#vector and vanilla wedding adventures
lea-andres · 2 years
Vavokilla has grabbed my attention and now I shall provide you with headcanons!
- It started with Vector and Vanilla having puppy love for one another, and grew when they spent a few days with the deadly six when kidnapped to being interested in Zavok.
- Eventually, the trio began to meet up in secret. They'd have picnics in a restricted part of the beach where no one can see them, adventure into different hobbies together, and that friendship became dating after months went by.
- Zavok was reluctant at first, after all he was the leader of the deadly six and technically a wanted criminal, but the other two somehow managed to persuade him to come for the first few times before he began to come on his own.
- Vanilla gives gifts in the form of food. Cookies, brownies, croissants, you name it and she'll bake it. But she also gifts hand–made jewelry on occasion, though bashful about showing it off to others.
- Vector adores both his S/Os and is vocal about it. If their relationship weren't a secret, he would've been bragging about them to his friends for hours on end or recounting some of his favorite dates that they took him on.
- The metal virus arc was a terrible time for Zavok when he found out that both Vanilla and Vector got infected, and that caused him to lash out at a certain platypus mobian. That's how the deadly six found out about them.
- The deadly six is actually supportive of their relationship ship because if Zavok even gave them the time of day, then they were pretty good in their book.
- Zeena and Zomom get along great with Vanilla, she offering to teach them how to cook food that could last for weeks, showing them modern music, ect.
- Zazz and surprisingly Zor instantly take a liking to Vector for some reason, and the crocodile sees a lot of his sons in the two.
- Master Zik is neutral about the two, friendly sure, but won't go further outside of that.
- It's Espio and Charmy that found out next; them walking in on a vavokilla date when it was about to end, and they freak out, thinking that Zavok had done something to them. But after it gets explained by Vector, the two just become confused (Charmy) and angry (Espio).
- After this, it becomes a little awkward whenever Zavok is at the crocodile's house – mostly because Espio keeps doing the 'im watching you' gesture towards him.
- Charmy doesn't actually mind the fact that his father is dating Zavok and Vanilla, he just enjoys playing harmless pranks whenever he can (maybe accompanied by Zazz).
- When Cream finally founds out, she just hums with thought and continues to do whatever she was doing before. It's not until later when the rabbit approaches them with a messy drawing of them, showing her appreciation for the two making her mom happier.
- Vector fears the day when team dark finds out about their relationship. You know why.
- A very fluffy ship.
- The wedding in a pretty far future takes place on some mountain with a very beautiful view, Vector and Zavok both awaiting Vanilla to walk down the isle in their newly tailored white suits and jet black bowties. She walks down the isle in a long while wedding dress with flower patterning at the end and her hands full of red roses wrapped up in a bouquet. That day ends with a trio of very happy newly weds.
I wasn't expecting this to be so stinking cute, but it is and I can't take it. 😭
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #979: Bachelorette's Wedding Dress (Sonic)
6:46 p.m. at Emerald Bridal Shop.....
Amy: (Gasps Loudly While her Eyes Begins to Sparkle at What is in Front 9f her and Rouge) Oh my gosh!~
Rouge: (Starts Smirking in a Very Impressed Manner) Me-ow~
Vanilla: So.....What do you ladies think?
Amy: (Almost at a Loss For Words) G-G....Gorgeous.....
Rouge: (Takes Out a Small Mirror From her Purse and Gives it to Vanilla) Take a look for yourself, Mrs. Crocodile~
Vanilla uses the small mirror Rouge gave her to examine the wedding dress she is currently wearing. It wasn't too long for the soon-to-be bride gasps loudly at how bright and absolutely stunning the white, long sleeved dress in question, looks on her. It might not be the most elegant dress to some, but for Vanilla, it is a dress that is destined to be worn by her the moment she first sets her eyes on it.
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Vanilla: My goodness.....(Eyes Begins to Sparkle at the Sight of the Reflection of Herself) I DO look gorgeous in this dress!~
Amy: Told you!~ It fits you so perfectly and everything. Looking like a princess in a ball!~
Rouge: Screw princess. She looks like a goddamn queen.
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly While Blushing) Oho girls~ You're making me blush already~ Are you certain Vector will like this too?
Rouge: Honey, the man has already fallen for your charm and looks for two and a half years now. I'm pretty sure wearing that dress will blow his mind away in a matter of seconds.
Amy: Rouge's right, Mrs. Rabbit. Or....rather Mrs. Crocodile. (Grabs her Chin) You know, now that I mention it, is your last name going to be Crocodile for now or will it still be Rabbit?
Vanilla: Crocodile. Though, there IS a part of me thay kinda sort of wants it to be Crocinstein.
Amy/Rouge: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Crocinstein?
Vanilla: (Smiles Brightly) My sweetheart's stage name growing up. He was an up and coming DJ star in his teenage years.
Rouge: Vector as a DJ......I can somewhat believe that.
Amy: (Starts Snickering) Yeah, but DJ Crocinstein though? It sounds so lame and cheesy~
Vanilla: (Immediately Pouts a Amy) Hey! It is a very lovely DJ name!
Rouge: (Snickers as Well) Yeah. For a nerd~
Amy: (Giggles Softly)
Vanilla: Yeah? (Crosses her Arms While Playfully Looking Away) Well, this bride is going to marry that wonderful, handsome nerd as we speak. In fact, I happen to be one myself in my youth.
Amy: Wait really? I figured you were in the popular crowd. (Places her Habds on her Hips While Pouting) And what is this I hear about you being in a bicker gang once?
Vanilla: (Gives Amy a Bit of a Cocky Smirk on her Face While Flipping her one of her Ears) There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Amy. ('Sigh') But still, are you girls sure you want to pay for the dress for me? It cost an awful lot.
Rouge: (Smiles Softly at the Bride to Be) Hey, you guys are already paying a lot for the wedding. So let us worry about dress while you worry about staying pretty for your future hubby.
Amy: (Happily Nodded in Agreement)
Rouge: Ooh...Speaking of which....(Makes her Way to the Store Window Watching Four Familiar Faces Walking Outside the Store and a Certain Blue Hedgehog Holding onto One of Them) Is that our boys out there soak and wet?
Vanilla/Amy: (Gasps as They Rushes Towards the Window) MY BABY!?
Meanwhile Outside.......
Knuckles: (Sighs While Walking With Among the Boys) Well, that could've gone better......
Vector: (Sighs While Squeezing the Warer Out of his Hat) Tell me about it....And I was really hoping I could catch that golden bass too....
Shadow: (Raises an Eyebrow at Vector in Curiosity) Golden Bass?
Vector: My dad caught two of them when I was kid. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Soooo....Once I heard there's only one located in the lake, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to catch it on my own. (Starts Rolling his Eyes) Guess that didn't work out.....
Omega: Do not feel discouraged, Vector the Crocodile. (Smiles Reassuringly) I am certain you will have many more chances of catching it one day-
???: Wow, Froggy!
The Gang (sans for Sonic who is still shaking) turns to see Big and Froggy walking by with a golden bass in his Hands.
Big: I can't believe we managed to catch a rare golden bass without a fishing hook! Do you think it'll be taste to eat?
Froggy: Ribbit.
Vector: (Watches the Duo Walk Away With his Mouth Widened and One of his Etes Twitching in Shock).................
Omega: ...........Well........That's unfortunate.
Vector: ('Sighs Heavily') I love you, dad, but....(Angrily Throws his Hat at the Floor) This is the last time we're going fishing!
Everyone: Agreed.
?????: (From a Bit of a Distance) Vector-Kins!!~
Vector: (Turns to See His Future Wife and the Rest of the Girls Making Their Way Towards Them) Oh hey dear. Were you ladies find anything you were looking for this evening?
Vanilla: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. (Gently Grab Both of Vector's Hands) What happened to you boys?
Rouge: Yeah, did your fishing didn't go too well or something?
Vector: It did at first....(Starts Rolling his Eyes Whe Grumbling) Till a certain big cat had to jump in and ruin it to find his dumb frog....
Vanilla: Oh! You mean Big? How has he been as of late?
Vector: Peachy. He has a job now. So....there's that.
Vanilla: How wonderful~
Amy: (Watches Omega Gently Gets Sonic Off his Head) Okay, Omega, just....lower him down for me. Slower.....slower....slower....
Omega: (Slowly Places Sonic into the Ground) The boyfriend has successfully landed into the grounded area.
Amy: (Smiles Reliefly at the Robot) That's great, Omega, thank you.
Sonic: (Gives Omega a Thumbs up While Shivering a Little) Y-Yeah, man. You're a live saver.
Amy: (Turns to Sonic With Worry in her Eyes) Oh my poor sweetie~ (Takes Off her Jacket and Place it Onto Sonic's Shoulders) Are you gonna be okay?
Sonic: (Sighs Heavily While Rubbing his Hands Up and Down on his Arms) Yeah.....I'll live. Just came out if a near death experience is all.....It was terrifying....
Amy: I know it was, but you have nothing to worry about now that I'm here. (Kiss Sonic on the Cheek)
Sonic: (Chuckles Lightly While Blushing a Little) Right. (Places his Head Onto Amy's Shoulder) Thanks, Ames.
Amy: (Happily Hugs Somic Beside Her)
Rouge: As lovely as this is, I think it's time we headed on outta here before you all catch yourselves a cold.
Vector: Already? We were about to head to the pizza place and eat.
Vanilla: We can have one of us go there and place an order.
Omega: (Immediately Raises his Hand) I vote for myself to go! (Uses Jet Boost to Make his Way to the Pizza Place)
Rouge: Wait, Omega! You forgot the- (Sighs and Facepalms Herself as She Sees Omega Boosting Off) Money. Guess I'll go with him then. (Waves at the Rest of the Gang While Catching up to Omega) See you guys back at your place!
Vanilla: (Waves Back at Rouge) 'Kay! (Turns Back to Everyone Else) Let's head home everyone. (Starts Walking Back Home While Ressting her Head Onto Vector's Shoulders) I'm sorry your fishing trip ended on a sour note.
Vector: (Shrugs) Eh. It's not big deal. (Smirks at his Girlfriend Next to Him) 'Least I get to spend the rest of the day with the prettiest bride in the globes~
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly as She Nuzzles onto Vector's Shoulders) Aww~ You missed me that much, sweetie pie?~
Vector: You know it. What kind of husband I'm gonna be if I didn't? Speaking of which.....
Vanilla: I'd it's about the dress, you have to until the wedding to see me in it.
Vector: (Playfully Disappointed) Awww....Do I have to wait until then?
Vanilla: (Simply Nodded) That's right. You know it's bad luck to see your fiance in one beforehand, right?
Vector: Yeah, but-
Vanilla: Vector....Be patient.
Sonic: (Starts Snickering at the Crocodile With Amy Containing her Giggling) I'd listen to her if I were you, Vector-Kins.
Knuckles: He's right. (Starts Smirking) You're days of being a married man are numbered.
Shadow: (Nodded in Agreement With a Small Smirk on his Face) Hmph.
Vector: ('Heh') I ain't complaining. Already can't wait. (Gives Vanilla a Kiss on the Head) You owe me a nightly cuddle session.
Vanilla: (Smiles Softly) You'll get your cuddles after you dry yourself off. (Kiss Vector on the Cheek) Okay?
Vector: Yes, dear.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #975: Wedding Planner Meeting (Sonic X Crash Bandicoot)
6:34 p.m. at Rabbits/Chaotix's Household's LivingRoom........
Cream: (Stands Beside the Large Paper Pad in Front if Everyone Present While Tapping it With a Pointing Stick) Alright, everyone! Now that we've officially found our marriage officiant and singer, we can finally discuss a very important topic at hand.
Cheese turns the page of the pad from his side, showing off three shaded colors: White, Purple, and Peach
Cream: Which colors do you guys would fit well to the wedding's theme? At first, I chose purple since it's mommy's favorite color, but then, I noticed how pretty looking the color of the peaches are when I ate one a few mornings ago. But then I remembered that color White is what makes weddings....w-weddings, you know!? So....('Sigh Heavily') I'm afraid I'm in a teensy bit of tight spot here.....
Cream: (Turns to She Cheese Crossing his Arms, Raising an Eyebrow at Her Before Giggling a bit Awkwardly) O-Oh and umm....The fourth color that Cheese picked was Green. I forgot to color it in and sharpen the color pencil at the last minute....
Cheese: Chaoooooo?
Cream: (Sighs Heavily While Rolling her Eyes) And because of that, I owe him three cookies from the cookie jar. (Immediately Turns Back to Her Chao Friend with a Glare) Which I will give to him LATER, by the way!
Cheese: (Rolls his Eyes as Well) Chao Chao Chao.....
Cream: (Starts Wiggling Her Finger at Cheese in a Motherly Fashion) Hey, don't give me that attitude, mister! Be patient. (Sighs Once More) But anyways.....(Smiles Brightly at the Others In Front of Her) Any thoughts?~
Espio: Well....I think the colors you two have chosen are decent enough choices in their own right. But if I must, I suppose I would say......(Points at the First Color on the Left) Purple would be the best option.
Tails: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) I dunno..... Peach does seem like the most vibrant out of the four....But Green is definitive color for the current season......('Sigh') I already can't decide which of the two I prefer more.....
Coco: (Brushing Tails' Tails While Sitting Next to Him) I'd be fine any of them as long as it isn't white. It's too obvious and generic for my liking.
Charmy: (Looks at the Colors Front of Him Very Closely) Hmmmmmmmmmm........
Coco: (Turns to the Young Bee) Got any favorites on your end, kiddo?
Charmy: I'm not sure......I mean, Purple's pretty, Peach is Fruity, Green is Greenie, and White's pretty much the most boring one. So we just rule that one out easily.
Everyone: Agreed./Chao.
Cream: ('Sighs in Defeat') I suppose that one's settled...But you really couldn't choose out of the three of them, Charmy?
Charmy: Nope. All of them are pretty cool choices in my book. (Suddenly Comes Up With an Idea) Ooh! How about we combined them all together? I call it....Pureench.
Espio: (Raises an Eyebrow at Charmy) Pureench.
Charmy: (Happily Nodded) Yep! Half Purple, Half Green, and Half Peach. Mixed together into one ultra wedding theme color! (Places his Hands on his Hips With a Confident Grin on his Face) Pretty neat, huh?
Tails: (Quickly Looks at Coco Before Turning Back to Charmy) That....is a...pretty neat idea for sure, Charmy. But uhh....Maybe it would be better if we just choose one out of the three colors instead, yeah?
Coco: (Nodded in Agreement with a Bit of an Awkward Smile on her Face)
Charmy: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) If you say so.....Wanna play a game of Uno to see who's color is on top? My money's on Green!
Cheese: (Raises his Hand Up) Chao Chao Chao!
Charmy: (Smiles Brightly) All right, Cheese! Up top.
Cheese: (Happily High Fives Charmy) Chao Chao!
Tails and Coco whispers among one another before nodding and turning back to the group.
Tails: Given the thoughts and discussion Coco and I made, we offically decided to be on Peach side. It is a pretty unique color out of the bunch all things considered.
Coco: Not to mention one of tastiest fruit out there. Also, fair warning, buuuuut.....(Starts Smirking a Bit Smugly While Crossing her Arms) I just so happen as the undisputed champion of Uno.
Tails: (Shrugs) It's true. She beaten me in it over fifty times.
Coco: And I never lost a game since!~
Espio: ('Sigh') Then I suppose I'll be on the Purple side then. (Turns to Cream) Care to join with me, Cream?
Cream: Sorry, but...I'm gonna have to go on the White side on this one.
Charmy: Seriously? But it's a boring color though.
Cream: Yeah, but I don't want it to be left out completely. So as such....(Points Up at the Ceiling) I will stand by it's side and fight for it's honor!....Or at least try not to lose too badly.
Tails: Not good with Uno?
Cream: I'm only average at best..... (Immediately Glares at at a Certain Bee Boy and Chao) Because a certain pairs of hooligans wouldn't stop trolling me with their cheap tactics!!
Charmy: (Smirks at his Soon to be Sister with Cheese While Suddenly Wearing Sunglasses) Hey, don't blame the players, bunny girl, blame the game and your lack of skillz.
Cheese: (Nodded in Agreemen) Chao Chao Chao. (HI Fives Charmy Again)
Cream (Has a Very ConfusedLook on her Face): .......Where did those sunglasses came fr-
Charmy: Cool guys don't need to explain random occurrences.
Cheese: Chao.
Cream: (Stares at the Duo For a Few More Seconds Before Sighing in Defeat Again While Pinching her Nose) You know what? Fine. Whatever. Let's just get the fame started already. Meeting dismissed! (Uses her Pointer to Tap on the Coffee Table)
Charmy/Cheese: (Immediately Rushes Towards the Dining Room) GREEN SQUAD RULES!!!!/CHAO CHAO CHAOOOOO!!!!
Coco: (Follows the Duo While Having her Arm Around her Best Friend's Shoulder) You have nothing to worry about here, bud. With my guidance, we'll both be champions in no time flat.
Tails: It would be fun to win Uno for once.
Espio: (Smiles Softly at Cream) I must say, Cream. You're doing a fairly good job planning out the wedding so far.
Cream: (Smiles Brightly at Espio) Thank you~ It's a lot of work, but I'm really having a blast doing thess.
Espio: (Simply Nodded) I do as well. (Points his Finger Up) But it's important not get too invested into them. You could stress yourself out too easily if you're not careful.
Cream: (Happily Hugs Espio Lovingly) Don't you worry about a thing, Espio. I'll be careful. (Puts on a Playful Smirk on her Face) But what you SHOULD be worrying about right now is getting your bottom whopped in Uno.
Espio: (Smirks Back at the Rabbit) Having confidence of winning already? I thought you said you were an average player.
Cream: I did. But who's to say any of you would would actually win this evening? When I have a strategy to do so on my own.
Espio: You haven't thought of one yet, haven't you?
Cream: (Makes her Way to the Dining Room With Espio) While Sighing Yet Again) No. But.....I-It'll definitely be something! (Points at the Ninja Beside Herself) And you're not allowed to know what it is, buster!
Espio: (Chuckles Lightly) Whatever you say, little sister.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #999: The After Party (Sonic X SSBU)
Finally, after weeks of preparations, patience, and working up the courage and nerves to pronounce their vows towards one another, the newly wedded couple, Vector and Vanilla Crocodile has officially tied the knot and will forever be bound to one another for as long as the both shall live, continue to raise a family they love and treasure dearly to tis very day. Needless to say, it was easily one of the happiest days of each of their lives.
As crowd continues to cheer on for them, the couple walked down the aisle together while Vanilla tosses her bonquet of white flowers right behind her back instantly causing most of the girls and women present in the ceremony, to immediately leaps from their chairs and spots and over towards the fallen bonquet in question. In the end, however, it was Cream, the up and coming Flower Girl, who swooped in at the last second and grab the flowers in her hands with the biggest smile in her face as everyone else begins to cheer for her.
Then a few hours pass, the sun begins to set and everyone has already retreated inside the wedding center's cafeteria where the after party.
Lavenza: (Sighs Dreamingly as She Watches the Newly Wedded Couple Cut a the First Slice of Their Cake Together Before Sharing Another Kiss in the Background with Morgana) Such a wonderful occasion for the loveliest of couples~
Morgana: (Smiles Softly) Tell me about it. I always pictured weddings being nice and beautiful. This one takes the cake for sure. (Turns to Lavenza) You did wonderful in your second live performance by the way.
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly at her Boyfriend) Why, thank you, dear!~ I don't think I would ever have half the courage to sing through the session alone if weren't for your sign and support. Which reminds me.....(Puts her Elbow on the Table Before Slowly Leaning Towards Morgana woth a Seductive, Teasing Smirk on her Face) What is this I hear about you witnessing a beautiful girl in your visual prowless earlier hmmmmmm?~
Morgana: (Eyes Begins to Widened as He Starts Blushing) Wait, h-h-how did you know anything of- (Suddenly Gets Silent For a Few Seconds Before Pinching his Nose and Sighing) Futuba told you, didn't she?
Lavenza: (Hears Futuba Giggles Evilly in the Background) That seems to be correct notion, yes. (Smiles Softly) Still, it flatters me that you admire my beauty very much.
Morgana: Oh. Well.....Yeah, I mean.....(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth While Looking Away) Not to sound weird or anything, but.....I'll always find you beautiful.
Lavenza: (Gently Holds Morgana's Hand Close to Her) And I will forever find you handsome. As well as cute~ (Kiss the Top of Mona's Hand)
Futuba: (Groans Loudly While Dancing with Yusuke) Will you two EVER get a room!?
Morgana: (Glares at Futuba) I dunno, Futuba. Will you ever tell Inari how you really feel instead of playing hard to get!?
Lavenza: (Giggles Softly)
Futuba: (Immediately Blushes Before Glaring Back at her Kitty Human Bro) I‐I- SHUT UP, LOVER BOY!
Yusuke: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) How could you play hard to get when I'm currently holding onto to you as we speak? Is it a-
Futuba: (Rolling her Eyes) Another saying, yes. And I'll explain to you....whenever I feel like it! (Drags Yusuke on his Feet)
Cloud: (Standing Behind the Chair Next to Tifa and the Gang) Gotta say, De, you weren't too shabby at all back there. (Starts Taking a Drink of his Gkass of Wine)
Tifa: (Smiles Brightly) You guys were amazing throughout that ceremony.
Luigi/Daisy: (Happily Nodded in Agreement)
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly While the Wiping the Sweat Off his Forehead) Ah shucks, y'all. It was nothing. I'm just glad this wedding turned out as great as I thought it would.
Escargoon: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Agreed. (Turns Towards Vector and Vanilla Happily Snuggling Their Nose Onto One Another in the Distance) Those two seem really happy with each other.
Dedede: The happiest in the whole wide world......(Smiles Brightly) Now let's talk about the future of Dedede Church!!
Cloud: (Eyes Widened a Bit) Oh God. You're serious about this, aren't you?
Dedede: Hell yeah I'm serious! Do you have any idea how many recognitions we're getting right now!? Ain't no way I'm stoppin' this train now! (Drinks his Glasses of Wine) Which reminds me, any of y'all wanna join our choir?
Escargoon: The more the merrier.
Cloud: Pass. I don't sing.
Daisy: Yeah, me neither. (Starts Pulling on Luigi's Cheek While Smirking Playfully) But I know a certain, cute plumber who caaaaan~
Luigi: (Chuckles Ticklishly) Daisy, come on~ I'm not really that good of a singer.
Daisy: Babe, I've heard you sang in our shower more times than I can bother counting and all those times you sound like an angel!
Tifa: And are we really going to forget that wonderful performance you did on Karaoke Night months ago?
Cloud: (Starts Snickering a Little) You were practically the only good singer there.
Luigi: (Snickers a Bit as Well) Yeah, you're not entirely wrong there. (Turns to Escargoon) But your choir sounded amazing, Mr. Escargoon. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) I don't wanna get in the way of that, you know?
Escargoon: (Gives Luigi a Reassuring Smile) Ah come now. You have nothing worry about, Weeg. Everyone in our crew are one of the most friendliest group of people you'll ever have the pleasure of meeting. I promise you'll fit in perfectly once you get to know them all.
Daisy: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Exactly. And if any of them has a problem with you being there, they'll have me...... (Starts Cracking her Knuckles Slowly and Loudly) And my fists to answer!
Escargoon: (Shivers a Bit in Fear) That girl of yours really is protective......
Luigi/Tifa/Cloud: You don't know the half of it.
Dedede: Mmmmmmhm. (Tales Another Sip of his Wine)
Charmy: (Raises Cheese's Hand Up) Another round goes to Cheese!
Cheese: (Happily Cheers For his Arm Wrestling Victory) Chao Chao! Chao Chao! Chao Chao!
Omega: (Angrily Slams his Fist into the Table) Curses! I thought I had him this time.
Cream: (Rubs Omega's Back While Giving him a Reassuring Smile) Cheer up, Mr. Omega. You did the very best that you could and that's all it matters. Ooh! Would you take a few selfies with me and my prize bonquet? It'll make you feel better~
Omega: ('Sigh') If it will help from the feeling of insecurities and embarrassing....(Brings Up a Phone and Selfie Stivk From his Robotic Chest) Then let the selfies commence!
Cream happily squeals before grabbing her bonquet from the table and scoots right in front of the Ultimate E-Series Robot as the phone focus directly on the two of them.
Charmy: Ooh ooh ooh! (Immediately Joins in With the Duo Along With Cheese) We wanna take selfies too!
Cheese: (Raises the Sunglasses He's Wearing Down With a Cheeky Smile) Chao Chao Chao.
Omega: (Glares at the Two Boys) No. (Points at the Other Direction) Leave our presence at once!
Cream: (Put Two Jands on her Hips While Pouting at the Robot Behind her) Omega. Be nice.
Omega: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fiiine....But do not expect me to enjoy this as much as I did orignally.
Cheese: Chao Chao.
Silver: (Sits Next to Blaze and Espio in Their Own Table) So what does traveling across the seas was like for you guys back home? I thought about doing it myself, but I never got the chance the learn how to ride a boat before, so....(Uses his Fork Takes a Bite of his Slice of Cake)
Blaze: It has it's moments. Some good, bad, straightforward,complicated, I don't even think I remember how many times we've managed to get ourselves lost.....I guessing.......thirty times to say the least?
Silver: (Eyes Widened a Bit) Wow. That's.....quite a lot.
Blaze: Yes, but the experiences aren't too bad in hindsight. At the very least we.....(Continues Talking)
The sudden sound of the phone buzzing caught Espio's attention as he picks his up from the table and checks out the recent messages that were sent to him. It wasn't long before his eyes begins to widened at the word "Showdown" was shown on the screen.
Espio: (Oh no......The day of the Showdown.....I-It's already coming in the next few days!? I've been so preoccupied with the wedding that I never got the chance to train on my own freetime! (Pause Before Taking a Bit of a Mental Deep Breath) Okay, Espio, stay calm and focus. Now is not the time for you to panic. It's been a very long time since you've seen.....him....again. And you've learned so much throughout your years as a ninja. So as long as you hone your skills to the fullest accordingly, then you'll have more of a chance of finally beating him than you ever have before!......Right?)
?????: ESPIO!
Espio: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality) Huh!? (Looks Around to See Silver and Blaze Staring at Him) O-Oh. Uh....('Clears Throat') Yes? Is there.....something the matter?
Silver: Just wondering if you're okay is all. (Starts Frowning a Little in Worry) You....are okay, right?
Espio: Uh..Yes! Of course. (Quickly Turns his Phone Off to Sleep Mode) I was in a lost of thoughts for a bit, but I can assure that I'll be just fine now.
Blaze: ('Sigh') Okay. (Gently Places her Hand onto Espio's Shoulder) We'll always be here to listen and help if you ever need someone to talk to, alright?
Espio: (Nodded in Agreement) Yeah. (Looks Down at his Phone Before Frowning) I'll....keep that in mind.
Vanilla: ('GASPS') Amy! You did not!
Amy: (Happily Nodded While Holding Up a Leather Jacket) I sure did!~ Your very own biker jacket! (Starta Putting the Jacket onto Vanilla) I figured since you're a veteran motorcyclist, that you deserve a little something to that could fit your style. You like?
Vanilla: I love!~ (Turns to her Husband) Vector-Kins, look! (Happily Twirls Around) I feel like a young biker again!~
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly) Indeed you do, 'hon. Huh. It even got your old "Hot Fangs" name on the back.
Vanilla: (Immediately Stops Tworli g With a Surprised Look on her Face) It does? Take it off of me quickly please?
Vector: On it. (Takes the Jacket off of Vanilla and Shows the Back of it to Her)
Vanilla: ('GASPS') Oh my gosh, it does!~ (Turns Back to Amy Before Picking her Up Woth a Bine Crushing Hug) Amy, thank youuuuuuuuu!~
Amy: (Winces a Bit in Pain While Smiling) S-Sure.....No problem, Mrs. Crocodile.....Not to be rude or anything, but could you let go of me for second? Getting hard to breathe....
Vanilla: (Immediately Realizes What She's Doing) Oh! (Gently Puts Amy Down and Let's Go of He While) Amy, I so sorry. I keep forgetting my strength sometimes....
Amy: ('Sighs in Big Relief').Hey, don't worry about it, Mrs. C. I'm just glad you like your present.
Sonic: A leather jacket is good and all, but what better way to celebrate the day of your theeeeeeeeen.....(Reveals a Box From Behind his Back)
Vector: (Eyes Widened While Gaspsing at the Box in Front of Him) No way.....Dude, you got me a turntables set!?
Sonic: (Happily Nodded) Yep! I thought you should relive your nerdy teenage dream of being a DJ. (Starts Scratching his own Quills) Heck, if I knew this after party would be this good, I would've gotten them set up for you already.
Vector: (Shrugs) Eh. It was probably for the best. I wouldn't sound nearly as good as I was all those years ago.
Vanilla: (Hugs Vector's Arm) I would love to hear practice sessions sometime, dear~
Vector: (Smiles Sheepishly) Only if you don't mind me messing up every couple of seconds.
Vanilla: I wouldn't mind that at all~ (Kiss Vector on the Cheek)
Amy: Awwwwwwwwwww~
Sonic: (Rolls his Eyes) You guys are never gonna stop being cute, aren't ya?
Vector/Vanilla: Nope.
Rouge: (Makes her Way Towards the Group With Shadow) Gather round, boys and girls, cause we just so happen to got you two lovebirds the best present of them all~
Shadow: This isn't a competition, Rouge.
Rouge: Yeah, but....(Smirks a Bit Smugly) Doesn't change the face that I'm still winning~
Shadow: That doesn't even make any- ('Sighs in Defeat') Nevermind.
Vector: What kind of gift you guys got for us?
Rouge: Ohh nothing too special~ Just..... (Pulls Out Two Tickets From her Purse) Two tickets for a weekly trip to Spagoniaaaa~
Vector/Vanilla: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) YOU GOT US TICKETS TO SPAGONIA!?
Rouge: That's what I said, didn't I?~ I mean, how else are you two gonna spend your honeymoon together?
Vector: I dunno! Spend a few nights in a nearby hotel or something! (Starts Scratching the Top of his Head) Haven't really thought about any of that through now that I mentioned it out loud....
Rouge: (Smiles Brightly) All the more reasons why you're welcome~
Vanilla: (Takes a Closer Look at the Tickets Given to her and Vector) Rouge, how were you and Shadow able to get these tickets?
Vector: Yeah, this HAS to cost a fortune.
Shadow: Actually, we got them as rewards for our hard work and efforts at G.U.N.
Vanilla: (Places her Hand on her Nouth in Surprise) Oh my, is that true? (Tries Return the Tickets Back to Shadow and Rouge With one Hand) We can't have this.
Shadow: (Gently Pushes Vanilla's Hand Back to Her) It's fine. You two deserve these a lot more than we do. I was never really interested in going to that trip to begin with.
Rouge: And I couldn't come up with a better gift for you two at the time, so it's all yours for the taking. (Checks Something on her Phone) Speaking of which, you mind coming outside with me? Got something else to show ya.
The couple look at each other for a few seconds before following behind Rouge along with everyone else. Once they made it outside, their eyes begins to widened once at what is in front of the both of them as a the horn begins to sound off.
Vector: (Turns Back to Rouge) You got a limousine.
Rouge: To take you on a ride to the airport obviously. Time isn't cheap ya know?
Vanilla: T-This is all happen too fast......W-Who's gonna watch over our childern-
Espio: (Walk Over to the Couple Along with Cream, Charmy and Cheese) I'll watch over the kids. (Smiles Softly at the Couple) You two get on that that limo and enjoy yourselves.
Charmy: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah, Espio got this in the bag.
Cheese: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Chao Chao Chao.
Cream: (Smiles Softly) We'll be one our very best behaviors until then, so please don't worry.
Vanilla: (Stares at her Daughter For a Few Seconds Before Sighing in a Bit of Defeat) We'll try..... (Scoops All of Her Kids into a Very Loving Hug) We'll miss you all from the bottom of our hearts~
Vector: (Joins in on the Family Group Hug) Yeah. ('Sniff') From the hearts.
Espio: Vector, are you crying right now?
Vector: No! (Sniffs While Wiping a While Tears in his Eyes) Just got a bit of something in my eyes is all.
Charmy: (Raises an Eyebrow) Which is.....
Vector: (Sniff Once More as Even More Tears Begins to Fall Down From his Face) Tears! (Lay's his Head onto Vanilla's Shoulder)
Vanilla: (Gently Pats Vector's Headl Oh honey, don't cry. (Already Forming Tears in her Eyes as Well) You know how much I can take it!
Cream: (Already in Tears as Well) I-I-I can't believe how far we've come as a family...('Sniff') I'M SO HAPPYYYYYY!~ (Starts Crying onto Multiple Arms)
Cheese: (Turns to Charmy in Tears) ('Sniff') Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao?
Charmy: What? No way! I don't feel like crying. They're just gonna be gone to their honeymoon, it's not like they're be gone forever and ever and ever and.....('Sniff') Ever and.....('Sniff') E....v..e.....(Finally Burst Out Crying) I DON'T WANT YOU GUYS TO GO YETTTTTTTT!~
Vanilla: Oh Charmy!~ ('Sniff') We don't wanna go yet either!~
Espio: Honeymoons are supposed be shared with married couples only, Vector. No in-betweens.
Rouge: Hey, not to ruin this cute family moment or anything, but I think the Limo Driver's patience is starting to tick.
Vector: ('Sniff') Yeah? Well, tell him to wait a little longer! ('Sniff') We're not done with our emotions yet!~ (Continues Crying With his Family)
Espio: (Turns to Rouge and Everyone Else Staring at Him and the Gang) This.....might take a bit longer than it should. (Bows his Head a Bit Everyone) Apologies in advance.
Rouge turns to the Limo Driver and shrugs at him causing him to sigh before popping out a magazine to read from the inside of the vehicle. Fortunately for him, it wasn't too long for the duo to them to finally themselves down and giving their kids one final hug before getting inside the limousine together. As they watch their friends and family wave goodbye to them, Vector and Vanilla turns to one another with loving smiles on each of their faces before kissing one another as they embark on their first adventures together as a married couple.
A Few Days Later at the Crocodile's Residence........
Cream: (Happily Walking into the Living Room with Charmy and Espio) I can't wait to watch the new Spider Man movie. I wonder how it will all wrap up, there's so much to uncover and unpack.
Charmy: Hey, as long as it have action and butt kicking moments, I don't care how it ends. Am I right, Espio? Or am I-
As Charmy starts patting him on the back, the chameleon's eyes begins to widens before he suddenly burst into thin smoke, causing the bowl of popcorn, much to the children's surprise and horror.
Cream: ESPIO!?
Charmy: HOLY COW, I MADE HIM EXPLODE! (Frantically Look at the Palm of his Hands) I didn't even know I could any of do that on my own......(Gasps as his Eyes Begins to Sparkle) Does this means I have explode-y smoke hands powers this whole time!?
Cream: (Sweeping Up the Popcorn From Off the Floor) I....don't really think that's the case, Charmy.
Charmy: (Immediately Gets Disappointed) Awww.....
Cream: (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) But now that you've mentioned it, the smoke does look kinda familiar.......
Charmy: How familiar are we talking here?
Cream: Well, remember in Naruto, where whenever a Shadow Clone gets hit, it instantly turn into smoke before disappearing out of thin air?
Charmy: Yeah, I think s- (Eyes Begins to Widened at the Sudden Realization) No way.....You're telling me that we've been hanging out with a CLONE this entire time!!?
Cream: Perhaps......But if that's really the case, then where has Espio been this entire-
Cheese: (Zooms into the Room With a Mini Notebook in his Hand) Chao Chao Chao Chao!
Cream: Cheese, what's wrong? Did you find anything?
Cheese: (Nodded) Chao. (Opens the Notebook and Breeze Through the Pages Until He Manages the Find the One He Was Looking For) Chao Chao. (Shows the Page To the Kids)
Cream: (Uses her Finger to Read What's on the Page) "Meet at the Route 99's Bridge, 7 o' clock sharp?" (Turns Back to the Bee Next to Her) Charmy, that's a few miles from here!
Charmy: Right? (Points at the Writings) And those are definitely Espio's handwriting. He must've written this out before he left here.
Cream: But....I don't understand......(Frowns Worryingly) Why would he want to go on that bridge alone?
Meanwhile at Route 99's Bridge............
Two figures stare at each other a few distance apart as the rain continues to drizzle down onto the area. The figures in question are one in a cloak and the other is a short, old man in black, holding a wooden cane, and wearing an asian conical hat above his head.
Old Nan: In all my years of roaming around in this world, I never would've imagine the two of us meet each other again in this form of weather. Though, I doubt it would be any bother to either of us going forward.....(Raises an Eyebrow) Isn't that right, Espio my boy?
?????: Couldn't agree more, Master Zik
The figure takes off his cloak, revealing himself to be the ninja of the Chaotix Team, Espio the Chameleon.
Espio: It would've been a waste if we've withdrawn our long awaited match.
Zik: (Strokes his Beard) Ah as serious as ever, I see. But I suppose I shouldn't expect less from Hoshi's star pupil. (Smiles a Bit) You've grown so much since that I last I've saw you.
Espio: (Simply Nodded) That I have. And I can assure you that I am not the same inexperienced child that you see me as all those years ago.
Zik: Oh come now. I'm not foolish enough to doubt your growth as a ninja. But even still, are you absolutely certain that you want to go through with this ordeal? I could make this more difficult for you than last time.
Espio: Then I'll be prepared for anything you have in store. I promised myself to defeat you one of these days....(Gives Zik a Very Determined Look on his Face) And I attend to fulfill by any means necessary!
Zik: (Stares at the Young Chameleon For a Few Seconds Before Smirking a Little) Hm. Spoken like a true warrior. Very well. I accept your challenge. (Puts on his Fighting Stance Towards his Opponent) Don't say I didn't warn you, boy.
Espio: (Puts on his Fighting Stance as Well) Your mere warnings means nothing to me anymore. Don't even think about holding back on me.
Zik: As you wish.
As a single lightning starts to crackle down on the sky, the two combatants rushes over to one another in their own respective speed as their long awaited showdown has now begun.
To Be Continued........
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #956: Spreading the Wonderful News!~ (Sonic)
9:12 a.m. at Vector and Vanilla's Bedroom........
Bunnie: (Eyes Widened at What is In Front of Her on Vanilla's Phone) Sweet Carrots in a baskets.....Y'all finally got hitched!?
Vanilla: (Holds the Phone Up her and Vector While Happily Showing Off the Diamond Crested Ring) You bet your fluffy, bunny tail we are!~ (Gleefully Hugs and Snuggles onto her Man Beside her) My soon to be hubby gave it to me last night!~
Vector: (Smile Brightly) By standing on one knee and asking her to be my wifey, but (Scoffs Whule Playful Shrugs) It's whatever.
Vanilla: (Giggles and Snorting Softly) Wifey?~
Vector: Hey, it was either calling you that or my waifu.
Vanilla: Hmm.....Vector-Kins' Waifu......(Smiles Softly) I think it has a lovely ring to it.
Vector: You really think so? It sounds pretty nerdy to me.
Vanilla: Perhaps, but if it means that I'll be yours for the rest of our lives, then I certanly don't mind.
Bunnie: (Nodded in Agreement) Exactly. (Puts on Teasing Smirk on her Face) Besides, mah cousin here's a biggest nerd I know growing up.
Vanilla: (Gasps Loudly Before Pouting at her Little Cousin on Screen) Excuse you, young lady!? I'll have you know that I was one of the most popular students in my class. I was even nominated for Prom Queen for goodness sake!
Bunnie: True, but that still never stop you from hitting the books all day. And do I really have to explain all the Perfect Attendance Awards you kept getting every semester?
Vanilla: Well, excuse me for wanting to learn, Bunnie! (Crosses her Arms While Pouting) Not my fault I came out as an egghead......
Vector: (Hugs Vanilla With One Arm) Ah relax, honey. At least you were more popular than I was growing up.
Vanilla: But darling, you were a up incoming DJ artist growing up. You're way more cooler than I am!~
Bunnie: Hang on now. (Raises an Eyebrow at Vector) You used to be a DJ in high school?
Vector: Yep! (Smirks Confidently) Not to brag to anything, but I was pretty skillful in the turn tables.
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly While Coveringer her Mouth) He even calls himself DJ Crocinstein~
Bunnie: (Starts Snickering) That was your stage name? Crocinstein?
Vector: ('Sigh') Look, I was young and stupid at the time, alright? (Starts Crossing his Arms While Pouting) I thought the name was cool......
Vanilla: (Happily Hugs Her Man Softly) Oh honey, It's coolest~
Bunnie: (Gives Vector a Soft Smile on her Face) Yeah, suges. I'd personally kill for a name like th-
A loud, sudden rang into Bunnie's ear as it made her yelp and drop her cup of coffee on the floor.
Bunnie: Ah dang nabbit! This again!?
Vanilla: (Starts Getting a Little Worried) Bunnie? Is everything okay on your end, dear?
Bunnie: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah, I'm fine, cuz. The alarm just got turned on again. Which means duty calls......I'll call y'all back once the situations dealt with, alright?
Vanilla: (Smiles Softly) Sure thing. I love you.
Bunnie: (Smiles Back) I love you more, big cousin. You too, Vector.
Vector: (Eyes Widened a Little) Wait. Me too?
Bunnie: (Giggles Softly) Of course you too!~ You're a part of this family now, so we gotta look out for one another every now and then, right?
Vector: (Smiles Softly Before Nodding in Agreement) Right. Good luck out there, cousin.
Bunnie: (Happily Salutes to the Crocodile Much obliged, sugah. See ya.
'Call Ends'
Vector: Huh. Well, whaddya know? (Smiles Brightly) I got myself a cousin in law.
Vanilla: (Snuggles onto Vector) I'm so glad you two are getting along. I wonder who we should tell the news to next.....
Vector: Wanna do Rouge next? You two are pals, right?
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) Gal Pals to be exact. I'm pretty she'll tell Amy about it after. That girl loves weddings more than Cream and I do.
Vector: (Starts Snickering) Yeah, especially when she keeps thinking about marrying q certainblue blur.
Vanilla: ('Sigh') I'm glad those two are finally dating now.....
Vector: Same.
'Door Opens and Closed in the Background'
Cream: MOMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!~ (Runs Over to the Room Hugs Her Mother on the Bed Along With Cheese) Congratulations!~
Vanilla: (Happily Hugs Cream and Cheese Back) Oh my sweet little angels, thank you!~ You have no idea how happy I am right now.
Espio: (Walks into the Bedroom Along with Charmy) Vector, I believe congratulations are in order this morning.
Charmy: Dude, is it really true that you proposed?
Vector: (Smiles Brightly) Yep! And I'm proud to say that she accepted!~
Espio: (Gives Charmy a Small Smug Smirk on his Face) And I believe that an "I told you so" is an full order right now.
Charmy: (Starts Rolling his Eyes) Yeah, yeah. Tell me all of that some other time. I wanna congratulate my dad already!....(Shyly Turns to Vector) I can....call you that anytime I want, can I?
Vector: (Smiles Softly at the Young Bee) Of course, kid. Anytime you want-
Cream: Vector!
Vector: (Eyes Widened a Bit at a Sudden Raised of Voice) Oh! Uhh...(Turns to Cream) Yes, Cream?
Cream: (Gives Vector a (Cute) Serious Look on her Face) You're marrying my mommy in the near future, correct?
Vector: Y-Yeah. I am.
Cream: Which means you'll do everything you can to love and take care of her no matter what?
Vector: (Gives Cream a Simple Nod) Always. I'll never stop being there for her.
Cream: (Looks Down on her Knees) And........(Starts Squeezing her Knees a Little) A-A-And........
Vector: (Starts Getting Worried a Little) Cream?
Cream: ('Sniff') (Looks Back Up to Vector Woth Tears in her Eyes) Do you promise to keep looking out for all of us? ('Sniff') To love us each and everyday? ('Sniff') Like....Like....('Sniff') Like any father would?
Vector: Oh Cream.....Of course I'm gonna keep looking out for you kids. You already mean the world to me as it is, so it would be stupid of me to stop now.
Cream: But.....('Sniff') I don't think you're stupid.
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly) I know you don't, kiddo. But my point still stands. (Starts Rubbing his Arm While Looking Away) Even if I may not be your real father in blood....(Looks Back at Cream With a Determined Look on his Face) that will never stop me loving you or anyone else in this house. That's a promise I'll willing to keep. For the rest of my life.
Cream: (Almost at a Loss of Words) Vector......(Sighs While Looking Back Down on her Knees) You're right. You're not my real father......('Sniff') (Immediately Hugs Vector Lovingly) YOU'RE MY DADDYYYYYYYYYYYY!~ (Cries Loudly into Vector's Chest)
Vector: Cream.....(Eyes Starts Forming Tears) ('Sniff') Come on. ('Sniff') I just got done crying yesterday! Don't make me go back now!
Vanilla: ('Sniff') Well, you're going have to let it out again, dear. ('Sniff') Cause I'M in the mood to cry again!~ (Joins into the Hug While Crying)
Vector: Vanillyeyeyeyeye!~ (Finally Begins to Cry in his Fiancé and Daughter's Embrace)
Charmy: ('Sniff') Mannnnn! (Joins in the Group Hug With Cheese) ('Sniff') Why do you guys have to cry so much!~
Cheese: ('Sniff') Chao Chao Chao Chaoooo!~
Espio: (Watches Everyone Crying Their Eyes Out in Their Group Hug) Was not expecting today to be this emotional, but.....(Sighs While Wiping a Single Tear From his Eyes Woth a Soft Smiles on his Face) I suppose I'll welcome it all things considered.
Vanilla: ESPIO!~
Espio: (Eyes Widened as He Realize Whats About to Happen) Waitwaitwait!-
Once Vanilla pulls the ninja detective into the group hug, the gang, with the expectation of Espio, continues to cry in each other's arms, as a family.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #967: Refrigerator Joke (Persona 5 X SSBU)
9:45 a.m. at the Smash Mansion's Kitchen.....
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly While Placing his Bowl Down on the Counter Beside the Kitchen Sink) LET'S START MAKING SOME GODDAMN BROWNIES!
Escargoon: Gotta say, De, I never thought you be taking a lot more interest in the whole cooking business than usual.
Dedede: Yeah, you can thank Peach for that. Girl has the talent of making the most simplest meals in the world into delicious masterpieces. Made me wanna get a piece of the action myself. (Turns to Escargoon) Hey, you think I should run a Culinary Class someday?
Escargoon: (Raises an Eyebrow) You really think you have the patience to teach an entire class for nearly a whole day?
Dedede: Hell yeah I can! (Smirks Confidently) I believe you forgetting the fact that I'm the King of Dreamland here-
Escargoon: (Rolls his Eyes While Sighing) Was the King of Dreamland, De......
Dedede: Yeah whatever. Plus, I've been raising the kids ever since the very first day I came here....(Takes Out a Pack of Gum One of the Kids Gave Him Earlier From his Robe Pocket) which I may add, has gradually earned me the title of the one and only Uncle Dedede (Starts Taking a Piece of Gum Hanging out of the Pack Before Suddenly Feeling a Stingy, Zapping Sensation on The Tip of his Two Fingers)
Dedede: YEOUCH!
Kids: (Giggling From the Distance)
Dedede: ('Growls in Annoyance')
Escargoon: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) And you also became an easy prankeé target......
As the theme of Masked Dedede suddenly begins to play on Dedede's tablet, the slug man answers the call and sees Morgana and Lavenza on screen.
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly) Good Morning, Mr. Escargoon and your majesty!~
Morgana: (Happily Waves at the Duo on Screen) Hey, guys.
Escargoon: (Smiles Back.at the Young Couple) Good Morning to you too, kids.
Dedede: ('Grumbles in Annoyance')
Escargoon: Don't mind the King of Manchilds over here. (Places his Hand Beside his While Pointing at the King of Manchilds Himself and Smirking) He just got pranked a few seconds ago and has been sulking about it ever since- (Immediately Gets Smacked Upside the Head by Dedede Himself) OWWW!
Lavenza: (Giggles Softly) A prank you say? How marvelous indeed!~ Which reminds me, there is a very important question I would like to ask you two.
Morgana: (Nodded in Agreement)
Dedede: (Turns to the Duo With a Bit of a Confused Look on his Face) You do?
Escargoon: What's the question?
Lavenza: Okay. ('Clears Throat') Is your low temperature storage box is....(Trying her Best to Contain her Giggles) on the run as we speak?~
Dedede: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion Along with Escargoon) Uhhhhhhhhhhh........
Escargoon: ....You mean a refrigerator?
Lavenza: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Oh my. (Turns Towards her Boyfriend Beside Her) Is that really what everyone calls it?
Morgana: Yep. You....really didn't know that until now, Lavenza?
Lavenza: ('Sigh') I'm afraid so, dear......I've always believed that it would be called a Mechanical Ice Box for the longest time. It's what Master Igor told me after all......for the... longest time that is...
Dedede: Something tells me that Master of yours need to get out more.
Lavenza: (Sighs While Rolling her Eyes) Believe me, I've been trying to convince him to do everything since the day I've started to leave out of the Velvet Room of my own. But alas, he still refuse to do so. Something about keeping the world a perfect balance or whatever.....Not like it matters to begin with. (Starts Pouting a bit Sadly) My very first April Fool's Joke is now ruined......
Morgana: (Gently Places a Hand onto his Girlfriend's Shoulder With a Reassuring Smile on his Face) Hey, there's no need to feel down. You did pretty good for your first try.
Dedede: (Shrugs) Eh. I say it was below average at be- (Immediately Gets Elbowed in the Stomach by Escargoon Before Wincing a Bit in Pain)
Escargoon: (Gives the Velvet Girl an Awkward Yet Reassuring Smile on his Face) W-What De's really saying here is that you can always improve next year! Or.....whenever the day is over with is of course.
Lavenza: You're right......(Start Smiling Brightly Again) I have plenty of time for improvement! (Pumps her Fists Up in Determination) I shall not fail that easily!
Morgana: (Chuckles Lightly at How Cute and Admirable his Girlfriend is Being) That's the spirit!~
Dedede: ('Sigh') Whateva' floats your boat, little girl....You have anything else you wanna tell us before we start baking these brownies?
Lavenza: Ooh, brownies~ (Eyes Begins to Widened Once Realizes Something) B-But there is another thing we would like to discuss with you two. Or most noticeably, you, your majesty.
Dedede: I'm listening.
Morgana: Okay, so....You remember Tails, right? A yellow fox with....two tails.
Escargoon: Sonic's partner? (Nodded) Yeah, what about him?
Morgana: Well, the other day, he and this rabbit girl named Cream, gave us an invitation to her mother's wedding and asked Lavenza to perform there as well.
Escargoon: (Smiles Softl at Lavenza) is that so? Congratulations!
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly) I'll say. I didn't know you could sing.
Lavenza: (Giggles Softly While Blushing) Yes, well....I have developed the ability to so for quite some time now. Still, it's an honor to perform for such a wonderful occasion.
Dedede: That's great and all, but....what does it have to with me again?
Lavenza: Oh! Right. Well, you see, after they've given us our invitation, they then told us they are only a marriage officiant short.
Morgana: Annnnnnd we figured since you were a preacher at one point that....maybe you could fill the role as o-
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly Again) Say no least, y'all! I. Am. IN!
Escargoon: (Eyes Widened in a Bit of Fear) Kids, are you sure you guys want HIM to be an officiant? I mean, you DO know that whole Dedede Church fiasco was just him boosting up his own ego, right?
Dedede: (Immediately Glares at Escargoon) Hey! My church was an enlightening experience for everyone!
Escargoon: (Starts Rolling his Eyes) Yeah, when half of them aren't fallen asleep to dreamland.....
Dedede: Boy, don't you get start getting smart with m-
?????: AHEM!
The duo ceased their bickering and turns to see Lavenza still smiling at them.
Lavenza: So does the offer still stands?
Dedede: (Happily Nodded) Ya damn right it does! (Wrap his Arm Around Escargoon's Shoulder) And your Uncle Escargoon here is gonna help me out with too. (Gritting his Teeth at the Slug Man) With no. Complaints.
Escargoon: ('Sighs in Defeat') I suppose you can count me in on the whole thing too....Do you know what kind of song you're gonna be singing there?
Lavenza: (Places her Hand on her Chin) Hmmm....Given what Cream have told me, I believe it will be a rendition of a song called "Dream in Color", orignally performed by Regina Bell herself.
Escargoon: Oh my gosh, "Dream in Color"? I love that song! You should definitely give it a listen. It's really sweet.
Dedede: Do y'all know when practice is gonna be?
Morgana: I think it's some time this month. We'll let them know you'll be the Marriage Officiant once this call is over.
Dedede: Which is right now! Can't keep these brownies uncooked forever, ya know?
Escargoon: (Happily Waves Goodbye to the Young Couple) It was nice speaking to you guys.
Lavenza: (Happily Bows at the Duo From the Other Screen) Likewise. Thank you for taking the time to hear our requests.
Morgana: (Happily Waves Back at the Duo) See ya!
Call End
Dedede: (Sighs Happily While Placing his Hands on his Hips) Can you imagine that. I'm finally moving my preaching career up to the big leagues!
Escargoon: (Sighs While Facepalming Himself) Just try not let it get to your head, alright? This is a wedding we'll be attending.
Dedede: (Starts Rolling his Eyes) Yeah, yeah. I know that already. (Makes his Way to the Refrigerator) I swear, you gotta have more faith in me than that, my man. (Opens the Refrigerator Door) I know exactly what I'm-
A cream pie suddenly flew into the former king's face.
Dedede: ('Sighs Heavily') Doing.........
Kids: (Happily Shows Up in the Room and Points at their Uncle Dedede) APRIL FOOLS!~ (Giggles Softly at the King's Dispense)
Dedede: Y'all lucky I love each and every one of y'all to pieces.....(Anger Starts Fueling Up in his Eyes) But not lucky enough to CHASE YOUR LITTLE ASSES! COME HERE!
As the kids playfully runs away from Dedede's wrath, Escargoon watches the scene play out for a few more seconds before getting the ingredients he needs in the kitchen to make brownies.
Meanwhile at the LeBlanc Café........
Morgana: (Sighs Happily Once He Places the Tablet Down) Well, that solves that. We didn't even have to pay any money to convince him to do it either.
Lavenza: (Looks Down on the Floor With a Bit of Concern in her Eyes)
Morgana: (Notices His Girlfriend's Worried Look While Frowning) Lavenza? Is everything okay?
Lavenza: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality) Oh! U-um...(Turns to Morgana) Yes. Everything is fine. I was just... thinking is all.
Morgana: What about?
Lavenza: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) My soon to be performance at the wedding. I know that I've done this before but.....Do you really think I have what it takes to do well this time around?
Morgana: (Gives the Softest, Reassuring Smile He Could Give Lavenza) I know so. In fact, I believe that you'll do even better than your Karaoke performance. And by a long shot too.
Lavenza: (Hearts Begins to Melt) You really have that much faith in me?
Morgana: Definitely. Girlfriend or not, I'll always have faith in you. Plus..... (Slowly Starts to Blush Whole Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) I-I already think your singing voice is beautiful and angelic, so- WOAH! (Immediately Gets Pulled in a Loving Hug)
Lavenza: (Hugs Morgana With a Huge Smile on her Face) Oh my dear Mona-Chan!~ Once again your sweet, kind nature shows no bound today~ Thank you so much for your support.
Morgana: It's no problem. I'm glad was able to help boost up a confidence a little.
Lavenza: (Let's Go of Morgana) Yes, you have. And as such, I would like to give you an award for your efforts
Morgana: (Eyes Begins to Widened in Genuine Surprise) Wait, really?
Lavenza: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. But you have to close your eyes first.
Morgana: Oh, (Closes his Eyes) Like this?
Lavenza: That's right~ On the count of three: I will be giving you your gift.
Morgana: I'm ready as you are I think.
Lavenza: Good. One..........Two.........Three........
Lavenza takes a few steps closer to Morgana and......
Lavenza: Boop! (....Boops the Top of his Nose)
Morgana: (Giggles Ticklishly by Lavenza's Booping Before Opening his Eyes Again) Heh hey!~
Lavenza: (Giggles Softly) April Fools!~
Morgana: (Chuckles Lightly While Crossing his Arms) Not bad. You got it.
Lavenza: Hmm....Not quite.
Morgana: What do you-
Lavenza: (Gives Morgana a Big Kiss onnthe Cheek Before Hugging Him and Putting On a Satisfied Smile on her Face) Now, I got you.
Morgana : (Immediately Bluhses Bright Red) C-C-Cool.
Lavenza giggles softly as she enjoys her hug with her sweetheart of a boyfriend a little while longer.
Happy April Fools
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #982: Midnight Planning (Sonic)
11:10 p.m. at the Rabbits/Chaotix's Household'...........
Vector: (Yawns While Walking Out of his and Vanilla's Bedroom) Ah man.....Those old western shows were really something else Back in the day. I can't even decide which one them I like m- Huh? (Stops Walking and Sqints at the Living Room's Light Being On From a Distance) Who turned on the light in there?
Vector resumes walking towards the room and sees the little rabbit, in her pajamas, sitting on the sofa looking down at her notepad, lightly tapping the eraser side of the pencil and talking to herself while on the side of her head while the TV is still on.
Vector: (Raises an Eyebrow) Cream?
Cream: Hm? (Looks Up to See Vector Few Feets Away From the Room Before Happily Waving at Him) Oh hi, daddy. What are you doing up in this hour?
Vector: (Makes his Way to the Sofa) I was gonna get myself something to snack on for the night. What about you? (Sits Next to Cream) Having a lot in your mind tonight?
Cream: ('Sigh') Some what. I'm trying figure out what we're missing for the wedding.....
Vector: (Eyes Widened a Little) You think so? I thought we already got everything we needed: the wedding location, the the bride's dress, suits and other dresses for the rest of us-
Cream: Which partly matches the purple theme of the wedding.
Vector: Right. We already got our bridesmaids and best men appointed, we got you as the Flower Girl, Cheese as the bodyguard, Charmy as the Ring Bearer-
Cream: Ring Carrier actually. He.....wants us to call it that for now on.
Vector: ......Uh...huh. Then we're gonna have the former king as our Preacher-
Cream: Wedding Officiant.
Vector: Oh that's what they called it?....(Starts Shaking his Head Before Resuming) A-Anyways, besides that, the baker already finished making the cake, which looks fantastic by the way!
Cream: (Gidding Up With Excitement) I knooow!~ I fell in love with it the moment you first showed me~ (Place her Finger on her Chin) I wonder what's the flavor is gonna be?
Vector: I think it's chocolate.
Cream: Chocolate? Yay!~
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly at How Cute Cream is Acting) Yeah. (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) But other than that.... I don't think I know anything else we need other than where our honeymoon is gonna be-
Cream: (Immediately Comes to the Realization as She Slaps her Hand onto her Head) The Honeymoon! I FORGOT about all of that! (Crosses her Arm) Ohh...But I have no clue what place you and mommy would like to go to.....
Vector: I think you've done enough planning for one night, little lady. You can leave that one for us to decide.
Cream: ('Sigh') Yeah. I guess you're right.....Were you two able to finish writing your vows?
Vector: Yeah, but.....(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) I'm not still not too sure about mines honestly.......
Cream: Really? Do you want me to have a look at it and help? I don't feel sleepy yet.
Vector: ('Sigh') Alright. But after this, it's bedtime, young lady. (Walks Back to the Bedroom)
Cream: (Happily Saluted) Yes sir!
Meanwhile at the Bedroom......
TV Screen: ('Eagle Screeching and Whistling') It's Hiiiiigh Noon.
Vanilla: (Eyes Widened in Anticipation) Oh my.(Turns to Vector Once She Heard Him Walk in the Room) Vector, you're already missing the best part of the show!
Vector: (Looks Up at the TV) Ah damn. They're having a showdown already?
Vanilla: (Nodded) Mmhmm. (Turns Back to the TV) From the looks of it, I think it'll might be the biggest one yet.
Vector: (Sighs While Walking Over to His Side of the Bed and Picking his Notepad Up From the Lamp Stand) Well, you're gonna have to watch the whole thing without me tonight. I gotta meet back at the living room with Cream.
Vanilla: (Starts Getting a Little Worried) Did she had a nightmare?
Vector: Nah. She was still worrying about the wedding. She said she wanted to see how my vows looks, so there might be a possibility of us falling asleep on the sofa for the rest of the night, if you don't mind of course.
Vanilla: (Shakes her Head With a Soft Smile) Of course I don't. Just try not to stay up too long, okay?
Vector: (Smiles Back With a Causal Salute) Will do, 'hon. And I'll be sure to make it up to you with some cuddles anytime you want tomorrow~ (Winks at his Fíancé)
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) Sounds like a plan~ I love you~
Vector: Love ya too, Vanilly. (Blows a Kiss at Vanilla Before Walking Back to the Living Room and Waving) Goodnight~
Vanilla: (Catches the Imaginary Kiss with Two of her Hands and Places it to her Chest With a Dreamy Sigh and Smile) I can't wait to marry that man~
Back at the Living Room.......
Vector: Hey Cream, I'm back.
Cream: (Already Starting to Doze off on the Sofa)
Vector: Uhh.....Cream?
Cream: (Immediately Wakes Back Up) AH! I'm awake! I'm awake! Oh. (Turns to Vector While Rubbing One of her Eyes) Daddy, you're back with the book?
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly) Yep. (Makes his Way to Sofa and Sits Next to Cream) You sure you don't feel a tad bit sleepy yet? You look like you've been closing your eyes quite a bit while i.was gone.
Cream: (Puts on a Pouty Look on her Face) I'm not sleepy! I just.... felt like closing them is al-
Cream suddenly begins to yawn loudly whole stretching one if her arms up in the before she stop and turns to see Vector raising an eyebrow at her.
Cream: I'm not convincing you all too well, am i?
Vector: Nope. Which means.....,(Brings Out a Blanket From Behind her Back With a Playful Smirk on his Face) Baby needs her sleep.
Cream puts on another pouty look before finally laying her head down onto Vector's lap.
Cream: I'm not a baby anymore.
Vector: I know. (Covers the Young Rabbit in a Blanket with a Soft Smile) But you'll always be my little girl. Even though we're not-
Cream: (Smiles Back at Vector) Blood related, I know. (Snuggles onto her Blanket) That doesn't stop me from loving you, ya know?
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly) Darn right. You're too lovable for me to forget that.
Cream: Mmhmm. Are you- ('Yawn') Still nervous about the big day?
Vector: Yeah, but I'll get over it somehow. I just hope my vows doesn't suck too bad.
Cream: Hey, don't say that. Your vows will come our beautifully.
Vector: (Looks Down at Cream) You really think so?
Cream: (Yawns Once More Before Putting on a Sleeoy Smile on her Face) I know so. You're my....(Slowly Starts Closing her Eyes) daddy....after...all....
And with that, Cream has finally fallen herself to sleep.
Vector: (Smiles Down at his Sleeping Daughter) G'night, kiddo. (Softly Rubbing the Top of Cream's Head) Thank you for believe in me.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #977: Bachelor's Fishing Day (Sonic)
6:34 p.m. at Emerald Park Lake......
Sonic: (Seating on the Boat With the Rest of Fellas, Holding his Fishing Pole in a Bored Expression) So this is what we're doing for your bachelor celebration.....fishing......
Vector: Yep. (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing his Head Back and Forth with One Habd And Using the Other to Fish) I....couldn't really think of anything else for us to do beforehand, so I figured "Hey! What better way to celebrate my inevitable fate as a husband then spending some quality fishing with the fellas?"........I mean, you guys HAVE fished before, right?
Sonic: Nope.
Shadow: Can't say that I have really.
Knuckles: I tried fishing with a spear for a hunting trip once. Didn't really make any progress though.
Omega: I too have very little knowledge of the skill of fishing. (Turns his Hand into Plasma Cannon) Should I proceed to use the cannon to capture our targets?
Vector: (Eyes Immediately Begins to Widened in Complete Shock) What!? (Quickly Waves his Hand in Protest at Omega) Nonnonono, Omega! We are NOT blasting this lake to kingdom come! (Turbs Back to his Fishing Spot) Fishing takes time and patience to catch the ones you're looking for. I mean, how you guys think Big was were able catch his so easily?....Speaking of which, where IS Big?
Knuckles: Yeah, I never really see him as much as of late.
Shadow: I saw him working at a café in town earlier this morning.
Knuckles: (Eyes Widened in Shock Along with Sonic) You're kidding.....
Sonic: He has a JOB now!?
Shadow: Yep. As a cash register I fact. It took me by surprise when I saw him at first, but I think it's nice to see him doing something more productive for once. Though, I do hope his pet frog doesn't try running off again.
Vector: ('Sigh') Agreed. I can't tell you how many times that guy kept calling my office number to help find that frog...... Think we should get him a leash and collar for his birthday or something?
Sonic: (Shrugs) There's no reason not to at this point. But enough about all of that. (Smirks at the Crocodile Beside Him) Tell us how it feels to be one step closer to being a married man~
Omega: (Smiles Brightly) Yes. I believe five "congratulations" are in order.
Vector: (Smiles Back at Omega) Thanks, big guy. And I'm excited about it already! All I need to do finish up my vows and I'm all set!....(Smile Begins to Turn into a Sheepish One) B-By the way, you....guys wouldn't happen to know anything about writing vows, do you?
Everyone: Nope/Negative.
Vector: (Instantly Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Shit. Guess I'm gonna have to start brain storming again tonight......
Knuckles: (Gives Vector a Reassuring Smile While Patting him On the Back) Hey, don't sweat it. I'm sure it'll come out to best vow ever.
Vector: ('Scoffs') I doubt that, but here's to hoping that it comes to tuition I guess.... (Turns Back to the Sunset While Smiling) But still, I can't believe I'm finally marrying the woman of my dreams....I wish my dad was still here to see this....
Sonic: We never hear you talk about him or your mom before.
Vector: Yeah, well....I never knew who my mother was growing up, so my dad was the one who raised me through it all. (Smiles Fondly at the Memories He Shared With his Father) He can be a real stick in the mud at times, but he's still a good man all around, even helped made me grow up to be the man I am today. Hell, he was practically the only friend I had before I met you guys.
Shadow: So.....what happened to him..... if you don't mind us asking.
Everyone: (Nodded in Agreement)
Vector: (Starts Frowning at the Question) He.....('Sigh') Died from a stroke.....Right after I graduated high school nonetheless......
Sonic: (Eyes Begins to Widened in Complete Shock Along With Everyone Else) Seriously?
Vector: Yeah.......He's been working at the factory for years now, so it wasn't too surprising to hear that stress and heartache from that alone might've caused it to happen. And that day happened all so fast too. The rush to hospital.....another rush to emergency room after that. And even then, it was still too let to save him...(Chuckles Very Lightly) I remember all the times he kept pestering me to marry someone and give him grandkids. And I always tell him "Dad! Cool it with that already. I'm not even close to being popular yet!" And then he look at me in the eyes and said....."Son, I know you'll find yourself a damn good woman for you to love one of these days. Cause popular or not, you're Vector D. Crocodile, my smart, knucklehead of a son....(Tears Starts Falling Down From his Eyes) ('Sniff') And.....I'll always be proud of you.....('Sniff') no matter what the future have in store for you......"
Knuckles: Vector.....
Vector: (Quickly Turns Back to Everyone With a Sheepish, Yet Teary Smile on his Face) S-Sorry! ('Sniff') Didn't mean to bring all the waterworks here. ('Sniff') It's been a while since I thought about him, so- (Felt Shadow's Hand on his Shoulder)
Shadow: Hey, you have nothing to apologize for.
Sonic: Shadow's right, man. We all know how it feels to lose someone who's close to us. There's no shame to cry about it every now and then.
Vector: ('Sniff') Yeah. ('Sniff') You're absolutely right. It just.....Times like this that I..... wish he was still here, you know?
Omega: This is the first that I've heard of your father. (Place his Hand in his Mest Chest) But I believe that your memory of him and his legacy will still lives on inside your cardiac muscle, for a very long time.
Vector: (Chuckles Light and Wholeheartedly) Right. (Starts Wiping his Tears Away) Like I'll ever forget about him that easily. He'll probably haunt me in my dreams for doing that.
Knuckles: So you're gonna be alright now?
Vector: ('Sigh') Yeah....I mean, it sucks not having him around anymore, but....(Smiles Softly at the Fellas) At least I'm not alone anymore, am I right?
Sonic: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Right!
Knuckles: (Smiles Softly) Definitely.
Shadow: (Nodded With a Small Smile on his Face) Mmhm.
Omega: (Smiles Brightly) Affirma-
Omega: -tive?
Everyone looks Down to see a very familiar frog standing in the middle of the boat, much ti their surprise.
Sonic: Froggy, when the heck did you get here?
Froggy: .....'Ribbit'
Vector: Wh- (Eyes Begins to Widened at the Realization) Wait. If you're here, then that means-
Big: (Belly Flopping Towards the Boat) FROOOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGY!
Vector: (Looks Up at the Big Purple Cat Falling Down in Grimace) Oh hell-
With one loud splash, the boat itself was broken into smaller pieces. It wasn't long for everyone to swim back up to surface (Sonic shakingly holding onto to the top of Omega's Head to Dear Life) along with Big and Froggy himself.
Big: (Happily Hoids Up Amphibian Friend) Froggy!~ I found you!~
Froggy: 'Riiiiiiiibbt'
Big: (Chuckles Lightly) Oho you little troublemaker. You had me worried sick. Come on. (Happy Swims Away) Let's go get something tasty to eat.
Froggy: 'Ribbit'
Vector: ..............That's it. We are DEFINITELY getting him that leash tomorrow.
Knuckles: Yep.
Shadow: Uh-huh.
Omega: Does anyone wants to go out for pizza?
Vector: ('Sigh Heavily') Yeah........I can really go for that right about now.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #963: Vows and Fatherhood (Sonic)
12:05 a.m. at the Chaotix's and Rabbits' Household's Living Room.........
Vector: (Mumbling While Writing Something on his Noteopad) "I.....love you with.....all my might....and -" (Sighs While Crossing Something Out on the Pad) Nah. Not compelling enough.....(Webt Back to Writing Something Down) "Vanilla......my one.....and only... love of my.." (Grians Softly Before Crossing Another Thing Off) The start is too cheesy enough as it is!.....How the hell does most of the grooms done these so easily?
?????: ('Yawn') Mm....Vector-Kins?
Vector: (Turns to See His Fiancé Has Awoken Right Beside Him Before Giving her a Bit of a Sheepish Smile) H-Hey, hon. I didn't mean to wake you up there.
Vanilla: (Gives Vector a Soft, Reassuring Smile on her Face) Oh, it's quite alright, dear. I was gonna wake up regardless. (Notices a Notepad in Vector's Hand) You mind telling me whatcha writing in this time of hour?
Vector: I was trying to come up with a decent vow to use for our wedding.
Vanilla: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Alright? We haven't even finished planning the wedding out yet! (Immediately Went Back to Smiling in an Intrigued Manner) Can I read what you wrote?~
Vector: (Sighs While Giving the Notepad to Vanilla) Go nuts. None of them are any good to begin with......
Vanilla: (Reads Through the Crossed Sentences Before Gasping and Placing her Hand on her Chest While Bringing Out a Heartfelt Smile) Sweetheart, what do mean "none of them are good"?~ These vows are lovely!~
Vector: (Eyes Widened a Little in Genuine Surprise) You really think so? Cause I'm still not sold by any of them to be honest.
Vanilla: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. They may not be the best vows in the world, but they still came from the heart, right?
Vector: Definitely! (Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) I just wanna make one that's more sincere, loving, and less half uh....baked, ya know?
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) Nice safe.
Vector: Hey, I'm gonna be an actual father in a few months. I can't be sitting here slacking.
Vanilla: Oh hush. You've already proven yourself to be a wonderful father towards our babi-
??????: HEY!
The propesed couple turns to see Charmy glaring at them at the other side of the roo, with Cheese sleep on his lap.
Charmy: Would you two keep down already? Some of us are trying to get some beauty sleep here!!-
Cheese taps Charmy's lap that instantly made him go back to sleep snoring,
Vanilla: (Eyes Widened at What Just Happened) Oh my.....(Turns Back to Vector) I never seen Charmy that cranky before.
Vector: (Grabs his Chin While Watching the Little Bee Sleep) Neither did I honestly....He always complains about going to sleep in the night time.....(Turns Back to Vanilla) You don't think it's a sign of him growing up, do you?
Vanilla: It's a possibility. (Eyes Immediately Starts to Sparkle in Sadness) I just hope my babies don't growing up too fast....
Vector: (Shrugs) They have to grow up sooner or later.
Vanilla: (Hugs Vector on her Side With a Bit of a Pouty Look om her Face) I know~ I'm still scared though....
Vector: (Gives Vanilla a Reassuring Smile While Gently Ruffling the Top of Vanilla's Hair) I know you are, dear. But no matter how tough it gets, I'm sure we'll do our best to pull throu-
Cream: (Slowly Sleep Crawls onto One of Vector's Lap on her Side and Happily Snuggles onto it) Dad....dy...zzzzzzzzz.......
Vector: (Eyes Widened While His Heart Begins to Melt at the Sight of his Sleeping, Newly Found Daughter Hugging his Left Lap) ...........Okay, now I'm terrified.
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) Welcome to official parenthood, Vector-Kins!~ I sure hope you enjoy your stay~
Vector: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah.....It's going be a`real challenge not to be an over protective mess.... But what it's worth....(Smiles Down at his Little Girl) I'm really glad I'm on board.
Vanilla: Me too. (Kisses her Fiancée on the Cheek) Mr. Crocinstein~
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly) You're never gonna stop calling me that, are ya?
Vanilla: (Happily Snuggles onto Vector) Never in a million years, honey bun!~ It's too cute of a nickname of pass up I'm afraid~
Vector: Yeah, well-
????: Ahem.
The couple looks down to see Cream looking at them with cute, tired eyes.
Cream: Mommy, daddy, could you keep it down please? I need my sleep.
Vector/Vanilla: S-Sorry, honey.
Vector: (Lowers his Voice) We'll keep it down for ya, kiddo.
Cream: (Smiles Tiredly at her Father) Thank....you.....(Peacefully Went Back to Sleep) Zzzzzzzzzz........
Vector: (Turns to Vanilla With Tears Forming in his Eyes) I love my babies so much, Vanilly~
Vanilla: (Pulls Vector into a Loving Hug) I know, honey~ I love them too.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #951: Morning After the Long Awaited Proposal (Sonic)
8:34 a.m. at Blaze and Silver's Place.......
Cream: ('GASPS')
Charmy: NO WAYYYY!
Cheese: Chao Chao........
Silver: I can't even believe it myself.....
Blaze: Espio...... Is this really what I think it is?
Espio: (Holds up His Phone, Showing Off the Picture That Was Sent to Him Last Night) Your surprise and assumptions are proven right, Blaze. After two years of dating, our two parental figures are finally engaged. As the hashtag implies.
Cream: This has to be the best day anf morning in my entire life.....(Smiles Brightly as Her Eyes Begins to Sparkle) They're finally getting married!!~
Cheese: (Happily Raises (Non Existent) Fists Up in the Air Triumphantly) Chao Chao Chao!!~
Silver: (Smiles Softly) I'm really happy for the two of them. (Grab his Chin While Thinking) Though, I do wonder which one proposed first......
Espio: Well, given the ring mother is wearing, I can safely say that Vector was the who proposed.
Charmy: Are you kidding? The guy couldn't last ten seconds without blushing around her! What make you think he would actually be man enough to do all of that?
Espio: Vector may not be the most bravest man we know, or...rather the most confident when it comes to anything romance related, but whenever push comes to shove, he would always do his best to man up and step up to the plate.
Blaze: I couldn't agree more. Vector has a lot more potential in him than we think.
Charmy: (Shrugs) Whatevs. (Crosses his Arm) I still think mom was the one who did all the proposing. She's cool like that, you know?
Cheese: (Nodded in Agreement While Crossing his Arms as Well) Chao Chachao Chao Chao.
Silver: Well....considering how much they love each other, I.....honestly would believe either one of them did it really. (Turns to Cream) What do you think, Cream?
Cream: (Places her Hand on her Chin While Thinking) Hmmmmm.....Well....I do think mommy is the most confident out of the two of them.......(Starts Smiling Softly) But I know how much daddy loves and care for her over the years...So I believe that he was the one who proposed to her.
Cheese: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Chao Chaooo.....
Cream: (Covered her Mouth and Gasps in a Genuinely Surprised Motion) You're right, Cheese..... I DID just called Mr. Vector daddy. I've never done that before. Until....(Eyes Slowly Begins to Widened at the Realization in Question) Now......(Places her Habds on her Cheeks) Oh my gosh.....I....(Tears Begins to Form Up in her Eyes) I....... ('Sniff') I'm finally gonna have a daddy to love!!!~ (Slowly Gets Down on her Knees as She Cries Softly)
Espio: Cream? (Kneels Down to Cream's Level) What's wrong?
Cream: Oh Espio.... ('Sniff') (Looks Back Up at Espio with a Soft, Teary Look on her Face) Nothing's wrong at all.
Espio: Are you sure?
Cream: I'm positive. It's just.....('Sniff') (Starts Wiping the Tears Away) I never knew who my real father was growing up.....('Sniff') And I love Mr. Vector so love that....('Sniff') It makes me...so happy that him and mommy are getting married so soon....
Espio: (Simply Nodded) Agreed. I've always knew these two would become compatible to one another the moment they first lay their eyes towards one another. (Smiles Softly) So it brightens me just as much to see them take their established relationship to the next stage in life.
Charmy: (Smiles Brightly) Right? It's about time they're finally getting hitch! And here I thought that'll never happen.
Cheese: (Smiles Softly) Chao Chao.
Blaze: You know, now that you mentioned it, I don't I've ever attended wedding before.
Silver: Neither did I actually. But I heard it's a nice experience.
Cream: (Immediately Starts Beaming Up With Excitement) Oh Silver it's a wonderful experience from beginning to end!~ (Clasped her Hands Together) I've seen many beautiful and breath taking weddings in my days and adored all of them equally. (Starts Squealing Excitingly) I can't wait to be the Flower Girl, this is going to be amazing!~ Ooh! Reminds me, I believe this is the perfect time to discuss our potential roles to the event. (Turns to Silver and Blaze) You two are perfect for the role of one of the bride's maids and best men. (Turns to Espio) And Espio, since mommy will be marrying the groom, will you do honors of walking her down the aisle?
Espio: (Bows at Cream) It would be my honor. If I get assigned to it of course.
Cheese: Chao! Chachao Chachao Chao Chao ChaChao!
Cream: ('Gasps') Cheese, that's a wonderful idea! I hope you get assigned as the bodyguard too.
Charmy: (Smiles Brightly) And I'll be happy to take the role as the Great Ring Bearer! Gotta find myself a bear and we'll be golden!
Blaze: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion Along With Everyone Else) I....beg your pardon?
Cheese: (Faceplams Himself) Chao Chao.....
Cream: (Already Pinching her Nose While Sighing) No. No. Charmy. We talked about this. That's not what a Ring Bearer is.
Espio: You only have to carry the ring straight to the bride and groom. Nothing else to it.
Charmy: (Glares at Espio and Cream) Well, if that's all I have to do, then why don't they just call the role "Ring Carrier" instead?
Espio: That's.....a surprisingly good point actually. (Turns to Cream) Wouldn't it make sense to call it that if it's main objective is to bring the rings forward?
Cream: Well...I mean....It does....But....I-It wouldn't sound special if it did!
Silver: I dunno.....It sounds like a decent enough role name to me.
Blaze: (Crosses her Arms) If it helps Charmy not to get confused over it, then I'm all for the new name.
Cheese: (Nodded in Agreement) Chao.
Cream: ('Sighs in a Bit of Defeat') Alright. We'll call it Ring Carrier for now on. (Places her Hand on her Chin) But who would be the usher?.....
Espio: I'm sure we can figure all of that out once we get home. In the meantime.....(Creates a Ninjutsu Hand Sign As a Small Smoke Screen Appears Around Him as Transform Himself Wearing his Cooking Apron) Breakfast time is upon us!
Everyone: (Claps at Espio in Awe) Ooooooooooh!~
Cheese: Chao Chaooooo~
Silver: (Chuckles Lightly) You're right, Cheese. He is a cool ninja.
Blaze: And a very handsome one at that~ (Winks at the Chief in Front of Her Along With Silver)
Espio: (Blushes as He Changes into Colors With a Deadpinned Look on his Face) .........It's too early for this.
Meanwhile at Vector and Vanilla's Bedroom.......
Vector: (Happily Looks Up at the Ceiling While Having his Arm Around a Hugging Vanilla) I can't believe it. The two of us getting married.....This feels too good to be rea- (Sudden Felt a Pinch in his Arm) Yeouch! (Turns to the Culprit) Vanilly!
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) Sorry, honey~ I wanted to make sure you weren't dreaming.
Vector: ('Sigh') Well, it's already convincing enough as it is.....(Smiles Softly) I'm happy for that.
Vanilla: (Happily Snuggles onto her Newly Fiancee) I am too~ I can't wait for our wedding to begin. There's so much to do.
Vector: I know. I just hope it doesn't cost too much money.....
Vanilla: (Smiles Sheepish) Yeah, weddings can be pretty expensive at times. (Smiles Quickly Turns into a Soft One) But it'll still be a wonderful experience for us to share together. (Gives Vector a Kiss on the Arm She Pinched) I promise.
Vector: (Smiles Softly at his Soon to Be Wife as He Nodded in Agreement) Right.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #949: Date Night at Home (Sonic)
9:44 p.m. at The Rabbits and Chaotix's Household's Dining Room...........
Music Player: I....I love you~ And I....need you~ Honey I......
Vanilla: (Sighs Happily While Hearing the Music Play at in the House) So lovely~
Vector: You're liking the CD I made for us so far, Vanilly?
Vanilla: (Smiles Brightly) Vector, I am loving every second of it. I've always love listening to this type of music growing up.
Vector: Yeah, I do too. I'm more of techno and hip-hop kind of guy, but I like listening to R&B music from time to time. Especially the slow ones.
Vanilla: (Takes a Sip of her Glass of Wine) You know, I've been meaning to ask you this for quite some time now, but is it true that you were a DJ at one point?
Vector: Yep. My old man taught me how to spin records ever since I was a kid. A few of classmates in high school used to call me DJ Crocinstein.
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) DJ Crocinstein?~
Vector: (Starts Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth with a Sheepish Smile on his Face) Yeah, it.....wasn't the best DJ name out there, but my performance at the school dance was good enough to gain popularity.....That only lasted half a day after that when the cheerleaders and jock starts gaining more attention again. (Shrugs) But at least it was sort of fun while it lasted.
Vector takes a bite of his sliced Red Velvet Cake Vanilla Made for the Both of them this evening. It wasn't long for the crocdile's tastebuds to start enjoying it completely.
Vector: Mmmm~ Not gonna lie...(Takes Another Bite of the Cake Before Turning Back Vanilla) This has to be your best cake you made yet, 'hon.
Vanilla: You really think so? It's been a while since I've made this sort of cake.
Vector: Yeah, but you did pretty good job making this all things considered. (Takes Another Bite of the Cake) I always like the desserts you make, they're delicious.
Vanilla: (Smiles Softly) I'm glad you like them, dear. (Smiles Turns into a Sheepish One) But try not to speak with your mouth full anymore, okay?
Vector: (Eyes Widened) Oh. (Starts Swallowing his Food While Grinning Sheepishy While Rubbing the Back of his Head Again) S-Sorry about that. But back on the whole DJ thing, it was originally supposed to be my backup career in case this whole detective thing doesn't work out.
Vanilla: Is that so?
Vector: Yeah. But the whole thing was dropped entirely once I met Espio and Charmy. Though I do think about going back to it one of these days.....
Vanilla: I wouldn't mind seeing you perform again someday. The return of DJ Crrrrocinstein would be very lovely~
Vector: (Starts Snickering) Okay. I am DEFINITELY changing my DJ name on my freetime.
Vanilla: (Grabs Vector's Hand While Pleading in a Cute and Playful Manner) Noooo~ Please don't change it. I love the name~
Vector: Really? You sure your not just saying that to make me feel better?~
Vanilla: (Immediately Gives Vector a Pouty Look on her Face) Vector the Crocdile! You know good and we'll that I do not lie!~ Especially towards the people I love!~
Vector: (Starts Bursting out Laugh) I know, I know! I'm just kidding. I won't change the name.
Vanilla: You promise?
Vector: (Brings Vanilla's Hand Up to Him) Promise times infinity. (Kiss the Top of Vanilla's Hand)
As he hears Vanilla's giggles softly, Vector starts stare at the hand he's holding as he starts smiling at it fondly, to the point where he starts getting in the loss of thoughts.
Vector: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality) Oh! Uhh...('Clears Throats') Yeah? What's up?
Vanilla: (Starts Frowning a Little in a Bit of Worry) Is everything okay, sweetie? You look like you have a lot on your mind right now?
Vector: (Starts Rubbing the Back of his Head Again) Nah. It's nothing. I'm.......uhhh.....uhh....('Sigh') You know what? Actually.....There is something I've been wanting to do for the longest now.
Vanilla: There is?
Vector: Yeah.....But first! (Gets Up From his Seat) I gotta stretch my arms and legs.
Vanilla: (Raise an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) Arms and legs?
Vector: (Starts Stretching his Arms and Legs One by One with a Grunt) Yeahh it's been a while since I did any of this. These old bones aren't like they used to be.
Vanilla: Vector, you're only in your twenties.
Vector: Well, it doesn't make me any less younger now does now?
Vanilla: ('Sigh') I suppose....But now that you mention it, I think it might be time for you start joining me in my work sessions this weekend.
Vector: Awww...Do I HAVE to start right away?
Vanilla: I know it can be tiring at times, dear, but Ii promise you that it'll benefit you in the long run. I want us to keep living the best, healthy life for as long as we can.
Vector: (Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened) For as long.....The.... two of us?
Vanilla: (Simply Nodded) That's right. You, me, an-
Vector: Alright. I'll do.
Vanilla: (Eyes Widen in Genuine Surprise) Wait. You really mean that?
Vector: Of course. I'll do anything for you.....I mean, I know you know by now, but.....still. I'll give this a try.
Vanilla: (Smiles Softly) Thank you. But....wait a minute, you haven't told me why you're stretching your arms and legs yet.
Vector: Oh. Well.....The reasons behind this is....simple and....kind of.....not at the same time, you know?
Vanilla: I.....can't say that I follow....(Starts Worrying Again) You're not developing a cramp are you-
Vector: No no. It's nothing like that. It's just.....well.....(Takes a Deep Breaths Before Speaking) It's something I've been wanting to do for the longest now, like i said. And....it's....this.......
With a clear mind and a newly developed confidence in his heart, Vector the Crocdile begins to slowly get down on knee, pulling out a small box from his pants pocket. These sudden actions alone causes Vanilla to instantly widened her eyes and cover her mouth in complete, sincere shock.
Vanilla: ('GASPS') V-V-Vector.....(Tears Starts to Form on her Eyes) W-What are you.......
Vector: Vanilla Anne Marie Rabbit, ever since the day we first met, you've always have a place in my mind, even when we finally started dating. But after two years living in the same roof with you and the kids, I've learned things: one is that....you are the most BADASS lady I have ever met in my entire life!
Vanilla: (Starts Giggling a Little)
Vector: And two.....(Takes Another Deep Breath) I love you. A lot more than I thought I did when I first lay my eyes on you. And after all the things we did together so far, it ust..... Makes me wonder what our lives would be like if we live the rest of our lives as.....(Starts Blushing) Husband and wife......
Vanilla: ('Sniff') Vector, that's three things you've learned.......
Vector: I know that, but that's besides the point! I just....('Sigh Heavily') I....know this came completely out of nowhere....and...I-I know I am jumpong the shark on this, but goddamnit, Vanilla! I love you with all of my heart. And I WANT to live the rest of my life with you. I'm literally repeating myself, but if it's what it takes to get my point across, then I don't give a rat's ass anymore!
Vanilla: Vectorrr! ('Sniff') Language!~
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly) Right. Right. Sorry.....But seriously though, I already made up my mind on this and.....('Sigh') Again, I know I'm jumping the shark on this, but I gotta ask. (Opens the Box, Showing off a Diamond Crested Ring From the Inside) Will you.....make me the happiest man in the world and-
Vanilla: OH VECTOR-KINS!~ (Immediately Pulls Vector Up From the Ground and Hugs Him, Causing him to Yelp)
Vector: (Surprised by his Girlfriend's Sudden Strength) Wow! I umm....Take it this means you say-
Vanilla: (Gives Vector a Very Tearful Smile on her Facs) Yes! Yes! A million times YES!!~ ('Sniff') I do wanna marry you~ I wanna spend the rest of my life with you too~ ('Sniff') I even thought about proposing to you myself not too long ago.....
Vector: (Eyes Widened) Seriously!? (Tears Starts Forming in his Eyes as Well) You wanted to propose to me?
Vanilla: For the longest of times. ('Sniff') Ever since the day we started this relationship, you've made me the most happiest woman in the wholewide world. You give my daughter and the kids the love and care that they need, you would always do whatever you can to give the support I need....('Sniff') And despite my past and everything in between....('Sniff') you still love me for who I am. All of this and more made me want to ask you for YOUR hand in marriage!~ ('Sniff') And I am SO GLAD you beat me to it, cause....('Sniff') I really want us to be together forever so bad!~
Vector: ('Sniff') Me toohohohooo!~(Cries Softly into Vanilla's Embrace)
Vanilla: Oh Vector-Kins.....('Sniff') Please don't cry.....('Sniff') If you do, then....('Sniff') Then.........WAHHHHHHHHHAHHHHH!~
And with that, the who crying, heartfelt couple are finally engaged. While the road of being husband and wife in the near future would not be the easiest path they will come across,they'll take solus in knowing that they will take on any and every obstacles that comes their way as long as they're by each other side.
Meanwhile at Blaze abd Silver's place, while everyone in the living room has already fallen asleep from watching a mathron of Dragon Ball Z, Espio recevies a text message from his phone, which shows a picture of Vanilla happily hugging Vector while showing off the ring in her finger, all while the words "FINALLY ENGAGED!~" written below them.
The picture itself causes the detective shinobi to be genuinely surprised by this revelation before finally smiling softly at it altogether. As he decides to tell everyone else the news in the morning, he turns his off and goes back to sleep.
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