#user: lyn
lindalofbroome · 6 months
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...he slid the bell tree stick from his belt and raised it high. He lifted his other hand too, fingers spread, making himself as large as he could. The silver beast recoiled, very slightly. Yes, Rye thought with grim satisfaction. This is not how prey behaves, is it, serpent? THE THREE DOORS The Golden Door Ch 25 Now or Never
probably the most confused serpent in the world
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koumeowkami · 10 months
defending cozmez on the internet isn't enough. i need a gun
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hattiestgal · 8 months
If your characters used swords, what kinds of swords would they have?
Riley - Rapier all the way. Riley may not carry herself with the grace a rapier usually governs, but I imagine it's focus on light, precise movements that require a bit of a dance around your opponent would be very much Riley's speed
Violette - Berserk's Dragon Slayer or FF7's Buster Sword type deal. If the cut doesn't do the trick, the overwhelming weight certainly would.
Omen - Probably a standard longsword. Versatile and capable of all kinds of swordplay, it's a simple, practical pick.
Finnegan - This might be cheating a little, but a sword spear. Relatively different to handling an actual spear, but still carrying a general polearm feel, the range and maneuverability it provides would very much be his thing.
Alex - Claymore!!! Heavy enough to HURT, but not enough that you're throwing needlessly absurd weight around. Actually, the weight oriented play of using the sword would very much be up her alley.
Harlow - Some degree of enchanted sword. I imagine something like a whistling blade, something that moves free of needing to swing it yourself would be their style.
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taevayu · 1 year
hello! excuse me, could you give me ideas of users who wear:
lyn | jhos | jhose | jhoy plis<33
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── ◜✧◞  lyn / jhos(e) / jhoy! ﹕ᶻz
l-ynros / louvllyn / lynspri evenijhos / jhosperr / canajhos
jhoselope / lievjhose / jhseyous yearjhoys / jhoysticc / wildjhoy
suggested 4 u : lynn
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callibee · 2 years
NAHNHANHA ur prettier<3
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sakuranyeko · 2 months
okay how was this url not taken? me happi 🩷🖤
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asuiru · 2 years
not complaining bc i love eirika and lyn but its very funny to me they put in bow lucina and axe ike (and lance sigurd?) in order to round out the weapons. but didnt use hector and ephraim instead. free axe and lance lords. i guess they probably needed to round out the gender disparity more desperately than the weapon disparity
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The FE fandom is unfairly criticized for their treatment of main women leads because not enough people factor in how sexist the writing is. Edelgard would get less hate if she was held more accountable. Micaiah would get less hate if she didn't get written out of the final part and awful blood-pact device. Celica and Erika would get less hate if the writers didn't hand them the idiot ball. Female leads are often awful units compared to male counterparts. The male leads always upstage the female ones or are written overall better bc they were unconcerned with making them a sellable waifu. There's definitely sexist people in the fandom, and male characters everywhere get cut more slack, and I'm not denying an element of sexism in all of this, but holding the writers accountable something that needs to get brought up more.
Im gonna discuss my opinions on this take now.
Edelgard is held accountable and punished for her actions by literally dying in 3 out of the 4 routes. Like the Agarthans are not blamed for what Edelgard did. She takes complete responsibility and suffers the consequences for starting a war.
Erika giving the Sacred Stone to Formortis because she believes Lyon, an extremely skilled healer and magic user who has been studying the stones will get rid of him through using it is a smarter decision than Ephraim attempting to kill THE DEMON KING ALL BY HIMSELF. Like at least Erika's plan made sense and could have worked if Lyon was able to resist Formortis. People who call Erika stupid for her scene while not doing the same for Ephraim's are hypocritical in this regard.
While SOV is quite sexist in how so many of the women are damseled, Celica sacrificing herself for Mila makes complete sense and is not rooted in sexism because at that point in the game most people believe that they still need the gods to survive and a single human life is worth less than the life of a god. Celica trusted Jedah because to her that was her only choice. What is sexist is her having to be repeatedly saved by men while nothing similar happens to Alm.
I admit I'm being extremely nitpicky with this point, but Erika and Celica both act completely in character when they make their mistakes and therefore are not Idiot Balled. Idiot Balling is when a character acts uncharacteristically stupid and out of character to serve the plot.
Idk about the specifics with Micaiah in Radiant Dawn but yeah it sucks how Ike takes most of the spotlight from both her and Elincia :/
The only female lead that is a substantially worse unit than her male counterpart is Erika. She is an outlier that should not be counted. Celica, Micaiah and Elincia all have utility that Alm and Ike Lack while Edelgard is literally just as good of a frontliner as Dimitri. And Lyn is just as weak as Eliwood.
Character writing is subjective.
You are severely overestimating the importance of waifus and underestimating the importance of husbandos to the franchise. Straight and Bi women play Fire Emblem too.
Also characters who have depth tend to be more popular regardless of their gender. It is profitable to have waifus with layers.
I am not denying that sexism was and somewhat still is a thing in the writing and gameplay of this series; However, the fandom is just as guilty in how female characters are treated - perhaps more guilty in the newest two games where these issues rarely rear their ugly head in the story and the gameplay. The fandom should be held accountable too instead shifting most of the blame on the writers.
Anyway if you read all of this, have a heavenly creature i found recently <3
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Another No More What Ifs Analysis
Okay, so... between wanting to analyze this and Our Light, and the kpop posts that I'll be doing that overlap with this. This blog will turn into Persona Music Analysis hour. Long post. Heavy spoilers for P5R, Proof of Justice, and Mementos Mission. BEGIN!
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Let's begin with some context for the song. I think this is crucial to understanding why it is associated with Akechi's character. If you're familiar with this, you can skip to the lyrical analysis! The best analogy is that Beneath the Mask is to Akira as NMWI is to Akechi, in my opinion. Proof of Justice was an OVA released with the P5 anime (in May 2019) a couple months before the release of Persona 5 Royal in Japan (October of the same year). This OVA is centered around the relationship between Akira and Akechi. Specifically, Akira's grieving process as he goes through the places where they used to meet to find clues about the phrase "Proof of Justice" which was written in the Leblanc crossword. The Jazz Jin, as noted by Muhen here, is a place where Akechi would typically go alone. He also notes in confidant rank 4 that it wasn't necessarily a place that he was keeping secret, but that he never brought people around there since it was his personal space to reflect. As we'll examine, the content of the lyrics is too specific to not be related to the story, and there aren't any other characters or themes I could think are as associated with the song as Goro Akechi. Just wanted to clear this up first, as for some it's not entirely clear why the song is specifically Akechi's (since it's not explicitly stated, and the lyrics are hard to catch while you're playing through normally).
Lyrical Analysis
people come and they go some people may stay with you though I am all alone tonight and I kept on asking myself questions
The very first line is one of the easiest to dissect. Goro, since the death of his mother, has had few stable figures in his life, whether it is his parents, family, or friends. This also extends to his line of work as a celebrity detective, as he is kept so busy that there are very few people he sees on a regular basis, at all. He notes in the second confidant rank (if you choose to ask if he has no friends) that he doesn't have people that he chooses to spend time with. [I chose this option on my last play through and remember it but I can't find the dialogue anywhere].
The doubt that grows in this verse comes from the second line. He is taken by surprise that there is someone he is giving thought to for more than a couple seconds at time. Someone he is... to some degree choosing to spend time with even though he is doing it for the mission. At first, to investigate the Phantom Thieves identity to prevent them from interfering in his revenge plot, and then to lure Akira into a death trap. Tying it back to the first line analysis with the third and fourth line, this dissonance has put the first example of his doubt in this song.
Conceited I was at time I never really doubted myself But tonight got me thinking about it all if I am the fool or what not
There is a self-awareness that Goro always has about his personas (in the metaphorical sense). Goro kind of knows that he's arrogant and it was not ever something that bothered him. Even his character flaws will not get in the way of his plan, even if those flaws are just his humanity peeking through. There's a longing in Lyn's delivery of the last two lines here. He's stumped as to why he feels this way and the inner conflict makes him pause more than he is comfortable with.
"If I am the fool or what not." This line, is literally perfect, the double meaning is just ugh! We'll see this idea again near the end of the song, but I want to take an opportunity to talk about it now. For two years, Goro was the only Persona-user he knew, so he had no reason to believe anyone would ever stand a chance against him. Not only is he angered at himself for allowing Akira to get close to him and cause these doubts but he's also questioning what his role was.
I do not regret with my choices I'm rather proud ooh I know I won't change anything because I can only be me so
I had already written parts of this analysis like two months ago but I saw a post written by @vashtijoy here on how Mementos mission has a sneaky reference to this song. So check that out! It's something I never noticed.
Before Shido's palace, there's an acceptance of the circumstances in this line, that he has to do it regardless of what he may think because he has a goal. Throughout the third semester, we see an Akechi that is alive and tried to deal with the consequences of his actions before Maruki took that opportunity away from him. But he does not show remorse for what he did, that it was the only path he could have chosen with the information he knew.
How can I be so sure? at a crossroads I'm afraid too But I can't let fear get the best of me Someone once said burn my dread babe
This verse... this verse makes me wanna cry. I cannot even lie to you. The direct statement that there is fear behind the fact that he doesn't want to kill Akira and the acknowledgement in the last two lines that one of them has to end up dead. That he is also acknowledging that Akira must also be fearful, by playing with fire through continuing to lead the Phantom Thieves. The doubt is consuming him in this verse. The crossroad offers two choices, one where he sacrifices himself for Akira and one where Akira no longer is with him. The reference to Persona 3 really carries the weight here with this theory. I would explain more but I only spoiler tagged for P5R so we move.
Who knows what tomorrow holds? just wanna live my life the way I want what fills up my soul is passionate music that makes me want to sing
The first line, to me, reads that he's given up on allowing himself to think if there's another way to resolve his doubts. That there's another path where neither of them die and that it can't exist. He wants to live freely, which is what he thinks is assured once his revenge plan is complete. In another world, maybe it was one where both of them could be together without this chasing them. The last two lines I don't have a particular opinion about, but I think they add to the fact that Goro has given up entertaining other possibilities.
my story will be starring me just like yours ooh ooh who knows when will it end what matters most is how you bring joy to life so
I think about confidant rank 8. It feels written all over this line, and we come back to an idea that was present with "If I am the fool or what not." I think there's a bit of that 'hatred' that he talks about, that he's resentful that Akira story will end differently than his own. He's waiting for the day to come and resolves by centering himself, that once his goal is achieved, that he will achieve joy for the first time in his life. Refusing to acknowledge that Akira was showing him companionship that brought him happiness for one last time.
The Theme of Doubt
One of the things I have had trouble defining is what the doubt Goro is referring to is, or why the doubt is there. It's one of the things that is left in the air. Speculating here a little more than I usually will try to: the doubt stems from the fact that Goro is enjoying his time with the protagonist and is unsure what that means. In terms of what he is doubting, I'm not sure, I don't think he is referring to his plan, but rather the fact that Akira is caught up in it at all. His resolve to complete his plan never changes, but he wishes he could choose to leave him out of this. This tracks with a line stated by the SIU director which implies that some of the cruel actions carried out by the conspiracy/antisocial force by Akechi are not entirely his idea. He still carries them out without hesitation, but he never thinks of them himself. One of the reasons I wrote out this analysis was to see if there were any opinions on what this part of the song meant since I have trouble wrapping my head around it myself.
Goro, in base game and third semester, never shows any form of doubt or regret to the protagonist directly, only brief flickers and implications from dialogue. But this song is layered with it and bashes you in by telling you that it is what he is struggling with most when it comes to executing his plan. It's what nags at me even though I've tried to analyze this song a couple of times on my own.
IN CONCLUSION: I obviously hate goro akechi. (lying is fun)
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queerhcs · 3 months
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Jane Crocker is a transfem, lesbian, cakegender femme. Sweet uses alternatively the name Janette and uses she/her sweet/sweets pop/pops che/cher ly/lyn cake/cakes and 🍰/🍰s. She is autistic and has bulimia, BED, OCD and BPD. 🍰 is wasian korean. Ly has high pressure issues and is HoS so uses glasses that don't help 100% but do a bit. Cake is matesprits with Roxy Lalonde, moirails with Dirk Strider and kismesis with Gamzee Makara.
Roxy Lalonde is a transfem, pan lesbian, intersex, transmasc, aceflux, femme, catgender, nonbinary, girlflux, girlboy. Kit uses she/her thxy/thxm mew/mews nya/nyan kit/kits 🩷/🩷s 💗/💗s 💌/💌s 🐱/🐱s 🍭/🍭s 🎀/🎀s and also 🍾/🍾s. She has ADHD, Schizophrenia, MaDD and is a DID system. Roxy is black! 🐱 is intersex but still considers nyanself as AMAB. 💗 is also a wheelchair + right leg prosthesis user! Thxy are matesprits with Jane Crocker and Calliope, kismesis with Aranea Serket and morails with June Egbert!
Dirk Strider is a trans man, gay, agender boy, asexual, greyromantic. Bot uses he/him it/its bot/bots byte/bytes ⚙️/⚙️s 🧡/🧡s and also 🛠/🛠s. He is autistic but was properly diagnosed with aspergers. Byte also has EDS and POTS so byte uses bytes braces often. 🧡 is black mixed! It is matesprits with Jake English and Equius Zahhak, moirails with Jane Crocker and Kismesis with Caliborn.
Jake English is a transfem man, bi gay, agender, aromantic. He uses he/him they/them 🔫/🔫s and ☠️/☠️s. They are autistic and have SZPD, OCPD and anxiety. 🔫 is filipino! He is matesprits with Dirk Strider.
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incorrectclonewars · 25 days
tales of the empire: barriss offee//
i'm so happy we got to see barriss again after waiting so long to see what actually happened to her! (i know in one comic she was killed during order 66 and in another she was a dark-side user -i think she was an inquisitor - who fought ahsoka & quilan-vos).
i think a lot of people had the idea of her being an inquisitor so yay for us! to be honest i was expecting some moment between her and darth vader (i was convinced he was gonna kill her because of ahsoka, maybe he was planning it before she left) or some mention of ahsoka (i think barriss implied ahsoka in the end as an "old friend").
i know through some legends books that barriss was a good healer so it was good to see that in animation ("wise mother" HELLO? that's a sick title!), and i think that's why she seems a bit older than lyn because healing others take life out of you.
and after all of this she gets another cryptic ending??! is she dead or not?? filoni stop it.
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koumeowkami · 1 year
omg i can't see oomf's notes anymore :(( did they deactivate or...
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c-is-for-circinate · 7 months
God I'm already so absolutely delighted by this one-shot.
It has everything! New random OCs I can claim and insert next time I write Persona fic and want to demonstrate that Persona-users don't just live in Japan! Liam forcing Matt to invent a brand new campaign and DM with no notice on the spot! Akihiko cosplay! New Lyn tracks not written by Shoji Meguro probably but still good and fun!
Thankyou kindly, universe, I did need this tonight.
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truecrimecrystals · 2 months
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Amy Lyn Hauter vanished at the age of 14 on January 15th, 2005. She was last seen at her residence in Fern Creek, Kentucky. Amy left home at some point overnight and never returned. Her loved ones have never seen or heard from her again.
The night before Amy's disappearance began as a seemingly normal evening. She met up with friends at the movies and was afterwards picked up from the theater by her mother. Amy's mother said she later went to check on Amy during the early morning hours only to find that she had left the residence again. 
According to reports, Amy was a "chronic runaway" and drug user during 2004-2005. Due to this, Amy's mother first thought that she would return after a few days. When Amy did not return by January 18th, her mother filed a missing person's report. 
Amy was classified as a runaway upon being reported missing, and as such, her case did not receive much media attention. In June 2006, a local news report listed Amy as one of four missing children in the Louisville area.The report noted that investigators still believed the children, including Amy, were still alive and possibly still in the Kentuckiana area. 
Several years have passed since that report, and Amy has still not been found. There does not appear to be any additional evidence that she is alive; there has been no indication of her getting a driver's license, nor has she accessed any sort of bank accounts. Amy's family does not believe she would voluntarily stay out of touch for this long.
Amy's disappearance is considered a cold case. If you have any information that could solve the case, please contact the Louisville Metro Police Department at 502-574-2111.
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chredded-cheese · 8 months
greetings. welcome to my blog.
wanna read my poetry? check out my poetry side blog @ofc-im-tortured-im-a-poet
wanna see my art? check out my art side blog @cheeses-art
wanna read my writing? check out my ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/chredded_cheese
you can call me cheese or circe (like the greek goddess).pronouns are whatever, but i prefer she/her or they/them. i'm queer, and somewhere on the ace spectrum or smth.
(i'm part of a pjo rp @nico-the-ghost-king)
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-> books
sherlock holmes
lady jane series
kingdom on fire series
sorcery of thorns
-> shows + movies:
young royals
pjo tv
-> webtoons/online comics:
the blind prince
the silence of songbirds
our walk home
love me to death
the prince of southland
jackson's diary
lore olympus
castle swimmer
rec's for any of these are welcome!
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beach bunny
aidan bissett
why don't we
5 seconds of summer
fall out boy
conan gray
alec benjamin
the band camino
current joys
hippo campus
saint motel
pierce the veil
walk the moon
lyn lapid
taylor swift (kinda)
one direction
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hobbies i have:
digital drawing
traditional drawing
rock climbing
costume designing
clay stuff?? (pottery and sculpting)
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moots list:
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gal-palanaeum · 3 months
Femslash February 2024 fic list
Thanks to everyone who wrote, commented, shared, and encouraged, we had a great Cosmere Femslash February 2024. This month we increased the number of Cosmere femslash fics by 30%! The best part is that you can do yuri duty anytime by checking out all Cosmere femslash fics on ao3, or browsing what we wrote during this year's event.
(Please note the rating before you click, and as always you are responsible to heed tags for triggers before reading.)
The list of fics is below the cut, organized by length:
The need for Trust by Elsefaller. Azure/Khrissalla, rated Teen, 12,000 words
Sealed with a Stamp by TrishyEves. Marasi/Shai, rated Explicit, 4000 words
The Rhythm of Awe by Hazekiller16. Eshonai/Azure, rated General, 3000 words
i thought the simberry jam made my intentions clear by TrishyEves. Laral/Lyn, rated Mature, 3000 words
Betting on Colms by TrishyEves. Marasi/MeLaan, rated Teen, 3000 words
Rhythm of Study by TrishyEves. Shallan/Eshonai, rated Teen, 2500 words
Karma by cosmere_play. Transfem Kaladin/Leshwi, rated Teen, 2000 words
The Perfect Mistake by TrishyEves. Design/Khrissalla, rated Teen, 2000 words
Diamond by cosmere_play. Ialai/Beryl, rated Explicit, 2000 words
Before You Go by cosmere_play. Laran/Lyn, rated Explicit, 1500 words
Anything For You by cosmere_play. Transfem Kaladin/Leshwi, rated Explicit, 1500 words
Partners In Crime by cosmere_play. Rushu/Venli, rated General, 1500 words
The Only One Who Deserves Her by if_one_of_us_falls. Aesudan/Aesudan, rated Mature, 1500 words (locked to registered ao3 users)
Made you smile by cosmere_play. Beryl/Darcira and Veil/Ishnah, rated Teen, 1500 words
Weapons by cosmere_play. Malata/Danlan, rated Mature, 1500 words
Your Voice by cosmere_play. Jaxlim/Leshwi, rated Teen, 1000 words
Plagued by the horrors by cosmere_play. Venli/Radiant, rated Teen, 1000 words
Haunting by cosmere_play. Jasnah/Shashara, rated General, 1000 words
Like Steelpushing by Elsefaller. Transfem Elend/Vin, rated General, 1000 words
Chose violence by Axehound (cosmere_play). Vin/violence, rated Mature, 1000 words
Alternate timeline by cosmere_play. Navani/Ialai and Ialai/Raboniel, rated Teen, 1000 words
It Still Bleeds by cosmere_play. Navani/Evi, rated Explicit, 1000 words
In the Shadows by cosmere_play. Evi/Sja-anat, rated General, 1000 words
Living dead by cosmere_play. Karata/Maare (from Elantris), rated Mature, 1000 words
Goddess by Axehound (cosmere_play). Devotion/Dominion (Shards), rated Explicit, 1000 words
Doomed by the narrative by cosmere_play. Tyn & Veil, rated Teen, 1000 words
Apocalypse by Axehound (cosmere_play). Chanarach/Vedel, rated Mature, 1000 words
And Then I Found You by cosmere_play. Navani/Raboniel, rated Teen, 1000 words
Copycat by cosmere_play. Design/MeLaan, rated Mature, 1000 words
Hands for Holding by cosmere_play. Eshonai & Bila, rated Mature, 1000 words
Your Life Is Mine by Axehound. Shallan/Danlan, rated Mature, 1000 words
Fantasy by cosmere_play. Eshonai/Vivenna, rated Teen, 500 words
Please Be Gentle by cosmere_play. Tindwyl/Allrianne, rated Mature, 500 words
Love is devotion by cosmere_play. Cord/Rysn, rated General, 500 words
In the Vastness by if_one_of_us_falls. Navani/Raboniel, rated General, 500 words
If Only by cosmere_play. Siri/Vin, rated Teen, 500 words
Come Back Soon by cosmere_play. Laral/Lyn, rated Teen, 500 words
A Gem by BlindRadiant. Transfem Adolin/Radiant, rated General, 250 words
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