I think the ask got eaten-
A n y w a y
TYWBlue n ChainBlue conked out n curled around each other n TYWVio just looks at the others with a grin n just goes "Blue! Get up or I'm letting Green at your weapons!" n that's the quickest the Chain has seen either of them move-
Both Greens are pouting n both Reds n ChainVio are holding their weapons away from the grassy duo-
tumblr is being mean :( ⊱🍼
the others do not understand why green is banned from the others' weapons ⊱⭐
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sometiktoksarevalid · 5 months
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eclipsecrowned · 22 days
i have such. controversial tyri0n opinions i want to discuss. so badly.
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laughing-moonlight · 1 year
They just deserve each other
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that-wizard-oki · 1 year
NO BUT SO TRUE. even if they wanted to return home at some points i cannot imagine the wizard well and truly wanting to return to "a world that doesn't even believe in magic" after everything they've been through and experienced. after being able to grow and flourish and show off what they're capable of and actually help people. what if the wizard doesn't want to go "home" because the spiral has become home. what then
Exactly my thoughts!
Imo, I never thought Merle to have “kidnapped” the wizard. If we recall, Merle had simply cast a spell . In my heart, i think he was half hoping that the spell would reach Morganthe and bring her home (who knows, maybe she could have even stopped Malistaire if she returned before arriving in Khrysalis.)
But instead a door opened up for the child that would become the Wizard. That is where our story begins; hearing a call to action, and opening a door to somewhere we weren’t just wanted, but needed.
And right you are anon- after all that has happened to us, why would we WANT to go back home? Even now, with the uncertainty of Novus, as we’re challenged as savior, now possibly the antagonist to this universe that loved us so- it’s still the universe that loved us first. Who knows if the wizard ever even knew love where they came from. Maybe that’s why the door opened in the first place. To love an unloved child.
Though we’re not so young anymore, are we…
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infectedpaul · 7 months
itd canon to me idc. pauls got a teeny itty bitty crush on john mcnamara
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cheesysocsandart · 1 year
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went back to my deviant art 
saw these idiots and redrew them. Ive seen ALOT of cringe 
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this is their very first designs
yeah cringe gravity falls stuff XD
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junqkook · 3 months
this is the same girl that said rottenfolk was her roman empire LOL i’m saving it for when i have time to really savor it i’m so excited …
also this is so funny but like i said i discovers your blog a few months after i got into bts and i remember reading the young wolf as it came out without reading the description and being so shocked at the ending like “wtf he just DIES? that’s so depressing” and then going back to read the description and going ohhh it’s based on a show but not thinking much of it or worrying about spoilers because i knew of game of thrones but wasn’t ever planning to watch it bc by that time it had finished airing anyway.
fast forward to january 2023 my friend convinces me to watch game of thrones and i’m HOOKED. loving everything about it and then i get to the red wedding and somehow nothing rings a bell and i’m completely blindsided and then at the end i’m devastated but i’m like wait a minute …. this seems a little familiar … LOL and then everything clicked once i reread your story 😭😭 i thought that was so funny i had one of the craziest events in tv history inadvertently spoiled for me when i didn’t care and then ended up getting lucky up forgetting it all just in time 😭😭😭😭💗
WAIT NO WAY LMAOOOOO THATS FUNNY i cant believe it came to mind so much later, THOUGH I AM GLAD YOURE WATCHING IT BC I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!!!!!!! (tho sorry for spoiling it accidentally in this case LMFAOAODFHJSF)
tysm for reading my fics and enjoying them tho, my darling <333 it makes me so happy hehe
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miciiq · 5 months
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thesingingrevolution · 11 months
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Tywcool tones just working like they have a active mindlink between them n the other TYWColors n the Chain faces-
tyw cool tones def have a personal mindlink but they didnt really tell anyone so everyone else is just so confused abt how they work so well together
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nebulouswinds · 2 years
Okay only bc I don't actually care too much about the thirty years war UNLESS my prof is talking about it, which is making doing the readings Fucking Hard, maybe I'll start dropping in the ridiculous imagery the author sometimes uses
This first one is: a jesuit in a stormtrooper armor? Uniform? Idk I dont go here
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eclipsecrowned · 2 years
love the au edric and i have where joanna survives/she and tyw*n kill aer*s/they and rh*ella shape rhaeg*r into an actually pretty good king over the rest of his childhood. and the second that king starts trying to make The Moves on a teenage girl that is not reciprocating, his aunt just beats the dragon blood out of him til he can’t look at ly*nna without flinching.
anyway here’s how my l*nnister muse accidentally stopped a civil war before it ever began :D
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laughing-moonlight · 1 year
Rose: I don't think we can mansplain, manipulate or malewife our way out of this one
Izuru: *cracks his knuckles*
Izuru: Manslaughter it is
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fretgoon · 7 days
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one of these has been on hold for years and carefully crafted whilst the other was make in spore
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strangestcase · 10 months
obvious observation but it fucks me up that The Yellow Wallpaper is a ghost story but not because there is a traditional ghost (there isn’t)- it’s because there is a metaphorical ghost (a presence, a past, something that lingers) that eventually becomes “tangible” (Jane embodying the madwoman she was doomed to be from the start). Like sure, let’s put the woman with postpartum depression in the gross Insane Lady Prison Chamber Room, and let’s abuse her and gaslight her until she is as crazy as we all feared she was; it doesn’t matter that the Woman In The Wallpaper isn’t a literal actual supernatural entity because it still haunts the room, still vexes/compels the protagonist, and still exists as the latest occupant of the room before her. The monster at the core of the story is medical misogyny, plain and simple, and that’s why I hate takes on TYW that try to make the Woman In The Wallpaper or the Wallpaper itself some sort of living malign entity. They aren’t. They are just what they are. The root of the issue is that, real or not, Jane is STILL getting gaslit, STILL getting mistreated, STILL being reduced to an asset, STILL being ignored!
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