn't need the huge amount of ER that the Elegy provides, HOWEVER, if your team is all geo and anemo, then stringless is useless, and elegy would be by far better in this case.
Pros for Stringless:
F2P friendly
Lowest investment build for Venti
Works amazing as is in comps where you're constantly swirling different reactions
Cons for Stringless:
Venti's personal DPS dmg is not that good
If using only anemo and geo team comp, it is useless
Pros for Elegy:
You don't have to worry about ER (Venti and his team members will constantly have their bursts ready to go)
Better personal DPS dmg than the stringless
You can use it in literally any team comp
Cons for Elegy:
You have to pull on the weapon banner, which is a real gamble
You likely won't be able to R5 it like a Stringless if you're F2P
If you're going to do a support build, then for your artifacts I recommend: EM, Anemo, EM. If you really wanted to, you could replace the anemo cup with even more EM, but honestly, I'd just go for the anemo cup. However, if you have an anemo and geo only team comp, then ignore that and go for Attack (or ER if you want more ER), Anemo, Cdmg/CR.
If you're going with these builds, I recommend 4pc Viridescent for his artifact set.
Now, let's veer away from the support build and talk about his DPS build. You asked about the Skyward Harp, and as a DPS Venti main who uses the Skyward Harp, I'm here to help!
Crit building for Venti does require a higher investment than support Venti. Now what do I mean by that? I mean you're gonna be farming for a long time to get artifact pieces for Venti, if you go the DPS route, because his support build is kinda just... you smack stuff onto him and it works. Crit build Venti takes more care and consideration but it's an investment that pays off well. Skyward Harp serves him well with this build because it also provides some CR and Cdmg from it's stats alone to help you build him easier; and to boot, it even has a high base attack stat and occasionally deals additional dmg.
Pros for Skyward Harp:
One of his best DPS weapons
Helps with Cr/Cdmg which means you have some wiggle room with copium artifacts
Venti solo? Venti solo. The man is a beast and can easily kill stuff on his own. Big pp dmg.
Team comp? Who cares, this build will work no matter what.
Cons for Skyward Harp:
You're either hoping and praying to get it on the standard banner or you're pulling on the weapon banner for it, either way, not easy to R5.
High investment, this is a Venti that takes TIME and LUCK to build.
Now in terms of artifact stats, there is only one build I recommend, and it's your typical crit build: Attack, Anemo and Cdmg/CR.
As for your artifact set, you COULD go around with a 4pc Viridescent it still works perfectly fine with this build and many people do it; however, my personal build, and what I recommend for crit Venti builds is actually 2pc Viridescent and 2pc any set that has +18% attack.
Now that we're talked about bows and artifacts, let's talk about constellations.
I'll preface this by saying that Venti is already a complete character who is 100% usable and strong on his own even at C0. Many people don't get Venti Cons.
However, if you DO decide to get Venti cons, then your DPS Venti is rewarded greatly and will do some insane and broken damage. As a support, he's pretty much fine as is, maybe go for his C2 at most if you really wanna maximize him from a support standpoint. However, as a DPS, if you want to make Venti as strong as possible, because you love him that much, then his best cons are: C2, C4 and C6. I would only consider getting constellations for Venti if you REALLY love him, and don't have plans to pull for anyone else that might be coming out soon. His cons are great, they're cracked, but they're also not needed to "fix" Venti, because he's not a broken unit at all. Personally, I went for his C6 because I'm a Venti simp and I wanted him to be as strong as possible. I have no regrets, and if I had the option to, I would do it again because in my opinion it's worth it to see my favourite character just demolish stuff. It really comes down to YOU and what YOU think.
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auughsoundeffect · 1 year
My Genshin builds
Includes: Venti, Xinyan, Yao Yao, Yoimiya, Keqing, Yun Jin
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Note: support build. My boy doesn’t do much except wait for his burst cooldown.
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Note: support/heal build. I’m in the progress of changing her polearm into the black tassel since she’ll benefit from it a lot more.
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Note: aggravate build for Keqing as the main dps.
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Note: support.
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Note: physical dps build. I’m a Xinyan main. So best believe this build is absolutely fire.
Website: Enka.Network
The art does not belong to me
Builds might be subject to change in the near future.
Posted 30th June 2023
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qiinamii · 7 months
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quite the poet, quite the inspo
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raidenventi · 2 years
My semi-finished Venti build
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Sometimes I think about what Zhongli and Venti's friendship must have been like, when canon implied that it was always Venti who would visit, Venti who would leave his nation to check on the other, and... Venti who left for centuries on end to sleep.
Yet, Mondstadt does not have the stories of the Anemo and Geo Archon coming together and drinking wine and watching performances. Liyue speaks of their alliance, of the time Barbatos broke a vase, and of their history. And I wouldn't say their friendship was one-sided, but it seems imbalanced in a way that makes sense for their responsibilities at the time. Morax was a very hands-on, active archon while Barbatos is practically the patron saint of traveling.
Does Mondstadt know that her god befriended the other archons, that he was responsible for building connections between the divine? They scoff at Venti's ballads of swapping out the Tsaritsa's scepter and talking shit about the Pyro Archon, do they know that he is mentioned frequently in other nations, that everyone else calls him absent to his people but present in some way or another in the anemo element and yet tells folklore about his visits in their nation ?
ah, I'm just thinking out loud again
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vv-ispy · 29 days
Also I think a lot about how Venti became a god in a nation whose land was made uninhabitable due to one god and imprisoned by another, and the instant the god who imprisoned them was toppled. He fought to topple the god and now he's a god? He's spent his whole life as a wisp barely as powerful as a human with a boy who only knew life imposed under god's power and now he's a god? What terrible circumstances to obtain godhood
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empyrangel · 1 year
I just finished Nahida’s quest and while I’m fuming that the radish got a second story quest before Venti, that doesn’t mean I can’t make part of her quest about him. In all seriousness though, I think this one specific bit was about him. In the part where we have to heal the second elemental being disguised as a fungus but they’re surrounded by real fungi and we can’t startle them, Nahida turns herself into a fungus and she and the first elemental being have a conversation about transformation.
Nahida thinks that shapeshifting should be easy since she’s a god, but the being tells her that it takes time like evolution and even gods can’t bend the rules of time, so the transformation won’t work well. Nahida is able to transform immediately only because of the beings help and experience, and we see these warnings to be true when Nahida is only able to hold her transformation for like 2 minutes before it wears her out and she turns back.
So how does Venti fit into this? Venti took his friend’s form immediately at will, which the being established is impossible for a god or any other being to do. He then proceeded to hold that form for 2600 years. That’s insane compared to Nahida even when she had help.
Which leads me to theory time! The being said that transformation takes time and even gods can’t bend time, but what if you had help from time herself? What if Istaroth took pity on her child for losing his friend and decided to aid his transformation and allow him to hold it? (Let me have my Venti Istaroth crumbs okay?)
Still, even with Istaroth’s help- weakest archon my ass! Venti you are hiding something big time and I want in on it.
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shadowed-dancer · 8 months
Keqing! Apologize to Neuvillette right now for preventing him from coming home!
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cinnabell2 · 1 year
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Himmel Debut performance! and since there would be 7 of them now I dub them 7ebels!! 💙✨ (and sorry I am adding noise to my art for protections against AI) timelapse and no bg ver under the cut uwu
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leafyduckwebs · 3 months
sorry but this new training guide is absolute ass if you're AR 45+
why did it tell me to sacrifice some of my Venti's EM for crit. like. that is the EM guy. the og EM archon if you will. he does not need to crit. killing his enemies by sucking them into a fire/electro/water/ice infused black hole is enough.
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cyber-phobia · 2 months
Heyo feel like we haven't interacted in a hot minute so I've broken into ur home to annoy you 🏠🪟🏏 (sorry ab whatever tf that last thing is I'm uncultured and there wasn't a bat emoji but I wager I could reasonably break a window with the strange similarly oblong handheld sports device pictured)
Anywaysssss wanna share your favorite genshin teams with the class? Favorite elem. reactions? What comp do you usually use for abyss runs and do all your dps characters have respectable crit ratios? Also which nation is your favorite?
Feel free to answer all, none, or some of the questions provided, I eagerly await your responding missive (or not, if you don't feel like it, no pressure bro) 🫡
oooo my Neuvilette team makes every super easy but I gotta say my Alhaitham team is the most fun! (biased bc he was my first limited 5 star)
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Neuvillette is my best built character overall though lmao
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I love dendro reactions, but I have so many hydro characters I feel like im almost obligated to say its my favorite element.
Mondstadt will always be my #1!! But Fontaine gave me lots of lore to chew on.
floor 12 my abhorred </3
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whitemochacoffee · 2 years
So i heard scaramouche can use anemo
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Venti is building an anemo harem of his coworker's children/children figures
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hydrodragons · 9 months
in honour of my beloved albedo's birthday im showcasing my personal favourite team of his which is double geo spread (i swear it works its fun pls try)
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So the funniest thing about "Venti" and "Zhongli" meeting was how Zhongli kept trying to praise and give recognition to Venti for his wit or his work, but Venti brushed it off and gave backhanded compliments. Venti continuously talks about how he clearly doesn't know Zhongli or anything about him, so his comments about the man are based in rumors alone.
But also, he's totally aware of all he is stirring up, and his poem clearly reflects that.
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It stresses both Xiao and the Traveler out because neither God is saying quite what they really mean and all the subtext between their conversation is lost on them. Xiao comments that when the adepti would meet in the past, there was no question what anyone meant, but tonight he was struggling and it was disheartening to him.
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I think Zhongli was trying to express that he didn't know how to talk to or face Barbatos, as he did by "ignoring the sound of the wind," and claiming that "it was difficult to tell where anyone was during Lantern Rite", but he kept calling Venti "new friend," and "esteemed bard", and most tellingly, amiable.
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Venti does not acknowledge the title of being a new friend, and to further distance himself, calls Zhongli by "Mr. Zhongli," implying a formal distance!! All the while denying any knowledge or connection that they might have had before.
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He then easily interacts with Hu Tao, and befriends her instantaneously!! He talks about meeting with Xiao and playing for him, talking with him on an extremely casual and easy way. Which is notable bc of Xiao's solitary. He even talks about being acquainted with Xingqiu, and how they grew close at a festival over shared love for literature.
And then, most obvious of all, Zhongli was going to listen to Hu Tao's desire to accompany Traveler, Xiao, and Venti home but Venti immediately refused Mr. ZHONGI and said he was going to meet a FRIEND. But if the Traveler wants to come find him, he's quite sure they know where he will be. And Venti leaves them.
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Isn't that just a slap in the face? That was such a clear dismissal of Zhongli and it was brutal. Zhongli then says neither Traveler or Xiao needs his protection, and he will be walking alone before meeting with the director again.
I don't think this was the interaction anyone was really quite expecting with these two, and I also don't think this was Venti telling Zhongli that he wanted nothing to do with his friendship. I think Venti is a little shit who is rightfully upset with an old friend, and he wants Zhongli to acknowledge that by killing Morax, Barbatos has no ties to Zhongli.
Where they will be going forward? Who's to say?
The wind stops for nothing, and the stone is firm in its foundation.
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crows-of-buckets · 1 year
Gonna post my genshin builds because I'm trying to be more active on here I just. Forget that there is a option to actually post your own stuff lmao
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First up is my diluc build I love him so much but crimson witch actually hates me </3 Serpent spine is actually carrying this build it's crazy. Also fun fact, that absolutely ass pyro goblet is actually just. My best pyro goblet. I have shit luck with them apparently but have like ten good cry goblets it is not fair </3
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MY KAEYA the fact that his artifacts are so good is crazy to me because I spent like. Maybe a month total farming for him everything else just somehow came into exsistance idk it's crazy. That cryo goblets I got from the abyss like. Apparently my kaeya is destined to have a good CRIT ratio
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My Childe build is. Temporary. I really wanna build him a bit better but it is what it is his current build is fine. What I really want is more rust refinements but alas the gacha hates me in particular. It's actually kinda funny I got rust literally the ten pull after I lost the 50/50 to Keqing I was so mad about it it's not even funny
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My fischl's crit rate is absolutely awful but it is NOT my fault for some reason I have yet to get a single crit rate goblet for thundering fury oh my god. Her goblet is literally so insane though I still don't know how I managed to get that one
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My kaveh and venti both just have a bunch of em stacked onto them, since I run bloom kaveh and swirl support venti (although I do plan on getting artifacts for aggravate kaveh here soon) their builds aren't particularly insane, I just wanted to include them because I love them hehe :3
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Bonus, my Eula build that is currently being held by beidou. I have been prepping for eula since November and FINALLY her banner is official </3 only nine more days until this build finally gets to go on its rightful owner
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