#uss kanaloa
writer-room · 10 months
They became the signals, do you understand. They became the sailors. Alex, Jonas, Clarissa, Ren, Nona, they were the USS Kanaloa. They were the trapped, lost souls who were so desperate to get out. They were the ones preying on the traumatized and vulnerable, knowing how to convince Olivia away because it happened to them, too. Their only difference from the sailors is that they tried to be ‘nicer’ about it, that Alex was able to drop everything before it went too far, but even then...
All of it, every last piece, is a cycle. Of time, of trauma, of generations, of death. Leave is not possible on any of these fronts, because it is impossible to leave when claws sink in so deep that you run right back to the beginning, and only at the end, looking back, do you realize what you broke as you fought to go home. Becoming what hurt you, because you knew no other way to survive.
They’re kids. They’re scared, lost kids, who didn’t know what else to do. So they acted on what they hoped would work, and they’d think about those consequences when they were finally safe. The sailors almost had them, so they will follow suit, but they’ll do it right, and then they’ll be okay. It’ll all be okay, won’t it?
They wanted to live. But so did the sailors. 
And so, once more, we return to the beginning.
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oxensfree · 10 months
Hi im sorry trying to explain the ending with the Calvin thing
So you play the entire game, and get all the Adler letters and when at the end of the game the ghosts talk to you and be like "it's you or clarissa" after that it prompts you to call the ghost Calvin and like it teleports you to a cabin on a hill???
Once again so sorry for bothering you. I think today I'm just gonna spend few hours brute forcing it
Sorry, cheers, bye, :}
Brute forced for an hour and I can't get anywhere, sorry for wasting your time <3
you're not wasting my time, anon, i promise!
yeah, if you go through the entire convo with the ghosts, you'll teleport to some cabin on a hill. getting at least one adler letter, will allow alex to learn at least one of the names of the uss kanaloa crewman and will trigger that sequence you're getting.
HOWEVER, if you pull out the radio and start tuning during the ghosts' "its you or clarissa" spiel, the ghosts will be like "wait! your actions have consequences!!!" then you'll be teleported elsewhere when you finish. maybe that's what you're looking for?
then there's walking out the red portal on the left and you'll just trigger the reflection choices scenes.
these two alternatives aren't dependent on you having all the letters.
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digirainebow · 10 months
with the way jacob phrases things...i wonder if he doesn't know the friendly fire on the uss kanaloa was maggie's fault. i wonder if she couldn't bring herself to tell him that detail. i wonder if i could feel more pain about this game
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eightfourone · 10 months
dread inducing wub leitmotif you know that's babygirl USS Kanaloa
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aurik-kal-durin · 4 years
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When I first played Oxenfree, all I wanted to do was get some achievements and complete a quest for Xbox Game Pass... but once I started playing, I found I could not stop. This game really sucked me in with it’s story, characters, music, and atmosphere, and by the time I finished I felt I was hungry for more.
Sadly, the game Night School Studios made after Oxenfree, Afterparty, was a major disappointment. It has none of Oxenfree’s character. Hopefully they get around to making an actual sequel to Oxenfree one day, and have it carry over all your decisions from the first game. That would be so awesome.
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crossflux · 5 years
Alex and Jonas, now armed with the true knowledge of Edwards Island, head into the cave system to seal the crewmen of the USS Kanaloa away. Of course...it’s not as simple as it sounds...
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oakiee · 6 years
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playlist 🆘 | more oxenfree playlists
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ryukogo · 7 years
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some messily colored doodles of the daycare au ft. randomly drawn passengers of the USS kanaloa, except as kids in the daycare
bonus daycare owners maggie and anna (it’s my first time drawing both of them shhhh)
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starr-aesthetic · 5 years
no YOU live in a society. I live on The USS Kanaloa, a WWII submarine that was sunk by the USS Walter Roy via friendly fire on October 25, 1943, sending 97 people to their demise.
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nowornever13587 · 3 years
MCYT Oxenfree Chapter 1
Edward’s Island.
Fundy POV
“It used to be a military base. Then it became a ranching thing, then it was turned into an army thing, then it became a bird thing and a museum or whatever. Henry Fonda stationed here, I think, for a bit. Unless he was Navy.” 
I listened to Tommy rattle on as I leaned on the rail of the ship. The salty smell of the ocean filled the overcast sky. But thankfully, it was only slightly cold. Just enough for a light jacket..
“Who’s Henry Fonda?” Eret asked, unaware that you should never ask Tommy questions when he’s explaining things. He had a tendency to not hear them.
“And around Christmas time, this little breakfast place used to sell these amazing polar bear sugar cookies…” Like normal, Tommy went on. I laughed to myself, peering back over the edge of the ferry for wildlife in the water.
“Hey,” Tommy poked me. “Are you still with us? You haven’t said anything for like… 10 minutes.”
“Oh! Yeah, yeah. My mind just drifted for a second.” I turned back, checking my watch. It was 8. Right on time.
“So, you all moved in?” Tommy continued to talk to Eret. 
“Um, not really. I just got in this morning.” Eret chuckled.
“And how did Fundy’s mom meet your dad again?” Tommy was eager for gossip. 
“They met on vacation in London. He got lost in a garden and thought she worked there.” Eret took it in good humor as we walked back in the boat. 
I took the liberty of exploring the small craft. It wasn’t that old but still had that air to it. Slightly chipped paint and worn seats. How they got worn, I never understood. Only bird watchers and history nuts ever headed to Edward’s island anymore. Particularly not in the winter.
“Hey, there’s an old ship's wheel up here.” I called down to the others from the second story as I bent to read the placard. “It’s a replica from a… Portuguese caravel, it says.”
“Yeah! I think the Portuguese discovered the island? I dunno. I mostly slept through the maritime portion of history class.” Tommy shrugged.
“Says the kid who’s been ranting about the island for the past 18 minutes.” Eret teased. Tommy shot him a teasing glare as I came back down.
“So you guys just met tonight?” Tommy continued.
“Yeah, I was… I’d been out at school and the timing had just never worked out.” Eret shrugged.
“And what does that make you to the Furry? Second cousin or something?”
“Step bro and I am not a furry!” I groaned
“Yeah, yeah! At least you seem cool!” Tommy laughed. “Cool guy, cool eyes. You get a cool new sibling living right in your house! Wearing your clothes… eating your food ... Sharing your toothbrush.”
“Ew!” We both grimaced. The conversation dipped awkwardly.
“So… how do you two know each other?” Eret prompted us.
“Oh, from way back when, like paleozoic. Grade school era.”
“I moved from the Netherlands in the first grade and Tommy was the one I got partnered with on the first day.” 
“Passengers,” Suddenly the robotical intercom kicked on, nearly scaring me out of my skin. “We’ll be arriving soon. Check under your seat-” 
“Check under your seat to make sure you don’t leave behind any grandchildren.” Tommy commented over the recording sarcastically. 
“And if you picked up a complimentary disposable radio, remember to tune to 102.3 at the various plaques…” It droned on.
“Ooh! We should get a picture!” Tommy suddenly stood, dragging Eret and I back to the bow of the ferry. 
“Fine. Just… hold the camera out. Like… far. I don’t look my freshest right now.” I told Tommy as he pulled out his phone. I ran a hand over my ears, trying to smooth down my fur that had puffed up due to the humidity.
“It’s true, Eret. This is like B Minus Fundy.” Tommy grinned.
“Take the picture you child!” I nudged him. 
“I am not a child!” Tommy retorted while holding out the camera. We all smiled as the audible click came from the phone.
��There! Great. I’ll magic erase all the warts out and stuff, so don’t worry.” Tommy checked over the photo.
Eret made a face at the mention of warts and rolled his eyes. 
“Hey, Furry. Did you remember to bring that radio? The little portable one?” Tommy piped back up.
“Yeah.” I sighed, ignoring the comment as I took the object out my pocket.
“Our high school has a radio station and Finn- he’s a friend of ours- he’s filling in because TapL went on vacation with his family or something.” Tommy explained as I began twisting the knob to find the station. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that he’s gonna say something like… basically right now about our thing so…”
We all intently listened to the radio as I found the right station, 88.3.
“... Which I played because Karl wouldn’t stop singing it during math class!” Finn seemed to be talking about the song that was just on. “But… oh! Look at the time! Just after ten o’clock. Which means my dear friend Tommy and his bros are probably just touching down on Edwards island for the yearly bash on the beach…. Or whatever we call it now.”
“But anyways, I promised him that I’d play a song from his channel, so hope you're tuned in, Tommy! Here’s Able Sisters- Sable and Mable from Animal Crossing. He’s been tormenting me to play it for ages so here. Please stop.” 
The familiar song came on. I groaned quickly, shutting it off.
“Haha!” Tommy crowed. “I finally got him to do it!” 
His victory rant was cut off as the ferry’s horn blasted above us. 
“There’s no radio reception on the island.” Tommy continued. “I’m glad I got to hear it before it went totally kaput.”
“If we can’t use it, why’d you bring it? Not just for the boat?” Eret inquired.
“Um, no. You’ll see. Don’t expect too much but… nah. It’ll be fun. I won’t undercook it.” Tommy waved his hands mysteriously. “You’ll see.”
We all shut up as the boat began nearing the dock. The old man running the ship helped us get off, before pulling away again. 
“Oh boy! Smell that clean air, lads! This ain’t city livin’!” Tommy gestured to the now dark heavens. “My other friends should be up around the bend.”
“Actually,” Eret said nervously, waiting at the top of the dock stairs. “I mean, I don’t mean to be the guy to break us up already, but Tommy, could you do me a favor? Can I have two quick minutes with Fundy?”
“Uh… you sure?” Tommy hesitated. I glanced back up at Eret. The older boy seemed sincere.
“Something wrong?” I wondered.
“Nothing’s wrong. I just need a minute.” Eret glanced at the street light above.
“Alright, but- Look, I don’t wanna go up by myself. I mean, can’t we just stick together? You’re gonna have all night to say, like… whatever.” Tommy pleaded, using his puppy dog eyes. 
“But you were going to meet your friends, right?”
“Yeah but there further-”
“Tommy, it’s alright. Just wait for us at the end of the town, okay?  We’ll catch up with you there.” I reasoned. 
“Alright.” Tommy sighed, walking off. “Though this is a really strange way to start off, splitting up.”
“Thanks man!” Eret called after him, before turning to me. “He seems nice. Funny.”
“Yeah, he’s… what did you want to talk about? Before I suspect something nefarious.” I teased, coming back to the top of the stairs. 
“Listen, I just wanted to grab you ahead of time and say you’ve been…. Cool… about everything. And I guess it’s just - for me, I’ve never moved anywhere, ya know? And, like, getting a new family at the same time kinda feels like I’m skipping the training wheels.”
“Not that it’s bad! You and your mum have been great!”
“Eh, we’ll make do.” I nudged Eret playfully. “Lemons, lemonade, however that goes.”
“You idiot.” Eret and I laughed. 
“Oh, thanks for setting up the attic for me, by the way. It’s cool, how it’s a little bedroom.” 
“No problem…” I looked at the dark water. I really didn’t want to touch that subject. “It’s nice, at night, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Not chilly.” Eret nodded. “We can- we can catch back up with Tommy now. I didn’t mean to take so long.”
We walked down the stairs into the parking lot. Commenting on the lonely car, I noticed a blocked off road. I decided to ignore it in favor of heading up the long staircase to the little shops that made the town of the island. 
“Oh, what’s that?” Eret pointed at the statue as we reached the top. A bird on a pedestal with a whale below it. 
“I forgot this was even here.” I chuckled. “It’s a monument to some submarine that was sunk off the coast.”
“Oh, wait. Can’t you do that radio guide thing like the boat said?” Eret looked excited. “I wanna see how it works.
“Sure.” I pulled the thing out of my pocket.
“It was…. 101 or 102, I think.”
I found the station. The voice of some tour guide came on. 
“Named after the Hawiian god of the sea, the USS Kanaloa was launched on January 15, 1941 and commissioned into service at the end of that year under the command of Lt. C. Dream...”
“Never heard of this before. Kinda creepy in a way, right?” Eret murmured. 
“On October 28, 1943, it was sunk by the Japanese sub chaser Tokisada some 25 miles off the coast of Washington…”
“Yeah, I hate thinking about it. It reminds me of those scenes in movies where sailors have to seal somebody up to drown or else the flooding will take the whole ship, you know?” I shivered at the idea.
“... and remains, to this day, the only submarine casualty in American waters. Eighty-five officers, as well as twelve Army passengers, were lost.”
“Yeah, no. I always thought submarine duty was, like, the worst possible war assignment. There’s no way out if something goes wrong.”
I turned off the radio as the recording began again. We continued through the town. All the stores were closed. Probably because it was starting to become winter and we took the last ferry here. 
“Hello kids. The other guys and gals must be further up, so be quick now.” Tommy’s voice suddenly called from the top of a ramp. We laughed, running up to him. 
“Okay, speed-read definition of Edwards Island. This is a tourist trap with shops and beach. Nobody lives here except some geriatric named Mr. Halo. But, cross my heart and hope to die, we’ll never mention him or any other old person’s name again.”
“We are here to drink and be stupid. A tradition apparently started by bored recruits in the nineteen fifties who would sneak dates over from the coastal towns. They literally called it ‘trawling’.”
“Wow, interesting.” I lightly mocked. Eret snorted behind me.
“Yeah, like kids at camp or something.” Tommy shrugged. “So, to summarize, we are not allowed here after dark. The town is shut down, and we - the L’manberg High Junior Class- have come to commit improper acts.”
We came to a fence just taller than me. I frowned, glancing at Tommy. 
“The beaten path officially ends here. The beach is past the fence a way. I think Nikki told me that there’s a way that they used to get over there, but… I can’t remember how. I mean, can’t be too difficult.” Tommy looked around.
“Dumpster?” Eret pointed to the relatively empty bin sitting by the edge of the path. 
“Perfect, we can push it over and close the lid.” I got beside him and helped. 
“And the other thing about this nowhere island,” Tommy stayed back to finish his story. “Is the weirdo caves.”
“The weirdo caves?” Eret echoed incredulously. 
“The whole reason Fundy brought the radio is because when you go to the- it’s like ‘front’--
“The mouth.” I supplied.
“The mouth of this particular cave, you can sometimes pick up frequencies to stations that don’t exist.” Tommy grinned. “You’ll hear voices or just... sounds… And they’re impossible to get anywhere else on the island. Crazy, right?”
“It’s, um, it’s pretty creepy… at least I’ve heard.” Eret and I managed to get the dumpster into place. 
“I did it once. It’s amazing when it works.” 
“Okay, back up a minute here. What about that Mr. Halo guy? Is he the saint for the island or something?” Eret looked back at the town below us. 
“His family, I think, like owns or owned some of the island or something… he’s been shackled in the same spot for like seventy years. He’s kind of what you’d call a local legend. His house is on the other side of the woods.”
“I can’t imagine living in the same exact house looking at the same exact wall for that long a time.” I climbed up the dumpster and hopped over the fence. The other two joined me a heartbeat later.
We walked down the path, finding the trail that dipped down to the beach.
“Oh, before we get there, I should mention-” 
Tommy was cut off by laughter. 
“Who’s that?” Eret asked from behind me.
(Sorry if it's too long. But I shall try to post the next chapters every few days or so. Each should be around this long.)
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captainobviois · 4 years
Hey guys tonight we’re just thinking about how in the beginning of Oxenfree Alex and Jonas talk by the memorial of the sunken USS Kanaloa. And Alex says it makes her sad because it reminds her of scenes in movies where a character needs to be sealed up to keep the rest of the ship from drowning. And that’s basically what happened to her so she could save all her friends and she’s forever trapped in the time loop :,) restarting over and over :,) and never remembering :’) so she relives all the pain :’)
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planetsank-archive · 5 years
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   TODAY IS SUNKEN’S BIRTHDAY. october 25, 1943 is when the uss kanaloa sunk.
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zomboba · 7 years
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Today is the 74th anniversary of the sinking of the USS Kanaloa.
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missedtheferry · 7 years
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Since I’m doing this for myself for Inktober, and since idk if anyone’s already done this, figured I may as well share it in case anyone wants to join me! 
Feel free to tag your art with Inktober Oxenfree Edition for people to enjoy! Happy drawing!
(Here’s an easy link to the anomalies for reference.)
Non-image list below the cut:
1. Harden Tower
2. Maggie Adler
3. Loop
4. Alex, this is Alex
5. WAL Radio
6. Edwards Island
7. Clarissa
8. //xx-xm BxKauTx
9. Alex
10. Anomaly 101.1
11. Possessed
12. Camp Grounds
13. Anomaly 105.1
14. All The Outs In Free
15. Anomaly 104.7
16. Beacon Beach
17. Jonas
18. Anomaly 94.3
19. Ren
20. Dead Gate
21. The Sunken
22. Anomaly 106.7
23. Nona
24. USS Kanaloa
25. Adler Estate
26. Hey kids, want to play a game?
27. Michael
28. Tape Player
29. Anna Shea
30. Fort Milner
31. The Ferry
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crossflux · 5 years
After having collected all the Adler Letters and listened to all the Anomalies across Edwards Island, Alex and Jonas are now ready to confront the ghosts of the USS Kanaloa.
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edwardsisland · 7 years
Psychic: Reads my mind Me: Ninety seven brave men and women died on the USS Kanaloa. Eighty five officers. Twelve passengers.
Psychic: What the fuck
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