#uhhh. yeah im fine 👍
pulchrasilva · 7 months
Uh oh im thinking about the word for world is forest again immm gonna throw up
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thirstingfortoxicmen · 6 months
OMG I LOVE IT! your wish shall be granted✨✨✨👍
Im skipping some plot.... just cause no reason🤭
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(not my photo credit to Pinterest for fueling my mental issues)✨✨✨
Jokes on You
Sub Sebastian x Dom male Reader
"Ok, tonight was a little crazy so go and get some rest. Ok Natty?"
"Yeah I still can believe we escaped on hippogriffs!" Natty whispered back. Her hands still shaking slightly. I embrace her for a quick hug before we part. Being quiet I move quickly down to the Slytherin rooms. Once I safely make it to the dungeons a sigh of relief washes over me. My head aches slightly from the stress of fleeing Harlow and his cronies. Slipping through the door into the common room I gasp slightly.
"So... you want to tell what you've been doing?" Sebastian questions, glancing at me from his book.
"Well you see I... uhhh... Natty needed help with somethingandIcouldntjustsaynoso-" My voice speeding up as I talk, eyes flicking around the room.
"You're lying. Tell me the truth." He demands, with a stern voice. I finally make eye contact with him and give him a sigh.
"I- fine... Natty and I were out... investigating someone and we got attacked BUT! before you freak out, we're fine nothing bad happened!" I explain, guilt lingering on my words. For lying to Sebastian and for betraying Natty even after I swore not to tell anyone about our... excursions.
"And you didn't think to just," pausing himself with a sigh, "I don't know tell me before you endanger yourself and making me think you were with someone else." rubbing his temples stress clear on his face.
"... what? you thought I was cheating on you? Sebastian I would nev-"
"yeah well when i barely see my own boyfriend for three whole days and when I do see him he's with some girl! I don't know what to think ok!" he almost yells, cutting me off. Remembering that it's past curfew and neither of us are meant to still be up quiets Sebastian. I take a cautious step to him, unknowing of his reaction. I rest my hand on his cheek, I pull his face to face my own. Our eyes connect, frustration weeping from him.
"I would Never. cheat on you Sebastian. I'm sorry I've been neglecting you. I didn't think it would hurt you so. I'll tell you next time," I speak low and soft, his attention on my eyes. Kissing him sweetly, closing my eyes resting our foreheads against each other when we part.
"Next time? How much trouble do you need in one year to be satisfied?" Sebastian moves his hand to mine, our hands resting together on his cheek. Grabbing my hand, intwining our fingers. He says, "come on." before trying to drag me into the corner of the common room.
"Where- what are we doing now?" i ask confusedly.
"I'm a teen boy who hasn't seen his boyfriend for three days. Take a guess." Blushing at the realization. Sebastian pushes me against the wall next to the lake, our lips clashing. Sweet turns to heavy, our tongues fighting. Biting his lip takes him off guard, I flip us pushing him to the stone wall. The chill of the stone coursing through him, a shiver runs down his body. Leaning down I continue making out with my boyfriend, pressing my leg against his groin. A groan from Sebastian letting my tongue gain dominance. His hips stuttering into my leg. "Please... I need you," he says, the slight whine of his voice going straight to my growing member. Grasping his thighs I lift him up, pressing him against the wall. Sliding his sleep pants down, just enough I spit onto my fingers. Stretching him and teasing him at the same time. I kiss his neck, his face blushing from his sensitivity. Soft groans leaking from his lips like a faucet. "I need you- now please..." his words drawing out slowly. Shuttering from his words, I complied. Hastily removing my belt and unbuttoning my pants before spitting in my hand once more rubbing it up and down my length, till I deemed good enough. Lowering him softly onto my hard cock. He jolts with a moan. Precum leaking from his cock. I start thrusting, I groan softly into Sebastians ear. His face now beat red, I bite into his shoulder. Once I do that he clenches hard and moans rather loudly. Still holding Sebastian I move from the wall to a nearby couch. Sebastian, now the one who has to lean down, resumes our making out from earlier. I grab his throat gently, squeezing intermittently. Sebastians eyes fluttering softly his cock hitting against his stomach with every thrust up. His red tip throbbing with anticipation. I hit his prostate, "I- need to- ahh please- can i," his voice pleading me. I start reaching my limit.
"Come for me Sebastian," I whispered into his ear. I bite down once more, Sebastians cum hitting our chests. His groaning tip me over the edge I cum into Sebastian. Both of us breathing heavy, we wait for a moment before separating. Cum falling from Sebastian when he lifts off my member.
"I've missed you."
"Jokes on you. Now you can't get rid of me," a chuckle escaping from Sebastian.
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 7 months
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^Wanted to do expression practice with this bit from a rp I’m doing w some mutuals :3👍
(⬇️ heads up/warning for period related jokes just incase it makes anyone uncomfortable)
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^Me and my friend got a bit silly with thissorry
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^Decided to doodle chapter two related meme stuff bc I’ve found that to be a trend of mine to doodle chapters as im still working on them lol ?
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^More serious thing I wasn’t initially gonna post but eh why not basically tldr or context is I reworked a tinyyy bit of how Manor arc starts and wanted to doodle it (basically all I did was rework the roles to better fit character motives is all it dosnt change any of the story it’s just me switching the characters roles around for the opening if that makes sense idk I’m trying not to give too much away is all)
also Aster minion form!!! :D (dw they’re fine !! /gen, Snatcher comes by and snaps em out of it)
made a little cute art as apology for the angst lol they are buddies ok trust me I just didn’t wanna use a generic minion for the scene
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^And FINALLY idea I had of mj finally learning how to use their likeeeee creation magic? If that’s a good word for it? Just bc the actual term I use for it in my head would be spoilers soooo yeah just tldr it’s the same magic that does the body horror shit to prince or like how eclipse happens or when mj transitions it’s the like the transformation magic stuff it’s that ok I’m talking about that (also the stars they are making here are not related to the ones in the horizon (atleast not directly idk how to explain it w out spoilers) so I’m not elaborating)
but uhhh yeah I think that’s it! Chapter two is going well, just taking it a bit slower bc the plot wasn’t as clear in my head when starting but it’s a lot better now so I think it’s getting somewhat close!! :D👍 anyway enjoy the doodles
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minquiec · 4 months
🎶 itsssss beeennnn 🎶 a hotttt minuuutteeee 🎶 sincccee iveeee went insane on here so let's just get into it yeah
Yall already know what it is
jia + the archer x not strong enough
When the trend first like got popular I was like eeehhhh that's not rlly jia
Haha lol
the archer:
'screaming who could ever leave me darling, but who could stay'
the spiderman curse
Or smth idk HAUSHA the canon events and everyone dyinnnggg
And also her own personal life like her parents didn't even stay soooo
And while jia isn't like uhhh how do I put it
She's not insecure yet she's also deeply insecure at a more ??? deeper level??? Idk how to say it
Like it's more like "I hate the way I have become because of things I cannot control and the way it makes me FFFFUUCCKING LONELLLYYYY"
but in a sadder way HAHSJS idk she copes by ignoring her problems (js like me fr)
So while at the same time she's like yeah I'm just a person I'm good with it 👍 she's also like what, could anyone possibly see in me to stay (side affects of distant parents!!!! Side note: THISNISNT TRAUMA DUMPING IM FINE)
'cause they see right through me'
They as in all the people she's known and don't know
That doesn't make sense gimme a
Like they as in the people of her city, people within the hq probably, people shes acquainted with, friends with, etc etc etc
They as in all people other jia herself sees right through her and fail to see just *her* per se
And it's probably her own fault tbh I mean she kinda like
Masks it so who's damn fault is that girl 🤷🤷 DAMN
But despite them never truly seeing the her that's incredibly lonely, she'd much rather prefer to keep it that way which then rolls onto the topiccc offffff
'can you see right through me'
okay this is kind of personal interpretation and changing the lyrical meaning to fit her lore BUT IDDDCCCCC IM RUNNING THIS SHOOOWWW LET ME BEEEEE
Y'all already know who this is directed at hirjejkejejkejekejejejjejejejks
Like the last one I said she'd much prefer to keep her self under wraps and ignore the problem
But obviously since I'm FUCKING delusional and SOOOO fucking CRIMGEE ofc he's an exception HHHHHRHBBBHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRB&-!-!
And because he's the only one who's ever really gotten underneath that layer
She was
Fucking confused by it
And because she's never addressed her issues properly, she's not used to this and so this line would almost be like
She's BEGGING him to just pllleaaase be like the rest
Please just see through her because this kind of thing has never happened before and she's SCCCCARREEDD to care too much and what if he leaves too and what if it's all for naught and what if what if what i
Girl we get it
But anyways the last line was
'I see right through me'
Would obviously be referring to her own denial to see herself by ignoring 🧚🧚 herrr fuckingnnnn problemmmsss and feeelinngggsss 🎶🎶 cause hey. Why be sad when u can be glad and very very silly
Anyways the next part
'always an angel never a god'
I feel so strongly abt this line rn
Obviously I'm on,
Jjk tok and so I kind of got the train of thought from there but
Always an angel never a god cause she can save as many lives as she tries but she can never save all the lives she cares about
Always an angel never a god cause despite being blessed with a power that gives her the parallel of an angel she can never save her world that will inevitably be destroyed by its own deity that granted her that power (since ig angels work under god/gods and so she'd be that angel working under the deity which would be the god and do you get what I mean)
yeah okay that's all and this is all just personal interpretation btw so it might not match up to its original meaning but HEY
im gonna go draw them hugging now or smth idk bye bye
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iworshipsappho · 11 months
Hi good to see you back in my notifications 😭
How was your day?
hihi helloo :D
i've had a day. thats for sure lmao, im going to school tmrw aftera wekk of being sick, well im still sick but i have my exams in a few days so cant afford to miss anymore classes👍😭 tried catching up on my assignments but there's just too much ykn so i gave up and saidd fuck it we ball whats the most they're gonna do if i go with incomplete work bc i deserved these few days off >:D
uhhh other than that its been pretty chill, i had to cancel plans with my friends tho, being sick and all that but welp i will be seeing them tmrw so yeah, shit sucks but its gonna be fine so im just chilling lmao
oof sorry for the rant <33 😅 thanks for asking tho!!! how was urs?? <33
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Here’s a Harutaka ask for you! Do you think they’d get married? If yes what do you think their wedding would be like? Also I hope you feel better soon!
HIII if it isnt the little guy i watched slowly get into kagepro. whatsup. how are u holding up being into kagepro. ALSO THANK U im already a lil better i ate 1 single boiled egg and now im laying in bed
yes haruka and takane 10000% get so married. i have this silly headcanon that haruka is begging her from day 1 to get married because IDK he's just excited about being alive and takane liking him💗💗💗 and maybe he is also terrified of her changing her mind abt liking him and for some reason thinks getting married will solve that feeling of feeling not good enough for her💗💗💗 wait who said that. but takane's all like No haruka we're only like 20 and he's like AUUUUGGGHHH!!! fine
honestly its a hc born from a bit in the novels (im not sure u read them) where haruka says man i wish takane stopped swearing so much she's gonna have a hard time finding a husband💔💔💔 ITS SO FUNNY TO ME idk likeeee since he knew he'd die, he never imagined being an adult at all. this is more in the territory of the early twenties crisis he apparently has post str i guess. which is also hilarious.
i think haruka's like... he thinks of marriage of this weird alien thing bc as a teen he wont even entertain the idea of dating or anything bc HES DYING like he literally shoots down the acknowledgement of his feelings for takane BECAUSE he is dying. he's like man whats the fucking point if im just gonna die this sucks ASS
so marriage. well it's an adult thing. and he turns out to be alive!! and takane REALLY LIKES HIM FOR SOME REASON!!! and he's like WELL WERE ADULTS ARENT WE WHY THE HELL SHOULDNT WE GET MARRIED???? takane's like because we're BARELY adults like BARELY. and also IN SO MUCH NEED OF THERAPY. and haruka's like i dont see how that's related🙄🙄🙄 whatever takane ur such a bore🙄🙄🙄 its just a silly argument they laugh and tease each other about *rips hair out* theyre so CUTE AUGGHHH
yeah they do eventually get married. not IMMEDIATELY though but still probably rly young. like before their mid twenties young. LOL!!! as for a wedding i dont think they'd actually care about one??? because haruka and takane are really introverted ppl and being the center of attention mortifies both. well takane's used to attention bc streamer slay but its not. the same. like that's different BASICALLY i dont think takane would care to throw money in something like this and haruka is also like whatever man just sign the paper so i can officially be ur boywife. they still probably have like a little get together with the dan though. maybe they dont even tell them they're like OH BY THE WAY WE DID SOMETHING FUNNY TODAY wjxnoefuoendoefundkc call shintaro&ayano on the phone like can u come with us to sign as our witnesses. and shintaro and ayano are like WITNESSES OF WHAT? erm. haruka&takane engaged for exactly 14 hours when haruka asks takane to marry him for the millionth time and this time she's like uhhh. yeah alright👍
thats my harutaka wedding hc. that theyre too lazy to have a wedding🫡 ayano mourns it so much she's been like wedding planning her whole life for her siblings. seto&mary get ultra married as soon as theyre 18 im not getting into those hcs i already did but ayano goes so crazy with it. and then haruka&takane are next (tho years later) and ayano's like WH?? BUT IM?? SUPPOSED TO PLAN ANOTHER WEDDING????? WHAT DO U MEAN U WONT MAKE ONE???? and theyre like 🤷‍♂️ maybe she forces them and she organizes it alone and forces them to kiss in front of everyone and only then stops being annoying. sorry i love crazed wedding planner ayano
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kleinstar · 1 year
uhhh words uhhh.... friendship, bed, food?
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Send 👍 (+ A WORD) for a random headcanon I have about our muses (ACCEPTING)
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Theyre friends f you wang yi -- im kidding you already explained that lmao, but yes, they're friends! and bros but not like sibling bros that'd be weird - obviously things escalate a lot so progress often goes to bed but that said they ofc care about each other beyond that too. Eiden at the moment's not as open with Wang Yi as Wang Yi is with him but that i think is more up to Eiden's own nature, he's just a little awkward with that (and i also need to think like what would he get help from wang yi about lmao but well we do kinda have thread on that already) but yeah! I don't think there's much to say about their time spending other than Eiden sometimes drags Wang Yi to do stuff (not that kind of stuff in this case) and sometimes Wang Yi also helps Eiden out at this job sometimes ... i think its pretty fine balanced thing where they can just be and have a good time? maybe started lighter and then got ...not heavier lmao but just... friend...stuff... my brain stopped working here my bad.
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where they end up! often! Eiden tends to take lead most of the time bc it just works out that way instead with him being the more experienced but he also asks what Wang Yi wants to try out and sometimes Wang Yi even suggests something. sometimes its just that it escalated into that and sometimes its them calling to other and being like "hey im coming over lets try that' except i feel like wang yi might not be that direct lmao.... also like while they try out lots of stuff sometimes they just sidetrack and do the ordinary route (for them).
when wang yi takes lead its sometimes just him letting up some steam and ...eiden plays along happily! bc hes eiden ldkfldk, eiden's really trying to convince him its fine tho lol i wouldn't say they go THAT hardcore tho but idk you tell me.
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Wang Yi makes this more often but Eiden definitely helps out when he can so sometimes they end up cooking together too. It's a lot rarer when Eiden cooks something and its likely to be either something he already makes often or something he wants to try out, maybe might make something when wang yi's sick (and other way around but eiden's not very likely to call anyone when he's sick tho he might call to ask if something needs to be done for work ...but im digressing) Since Wang Yi's a good cook Eiden's eats a lot, don't overfeed him though Wang yi lmao
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yellowhearther0 · 2 years
Ok barrage of questions but im tired and also ur not obligated to answer all of them or anything-
How'd Amara get their name like did celia give it to them or is that just their name? Also does Amara have prns? Also is there any worldbuilding on Amaras prev home bc u said they were an alien yeah idk also celia backstory. She's 24 so just out of college about to graduate yeah what's going on there.
Ur ocs give me brainrot I love them so much <33
Amara is just their name ^_^ and star uses every prn ever (aka use literally whatever prns u want on it)
uhhh world building wise um. um. um (<- is bad at worldbuilding) amara is a celestial being so where they live is like. almost a floating space station? but like less covered bc yk. celestials. anyways amara's home is constantly moving and travelling to different galaxies and such and if a celestial likes a planet/galaxy enough they can settle there which is sort of how dust got booted to earth? like thats sort of what was used to send dust there.
and then celia yah <3 fresh out of college with a bachelor in fine arts (i had to look that up if im wrong ant the college stuff dont tell me thats embarassing) anyways she does freelance work 👍
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henry-is-o-a-k · 11 months
okay, uh… wow. i have a few things to say.
1. lark is never going to have a positive opinion of you again. this is objective fact (unless you can get someone to use wish/find some deity willing to help). HOWEVER. -1 is always a higher number than -100, right? the problem with this situation is that if you sit back and let him despise you he’ll only hate you even more for abandoning him.
2. that hate is rooted in logic, but the amount that he hates you for it is probably going to be illogical because it… looks like he’s channeling every slight annoyance into his hate of you? which, uh- which isn’t… healthy! so. that’s… yeah.
3. you’re doing your fucking best. you saw the problem and you tried to fix it and it wasn’t perfect and that’s FINE. it’s never going to be perfect- if it was perfect i’d be really worried something happened to you.
uhhh. yeah im not great at this comfort thing but. yeah👍
- 📼
I- I appreciate it, I do but Lark has made it clear he’s at -100. I thought if I kept trying I could atleast-
I - shit- okay- I’ve made a lot of mistakes- too many mistakes and now someone got hurt- everyone I’ve been trying to help has only gotten more hurt-
And- Morgan’s right I- shit- fuck- my dad was right- I can’t control them- I can’t control my kids and it’s caused- it’s caused so many problems for everyone-
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Genre:fluff maybe
Warning: might not be that proof read. When it turns to pink, it's still jesse, just because for some reason it wouldn't let me use blue. Sorry about the mixed font.
yu and Jesse r 23
Extra info: jesse and the twins last name is Avril. The twins name r Lia and Leo.
Ngl I think this I gunna be like a chapter type thing 👍
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Monday 23rd May 5:15 am.
You emailed Jesse for a meeting about his twins. His twins haven't done anything bad, actually quite the opposite. They have been fernonimal students and they were going to be awarded in the upcoming assembly for the end of the year.
You were waiting jesse to arrive. You putting spare paper away while gently singing [insert favourite song]. Jesse was already leaning on the door frame and watching you sing, he couldn't lie, he already liked you a lot. And you did too
He gently knocked on the door for your attention and your head immediately in embarrassment.
"Nice voice, you sing?"
"Uhm no not really."
"Your really good!"
"Shut up!" You say with a giggle
"I'm being serious!!"he chuckled back.
He sat down on a chair near the desk you were sitting at. You said what you had to tell him as a teacher,
"So would you like to see Lia and Leo be awarded at the upcoming assembly?? Or are you busy?"you asked professionally. But there was no response. Jesse was lost in your [eye colour] eyes. You felt your face getting hot and jesse already had a pink tint on his cheeks. He snaps out of it and and just muttered
"Uh yea yeah sure. Uhm will you be there?"
"Of course silly!"
You handed jesse a from for him to sign. You hadn't looked at the form yet as he left, he looked at the form he just signed in your hands, he looked back up at you and winked, the he left without a word. You flustered and confused. Your face was hot from the wink. You gazed at the form with a grin.
"Here's my number cutie. XXXXXXXXX"
Hes such a darling.
Friday 27th May 4:30pm.
The assembly just finished and jesse pulled you over to talk to you.
"Hey so, you free tonight? 7PM?"
"Cool, care to give me your address"
"Because I wanna take you on a date cutie."
boy were you flustered. You felt your cheeks grow hot. Jesse had always been this confident.
"Good, see you then"
You wasn't sure where he was taking you or anything so you wore something simple, kind of?
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Like that.
Jesse said he'd be here. You grab your beige coat and put your white boots on. You quickly sorted your hair out in the mirror. You had half up half down with a claw clip.
You heard a car pull up in your drive way. That must be him!
You waited for the doorbell to ring
**ring ring**
You take a couple seconds to open the door. To make it look like you weren't waiting at the door, which you were.
There stood jesse dressed in the same genre of you. Simple.
He takes a couple seconds memorizing you before he speaks
"Erh hi!"
" you ready?"
You guys walk back to his car.
You didn't recognise where you were going and looked over at jesse, stoic faced.
"Where are we going??"
"You'll have to wait and see!!"
Jesse keeps the same expression.
"Hey..? You okay??"
He turns to look at you. Takes a few seconds for him to answer.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine"
Same expression.
You have noticed you guys have came near a beach. You questioned jesse, in your head. Where was he taking you? Or wait? Could he be taking you to your favourite place indeed??
He parks in a parking lot near a pier.
His expression changes into a grin. But you can tell hes still feeling, stoic.
"omg, how'd you know??"
"Lia told me, I'm guessing she asks you questions a lot??"
"Yeah she does!"
You guys stared at the pier with your favourite arcade sitting on it.
You guys were having the time of your life until the arcade closed. You guys walked out with a lot of tickets and a fluffy blanket jesse had won for you.
He brings you down to the beach.
"Can I?"
He signalling to carry you.
You didn't know what to say. You weren't flustered, we kinda, you just didn't know.
"Uhm sure go ahead."
He pulls a smug grin and Carries your bridal style and places you down. He grabs a towel from his bag and also placed it down.
You guys layed there. You were still wondering why he was so stoic in the car, you ask him again.
"You okay? You seemed....quiet in the car."
He takes a deep breath. Should he tell you?
"Okay. Y/n, I really like you, like a lot, so uhm err... will you g-"
You cut him off with a peck on his lips.
"What were you saying?"
He paused, letting his blush take over.
He kisses you back and finally answers.
"You make me crazy, I love you y/n"
This time, you both kissed each other. You honestly weren't expecting this but you've always had a crush on jesse. And he had too.
Journey home.
Jesse had his free hand on yours, occasionally stroking in it.
You gazed off into your thoughts. You thought about the future. Would you be Jesse's girlfriend and the twins teacher?? What would happen with your relationship with the twins? What does the future hold for you and the Avrils??
"You alright?" Jesse noticed you spaced out.
"Uh yeah"
"You sure? I can hear you thinking"
You look at him. He looks at you before turning his head back to the road.
You did like yours and Jesse's relationship, well how it was at the moment.
"Uhm so.." jesse turns to look at you "whens our next date?" You say with your adorable smile.
"As soon as you want it!" He grins back at your. Both of your cheeks were pink.
He picks up your hand and kisses it softly, while keeping his eyes on the road of course.
Jesse gave you a peck on your cheek as he turned around and left to head home.
This was the most fabulous day ever.
Saturday 28th May, 9:46am.
You woke up from the ping of your phone, a message from Jesse.
Morning cutie 💙
Ha such a romantic.
Morning ❤
How'd you sleep?
Well, you?
Good, but I'd rather be have you rapped around me ❤
This man honestly! He made you blush crazy!
Aren't you such a romantic
That's me!
Hey wanna meet at the 9-5 Café?
Sure! Are you taking LL
(LL= lia +leo)
I dont have to
No no it's fine,
Cool, 11 alright?
See you there princess ❤
See ya!
Ahhhh! Finally you meet again!!
Chapter 2
Will be out soon!
Hope you enjoyed this.
I'd appreciate it if you leave a like or comment or even a follow! Its really encourages me to write!
See ya guys soon!!
~ Maizilyn 🥀
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