#ura crew
sleepy-grav3 · 5 months
Burnout - Uramichi x Kikaku
A/N: I love my brain... love it so.. so much...
Summary: Kikaku, after pulling a much too stressful all nighter after all nighter, ended up collapsing and landing his face right on Uramichi's lovely man boobs! Kikaku then decides to just go along with it, soon having Uramichi show another side of him, a side he thankfully couldn't go up against.
Tw: Swears, fluff, sorta kidnapping?
A/N: Not really much romance but uh... it hints at it a bit?
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“Uramichi! Hey!” Derekida exclaimed as he jogged over.
Uramichi’s eyes lost all life in them.
“Damn it.”
“So I was wondering if you-”
“Ura… Urami.. Mnmnmmmgh…”
The 2 turned to the walking corpse that was heading over to Uramichi, mumbling something incoherent. The zombie swayed and Uramichi stepped forward but stopped when the said zombie aggressively regained his balance.
The zombie swayed once more anyway, making Uramichi take another step, but the zombie did the exact same thing as before.
Yet another sway and Derekida sweatdropped as Uramichi just continued to walk before freezing up at the wide-eyed expression of clear exhaustion the zombie had.
“Ura… michi…”
Before he could say more, Kikaku fell forward, his face landing right on Uramichi’s pecs. Kikaku groaned, staying still and not bothering to move as he closed his eyes and seemed to doze off.
“Kikaku? A-are you ok? Kikaku?”
Uramichi flinched from the sudden shout of the director, forgetting that he was even there for a moment.
“I was about to say if you can go and help the merchandise crew out! I guess he really came to you, I just knew you were the right person, Uramichi-chan!”
“Bye now!”
Uramichi looked down at Kikaku. It looked like he was barely able to stand… In fact, Kikaku is actually taller than him by 3 cm, so he shouldn’t be able to rest his head on his chest unless he was… falling…
Uramichi quickly caught Kikaku, but that was a trap as Kikaku jumped into his arms, and clung to him like some koala. Uramichi grunted, lips thinning at the sudden weight.
“Carry me to the room. I don’t think I can walk anymore… so fucking tired…”
Poor Uramichi…….
As Uramichi carried this zombified koala, he noticed that the man took it as a time to take a quick nap. Kikaku unconsciously snuggled up at the crook of URamichi’s neck, soft breaths tickling Uramichi a bit.
A door to his heart creaked open just a bit.
“Kikaku, we’re here.”
“Nngh… Ok…”
Kikaku didn’t move for a moment, but then sighed and pulled away from the warmth Uramichi provided.
“Right so… I need you to draw something… And.. ugh.. Sorry… I can’t really focus at the moment..”
“It’s fine.. Is the deadline for tomorrow again?”
“Yyyep! And I need you to draw something with the macarons. Bonjour Man was a hit but I have no idea how to make that stupid face or the bird or whatever to be incorporated in this. We have Kumao. We have Usao. We don’t have you. Just… just come up with something. Whatever you do will be great…”
A door to his heart creaked open a bit more.
“Do you like saying my name or something? Should I get the tape?”
Uramichi guided Kikaku to a seat and went to get some paper and grab a pen since nobody had pencils around anymore. He sat back down willingly (what a shocker!) and started to draw his literal nightmare from a while back. Kotori-san inside the macaron.
Odd enough, people seem to adore his night terrors, so might as well go for it-
“I finished… the drawing..”
Uramichi looked over, seeing Kikaku with his head in his arms, asleep.
“Kikaku, I finished the drawing. Please wake up.”
“Hm? Right… kay..”
Kikaku struggled to finish up whatever he had to do, and Uramichi decided to actually stay in his spot.
“So uh… after this do you… After this, are you going to head home and um.. sleep?”
Kikaku paused for a moment before cranking his head slowly to stare at Uramichi. The gymnast shivered under the former’s gaze.
“Sleep? What sleep? I’m going to bang this out early so I can have a day off while still being paid. So go on. Run away.”
Uramichi jumped, pursing his lips and getting up hesitantly. Kikaku simply looked back at his computer, typing and clicking. Uramichi took a few slow steps, heart beating rapidly as he expected to hear the sound of duct tape behind him. Instead, he just heard more clicking. He stopped by the door for a moment, hand already turning the knob enough to push it to open. He was free to leave and yet…
“How much work do you have left?” Uramichi asked, not turning to look at his coworker.
“An hour worth of agony.” Kikaku mindlessly answered, though not as aggressively as he usually spoke.
“Does the work save automatically?”
“With how often the boss forgets to save anything he comes across, I have to.”
Uramichi let go of the knob and spun around, speeding over and grabbing Kikaku’s wrists. He pulled the latter’s hands away from the keyboard with his left hand, the other hand going to the mouse and logging out.
“What the hell are you doing?! I just had-”
Kikaku froze, looking up at Uramichi’s face to see a blank stare. The one he often saw when Usahara angered him. Shockingly, he never actually saw it being used towards him before. If anything, it was the other way around. Being the target of the stare made him shiver. It was out of place. Disturbing.
He pursed his lips, letting the strength in his arms decrease and not bothering to fight back as Uramichi turned off the computer and stacked some of his stuff. Seeing that he wasn’t fighting back anymore, Uramichi let go and placed the stuff into a bag Kikaku had under the table.
Putting the strap over his head to make it cross over his chest, he turned to Kikaku and picked him up, holding him the exact way he had before.
“Woah-! Hey! What the actual fuck are you thinking?! I ain’t some kid-”
Uramichi’s free hand pressed Kikaku’s head onto his shoulder, making the tired man’s breath hitch.
“It’s late, you should sleep.”
“I don’t need to-”
That blank stare made Kikaku freeze up again. He stopped resisting once more as he closed his eyes, feeling Uramichi walk out of the room.
It was weird to see this side of the gym rat. Uramichi was usually more on the timid side around him, almost like a puppy whenever he wasn’t. Sometimes he wished Uramichi wouldn’t act like he’s walking on eggshells around him.
He was doing that now. Kikaku got his wish. And as much as some people would regret asking for this… he couldn’t help but feel his stomach fill with butterflies and his cheeks warm. He buried his face in the crook of Uramichi’s neck, which made the latter flinch and shiver. He could feel Kikaku’s lips forming a smile before he started to chuckle.
“But even when he speaks his mind, he’s still jumpy.”
Kikaku let out a long exhale before his breaths evened out at a slow pace. Uramichi shivered once more with the breaths that hit his neck, but ignored it as he walked the pathway to his apartment.
“I think this is the calmest I’ve seen him.” He looked at Kikaku for a moment, the corners of his lips tugging upwards. “It would be nice to see this more often.”
Uramichi laid Kikaku on his bed, quickly removing all of the Kotori dolls nearby that Kikaku had forcefully sent. Kikaku had woken up a bit, seeing Uramichi above him as he reached for yet another one of those nightmarish birds. His hand shot up, grabbing onto Uramichi’s shirt and pulling him down beside him, too close but… somehow, not to their discomfort.
It wasn’t that Kikaku wasn’t able to control himself, it was more like he passed delusional at this point. It was comfortably warm when Uramichi was carrying him compared to the currently cold bed. He knew that Uramichi was going to take out one of his futons soon. He knew he had some when he had overheard Usahara talking about the sleepover he had with Uramichi once with Kumatani, who had said that he went against his will.
He was perfectly able to prevent this situation from happening. The situation of them lying side by side on a twin sized bed. Well, sort of. It if wasn’t for Uramichi’s reflexes that made him hold himself up, he would’ve landed on Kikaku.
“Ignore the stupid birds. I’m tired.”
“T-that’s fine, but I need to-”
It was clear that his stern attitude was gone now. It seems reality had got to him on the walk to the apartment. Something about that left a bad taste in Kikaku’s mouth.
“I wish he stood his ground with me more. Do I really have to do everything?”
Kikaku shuffled to the side a bit, yanking Uramichi’s arm so that he hit the mattress. From there, Kikaku shuffled a bit closer until his forehead rested against Uramichi’s pecs. It was tempting to move even closer, as his pecs were magnificent.
“I should pretend to trip sometime.”
Uramichi attempted to get away, but Kikaku quickly intertwined their legs and put an arm around him before staring at Uramichi intensely with wide eyes.
“You said I should sleep. So let me sleep.”
Uramichi flinched before letting out a sigh in defeat, curling forward a bit.
“S-sweet dreams…”
“... you too..”
A/N: Well... that was fun. I finished another one, yay. It's not that romantic, it never really is. I'll make something that actually screams romance at one point though, I swear. When? No clue. But it'll happen one day. My brain will make sure it does each time I look back and the idea will eventually haunt my dreams like Kotori does to Uramichi.
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neospokenworld · 1 month
Alright, I have not read the manga at all so I'm just assuming by what I saw on the episode but...
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It was implied that this was because of Yasumi lashing out at Watanabe and accusing her of doing ''sketchy things'' with the director?
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Because if that's the case then that would mean that the entire part (or at least the majority of it) was recorded and I mean, why leave it in the final recording?
I mean I know this was mainly because of drama to the story but if you're having a radio show with two professionals that mainly work outside of it in voice acting, with one of them being an idol, then why in heavens would you release that entire conversation to the world, more than likely tainting the entire career of said voice actress/idol forever?
Like it doesn't make sense to me why would you do this other than for the narrative purposes (which btw it was a good foreshadowing with Watanabe's mom saying that voice acting is a pretty unstable career and all that). And it's not like anyone of the crew had it on Watanabe to just go ahead and not edit it out either, hell even Yasumi is warming up to her, so why taint her blooming career like that?
Again, I haven't read the manga, so this could probably be just rumors someone made and people are treating it as true, but seeing how Yasumi was just implying it a few minutes before (or the day before in universe) makes me assume it was because of that in the end (and probably Yasumi feels the same way seeing her reaction at the end of the episode)
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shy-bee · 2 months
saiko family
notes - to keep track
father Sumio 39 <- stepfather
previous husband Ura (went missing)
mother Tsukasa 45
2 daughter Mikan 24 (works as a nurse)
2 son Ryuta 17
^poured food on Sumio’s face
^probably into something pervert (prediction had before 20:20)
3 daughter Rie 16
^beats up Sumio
4 daughter Remon 13
4 son Dan 12
5 daughter Sumomo 6 (Sumio’s)
5 son Raichi 5 (Sumio’s)
(prediction at 10:28 the new husband killed the first husband and forced his way into the family)
(prediction at 13:28 the not-husband-husband does something creepy behind close doors that it creeps the children out but they can’t say. the mother can’t say any since she needs his help to pay for the kids)
1 son Gouki 23
(prediction at 15:04 something sus is up with the 1st son. maybe possessed, is the ‘real’ man of the house that the younger ones look up to)
???? Ringo
^maybe the oldest sister? she’s ‘missing’
1 daughter Ringo 25
^left hole after graduating from high school to go to university
^found work in Tokyo (3 years ago)
^stop contact 6 months ago
^she was against the marriage
^maybe works at a brothel (22:26)
(prediction at 22:56 Sumio probably did something to the oldest daughter so she runs away from home to get away from him, traumatised. he -Sumio- gets caught on a ‘dirty’ site and pretends it’s a lead on the oldest daughter)
(24:50 i don’t want to watch this 😭😭😭 this is so weird!! why would you book a from, at a brothel house, with your supposed daughter??? that’s so wrong, if you where worried try contacting the place or wait until her shift is over and try to talk to her!! don’t book an appointment!! 🤢🤢🤢!!!!)
(26:02 this is so awkward i wanna die, what the hell 🤢)
(prediction at 33:16 is he going g to slowly ‘kill’ off the other kids until is only his two kids?)
(prediction at 35:24 he hurt the 2nd son you be able to get the 1st daughter back)
^got scammed into the industry
(prediction at 38:58 he’ll kill the boyfriend to bring her home?)
(40:46 i hope they expect her!! QAQ!!)
(41:41 please give her a hug!!! QAQ)
(43:56 …… no surprised)
(46:48 .. somethings fishy..)
(prediction at 46:50 i don’t think the mother wanted the marriage, maybe she agreed because or the film crew… she doesn’t seem happy, or he told her to shut up and stop talking)
(46:51 … or am i being too harsh on him. sure going to a brothel to see you step daughter is weird, very weird, but maybe he’s a good person….? we’ll see)
(48:54 not cookie… oh gosh, don’t say that infront of the kids, when they’re eating!! 😭)
(49:49 reminds me of that case where everyone was scared/revered the oldest daughter and they turned a blind eye to her madness and even put lotion in her even after she died)
(50:30 not the children crying 😭😭😭😭!! what a background noise to see hands gently caring for the planets!)
(52:14 aren’t you over spraying that plant?)
(54:14 did his tell his wife that? was he hoping the 3rd to leave? you just got back the eldest why ask is they want to leave?)
(prediction 54:56 the 3rd daughter is possessed)
(prediction at 55:22 or the oldest son?)
(prediction at 55:38 maybe something bad happens every year? like a once a year curse? but the children brought up a ghost so i don’t know what specifically it is)
3rd Son with first husband Tuakaharu (don’t know if i spelt that right) died at the age 9 (in 2001, don’t know when this is set but was made published on youtube in 2015 so give or take a year)
(57:16 oh sh!t i think it is something once a year!)
2001 - son dies
2002 - husband goes missing
???? - Ringo being tricked
???? - Gouki’s mental state
???? - Rie’s hostility/domestic violence
???? - Remon’s (?) bike accident
^one year the cat dies
Present - Ryuta’s fall from roof
(01:01:32 maybe the photo he wanted was the ‘ghost’ photo? he seems to be more down on the ground about that’s possible)
(01:01:46 oh!! maybe the head injury ‘cleared’ his head so he can think more clearly?)
(01:02:24 a g-g-g-ga-ghost! hahahaha… sorry)
(01:02:28 hopefully we can see the photo, or the spooky of the ‘unknown’ is scarier. allowing us to imagine what scary thing is shown in the image, because everyone has different tolerances to different things)
(01:02:40 never-mind 😭 spoke too soon!)
(01:02:46 pffftttt! hahahahaha, hahahahahahahahaha!!! thanks to that zoom hahhahaha i thought it was a normal photo pffft so thanks! hahahaha)
(01:03:00 oh lord she’s become a ghost hunter hahaha! with that look maybe she’s the one behind it! hahaha! her voice suits the lazy fill of how this documentary would’ve been made if it where a real one!
… i fill a bit bad. i keep pausing to type, it’s probably keeping from getting sucked into the story! sorry! but i’m going to continue doing this!)
(01:03:08 burn the photo?)
(01:93:14 hahahhaahahahHahahHhHhhaahahah a omfg hahahahahahaha)
(01:04:48 a nice homely vide it wraps you up in a nice warm blanket!)
(01:05:44 hehehe sneaky cameraman!)
(01:06:18 👀☕️)
(01:07:08 it is nice to see that the children are more happy! but i have a feeling Rie is about to rock the boat. maybe the older siblings have a plan or something to mess with the new dad?)
(01:07:30 … what a waste of food. and i was right)
(01:08:02 i feel like i shouldn’t be watching this…
since it’s real acting though these fight seems are a bit funny looking since the kicks/punches look weak but the father is good at acting hurt)
(01:08:37 EYH!! oh my… that one he definitely didn’t actually touch her, but still bloody hell!)
(01:09:12 …pfft… sorry i just can’t help but think about the cameraman standing up close a personal at this scene through his camera lens being like ‘good sh!t’ while his face stays in moved)
(01:09:22 …hmmm oof line… i’ll keep watching but i do think this father isn’t as innocent as he seems)
(01:09:44 …. now i feel bad QAQ)
(01:11:00 how much do you how much do you bet that she’s gone missing just poped out from existence like the father?)
(01:11:18 maybe call the police or something?)
(01:12:28 don’t push her of the bridge! don’t! i see you! don’t you dare!)
(01:012:40 i was about to say you don’t need to apologise… but they both should really, neither are really in the right here.)
(01:13:18 wow “you are… Nothing.” wow! i should get that tattooed one me pffft)
(01:14:09 what does this mean?)
(01:14:30 (?) good question)
(01:16:22 awh 😭😭😭)
(01:17:50 i guess she needed the slap of reality? there is still 20 minutes so i’m uneasy)
(01:18:14 MISS!!! it’s not you place! it’s bad enough you’ve filmed all of this, don’t poke your nose into who’s calling who father!!)
(01:19:04 with what money??? you can afford a house but a nice van for a camping trip??
what are you kidnapping them???)
(01:19:22 oh my! that sure was a jump-scare!! was not expecting to see him outside of that room!)
(01:19:30 … wait why does he has his bat with him? does it bring him comfort after facing a traumatic experience so he brings it around with him to feel safe? i don’t know… i feel uneasy again, sorry big brother!)
(01:20:07 so cute!!! heart is melting!!!)
(01:20:28 eh! put both poles in before you bend it! you’re making it harder for yourselves!!)
(01:21:56 omfg lady!! don’t ask such a question! they are two different people, two different fathers! they’d be different so don’t compare them! ehy!
before she asked that though it’s nice to see the children except him! they have seen him put his foot down, so i can see how that gave them some reassurance!)
(01:22:20 awh her smile!! QAQ!!! so precious!)
…. that poor gosh!! 🤢😭 sorry had to skip that
(01:23:24 awh..! to have them all day that T^T i’m not crying you are!)
(01:23:42 pfffft hahahaha then it just pans to her awkwardly/creepily watching from a distance… ha…
maybe she should had a series where she stays with a family for a month and buy the end of the month they are all sawn together with her magic hands)
hehehe!! ✨fire✨
(01:24:08 are they really a family? i feel after all this they’ll be close together and have a bond no? a bit like the weasley family. to act like a family for so long you’d have an emotional connection to them so maybe the joy they’re showing is real?)
tbh i thought the announcement was going to be another child lmao
(01:24:24 maybe the oldest son did have something happen, the way he’s acting makes me think maybe he has something, not in like a mean/bad way.
it nice that he’s being included into the family’s things now :D)
(01:24:55 protect the fire from the rain QAQ)
(01:25:33 i wonder if they planned the weather)
(01:26:15 oh gosh 😭😭😭😭 so precious)
(01:26:27 why am i waving goodbye?)
(01:27:40 what’s going on??)
(01:27:55 oooo that neat! to have the ‘open door’ button on the floor, stops the germs from getting in the hands!
but what about escapees who scroll on the floor and people with no legs/in a wheelchair)
(01:28:30 …. that sight brings back memories)
(01:29:24 … sus … did he push her down so he could get her and her husbands life insurance?)
(01:31:26 maybe that was the ghosts plan, to now keep sending you to the hospital to make you stay in the house. the injuries becoming -worse?- so it’s gets more power and causes you to stay longer and it continues)
(01:31:51 ah! the eldest boy! eating with the family! very proud!)
(01:33:02 awh he’s also out there with the father!
i’m just worried the reason why i watched this was because another youtube video said that there was horror, or something like that and to watch it before the video, maybe i missed something in all this.. if so, oof!)
(01:33:19 pffft nothing to the actor, her dead eyes as selling this… well
01:33:22-24 i guess you could say there is warmth her looking at a family endearingly)
(01:33:28 the deadpan voice- so i’ve tried not to talk about it much- pffft-)
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blueiskewl · 1 year
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Long-Lost US Submarine From World War II Found off Japan
The long-lost wreckage of a U.S. Navy submarine credited with sinking nearly a dozen enemy ships during World War II before vanishing in late 1944 has been found off the coast of northern Japan, Navy officials announced Thursday.
The USS Albacore’s wreckage was confirmed by the Naval History and Heritage Command’s Underwater Archaeology Branch after it was located recently off the coast of Hokkaido, the northernmost of Japan’s main islands, the Navy said in a news release. The NHHC used information and imagery provided by Tamaki Ura, a University of Tokyo professor who has specialized in developing autonomous underwater vehicles to confirm the identity of the submarine. The Albacore disappeared while patrolling in the Pacific Ocean and had at least 85 sailors aboard.
“As the final resting place for [U.S.] sailors who gave their life in defense of our nation, we sincerely thank and congratulate Dr. Ura and his team for their efforts in locating the wreck of Albacore,” Samuel Cox, the director of the NHHC, said in a statement. “It is through their hard work and continued collaboration that we could confirm Albacore’s identity after being lost at sea for over 70 years.”
The Albacore was last heard from by the U.S. military on Oct. 28, 1944, when it stopped at Midway for fuel en route for its 11th combat patrol in the waters off northern Japan, according to Naval records. The Gato-class submarine was believed sunk in a Nov. 7, 1944, underwater explosion reported in Japanese military records, likely the result of hitting an underwater mine. The location of the ship’s wreckage appeared to confirm those details, according to the Navy.
Before the sub’s sinking, the Albacore had proved a capable warship. The vessel was built by the Electric Boat Company and commissioned into the Navy on June 1, 1942. The Navy credited the submarine with sinking at least 10 enemy ships during its brief tenure — earning the Albacore nine battle stars for meritorious participation in battle and four Presidential Unit Citations for extraordinary heroism in combat. The Navy said the Albacore might have been responsible for sinking three additional ships during the war, but those have not been confirmed.
Among the sub’s known sinkings were Japanese destroyers, freighters and the 31,000-ton Japanese aircraft carrier Taiho, then the newest and largest carrier in the Japanese fleet. Taiho sunk hours after being struck by a torpedo fired by the Albacore during the Battle of the Philippine Sea, according to the Navy. The Albacore’s crew did not know at the time that they had sunk the flagship after diving deep to escape incoming aerial attacks. Months later, the Albacore’s top officer at that time, Lt. Cmdr. James Blanchard, was awarded the Navy Cross, the service’s second-highest honor for combat heroics, for his role in sinking the Taiho.
The Navy said Ura used unmanned underwater craft to locate the Albacore based on Japanese records documenting the Nov. 7, 1944, explosion off Hokkaido.
“Strong currents, marine growth and poor visibility on site made it challenging to fully document the wreck or obtain comprehensive images,” the Navy statement said. “However, several key features of a late 1944 Gato-class submarine were identified in the video.”
Those features included the presence of a SJ Radar dish and mast, a row of vent holes along the top of the superstructure and the absence of steel plates along the ship’s upper edge consistent with the Albacore’s construction at the time that the submarine was last seen, according to the Navy.
The Albacore’s wreckage now falls under the NHHC’s jurisdiction and is protected from intrusion by U.S. law, the Navy said.
“The wreck represents the final resting place of sailors that gave their life in defense of the nation and should be respected by all parties as a war grave,” the Navy statement reads.
By Corey Dickstein.
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sweet-star-cookie · 5 months
i made a note to myself when i was half asleep and all it said was:
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so i assume that 2 am me wanted to ask you about everything that has to do with the skymirror circus. What constellations are currently involved with the SkyMirror circus? What is Ura's character and personality like?
i know i already sent another ask regarding the circus, but you did say if i had any specific questions about the characters, i could just ask so here i am :DD
also, completely unrelated to the question, but i googled the wikipedia page for former constellations (to figure out how to properly spell uranoscopus' name) and some of the former constellations are just absolutely hilarious as concepts:
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and my personal favorite:
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Haha that's awesome xD I seem to get my best ideas in the middle of the night so I make notes on my phone too, and while I remember the context most of the time, there are other times where I'm like "girl what???"
And yeeesss you have discovered the goldmine of hilarity that I did during my own research xD Early identification of constellations seemed to be a lot of "just put whatever up there" and I love that so much. That's why I encouraged you to make your own constellations for your story if you wanted to, it's fun :D
And now onto the circus! Also I find myself switching how I spell its name a lot (SkyMirror, Sky Mirror, Skymirror, etc.) so feel free to spell it however you'd like.
As a side note, I don't have all of the designs finished for these so I don't have the full lineup image yet, so I'll provide the individual art and the current WIPs instead. I'll start with noting characters who are adjacent to the circus or who are former members before describing the current crew, though I have talked about some of them in previous asks already.
Pisces (The Fish) - While she was never an official member of the circus itself, she is often credited as the source inspiration for it via her carefree dancing and swimming. Meeting many of the future members of the circus is part of why Pisces decided to share her water magic with all of the sea creatures, allowing them to perform out of water. Though Pisces does not take away this gift, she does take issue with how Ura chooses to use it, and helps fight back to stop her. Piscis Austrinus "Austri" (The Southern Fish) - Formerly a juggler and performer at the circus, especially with imitation based acts given her shape-shifting abilities. After the incident with Urania's Mirror, Austri left the circus and became a companion to Pisces, but still takes any opportunity she can to foil any of Ura's future plans, having insider knowledge of how she thinks and makes plans.
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[I've shown some of her art before but here's her initial design sheet from 2019 for now, I'll be updating it later] Volans (The Flying Fish)
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Formerly a high-flying acrobat at the circus, capable of quickly changing between his two forms and flying through rings in his acts. His overall temperament is anxious and flighty, with what little confidence he does have appearing in his performances. When things went awry with Ura, he attempted to escape but was unsuccessful, instead being captured by her. His cowardly nature made it difficult for him to be anything more than a hostage, used as leverage to draw out Ura's next targets. Musca (The Fly)
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Not technically a member of the circus itself, but instead is Ura’s informant and literal “fly on the wall” to spy on others. She loves to gossip, and her ability to change into the size of an actual fly makes her difficult to catch or detect. She doesn't have much actual loyalty to Ura though, she is merely drawn to all the drama surrounding her, and will always save herself first if she's threatened.
-------- And now for the current members! Uranoscopus (The Stargazer Fish)
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The crafty ringleader, exuding the charisma and bravado you'd expect from a seasoned performer and showrunner. She is well known for her death-defying tricks and revels in putting others in danger for the sake of a good show. The ring around her waist can transform into a mirror (Urania's Mirror that she stole, prior to its return) that can trap anyone who touches the glass inside it. The mirror is then dropped from on high, and the captive “volunteer” must escape before it shatters.
In her attempts to keep her fame alive, Ura becomes fixated on illusion magic, which is essentially a manipulation of light magic. She often uses her title of "The Stargazer" when introducing herself, referring to her species name but also this ability to see and create illusions. With practice, she is able to project these illusions onto others, increasing its range when wearing her goggles. This makes her attacks very beguiling and confusing for her targets, creating the characteristic misdirection of a magician and making up for her general lack of physical strength. She's equally as "slippery" in her escapes as she is in her conversations; a prime manipulator, clever and sharp-witted.
She is drawn to sources of astral power, which eventually led her to Ophiuchus via his connection to the Sun Starglass. She initially tried to convince him to use his power to suit her aim, but he ultimately refused, believing his power should be shared with everyone and worried that she was chasing unhealthy endeavours. After his disappearance, she still searched for him in the hope that he'd return.
Upon Cassie's arrival, she changed tactics. Using Musca to spy on her and get an idea of who they'd be dealing with, Ura decided to play the actor and appeal to Cassie's kindness, viewing her as nothing more than a naive child. And while Ura is able to successfully trick her at first, Cassie finds out the truth and doesn't take kindly to being lied to, making a powerful enemy out of her instead.
Hippocampus (The Sea Horse)
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Essentially Ura’s "getaway driver" when tied to her circus wagon, and is sometimes dressed up for extra flair in a show. That said, the other constellations aren’t sure if it’s actually sentient or merely an illusion conjured with Ura’s magic, as it only seems to move on her command and sits eerily still otherwise. The only sound it’s known to make is a hollow, ghostly neigh… Xiphias (The Swordfish) and Dorado (The Dolphinfish)
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A duo of knife throwers, essentially the "hired goon" types for Uranoscopus once her pursuit of fame goes awry. They use their knife throwing skills in a more combative sense compared to their act in the circus's heyday, and their dexterity and aim shows through with how dangerous they can be as a result. While Dorado is definitely the "brawn" of the two, calling Xiphias the "brains" would be charitable at best, despite what the confidence in his own mischief would tell you. Both can be quite cowardly if one of their hair-brained schemes goes wrong, but Xiphias is usually fast enough (and Dorado strong enough) to avoid getting captured, though they're usually clobbered a lot in the process! Despite sharing one brain cell between them, they genuinely look out for each other the most, with one bailing out the other in most cases. If both are caught, they stay together. Delphinus (The Dolphin)
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[Current WIP, the thing in her mouth in the front view is a lit match. She's based on an orca/killer whale, which if you didn't know, is actually in the dolphin family!] The pyrotechnics expert and cannon operator, skills that translated rather easily to villainy as soon as Ura asked for it. When most think of a dolphin, they think of a more cutesy, playful figure like the previous incarnation of her constellation, but this Delphi had a different idea in mind.
Her large stature lends her natural strength, something she uses to hoist her large cannons to aim them more effectively, sometimes mounting them on her back or shoulders to make them semi-mobile. She's a force to be reckoned with and can go toe-to-toe with Cancer's claw cannons in a fight, making her difficult to take down. She likes to make things go boom, and often doesn't care about the damage caused, even if it's collateral or friendly fire. Ura will usually save her for a "bringing out the big guns" moment, especially if her enemies think they've won, and the destruction will usually let her and the others escape if necessary. Anguilla (The Eel)
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[Current WIP, drawn before I decided to add him to the circus, so I will be changing his outfit to match that aesthetic later on. He's based on a ribbon eel, though he also has a few attributes of the electric eel as well.] Originally the circus's musician, a dancer, and a tight rope walker, often combining these in some way for his acts. He can play multiple instruments, but favours violin music overall. Even after his turn to villainy, his passion for music still shines through. For example, he refuses to simply rake his bow over the strings to make an unpleasant sound to hinder his enemies, so he'll instead use a good performance as a luring distraction, a bit like a siren song. If you are close enough to him or you hear his music for too long, there's a chance that the sound will temporarily paralyze you.
His long and slender body makes his movements very swift and flowing, like that of a ribbon dancer, so he is notoriously hard to hit. As a result, he is often the first member of the circus you see if you ever tried to track them down, casually playing his violin. For anyone unaware of his tactics, they don't think much of him until his paralysis kicks in, he escapes, and the rest of them attack!
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justalizzer · 2 years
♡ My OCs ♡
Altani Ura
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~Warrior of Light~ | 26 | they/them | SMN, RPR, SGE Hailing from the Azim Steppe, Altani's life took a drastic turn following a mishap that led to their parents' deaths. They would eventually find themself on the shores of Limsa Lominsa, and one step closer to becoming a Warrior of Light. The events of MSQ have been hard on Altani, who at this point, would prefer to leave it all behind and settle down with their fiancée, Ryn. Although Altani's personality has always been rather aloof, these days it tends to skew more toward apathy. It's something of a running joke for the Scions to say that Altani prefers books more than people. As of the events of Endwalker, Altani succeeded in become an Archon, made strides in improving their mental health, and with their wedding on the horizon, they find themself feeling truly hopeful for the first time in years.
Ryn Ijin
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~Warrior of Light~ | 29 | she/her | DRG, GNB, RDM Orphaned at a young age, Ryn was plucked from the streets of Shirogane into a loving home. Growing up, her favorite stories were generations-old tales of heroes, and that is exactly what Ryn was determined to become. On her 22nd Nameday, she left home under the pretense of traveling to Eorzea to become a scholar. Unbeknownst to her parents, Ryn would join the Lancer's Guild and put herself on the path to becoming a Warrior of Light. Ryn is overwhelmingly cheerful, and naïve to a fault. She hates to see anyone suffer, especially children. Throughout her time as a WoL, her demeanor has been somewhat hardened by the horrors war and conflict, but she still remains a beacon of hope for the Scions. Currently, Ryn is engaged to Altani, and despite being opposites in nearly every way, their bond endures, stronger than ever.
Sarantuya Ura
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she/her | 18 | RDM, ARC Sarantuya, or Rantu, for short, is the future daughter of Altani and Ryn. Born 3 years after the events of Endwalker, Rantu's soul is unsundered, belonging to an Ancient previously confined to Zodiark. Personality-wise, she is headstrong, and ambitious to a fault. She tells herself that she won't live in the shadow of her parents, yet as a result, winds up over-extending and making her life more difficult than it could be. In her travels, she has become one of the leading experts on the War of the Magi and the 5th Astral era, which she hopes will lead to another chance at becoming an Archon.
Chihaya Onishi
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he/him | 21 | SMN, SCH, WAR Formerly a conscript and child soldier in the Garlean army. After being taken from his home in Terncliff, the Garleans molded Chihaya to be the perfect soldier, using his aptitude for summoning magic to assist the XIVth Legion's goal of subjugating Eorzea. After the fall of the Praetorium, Chihaya defected from the Garleans and wound up joining the Arcanist's Guild, where he would meet Altani. Over time, the understanding between the two would turn to trust, and Altani asked Chihaya to join the Scions. On the battlefield, Chihaya is calculating and decisive, thinking through any variables before acting. During Shadowbringers, he helped the Bozjan Resistance fight back the Garleans while the WoLs were on the First. After Endwalker, he chose to take a sabbatical from the Scions, and seeks to return to his childhood home.
Shea Rinba
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she/her | 30 | AST, CNJ Born to a small tribe of Keepers in the Black Shroud, Shea values her family above most everything in her life. After her tribe was displaced yet again by the Gridanians, she took it upon herself to do something about it. Albeit reluctantly, she set off from her home in the Shroud hoping to earn enough gil working odd jobs to be able to sustain, and eventually afford a new life for her family. Eventually finding herself in Ishgard, Shea used her aptitude for alchemy, and carpentry to assist in the Restoration. As of Endwalker, she was able to relocate her family and several other members of her tribe to Thavnair.
Lamia Camoa
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he/they | 26 | ROG, BLM Former captain to a crew of infamous Dalmascan pirates, Lamia considers himself to be free-spirit incarnate. During his time at sea, their crew were constant a thorn in the side of the Garlean Navy. However, the Final Days would see it all come to ruin. As the skies began to turn red, his crew would all succumb to the Song of Oblivion, each becoming blasphemies one after the other. Narrowly escaping with his life, Lamia is currently nursing his wounds in Limsa Lominsa.
All my OCs exist in the same universe!
Most of them know one another to varying degrees
This is only 6 of the ~30 or so I have, but these are also the most fleshed out OCs story-wise
These are very much brief overviews of each of them, otherwise this would be pages and pages long
I don't RP at all, but I do love expanding everyone's lore and answering questions about them!
That is to say, you should totally ask me about them :3
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lanami-legacy · 1 year
The Obriv Legacy - OC Masterlist
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Dariya Obriv
Class: Jedi Knight
Birthplace: Marazi
Species: Human (Marazi Cyborg)
Love Interest: Lana Beniko
The Jedi Order (formerly)
The Marazi
Eternal Alliance
Former Padawan of Orgus Din. Obriv was one of the founding members of the Eternal Alliance. She was expelled from the Jedi Order after falling in love with Sith Lady, Lana Beniko.
Obriv is a possible ancestor of the Karaay Family, but there are not many ways to confirm it due to her and Beniko adopting all their children.
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Tila Injaz
Class: Jedi Consular
Birthplace: Dathomir
Species: Dathomirian
Love Interest: N/A
The Jedi Order
Eternal Alliance (briefly)
The padawan of Master Yuon Par. Many doubted her future as a Jedi when she was a child. Causing her to fully commit to the study of the Jedi later in life.
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Morgan ‘daki
Class: Smuggler
Birthplace: Daxx
Species: Twi'lek
Love Interest: Undecided
Galactic Republic (formerly)
Eternal Alliance (briefly)
Morganite 'Morgan' 'daki is smuggler who got dragged into unwanted conflict when her ship was stolen. She originally didn't want to join the Alliance, but later joined when her sister convinced her to.
Morgan is the ancestor of Vana and Oriana ‘daki.
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Dotha Arera
Class: Trooper
Birthplace: Coruscant
Species: Cathar
Love Interest: Undecided
Galactic Republic
Havoc Squad
Eternal Alliance
A Republic Trooper and one of their finest.
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Lawita Ragnar
Class: Imperial Agent
Birthplace: Dromund Kaas
Species: Human
Love Interest: Vector Hyllis
Sith Empire
Eternal Alliance
Lawita, also known as Cipher Nine or Legate, was a highly skilled covert agent. She remembered very little of her early life due to Imperial brainwashing but slowly regains her memories over the five years Jedi Knight Obriv and her cousin Darth Dusmas went missing.
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The Reaper
Class: Bounty Hunter
Birthplace: Daxx
Species: Twi'lek
Love Interest: TBA
Eternal Alliance
Mantis Crew
Darth Zima
Born Amber 'daki. She fell into the bounty business when she got separated from her sister as a child. They eventually served as Darth Zima’s personal assassin after proving their usefulness time and time again. 
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Ki Ragnar (Darth Dusmas)
Class: Sith Warrior
Birthplace: Unknown
Species: Nautolan / Human
Love Interest: Vette
Sith Empire
Eternal Alliance
The son of a high-ranking Imperial officer and an unknown Nautolan. Due to the treatment of aliens in the Sith Empire Ki took to wearing a mask in public from a young age.
Ki is a descendant of a longline of Sith Warriors. Along with being the ancestor of Astrid Juhani, but Astrid had no knowledge of this.
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Wa’ushiss'erazu (also known as Ura or Darth Zima)
Class: Sith Inquisitor
Birthplace: Csilla
Species: Chiss
Love Interest: Undecided
Sith Empire
Eternal Alliance
Also known as Darth Zima. A slave turned Sith Lady. Ura became a Sith Acolyte when the Empire became desperate for more Siths among their ranks. She was one of the founding members of the Eternal Alliance.
Ura was forced to become a slave as a child when her father became indebted to higher ups in the Empire. Over the years Ura formed a deep bitterness towards her birth family, especially her father.
Ura could possibly be one of the force ghosts voices that Melinoe Lanami heard after her mother died.
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jo3ydr3w · 1 year
yeah yeah represent yokohama division mad trigger crew samatoki-sama ga on the microphone mimi kappojite yoku kiitoke!
mad trigger crew ore-sama samatoki mister hardcore (everyday rollin' ei yo~) mad trigger crew minatomachi kara sanjou
reppu yokohama division ore-sama samatoki a.k.a mister hardcore rieki koso ga ore-sama no subete jamana yatsura subete suteteku kono yokohama no machi wo rollin' life is not fair sore ga joushiki kirabiyakasa no ura ni wa kage ga machi no ruller i’m yakuza
kane kenryoku onna ni sake ubaitoru datte daisukina dake demo daijina koto wasurecha ikenai haha to imouto ni wa okuru respect
shinai kamidanomi kinishinai seorii wasurenai haha no omamori mad trigger crew orera no koto sa mittara kiitsukena kono aroha
mad trigger crew ore-sama samatoki mister hardcore (everyday rollin' ei yo~) mad trigger crew minatomachi kara sanjou
hoka no DIVISION tada no zako dare ga Ichiban? oshieru sahou mahou janeenda kore wa genjitsu ippatsu de kinou teishi
yoko ni wa 45 rabbit (shoppikuzo!) nani wo shidekasu ka wakaranai mochiron iru ze Riou (survival!) dare ga kite mo funouna seihyo
mad trigger ikareta yatsura enryo nashi mazu temee kara bakuha shinda to shite mo uramikko nashida oretachi ni uragiri wa nashida
iku toko Iku no ga samatoki ryuu riyuu nankenee yo KILL KILL KILL Netenjanee yo mada mada mada ima kara kore kara MURDER MURDER MURDER
mad trigger crew ore-sama samatoki mister hardcore (everyday rollin' ei yo~) mad trigger crew minatomachi kara Sanjou
haha ga oyaji koroshite jisatsu kamashite daijina imouto to kurashite michi hazureta nichijou ga tsuujou ikinuku tame ni wa shinai chuucho
daga dekiteta mitaida fuzaketa nakama katate ni hipunoshisumaiku wo nigiri miseru yokohama no PRIDE
mad trigger crew ore-sama samatoki mister hardcore (everyday rollin' ei yo~) mad trigger crew minatomachi kara Sanjou
mad trigger crew ore-sama samatoki mister hardcore (everyday rollin' ei yo~) mad trigger crew minatomachi kara sanjou
You're pissin me off. 🍀
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uravampirate · 2 years
Name: Oona Ura
Pronouns: Any
Birthdate: September 20th, 1702
Sexuality: Apothisexual, Panromantic, Ambiamorous
Gender: Genderflux
Ethnicity: Irish/Jamaican.
Nationality: Icelandic. Oona speaks with an Icelandic accent.
Species: Half demon half vampire
Likes: choir music, pastels, water, sailing, birds, botany, food, reading.
Dislikes: math, chemistry, and her current career in business.
Friends: @icelandic-vamp @formerpiratestillaesthetic @silver-piracy
Backstory: Oona used to be a pirate and she loved it. She joined up with a spectacular crew in 1720 and spent five years with them. The one thing she didn’t love was her captain. He was cruel and unjust so she left her ship and spent a few years sailing on merchant vessels before settling down in Iceland in the early 20th century.
In the 1950's he reconnected with his old crewmates by chance in a pub.
She meets up with her remaining crewmates from her pirate ship at least once a Summer to go sailing with them.
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mayhemproduces · 2 years
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                         Ding, Ding, Ding.                   Let the match commence. 
starting off with the test of strength only to get slapped instantly by psycho clown, veny stunned with confusion as she watched him run the ropes.
her following suit in twice the amount of pace, ducking and weaving through each other's grasps veny quickly grabbed the other to roll him up into a sudden pin.
                   KICKOUT BY PSYCHO CLOWN!
with a quick slip out of her grasp and a huff, he tried his hardest to capture the other for an attempted ura-nage only to be denied by veny instantly. 
moving straight into a big boot towards the other's face before lifting him up straight into a pile driver before trying to go for a pin. 
                   ….where did he go?
the lights suddenly changed from the colourful themed to pure darkness, a slight echo of the crowd as veny now noticed the other no longer under her.
but as the lights began to flash, the transition of veny to someone unlike herself started to appear as circus music blasted throughout the arena space.
racing and racing, ringing ever so violently that it almost felt like it wouldn’t end…
and then everything stops.
  the crowd looked around in confusion as the lights turned back on to a stunned veny in the middle of the ring as a crew member handed her over a mirror with shaking hands.
A H H H H !!!
  a loud screech and immediate race out from the ring went veny as everyone looked at the match up in a confused manner as the ring announcer announced, well, the following.
“Everyone, this match has been declared… uh, cancelled.”
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rhysbarlow-blog1 · 4 years
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mwah ( @miyaura , @silasrue )
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ewwgene-fitzherbert · 3 years
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krispykreeme · 2 years
my Kotlc main crew as human ethnicity headcanons (so it helps me visualise what they’re wearing) (and it’d be a lot cooler if the elves had a richer culture than just Western Europe and Britain whatever):
In this post: Sophie, Fitz, Biana, Keefe
Sophie: she’s very much American, girl was born and raised on the west coast and grew up with surfer culture. But, I do think that the Ruewens would have Great British roots (for Edaline) and possibly South African (for Grady, although idk if it’s Dutch, English or whatever).
Despite the American heritage, Soph incorporates as much human culture as she can in her outfits (in the later books) and ends up looking like a mix of Taylor Momson and Avril Lavigne(age appropriate outfits, please), a bit of 2000s surfer influence (salty hair, t-shirt style rash shirts, stickers all over her board, etc.) but usually does so when at home. It does get kind of hard when there’s so many ruffles and lace and gems on her clothes but she likes to ‘up-cycle’ them aka hack at them with scissors.
At formal occasions, she wears the most moveable Elvin clothes (which would be closer linked to the regency era since the dresses seem the most ‘juvenile’, not really looking for that word, but they aren’t too flashy either). The gloves that she has to wear for her enhancing are better blended in since it goes with the style. Think Bridgeton because although the costumes weren’t 100% historically accurate, they do get creative with the patterns and seem more fun for teens to wear (Emma too, not the costume critique but the shapes).
Biana and Fitz: I’ve already drawn desi! Biana (and have received wonderful feedback, thank u:) but I do think the south Asian fashion, especially the one linked to formal occasions, truly fit the Vackers. I will admit that I do not know nearly enough about south Asian dress and the significance but if there are any aspects that hold cultural significance that I shouldn’t use, I’ll gladly change whatever needs to be change in my very loose idea of it.
With all the layering and excess of gold and rich materials, it screams royalty, which is essentially what the Vackers are in the Elvin world. Plus, in L*ura’s artwork, they’re wearing just that although just from a different culture? Idk what era or country it’s based off of, it could very well be intentional since elves…. But with tiktok, I’ve seen many people style their traditional skirts, tops and saris to make a more contemporary silhouette that works better for everyday like and it’d be fun to imagine that Fitz and Biana do that as well.
On top of that, all the accessories would chime as they walk: bringing attention to the high status, and finding Della and Biana when invisible. They would probably tone it down for school since everyone has uniforms but play around with accessories or wear a sari instead of a cape. For formal occasions, these guys look like gods. Decked out in the finest fabrics, gold and turning heads. I’d like to believe that they have their initials embroidered onto their clothing and some ‘fans’ like to collect whatever items they’ve forgotten as ‘rare finds’. It’s pretty creepy but they could resell if for $$$. Of course, with all the pressure around being picture perfect, the two youngest Vackers would be really chill when they’re at home.
Keefe: With the art I’ve seen of Lady Gisela, I think Keefe’s family would be Eastern European as it looks like she’s wearing a kokoshnik. It also looks like she’s from medieval times but I’ll skip past that. So Slavic, which is kind of sad because Keefe with an Australian accent would’ve been very cool. Now onto the Hair™️. He’d probably be forced by his parents to wear the traditional white shirts and red embroidery when living his day to day life. Although I think Keefe would rebel, as he always does, by making his own designs with a needle and thread, turning a previously parent dominated item of clothing into his own. He’d also wear a lot of pearls (in necklaces, earrings, bracelets) since they were so prominent in the Eastern European royalty (thinking of the ball the Tsars held). If he’s doing training with Ro, he’d probably be wearing a breathable Rubakha with a military style jacket on top (if he’s not too sweaty).
He’s probably got a few fur capes for formal occasions which embroidery on them and expensive lining. And a couple of ushankas. He’s also definitely raided his mother’s closet filled with those scarves babushkas always wear and turned them into soft sculptures or stretched out to form a canvas.
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akysi · 3 years
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A bit of a smaller upload as I work through more designs, but now that I have more of Ura’s circus aesthetic down I can make more informed decisions about her crew’s colour schemes, starting with this one! This is Hippocampus, essentially Ura’s getaway driver when tied to her circus wagon. That said, the other constellations aren’t sure if it’s actually sentient or merely an illusion conjured with Ura’s magic, as it only seems to move on her command and sits eerily still otherwise. The only sound it’s known to make is a hollow, ghostly neigh…
I’m not sure if the original mapper of the constellation intended it to be the mythical hippocampus (literally half horse half fish) or a seahorse (the small creature we know today that also shares the Latin name), so I went with more of a mashup here, part seahorse and part carousel horse to match the theming. The colour scheme took a lot of workshopping this time but I think it turned out well!
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How I'm rewiring my brain about this not being the end, a list:
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1. "But Jodie looked so sad on the last day and also the interviews"
Okay? They told everyone it's the last ep. so that everyone reacts to it like us, then some time after Pwb (if we so want to mirror the old episodes👀 and end how it started) or some mastermind gets the old crew together, none of these silvias and so on and they shoot it OKAY
(i shouldn't have started with the craziest one BUT stick with me)
2. Even if this didn't happen now they basically have the episode written, they got dragged not just by us but by publications, other writers, Jodie and Sandra are so suspiciously silent about the end of the show that THEY LED AND WON AWARDS OVER, like.. this end benefits no one
3. All the plot holes this season, all the characters archs, like.. what was the point of all that (Kennys death, Konstantins letter, Carolyns point and dare?? Pam?? The Twelve?? (that i keep forgetting to even mention) ?? Villanelle being weaponless and unprotected on the deck?? The gap between s3 and s4??
4. The Carolyn spin-off?? But it's young Carolyn from what I've heard, do they think we're just gonna hate watch it??
5. Alienating their base viewers, how do they think people are gonna re-stream it now? (Homophobia (google it))
6. As people have mentioned, if they've had the kiss episode on Lesbian Visibility Day and the mom episode on Mothers day, a Villajesus return ON FREAKING EASTER - AND - BEING THE 33TH EPISODE since we're so into religion/rebirth/ressurection (RE-DO) this season?? Iconic.
7. Point 6. and Villanelle's arch that she wants to do better, Eve's arch that V is the only one who gets her. Like cmon, L*ura, u gotta be kidding us
8. It's 2022.
9. Even if an episode doesn't happen I'm sure someone's gonna ask Jodie about the ending and she's gonna give a hint of an ambiguous ending (UNLIKE THE WR*TERS)
10. I know some of yall pretend the ep ended on minute 38 which is a good cop out too, not me though, i rewatched that shit many times, forward and backwards, frame by frame, pixel by pixel, to look for signs of vitality so im going the faking-her-death route.
12. If they redeem themselves Luke sold some books in the meantime, people stop hating them, everyone wins. If they dont - everyone loses.
13. I can't comprehend how a show this witty and aware is just gonna throw it all away, it doesn't make sense.
14. (personal, with my clown dress on tonight) Im gonna conspire with the universe that it doesn't end like this, I've never cared about a show this much, they're clowning us but im gonna clown them harder, ME AND THIS SHOW ARE ENDING UP ALONE IN A ROOM TOGETHER! (not one with padded walls hopefully😭)
15. (also personal) I'm not really always optimistic but I've settled my mind about this case, I'm not going back to how i felt on sunday and monday. I've seen (good) things happening irl that if you told me about some years ago i would've laughed or sobbed so if it's "just fiction" then it's even easier to fix it. FIX IT!!!
Either way I'm glad about the memes and the theories and the community around it, it made this week easier now after how it started.
I sure will add more to the list if i start having doubts again, EVERYTHING'S FINE
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raptorbricksart · 2 years
Big Ol' list o' OCs
Did something like this on Twitter a few months back, but I want to put it here where I'm not so limited by the character limit. Gonna Put this here as a bit of a master list of my OCs.
I don't have art for all of them so there are a fair few without (Or just using Miis)
Starting with one who has already been introduced here:
Clara Ambritt
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Full name: Clara Cottontop Ambritt Species: Skyfolk (low isle) Age: 25 Height: 5'7'' Role: Traveling journaler + courier
Maya East
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Full name: Captain Maya East Species: Seafolk (High isle descended) / Lofi Human (Seafolk on mother's side, Lofi on father's) - Culturally Seafolk Role: Captain of the Burning Queen
Daughter of the last Queen of the Seafolk, Florence East
The Burning Queen is a smallish boat originally gifted to Flo
Katie May
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(Old WIP)
Full name: Katie Cirrus Swift May-Honey-Dekken Species: Skyfolk Human (low isle) Height: 4'5'' Age: 28 Role; Weapons master, leader miner and accountant aboard the Burning Queen
Married to Martha (coming up next)
Always goes by Katie May, not just Katie or her full name
Anti-authority mindset
Aggressive and loud on the surface, but kind underneath
Martha Honey-Dekken-May
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Full name: Martha Oriole Rose Emberwood Honey-Dekken-May Species: Skyfolk/Lofi Human (From both parents) - Culturally Lofi Height: 5'1'' Age: 26 Role: Mechanic and chef aboard the Burning queen, beekeeper during the offseason
Married to Katie (See above)
Soft, friendly and super chill exterior, but the filthiest sense of humour underneath
The result of Soliil reproductive experimentation
Lost her right arm just above the elbow
Peter Tagg
(Art currently unavailable)
Species: Seafolk (Low isle descended) Height: 6'1'' Age: 25 Role: Lead navigator aboard the Burning Queen
Joined the crew after being pulled from a shipwreck
Very quiet and a bit anxious
Has won awards for his navigation skills
One of a pair of twins (to his sister, Annie)
Nyla Ambritt
(Art currently unavailable)
Species: Skyfolk (Low isle) Age: 30 Height: 5'7'' Role: Artist specialising in pottery
Clara's elder sister
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(Part of a separate project I'm keeping otherwise quiet but I like her so she's getting shared)
I will probably come back and add more as I go
Feel free to throw any questions about any of them my way if you'd like.
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