#vanderwood stark
mc-and-elise · 2 years
Random Vanderwood headcanons I came up with
Vanderwood is nonbinary, and goes by "they/them" and "he/him"
Prefers they/them
Is from Great Britain. They refuse to say where exactly.
Their full name is Marion Vanderwood. After Saeyoung makes them a new identity, it becomes Marion Stark Vanderwood.
Knits and crochets in their spare time.
Will never admit it, but more or less adopted Saeyoung (and later, Saeran) as his brother.
When flustered/upset, their cockney accent slips out
While they threaten Saeyoung a lot, would never hit him. Taze? Sure, but physically beat him when he didn't get work done? Hell no.
Grows their hair out as it's the first thing they ever had full control over
Gets a job at C&R as one of Jumin's bodyguards and the occasional night guard after the SE
Lives with the twins at the bunker
Eventually becomes an unofficial member of the RFA, providing security at events
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sunset-bridge · 2 years
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[Image description: A digital illustration of Vanderwood from Mystic Messenger. He is shown from the neck up, and is smiling looking to the side. End image description.]
mr stark i dont feel so good
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I see Vanderwood dressing as Iron Man for Halloween. Let the guy be a Stark for one day of the year dammit-
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Is this what you wanted?
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bluejay-writes · 2 years
Sae My Name - Chapter 9: Planning a Coming Out Party
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Fandom: Mystic Messenger Rating: Mature Chapter 9 Wordcount: 2270 Pairings: MC (Jin) / Vanderwood, other background ships. Notes: This fic is focused around a trans MC, which plays a big role in her story. She is the focus character, though the rest of the RFA and side characters do play a part Chapter Specific Notes: Hey fam! Just a quick heads up that this chapter features some mild self-harm habits and a good bit of dysphoria. Please take care of yourselves, and make good choices about your mental health while reading, ok?
You can also read this on Ao3!
First / Prev / Next
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The entire RFA had gathered in Jumin’s living room that evening to make a plan.  But their plan was anything but what Jin had thought would happen given what she knew of her father and the RFA in general.
“So you’re saying you want to invite our father here and make a deal with him that he leaves us alone and we don’t air his dirty laundry?” Jin asked confused.
“Basically, yes.” V said, Jumin nodding in agreement.
Seven shook his head, “It’s too cheap. We should use this opportunity. Give him the information to take down Mint Eye. It saves us the danger to ourselves and our loved ones and gets him to leave us alone.”
“That won’t work.” Jin said quietly. “I mean… He’ll take down Mint Eye without issue, he has that clout, but he’ll never let me go. I’m his heir. Publicly. As his son. As Saejin.”
“So just come out as trans then.” Yoosung said, his first contribution to the entire conversation.
A chorus of incredulous responses drowned out whatever else he tried to say until he actually banged on the table to get everyone to settle down.
“I mean it. It’s scary and it’d be a lot of negative press since even normal gay people don’t get treated well here. But the pressure for him to disown you would be strong. And then you could be who you want to be, Jin. Not who the man that donated genetic material thinks you should be.”
“That would likely actually work.” Jumin said in mild surprise. “Good thinking, Yoosung.”
Jin looked around at the hopeful faces and stood, walking shakily toward the balcony. “I need some air.” She said before ducking out into the evening air and around the corner to avoid prying gazes.
Do I want to come out? I mean… I wanted to transition. I still want to. I hate this stupid body and its stupid wrong shape. Why do I have to be a rectangle when I could be an hourglass? If I looked more like a woman, would he do more than just joke with me? Do I even deserve any of that attention? In her anxiety Jin compulsively cracked her knuckles, and when they stopped providing her with satisfying pops she started to unconsciously claw at her wrists.
“Hey.” Vanderwood said, appearing next to her and taking her hands in his. “Talk to me, Girl.”
Jin shook her head, traitorous tears leaking down her cheeks.
“I have ways of making you talk.” Vanderwood said with mischief in his tone. 
Jin couldn’t help but smile past her tears, “You’re a brat, Stark.”
“You like that about me though.”
“No, how would you know that?”
“Because you smile. Your real smile. Not your social girl smile.”
“Oh, the dorky one.”
“Mhm. The good one.”
“You are literally the worst.”
“Okay, yes. I am. Now talk to me. Please.”
Jin took a deep breath and let it out slowly before starting to talk, her eyes fixed to her hands held tight in his.
“Everyone seems to think that me coming out as trans will save me from Father’s designs. And they’re right, in a sense. It’s like ripping the band-aid off. It needs to happen eventually, though I had hoped it would be more private and less newsworthy. Admittedly I’d hoped to use his money for my transition but that was never going to be a feasible option. The bigger problem is that it’s going to affect everyone else so much and they aren’t even considering how me saying something could ruin their lives in addition to my own. Our society is so behind in terms of acceptance that Saeyoung and Saeran will both be tainted by this. Everything they do is going to be under a shadow of my queerness. Jumin won’t get by unscathed either, he’s been seen in public with me so any time he’s seen with Saeyoung, someone’s going to decide he’s gay. Which, I mean, doesn’t look too far off, but that’s his business not the public’s. And Saeran hasn’t even had a chance to live his life yet, he’s been through so much; he deserves to just get to be himself. I know there are paparazzi photos of Zen and I because we were neighbors for so long, I’m sure there’s something that’ll get screwed up there. I mean Yoosung’s probably fine because college but who knows what dirt could come up. You’re especially at risk because I opened my stupid mouth and pretended to the cops my father’s paid off that you’re my boyfriend. This just seems like… a horrible, painful idea wrapped in a shiny candy shell. Like a jack-in-the-box that’s actually a shrapnel grenade. But I have no idea how to get everyone else to underst—”
Vanderwood had tried to interrupt her, to stop her flood of words to no effect several times, and when he’d finally had enough he pulled Jin into his arms and kissed her, quieting her anxiety spiral in the only way he could guarantee would work. The moment she froze in reaction to his lips against hers he let go, taking a step back and looking at the ground.
“I’m sorry. I know I didn’t have permission to do that, you can slap me if it will make you feel better. I just couldn’t think of another way to get you out of your head for a minute.” He looked back up to meet Jin’s eyes, unsurprised to see tears running down her cheeks but kicking himself internally all the while. “If you want to come out then I’ll help you make sure they understand the repercussions they’re likely to face.”
“But you…” Jin felt numb and looked back down at her hands, empty now, but red lines along her forearms where she’d clawed herself before Vanderwood walked up.
“Believe me, I understand the possible repercussions but I don’t actually care. I live a life in the shadows, Little Lady. No one knows or cares who I am and they tend to forget me unless they have a reason to remember me. If you’re the reason they remember me then I’ll consider that a badge of honor.”
“That’s not it.” Jin sighed. “There’s no way you’re okay with… me.”
“What do you mean? You’re beautiful, funny, smart, and have more common sense than both of your brothers combined. What’s not to like?”
“All of this.” Jin gestured to her body with distaste.
“Jin.” Vanderwood stepped back into her personal space and pulled her into a hug. “I never thought I’d be telling you this, let alone in this way, but… I don’t frankly care one whit about your body. I like you. It doesn’t matter to me what’s under your clothes or what shape your body takes. Of course I want you to look and feel like yourself but you’re going to be attractive to me, to be who I want, however you look. Because I’m here for you.”
Jin felt her heart flutter at his words and felt her traitorous body respond to the combination of his words and being pressed into his hold. A small strangled sound escaped her as she tried to back away, but Vanderwood held her tight.
“Yes, I noticed. I’m trained to notice these things.” He said quietly. “I’m flattered, but I completely understand how you feel about it. I’d like to ignore that your body is a traitor and hear what you’re actually thinking please.”
“I like you too.” She sniffled, trying to keep from getting tears and, gods forbid, snot on Vanderwood’s shirt. “But how can you even say those things about this body? How can you like me even though I’m so wrong?” Jin knew there was a better, more eloquent, way to put that but as she’d never been able to find words for it before, she was unlikely to be able to now.
“I can’t really explain it either.” Vanderwood said gruffly, and Jin thought for a moment that the agent might be holding back his own tears. Weird.
“Try? Please?” Jin pleaded.
“Okay. Hm…” Vanderwood paused for almost long enough that Jin asked again, but then he started speaking in a low tone. “I’ve never really talked about this, but… I’ve had to do a lot of different things undercover as an agent. Sex is old hat. I know that’s probably not what you want to hear from me but it’s true and there’s no point hiding it. I’ve had a wide variety of partners; thin to fat, old to young, male and female. But the only times it ever seemed like something more than a job was when I knew the target or had time to get to know them before the act. So… It’s not about your body for me. It’s about you. Your smile. Your laugh. The way your eyes light up over the simplest things. And because I know you’ll ask; no, your brothers don’t interest me in the slightest. But you…” He kissed the top of her head gently. “I just want to steal you away somewhere far away. Somewhere you can be exactly who you want to be and never have to deal with this stress again.”
Jin moved to step away and this time Vanderwood didn’t stop her. She met his eye for a few seconds that seemed like an eternity before smiling softly. “So… what now?”
Vanderwood chuckled, “Can I call you my girlfriend?”
Jin smirked, “Yes, but only if you kiss me again.”
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A little while later, Vanderwood led a successfully calmed Jin back into the room by the hand. All eyes were on them, some in concern and others in curiosity. In the time they’d been talking, Saeran had woken up and joined the conversation. Jin hesitated, concerned about bringing up the topic again but Vanderwood gently tugged her along back to the table.
Conversations silenced as she returned to her spot and stared down the people at the table.
“So, I don’t know what you’ve been discussing in the meantime…” Jin started, worried. “But I want to talk to you about Yoosung’s suggestion.”
Yoosung immediately spoke up, cutting off two other people in his excitement. “Jin, I am so sorry I even suggested that. I didn’t even consider what it would mean to you to do that and I know it was a lot and we don’t have to do that. It was just—”
Jin shook her head and cut Yoosung off, “It wasn’t a bad idea. It just hit me a lot harder than I expected and I don’t think you’ve all thought through the consequences of this as much as you might think you have.”
Saeran cleared his throat and took a sip of water. “What are we considering here? You told me about negotiating with our father, but none of that was specifically Jin.”
“The thought is that if Jin comes out publicly as transgender, then she’ll get disowned and be able to live her own life. That’s the only way we can think to free her from your father’s direct influence.” Zen answered when Yoosung shook his head.
Saeran looked upset, “So you want to sell my sister to the press? She’d never be able to have a normal life.”
“It’s not just about me, Saeran.” Jin sighed for what felt like the thousandth time. “This will affect all of you.”
“No? How would it even do that?” Zen asked. Jin watched as Jaehee facepalmed at the actor’s lack of foresight.
“Zen, you’ve been living alone in a bad neighborhood next door to a woman also living alone. Do you think that the paparazzi don’t have photos of the two of us and headlines ready to go about you secretly seeing the neighbor? Imagine once they find out that neighbor is the prime minister’s deviant child.”
Zen made a face, but didn’t argue.
“And Jumin - you yourself mentioned that you thought Seven got our father’s attention since the two of you had been going out together for meals. How soon do people realize who you’ve been out with once I become popular news and start spreading stories about your sexuality?”
Jumin nodded solemnly. He’d thought about it.
“Jaehee - this will, without a doubt, affect the Judo school. I know you’re not too interested in any impact to yourself as a person, but this…”
Jaehee simply nodded as well. She’d already considered it.
“Yoosung, I know—“
“Jin, I get it. My family are amazing, but they’re also pretty conservative. My dad works for the government. Chances of my education not taking a hit from this are slim.”
Jin paused. Wait. They’d all considered…?
“I think you can see that we’ve thought about it, Jin. If you can be strong enough to put yourself out there, we can be strong enough to hold you up. Simple as that.” Everyone around the room nodded but Seven wasn’t done. “Don’t tell me I’m the only one who’s noticed the change in dynamic since Jin came back in…”
Jin felt Vanderwood tense behind her and heard him practically growl at Seven. “Don’t you—”
Before he could finish that sentence, Jumin turned and kissed Seven to shut him up. Just like Stark did to me. Is that the only way to shut up a Choi triplet?
There were gasps of shock and all Jin could do was laugh.
“Seven and Jumin are dating, by the by.” She deadpanned.
Jin realized that she owed Jumin a favor for letting her relationship status slide under the radar for one more night.
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‘It seems you have an admirer.’ As the last customer leaves for the day and she hangs up her apron to wash well-worked hands, she slides Vanderwood a customer’s check. There’s nothing too unusual about the pink penmanship, neatly displaying the customer’s phone number punctuated with an innocent heart. What struck her is that Vanderwood seemingly didn’t care. ‘It looks like she really likes you.’
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silencedharmony · 6 years
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She never asked the patron what he wanted yet poured an emerald-green bottle of soju into a clear shot glass, sliding it over. Like any other night, she rested her elbows on the pristine counter-top, smile as coy as back in her hostess days. The look was complete ; red lips, dark hair tucked back behind the ears. The savior would quite like him. ‘You looked like you needed it.’ 
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WIP Wednesday (even though it's Thursday lol)
Thanks for tagging me @kumaronoa! 💕
I started this Vandy/Kali fic ages ago and still didn't get around to finishing it 😅 I will eventually when the goldfish brain finally cooperates again 🙃
Everything was quiet when he woke up in the morning. No constant car sounds, like he was used to. And his sleep fogged mind was a little confused when his eyes darted around a room he didn't recognize at first. Though there was a grounding weight on top of him, slowly helping him recall the previous night. And as soon as he tilted his head, gaze landing on her, Vanderwood's expression softened. So it hadn't been a dream... He was actually with her again after such a long time. In their home. No more agency, no more hiding their relationship. They could finally just live. Together.
His hand snaked under Kali's shirt, fingertips brushing over smooth, warm skin, tracing the scars that littered her body. Two years he'd been waiting for that moment. Trying to find a way to be with her as soon as possible and now that it actually worked out? It still felt somewhat surreal.
Her sleepy noises pulled him out of his thoughts. The way she snuggled up to him, face pressed to his chest making his heart skip. God, he'd really missed that woman...
"Good morning", he murmured, dropping a kiss to the crown of her head.
"Mhm... Good morning indeed", she hummed, voice still thick with sleep, eyes barely opening as she pulled back a bit to be able to look up at him. The wide smile she aimed at him making him feel all warm. "How did you sleep in your new home?"
"Best sleep I've had in two years." Twirling a strand of her blonde hair around his finger, he leaned forward until their lips were nearly touching. "Didn't think I'd miss you clinging to me like a koala all night, but here we are", he added with a smirk. Though before she had a chance to answer, he already pressed his lips against hers, eyes slowly closing as they both got lost in the kiss.
"Mean... Attacking your poor fiancé like that first thing in the morning."
He watched how she rolled on her back, arms stretching lazily over her head, accompanied by a small yawn. Then his eyes landed on the ring on her finger, heart fluttering when the realization hit him that he had actually asked her to marry him last night. And she'd said yes. After two years, the ring was finally where it was supposed to be.
Tagging @quirky-and-kind @hell-temptations @hopebunnywrites @yukihaie @gureishi and whoever else might want to share their wips :3 tho no pressure of course! 💕
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mira-shard · 2 years
When you replay V's route for him but end up getting hooked on Vanderwood again-
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mysme-rbb · 3 years
A New Reality - Artists Needed
Announcement | FAQ | Schedule | Linktree | Mods 
The soft electric hum of the screen was broken by the sound of confident, sure-fingered typing. Long lines of code dictating a new reality flashed on the screen.
“Just a bit more...” the coder muttered, eyes trained tightly on the screen, not blinking, not risking even one stray keystroke that might foil the plan.
Line after line of gibberish to most went by, only those well-versed in programming would have the slightest inkling. And when it was done, no one would be the wiser. It would be as if it always had been.
It was time.
No more shadows, no more being forced to be a lackey. Never again shoved into another person’s story only to fade out when the role was complete. No more wondering, curiosity, about what it was like.
It was time for a new story. A proper story.
A strong, definitive, and proud tale. The new reality and possibilities punctuated by the final keystroke. The code showed on screen for only a few seconds more before fading, becoming not just lines of data but the new truth.
The code was the first step. Its completion sent out the notice to all artists, all writers. Coding alone would not complete the new existence. But they could help bring this change. Where there would be no more half-truths, no more lies to protect. No more hidden secrets. Most importantly, no more maid outfits.
No more Vanderwood.
It was time for Stark.
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You saw the notification on your phone. A Reverse Big Bang? You saw the announcement, and the link to the sign-up. You felt compelled to enter, to work with others to tell a new story. To tell the story... of Stark. It was time for a new route.
Vanderwood needs you to sign up for the Reverse Big Bang and bring his story, his route, his past to life! Sign up for artists is open until March 4! The sign up for writers begins March 6.
What is a Reverse Big Bang? In short, it’s a fandom event to bring artists and writers together to catalyze a massive boom of content! Artists will create works that writers can write a story to accompany. At the end of the event, there will be a story for every piece of art contributed!
Still curious or still have questions? Check out our MysMe RBB FAQ Here and our Linktree Here!
We have 63 artists signed up so far! That’s awesome but let’s keep it going!
We ask that you keep in mind this event is PG-13 or T rating.
We will be performing progress checks intermittently (but you are obviously more than welcome to finish early).
We are hoping to see a variety of characters so we ask that you pick your top 3 choices and understand you may not get your top choice (though we will do our best in sorting and pairing up artists and writers)
Pair ups will be announced March 22
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
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mc-and-elise · 1 year
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I posted 1,782 times in 2022
That's 1,737 more posts than 2021!
23 posts created (1%)
1,759 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 89 of my posts in 2022
#mystic messenger - 37 posts
#vanderwood - 19 posts
#saeyoung choi - 15 posts
#mystic messenger seven - 11 posts
#mystic messenger vanderwood - 11 posts
#mystic messenger headcanon - 11 posts
#mary vanderwood 3rd - 11 posts
#agent vanderwood - 8 posts
#mystic messenger imagines - 7 posts
#mm vanderwood - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 111 characters
#(yes the teacup is a reference to them being british i didn’t play sword/shield so i’m not familar with galar-)
My Top Posts in 2022:
Some Vanderwood headcanons
Part of a Vanderwood content contest with @antiochean !
Their real name is Marion. It's a male variant of Mary
Seven calls them Mary as a nickname.
Vanderwood is British. They haven't been back to their homeland in a long time, though.
Is a neat freak due to their trauma of growing up surrounded by filth.
Following Seven's route and afterstory, ends up moving into the bunker with the twins and MC.
Works as one of Jumin's bodyguards and occasional nightguard at the office
They're nonbinary. They go by he/him and they/them.
They love detective stories. Their first edition Herlock Shlomes books are their prized possession
20 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Random Vanderwood headcanons I came up with
Vanderwood is nonbinary, and goes by "they/them" and "he/him"
Prefers they/them
Is from Great Britain. They refuse to say where exactly.
Their full name is Marion Vanderwood. After Saeyoung makes them a new identity, it becomes Marion Stark Vanderwood.
Knits and crochets in their spare time.
Will never admit it, but more or less adopted Saeyoung (and later, Saeran) as his brother.
When flustered/upset, their cockney accent slips out
While they threaten Saeyoung a lot, would never hit him. Taze? Sure, but physically beat him when he didn't get work done? Hell no.
Grows their hair out as it's the first thing they ever had full control over
Gets a job at C&R as one of Jumin's bodyguards and the occasional night guard after the SE
Lives with the twins at the bunker
Eventually becomes an unofficial member of the RFA, providing security at events
44 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
Vanderwood and their relationships in the RFA
Part of a content contestwith @antiochean
They've joined the "Focus on school dammit" group
"This kid is still innocent and I'm not about to let Seven corrupt him"
Teaches him some recipes and tries to get him to eat better
Yoosung is trying to get him into LOLOL. They're intrigued by the tabletop version of it.
Bonds with him over motorcycles and theater
Is a secret theater nerd.
Helps him practice lines often.
They both share haircare tips with each other.
If they're dating MC, Zen is a bit less overprotective of MC, but instead of calling them a wolf, they're a "leopard"
He's their boss
No really.
Vanderwood is a member of his security detail. They also occasionally work as the night guard at the office.
Jumin finally has someone else in the chat room who doesn't understand memes
And gets his protectiveness of Elizabeth the Third
They're still grateful for him rescuing them following the Secret Endings
Vanderwood isn't afraid to call him out sometimes, but not too harshly
He's still their boss
If Jumin and MC are together, they're one of the few people he trusts to leave MC with alone.
If MC ends up with Vandy, Jumin is more generous with time off and scheduling
Mom Squad™️
The two bond over their complaints over working for Jumin
Knows she could easily kill them. Is impressed.
Helps her towards her dream of opening a coffee shop
See the full post
49 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
I have a thought: We all know Unknown tries to kidnap MC is almost every route aside from Jaehee's (probably bc she could dropkick him into the sun if he tried). What if, instead of MC needing rescuing, it was instead a member of the RFA?
Mint Eye does hope to essentially absorb the members of the RFA into their own group, so either way their plans are progressing.
What would MC do? I'm assuming that Seven in every route aside from his own would be helping her find them, whether it be through their phones or Unknown willinglyletting the location slip in hopes of luring everyone there, but in his own route, would she have to rely on Vanderwood to hopefully find Magenta?
I just have so many questions.
70 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Saeyoung would totally make a IRL Baymax. Full size too.
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76 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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stanleymordeson · 4 years
That's it. I'm too into Mystic Messenger. I take requests for any character! I love them all so much, but Saeran, Seven and Yoosung are just too good for this universe 💕❤💚
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mmheadcanons · 3 years
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// i want to know what his tragic backstory is. how he eventually gets fond of seven over time. also how he doesn’t treat mc like a damsel in distress is interesting to see, and how that would eventually manifest itself over time :-) also i would very much like to call him stark like he wants
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karolstorge · 4 years
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Vanderwood siempre está amenazando a Seven pero, en momentos realmente difíciles, busca calmarlo y apoyarlo ♡
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bluejay-writes · 2 years
Sae My Name - Chapter 8: Who needs sleep when we have breakfast?
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Fandom: Mystic Messenger Rating: Mature Chapter 8 Wordcount: 2471 Pairings: MC (Jin) / Vanderwood, other background ships. Notes: This fic is focused around a trans MC, which plays a big role in her story. She is the focus character, though the rest of the RFA and side characters do play a part
You can also read this on Ao3!
First / Prev / Next (Monday)
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True to his word, Jumin’s bodyguards were not only waiting for them in the parking garage but also at the entry gate. Once inside, Jumin himself was there to show them where to park. Jin couldn’t keep the smile off her face when Seven launched himself out of the car and into Jumin’s arms. The fastidious businessman somehow wasn’t even phased by the state of his partner’s clothes. 
While the two exchanged whispered words, Jin woke Saeran up and ended up helping him out of the car. He was shaking like a leaf and sweating profusely.
“Saeran, what’s wrong?”
“You’re on drugs?”
“…kinda.” He murmured.
“Necessary ones?”
“Then you’re not on them anymore and I’ll get you through this.”
Saeran didn’t respond to that and Jin felt herself holding up more of his weight than she expected. And she was a little twig of a thing.
“Oi, Vandy.” She called, catching the agent’s attention.
“Don’t call me that.” He grumbled, walking over and crouching down so that Saeran could get on his back.
“Well, Vanderwood is a mouthful.” Jin said, helping her younger twin get settled on the agent’s back.
“Call me Stark then.” He said. “It’s a better name anyway. Fewer syllables.”
“Stark it is.” Jin wondered if she should consider it a win that she had a nickname for him that wouldn’t irritate the man and Seven didn’t.
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“Seven stitches across three wounds for the redhead, he just needs painkillers and with some sleep he’ll be fine. The blonde…” Dr. Park hesitated, and sighed. “The withdrawal symptoms are worse than I’ve ever seen. You’re sure you don’t know what he was on?” Jin shook her head and the doctor continued, “Well, regardless, it’s bad and there’s not much to be done for him. He needs fluid and calories. I suggest trying to get him to drink milk or juice every time he’s conscious. At the very least water. If he’s willing to eat then offer some ice cream. It’s high calorie and at least has some dairy protein and fat in it. It will likely take weeks before he’s through it, though today and tonight will be the worst of it. Everything I’ve said is in these notes. I’ll come by tomorrow morning to check on them, but if you have any concerns have Mr. Han give me a call and I’ll head over at my earliest convenience.”
Jin nodded and held the door for the doctor, who took her leave with a concerned look. Jin was sure her face mirrored said concerned look.
She set the folder from the doctor on the table by the door and went to check on Saeran, who was practically swaddled in blankets in Jumin’s guest room.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Jin brushed Saeran’s hair out of his face.
“I’m dying.” He said bitterly. 
“You’re not dying. You’re just going through withdrawals. It’ll get better, I promise.”
“Don’t promise. Everyone breaks their promises. Everyone betrays me in the end. Even the Savior.”
“She’s no savior, Saeran. She was drugging you and still is drugging who knows how many other people.”
“Doesn’t matter, she betrayed me anyway. Everyone does.”
“Well, little brother, I can’t guarantee that I won’t disappoint you but I swear to do my absolute best to be the coolest sister on the planet.”
“Pfft.” Saeran laughed, and protested sleepily. “You’re too square to be cool, Jin.”
Jin smiled, and stood. “Yeah, yeah, goth wannabe. You get some sleep, I’ll come back and check on you in a bit.”
By the time Jin reached the doorway Saeran was sound asleep.
Jin peeked into Jumin’s bedroom to see Jumin reading from a thick hardcover book and Seven smiling at him with the most beatific expression Jin had ever seen on a real person. She bit back a chuckle and backed slowly away from the door. Best not to interrupt those two, they’ve had one hell of a day. She thought and then backed directly into something. No, someone. 
“Hey there, Middle Child.”
“Hi Stark.” She said chuckling. “I’m about to raid Jumin’s kitchen. You want in?”
“Christ, yes.” He laughed.
Jin didn’t know anything about Jumin other than what he let the business world know, and that he was dating her older triplet, but for some reason the fact that he had a fully stocked kitchen surprised her. She figured he’d be the type to eat out and not know how to cook properly, like her father and his peers. But the things in the kitchen were gently used as though someone actually lived and cooked here. It was a nice change from what she was used to.
Jin wasn’t expecting Vanderwood to actually help her, so started gathering the ingredients and tools to make the breakfast she wanted. That seemed to wake something in Vanderwood and suddenly he was handing her things out of the refrigerator, taking down things from high shelves, and otherwise being incredibly helpful.
“What’s for breakfast?” He asked, when she started mixing dry ingredients into a bowl.
“Breakfast of champions.”
“Not today, Stark.” Jin said before she paused and giggled. “Southern food. True rebel daughter fare.”
“Biscuits and gravy; fried eggs; bacon.” She said, and found herself witness to what was probably the first true smile on Vanderwood’s face since she met the man.
“Marry me.” He said and while she knew he was joking she couldn’t keep the color from blooming across her freckled cheeks.
“That’s fast, we only started dating a few hours ago.” She turned her back on him to put the biscuits into the oven and start the sausage gravy.
“If that’s all it takes for us to be dating I may as well just call you my wife and get it over with. Then I’ll have all the hard work out of the way and be in possession of the best breakfast chef on the planet.” Vanderwood said, stepping up behind her at the stove.
“I suppose that would solve my father looking for me, I mean, he’d have no claim on my life if I weren’t a Choi anymore.” Jin focused very hard on browning sausage and not paying any attention to the man hovering just outside of her personal bubble as she spoke. He was a dream she couldn’t have anyway.
“If you think that would solve your problem…” Vanderwood started to say but Jin cut him off.
“No. It wouldn’t. It’s a pipe dream for so many reasons and you deserve better.” She reached up and brushed her hair out of her face with the back of her hand while sighed. The next thing she knew Vanderwood was gathering her mess of curls and tying them back in a low braid. Contained, out of the way, and painfully domestic.
“Thank you.” She all but whispered, trying to pretend she didn’t just cut off a jest with an ice bucket of serious talk.
“Jin…” Vanderwood started. When she shook her head sharply she could almost feel him change tactics. “Do you want me to get the bacon started?”
“That would be lovely. I assume you know your way around bacon and won’t hurt yourself?” She said.
He smirked, “Who do you think kept Seven fed all these years?”
“I guess… uh…. Zen. Definitely. Yep.”
Vanderwood elbowed her. “Right, because he has anything more than water, beer, and a wilting salad in his refrigerator.”
“He really doesn’t.” Jin laughed. “I should have guessed Yoosung instead.”
“That boy can at least make a decent omurice.” Vanderwood said. “He posts pictures to that messenger every time he cooks something.”
“Are you in the messenger, Stark?”
“No, but I’ve shoulder surfed Seven’s phone often enough.”
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When breakfast was laid out on the table, Vanderwood went to get Seven and Jumin while Jin went to wake Saeran. She knew sleep would help, but also that if he didn’t at least try to eat he’d feel worse. Sitting on the edge of the bed again Jin noticed that Saeran wasn’t asleep. He was crying.
“Hey now, Saeran. I didn’t approve tears. Did you file the right paperwork for these?”
Saeran took one look at her and sat up just enough to shift and lay his head in her lap.
“Sis… why does everything have to suck so much?” he hiccuped back a sob.
Jin reached down and pet his hair. “Because the world isn’t fair and we got stuck with the short end of the stick. Heck, the universe even got my gender wrong.” Saeran snorted back a laugh and cracked a wry smile at her. “Anyway, baby bro, breakfast is ready. Will you come eat with us?”
“Are there pancakes?” he asked petulantly, and Jin’s heart sank a little.
“No… no pancakes, but there’s eggs, and bacon, and biscuits, and gravy?”
“Did you cook?”
“I did. Vanderwood helped.”
“Mhm. Okay. Sure. Why not. Heavy breakfasts are supposed to help with hangovers. This is like that, right?”
Jin chuckled and steadied Saeran once he crawled out of bed. 
“Let’s test that theory.”
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Once they had eaten Jin and Vanderwood started to clear breakfast, until his phone rang with an ominous sort of tone.
“I have to take this.” He said and disappeared out onto the balcony. Jin watched him go and when she realized she was staring as he walked away, she blushed and turned back to clearing the dishes.
“Jin. I have someone who does that for me.” Jumin said. Jin startled when she realized there had been someone there. Did he see me watching Stark like a hungry tiger?
“Oh, I don’t mind.” She said, “I cooked so it’s the least I can do.”
“That is quite the opposite, Miss Jin.” Jumin said, slightly more formal and more in her space. “You cooked and so we should be cleaning up. But, mostly, I was trying to use it as an excuse to get you out of the kitchen. Your brothers are having a tense conversation in the guest room, a conversation which I think could go much smoother with your inclusion, but I cannot suggest it to them lest I be seen as meddling.”
Jin smiled. “You really do care about Seven.”
“I do.” Jumin said. “I am glad that you noticed.”
“I’ll go talk with them. Will you tell Stark where I’ve gone?”
“Oh. Vanderwood.” Jin blushed. Other people didn’t know that nickname.
“I see you two are more close than I had previously estimated.” Jumin said. “I will, of course, inform him.”
Jin knocked on the door frame of the guest room. “Excuse me, brothers, can I join your conversation?”
Saeran looked up at her and smiled awkwardly. “It’s more of an argument than a conversation, Jin.”
“Come in, though.” Seven said. “You may as well.”
Jin came in and sat on the end of the bed, next to where Saeran was laying and across from the chair Seven was occupying.
“So… what are we talking about?”
Jin could feel a headache coming on just from Seven and Saeran’s respective answers.
“Well, I can see this is going well.” Jin laughed.
“Actually, it’s not that bad.” Saeran said. “If you hadn’t come to remove me from Magenta… I may never have realized just how brainwashed I was by the Savior, I mean Rika. She told me that Saeyoung abandoned me, that he never loved me, that he never wanted anything to do with me. That he discarded me.” He glanced first at Jin and then Seven. “You know he’s Saeyoung, right?”
“Yeah. We talked about it.” Jin said, smiling.
“Anyway, Saeyoung.” Saeran said, tears slowly trickling down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry I ever thought that about you. You’ve been hurting for me all this time and all I’ve done is hate you and keep my distance.”
“No no no, Saeran, it’s okay!” Saeyoung said, reaching out to grab the youngest triplet’s hand. “I should never have let you go. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too.” Saeran said. It wasn’t until the tear fell from her cheek and splashed on her hand that Jin realized she was crying.
“Jin?” Seven and Saeran asked simultaneously, their concern overwhelming.
“It-it’s nothing.” She knew she was lying and the look on both of their faces told her that they knew she was too.
“Just spit it out already.” Saeran said and then covered his mouth. “S-sorry, he gets uppity when I’m tired.”
“He?” Seven was torn between this new information about Saeran and whatever was going on with Jin.
“Don’t worry about it. We’re coping.” Saeran said, brushing off Seven’s curiosity. “Jin, though. Sis, what’s wrong?”
He called me Sis again… Jin thought, It only made her cry harder.
“Jin?!” Saeran sat up and grabbed both of her hands while Seven climbed onto the bed and wrapped her in a hug from behind.
“Your brothers are here.” Seven said, hugging her tight. “Talk to us.”
After a few minutes Jin managed to get her crying under control so that she could talk to them.
“Is this what a family is supposed to be like?” she finally asked. “I always wanted siblings.”
“You’re asking the wrong people, Sis.” Saeran said. “I only really had a mess with Mom and Saeyoung and then whatever Rika thought family was… wasn’t…”
“And once I left home to ostensibly save Saeran… it was just me during college. Well, and Vandy, since he was my handler...”
“Wow we really are a messed up set, aren’t we?” Jin sighed. “I wouldn’t have turned down all those years with Stark though.”
“Stark?!” Seven said turning her so he could look her in the eye.
“What? I was whining about Vanderwood being a mouthful and he doesn’t like Vandy so…”
Seven snorted, turning bright red. Moments later Jin figured out what she had said to make him react that way and punched his shoulder.
“Seven!!! You know I didn’t mean it like that!!”
“Suuuure you didn’t.” He cackled.
“It’s only obvious to anyone with eyes, Jin.” Saeran chimed in with a grin.
“Really?!” Jin buried her face in her hands. “I’m mortified.”
“I don’t know about that.” Seven said. “Zen is blind to the concept that anyone could ever be interested in someone that’s not him and Yoosung is just too naïve to function. But the rest of us…”
“D-does he know?” Jin’s question was muffled in her hands.
“Hah, probably not.” Seven consoled, patting his sister on the back. “He doesn’t really pay attention to that kind of thing if it’s not for a job.” Jin sighed and flopped over onto Saeran’s legs like a dead fish. “I’m so embarrassed.”
Saeran just patted her hair. “Don’t be. It’s cute. And we all need some cute in our lives, especially right now.”
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lucienchol · 4 years
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Wanted to give pixel art another try, so I made an icon for my Vanderwood rp account lol
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‘Can you grab the red beans? Up there.’ She pointed to a tall cabinet out of her reach, while grabbing a large mixing bowl and flour. She tried to hide her joy, but the excitement of having a companion to partake in her favorite hobby with brought an ear-to-ear grin to her face. Plus, watching a dangerous man do something so domestic was kind of endearing. ‘Have you ever made red bean bread before?’ 
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