waq4brmsfh · 1 year
Fervent kitten opens up tight twat and gets deflorated besitos y mamando la verga de mi vecinito su pura cabecita Marleny puta de la calle creampie Dirty bitch loves anal fuck at work BAREBACK softcorte SEX in STUDIO with SEXY TOP hunky artist pensando na Ester tigresa Self facial/ eating my cum Thickie icy blonde sucks stranger after softball Buom moi cao long Casada puta montando deslecha a corneador
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daisymeade · 7 months
Feeling self-conscious about posting this but I have to get the words out or I truly believe my brain won't let me sleep (I've been up for 24 hours.)
So uhhh...wip whenever?
Yirral stood before the githyanki prince of legend. White, blood webbed eyes slide along Orpheus’ graceful frame, tracing the lines of his tattoos, pausing curiously at his unserrated ears that were more akin to an elf’s than Yirral’s own. They scrutinized the infernal chains that bound and the muzzle that silenced him, a feeling overtaking them that they didn’t understand. It pulsated in time with the energy that radiated from Orpheus, his boundless psionic power, rage, and hatred while their own…it didn’t feel like the dark urges Yirral had resisted time and again, desperate to never lose themself and slaughter another the way they had the dragonborn bard…
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deinloewe · 9 days
Ich kämpfe bis zum Ende meines Lebens nur für dich meine Prinzessin und wenn dass nicht reicht kämpfe ich auch ein weiteres Leben nur für dich Der aller erste blick in deinen augen da sahr ich meine zukunft ich sahr unserre zukunft und es hat sich daran nichts geändert jedesmal wenn ich in deine augen sehe sehe ich unserre gemeinsame zukunft
Ob 1 oder 1000... lebende ich kämpfe jedes einzelne nur für dich DU&ICH gegen den Rest der Welt DU&ICH FürImmer
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drhwenk · 9 days
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world-of-news · 2 months
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worsehaircut · 5 months
unserrated flat wide butter knife my beloved
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illertalfm · 6 months
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new-dinosaurs · 3 years
Ypupiara lopai Brum et al., 2021 (new genus and species)
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(Partial maxilla [bone in the upper jaw] of Ypupiara lopai, from Brum et al., 2021)
Meaning of name: Ypupiara = one who lives in the water [referencing a Tupian myth and the dinosaur’s possibly piscivorous diet]; lopai = for Alberto Lopa [discoverer of the original fossil]
Age: Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)
Where found: Marília Formation, Minas Gerais, Brazil
How much is known: Fragments of the upper and lower jaws.
Notes: Ypupiara was an unenlagiine, a group of paravian theropods typically considered members of the Dromaeosauridae. Unenlagiines had long snouts and numerous unserrated teeth, which has led to the suggestion that they were primarily piscivorous (fish-eating). In the giant Austroraptor (one of the largest known dromaeosaurids), the teeth were also cone-shaped, another characteristic commonly found in fish-eating reptiles. The teeth of Ypupiara were not as cone-shaped as those of Austroraptor, but they were nonetheless less blade-like than in most other carnivorous theropods, which may suggest that it still fed substantially on fishes.
Sadly, the only known fossils of Ypupiara were lost in a large fire that destroyed the main building of the National Museum of Brazil in 2018.
Reference: Brum, A.S., R.V. Pêgas, K.L.N. Bandeira, L.G. Souza, D.A. Campos, and A.W.A. Kellner. 2021. A new unenlagiine (Theropoda, Dromaeosauridae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Brazil. Papers in Palaeontology advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/spp2.1375
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spacesweepers · 4 years
leguin replied to your post “Anyone want my dorm room pasta recipe?”
i do!
Fresh egg pasta recipe:
You can make it in your bedroom or dorm room if you’re careful. I won’t tell you how to live your life.
1 egg
1 egg yolk
1 egg white (optional)
1 cup flour, plus extra
a wine bottle, jar, or adequately cylindrical cup; alternatively, a rolling pin
clean counter, cutting board, or other food-safe flat work surface (I once taped waxed paper over my desk)
fork (recommended)
water kettle and bowl OR stove and pot
container for egg white
kitchen or paper towel
unserrated knife
Dust work surface with flour.
Make a mound of flour and form a well.
Add the eggs and incorporate into the flour with a fork, making sure to keep pushing more flour up to maintain the well shape, until a shaggy dough forms.
Add egg white if dough is dry and flour if it’s too wet. Knead until smooth.
Cover with damp towel and let rest for 15 min.
Divide dough into 4 sections.
Laminate by rolling out dough and folding in thirds. Repeat several times.
Roll into a thin rectangle to desired thickness (I go for .5-1mm) with a cylindrical object of your choice.
Dust top side of pasta sheet generously with flour and gently fold in half the short way (hamburger style?). Dust unfloured top side and fold in half again in the same direction. Repeat until thin enough to cut with a knife in one cut.
Cut into desired width strips and unfold, then dust with more flour while separating. Freeze if not immediately serving.
Cook in salted boiling water for 30-90 seconds.
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albertonykus · 4 years
How true is the old stereotype that avialans can be diagnosed from other maniraptorans by unserrated teeth?
It’s true that avialan teeth generally lack serrations (except in Longipteryx). However, teeth without serrations are also found in oviraptorosaurs, alvarezsaurids, and some troodontids, so it’s not specific to avialans among maniraptors.
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transgenderer · 4 years
i was cutting the tops off scallions today but my boss gave me a dull, unserrated knife and i spent a good 5 minutes trying and failing to use it to cut before finally caving and asking for a new one like a pussy
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lethesomething · 5 years
Dante dad fic
"Oh my god, no." You stormed into the room where you saw your child, almost old enough for kindergarten, reach its tiny, stubby fingers out towards the giant, multifanged blade of the Devil Sword Sparda. You scooped up the boy and glared unserrated, but definitely deadly, daggers at Dante, currently sitting on the floor surrounded by weaponry.
"What the Hell were you thinking, Dante?"
"Eh!" Your son, definitely part demon spawn, chose this moment to complain loudly about the way he was treated and tried to wriggle out of your grasp, back to the shiny, sharp toys on the floor.
"I'm just letting him get used to weapons is all," Dante shrugged. "See, he likes them! Just like his daddy, don't you boy?" With that, he got up and made a face at the child, causing a small giggle before your son grew quiet and pensive, apparently deciding whether he was still upset or not.
"No," you said.
"What do you mean, no? Come on, they're not gonna hurt him! You think I would hurt him?" He held up his hands and your son mirrored the gesture. "Huhi?" the kid said, throwing up his arms.
"They're Weapons, Dante! They're meant to hurt. That's the whole point of them," you hissed.
"I wasn't gonna let him maul himself, babe", Dante pouted. "I'm just saying it's a good idea to figure out his talents, you know. See how good he can deal with stuff. You never know when he's gonna need it."
"He's two! You can't just introduce a toddler to demon grade weaponry, what is wrong with to you?" you said, distracted mildly by the fact that your son kept trying to play with the buttons on Dante's shirt.
"But he's not a regular toddler though," Dante he pointed out, leaning down to boop the boy's nose, which earned him a confused blink. "He's at least part demon. And we're made of hardy stuff, aren't we, squirt? Just like your uncle Nero."
"You're making a lot of assumptions, there, hun", you said. "For all I know demon genes are recessive, you could really hurt him."
"Well we won't know unless we find out, now will we," Dante grinned, and you could swear there was entirely too much danger in that smile.
"Dante, you are not experimenting on Our Child with knives, what the actual fuck."
"Oy, don't swear in front of him," Dante frowned. "Besides, I was kidding, no one is going to hurt my boy, certainly not me."
 "Look, Dante, I…"
"Fuck!" your child shouted, with the glee of a toddler that just learned a new word and was going to use it at every opportunity for six days straight.
"See?" Dante said, his face cracking into a wide grin. "Now look what you did."
You closed your eyes and sighed. "Dante, I swear to god."
A warm hand rested on your shoulder, and you felt his lips, briefly, on your forehead. "We'll be fine", his low voice said near your ear. "You can go to work and ace your big meeting thing, and when you come back, we'll both be perfectly healthy and safe and all that. I'll even bathe him."
A little reluctantly, you handed the boy over. "No knives, ok?" you said, locking eyes with your lover. "No sharp implements of any kind. Promise me."
"Fine, I promise", Dante said. "Now get going, I got this."
He gave you one of his trademark grins, and then held up the child. "Give mommy a kiss for good luck?"
"Fuck!" the kid smiled, and he dutifully leaned over. With a groan, you kissed the crown of his head, and the cheek of the man holding him. Then you turned and grabbed your coat.
"Sorry little guy, I guess Rebellion is for another day," you heard Dante say as you walked out, "so let me introduce you to Cerberus. These are nunchucks!'
"Fucks!" the boy replied enthusiastically, right before the front door slammed shut.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Pampadromaeus barberenai
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By José Carlos Cortés 
Etymology: Runner from the Plains
First Described By: Cabreira et al., 2011
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Sauropodomorpha
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: 233.23 million years ago, in the Carnian age of the Late Triassic 
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Pampadromaeus is from the Alemoa Member of the Santa Maria Formation of the state of Rio Grande do Sol, Brazil 
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Physical Description: Pampadromaeus was an early Sauropodomorph, the group that includes the large, impressive Sauropods and all their close relatives. Since it was an early member of the group, though, it didn’t resemble Sauropods much at all. Like other early dinosaurs, it was a small, bipedal animal, with hands attached to short arms and a small head. In fact, it was one of the smaller early dinosaurs, potentially weighing only about 2.5 kilograms (one of the nest smallest early dinosaurs, Saturnalia, was 6.5 kilograms) and only reaching, at maximum, 1.5 meters in total body length. This means it weighed about as much as a chihuahua, and as long as a capybara. They also would have been fairly short in height. This light weight would have been achieved mainly through air sacs in the bones, which made Saurischian dinosaurs (one of the two major groupings of dinosaurs which includes Sauropods and Theropods and, thus, birds) lighter in terms of bone density, and also gave them more efficient breathing.
As an early Sauropodomorph (“prosauropod”) it shows a lot of traits similar to the Theropods, the group of dinosaurs including all carnivorous dinosaurs and birds - it had a long, narrow skull with a downward pointing jaw, like a lot of early Theropods, and unserrated teeth like early Theropods as well. It’s head is larger than that of later Sauropodomorphs, and it has short thighs and a shorter trunk of its body than later Sauropodomorphs.
Still, it is shown to be a Sauropodomorph, rather than another type of early dinosaur, due to its expanded, overlapping teeth bases, notches in the tail like other Sauropodomorphs, long upper arms, and other specific bone characteristics shared by the entire group (though these might actually be traits caused by crushing of the fossils). So, this was an early example of a Sauropodomorph, showcasing many ancestral dinosaur traits alongside early Sauropod-y ones. Unique to Pampadromaeus, it had a smaller ball in its femur-lower leg socket than other dinosaurs - what the function of this adaptation was, however, is unclear.
The most interesting thing about Pampadromaeus is its lower legs: it had very long shins compared to its thighs, making it the Sauropodomorph most well adapted for running and fast turning, in general, speed. This ratio of lower leg to upper leg length is actually higher than some of the faster animals of the Late Triassic, such as Coelophysis, making it more adapted for fast movement than Coelophysis and other dinosaurs like it. It probably wouldn’t have been faster than Coelophysis due to its small size, but this does indicate a high level of evolution for running.
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By Jack Wood 
Diet: As an early Sauropodomorph, Pampadromaeus was probably an omnivore, feeding on both plant and animal material depending on the situation. Since early dinosaurs such as Pampadromaeus were generalists and rare in their environments, Pampadromaeus would have probably been fairly generalistic, eating what it could find when it could find it. Given that, as it is on the evolutionary line to Sauropods, it’s possible that it ate more plant material than other early dinosaurs tended to do; but it still wouldn’t have been entirely herbivorous, especially given some early Sauropodomorphs were mainly carnivores, like Buriolestes.
Behavior: As a very small, fast animal, Pampadromaeus would have been extremely skittish, running at the first sign of danger or potential predators. This would have served it well, of course, allowing it to escape from danger as quickly as possible. As a generalist, it would have gone wherever there was food in its environment, eating any source and not really being picky about its lunch. Its remains are limited, so it was possibly quite rare in its ecosystem; it seems unlike that it would have been a herding animal, and probably was mainly solitary or living in small groups to help each other keep lookout.
Ecosystem: Pampadromaeus lived in a huge river system, filled with multiple rivers coming together in a large floodplain. It was an extremely muddy environment, interspersed with sand; given it was a tropical area, this would have made the environment of Pampadromaeus very warm and humid. This ecosystem was filled with conifers, many kinds of seed ferns, and horsetails. This gives a picture of a very lush, somewhat forested environment, mainly filled with water plants associated with the huge river beds.
Many other Dinosauromorphs lived in the region along with Pampadromaeus, including the basal Dinosauromorph Ixalerpeton, the Herrerasaurid predator Staurikosaurus, the carnivorous sauropodomorph Buriolestes, the somewhat more sauropod-like Bagualosaurus, another Sauropodomorph Saturnalia, and the dubious theropod Teyuwasu. The Rhynchosaur Hyperodapedon was also present - a kind of herbivorous reptile with a small beak for snipping off vegetation. There were also near-mammal Synapsid predators, such as Trucidocynodon, which was adapted for fast movement and may have preyed on Pampadromaeus. There was also the herbivorous near-mammal Synapsid Exaeretodon. The large predatory Decuriasuchus was present as well - a type of stem-crocodile like the more famous Postosuchus. This was an extremely diverse ecosystem, showcasing a lot of the weird animals that make the Triassic so unique. In addition to Trucidocynodon, Pampadromaeus would probably have had to fear predation by Staurikosaurus and Decuriasuchus, and possibly also its close relative Buriolestes, if Pampadromaeus really was that small. No wonder it had to run so fast!
Other: Interestingly enough, between the large head, general body shape, and legs adapted for running, Pampadromaeus appears to have convergently evolved to be very similar to later Ornithopods and other small Ornithischians, another group of small dinosaurs that, as prey animals, stuck to running to escape from danger. So, Pampadromaeus is a Sauropodomorph that did the Ornithopod thing before Ornithopods were a thing.
It is possible, due to its extremely small size, that Pampadromaeus is only known from juvenile bones, and that the running adaptations were a juvenile trait; no one has really discussed this, however, so for now that idea remains untested.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources under the cut 
Cabreira, S. F., C. L. Schultz, J. S. Bittencourt, M. B. Soares, D. C. Fortier, L. R. Silva, M. C. Langer. 2011. New stem-sauropodomomrph (Dinosauria, Saurischia) from the Triassic of Brazil. Naturwissenschaften 98 (12): 1035 - 1040.
Cabreira, S. F., A. W. A. Kellner, S. Dias-da-Silva, L. R. da Silva, M. Bronzati, J. C. de Almeida Marsola, R. T. Müller, J. de Souza BIttencourt, B. J. Batista, T. Raugust, R. Carrilho, A. Brodt, M. C. Langer. 2016. A Unique Late Triassic Dinosauromorph Assemblage Reveals Dinosaur Ancestral Anatomy and Diet. Current Biology 26: 3090 - 3095.
Delcourt, R., S. A. Kugland de Azevedo, O. N. Grillo, F. O. Deantoni. 2012. Biomechanical comments about Triassic Dinosaurs from Brazil. Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 52: A - G.
Langer, M. C., J. Ramezani, A. A. S. Da Rosa. 2018. U-Pb age constraints on dinosaur rise from south Brazil. Gondwana Research 2018: doi:10.1016/j.gr.2018.01.005.
Müller, R. T., M. C. Langer, S. F. Cabreira, S. Dias-da-Silva. 2016. The femoral anatomy of Pampadromaeus barberenai based on a new specimen from the Upper Triassic of Brazil. Historical Biology 28 (5): 656 - 665.
Müller, R. T., M. S. Garcia, A. A. S. Da Rosa, S. Dias-da-Silva. 2018. Under Pressure: Effect of sedimentary compression on the iliac morphology of early Sauropodomorphs. Journal of South American Earth Sciences: doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.jsames.2018.09.005.
Pretto, F. A., M. C. Langer, C. L. Schultz. 2018. A new dinosaur (Saurischia: Sauropodomorpha) from the Late Triassic of Brazil provides insights on the evolution of sauropodomorph body plan. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society in press: 1 - 29.
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Have you heard about the Lionclaw/Darklion au? It's way unserrated but it's super interesting
I actually haven’t, it sounds really interesting though!
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drhwenk · 5 months
Spinoza Electrcal Turn.. PSYCHOLGIE ohne PSYCHE, Affektetheorie ohne die AFFEKTE, Gefühle der Philosophischen  PSYCHE und AFFEKTthorem mit #Spinoza ihren vorhersehbarem Höhepunkt
#Spinoza Electrcal Turn.. PSYCHOLGIE ohne PSYCHE, Affektethore ohne die AFFEKTZE, Gefühle des Phioschn  PSYCVHE und AFFEKTthorem dei mit 'Spinza ihren vortsehabre Höehpunkt. DAFLEICH ist schwach (LKnecchtschafr dwr Affekte), der Geist willig - hat iej "GUT" im AUGE (was er mir dem tatsäckc  Splitter ufd Balken dortselbst  zumeist und zunächst verwechselt! - nichj ih GRUND, aber ohne WILLE). TATSäclk wird AFFELKTheo ohne dei INHALT,(lieb Hass, Begierde, VARIANTEN ()OBJEKLTE) MITm, etc,..)  der  AFFELTE dirtekt  zusammemn mit der DNA Biologie ohne  Pflanzen und Tiere in DELERUZE/GUATTRIS Tausne Plateaus gebracht und zm Scchluss mit CHAOS neu arrangiert  (Dir BRAIN Foshcncdaknde wur durch CHAOS Forschungsdekade abgelöst DELEZR GUTTA weit vorneweg! ) . ! DIE "verbindenden" zugehörgen TOPOLOGISCHEN DYNAMISCH SYTEME (Conley-Zehnder Theorie) keen icj in dds ZUIUaanahn wohl nurallen(TOPPOLOGIE: "Anders Denken" in Deleuze "Foucault"!) Fotrcaul hat dosz sen SANTI-TOD DSTragie auf dem STEBEbett. "Sich von sich selber lösen" mit  NIETTSCVH  OBERhand üner HEGEL/HEDIGER zu PRTTIKOL  geebenm udn  dELEUZE sie mit den UNENDLICH VERSTAND #Spinozas im SCHLUSbaschniiut "aufegklärt". dr "Bleibde TEil ist unserr   TEILsein des UNELICHEN  VERSTANDES ("ALL²łissen")(eine Art UNVESUMS WAHRHEITSpsycheFELD auf dem UNBVESUMS ELKRTOMgnischhen unverschleri4, unedrückt durch   das   UNVESUMS GRAVITAIONSfeld)- GEDÄCHNIS und SINNE - das materrlitsche GEWIHEITS-"ICH" fallen qweg- dei reduktiven²³ ²³MATERIALISTE berstreiten ja auch "spekulativ"  JEDES psychische  NACHtodSCHICKsal (vulgo KARMA; SEELENwandrung)-die FROSCH im der MILCH  untergehen  WETTE (10% Minderheit zu 90% in der 100% WELTbevölkerung )  -gegen die WAHRHEITsbutter dauraus in  ERDMASSEschrkraft GESETZ der  FISCHE   MILCHmeer herbeistrampeln - die RELIGIÖSE PRAKTIKEN von SCHAMANEN; SCHMERZ der FALIRE dabei; TANTRIKER bis zu den RATIONALISTEN #SPINOZA studieren.  EWIGE WAHRHETIT?: JA!!  die QUIALITÄT DENKEN, Psyche,   VERSTEHEN ist "irreduzibel", da²³gegen²³,  ATTRIBUTIV  beim "VERNUNFTbau d EWIGEWAHEITEN des ABSOLUTEN -ohne  IMAGINATION - ALL²WISSEN PER MATHMTIKER" herbeiBEWEISEN   #Spinoza, wie die FARBEN "LICHT-wahreheitRealMETAphorik" (Eidos-.Idee bei uns, in "Osten" aber auch) 
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The Qurupeco feeds almost entirely on fish and amphibians, its long snout and uniformly conical, unserrated teeth are perfect from snatching its wriggly prey from the water. It can hunt by either waiting at the waters edge for fish to come close enough for its snake-like neck to dart out and grab them or it can fly low over deep water and skim the surface with its beak. Both strategies however, present their own risks as they can leave the bird wyvern vulnerable to either being ambushed by land predators like great jaggi, nargacuga and deviljho from behind or by aquatic predators like lagiacrus, plesioth or gobul from below.
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