#uberto alberti
teecupangel · 11 months
Another Desmond reborn as X, but this one is as Uberto Alberti's kid. Who we don't know anything about but "family" is the reason he betrayed his friend supposedly so I'd be interesting if Desmond could try and avoid it this time around.
According to the transcription of Uberto’s database in ACII:
Now, I found a backdoor into the Templars' database server, I've been combing it for some kind of smoking gun. I found it. Apparently, Uberto's family was evicted by the Medici bank. Uberto's been aching for revenge ever since, and the Templars promised him support. Ezio's father was standing in the way AND Uberto was jealous of his influence over the Florentine government. Two birds with one stone, isn't it? It looks like Uberto used his election to the Signoria as his opportunity to strike.
Apparently, he joined the Templars because the Medici evicted his family.
If he is part of the real House Alberti, there is no mentions of any evictions in wiki nor any mention of an Uberto. The Albertis were allies of the Medici as far as I read.
Returned to Florence, in the 15th century they were first allied to the Medici against the Albizzi. Main members of the period include writer Antonio Alberti, cardinal Alberto di Giovanni Alberti and architect and Renaissance theorist Leon Battista Alberti.
But wiki did say that they “divided into different lines, who owned several houses and towers near the modern Ponte alle Grazie” and “Some of them were admitted in the Venetian nobility late in the century” so maybe Uberto’s family wasn’t one of those few fortunate Albertis to gain nobility.
So, really…
Giovanni died and dragged his two sons with him because of his ties to the Medicis.
And Desmond would point that out.
In this setup, Desmond would probably think of Uberto as a good father as he did stress he did it for his family (although another setup is that Uberto is using the whole “I’m doing it for my family” to hide his greed and thirst for power but that would be a bit boring so we’ll go down the ‘a good man wishing to avenge his family’s misfortunes’ route instead).
So Desmond would want to protect his new family (especially if he has younger siblings). When they get evicted, Desmond understood why Uberto did what he did. Maybe add in the drama of the eviction being all of a sudden or not given any warning before they were evicted during a time when Firenze was having ‘money problems’.
Desmond knew that the Templars would contact Uberto then and tried to stop Uberto from saying yes to the Templars but he’d say that this was their only choice if they wish to protect their family.
(If you really wanna drive in a conundrum, one of Desmond’s siblings or his mother falls ill during this time and the financial support the Templars gave them is what kept them from dying or maybe said mother/sibling was already ill and almost died had it not been for the Templars’ money)
In the end, Desmond tries to leave the Auditores alone but, instead, Ezio found him and started to talk to him. Desmond couldn’t help but form a bond with Ezio anyway, maybe become a close friend who doesn’t really like to be seen with others.
Ezio knows Desmond spend most of his time caring for his ailing sibling/mother, and he remembers Petruccio so he has a soft spot for Desmond.
Uberto still becomes a Templar and Desmond tries to undermine him, first by trying to save the decoded message that Giovanni needed but that failed because Uberto knew that Desmond was trying to stop him so he’s become more ‘suspicious’. He never scolds Desmond though and he understands what his son is doing so he tells Desmond to continue to try and stop him…
“This way… no matter which sides wins, our family will be safe.”
And Desmond realized then and there that Uberto was ready to die if it meant their family would be safe and financially secured.
In the end…
Desmond helped Giovanni, Federico and Petruccio escape by unlocking their cage and telling them that Uberto’s a Templar. Desmond begs Giovanni to not kill Uberto, that he’ll be able to make Uberto understand that they have failed and they’ll leave Firenze, hell, they’ll leave all of Italia, just…
“Please… don’t kill padre.”
Giovanni promises not to kill Uberto if they leave Firenze as soon as possible.
And Desmond is able to persuade Uberto to do just that, telling him that revenge means nothing if it would lead to his death.
The happy ending would be that Desmond and Ezio would see each other and there will be this strain in their friendship because of Uberto’s betrayal that they will slowly get past.
The more angst-filled route would be…
Lorenzo wants all the conspirators of the Pazzi conspiracy to be killed and Uberto was one of them. He orders Giovanni to kill Uberto and Giovanni tried to say no, at first, only to acquiesce once Lorenzo reminded him who he was ‘allies’ with.
Desmond finds an Assassin standing in front of his father’s bleeding corpse and the darkness and his shock made it hard for him to see the Assassin clearly.
All he knows…
… was that the Assassin was wearing Ezio’s robes…
In this setup, Desmond would be torn between wanting to take vengeance or being the person to cut the noose of revenge that keeps looping and looping around all of them.
His trust in the Auditores would be destroyed and Desmond would want to believe that it wasn’t Ezio, that maybe it was Giovanni or even Federico but a part of him would whisper that it could have been Ezio. Ezio wasn’t there when Desmond begged for his father’s life.
Last time he saw Ezio, he was wearing those robes…
And Desmond can’t…
… will not kill Ezio even if a part of him wished to avenge Uberto’s death.
They had no reason to kill him.
His family had exiled themselves away from Firenze, living as normal farmers of all things.
He needed to know the truth.
And, once he knows it…
That’s when he’ll decide how to end this chain of vengeance.
With blood spilled… or not.
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My Top Ten Templars
1) Robert De Sable
2) Haythem Kenway
3) Shay Patrick Cormac
4) Daniel Cross
5) Uberto Alberti
6) Kjotve the Cruel
7) Father Antonio Maffei
8) Rodrigo Borgia
9)Lucy Stillman
10) Cesare Borgia
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lockescoles · 5 years
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Endless List of Favorite Video Games ↳ Assassin’s Creed II (2009)
I did not choose this path. It was chosen for me. At first, I thought vengeance would be easy. For thirty years I've lived in the shadows, visited death upon those who deserved it, and vanished like the wind. I don't know who started this conspiracy, but I know who will end it. My name is Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Like my father before me, I am an Assassin.
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dyksa · 7 years
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Assassin’s Creed II: Last Man Standing
Giovanni Auditore, you and your accomplices stand accused of the crime of treason. Have you any evidence to counter this charge? Yes, the documents that were delivered to you last night! I'm afraid I know nothing of these documents. ——In the absence of any compelling evidence to the contrary, I am bound to pronounce you... GUILTY. You and your collaborators are hereby sentenced to death. You are a traitor, Uberto and one of them! You may take our lives this day – but we will have yours in return! I swear! We will—
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esamastation · 2 years
Some time travelly Desmond centric AC fanfic ideas...
1 The super solar flare hit and the planet was toast. The only ones to survive are some budding AI in apocalypse-proof computers in doomsday bunkers, still churning out calculations about how to save humanity. Few hundred years of iterations and improvements later, AI number 16 has the solution and proceeds to implement AI number 17 to put it into action. Aka, Android Desmond travels back in time to renaissance times in order to save the human race… of which he has no experience whatsoever. Though he's eager for new data, he very quickly figures that Ezio Auditore and Leonardo da Vinci are not average examples of their species.
2 On his way to deliver the proof of his family's innocence to Uberto Alberti, Ezio gets snatched from the street by another Assassin, who stops him at the last moment and who helps him stage a prison breakout. The Auditore family is very thankful but also very confused. So is Desmond, who has no idea what he's doing.
3 Abstergo saved Desmond at the Grand Temple and then brainwashed him to work for them. Few years later, no longer satisfied with just learning from the past, Abstergo is moving onto tampering with it. First, though, they need to figure out how paradoxes might affect things. So, to test this out, they send Desmond back in time to kill his own ancestors.
4 During his time working for the Borgia, Leonardo gets the chance to delve really deeply into the Apple. Within it, he meets Reader Desmond. Having heard about Desmond from Ezio, Leonardo immediately starts trying to talk Desmond to their side - in so doing talking Desmond back into being a human… more or less.
5 Desmond is and always has been the Human Personification of the Calculations. After all, what is probability other than, "Well, this might as well happen"?
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missbenzayb · 3 years
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Codextober Day 11 & 12: Hidden Blade and Revenge
This scene was strong I recall Roger Craig Smith repeated this scene said it was a cool dialogue! A little behind but that doesnt stop me~ (Gonna do a challenge for the next prompts I havent done~) Drew Uberto Alberti for the first time~
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Spill Your Blood - Febuwhump day 3
For the prompt “Blood Loss.”
For some reason, this gave me a lot of trouble in spite of how rich of a prompt it is. Might be that I just don’t think I can top yesterday’s stroke of genius :’) But! I have managed to stick with the @febuwhump challenge for a third day, yay me!
Rating: Teen and Up Fandom: Assassin’s Creed (specifically Assassin’s Creed 2) Relationships: Ezio Auditore & Leonardo da Vinci Characters: Ezio Auditore, Leonardo da Vinci
CONTENT WARNING: Injury, canonical character death mention. There is some blood, but nothing is described too graphically.
Text under Read More, or read on my AO3!
Spill Your Blood
Francesco de Pazzi was dead. Ezio personally hung his corpse from the Signoria. Jacopo saw it too, and Ezio could have sworn their eyes crossed for a moment. Perhaps that was why he turned and fled.
Good, Ezio thought, taking a shaky breath. He would not have caught up to him anyway. Not without a horse of his own. And at least like this, he was certain that Florence would no longer be bothered by him and his family.
So Ezio made sure to get away from the Signoria. Lorenzo would know who has done the deed. He asked him for it after all. But that didn’t mean that any investigating guards would be as understanding. Especially if they happened to be affiliated with the Pazzi.
So he climbed down, aiming for a small side alley that was completely abandoned thanks to the fights in the city. Ezio fell down and stumbled, hissing in pain as the rush of the battle began to fade. Every single ache his body resurfaced with a vengeance, from the climbs to the fight with both the guards and Francesco.
Especially the wound on his side.
It was stupid. He fell for one of Francesco's taunts and swung his sword too early, too brashly. And all he got was a dagger slashing into his side, like he was an amateur. He was lucky it only caught the surface and would probably be non-lethal. Probably being the operative word, given how much he kept moving with it bleeding happily.
Ezio pressed his hand against it, realising it came back bloody. Of course, idiot, he cursed internally, you got a knife to the side. It was a small mercy that it was the side with his cape. For a while, he would be able to conceal the bloody stain on his clothes until he would get to safety.
But where could he even go? The doctors in this city would be busy, not to mention they were as likely to treat him as they were to throw him out. After all, the name Auditore was never properly cleared. And his murder of Uberto Alberti did not help it, given how public he made it.
He would not abuse Paola's hospitality, not to mention he would not want to cause trouble in her house with stumbling in injured. And La Volpe was not someone he could trust like this. He was certain the mistrust went both ways, too.
No, he would not trouble either of them.
But there was one more person in the city whom he trusted. Someone who admitted to having medicinal knowledge, even if mostly used for autopsies.
So Ezio clenched his trembling hand before pressing it into his side to at least slow the bleeding. And, leaning on the wall, he began to make his way through the city. Slowly, surely, approaching Leonardo's workshop. By the time he reached it, his head felt light like he has been drinking. And he was certain that some blood began dripping past his hand onto the ground beneath him. At least it felt like something dripped between his fingers, but it could have been caught by the rest of his robes.
What a way to visit after such a day, trailing blood and barely standing. The thought almost made Ezio laugh. Almost.
But there was light inside and Ezio's feet carried him the last few feet to the door. He didn't knock as much as he fell on top of the engraved wood, before he managed to regain his balance. Or at least lean on the wall beside it instead of the door itself.
But the noise itself appeared to be enough, as the door soon opened.
"Ezio? I- What happened?" Leonardo asked, eyes falling to what was by now no doubt a large red stain on Ezio's robes, cape or not.
"Leonardo, I- I need your help," Ezio managed to slur out the obvious. "Sorry about this."
He barely managed to get out the words when his vision stopped swimming and instead felt like it did a flip. His knees buckled and Ezio stumbled right into his friends' arms. The injury, and all the movement he did with it, finally caught up to him and Ezio’s world went dark.
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teatitty · 2 years
Uberto’s death is always going to be personally satisfying but it’s very inspired that ever since his family’s execution, Ezio stopped calling him by his first name - Uberto - and only ever used his last one - Alberti
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loudmound · 2 years
asscreed for the blorbos!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
ezio auditore da firenze. no one will ever top my love for her. fuck with me. i dare you.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
ALSO PROBABLY EZIO? i'm putting him in my pocket so he can see the world.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
fuckin... clay kaczmarek, honest to god. ppl either write him off as mental illness man scary and play into that characterization in really fucking weird ways or just don't know he even exists at all 😭
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
proooooobably la volpe? i think henis cool and we don't see too much of them in the ezio trilogy. i wanna see them looking thru walls cuz that shit RULES. ALSO PAOLA (GRIPPING)
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
also vieri de' pazzi. i want him to get what he deserves and to learn from it.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
william miles, uberto alberti, duccio... also machiavelli bc that's funny to me.
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kiatheinsomniac · 3 years
Unwoven Fate IV
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(Y/n) had left her horse outside the walls of Florence, making it her priority to rent a room for the night before examining what she had found at her childhood home. The streets of Florence were busting with bards, merchants, artists, guilds and all other civilians of the home city of the Medici. 
Well, former home city. 
Something was wrong here, the same something wrong that she had missed back in Forlì. These weren't Florentine guards. Their uniforms were red and higher-ranked guards bore the emblem of a bull. It seemed that everywhere she had travelled to in Tuscany thus far had these soldiers patrolling the streets. Something had happened: some form of conflict or siege perhaps? 
(Y/n) didn't know a lot about politics; 'it's not a lady's business', her Aunt had always told her. That had always annoyed her. Regardless of the discrimination of her sex, it was the lack of knowledge that irritated her the most, something for her Aunt to lock away right before her eyes, like a child having their favourite toy taken away for their bad behaviour. 
These past few days were the only ones in which she was no longer treated as a child for the first time in her life. And it was getting increasingly difficult. 
Terracotta rooftops and tall church steeples rose from the ground around her as she made her way to a tavern, paying for her room and having to barter a little with the price, knowing that her money would run out sooner than she would like. Settling down in the bar below, she tore off a piece of bread to wipe around the edge of her soup bowl, mopping up anything that was leftover and leaning over her bowl. 
Her bag was settled on her lap, too worried to leave it and its contents alone in her room. She had started using an alias and trying to hide her face as much as possible by now, knowing that her Aunt and Uncle would use their influence to have people searching all over Tuscany. So, now she was Maria: a merchant's daughter attending the communion of her cousin in Venice, only passing through Florence for a time. 
"It was a very powerful speech, indeed, but I would have liked to see the stronzo burn." A man grumbled from a table nearby, speaking to his friend between finishing his drink, "He's the one that got the attention of the Borgia and if not for him, perhaps they wouldn't have come to Firenze at all and the Medici would still be here." 
(Y/n) could feel her ears perk up almost, turning her head away to listen without suspicion. The name Borgia rang a bell, hadn't her Uncle mentioned travelling to see a Borgia once? She could recall the event: sitting by the open garden doors while embroidering, her Uncle preparing for his journey. He had been gone for two weeks. 
But who was this Savonarola? (Y/n) knew of the Medici, of course, but why weren't they here? The Borgia had taken over the city? Had the infamously rich family been executed, imprisoned or exiled? 
"I think it's worth listening to Auditore." The other man replied, "He was wanted for a long time so something must have been keeping him busy, Something that motivated his speech, I bet. I was there when his family was killed, you know? I was one of the people that thought they were all guilty of betraying our republic and I saw him calling out in the crowd. He was only a boy, then mind you." 
More names: Savonarola, Borgia, Medici, Auditore. She repeated them like a mantra in her mind, engraving them there. She hoped that things would add up as she went along (although, much of that hadn't happened just yet) and these names could come to meet her understanding in time too. 
As the men changed their topic, she decided that now was the time to check what she had found back at her childhood home. Travel, shelter and hunger had taken up her priorities until now. 
Paying for her meal at the bar, she headed up the creaky stairs to her small room. She'd bought the cheapest one and the price showed: a small section of the loft with narrow walls, a singular bed and a desk with a candle that was on its last hour of light by the looks of things. Stepping outside, she lit it from the one mounted on the corridor wall, heading back into the room and locking the door behind her. 
Sitting at the desk, she carefully took out the scroll and the wrapped object, placing them down as gingerly as if they were holy relics. She bit her cheek as she ran her fingers over the mysterious parcel, feeling herself falter as she imagined either of her parents doing the same so many years ago. Taking a breath, she reached for the scroll first, untying the cord around the middle. 
Upon opening it, she realised that it had been folded as a letter once, with the wax seal broken on either side of the paper. The ink showed the same signs of age as the paper which was discoloured and fading. 
Signore y Signora (L/n)
The Assassins have lost their hold over Firenze. My brother and two of my nephews have been executed by the Templars. There was a traitor in their midst: Uberto Alberti. My surviving nephew has travelled here, to Monteriggioni, with my sister-in-law and niece. Do not try to continue your work in Firenze and do try to get your contacts in the city to safety, if possible. The Assassin stronghold has now been moved here. We need to reinforce our ranks: I am training more mercenaries and slowly introducing my nephew to the ways of the Assassin. Keep yourselves and your daughter safe. 
We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins. 
-Mario Auditore. 
Assassins. Her parents had been Assassins. That name! Auditore. Could Mario be the one that the men downstairs were talking about? No, the man said that a boy had called out to his family from the crowd and Mario mentions a surviving nephew. This nephew must be the Auditore that the two men were speaking of. Folding the letter back up, she reached for the wrapped parcel next. 
Her fingers carefully worked on unwinding the string that kept it all together, pulling it away until she could start peeling back the cloth. But she wasn't entirely sure of what she was looking at afterwards. 
Some sort of arm guard? It had a form of shaft going along the length of it with very intricate metalwork. Her brows furrowed as she picked it up and turned it so that the shaft was facing downwards. That symbol again, the same one that had been on the mosaic - it was at the base of the arm guard. 
She had been hunting with her Aunt and Uncle before and was trained with a bow. This device looked similar enough to the arm guard that she had to wear to prevent her arm from potentially receiving an archer's kiss, a bruise from the impact of the string hitting the arm if your elbow was positioned wrong. Pulling up her sleeve, she attached it to her arm and held the limb out to examine the armour, pushing her wrist back to-
She gasped as the shaft moved with some mechanism, causing a blade to poke out and stop with a noise. Her fingers had instinctually curled in to prevent them from being sliced off. 
Examining the device further, she guessed that more of the blade was stuck inside the shaft, what had come out looked too small compared to the size of the arm guard. It hadn't been touched in years, perhaps time had taken its toll on this too? she reasoned. Rolling her wrist to try and trigger it again, the blade shot back into the shaft. She took it off and switched it to her dominant hand instead: this was not armour, this was a weapon. 
She put the letter back in the bag and shoved it under the bed, changing her clothes and laying them over the back of the chair of the desk. She could feel as she braided her hair that it needed to be washed and she prepared herself to go to sleep. In the morning, she would set off to Monteriggioni and see if Mario Auditore and his family had any answers for her. 
She couldn't help but smile to herself as she looked back at the hidden blade before stashing it back into her bag. Finally, she felt like she was getting somewhere! She had travelled from Forli to Florence now on the hope of finding something and now she finally had. Her parents had been Assassins! Someone in Monteriggioni could have answers! Snuffing out the candle and pulling the woollen blanket over her body, she closed her eyes. Tomorrow morning, she would head out for Monteriggioni. 
She had to get off her horse as soon as the town was in her sights. Tears prickled her eyes as she led the creature by the reigns instead. She always felt two steps behind the world: as if, while living with her Aunt and Uncle, what would have been her life had continued while she was left behind to learn how to play the violin and how to embroider, how to have her whole life planned out for her. Be a lady, marry a man, give him heirs, die. It was the only future she knew but now another one was revealed to her; one that had been taken and she couldn't go back to. 
But she would make a new one - she was making a new one - right now. 
She left her horse outside the city's walls, looking around at the rubble. The defences had crumbled in many areas, homes showed signs of having been burned down either partially or entirely. The people looked tired, hungry, scared. 
The remains of a large villa stood at the far end of the small town, the stairs leading up to it having makeshift paths for the people to cross safely over the damage. (Y/n) reached out to place her hand on the arm of a woman passing by. Her blonde hair was styled up with wisps framing her face, her silk skirts were dirty and she hugged a shawl around her shoulders, her makeup a mess. She had no undershirt, just her corset. She looked cold. 
"Excuse me but, what happened here?" 
"The filthy Borgias! That's what! They came a few weeks ago and destroyed the place early in the morning. Almost everything is gone and those who can't help to rebuild are leaving." (Y/n)'s eyes were caught by a red and gold flag on the floor, partially covered in debris, that same symbol! The one worked into the blade on her arm and on the mosaic puzzle. 
"And that flag? What does the symbol represent?" She pressed further. 
"I've always assumed it belonged to the Auditore family, they started flying them shortly after they arrived. The villa was theirs, they ran the town, brought it to prosperity." There! That name again! Things were adding up. (Y/n) had to contain her excitement. Upon seeing the state of the town, she felt that it could be another dead end but this could lead her to the family who knew her parents, this other family of Assassins. 
"And where are they now? I need to meet them - I've come a long way." The young woman continued. 
"Lucrezia, dai!" The blonde looked over (Y/n)'s shoulder to a group of women dressed similarly to her. Courtesans. 
"The family's daughter owns a bordello in Roma now, we are travelling there today." 
"Can I come with you?" (Y/n) spoke with a pleading note in her voice, "I won't trouble you, I just need to find these people." The courtesan eyed the woman eerily. 
"And why would a lady like you, want to travel with girls like us?" Her eyes became fixed to the strings of pearls around her neck that were poking out from under her chemise. 
"Because I'm alone and I've never travelled before recently. Someone wronged my family years ago when I was just a child. My parents died as a result. The Auditore's are the only ones who might be able to help me find out why." She paused, "Please." 
The courtesan gave a pitiful smile, "I'm sorry to hear that. . . Come along." She beckoned with her hand as she led (Y/n) over to the group of girls. 
As she mounted her horse again, she felt anxious. She didn't know what she was going to find in Rome. Her parents had been Assassins. What if they had been bad people? Who's to say that they had killed for good? She had only told herself this because she wanted to believe it. What if she was wrong?
Either way, she would find this Mario Auditore in Rome and, hopefully, she would find answers with him. 
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teecupangel · 6 months
ok so i had a better idea about desmond turning into creatures.
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he gets raised up from a pup into Ebony Odogaron. Might be good for stealth since he'd blend into the dark. And the zap zap stuff might be useful. Parkour? no problem with the sets of double claws.
Or he's a Violet Mizutsune. This one is probably even better for stealth considering it slides around in its own soap water and can hunt other creatures and set its soap water on fire. (the trailer for it is bomb af) It's a very mobile creature so it probably could parkour because its body movement.
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It's got white on it too >:3
Speaking of Monhun, here’s an idea of the Assassins becoming hunters in MonHun World, here’s an idea of which MonHun monster Desmond could be reincarnated to and an idea of Desmond being reborn as a Zinogre.
What I remember most about Odogaron is that it has an enraged state which makes him faster and harder to hit so the usual tactic is to keep running and dodging until it exhausts itself, then it’ll be an easier battle.
Odogaron is purely a melee monster and Desmond probably try to use his tail as a weapon more often than a normal Odogaron. He’ll probably as small as a corgi first but soon starts growing and keeps growing while being raised by Altaïr.
People just assumed he’s an exotic animal from crusader lands until the Third Crusades begin and the Assassins notice that crusaders don’t recognize him and some even fear him.
By that point, he’s grown large enough that he wear horse armor and people would think he’s a horse.
He can jump really high though and his claws can dig to walls, making it easy for him to climb high structure.
So what you usually happens is that he lets Altaïr disembark before they reach the location and Desmond would stealth his way inside the city using the walls and rooftops while Altaïr enter it the usual way. (Or, sometimes, he stays with Desmond and Desmond climbs up)
Desmond starts to reach the normal adult Odogaron size after Altaïr took the mentorship and the Apple from Al Mualim so there are rumors that Desmond becomes as big as he is because of the Apple but it can’t be proven.
He’s, of course, Sef and Darim’s babysitter because Altaïr believes he’s smarter than humans (Desmond thinks Altaïr is blinded by their years of being together, less master and pet and more companions/family).
Of course, Abbas’ coup fail because they tried to kill Desmond first but, at that point, Altaïr had made an armor for him that’s basically made of the same material as the Armor of Altaïr.
Desmond stays with the Ibn-La'Ahad family until he feels the urge to leave and he gets to Firenze in time to ‘stop’ the execution.
And by stop, yes, that does mean the people of Firenze still talked about the day a mighty hellhound maul and eat (he didn’t eat anyone) the guards and Uberto Alberti.
… all to save the cursed Auditore family.
(As a reference to Odogaron’s penchant for eating Legiana corpse, maybe Desmond’s favorite food is a leaf that looks a lot like Legiana’s wings?)
Ah, Mizutsune. The monster I bullied in Rise until I realized that Rakna-Kadaki’s set is more of my style. XD
Okay, but in all seriousness, Desmond as a Mizutsune would be a fun idea, especially as this is a kind of Leviathan that can move fast both on land and on water. That soap it secretes? It makes it easier for it to move even on difficult terrain, making a Mizutsune Desmond one of the fastest and most elegant destructive force that the Templars ever witness. This soap hinders other people too, making it harder for them to move.
Also, it could shoot out pressurized water from its mouth so Desmond would have a devastating long range attack.
By the way, there’s a white and red Mizutsune that would look good for Desmond: The Soulseer Mizutsune:
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Up to you if you want to keep the scars on the eyes to make Desmond blind, make it part of the plot later on or decide that he wouldn’t get the scars.
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hermarks-a1 · 3 years
thinking about the possibility of red actually following through with her wedding but being way better at managing stuff than her husband ( bc apple doesn't fall far from the tree and uberto's son is just as useless as he is ) and like... she just makes their life a living hell for indirectly helping into the death of her childhood friend. the only thing her mother ever taught red was how to stand tall even when deal with a shitty hand so that's what she does --- her marriage is arranged according to what she wants, so her house and her belongings that can't be touched, her inheritance being a mirage for the alberti household. she marries young but has no kids, leads her business parallel to the assassins' cause. uberto's son is basically a perfect cover, bc her heart would actually belong to beatrice anyway. she would still die at 28, betrayed by her family, her inheritance eventually shared with the alberti now that big bad meanie is gone.
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flammeusarch2 · 3 years
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actually a few facts about renaissance red and her never celebrated wedding bc i love her:
not to be conceited but she was very pretty. next sim.one.tta v.espu.cci kind of pretty. but she had the shittiest personality for period standards --- too standoffish and talkative, not really prime and proper. would people love to look at her? absolutely. did they want to actually deal with her? nope. she was okay with it tho, miss independence since she was little.
her family was in amicable relationship with the auditore family but that was mostly because when you're noble you have to keep face. red's father was very much aligned with the templars as a similar way gonfaloniere alberti was.
on that note, red's marriage to his son was pretty much in favour of the alberti, as they would gain an higher spot in society and also money. red's parents really just wanted to get rid of their bad apple in the cleanest way they could. first talks about proposal happened just a couple weeks before the auditore's executions, and red's cather pushed on to end the deal eventually, after uberto's death.
red was 13 at the time and alberti's son just a few years older, but red managed to postpone the wedding to at least after finishing her studies ( hence another four, five years ) which was a big win honestly and granted only by continuously ghost her family and fiance.
she doesn't really have a revenge story to pair with the sheer anger she feels but then again they killed her best friend and now want her to marry the son of the guy who helped make the execution happen so yeah, she's not exactly happy to hang out with them, especially since she knows they're shady.
at 17 this bamf really went to her future husband and said "your father had blood on his hands, and so will you. and so will i" then packed her stuff and fucked off in monteriggioni to train.
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Ezio’s a Painter
I somehow kinda glossed over this during my ac2 and Brotherhood play throughs, mostly because I kept meaning to make a larger post about it, then kept putting it off. I guess that’s now. This is probably old news to a lot of people, but I wanted to write a post on it anyways. 
This is a researched theory, not explicitly confirmed, either via verbal or textual evidence. That being said, there is a mountain of worldbuilding evidence, if you go digging and give some thought to it. 
So early on in ac2, when you’re introduced to Ezio’s family, Maria Auditore, you hear this gem of a conversation as they walk through the city: 
Maria: Self expression is vital to understanding and enjoying life. You should find an outlet. Ezio: I have plenty of outlets.  Maria (dryly): I meant besides vaginas.  Ezio: Mother! 
During the outing, she leads him to meet Leonardo da Vinci, a family friend and local artist. This is the first time Ezio’s met Leonardo, and when Leo asks what Ezio intends to do with his life, Ezio says something about being “A banker, I suppose”, like he doesn’t really know what to do with his life. 
It isn’t until after the trial and murder of his father and brothers that Ezio truly becomes friends with Leonardo, and receives upgrades. It’s implied to take a few days, and Ezio doesn’t exactly have anywhere to go, so it’s likely that he ended up staying over at Leonardo’s while all of this went down, or over at Paola’s. It’s likely that Ezio took an interest in painting because of Leonardo, though this is never outright said. 
Now, Ezio being a painter isn’t touched upon at all until you get access to the Auditore Villa in Monteriggioni, and even then it’s not exactly called attention to. At most, you get the ability to wander around, and see Ezio’s room. In one of the corners is a painting of Ezio’s first victims, Uberto Alberti, the man directly responsible for the Auditore’s murder. 
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Notice how it says “my”. 
This is something that’s actually happened in Ezio’s life. The Animus can only take so many shortcuts with his life, but the important things tend to stick there, in some way, shape, or form. Rebuilding Monteriggioni was important to Ezio, so it was incorporated as an economic mechanic. Painting was important, so we have portraits of the people Ezio’s killed. 
As ac2 progresses, Ezio’s room slowly fills up with more and more with portraits of the people he’s slain, all listed with a date of death, their name, and who they are. A few of them have personal descriptions, always written in first person, versus how the Animus uses second person to denote things. 
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The language choices aren’t precisely significant in an earth shattering way, but it’s important enough to note it. It’s part of why I feel like these portraits are actually made by Ezio himself, instead of simply being commissioned-- the simple fact of the use of “my, I” etc. 
If you go downstairs in the villa, you can see an artist easel, as well as painting supplies. I, initially, thought maybe it was supplies for Leonardo, but at that point in 1476-8, Leonardo wasn’t living with the Auditores in their Villa. But they’re clearly there for a reason, meaning that someone in the Villa used them. This is the kind of environmental storytelling that I really enjoy, where there’s depth that you can dig for, but it’s not exactly the forefront of things. 
Additionally, Ezio’s home is filled with an art gallery, with whole rooms and halls dedicated to the stuff. This is true for Brotherhood even, after the loss of Monteriggioni, but the art gallery in the Tiber Island Hideout is much smaller. 
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What’s interesting in ac2 is that most of the paintings that Ezio owns relate back to the stories of the gods, or of Adam and Eve, which is ironic considering the nature of the Assassin’s Creed backstory. Or it could be simply really subtle forshadowing, though of what I’m not sure. 
All the paintings that Ezio owns in Brotherhood, that aren’t his, are works from Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, better known as Raphael. I checked -- all of them are by Raphael, whereas the ones in ac2 were from an assortment of artists, Leonardo among them. It just strikes me as a little odd that every single painting in his Brotherhood era gallery is by Raphael, but who am I to judge. Ezio’s just missing a statue from Michelangelo, and he’d have scored a Renaissance Trifecta. 
Ezio’s habit of painting his victims continues on into Brotherhood, where his targets are the focus of much larger paintings. His works in ac2 are roughly 2 feet at most, while the works in Brotherhood take up at least a whole wall’s worth.  
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Another thing to notice is that the portraits in Brotherhood instead have more of an artistic look about them. Compare how all the portraits in ac2 look like simply in game renders with filters, versus how this painting of Lucrezia looks. 
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Stylistically, the portraits in Brotherhood clash horribly with Raphael’s paintings, but I suspect that’s due to the artists taking more freedom with how they want to portray Ezio’s art. It’s much more modern than the time period would suggest his painting would be, but we ignore that because they’re cool looking. 
Ezio had nine paintings in base ac2, with the dlc adding on an extra two paintings, and sixteen subjects between all of them. Brotherhood has six paintings, and six subjects. Of the two groups, only one person is painted twice: Rodrigo Borgia. 
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They both fit into the same sets as they’re painted in, with the first matching the other severe paintings, but I kinda feel like that’s more an art direction choice than a choice of Ezio as a painter/character. Obviously more thought was put into the Brotherhood paintings, so they have more life to them, and more detail, but even then, Rodrigo’s portrait doesn’t exactly stand out among the set. It’s still interesting to see the differences between the two, and kinda wonder at what they say. 
I’ll admit that the timing for Rodrigo’s first portrait is kind of ... odd? The attack on Monteriggioni happens almost directly after Ezio’s confrontation with Rodrigo, so there isn’t that much time for him to paint the man. I do feel that’s more of an issue with the games being made several years apart-- the player should get Rodrigo’s portrait after Ezio beats him at the end of ac2, and Brotherhood wouldn’t come out for another year or two. 
I kinda posit that Ezio painted the first one over the course of years, slowly, probably in the timeskips between sequences 12/13/14, and it wasn’t until Ezio beat the man at the end of ac2 that he considered it “finished” and put it up.
Admittedly I’m thinking of doing a series of posts where it’s just the various portraits, just because I can, and I kinda want to show them off. Maybe. 
Anyways Ezio’s a painter and I’m not going back on this. Take it as you will. 
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evgen05 · 4 years
Assassin's creed ll
The official announcement took place on April 16, 2009 in Game Informer magazine. As part of the story campaign, Desmond Miles, the protagonist of the storyline, is currently experiencing the memories of his distant ancestor - Ezio Auditore da Firenze, a young Florentine aristocrat. The player will visit Renaissance Italy. also a time player - for example, with the Medici couple, Leonardo da Vinci and Niccolo Machiavelli, and Rodrigo Borgia, Francesco Pazzi and Girolamo Savonarola will be listed as enemies of the hero. The Abstergo, the modern equivalent of the Knights Templar, used Desmond to locate a powerful artifact called the "Particle of Eden." Lucy Stillman, an employee of Abstergo and a member of the fraternity of modern assassins, frees Desmond and hides him in secret cover with two other assassins. they created an improved animus, one would have to find an artifact before the Templars. After immersion in Animus, the game begins to unfold in Italy, in the Renaissance, the end of the 15th century. The main character of the game becomes a seventeen-year-old boy named Ezio. Ezio's father, Giovanni Auditore, was betrayed by his best friend Uberto Alberti, and as a result of the accusation, Ezio's father and brothers were hanged. For Ezio, the loss of the family was a severe trauma. He kills the traitor of his family and hides with his uncle Mario at the Villa Auditor in Monteriggioni with his mother and sister. Later, Ezio finds out that his family was betrayed by the Pazzi family, and he decides to get even with her and kills all members of the family. later, Ezio goes to Venice and continues to take revenge there, but he leaves the main enemy, Rodrigue Borjia, alive. but in addition to Assassin's creed brotherhood, Robrigo becomes pope, but his son Cesare will kill him. The following actions of the game unfold in DLS Assassin's creed: Brotherhood.
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assassinsmemes · 7 years
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Him: haha so wyd for vday? lol Me: homework Him: haha not me? jk 😘😂
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