#muse: malia
hvlfwygod · 2 years
number 4 for MAL please c':
04. A memory that your character cherishes
Dear diary,
I don't really like writing in this because I don't write words that good but my brother got this for me so I'm doing my best! Today was a great day because it was my birthday! I'm 7 years old!!!!! Dad says he thinks I am still 3 to him which is rediculos because I'm way way older than a 3 year old, but he took me on vacation for my birthday so I don’t care if he says that and acts silly!!
I took a lot of pictures today but I can't put any of them here because they are all in a despo dips disposable (Dad helped me) camera but trust me they are the BEST pictures because I had the best birthday ever!! The other day Dad told me to go to bed early. I asked why but he told me it was a secret, and I knew it was my birthday the next day and he winked at me so I knew what he was doing so I said okay. It was hard! But then we woke up reeaaaally early and then we left for the airport. I was soooo excited! I didn’t even pack! Liliane packed for me all before which I was a little nervous about when I found out. But she packed all my favorite shoes and my best dress and new clothes! Oh I didn’t say where we went yet. PARIS!
We took a plane and then when we landed, we took naps and then we went out to dinner and then we walked around the city and looked at this REALLY PRETTY castle! My Dad says it was the Nortra Dom (I don’t know how it’s spelled). And we took a boat on the water! We went to bed early again and this time it was easier, and then today we got up and went to Disney!!! I was so surprised when we got there I screamed and danced around everywhere. I wish my friends were here with me but that’s why I took a bunch of pics so they can see them all later. The rides were so much fun and I got to meet Belle and Minnie Mouse!
We had dinner at this restoro restarant and they brought out a big pink cake and it tasted the best. And they sang Happy Birthday and they all told me my name was really pretty. And then I got presents! I got this book and I also got this pink pen because Liliane gave it to me just cause I said I liked it. I love her. I’m glad my dad married her.
My brother was the best today too. He kept telling everyone that it was my birthday and that I was the coolest sister ever. Not a lot of people understood because he was talking in English, though, but I knew so I didn’t mind.
But that also brings me to the most exciting thing about today. I CAN SPEAK FRENCH. Like what! It’s not even hard for me and I never took a class, EVER! Promise! Dad says this makes me extra special which is sooooo cool. I’m so happy. Today was so good. And we have another day tomorrow! And we’re going to the EFFEIL TOWER. Maybe I’ll write more tomorrow, this was hard!
Okay I’m going to go to bed so I can get my beauty sleep for tomorrow!
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musamulta-arc · 2 years
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@mccallphas​ asked:
❛ we did it. we won. ❜ //theo or malia!
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“Maybe we’ll get, like, five minutes of rest now.” There was that humor, but god please let them rest now. Just enough time to go or do anything else. It seemed like every single time she tried to leave, something got in the way. They all needed a break.
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drvcxrys · 4 months
(¸.• ♛ → a small sigh escaped from her lips. "you know? lately everything has been really calm." at least for now this city was very calm and she was thankful for it. "it is odd though, usually when there is calmness in this city usually turns out being just horrible."
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@hiddenpxpercuts (derek)
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lavenderrpages · 7 months
@storyofwhoiam asked : “ Did you make this ? ” ash x malia.
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" i was suffering from a sweet tooth." unable to stop herself, malia took to the kitchen. the air was warm from the oven that baked the french pastry. "apricot clafouti." she laughed out a poor french accent. " that was terrible," waving off, the blade of a held knife cut into the dessert. "come try this." after serving a slice, malia extended the plate to ash. eyes were wide with anticipation for them to take a bite.
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acourtcfmuses · 8 months
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𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 + 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒐𝒔
Jenna said Malia or Harriet why not both??
Tagged By: @ofblackskies Tagging: Anyone who wants too!
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dingus-slayer · 2 years
( open to: f / m / nb — platonically or romantically.
muse: malia tate — teen wolf / crossover )
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brown eyes curiously gazed up at them, wondering what was so urgent to interrupt her midnight snack. it was nearly one am and she had planned to have some alone time, until they arrived smelling of pure apprehension —which was incredibly distracting— and acting as if they were chased down by some horror movie killer or something. “you stink of anxiety, what’s wrong now?” she kept her position in bed, confusion set in tone, trying to see if there were any injuries in sight.
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skyofstorms · 1 year
Sold to a Pet Store! - Part 2
How much do you sell for?
Derek Price: 16$ Personality: Playful. I love making a mess. Food: Likes alcohol. Notes: Can bite. Breeding Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
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Laura Price: 84$ Personality: Aggressive. I always stay close to my family. Food: Eats a lot. Notes: Complicated for a beginner. Breeding Difficulty: ★★★★☆
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Malia Price: 666$ Personality: Aggressive. I love learning new things. Food: Prefers frozen food. Notes: Always keep on a leash. Breeding Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
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Peter Price: 852,170$ Personality: Intelligent. Sensitive to heat. Food: Likes alcohol. Notes: Complicated for a beginner. Breeding Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
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Jace Price: 439$ Personality: Affectionate. Sensitive to heat. Food: Prefers frozen food. Notes: Can bite. Breeding Difficulty: ★★★★★
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Seungki Price: 56$ Personality: Loyal. I love learning new things. Food: Likes alcohol. Notes: Likes cuddles. Breeding Difficulty: ★★★★★
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embodies · 4 months
i wouldn't count on it. / hayley marshall @ malia
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❛ take another step and you'll be getting your ass kicked, girl code or not. ❜ she's nestled into the quaint and magnetic city that is beacon hills, earned enough purchase of its terrain to feel comfortable in herself. her friends are here, her found family and found self. maybe that's the foundation for how territorial she is now, or perhaps she's had one too many negative experiences with supernatural beings that turn up unannounced to what she now deems a home. these are not mutually exclusive ideas : both can be true.
' i wouldn't count on it. '
the certainty in the other woman's words sets malia aback a little : makes her wonder what the business this stranger might be after could be. nobody comes here for a vacation. she rocks on her feet, not quite taking a step back but not half as self - assured either. they can smell your fear. she holds her ground under the sickle moon, earthy scents rich around them and biding their time. it would not be the first time blood has been shed in these woods. her next words are measured, slow and gritted through her teeth in an attempt to remain placid. she has always struggled with her rage, can sense it in her adversary also. maybe they are more alike than different.
❛ then count on this : you need to make it crystal clear why you've come here. or it'll be more than me making your life difficult tonight. ❜
@serendpitous. ♡
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escapedfromthevoiid · 4 months
@lupaeus sent in [ 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭 ] : sender pins receiver down by the wrists during sex. { to malia }
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"You've got to be kidding me." Malia's eyes glowed brilliant blue for a minute as her hips arched subconsciously. Did she like this? She wasn't sure, but it made her want to flip them over. "Is that the best you got?" she challenged.
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faeryworlds · 1 year
Tag Drop (part 1)
#*•.¸♡  Musing: Gwen Stacy: ❝Fight for what matters to you no matter what. ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Peter Parker: ❝I made a choice. This is my path❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Yelena Belova: ❝The truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Kate Bishop: ❝Some people have actually called the world’s greatest archer ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Harley Quinn: ❝ Treat me like a game and I’ll show you how it’s played❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Mia Queen: ❝ I'm a warrior I fight for my life❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Katniss Everdeen: ❝ fire burns brighter in the dark ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Malia Tate: ❝I won’t judge❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Allison Argent: ❝I was born with silver between my teeth.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Emma Swan: ❝ you want people to look at you differently make them!❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Hope Swan-Jones: ❝I am really bad at words I hope you’re good at reading eyes❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Katherine Pierce: ❝ Humanity is a vampires greatest weakness ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Caroline Forbes: ❝If you want something done right you have to do it yourself❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Luna Mikaelson: ❝I can take care of myself ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Davina Claire ❝I can give you a list of people who've underestimated me: ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Rebekah Mikaelson: ❝ Kill the demon today face the Devil tomorrow. Count me in. ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Lizzie Saltzman: ❝ I am getting back to me. I am who I am ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Hermione Granger: ❝I’m hoping to do some good in the world!❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Ginny Weasley: ❝Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Lily Merchant: ❝All I want to do is make him proud.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Victoire Weasley: ❝As beautiful as the bright moon.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Alison DiLaurentis: ❝Sometimes lies are more interesting than the truth❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Aria Montgomery: ❝When you love someone it’s worth fighting for no matter what the odds ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Max Mayfield: ❝Be running up that hill❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Nancy Wheeler: ❝Ask for forgiveness not permission❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Callie Adams Foster: ❝You don’t know what it’s like to not have enough to not be wanted❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Arya Stark: ❝Fear cuts deeper than swords.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Elle Evans: ❝You can either follow the rules or follow your heart. ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Katie Matlin: ❝The way has become clearer I’m finally free❝#tag drop
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atl0yalty · 1 year
new tags & smaller roster ( for now ) ...
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musamulta-arc · 2 years
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@wolfintime​ asked:
i’d like to know the plan before i celebrate it . //isaac @ malia
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“If it doesn’t get me killed or shot, it’s a good plan.” That was about all she cared about here. Maybe others would go down, but why should that matter? It did matter, of course, but not in a way she tended to register until put in that situation. “My plan is kill them. If they’re dead, problem solved. Then I can leave and not have to deal with this anymore.”
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drvcxrys · 11 months
(¸.• ♛ → she doesn't have the guts to go and talk to stiles, not for now because she remembers when she found him laying there and it was horrible, she was also hurt that he might not remember her, is not like she can approach and say that she was dating him because he wouldn't remember that. "sorry? what? you were saying something?" she had to ask because for a moment she just zoned out.
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@hiddenpxpercuts (derek)
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years
write a letter to your inner child  + i’ll tell you what flower you’ve blossomed into
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Malia Tate
a poppy, for remembrance
"through the dancing poppies stole a breeze most softly lulling to my soul." — john keats, endymion (1818), book I, line 565. — you seem to mourn your past, as your inner child has died. you've been through your battles yet still have an immense amount of hope for the future. a yearning for peace of mind is what you have when you try to look for the sparks you've once felt in your life. but remember, you will no longer have to fight or defend yourself after you grow in a field where the vibrance of your petals are commemorated. 
Tagged by: @gxddamnbxbysitter
Tagging: @burnedchaos, @isdeathlystill, @childrenofslumber, @solarsought​ & whoever wants to do it!
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TW muses tag dump 2/?
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Kira: You’re kinda my moose Malia *smiling*: It’s “muse” Kira: I know. I just wanted to see you smile
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