#v: main (malia)
musamulta-arc · 2 years
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@mccallphas​ asked:
❛ we did it. we won. ❜ //theo or malia!
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“Maybe we’ll get, like, five minutes of rest now.” There was that humor, but god please let them rest now. Just enough time to go or do anything else. It seemed like every single time she tried to leave, something got in the way. They all needed a break.
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themythscometolife · 1 year
Sometimes Stiles really wanted to scream. If he didn't like Malia so much he would probably just walk away and just figure this out on his own. But he did care for the coyote, and he would really miss the sex...
"Ok ok, look you wanted to practice shifting right? Well, here's that chance! You shrink down to four paws and sneak in look around and tell me what you see when you come back. You're not going in their claws all out ready to strike ok?"
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Malia blinked, staring at Stiles as if he had lost his mind, because she was sure that he had this time. Upon taking in a deep breath and slowly exhaling, hoping that Stiles would life and call the plan off, you she let out a frustrated sound.
“Are you stupid? I’m not good at shifting yet. Why would I put myself in an extra dangerous situation? Are you even hearing yourself?”
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musamulta-aa · 3 years
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@thxrunawaybeta​ asked:
🎁 (Spotify round up - Malia)
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spotify wrapped has arrived. send me a number from 1-100 for a starter based on that song, or a lyric from it, or send a 🎁 for me to shuffle.
Song #35: Destruction - Joywave
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"Well, that isn't quite what I had in mind..."
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musamultax · 3 years
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@ephemeralwolf​​ liked for a starter from Malia!
“I'm not gonna scream, beat my chest at the wind. I'm doing fine.”
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musamultaa · 3 years
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@siilverbulleted​ liked for a starter from Malia Tate!
“I don’t see what’s so wrong with dealing with problems physically. If someone says something you don’t like, hit them. They’ll shut up.” The werecoyote was, clearly, full of brilliant ideas. Somewhere in the distance, Scott McCall’s sense of morality was problem going crazy.
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Ship of Dreams | Stiles & Malia
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“You know that I love you, right?” Stiles reminded the coyote quietly, in the late hours of the night. Tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. She typically made it easier, but some nights he just couldn’t turn his mind off. He worried about her, about them. What their future would be like. Whether or not he would be a part of it. His fingers found her hair, mostly to keep his hands busy, but he knew she enjoyed the attention too. It was a win-win, as far as he was concerned. “Like...*alotalot*.”
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musamulta-a · 4 years
@offantasiesandfear​ liked your post “Starter Call: Malia”
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“I’m not like you, Stiles. Or Scott. Or Lydia. I’m not like any of you. I didn’t have a normal childhood, I didn’t go to school. You guys have had years to figure out who you are, I got use to being a coyote. Of course I didn’t make life plans!”
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“Will you guys stop making me feel unsafe?” (From grouchy werecoyote Malia)
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"Justignorethem." He'd forgotten that one of Luke's pack had requested hisassistance when he'd invited the other into his loft. It was supposedto have been a simple potion and the other would leave him to handlethe rest of his clients. Instead, it turned into something complexthat required much more work andhe had to have the other stand there while surrounded by two verylarge werewolves. Magnus would be sending a message back to Lukereminding him that he did have other clients to deal with and thathis pack tended to scare off some of them. At least this one didn'tseem too bothered by the two wolves in his loft. He could keep themsafe but Luke wouldn't be too pleased with him if he used magicagainst them. "I'm almost done with their request and then I canhelp you with yours. Why don't you tell me what it is you need."
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volatilehearted · 5 years
How did you end your relationship with Lydia? Are you still friends? Is she dating Parrish now? What was her reaction to knowing you were dating Scott?
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“I...what? I was never in a relationship with Lydia. Unless you mean just like...the friendship? Which hasn’t ended? She’s fine with me and Scott?”
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strawbaeries · 3 years
s. stilinski.
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offxmily-blog · 6 years
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“That is... Absolutely repulsing. What the hell is it?”
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musamulta-arc · 2 years
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@wolfintime​ asked:
i’d like to know the plan before i celebrate it . //isaac @ malia
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“If it doesn’t get me killed or shot, it’s a good plan.” That was about all she cared about here. Maybe others would go down, but why should that matter? It did matter, of course, but not in a way she tended to register until put in that situation. “My plan is kill them. If they’re dead, problem solved. Then I can leave and not have to deal with this anymore.”
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rememberiloveyou · 3 years
Teen Wolf: Where Are They Now
So obviously these are my headcanons/predictions/opinions and you are in no way obligated to agree with me, however, here is what I think each character would be up to by the time we get the reboot movie in 2022:
Scott McCall, age 27:
I think Scott just recently graduated from UC Davis with a degree in Veterinary Medicine. (because he had to take classes sporadically due to the ongoing hunter v supernatural war). He’s been trying to keep things under control while also furthering his own career and life.
He is working at an animal clinic still, but he gets to handle his own cases!
He and Malia are still going strong, they share an apartment in down town Beacon Hills.
Stiles Stilinski, age 27:
Stiles is an active duty FBI Agent running the “Supernatural Unit” with a couple of other people in the know. They get called in when it looks like a serial killer or problems a town has been having could actually be a supernatural threat.
He lives with Lydia in DC, and he’s been working up the nerve to propose to her. He bought a ring 3 months ago and keeps waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
Lydia Martin, age 27:
Lydia is working as a resident in a hospital in DC. She lives with Stiles and is suspicious that he might propose within the next year or so.
She talks to Malia at least 3 times a week on the phone or over facetime and they complain about how their boyfriends are in love with each other.
She graduated 2 years early from MIT and is on her way to her MD (she already has it) and her PhD.
Malia Tate, age 27:
Malia is working as an animal photographer. Her passion is working with animals so she’s hoping to either become a Zookeeper or be able to work in an animal shelter, once she has the right qualifications. She shares an apartment with Scott, and they are still going strong.
She is also pretty sure that Stiles is going to propose to Lydia soon, and she’s annoyed that they live so far away and she can’t sniff it out via chemo-signals.
Liam Dunbar, age 24:
Liam went off to UCLA for college and ended up settling in LA. He is returning to help Scott out. He was a business major.
Mason Hewitt, age 24:
Mason went to USC on a full scholarship. He majored in bio-chem and is studying to become a doctor. He and Lydia are in pretty constant contact, Lydia gives him advice for med school and how to survive residency.
Theo Raeken:
This man has literally never crossed my mind. Bye.
Derek Hale, age 34:
I’d like to believe that he and Braeden reconnected and are thinking about settling down. But right now they are off running international missions for Scott against Monroe’s still active forces.
Jackson Whittemore/Ethan, age 27-29 (I know Jackson was supposed to be older than the mains, so):
These two are also off in Europe running ops for Scott and keeping tabs on the Hunter v Supernatural war.
(they will eventually start their own wing of the foster care system dedicated to placing supernatural children with other supernatural families)
Kira Yukimura, age 27:
Kira is still working with the skinwalkers on and off, when she isn’t she’s living in New York and studying to earn her teaching degree. She will occasionally help Stiles and Lydia out with supernatural issues on the East Coast.
Isaac Lahey, age 27:
Isaac moved back to the US and ended up attending GWU with Stiles. He is dating Stiles’s FBI partner Lexi (I’m aware she’s an OC, but until I’m proven wrong I’m rolling with it). He ended up studying poli-sci and he’s interning/working as an assistant for a politician in DC. He still wears a lot of scarves, and Stiles hates it.
He is still working in Beacon Hills though he’s getting close to retirement. He’s been pestering Stiles about whether he wants his own police force, trying to get him to move home and take over the role.
She is still working as a nurse, though she has a system in place so that she gets the first look at any supernatural case.
He helps run West Coast operations with Scott and will frequently take trips up to the Pacific NorthWest to check on things.
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musamulta-aa · 3 years
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The coyote had backed up, staring the other down. Had he been a wolf? It hadn’t been like others she knew and she was hesitant. She’d have been hesitant, anyway, though. You couldn’t always trust thought you met in the woods. Her ears pinned for a moment, staring him down.
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musamultax · 3 years
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@volatilehearted​ liked for a starter from Malia.
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“All right, fine. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Everyone else has had time. They know what they like, what they want...” And all she had to show for her life, really, was a whole lot of time as a coyote. Graduating high school even was a miracle.
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musamultaa · 3 years
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@loyaltywon​ liked for a starter from Malia Tate!
“I shouldn’t even still be in this stupid town.” She felt trapped. Caged. That was something a wild animal never wanted. The others had all moved on with their lives, or most had. Why should she be stuck in Beacon Hills just because she hadn’t made it into a college?
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