#universal transmissions
nightshadeowl · 3 months
Why is he a disaster tonight.
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Starset really is the funniest band ever, they didn’t establish a fanbase before going off with their lore like most do, they dropped one (1) single in 2013 and then a year later, with no fame and one established song, walked up to the music scene like “hey we’re a secret society with a scifi message about a dystopian future, the only answer is to make science accessible and to fight against fascism and rock out” and then dropped the greatest cinematic rock album in history. unbelievable
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pink-onyx-au · 11 months
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[Transmission Downloaded]
"Honey Onyx" - alias "Honey"
Head of the Citrine and Amber colonies
Court of Yellow Diamond.
Favorite Quote: "Beware the sting of the queen."
[End Transmission]
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canary-song · 6 months
The Noir Spiderman comics didn't include a Venom arc because he's already rabid enough as is without the need for a symbiote.
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alien-shmalien · 7 months
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See my commission prices Here!
This discount is applicable until New Years!
Please read my commissions carrd for my rules, wills and won'ts!
You can contact me through discord (doxillinealien) but please send me an off anon ask with your discord name and that you're friending me to talk about a commission! Or you can email me at [email protected]!
my art examples can be found on my Carrd, however if youd like to see some of my most recent examples, a few are below the cut!
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Scientists trap krypton atoms to form one-dimensional gas
For the first time, scientists have successfully trapped atoms of krypton (Kr), a noble gas, inside a carbon nanotube to form a one-dimensional gas. Scientists from the University of Nottingham's School of Chemistry used advanced transmission electron microscopy (TEM) methods to capture the moment when Kr atoms joined together, one by one, inside a "nano test tube" container with diameter half a million times smaller than the width of a human hair. The research has been published in ACS Nano. The behavior of atoms has been studied by scientists ever since it was hypothesized that they are the basic units of the universe. The movement of atoms has significant impact on fundamental phenomena such as temperature, pressure, fluid flow and chemical reactions. Traditional spectroscopy methods can analyze the movement of large groups of atoms and then use averaged data to explain phenomena at the atomic scale. However, these methods don't show what individual atoms are doing at a specific point in time.
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Can you hear me?
…I can hear you, mysterious transmission.
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kimberlyannharts · 5 months
We really haven’t had a cool guy in a suit like that since Jarrod and Camille huh
No disrespect to void knight but he toes the line too closely to ranger
Dang, I guess that's true...........I'm pretty sure Simon once talked about how Void Knight was considered a Ranger by the crew but they weren't allowed to refer evil characters as Rangers (the same thing applied to Avatar Blaze and Roxy). So Jarrod and Camille would indeed be the last guy-in-a-suit-who-isn't-a-Ranger. Where are my sexy guys!
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Alya after scarabella and kitty noir fight their first akuma “heyyyyyy nino. Remember when you thought i was cheating on you with chat noir. okay so. funny story. hilarious actually. so. we agreed it was cool if i wanted to kiss catgirls in that conversation right, thats the conclusion we came to? Right, so—”
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piggiebonez · 1 year
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im sorry but all of you "googoogaga zim needs therapy aaoooww zim has so much trauma sniff so saaaadd" people are sooooo fucking lame. if you sit zim down with a therapist the therapist is gonna curl up into fetal position start eating their own notes and cry. and maybe jump out the window
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nightshadeowl · 6 months
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wikipediapictures · 10 months
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Universal precautions
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pink-onyx-au · 11 months
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[Transmission Downloaded]
Translation applied to image from "Gem Glyph" to "Common Earth Dialect # 4"
Onyx Identification Guide - Written by Peridot Facet 3K9W - Cut 8RH
Gem Example Defined: Onyx (white)
Criteria points:
- Gem must have at least two (2) rings present.
- Vision Spheres must have a ring, black or white, included in their coloration.
- Iron deposits must be sufficient enough to cause curly hair. Ringlets are also permitted.
- Stripes must be parallel to other markings. Various colors are permitted.
- Body type must be within incubation standards.
- Permitted colors are white, yellow, and blue. Red-hued agates that fit this criteria do not qualify. See "Sardonyx" identification guide if this applies.
- Gravity connectors must be stunted at the base. Appropriate enhancers will be issued.
If an agate emerges with the above traits, notify a Diamond immediately so that they may be reviewed. Only Diamond-approved Agates may be issued the title of "Onyx." Immediate service is required by all Onyx. A rejuvenator shall be issued.
[End Transmission]
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yewstronaut · 3 months
stayed up all night reading The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett, no regrets
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alien-shmalien · 2 months
Hey! I recently went in and fixed up my commissions page- Maybe hit me up for a commission or two?
considering i work as a teacher, i won't be getting work or paid over the summer, so getting a little extra savings would be really nice ^^;
Comms are Here! A bunch of information is also there
If you'd prefer to just support me, you can check out my Kofi!
Heres some of my recent art!
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Team takes data science approach to identifying thermal conductivity-related structural factors in amorphous materials
A Tohoku University research team has discovered that different thermal conductivities exhibited by an amorphous material with the same composition are attributable to the sizes of atomic rings in its atomic structure. This is one of the first studies demonstrating that the structural features of amorphous materials can be correlated with their physical properties. The paper is published in the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. It is already feasible to synthesize amorphous materials with the same compositions but different thermal conductivities. However, the structural factors responsible for differences in thermal conductivity had yet to be identified due to a lack of appropriate analytical methods.
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