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miyakuli · 11 months
The Divine Speaker
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The Divine Speaker is a BL visual novel set in a fantasy world in which we follow Raen, a young orphan who is about to discover the truth about the world around him, in the company of 3 men who will soon become his friends (and maybe more xp) and help him on his journey.
To be honest, I launched this VN without expecting much, just to pass the time. In the end, I found myself quickly becoming involved in the story and genuinely enjoying its characters, I'm even almost sad to leave them now that I've finished the game entirely ;v; It therefore remains a good surprise overall even if it remains only rather banal overall, with its strengths and weaknesses.
❤ The characters are all super endearing and this even more thanks to the work of the dubbing actors whom I warmly salute because really, they bring a real freshness to their roles and also a lot of humor (especially Jonah Scott and his perfect cynical tone ;D). Kudos to them! ❤ The art direction is very pretty, whether in the varied scenery or the charming chara-design, or in the illustrations, some of which are truly magnificent. ❤ For such a little indie game, I think the music is really good, with several pretty themes that are easy to remember.
+/- The game offers us 3 very different love interests in their interactions with Raen so each player can find their own personal tastes and their favorite route (humhumFawnobviouslyhumhum). There are even "hidden" routes with the secondary protagonists. However, I found them uneven in terms of chemistry and progression; some felt too rushed and underdeveloped. This is all the more apparent as the LIs' routes follow a similar pattern, the only difference being the scenes about their past and the few intimate scenes with Raen. As a result, once one route has been completed, the others will seem rather repetitive and therefore less impactful. +/- The scenario quickly grabs your attention and its universe is interesting enough on the whole, but everything is quite predictable and certain points of the story are resolved a little too easily for my taste.
✖ Although I said earlier that all the characters were endearing, I find Raen, our main protagonist, to be sweet as can be but far too bland compared to the rest of the group. He's definitely evolving, but he has much less depth than his companions, which unfortunately makes him a rather forgettable character on an individual level (because yes, as a couple he's still cute :p). ✖ Some of the transition visual effects look really cheap and unnecessary (like the old Windows Movie Maker effects from the 2000s lol). ✖ This is completely personal, but I think it's a shame that once Raen confesses his love to each of the LIs, the remaining illustrations become nothing more than sex scenes XD I've got nothing against that haha, but I was still pretty frustrated not to have any more SFW illustrations to at least conclude the routes in a soft way……but I've always been more fluff than smut, that must be why x)
The game has a good lifespan (18 hours for me) and I managed to get attached to the characters and their trials and tribulations right to the end, despite the fact that this visual novel is only more or less decent ; is it the power of this Divine Speaker I wonder….
➡ My personal VN ranking (in french) ➡ My Steam page
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uniquevocashark · 1 year
The Forbidden Happy End Fic part 2
Now with 100% more alcina
Trigger warnings for: gore, murder, cannibalism, attempted murder, assault, mild body horror, manipulation, child endangerment, attempted child murder
“Of course I ‘get it’. It’s simple arithmetic.”
Rosemary squinted at the pages again, “Well I don’t get it.”
“Of course you do,” Igraine said, pointing down at the matrix, “It’s a simple game of ensuring you get zeros here, here and here. At least for this one it is.”
Rosemary looked at her with wide eyes, responding not a word as Igraine tried to get her attention. “Fine,” She said, and Rosemary blinked and smiled, “Perhaps we should take a break for lunch then, armillaria, before your eyes glaze over unintentionally.”
It had a been a month and this was only Igraine’s second time in the company of Rosemary in that span. They had treated her like an eagle being introduced to an eaglet; Rosemary had been behind a thick wall of glass and the talking they did was through a set of perilously aggravating radios. They had been given only half an hour and, when Rosemary had seemed even more clingy rather than perturbed, their classes had been set up again. It was not all sunshine; Igraine had learned of Rosemary’s new tutor. An arrogant idiot surely; it had taken the entire session to coax Rosemary into even doing work again and only a few minutes in she would clamp up and shake her head.
How annoying it was that she had to keep her complaints succinct, professional and confined to paper.
But other than that newfound desire to fail arithmetic, Rosemary was energetic and recovering; she played the board games with the clumsy enthusiasm all children seemed to have, her questions were full of vigour, and she leaned full bodily into listening for each answer and nook of information Igraine had to give. Her skin was still clammy and pale, and she had seemed to shrink despite no change in weight or height (Igraine had checked thrice already).
And the new deluge of squishy meat in well sown armour to stalk Igraine’s every move had become part of her routine.
“You’re cold,” Igraine said, grabbing up Rosemary’s arm as she zipped up her bag. “Did you bring a jacket?”
“I feel fine,” Rosemary shook Igraine’s arm off, “It’s summer.”
Igraine put her hands in the pockets of the coat she was wearing, fishing out the notepad of sticky notes, pen and phone and setting them on the table. “Terrible insult, armillaria.”
“I wasn’t—” Igraine’s coat engulfed her, Rosemary pulled it off her face dramatically.
“Good,” Igraine tied her scarf around Rosemary’s neck, “Because that was piss poor and I taught you better.”
Rosemary rolled the sleeves of the jacket up, “Maybe.”
“Now then, your mother should have packed you lunch?”
“Did she?”
“And you’ve already eaten it, haven’t you?”
Igraine laughed, and looked askance at the guards, “I suppose you’ll just have to share with me then.”
And there— a smile, crouched in the lines of her scarf. “You cook?” she said reproachfully, with the lilt of someone unused to being reproachful.
“Dear girl, of course I cook.”
“Oh you wound me, armillaria,” Igraine put a hand on her heart, “More pasta for me.”
Rose’s eyes lit up, “The seafood one?”
“The very same.”
She flung her backpack on, “Yay!”
The bricks of Her lab were old.
The mortar between them was cracked through with thick veins of crystallised mold as thick as an artery, glimmering beneath its grimy exterior. The floor had been comforted by a thick blanket of snow; it covered the tables and the chairs, the innumerable notes pinned on the walls and tucked into bookshelves, on the tops of jars and covering rusty instruments.
When she swept the snow away the grime was still there, taking the form of a bulbous egg that curled ever gently, like an underdeveloped foetus.
At one point in time, Igraine had suggested that the hallways could use more décor. Blue Umbrella had been afflicted with the debilitating disease of minimalism, where the implication of being able to replace something was more important than actually displaying wealth. The fact that it was cold, bland and an eyesore was, apparently, a secondary issue.
“That’s my new teacher.” Rosemary muttered, leaning into Igraine as if sharing a secret. Rosemary waved; in the mindless happy way she always did.
The teacher was, disappointingly, a man. Bland and groomed as all the other men were in the building. From a distance he had looked almost interesting. Alas, she thought as he came closer and greeted Rosemary, he was thunderously mundane. Igraine used her vantage to look down her nose; he may have shared a height, but he had none of her own better bearing. He was as good as a mouse to her. He adjusted his shirt.
He did a sort of half lean, half bow, breaking the lines of his body into awkward bends that did not come off as carelessly as he clearly intended. Igraine had gently stepped ahead of Rosemary, a mere quarter step, placing herself in front of her girl. Her reaction, she realised a half moment after he had straightened and turned to address her properly, was not entirely reasonable.
“Hi, its nice to meet you,” His voice was pleasantly baritone. Igraine turned her head and tuned out his next sentence, looking down at Rosemary fidgeting with her fingers. It was silent, and she realised she had completely ignored what’s-his-name.
“Yes, charmed,” she said mildly, extending her hand. He took her fingers awkwardly, as if he had been anticipating a handshake rather than the exception to bend and kiss her knuckles, and then, with a floundering sort stop in her voice, “I’m Rosemary’s… grand aunt.”
She regarded his odd expression with one of her own.
“You’re looking good.” He said, adjusting the way his shirt sat.
She made her stare more pointed, then flickered her eyes to his with good humour, “Lucky genetics.”
He opened his mouth and Igraine decided that pleasant baritone was the wrong descriptor. She turned her ear towards him slightly. He had lost his stride in the conversation, his voice dying quickly, and she decided, then, that it was a much more mundane baritone dressed in a confidence it didn’t have.
“You dream, right?” Rosemary asked her at lunch, mouth full of pasta and sea snails, her face scrunched like she wanted to smile despite her overfull cheeks.
“Of course, dear girl,” Igraine had answered distantly, refilling the empty bowl that Rosemary offered her with eager hands. “Dreaming is natural.”
“I’ve been dreaming of an egg,” Rosemary went on, “But a bad egg, all weird shaped.”
Igraine smiled at her, leaning in over her already finished bowl, “That’s interesting, what else happened?”
Rosemary leaned in too, tipping her bowl and getting sauce all over her shirt, “A bird that breathed lasers.”
Igraine’s cheeks hurt from smiling, but she was nothing if not persistent. They smile stayed tacked on sweetly, with only the barest jaw twinge plaguing her, and watched as Redfield’s face went from disinterested, to mildly annoyed, to suspicious. He was hunched over his coffee and papers as he always was at this time of year (Autumn, she thought, and struggled to think of the months that comprised it).
“You met Dave.” He said eventually. He looked at her and sighed, “Rose’s new tutor.”
“He’s an amateur.” Igraine replied baselessly, crossing her arms and puffing her chest out like a mother hen.
“You said that about the last one.”
“I was right about the last one.”
“You weren’t,” he said without heat, “Stealing files doesn’t count as poor teaching.”
“It does.” She admonished, holding the last syllable and letting them lapse back into silence. It was almost comfortable but was that really a surprise, she thought, when she was so masterful at making silences comfortable?  The passed the next hour in that silence; Igraine did not jump on the opportunities to read his classified papers, leaning back in her chair and humming to herself instead. A piano tune she had been taught years ago, and which had come back to haunt her the past month.
She laid her head back, facing the ceiling, and half closed her eyes, “Have you talked to Rosemary recently?”
“A bit.”
“She was bursting at the seams to talk about her dreams.”
“Laser birds eat the president, and she turns it into a unicorn.”
“And the evil egg, you can’t forget the evil egg.”
He didn’t respond.
“Fleshy looking,” She said eventually, closing her eyes fully, “white and black, curled oddly, thumping like a heart and covered in odd scales.”
His pen scratched lightly on his papers. His tone was stubborn, “That’s a detailed dream.”
“The scales were more like skin,” She went on wistfully, “like big patches, like a teratoma. Teeth springing from the roots.”
“Seems Rose likes talking to you.” He said irritably.
“Thank you,” She replied, “Rosemary did say it was the same in her dream.”
“Gosh, Redfield,” Igraine exclaimed cartoonishly, her voice flat, “Not even going to court me before showing me your goods?”
The room was fit to bursting, crowded around a window at one side. She looked around quizzically. They had gone a long and winding route, but the room was recognisable enough. Through the glass was the hallway from a month ago, constructed into a wide room. Sitting in the centre, dappled by the floodlights trained on it, was the blob of mold Rosemary had created.
It had sprung roots from the base, and curling out of those roots like flowers were teeth, attached on thin stalks of tongue-like flesh. They shook like daisy in the wind, flailing wildly.
Igraine kept her expression mild, and her voice mildly interested, “It’s alive. You didn’t kill it?”
“That was the plan but,” Redfield said, finally expressing irritation, “We thought it would be best to study it beforehand. Get a feel for Rosemary’s abilities and countermeasures for it.”
“We?” Igraine said lightly.
“We,” Redfield supplied stubbornly, “The higher ups thought it would be useful in improving our vaccine.”
“Threatened by a child.”
“By the mold.”
“That is, again, shaped like a child.”
He glared at her, “She is a child.”
“Rosemary is a bioweapon, Redfield.”
His expression soured and his voice was quiet, “Don’t. I made a promise to protect her.”
She didn’t reply, looking at him as quizzically as she had at the room. “Are those mutually incompatible statements?”
He glared at her again.
With as much sympathy as she could muster, she patted his hand. The window glass was at least ten inches thick, and a cursory tap revealed it to be cold and hard. She made a small scratch with one nail, then flexed all her fingers on its surface slowly, feeling it rumble under her palm, “Hm.”
The egg undulated and stretched, like a hand pressing outwards on a thick sheet of latex and disrupting the smooth surface. “Is it supposed to be doing that?”
Redfield had moved to stand by a table and glanced at her, “Like what?”
A hand broke through the shell.
Her fingers were suddenly cold; the glass they rested on suddenly warm. Her chest had squeezed itself in and burst; her mind was raging around her skull like an overly excited electron. When she tried to flex her fingers they barely moved. She realised, dully, that her hand had gone through two of the four layers; her wrist and finger muscles were pierced through and her nails, when she could make her fingers twitch, made a loud eee-eee-eee that kissed her ears and set them to ringing.
Igraine touched her head gently, smearing blood over her eyes and forehead. She took a moment to glance at Redfield, hunched on his side at her back, dusted in shards of glass like a freshly erased drawing on paper. His face had the touch of a bruise; she had pushed him too hard into the wall.
The others that had been around (scientists? Engineers? (Did it matter?) They were all just meat.) were a smattering of viscera around her knees. They had been rendered apart like a beaked whale’s skin to an orca’s teeth; skin had become paper and the flesh inside a soft gooey treat rapidly cooling and losing flavour.
And there Igraine was going again.
Lady Dimitrescu’s nails had punched through the glass and mortar like a pencil through paper; she had left her arm in and dragged it horizontally into every sack of flesh around. Her rampage had only stopped when her claws had crashed into Igraine’s vertebrae, slipping the disk, and slammed her against the wall. Igraine was almost dizzy with pain.
One of Lady Dimitrescu’s nails had lodged into a crevice of her spine; when she flexed her fingers up, Igraine went with them. Lady Dimitrescu yanked her against the glass, and Igraine hit it nose on with a thunderous crack. Once. Twice. Her intestines spilled like fallen beads, bouncing off the floor and sliding like eels to bread, eager to fill themselves with shards and dust. Igraine slid with them with one enduring SNAP, glass crunching against the bones of her wrist.
She pressed her bloody palm to her nose; her delicate bones had snapped in two places, crunching when she reset them clumsily.
“Ow.” Igraine coughed blood, cupping her traitorous liver as it spilled over the slide of her intestines, tasting the air. She slid down the wall, her wrist impaled on the glass, cupping her mutinous organs back in as they pulsed and pushed against the broken lining of her abdomen. Her Lady was laughing somewhere. It was like a song, dizzying and sweet, rage fuelled. It itched at her brain, a nauseating sense of nostalgia as sweet and as cloying as the meat around her was.
She was surrounded by meat, a deluged of livers, gallbladders and intestines snaking from one set of gore to the other. Igraine leaned against the wall, half a liver in her mouth, listening to her own flesh knit together and her Lady’s rampage. She licked the blood off her hand. She looked at Chris.
No, she probably shouldn’t.
What had she said before? Without even a moments courtship? It would be improper without some pampering first. Her head was ringing, like the tinkling of bells.
Doing something, soon, would be nice. She spat out a shard of glass wrapped in a glob of her blood and licked the skins of it from her teeth. Her wrist ached and throbbed. She was bleeding too much for her tastes but pulling doubled the pain and Igraine, her head aching, was so very out of practice. “I don’t have the time anymore.” Igraine said to herself, wiggling her wrist and hissing.
She looked at Redfield, injured but alive.
Really, she had gone above what she needed to now. She kicked Redfield, listening to his groan of protest, and then kicked him again. Living. She tilted her head, blinking rapidly as if it would clear the fog coming back into her thoughts. Redfield, she reflected, was not a man that looked to die. He clung stubbornly to living, like a kind of power. She mulled over it in her head. She had reacted and pushed him back, he must have hit something and then…
She glared at him, chewing on the closest organ she could grab (gallbladder maybe? Bitter, oddly chewy. Unhealthy. When did she grab it, exactly?). And then she had claws in her belly, and a slipped disk in her spine. She looked at Redfield again, yanking on her wrist until the glass snapped and she slumped over. She blinked black spots from her vision and wiped her other hand down the unsullied side of her pants.
“It would be funny,” She said out loud, sliding her clean hand into his coat and taking his gun, “Wouldn’t it, Chris? If you died because you had a bit of a tumble.”
Chris was still muscled despite his age; he would have been thrown for scrap to the moroaice for it. Fat was always better on older manthings, she had been told; it made them much tastier when cooked. She poked him, careful not to get her blood on it. Lady Dimitrescu had always said it carried an unpleasant floral taste when applied in excess and Igraine had no desire to see a Redfield bioweapon. There were cameras in the room, she knew, and they would catch no matter how discreet she was if she cut him into little, edible bits or flushed him full of progenitor.
She shook her head free of useless thoughts.
Igraine rubbed her still bleeding wrist, cocking the gun and checking its ammo. “Three bullets. Cocky.”
She looked at Redfield, who didn’t respond, and dug the toe of her shoe into his ribs until he made a noise.
“Oh I’m sure,” She said conversationally, leaning her shoulder against the door and shoving, blinking black spots from her vision, “It’s like you want to die.”
She paused. He didn’t respond.
“Why am I even talking to you?” She wondered aloud.
Her head was quiet. Blissfully her own. Only the gentle beating of her heart and the sound of her skin knitting itself together sluggishly. She waited another minute, hearing the loud squealing of claws on metal in one ear and the echo through the room in another.
Igraine had no plan.
There was the inkling for revenge, misguided. There was the high of hearing her Lady’s voice after so long (her Lady, her Lady, her Lady. What was her name again?). Love, she had heard, was never wasted, and hers had flared as bright and high as her blood had splattered all over the wall, brilliant and dark red. Did she hope (she did) that she would be remembered?
Rosemary, she came to realise as she crept closer, following the long winding road of destruction, had been in this direction. It was a mild sort of understanding that bloomed slowly like a tingle through her arms and legs. She had an inkling she would find both of them soon and stopped before the corner to process that. Her Lady and her armillaria were around it; the realisation tingled down her spine like a stack of fine porcelain down a flight of concrete stairs.
She did not like that awareness.
Igraine poked her head around the corner. Rosemary was a speck of pink and grey dust in Lady Dimitrescu’s hands; she swung her fists and kicked her legs valiantly, punching up and hitting Lady Dimitrescu’s arm with accuracy and power. The power of a child, of course, ineffective against the frank muscle that crouched under grey skin.
Igraine watched the scene, puzzling over her own sudden distaste. Distaste over having the sense at all, or distaste over the way it rankled through her head like a gong snapping in half.
Lady Dimitrescu, Igraine remembered suddenly, was not overly fond of children. And her armillaria had always been a thin stick of a child, easily snapped.
Igraine raised the gun, then half lowered it.
“Let me go!” Rosemary shouted, her face turning red from her tears, “Let me go, let me go, let me go!”
“Be silent!” Lady Dimitrescu thundered and Igraine’s legs stiffened beneath her. She swayed, intending to go forward, and realised that her arms had slackened by her sides. Igraine blinked and looked at her hands.
Rosemary did not react well, her face went redder, and she had abandoned her punching to claw at Lady Dimitrescu’s fingers. “I said let go!”
Lady Dimitrescu shook her wildly, adjusting the grip she had and yanking harder on Rosemary’s hair. Lady Dimitrescu had apparently given up on her interrogation, holding the squirming girl at her side jamming her claws between the door and the wall, leveraging it open.
There was a chance that Rosemary’s neck would snap with that grip, Igraine told herself, crouched behind a potted plant. She could easily shoot Lady Dimitrescu’s hand off from here, without damage to Rosemary. The gun dangled in her hands. Rosemary was biting at the air, her eyes red and full of tears. Her finger wouldn’t pull the trigger. She weighed the gun in her hand and then flung it handle first.
She had aimed for the hand and hit the elbow.
Lady Dimitrescu moved only her eyes. Her gaze flicked down Igraine’s body like oil and up again like flame. She strode down the hallway, pulling helpless Rosemary with her and when Igraine blinked it almost seemed like the walls had morphed into thick white stone. Her body had seized itself still; Lady Dimitrescu pinched the neck of her shirt and pulled her back. Like a doll she sagged, then righted herself.
Rosemary was set down slowly, kicking and screaming, and Igraine persuaded her legs to take a half step away. Lady Dimitrescu bent down, pulled her hand back and backhanded Igraine across the face. Her neck cracked and she crashed into the potted plant. Lady Dimitrescu grabbed her by the neck, wrapping her fingers around like they were a scarf, and dangled her like she was a puppy.
Lady Dimitrescu was silent, stepping over Rosemary towards the wall. She reared her arm back and slammed Igraine face first into the nearest wall. She yelped, her nose making a loud snap as she hit the wall a second time. Igraine kissed the wall a third time, a single claw extending from one dug in finger through her larynx.
“Heretic,” Her Lady pulled her back and leaned into trail of blood running down Igraine’s shirt, “what right do you have to show your face to me?”
Rosemary’s tears were fat blobs of white crystalising mold that melted back into her cheeks with every sniffle. She took Igraine by the arm and started shaking her, slowly and then urgently.
“Aunty,” Rosemary sobbed, “Please be okay.”
Igraine caught only the end of the sentence, looked at Rose and saw only a beige blob, “I’m okay.” She lied, cringing at the sound of her own voice. “Where are we?”
Rosemary buried herself into Igraine’s chest, clutching onto her shirt and skin as fiercely as a hand frozen to an iron bar. Igraine was too tired to move her arms, and nuzzled Rosemary’s head gently instead.
“Rosemary.” She tried again. There was still something in her throat.
“We’re at the egg,” Rose said, and Igraine sighed so hard she coughed blood, “I dragged you here when security got to the big lady. She kept smashing your head into the wall and yelling at you and—”
“Shh.” Igraine soothed, booping Rose’s cheek with her nose. Rosemary hiccupped and somewhere, Igraine thought she could hear the sound of nails on metal.
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jorjorbonks · 9 months
Book Review | The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
Spoiler Free Review:
It took me over a month to read this book. Not because of its length, 600 pages the longest book this year thus far, but because it infuriated. It was boring and it felt like it was never going to end. You read 300 pages and it should be over, but we’ve barely nibbled into the meat of the book. It takes a very long time for the book to get any real traction. We get a couple scraps at first with some weird things, but nothing super interesting. I did find many parts of it interesting however. I find the mystery of the book interesting, the characters, and whatever crazy things happen are interesting. I also found the main character to be incredibly dull. Although Toru Okada is supposed to be an “Everyman” sorr of character, it does not mean he has to be the most boring man alive. He does get less boring as the story goes on, but he also just really weird and a little creepy. Overall an ok read. I don’t think I’s read it again.
I do not like Toru Okada. He hangs out with random 16 year old girls, waits for them to come out to seem him by waiting outside their house. One of the last things he says about said 16 year old girl is that she looks good in a bikini when he is possibly dying in a well. But the scene he sees her in a bikini he comments about her still being underdeveloped. Like huh?? He also goes to visit her at the end of the book in this village work place thing. And they hold hands and she makes a comment about people thinking they’re lovers and he says you’re right. Huh???? Toru please leave her alone. The plot also takes a long time to start and it’s just incredibly mundane at first with a few notes of weird going on. I suppose that is the best way to introduce the craziness that ensues. It still does not make the beginning any less boring. Of course the spoiler part isn’t just for me to talk negatively about the book, but it’s also for me to give insights. The themes also remind me of The Stranger by Albert Camus with the go with the flow thing in a sense. The world is ultimately random and trying to fight it will just lead you to self destruction. Mr. Honda, a psychic Toru and Kumiko, his wife, that they used to visit tells him to be careful of water. Not just that but to not fight the water. To keep still at times and other times to move with it. And going against that can cause major issues. This happens to many characters such as Lieutenant Mamiya who tries to fight against the water, the world, and suffers greatly. Besides the conflict of challenging the universe, the antagonist Noboru Wataya is also a rather menacing one. Having such a powerful role in society as well as having so much money he already is very scary. Going against him can be deadly. But also, his power of being able to manipulate others is even more terrifying. My remaining questions and possible answers to them are:
Q: What is the Wind-Up Bird? A: It is probably a sort of sign for change? It shows up to Toru granted for a long time, but the moment a major change happens, his wife leaving, the bird stops. A soldier hears the bird, and the next thing we hear about is the fate of the soldier and his company.
Q: What exactly can Noboru do? A: I think he can manipulate people, or at least bring out their true selves sooner than they should be.
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thefoolsloop · 1 year
The Burnt City - half growing on me
I've lost count of how many shows I've seen - might be thirteen or fourteen, exceeding my quota of SNM (across both countries). Spoilers follow (sorry, don't know how to do a page break in new Tumblr). .
. Why do I keep getting pulled back? Obviously it's Punchdrunk - that helps. But also the Troy area still tugs on me for its atmosphere and 'PD' feeling. This feels like home territory, reminiscent of The McKittrick in its looping maze of tiny rooms (not to mention the frustration of being stuck behind a crowd in a narrow space), bedecked with an intricate variety of production design. I'm finally developing a feeling of a relationship with the characters, and I've been able to see several performers in the same role. Incidentally is there more chopping and changing among the cast than there were in previous productions? I know of a couple of performers who have taken on eight roles. Anyway, there have been many highlights along the way: sharing a rendition of 'It's a Lonesome Old Town' with Steph's Eurydice, a moment of intimacy better than any 1:1; Miranda's Polyxena dipping her hand to my ear and pulling out a tiny light; two angles on Polyxena's sacrifice (both in the square and from Hades' office); the wonderful goodbye scene between Hecuba, Polydorus and Polymestor, a tender moment undercut by a sinister layer below; the various interpretations of Luba: Steph carefree and flighty, Fania resentful and self-indulgent, Omar full of barely concealed rage; the lovely, joyous dance on the disco floor between Zagreus and Eurydice. And of course the entire Hades/Persephone 'loop', surely the company's greatest achievement. (Speaking of Fania, is there a finer performer on Punchdrunk's books right now? The breadth of talent she has, the way she fully lives inside her character, the range of emotions she's capable of conveying with only a slight alteration in her appearance, that incredible face with its piercing eyes. Having met her offstage I know how sharp a wit she has, how good-humoured she is, and how natural and unpretentious she can be in real life. Miranda will always have a special place in my heart simply for Romola, but Fania is fast becoming my favourite performer to watch.) Being a PD regular, and with so many performances under my belt, it's not surprising that I've had a few 1:1s and they really do help to deepen one's understanding of the narrative. Some have been more successful than others, but that's always the way. For some reason I keep ending up being selected by Steph, a performer who's really growing on me (perhaps because of the 1:1s!). Mycenae.... continues to disappoint. I still can't get past that carpet: I now know it's for the performers' safety and I can't complain about that. But it breaks the immersion completely for me. Most of my other objections to Mycenae from my previous post still stand. Which is a pity, as Agamemnon, Clytemnestra and Iphigenia are fantastic loops, every bit as good as those in Troy. Yet one feels distanced by the enormous space and the lack of intimacy is distracting and unfulfilling. Also - and I'm not alone here - I feel that many of the loops are underdeveloped. While TDM had a few characters who didn't seem to contribute much to the narrative (especially Tuttle and the Dust Witch), nearly all the others were rich and full-bodied all through the loop. In TBC there's a thinness to some characters - Polyxena has nothing much to do after her 'resurrection', Askalaphos doesn't have much to do at all bar a few interactions with other characters where he isn't the focus of attention, Laocöon spends much of his time in his little room, Kronos is very dull, the Oracle is just fetching and carrying, and the Watchman feels aimless. No doubt people will think some of my objections to be entirely inaccurate, but I can only go on the basis of over a dozen visits with most loops followed. Anyway, let's move on from negativity. I feel completely at home in Troy and it's what keeps me returning. And, of course, I can always dip into Mycenae if I want a change (or just a breath of cooler air). I still don't miss the show much after I've been to a performance, but I can say I'm captivated every time I'm in there. Which is all I ask.
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All The Books I Read in 2023 (and My Personal Ratings)
The Wide Sargasso Sea - Jean Rhys (Fiction)
Based off of the character of Bertha (Rochester's wife) from Jane Eyre, this is a short read. The writing style isn't my personal favorite, as I feel it's a little bit underdeveloped. I appreciate Rhys' choice to portray Antoinette as a morally gray character (especially regarding her racism, which can't really be passed off as a "product of the time") while still maintaining that she doesn't deserve the treatment she's given. The language does have some good moments. I do recommend this to anyone who's read "Jane Eyre", as it could serve as an interesting re-assessment of Rochester's character, though you should note that I myself have never read Jane Eyre.
Brutal Imagination - Cornelius Eady (Poetry)
This is an incredible collection of poetry which tackles racism in a really fascinating way. Brutal Imagination is a collection of poems written from the persona of the anonymous black man Susan Smith claimed stole her car and killed her children. If you aren't familiar with the case, Susan Smith, a woman from Union, SC, let her car roll into a lake, killing her two sons. She then made up the story about the armed, anonymous black man. It's interesting to speculate about this detail specifically: why did Smith choose to claim it was a black man? Was it a conscious decision she made, knowing that the race of the supposed suspect would make it more believable? Was the race descriptor a subconscious decision based on her own prejudice?
In this collection, Eady portrays the "armed black man" as materializing into existence when Smith gives her report to police, rather than a concrete person. The collection is rife with nuance and vulnerability, and Eady is an incredible poet. I cannot recommend this collection enough. However, I don't like the final section, which is an excerpt from a completely unrelated collection of poetry by Eady, "Running Man". It feels shoehorned in, maybe per request from the publishing company or something. I recommend just skipping it or reading it separate from the rest of the collection.
The City in Which I Love You - Li-Young Lee (Poetry)
Another incredibly strong poet language- and structure-wise. Rife with symbolism and references you could analyze and over-analyze for ages. However, it does suffer from some of the stereotypical pitfalls of poetry: intimate scenes for intimacy's sake, and self-referential moments that aren't possible for the reader to understand. However, as a whole, it's pretty good.
The Afterlife and Other Stories - John Updike (Short Stories)
This is definitely biased, because John Updike is my favorite writer of all time. This short-story collection is quintessential Updike: the mundane being given its beautiful due. Read through completely, the story components can definitely get repetitive: mostly from the perspectives of middle-aged men, married to women with varying levels of satisfaction. While I can recommend Updike as a writer, I can't recommend him as a diverse writer. Therefore, I combine this recommendation with Oyinkan Braithwaite and Mohsin Hamid (I have read very, very little of Hamid's work but from what I have read he is a great writer. I intend to read more of his in the future).
The Fellowship of the Ring - J.R.R. Tolkien (Fiction)
I have a bit of trouble with sitting down for long periods of time with a book, so this one definitely took a bit of time to finish (but I did it!!). It was a thoroughly pleasant read, mostly due to Tolkien's writing. Brevity is not his strong suit, so if you're more of a fan of action-centered books that keep lengthy passages to a minimum, than this may not be an enjoyable read for you. However, if you don't mind or even enjoy pages-long infodumping (that's the only way I can describe it), this book is right for you. I watched the movie series first and was surprised at how much was left out of them! It was a pleasant surprise, however, as there was so much more to delve into with Fellowship. I do intend on reading the rest of the series, including The Hobbit, at some point.
I usually don't enjoy high fantasy novels as I find that they can get cliche and repetitive without expanding or subverting the cliches they're filling. However, considering that LOTR was one of the first high fantasy series, it doesn't fall into this rut. It definitely possesses the archetypes of a classic hero's journey, yet often expands upon them.
My Immortal - XXXbloodyrists666XXX (Novel)
A playful "satire" (it's so mindless that I hesitate to label it as a satire) that has several laugh-out-loud moments. Though many readers may become annoyed with its flat-out disobeying of Harry Potter canon without any signaling of it being an AU, it's incredibly entertaining, especially since it's clear that the author has never picked up a single Harry Potter book. Gets more and more unintelligible as the chapters continue. Fantastic.
Maus, Vol. I and II - Art Spiegelman (Graphic Novel)
Not only should you read banned books, you should read this banned book. The art style is incredibly expressive considering that everybody is represented by animals. I'm not going to say it has "dark moments" because it is quite literally a book about the Holocaust. I learned several things I did not know before about concentration camps and the Holocaust as a whole: there's so much in here that textbooks didn't teach me. It's a very fascinating intersection between personal and universal history. Here's a quote from my thesis statement from an essay about Maus, because I am lazy, but also because I think it's an effective summary on my feelings about these graphic novels: "Heroic tales conventionally have morals at the end of them, something about how someone’s good character led to them being able to make it out of an experience others did not. But Maus does not congratulate Vladek [Art Spiegelman's father] for his savviness: it comes off less as a gift and more as a survival instinct. Vladek and Anja [Art's mother] lost their home, their family, and their sense of safety. The importance of Vladek’s story is not to congratulate him for his intelligence, but rather put into perspective the brutality of the Holocaust: even Vladek’s intelligence could not save him from the horrific experiences the Jews were subjected to. It was a lose-lose situation: live the torturous experience or die from it."
I cannot stress enough how incredibly important it is to read this book.
Interview with the Vampire - Anne Rice (Novel)
I am a HUGE fan of the movie, which I watched first, then decided to read the book. (Side note: I know people have their qualms about watching the movie before reading the book, but I think in some cases it helps to visualize scenes from the book. Also, most of the time, books have more in the story than movies, so it's sort of like bonus content--and you aren't getting all annoyed while watching the movie and going, "They left this out!! How could you leave that out?!" Of course, this doesn't apply to every book and its movie adaptation.)
The book version of IWTV was quite the enjoyable ride! Anne Rice... she gets it. I don't know what "it" is, but she just does. Her writing is strong, her characters tactile and brimming with energy, and her storytelling ability absolutely magnificent.
There is something really weird going on with the relationship between Claudia and Louis, and I don't think Rice intended it to be pedo-y?
It is a bit bloated, which can make it hard to recognize thematic parallels.
Above Us the Milky Way - Fowzia Karimi (Novel, Autofiction)
Based on Karimi's personal experiences growing up in Afghanistan and being forced to seek refuge, AUTMW takes a highly abstract and speculative approach to this personal history with an abecedarian chapter structure. It has several strong moments, but overall it feels very disjointed. I do recommend reading this book, though I wouldn't say it's the most important book you could read regarding this subject.
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david843346 · 8 months
Baby Car Seat Market - To be worth More than USD 6 Billion by 2027
The global market for baby car seat is expected to thrive at a notable CAGR during the forecast period 2018-2027. Factors such as rising number of car accidents, ease of operating and comfort are anticipated to drive the demand for baby car seat market globally. Further, the increasing demand for improved, advanced and more secure baby car seats is estimated to boom baby car seat market by noteworthy revenue by the end of 2027.
The global baby car seat market has been segmented into rear-facing baby car seat, forward-facing child car seat, convertible car seat (rear & forward facing) and booster car seat. Among these segments, the convertible car seat segment is expected to grow at highest CAGR during the forecast period. Increasing sense of security towards toddlers is anticipated to aid the growth of baby car seat market. Further, the market is witnessing high preference for rear facing convertible car seat among consumers. This factor is envisioned to strengthen the growth of baby car seat market.
In the regional segment, North America represented the largest market for baby car seats in year 2017 and is expected to garner positive CAGR in global baby car seat market. This can be attributed to stringent government regulations in the baby car seat market. Further, increasing number of newborns in Europe is anticipated to witness robust growth over the forecast period making it the second largest region to grab leading shares in baby car seat market. With increasing awareness regarding need and benefits of baby car seats, the market of baby car seat in Asia Pacific is likely to grow during forecast period.
Growing Demand for Security Objectives
Growing concern for security endowed baby car seats in automobiles is the major concern behind the production of baby car seats. Further, to eradicate the apprehension while driving regarding preventing severe accidents and making the driving safe for tiny tots is expected to benefit the expansion of baby car seat market.
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Initiatives by Automotive Industries
Enhancement and advances in baby car seats such as connected baby car seat with improved designs are expected to drive the growth of the baby car seat market in long run. Further, growing installation of baby car seat in passenger cars is expected to drive the growth of baby car seat market at a considerable pace in upcoming years.
However, due to lack of stringent laws regarding use of baby car seats in underdeveloped countries, the market growth is expected to decline in future.
The report titled “Baby Car Seat Market: Global Historical Growth (2013-2017) & Future Outlook (2018-2027) Demand Analysis & Opportunity Evaluation” delivers detailed overview of the global baby car seat market in terms of market segmentation by product type, distribution channel and by region.
Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth drivers, restraints, supply and demand risk, market attractiveness, BPS analysis and Porter’s five force model.
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global baby car seat market which includes company profiling of John Lewis, Mothercare, R for Rabbit, Dorel Juvenile, Simple Parenting Company, Axkid, Evenflo, KiddyUK, Britax, YKO Child Product Co., Ltd. and other notable players.
The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of the global baby car seat market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future. Access Full Report? Inquire Here@ https://www.researchnester.com/enquiry-send-1085
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The Power Of Slide Ads: Tips And Strategies For Success
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So, we might be aware of Facebook Ads. It is a robust digital advertising platform that enables businesses to access a broad and highly targeted audience through the world's largest social media network. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of my most recent knowledge update in September 2021, FB Ads provides businesses with unrivaled opportunities to interact with their target consumers.
The platform offers a range of ad forms, such as picture and video advertisements, carousel ads, and even interactive commercials, allowing advertisers to select the type that best meets their marketing objectives. One of the major advantages of FB Ads is its extensive targeting capabilities, which permit marketers to target their audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and even previous experiences with their website or app. Using the slide ads will be beneficial for reaching the target audience effectively.
Furthermore, Facebook's pixel monitoring and conversion optimization services assist firms in measuring campaign performance and making data-driven modifications. Advertisers may control their ad expenditure by setting precise budgets and bidding techniques.
Why Is Facebook Slide Show Ads Helpful For Business?
Because of its capacity to successfully deliver a captivating message through a sequence of photos or short video clips, Facebook slideshow advertisements are useful for companies. These advertisements blend the visual attraction of movies with the simplicity of static photos, making them adaptable and affordable. Even on sluggish internet connections, slideshow advertising loads rapidly, offering a consistent user experience across devices and countries.
They are especially beneficial for addressing consumers in underdeveloped regions that have restricted data access or slower internet connections. Furthermore, slideshow advertising provides simple customization possibilities, allowing businesses to easily present items, tell tales, or emphasize crucial features. They are a wonderful tool for interacting with and converting new consumers while preserving money and growing reach on Facebook.
Tips And Strategies To Create Incredible Facebook Advertising
Defined Goals
The success of your campaign is dependent on well-defined objectives. Whether you want to increase brand recognition, boost sales, or create leads, establishing specific objectives can influence the structure, messaging, and KPIs of your campaign. Make certain that your goals are precise, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
Know Your Audience
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You can reach the appropriate folks with Facebook's powerful targeting tools. To narrow down your target audience, use demographic data, hobbies, behaviors, and even lookalike audiences. Understanding your audience's pain areas and preferences can assist you in creating content that will resonate with them.
Compelling Visuals
The visual aspect of your advertisement is critical. Invest in high-quality photographs or films that are aesthetically attractive, consistent with your brand, and convey a narrative. Use appealing graphics to convey your message and elicit emotions in your audience.
Compelling Storytelling
Your advertisement copy should be succinct and convincing. Communicate your value proposition and advantages. To entice consumers, employ action-oriented language and appealing stories. The CTA should be clear and relevant to your campaign's goal.
Multiple Ad Variations
A/B testing is an effective method for improving ad performance. Experiment with various graphics, ad language, headlines, and CTA combinations. Analyze the findings regularly to determine which components are most appealing to your target audience. And you may also use the ads spy tool to beat your competitors.
Landing Page
The visitor experience does not end with the advertisement; it continues to your landing page. Check that your landing page is appropriate to the ad, that it loads quickly, and that it is mobile-responsive. The landing page should fulfill the promise made in the advertisement and make it simple for people to perform the required action.
Budget Management
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Set a budget that is both aligned with your goals and sustainable for your company. Experiment with various bidding tactics, including automated or manual bidding, based on your campaign objectives and competition in your target demographic.
Monitor And Optimize
Examine the success of your campaigns regularly with Facebook Ads Manager. Change your plan in response to critical data like click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on ad spend. Improve campaign efficiency by making data-driven optimizations. Also watch: Revolutionize Advertising with AI-Based Ad Intelligence Tool
Wrapping It Up!
Finally, slide ads are a creative and extremely successful advertising strategy that has gained ground in the digital marketing scene. As we've seen throughout this post, slide advertising provides a unique combination of visual storytelling, user engagement, and cost-effectiveness that may benefit businesses of all sizes.
These advertisements capture people with visually captivating storytelling while providing a seamless and interactive user experience. Marketers may deliver their information in a brief yet compelling manner by using the power of pictures, text, and sometimes even videos inside a sequence of slides.
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ethandude15 · 9 months
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Book pages project - Invincible
Kirkman, Robert. Invincible. Image Comics, 2003.
Invincible, written by Robert Kirkman under Image Comics, is a graphic novel following the adventures of Mark Grayson. Mark, at first, seems like the average teenager, trying to get through high school, applying to college, surviving a part time job, all the works. However, under the surface, Mark Grayson is secretly the son of the strongest superhero on earth, Omni Man. As it turns out, Omni Man is a Viltrumite, a people from the planet Viltrum, making Mark half Viltrumite. The people of Viltrum are much like humans however possess incredible speed, strength, stamina, durability, and can fly. Omni Man originally came to Earth as a part of a peace initiative on Vilturm, as Viltrum had become a utopia that wanted to spread its peace throughout the galaxy by helping underdeveloped civilizations. When Mark turns seventeen, his powers finally awaken and, with the help and training from his father, he dawns a new hero identity known as Invincible. Suddenly, however, all seven members of the Guardians of the Globe, the top superhero team in the world, are brutally murdered and the rest of the heroes in the world must step up to fill in their roles. However, later in the novel it is revealed that Omni Man, the once beloved hero, is actually the murderer and reveals to Mark the true reason he is on Earth. Viltrum is actually a brutally tyrannical empire which is on a galactic conquest and Omni Man was sent to prepare Earth for the rest of the Viltrumite’s arrival to add Earth to their collection of conquered planets. Omni Man also tells Mark how Vilturumite DNA is so pure, Mark is not only basically a full Viltrumite but, just like other Viltrumites, Mark will end up living for thousands of years. Omni Man, however, fails to recruit Mark which leads to a large-scale fight between father and son. In the end, Mark is beaten to near death, but Omni Man cannot bring himself to kill his own son, so he flies off into deep space, his destination unknown to the people of earth. After Mark awakens from his coma, he once again dawns the alias of Invincible and becomes one of earths mightiest protectors. Now, Mark must prepare to fight off several threats including robots, a shape-shifting Martian parasite, interdimensional aliens, an evil alternative Invincible from another timeline, and even a Viltrumite invasion led by both the emperor of Viltrum, Thragg, and his own father.
I truly loved Invincible as Robert Kirkman is a genius writer and Image comics is truly one of the greatest comic book companies out there. The graphic novel is so amazing in so many ways, the plot and different arcs are interesting and keeps you on the edge of your seat, the characters are written incredibly well, Mark has a perfect balance of stressors from his superhero life and his normal teenage life, and the visuals are beautifully drawn, having the perfect amount of grit when needed and perfect amount of peacefulness when needed. One thing I do truly like about Invincible is that it is probably the most realistic superhero story, at least from the standpoint of the characters and how they would truly act and their internal struggles. For example, during Mark’s first fight, he has to go up against interdimensional aliens invading his city alongside a superhero known as Teen Team. The problem is that Mark ends up freezing up, having no clue what to do as numerous civilians are slaughtered before his eyes, showing how Mark is truly just an inexperienced kid who, like everyone else, never thought of the more traumatizing and darker aspect of superheroing. Along with this, certain media, such as The Boys, argues that if superheroes were real than they would most likely be terrible people, killing and maiming innocents as they please. On the other hand, other media, such as DC and Marvel comics, argue that, while still having some flaws from time to time, superheroes will always fight for the good fight and be upstanding idols. Invincible, however, is right there in the middle. Instead of arguing that superheroes would be good or bad, Robert Kirkman wrote an amazing story on how they would, just like the average person, be a grey area. No one is perfect, and while some people are better than others, Invincible very much argues for everyone having flaws, and, to a certain degree, it being ok, especially for adolescents, such as Mark.
Mark, just like every other adolescent, is just a teenager trying to navigate life and of course he makes mistakes along the way. Adolescents, especially nowadays, must deal with a lot, trying to get into a good college, trying to keep their loved ones pleased, trying to make sure their future career will get the enough money to just simply survive, keeping up with societal expectations, an Earth that may not be able to sustain life for long due to global warming, a horrifyingly politically polarized country, and even gun violence in schools. With the amount that current day’s adolescents must deal with, it could make someone feel like they have to be almost superhuman just to deal with all the stressors. However, Invincible makes sure to let their readers know that everyone has flaws and you can’t win every battle, even when it comes to superheroes. In the first half of the graphic novel, Mark, due to his inexperience and naiveness, loses almost every major fight, only surviving by the skin of his teeth. Along with this, even though you may not win every battle that comes your way in life, what matters is being able to learn from it, pick yourself back up, and get right back into it, showing that the best teacher in life is experience.
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my-life-literally · 1 year
I pulled up my company’s team page and looked at our pictures on the same row. I wondered if we would have made a good couple. I wonder if he would take it as a betrayal if he knew I thought, “another timeline,” when I look at those images. I wonder if he would take it as a betrayal if I never told him. 
Do we betray people with things they find out, or the things we never tell them? 
Anyways. I sat next to a guy I have a crush on. And now we don’t work together anymore. I respect him, and he is a lot older. But really just a nice person. I wish I could meet someone like him my age. I wish I was may age when I meet someone like him. 
Everyone I have ever met has lived a life. I remember thinking, “Someday, I will live a life.” I thought that life would involve certain people. And types of people. But it’s shaping up a little differently than I thought. 
How do these men find wives and make these lives? It seems so easy. And they always blow it. 
I think that’s why I have never taken it all the way with a man. Because I think they will ultimately blow it with me, and do something, or become someone, where I have to choose between myself or the relationship. And I just don’t want to be disappointed on that level. Figment. 
The drive to get married and have kids must be really strong. But it’s never been so strong for me. I think a part of it comes from the fact that my mother always set us apart. And for me, I felt that I couldn’t develop in a way my peers did. It’s like I just watched everyone from afar, and I thought, “some day that will be me too, and I will fit in. And have some pride and be able to be friends.” Instead of always battling an authority figure who wouldn’t let me grow up. 
So in some parts of my life, I feel developed. And in other parts, I feel very underdeveloped. But I feel relieved too. Because I think I get to develop now just at my own pace. Not the racing pace of my peers, and not at the stagnant snail’s pace of my mother. 
Anyway. Every man I have met has lived a full life it seems. Or at least be free enough to move around this earth, and city and look like a man. 
I feel solid in my fluidness. I probably need to exercise more. And pay my visa bill. But I keep my promises. I reach out to old friends, even if it’s hard. I just wonder sometimes, who I was supposed to be with. But I really like being with myself too. Like a lot. 
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snsinsider369852 · 2 years
Lab-developed meat Market Size, Share & Segment by Raw Material, by End-User, by Form , by Modification type , by Function, by Regions & Global Market Forecast 2022-2028
Historical data, current market trends, the environment, technological innovation, future technologies, and industry technical progress are all considered in the global Lab-developed meat Market research study. The study's data and material are sourced from a variety of trustworthy sources, including business websites, white papers, annual reports, journals, media, and mergers and acquisitions. The comprehensive market report also provides information on the current state of the industry, which can be used for guidance and direction by businesses and investors interested in this market.
This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the global lab-developed meat market. The market estimates in the report are based on a combination of secondary research, primary interviews, and internal expert reviews. These market projections are based on research into the effects of various social, political, and economic factors on market growth, as well as current market dynamics.
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Market Segmentation:
By Type:
By Application:
Food Retail
Foodservice Channels
Market Segmentation
The lab-developed meat market is classified into segments: product type, end user, application, and geography. The growth of these industries will help in the analysis of underdeveloped growth areas, as well as provide users with a comprehensive market overview and industry insights to aid in strategic core market application discovery decisions. The research report sheds light on the market's most profitable segments.
Regional Analysis
The study includes market analysis at the global, regional, and country levels for the United States, China, India, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Mexico. Market estimates and forecasts for the segmentation of the study will be provided at the regional and country levels. Market estimates and forecasts will assist you in determining which region of the lab-developed meat industry is the most profitable, as well as which location will generate the most revenue in the future.
Competitive Outlook
A section of the market research profiles key players in the lab-developed meat market, including an analysis of the company's business, financial statements, product overview, and strategic goals. The firms profiled in the study can be tailored to a client's specific requirements. The competitive analysis sections will provide participants with a comprehensive picture of market competition.
Major Reasons to Purchase lab-developed meat Market Report
Outgrowth market trends are global critical components of a fundamental understanding of a company. Outlook includes critical elements, detailed company recommendations based on growth, and long-term goals. As their business grows and evolves, they must realign markets, develop/modify progressive, and realign markets. Highlights the trends that are driving research, allowing fragmentation, and hampered industry process verticals as a result.
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Table Of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Market Definition
1.2 Scope
1.3 Research Assumptions
2. Research Methodology
3. Market Dynamics
3.1 Drivers
3.2 Restraints
3.3 Opportunities
3.4 Challenges
4. Impact Analysis
4.1 Covid 19 Impact Analysis
4.2 Impact Of The Ukraine And Russia War
5. Value Chain Analysis
6. Porter’s 5 Forces Model
7. PEST Analysis
8. Global Lab Meat Market Segmentation, By Type
8.1 Beef
8.2 Pork
8.3 Poultry
8.4 Seafood
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healthcare-domain · 2 years
Tissue Diagnostics Market SWOT Analysis by Size and Growth Opportunities Forecast by 2022-2027
Research associations and other medical bodies are making various attempts to conduct clinical trials to develop suitable anti-COVID drugs or testing devices, which is anticipated to fuel the growth of the tissue diagnostics market.
Additionally, the closure of manufacturing facilities disrupted supply chains and reduced recruitments. For instance, in the UK, universities, sponsors, charities, NHS institutions, and NIHR Clinical Research Network decided to stop all non-COVID-related research in March 2020 and to pause the setup of new trials too. However, in the 2022 recovery phase, restoring clinical trials will be a challenge because of restricted access at trial sites. Hence, further delays in clinical trials might impact the growth of the overall tissue diagnostics market in 2022.
Soon as the FDA implemented regulatory cautions regarding how digital pathology systems could be used during the pandemic, many pathologists started working flexibly in remote locations to minimize the COVID-19 exposure risks and provide timely diagnoses. As a result, the tissue diagnostics market rose to a high extent.
In conclusion, the emergence of new variants of COVID will increase the demand for new clinical trials to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of drugs against COVID-19 during the forecast period.
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According to estimates from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), globally, new cancer cases are expected to grow to 27.5 million, and 16.3 million cancer deaths are expected to occur due to the growing number of total and aged population by 2040.
The incidence of cancer is the highest in developed regions; however, cancer mortality is relatively higher in underdeveloped regions due to factors such as a lack of access to treatment facilities and the late detection of cancer in several patients. According to the WHO, for many types of cancers, the incidence rate in countries with high or very high HDI1 is generally 2 to 3 times that in countries with low or medium HDI. Also, approximately 70% of deaths due to cancer were reported in low-income and middle-income countries in 2020 (Source: ACS).
[246 Pages Report] The global Tissue Diagnostics market is growing at a CAGR of 6.6% during and it is expected to reach USD 7.3 billion by 2027 from USD 5.3 billion in 2022, during the forecast period. The expansion of this market is majorly due to rising prevalence of neoplastic cases as well as high demand of oncology screening, However, Lack of skilled professionals is one of the challenge for which may inhibit the growth of this market.
The demand for excised human tissue is increasing due to the growing awareness regarding personalized medicines, which depend on excised human tissue to create an innovative test for application in patient care. The demand for personalized medicine in the treatment of many disorders, mainly cancer, is increasing with the advancements in diagnostic tools. These technologies assist physicians in detecting and quantifying multiple biomarkers and dividing patients into subgroups on various disease and treatment grounds.
Some of the major players operating in Tissue Diagnostics Market Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc (US), Abbott (US), Agilent Technologies Inc. (US), Merck KGAA (Germany), SAKURA FINETEK JAPAN CO., LTD (Japan), Abcam Plc. (UK), Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) (US), Bio SB (US), Biogenix (US), Cell Signaling Technology, Inc (US), Histo-Line Laboratories (Italy), SLEE Medical GMBH (Germany), and Hologic Inc. (US).
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astralbooks · 2 years
It Looks Like Us - Alison Ames
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Read: 07/09/2022 - 09/09/2022
Rating: 3/5
Rep: sapphic asexual main character with severe anxiety, gay side character, Korean side character
CW: body horror, gore, panic attacks, fire & fire related injuries, violence, infections, on page death, referenced drug addiction (not main character), implied drug usage (not main character), past domestic abuse (not main character), grief, police brutality, strong language considering its YA
I have mixed feelings about this one, which largely stem from me wanting a little more depth from it.
This book is basically The Thing with shades of Alien but starring teenagers instead of adults. The main villain, the person who organised the whole trip and sends the team into a situation where their lives are at risk, is an unsubtle proxy for Elon Musk. I am not criticising the book for any of this. So long as there are individuals with as much money, power, and influence as real-world multi-billionaires do, comparable situations to the one depicted here (and in Alien) are disturbingly plausible. This book isn’t the most scathing criticism of capitalism as a whole that I’ve ever read, but it’s definitely a criticism of mega-corporations and their owners being able to effectively do whatever they like with zero oversight or consequences. If one company owns everything, and then something goes wrong, you’re kinda screwed. This book shows that very clearly.
I liked the characters! Riley was a great protagonist, and I think that the depiction of her anxiety and how this affected her was done really well. The other four teenagers were also all interesting, but had I not gone into this with the expectation that they’d all be dying very quickly I would’ve wanted to see a little more from them. I would’ve liked it if the characters’ queerness, especially Riley’s as she’s the point of view character, could’ve come up in more than literally once, and this isn’t a case of them being too busy trying to survive to talk about it because they do have a solid few days of peace before things go wrong.
I really enjoy it when tropes that aren’t necessarily inherently romantic and/or sexual but are nonetheless almost exclusively used in that context are instead used entirely platonically. This book features a scene of platonically huddling in one sleeping bag for warmth, and I am delighted.
The body horror was visceral, and not for the faint of heart! If that’s what you’re picking this book up for then you will not be disappointed!
The entire book is written in third person present tense. Thing is, this book also has a framing device, with the majority of the story being the events that Riley is recounting after the fact. And yet these chapters are written in present tense, just like the scenes of Riley in the actual present. I think Ames missed a trick here, as if the chapters in the present had been written in present tense and the chapters that Riley’s recounting had been in the past tense it would’ve worked really well. As it is, the present tense in the not-the-present chapters felt like a contradiction, and was a little distracting.
The story did feel somewhat repetitive. Decisions were made, then unmade, then remade, and they went round in circles both figuratively and literally, and at one key point arguing with the villain took precedence over taking a simple action that would’ve saved everyone who was still alive at that point. This isn’t necessarily an issue. If all fictional characters made the best decisions without fail at all times then stories in general would get a whole lot less interesting. Plus these characters are literally all teenagers, and teenagers aren’t exactly known for their decision making skills. I know I certainly have no room to judge the characters for being indecisive. Ah well. Horror protagonists are going to horror protagonist it seems.
In sum, if you’re looking for body horror and zero romance, and don’t mind it if the characters are a little underdeveloped, then you’d probably enjoy this one! I don’t regret having spent time on it.
Thank you to Page Street Publishing and TBR and Beyond Tours for providing me with an e-arc of this book. You can find a link to the full tour schedule here and the rest of my tour stop here
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How to Find a Job in Nigeria
According to the data shared by Nigerian immigration services, this country has become home to approximately more than 81,000 foreigners in a very short period. There are many reasons for Nigeria being turned into a popular destination for jobs, and the primary one is its growing economy and strong relationships with India.
The Nigerian economy is the biggest in Africa. The main industries creating jobs in Nigeria for Indians include mining, agriculture, construction, oil and gas, communications, and service industries. Nigeria, as a country is offering more expat jobs in West Africa, compared to other countries, and has become a loved destination by millions of people.
Why Choose Nigeria?
There are many plus points for working and getting settled in an emerging market like Nigeria.
·         Nigerians are a Joyous Community: Indians may find that Nigeria is an underdeveloped country in comparison, but its citizens uphold the pride of their nation firmly. Nigerians find their own way of being joyous and happy in any conditions they are living in. Even when they may have to struggle and face challenges, they are always happy, which is quite inspiring and fascinating for the foreigners living here.
·         Nigeria is Cheap: Living in Nigeria is cheaper in comparison to India and most other countries of the world. Costs of renting apartments, house help, daily commodities, etc. are easily available and you have to pay a lower price for them. Moreover, most of the places don’t require a parking space ticket, and there are even no speeding and other most common fines, like most of the other countries in the world. Thus Nigeria is considered a heaven for the foreigners who are working here.
·         Nigeria has a Rich Cultural Heritage: Nigeria is known for its fascinating culture with over 371 ethnic groups offering different cultures and languages. Its rich culture has become the hallmark of the country and is embraced all over the world. One thing that is most appreciable of Nigerian people is their creativity, which has actually made them things back to life.
·         Nigeria is a Beautiful Country: Nigeria has a picturesque landscape. It offers several tourist destinations making your living worthwhile, and full of entertainment. Destinations from Bar Beach at Lagos and Obudu Cattle ranch in Cross River State are beautiful places to explore. Moreover, you can witness rare species of plants and animals all over the country. The overall beauty of Nigeria is just breathtaking, and mesmerizing and hooks people coming to work here.
How to find Expat Jobs in South Africa?
If you want to work in a foreign country, Nigeria can be one of the best choices. Several options can help you land the position of your dream in Nigeria.
·         Job Sites: You can find international job sites, which is an easy option for a foreign job seeker.  Check listings in locations from around the world, especially from South Africa, and shortlist the works of your interest.
·         Company Websites: Many companies maintain a dedicated page for employment. Here they announce current openings and requirements. Check national and multi-national companies that have offices in Nigeria, and you will certainly be able to find the highest paying job here.
·         Recruitment Agencies for Jobs in Africa: You can also apply for a specific job through a reputed agency. These agencies are experts and can help you connect with the right industry based on your qualifications and skills. Ross Warner HR Solutions is one of the recruitment agencies that have a strong database of South Africa and holds expertise for jobs in Nigeria.
If you are looking for jobs in Nigeria for Indians, and want to relocate here, you should take the help of a recruitment agency. Apart from providing you with the right solution, they also help you prepare necessary documents and can arrange work permits.
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sramfact · 2 years
The report "Antimicrobial Packaging Market by Base Material (Plastics, Biopolymer, Paperboard, Others), Antimicrobial Agents (Organic acid, Bacteriocins, Others), Technology (Controlled release, Active), Pack Type (Bags, Pouches, Others), Application - Forecast to 2021", The antimicrobial packaging market size is projected to grow from USD 7.28 Billion in 2015 to USD 10.00 Billion by 2021, at a CAGR of 5.54%. Increasing demand in the Asia-Pacific region, growing demand from the healthcare sector, rising concerns toward food wastage, growing consumer-awareness about health-related issues, and rising consumption of products with shorter shelf life are some of the drivers and opportunities that the antimicrobial packaging market offers. Growth of the food & beverages, healthcare, personal care, consumer goods, and agricultural products industry in the developing and underdeveloped regions provides an opportunity to the antimicrobial packaging market to grow even further.
Antimicrobial packaging solutions are widely used across regions. The Asia-Pacific region leads the market due to its large population and its proven identity of a major manufacturing hub that offers production opportunities at affordable costs to companies. As antimicrobial packaging is used widely by different industries, such as food & beverages and healthcare, the Asia-Pacific region, which is witnessing major growth in these sectors as well, has become a large market for these packaging solutions. This is followed by Europe, which is the second-largest market for antimicrobial packaging, followed by North America and Rest of the World.
The global market for antimicrobial packaging is dominated by players such as BASF SE (Germany), The Dow Chemical Company (U.S.), Mondi Plc (South Africa), PolyOne Corporation (U.S.), Biocote Limited (U.K.), Dunmore Corporation (U.S.), Linpac Senior Holdings (U.K.), Microban International (U.S.), Oplon Pure Sciences Ltd. (Israel), and Takex Labo Co. Ltd.
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rootsanalysis · 2 years
The ADC Cytotoxic Payloads / Warheads market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 12.4% till 2030
With six approved drugs, namely POLIVY™, LUMOXITI™, BESPONSA®, MYLOTARG™, KADCYLA®, ADCETRIS® and over 300 drugs underdevelopment, antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) have emerged as a promising class of targeted therapies for various disease indications
 Roots Analysis has announced the addition of “ADC Payloads Market, 2021-2030” report to its list of offerings.
 Given the fact that ADCs are highly potent cytotoxic molecules, the manufacturing of ADCs requires elaborate and advanced technical capabilities and highly potent chemical substances. Specifically, the multi-step process of production of cytotoxic payloads, which are complex structures used in ADCs, requires a specially designed and contained environment, dedicated manufacturing facilities, specialized analytical and purification techniques, and storage facilities.
 To order this 130+ page report, which features 50+ figures and 15+ tables, please visit
 Key Market Insights
Over 40 companies claim to offer ADC cytotoxic payloads for ADCs / ADC warheads
Presently, the market is dominated by the presence of large (501-10,000 employees) and mid-sized companies ( 51-500 employees). It is worth noting that majority (44%) of the firms engaged in this domain are based in Europe, followed by North America (28%) and Asia Pacific (28%).
 More than 430 patents related to ADC cytotoxic payloads / warheads have been granted / filed between 2016-2021
A significant increase has been observed in the number of patent applications filed over the last few years. Majority (80%) of the patents were filed / granted in North America; other key regions with significant intellectual capital include regions of Europe and South Korea
 Close to 40 partnerships have been inked among various industry and non-industry players between 2016 and 2021
Maximum number of partnerships were established in 2021, indicating a recent rise in the interest of players engaged in this domain. It is worth highlighting that, majority of the deals were licensing agreements, representing over 35% of the total number of partnerships signed in the given time period.
 Close to USD 1,100 million has been invested by both private and public investors, since 2016
Of the total amount invested, over USD 719 million was raised through venture capital financing, representing over 42% of the overall funding activity in this domain. Further, 5 instances of private placements were also reported, wherein players collectively raised more than USD 190 million.
 North America and Europe are anticipated to capture larger share of the market share by 2030
Growth in this domain is anticipated to be primarily driven by the demand of auristatins and maytansinoids payloads. It is worth mentioning that ADC cytotoxic payloads / warheads market for microtubule inhibitors is likely to capture nearly 40% of the total market share by 2030.
 To request a sample copy / brochure of this report, please visit
Key Questions Answered
§  Who are the leading players engaged in the development of ADC cytotoxic payloads / warheads?
§  What kind of partnership models are commonly adopted by industry stakeholders engaged in the ADC cytotoxic payloads / warheads domain?
§  Which key investors are likely to drive the development efforts related to ADC cytotoxic payloads / warheads?
§  How has the intellectual property landscape of ADC cytotoxic payloads / warheads evolved over the years?
§  How is the current and future opportunity likely to be distributed across key market segments?            
 The financial opportunity within the ADC cytotoxic payloads / warheads market has been analyzed across the following segments:
§  Type of Payload
Microtubule Inhibitors
DNA Damaging Agents
Topoisomerase Inhibitors
 §  Payload
 §  Type of Product
Commercialized Products
Clinical Products
 §  Key Geographical Regions 
North America
Asia Pacific
  The report features inputs from eminent industry stakeholder(s), who were very optimistic concerning the growth of the ADC cytotoxic payloads / warheads market. It includes detailed transcripts of the discussions held with the senior representatives of the stakeholder firms.
  The report also includes detailed profiles of the companies (listed below) engaged in developing ADC cytotoxic payloads / warheads; each profile features an overview of the company, its financial information (if available), details on its product portfolio, recent developments, and an informed future outlook.
§  Abzena
§  Levana Biopharma
§  MabPlex
§  NJ Bio
§  Novasep
§  STA Pharmaceuticals
§  Synaffix
 For additional details, please visit
https://www.rootsanalysis.com/reports/adc-cytotoxic-payloads-market.html or email [email protected]
 You may also be interested in the following titles:
1.    Antibody Drug Conjugates Market, 2021-2030
2.    Biologics Fill / Finish Services Market, 2021-2030
3.    Global Antibody Purification Services Market,  2021-2030
 About Roots Analysis
Roots Analysis is one of the fastest growing market research companies, sharing fresh and independent perspectives in the bio-pharmaceutical industry. The in-depth research, analysis and insights are driven by an experienced leadership team which has gained many years of significant experience in this sector. If you’d like help with your growing business needs, get in touch at [email protected]
Ben Johnson
+1 (415) 800 3415
+44 (122) 391 1091
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savelight41 · 2 years
Cars For Sale In Uae
All the cautionary tales surrounding second-hand used cars within the UAE could make buyers a bit cautious. But with CarSwitch, you can put all your worries to relaxation as we care for everything for you so that you simply don’t face any shady transactions, sketchy conversations, or end up with a dud. On CarSwitch, you will find used cars on the market in the UAE which may be licensed with outcomes of their detailed inspection report displayed on-line. The UAE clients are guaranteed a reliable automobile that has been totally inspected and meets CarSwitch’s high-quality requirements. Instead of checking 10 used cars for sale in Dubai to find one in good situation, you'll be able to easily view complete inspection reviews online on CarSwitch. It consists of the 2nd hand car's engine, transmission, physique, inside options, check drive, pc take a look at, as properly as photos of scratches.
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