sui-imi · 10 months
I actually amused that roo got chase by his alternative self along side with dust and killer. They're know as manic in multiverse for that! I respect your bravery hahahaha.
A question for roo: How you feel first time being chase by horror alongside his friends.
A question for exec: I actually curious...what you think of Xgaster and epictale gaster ? They the most hilarious duo I ever seen and find them very fun to annoying with questions from Anons
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[EXEC] Really Though... The Bike Thing Is Getting Ridiculous Now.
[ROO] yeah yeah, i get it... it's expensive and 'phys bites your head off everytime it happens.
[EXEC] Not That. (Well, Yes, That Too.) The Bikes Are The Only Thing That Allows You To Travel AUs. Breaking It Only Traps You There. Why Do You Even Have That Ridiculous Metal Pipe Of Yours, If You Just Resort To Throwing The Bike?
[ROO] hey, i use it! but sometimes i just... go on autopilot. i'm not good with stress. you know that.
[* Exec sighs.]
[EXEC] Roo. I Understand Your Circumstances... But Break Another Bike, And 'Phys Can Bite Your Head Off Instead Of Mine.
[ROO] ...i-i'll be on my best behaviour...
Thanks for the questions, anon!
Got a question? Ask Imi & OCs!
horror sans: horrortalecomic / sour apple studios
killer sans: rahafwabas
dust/murder sans: ask-dusttale
xgaster: jakei95 / xtaleunderverse
epic gaster: yugogeer012
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askindex · 5 months
firstly hello, are you still alive? and secondly, do you sometimes order food from a food chain like UnderEats? and have you heard about such Gasters as Exec and Admin?
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sui-imi2 · 9 months
Hello! I'm imi. This sideblog is where I will archive my art.
My main tumblr is @sui-imi
My twitter: sui_imi
Here is my carrd: link.
#imi art - default tag for all my art posts.
#ref sheet - (most recent) reference sheets for my OCs.
#undertale - art that focuses on the OG undertale.
#undertale AU - art that focuses on the undertale multiverse.
#fanart - for fanart / art not focused on my OCs.
#the creator - for art that has me / my persona included (the star-eyed 'gaster' in my pfp)
#UnderEats!Sans / #Roo
#UnderEats!Gaster / #Exec
#UnderEats!Papyrus / #Pyrrhus
#UnderEats!Alphys / #Phys
#UnderEats!Flowey / #Guardy
#Commercetale!Asgore / #Groundskeeper
#Commercetale!RiverPerson / #River Person
#Commercetale!Chara / #???
#Commercetale!Grillbys / #Commercetale!Bon / #Bon
#Commercetale!Grillbys #Commercetale!Byrne / #Byrne
#Commercetale!Muffet / #Mix
#Commercetale!Sans / #Arbiter
[UnderNet Protocol]
#UnderNet Protocol
#UnderNet!Gaster / #Admin
[My Other OCs]
#Cellphone!Papyrus / #Cellphone
#PNG!Sans / #PNG
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sui-imi · 9 months
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The UnderNet Protocol
The UnderNet Protocol (UP/UNP) is a multiversal network created by Admin, a Gaster with the ability to read the multiverse's Code, and insert himself into it for observational purposes.
Over time, the UP has evolved from a basic messaging system, into something grander. Something closer to the modern day internet.
He is happy to sit back and simply watch.
And he is always watching.
Someone asked me the other day, "how does UnderEats advertise?", and it caught me off guard, so I did some thinking. This was my end result - a multiversal internet/UnderNet! I hope y'all like it.
Use the tag #UnderNet Protocol to learn more!
Use the tag #UnderNet!Admin to learn more about Admin!
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sui-imi · 10 months
for roo, how'd your timeline get destroyed in the first place? Also, how did you get rescued from being erased, too?
[ROO] ... i don't know.
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thank you for the question, @sivlare! (sorry for dodging it >_>)
Got a question? Ask Imi & OCs!
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sui-imi · 10 months
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This is Exec, the creator of UnderEats. He's a Gaster with very little known about him, except that he's utterly fascinated with food.
He'll regularly approach restaurants across the multiverse, and if he likes their meals, he'll offer a partnership.
Not much can annoy him, except for when you destroy his property (Roo...) and if you interfere with timelines. Make any permanent changes to an AU's trajectory, and Exec will leave you in the dirt. No one can hide from him. (Except for one specific case...)
I redrew Exec. I feel like this design probably fits his concept a bit more, and will be going forward with this from now on.
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sui-imi · 10 months
1. hey roo can you clarify what the agreement was about the horrortale/hunger inflicted universes?I assume it has to do with their canon events right? so if the creators have left the story open ended you TECHNICALLY CAN bend some rules... right?
there's a bunch of aus that are OPEN to multiversal interaction but are dying because their creator has abandoned them. still! I think they were near aus so I held onto their memory. can you pay them a visit for me?
2. are you aware of the "hunger"? that the void corrupts them to consume everything?
3. how strict is your boss roo?
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[ROO] and his ability to keep track of everything is inhuman (heh). hard to trust someone who's so obscure.
thanks for the question @liliallowed :]
Got a question? Ask Imi & OCs!
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sui-imi · 9 months
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similar, yet nothing alike.
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sui-imi · 10 months
For Roo who is your favorite person to deliver food to
(it could be anyone but just not co worker or something like that just a customer/random AU)
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[ROO] i don't have favourites.
[ARBITER] oh? but didn't you tell me to put nazar's name on the 'good list'? the good list that didn't actually exist until that very moment? the good list that you've barely updated since then?
[EXEC] And Only With Swap Sanses You Like?
[ROO] this is slander. you're ruining my cool guy image. i could sue for this you know!
Thanks for the question, anon!
Got a question? Ask Imi & OCs!
(running until 1pm GMT, thursday 24th!)
nazar sans: sweetnad_uwu on twitter
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sui-imi · 11 months
Roo (aka UnderEats!Sans): 8th September [international food delivery day]
Cellphone Papyrus: 25th April [national telephone day]
Arbiter (the convenience store Sans): claims it's the entirety of September [national condiment month]
Burpi (the MTT restaurant BurgerPants): 8th August [international cat day]
PNG!Sans: 12th March [read as 12/3, and he has 3 modes]
Exec: N/A
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sui-imi · 10 months
To Exec: You seem cool! What's your opinions about all the creators that draw Gasters like you mean or abusive? I assume you don't care but it's still interesting to think about it!
[EXEC] OH...?
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[EXEC] Thank You For The Compliments.
[EXEC] The Creators Are Beyond My Understanding. Even My Own Maker Is Difficult To Decipher. I Cannot Give An Opinion On That Which I Do Not Understand.
[EXEC] But From My Observations, It Seems My Creator Seems To Fawn Over Most Gasters, Regardless Of Moral Alignment. From This, I Assume That There Are Still Some Positives That Shine Through Their 'Negativity'.
[EXEC] Does That Satisfy You...
[* He pauses. Then he peers at the name a bit more closely. For some reason, it amuses him.]
[EXEC] Hoho. I Hope That Answer Satisfies You, 'Anonymous'.
Thank you for the question, anon! (Not sure why Exec finds that so funny)
Got a question? Ask Imi & OCs!
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sui-imi · 9 months
Does UnderEats Gaster have like a list that has names on who is not allowed to order. Kinda like a ‘you are banned’ thing?
[EXEC] Hmm... Not exactly. I Regularly Inform Each And Every Worker About Bad Customers. What They Do With This Information Is Up To Them.
[EXEC] Each Driver Has A Personal Blacklist. That Means, If A Blacklisted Customer Orders, They Won't Be Assigned That Delivery. If No Drivers Are Willing To Take It, Then The Order Will Be Cancelled.
[EXEC] Of Course, There Are Some People (For Example, Nightmare's Little Clique) Who Try To Circumvent This By Creating New Accounts Under False Names, But I Will Always Know Who They Are. They Cannot Escape The 'Bad Customer' List.
[EXEC] Each person I Hire Has The Ability To Defend Themselves. They Should Be Fine In Most Scenarios - Or At Least Able To Flee Long Enough To Call For Help. I Won't Tell Them Who To Deliver Or Not Deliver To.
[EXEC] But Some People Make Me Want To.
[ROO] he's talking about me.
[EXEC] Yes. The One Person Who Hasn't Blacklisted Anyone. Which Is Why He Gets Into So Many Ridiculous Situations.
[ROO] 'food for all'. that's the good old UnderEats motto.
[EXEC] That's Not The Motto.
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sui-imi · 10 months
Hello! I am the anon that asked if I could draw your lil guys with mine! Can I use the idea of a multiversal restaurant too? Sounds like a lot of fun and interesting! (Technically Undereats is not a restaurant but the concept is the same😅)
(I already have solid ideas for not just making it a carbon copy of yours I just find you a "surprisingly" cool inspiration)
Hello again anon! And of course you can create your own restaurant!! To avoid confusion in the future, please allow me to clarify here. /positive
UnderEats isn't an ACTUAL restaurant, they just deliver the food FOR restaurants (like when you order food from Uber Eats - Uber Eats isn't the restaurant, but the transportation service!)
So UnderEats would actually be working alongside your restaurant (assuming your restuarant owner agreed to partner with Exec!). You're more than welcome to make restaurants/food shops and have UE deliver for them (as long as they sell food products, anything is fine) <3 No need to ask for permission
And if anyone wants to create their own multiversal food delivery service, that's fine too! IRL there's doordash, Uber Eats, Just Eat/MenuLog/Skip, etc etc. I just ask that people please don't make it too similar to UnderEats <:]
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sui-imi · 10 months
UnderEats - progress update(?)
First, thank you to all the new followers. Welcome!
Second, I've been brainstorming some ideas for UnderEats and wanted to talk a little about it. Like an update? Makes me feel like a Game Dev hahaha.
But before that, I did want to say that I'm thinking of creating an ask blog for the company. I would answer questions and post future art there, and have only UE-related content on it. But that will take a little while.
Back to the second point. I'll put it under a cut, since I'll probably start rambling.
The background and setting are main priority right now. I'm still working on some of the finer details (and honestly, I'm wondering if some of these details are a bit overkill haha?).
To clarify, UE isn't an Alternate Universe. It's a company that exists to connect different food services and different customers across the multiverse. It doesn't exist in any one AU, nor is it bound by one.
Despite this, I did want to give it a "home base" of sorts. Ink has the doodlesphere, Error has the antivoid, so UE should get a 'home' of it's own. Which it does! (... Once i draw it.)
I'm also working on the "how UE exists" and "why it exists" parts. The "how" is still WIP, partly because I'm struggling for ideas, partly because I don't want to write myself into a corner by going too in detail. But I'll figure it out. The "why" is... also WIP. The biggest reason is because of Exec.
Exec is actually pretty important. They built the company up, found people to help, found people to work, etc. They have motivations and rules to stick by. But then I have concepts for the story that become contradictory because of said motivations. But if I change the motivations, the story concepts don't make sense either! And I don't want them to just sit in the shadows, not really doing anything.
So Exec will probably need to be reworked. I don't know how major (I think a redesign at the very least...). But it's definitely important.
I also want to update everyone's refs at some point. Adding more details, changing the colours slightly, some needing redesigns, etc. As well as the new refs I need to make for side characters... Whew.
It's a lot to do, but I think writing it down like this helps me to visualise each step. I really do love this concept, and I don't want it to just be "Roo and some other characters" (though considering Sans' popularity it might be LOL) (which is fine if it is. But I still want to flesh out the idea). So good luck to me.
I think that's all. Thanks to anyone who read all this.
tl:dr; working on background and setting of UE, exec rework, more reference art & redrawing refs.
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sui-imi · 9 months
Got any fun facts about Pyrrhus? owo
Oooh, hmm.... admittedly I haven't worked much on him (focusing on other OCs rn) but there's one or two things.
He's not really an official UnderEats driver, but sometimes Exec lets him use the bikes and make some deliveries. He finds it super fun! It's only an occasional thing though, since he's too busy focusing on odd jobs back home.
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