#tysm maggie for the inspiration
jkvjimin · 28 days
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soft 🤍 cr. 0613data
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straightupsickfics · 2 months
i would lovelovelove to 🥺nose kisses + 💕sniffles for any character/ship you are inspired to write. tysm <3 <3 <3
this is sooo cute for them, pls <3 i hope you enjoy some human au ineffable wives girlfriends 🥺
going to cheat and use this for the 'sniffles' square on my good omens bingo, too
Aziraphale had only just slid into the booth at their table by the window when she’s pretty sure she hears her name called. She squints, as though it might somehow help with how blocked up even her ears feel thanks to this cold, and turns to her right only to find Crowley already getting up. 
“Think that’s yours, angel. No, you stay, I’ve got you,” Crowley says, giving her arm a soft squeeze before heading to the front to grab the tea and sandwich Aziraphale had ordered. 
Across from her, Maggie and Nina exchange small, knowing smiles.
“Who’d have thought Crowley would turn out to be such a softie,” Nina says. “All those black outfits and all her I’m so dark and deep brooding looks… you really bring something sweet out in her!” 
Aziraphale feels herself blush, clears her throat to say…something. What, she’s not quite sure. She and Crowley have always understood each other in a way no one else does, making it hard to put into words, but Crowley returns with their lunch before she can even begin to try. 
“Alright?” Crowley asks, sliding back into the booth and looking between the three of them at their now silent table. “You’re only allowed to talk about me behind my back if it’s not nice.” 
Nina rolls her eyes and Maggie barely even tries to disguise her laugh as a cough. 
“Only the worst things, my dear,” Aziraphale reassures her. Her voice sounds vaguely nasal in a way she hates but knows only Crowley will really pick up on. “You know, like how sweet you are, getting my order for me when I’m a touch under the weather. How lovely you look today…”
“Ngghh, angel!” Crowley almost yelps. “No more of that, please. Drink your tea, it’ll help your throat. Put some honey in it for you,” she adds quietly when Nina and Maggie tuck into their own meals.  
“You’re sweet,” Aziraphale can’t help but add. 
She doesn’t actually feel much like eating. She never does when she’s getting a cold like this, one of the worst parts of the whole thing, really, but she knows she’ll feel better if she does. Like Crowley suggested though, she starts with the tea, which is delightfully hot and just as sweet as she likes, though each sip loosens the building congestion in her sinuses and makes her nose run.
Nina, Maggie, and Crowley are discussing a new videogame the three of them have been excited to play, and, not much of a game person herself, Aziraphale takes the opportunity to dab at her nose with one of the napkins scattered over their table. This only serves to shake something loose in her sinuses, though, and she has to duck to the side and sneeze a few times, muffling them into the thin cafe tissues. 
“Hh’ittshhmpp! hmptsHH! Eh’eiiisSHH! Oh! Snf...snf!” Aziraphale sniffles a few times then shakes her head to clear it, murmuring and apology as her friends take turns blessing her. Next to her, Crowley leans over and rubs warm circles over her knee, and it’s enough affection to make Aziraphale want to take the rest of their lunch to go and ask Nina and Maggie for a raincheck. 
“Bless you,” Crowley says, more quietly than everyone else, her hand not moving from its place on Aziraphale’s knee. 
Aziraphale gives her a small smile. “It’s really alright, dear,” she insists, though she doesn’t mean it, not anymore, with the way her sinuses are absolutely prickling with irritated pressure and her nose just wants to run away from her, no matter how much she scrubs it into napkins. 
“We’ll get an extra cup of tea on the way out,” Crowley tells her, while Nina and Maggie carry on talking. “Extra hot, extra honey.” 
Aziraphale lets herself melt into Crowley’s shoulder. Neither of them are much for public displays, but she’s feeling tired and run down enough that she doesn’t care, and she knows Crowley doesn’t either. The soft, spicy smell of her perfume is nice and familiar, and she stays there for a long minute despite the knowing, playful looks they’re getting from across the table. 
“Sorry,” Aziraphale says. “M’afraid I’m terrible company today,” she apologizes with another series of sniffles. 
“You’re sick!” Maggie says. “As great as it is to see you, you look like you’ll be asleep in a matter of minutes, ‘Zira.” 
And, well, that doesn’t feel too far from the truth. They finish their lunches, promising to get together when Aziraphale is feeling better again, and go their separate ways, Crowley’s arm wrapped protectively around Aziraphale’s waist as they leave the cafe, her extra cup of tea in her other hand. 
Nina mumbles something that sounds a lot like lovebirds, but she hushes up as soon as Crowley raises an eyebrow in her direction, making Azirahale laugh for a short-lived moment before it turns into a coughing jag.
“Should’ve just stayed home,” Crowley grumbles when they finally make it back to Aziraphale’s flat. The wind had picked up on their walk back and they're both shivering by the time they get inside.
Aziraphale's place is small and filled almost to bursting with books, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. And, despite her own apartment being nearly the polar opposite, all bare walls and austere black tiles, Aziraphale knows Crowley loves the coziness of it, too. 
“Oh, shh, it’s quite alright,” Aziraphale promises. Her throat is really sore now, though, and she’s having a hard time warming up even though the heat is on and she’s wearing one of her warmer cardigans. And – well – she’s sick. 
Crowley’s eyes soften when she looks at Aziraphale, though, and she all but tackles her onto the soft, well-loved sofa, tugging the thick, crocheted blanket from the back of it and draping it over her legs. 
“That’s better,” Crowley says, kicking her heeled off her black Mary Janes and pulling her legs up onto the couch and drpaing them over Aziraphale’s lap. “Warm enough?” 
“Mmm, much warmer, thank you, dear” Aziraphale nods, shivering at the temperature change under the blanket. She feels absolutely surrounded by warmth, between Crowley, the blankets, the heat pumping through the walls of her old building, and the tea steaming in her hands; she'd be perfectly content if her nose wasn't still entirely stuffed up. 
“You’ll feel better soon,” Crowley murmurs, reading her mind. She leans over and presses a kiss to the tip of Aziraphale’s nose, making it want to run all over again at the attention. 
Aziraphale sighs, tucking another series of sniffles against the cuff of her sleeve. “I hope so, though you’ll be next – mmph, Crowley, you really shouldn’t…” Crowley kisses the corner of her mouth insistently, though, pressing herself in warm and close as if she’s the only one in the world with any hope of warming her up. 
And, well, she certainly has a knack for it. 
“Think we’re well past worrying about all that, eh, angel?” 
Crowley nuzzles into Aziraphale’s neck, warm and ticklish and familiar, and Aziraphale can’t bring herself to argue anymore. Now that they’re home again – because this really is Crowley’s home, too – she can’t help but wonder how she ever dragged herself out in the first place. 
“I suppose so,” Aziraphale says with a yawn. A nap on the couch might be nice, too, and she has a sneaking feeling Crowley will agree. 
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enid-rhees · 9 months
Alrighty, I was thinking (as usual 💀)...
(this is lowkey inspired by my experience lmao)
Imagine reader has like, super-ish long hair. She's been growing it out before and after the apocalypse, so it's down to her butt.
Reader has been wanting to cut it for a while. But is too nervous to lol. So one day, she's talking to Enid, who's playing with her long wavy hair, and listens to reader ramble on about how she wants it to be short like Enid's but is too nervous? Hesitant? Whatever the word is-
So Enid offers to cut it for her! Ofc reader is kinda shocked by the offer, but feels super honored. (It's Enid, let's be real yo-). Enid tells her not to worry, because she used to cut her dad's hair (she actually did 🥺).
So yea, basically Enid ends up cutting readers hair to her shoulders, after years of the reader wanting short hair!!
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i love this so much. when i was younger i had superrrr long hair but when i got older i chopped it all off bc my hair is also really thick so it got knotty really fast . also this scene :’) like two seconds after this everything goes to shit but Enid cutting her hair warmed my heart sm :’)) tysm for sending this in i hope you enjoy 🩷
warnings: ONE sexual joke
a/n: hope you all enjoy! requests are open! if you’d like to request something, read pinned for rules!
you sat in between Enid’s legs as you both watched the movie playing in front of you. her fingers ran through your long hair softly, trying not to pull at any of the strands to hurt you.
if you were being honest, you loved the way it felt when Enid touched your hair like this, but you were getting tired of how long it had become.
you were growing it out before the apocalypse broke out, and you soon realized that it would be almost impossible to have it cut again. it was down to your ass at this point, maybe even longer. it was such a hassle to brush it every day, multiple times at that.
as Enid ran her fingers through your hair, her fingers suddenly got stuck in a knot. you hissed as a first initial reaction, and Enid panicked, “oh my god, i’m so sorry! are you okay?”
“i’m fine.” you chuckled. “i really hate how long my hair is gotten though.” you said with a pout. “it’s so hard to take care of now. i just want to- chop it all off but i’m scared.”
you then changed your position between her legs so you could look at her. you stared to run your fingers through her short strands. “i want my hair to be like yours. its so beautiful. it barely gives you problems and i want that too. but every time i pick up the scissors i get nervous and back out of it. but i’m so sick and tired of dealing with this mess.” you ranted, and you didn’t even realize that you were.
but Enid listened intently, not forgetting a single word you said. she smiled, messing with the messy locks of hair.
it felt like a light bulb suddenly appeared above Enid, “i could cut it for you!” she exclaimed. your eyes widened slightly, “what? are- are you sure?”
“yes! i cut Maggie’s hair a few years back! i want to cut it for you, it can be like mine, just like you said.” she giggled, ruffling your hair teasingly.
even though it wasn’t you doing the cutting, it still worried you. what if you hated how it looked afterwards? what if Enid hated it?
you took a deep breath, “okay. lets do it.” Enid clapped and pulled you up, dragging you to the kitchen. she pushed you down into a chair and left you there as she went to find a towel and the scissors.
your heart raced the longer she was gone. this was actually happening. almost all of your hair would be chopped off finally.
Enid skipped back into kitchen, a blue pair of scissors in her hands. “don’t run with scissors!” you whined. “you’re gonna fall and hurt yourself.”
“it’s very rude to underestimate your girlfriend. are you ready?” with a playful roll of your eyes and a laugh, you nodded. “yeah, i’m ready. i think.”
Enid brushed your hair back and picked up the scissors. “before i do the first cut, you need to tell me if you’re absolutely sure about this, love.”
“i’m sure.” you said. “just nervous.”
“don’t be. you’ll be okay.” you closed your eyes as she brought the scissors down to the end of your hair. she gripped the end and started to slice the scissors through your hair.
“look.” Enid mumbled. you opened your eyes, and Enid held up the chunk of your hair that she just cut off. “oh my god.” you choked out, “i’ve never had it cut like this before. it’s just… it’s weird to see.”
“want me to keep going?” she asked, setting down the chunk of your hair. “yeah,” you nodded. “cut it like yours.”
Enid continued to cut off inches at a time, setting them down next to you. you could feel the back of your head getting lighter as she kept going. it was a new feeling. a good feeling.
after a few minutes, you started to feel your hair tickle your neck. that was new. “i’m done!” Enid exclaimed. before you could answer, she shoved a mirror into your hands. “do you like it?”
you panned the mirror on you, freezing as you stared at your new hair, it changed how you looked entirely, it took you a moment to even recognize yourself.
slowly, you turned your head left and right, looking at it from all angles. it was so different, you couldn’t process it. but… you loved it.
“i love it.” you whispered. Enid smiled widely, “really?” she asked. you nodded, “y-yeah, you did amazing, baby.”
“you look amazing.” she said, leaning down to kiss your head. “god, you really do look different. but like, in a really hot way.”
you furrowed your eyebrows and broke into laughter, Enid following. you stood up and pulled her into a hug. “thank you for doing this, Enid. seriously.”
“anytime.” she mumbled into your neck, kissing the spot in front of her lips. “there’s one downside though.” she said.
you were silent for a moment, “and what’s that?”
Enid sighed, “tugging on your hair when you’re eating me out.” you gasped and hit her shoulder lightly, “Enid!”
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homoose · 3 years
Hi Moose!! If I’m correct in thinking you’re a teacher I wanted to ask I what grade you teach! I graduate college next year and I’m thinking of becoming a teacher (totally not a little inspired by Maggie). I’m kinda new to the cm fandom and I love your fics!! Thank you for blessing us with the content!! 💖💖
you are ♥️ I teach primary (PreK-3) but I’ve spent most of my time in 1st grade. def do some classroom experience if you can!!!! teaching is wonderful but it’s also super hard some days lol. not for the faint of heart at any grade level!!! good luck and lmk how it pans out!
and welcome to the fandom!!! tysm for reading and loving them!!!!! Maggie is my baby lol I love her sm😭
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grasslandgirl · 3 years
✏️🧠🌝 for the fic asks?
✏️ Do you write every day?
oh god no. i wish i was the kind of person with the self control and discipline to write every day but i fully can't. i usually go in big bursts where ill write for hours on end for a couple weeks, and then ill get burnt out and won't write anything for a couple more weeks, and won't write until i get really inspired again- i work only at the whims of a very capricious muse
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
ummmm i have a couple vague ideas for the seven fics, but nothing specific im ready to actually write yet, but hopefully ill have some katja/ostentatia, and some yelle/antiope content coming down the pike sometime soon
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
pretty much all of the pc's from escape from the bloodkeep. someday ill write markland and efinklilith fic. with some good leiland and maggie qpr in there for flavor <3
send me fic asks!!
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menkhu · 3 years
35,58,64!! any/all!!!!
tysm!! garden's my only character with a party atm, so this is mostly going to be about them
35. which party member do they worry for?
that would be fulgur, they party's barbarian. fulgur is both timid and awful at hiding his emotions, so he's constantly provoking garden's protective instincts. they're not one to show fear in general, but it's easier confronting danger when they're doing it for him
58. what do they think their role in the party is? what is their role in actuality?
garden wants to be the party's spirit. they worship milani, the goddess of rebellion, which gives them a strong sense of duty and justice and they want to inspire that same conviction in everyone. they dont. really have that much influence over the feelings of other party members? but for the most part the party is a team of equals nothing much to get confused about there. they're in charge of the rebellion's slam poets and making disguises.
64. do they value mercy or justice more?
garden: justice. just like pruning a bush. sometimes you need to cut off one branch to let the others flourish.
sylvie: she'd say justice bc she wouldn't want to sound weak, but in practice, mercy, every time
irene: she'd say mercy but in reality, she's ready to stab any bitch who'd make trouble for the people she cares about
maggie: mercy, even if she's a fool for it
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lils-writes-stuff · 4 years
Tag Game!!!
Omg so I’ve never done a tag game before ahhh, so I was tagged by the wonderful @hurricanejjareau,(tysm btw) so yea here we go!!
Name: my name is Lily
Nickname: lils is one, but everyone calls me different things: bean, peanut, woman (mostly by boys who have no respect but yk) 
Star sign: Pisces!! 
Favorite musicians: 5sos, Harry Styles, The Lumineers, the Head and The Heart, Sleep Atlast, Maggie Rogers, Shawn Mendes, Luke Combs, Of Monsters and Men, many more but that’s all I could think of.
Fav sports team: So huge baseball fan, Braves specifically, NFL the Detroit Lions, college UGA, I want to get into hockey more but I like either the redwings of the New Jersey Devils. I am a Hawks basketball fan, but I also like the Lakers too.
Other blogs: @sucha-fake-betch is my main that I’ve had for so long.
How many blogs I follow: 40, I thought I followed a lot more hahaha
Tumblr crushes: I don’t have one
Lucky numbers: number 9, for my birthday and it’s also Matthew Stafford’s number, and number 13 because it’s my volleyball and basketball number.
Dream vacation: Greece, I want to look at the art and see all the sites. I want to travel everywhere tho really.
Dream car: TESLA!!! David Dobrik makes me jealous ngl... 
Favorite food: hmmm, I think its steak, maybe mashed potatoes, southern cooking really though.  
Drink of choice: Dr. Pepper, or a frozen coke, or frozen Dr. Pepper that would be good too. 
Instruments: tried to learn guitar...I’m pretty handy with a triangle or a drum if someone gives e a beat to follow. 
Language: I speak English, I take Spanish in school but I’m not good lol
Celebrity crushes: Oh gosh, here we go...Matthew Gray Gubler, Luke Hemmings, Shawn Mendes, Jack Hughes, Dylan O’brian, Calum Hood, David Dobrik, Harry Styles, Tom Holland, Dansby Swanson, and more but I can’t think of them. 
Fun facts: Matthew Gray Gubler and I share a birthday!! Super cool. Uh what else, well I went to a performing arts school part-time for a while. I have been in two state championship games back to back. I was also a swimmer for a long time ad was very promising, but I quiet cause I needed a team sport. 
Tagging my fav writers: Okay so here we go, @imagining-in-the-margins  is incredible, she has such great Spencer Reid writing, ugh the make me swoon. @dontkissthewriter is amazing also, she has a story called ‘read between the lines’ OMG let me tell you that was amazing!!! Okay so backing away from CM, @bilesbilinskix has a teen wolf re-write that I adore. I read it a while ago but it was actually what inspired me to write Best Years. Okay so @daniellesimagines, I’ve read her one-shots since I was in the seventh or eighth grade I think, since before I was on Tumblr anyway she is awesome I love her 5sos one-shots.   
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chaosbisexual · 7 years
Bookish Questions:- 1-50
tysm !!! 
1. What is your favourite book and/or book series of all time?
Harry potter has definitely had a profound impact on my life.like,, harry potter. but a close second is the chronicles of narnia (i have aside blog for that which is why you never see any of that content)
2. What is the longest book you have ever read? How many pages?
Order of the phoenix, probs. i’ll get back to you with how manypages. 
3. What is the oldest book you have ever read? (Based on itswritten date)
i mean i did randomly read the bible a lot as a child (not bci’m reliegous but bc i just randomly read the books on my relatives shelves)but Black Beauty was written in the 1800s-early 1900s wasn’t it? if not, thenNorthanger Abbey by Jane austen. 
4. What is a book series that everyone else loves but you do not?
twilight or hush hush. ugh. 
5. What book or book series would you like to see turned into afilm/ TV series?
TRC IS GETTIN A SHOW !! TRC IS GETTIN !! A !! SHOW !! i’d alsolike to see a show based on his dark materials, since the movie (i still retainthat it was good) was a flop. the selection would also be cool to see. andPERCY JACKSON NOT THE STEAMING SHIT PILES OF MOVIES. BETTER.
6. What is your favourite stand-alone book?
stardust by neil gaiman or where rainbows end by cecelia ahern,or perks of being a wallflower by stephen czbotsky. (or p&p ornorthanger abbey by jane austen)
7. What is a book that you feel glad for not reading?
twilight.i have read snippets of the gender bend and by. god. 
8. What is a book that you feel guilty for not not reading?
six of crows. but its on the TBR. 
9. What is a book you have read that is set in your country ofbirth?
i read a few of the “our australian girl” stories when iwas younger but ?? not much else im afraid :((((
10. What is a book that you own more than one copy of?
i used to own more than one copy of divergent, but that was bcthey were both presents and i’ve given away both now. i also have multiplecopies of the hp books (at mums house and dads)
11. What horror book made you really scared?
idont really read horror books? 
12. What book do you passionately hate?
13. What is the biggest book series you have read? How many booksare in it?
hp and narnia both have 7 books, but harry potter is by far thebiggest (although it ironically covers a much smaller timeline.)
14. What book gives you happy memories?
harry potter, where rainbows end, perks. 
15. What book made you cry?
HARRY POTTER, NARNIA, THE RAVEN CYCLE, WHERE RAINBOWS END,,,like any book im super emotional 
16. What book made you laugh?
perks and where rainbows end. 
17. What is your favourite book that contains an LGBTQ+ character?
Carriehope fletcher’s book (before you turn down youtuber’s book; its fiction, notbased on her) she has a bi character who talks about being bi and how he dateda man (to his girlfriend) and a pansexual character who is just. caught kissinggirls and they’re both normalised and cool. so i liked that. 
18. Have you read a book with a male protagonist? What is it?
*cough* harry potter. percy jackson. 
19. Have you read a book set on another planet? What is it?
I don’t think I have actually ??? unlessyou count the crappy doctor who novelizations
20. Have you ever been glad tonot finish a series? Which?        
Divergent. It got really shitty.
21. Have you ever read a book series because you were pressured?
I don’t think so ?? everything I read iswhat I choose so,,,
22. What famous author have you not read any books by?
Stephen king and George r r martin. But they’reon my tbr.
23. Who is your favourite author of all time?
j.k or neil gaiman.
24. How many bookshelves do you own?
Three (one big one, a small one, andthen one at my mum’s house)
25. How many books do you own?
 I just counted roughly 70 in the room imin now, so that would mean I actually own 80-100 books all up ??
26. What is your favourite non-fiction book?
 Milk and honey by rupi kaur OR theencyclipeida of greek mythology bc its hella interesting
27. What is your favourite children’s/middle-grade book?
 Black beauty, narnia, hp, or thegirlfriend fiction series ?? like I know a lot of it was shitty but one of the firstlgbt books I read was girlfriend fiction, so I love a select few of them.
28. What is your next book on your TBR?
I have the six of crows ibooks (s/o toaimee ur gr8) so I need to get on that,, and I need to completely finish hisdark materials, because I’ve only done book 1.
29. What book are you currently reading?
The raven king by maggie steifvater. Itsp good. I don’t want it to end tho
30. What book are you planning on buying next?
Anna Kareninaby leo Tolstoy or I’ll give you the sun by jandy nelson
31. What was the cheapest book you bought?
An old poetry book from the 40s was like$3,and I’m sure there were a few other antique / op shop buys that were just asgood.
32. What was the most expensive book you bought?
I have a few hardcover copies of booksthat were about $40-$50 each ?? I’m so cheap lmao
33. What is a book you read after seeing the movie/ TV series?
Perks. And I don’t regret that either.
34. What is the newest book you have bought?
Milk and honey
35. What three books are you most looking forward to reading thisyear?
The raven king, I’ll give you the sun,six of crows.
36. What is a book you love that has a terrible trope? (Lovetriangle, etc)
A book called “she’s with the band” (girlfriendfiction) has a “gay best friend !!” the plus side is he’s gay and greek so ,,,hes p cool.
37. Have you read a book in a different language? What was it?
Shakespeare was written in ye olde Englishso does that count ?? I’ve also read a few small things in French ???
38. What is a book you’ve read that is set in a time period beforeyou were born?
39. What book offended you?
The cursed child. That is not the harrypotter I grew up with.
 40. What is the weirdest book you have read?
Alicein wonderland is pretty weird when you think about it. Was she high onsomething? Was carroll?
41. What is your favourite duology?
Me before you + after you by jojo moyes
 42. What is your favourite trilogy?
the selection by keira cass or inkheartby corneila funke.
 43. What book did you buy because of its cover?
Looking for Alaska intrigued me bc I waslike ?? what does the flower mean ?? what does it have to do with Alaska??
 44. What is a book that you love, but has a terrible cover?
Stardust probably ??
 45. Do you own a poetry anthology? What is your favourite poemfrom it?
I have two; milk and honey and a vintageone called “fresh fields.”
“Everyrevolution starts and ends with his lips” – milk and honey, rupi kaur
“smells,”fresh fields.
 46. Do you own any colouring books based off other books?
Multiple mp +fbawtft ones yes.
 47. Do you own any historical fiction?
Black beauty ??
48. What book made you angry?
Cursed child.
49. What book has inspired you?
Harry potter, perks, inkheart.
 50. What book got you into reading?
Without a doubt, harry potter and narniadid. My mum used to read them to me and it was the. Best part of being young. Itwas amazing.
tysm nonnie !! sorry it took so long ! 
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jkvjimin · 24 days
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FILTER JIMIN ↳ for @kth1 💜
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grasslandgirl · 4 years
3, 7, and 8 for the fic author questions!
ahhh tysm maggie :))
3: do you write fics from start to finish, or jump around?
oh i have to write fics from start to finish or else i like. do not finish them lmao! i usually have a handful of scenes i want to write in my head and then i use those scenes to make myself write all the scenes that come before them, because otherwise i won’t write them; like. if theres a scene i want to write, and then i finish it, then i dont have anymore drive to write all of the surrounding scenes lmao
7: which part of writing do you struggle with most?
hmmm it really depends on what i’m writing? sometimes it’s hard to get dialogue flowing in a way that feels natural and believable, and sometimes i have trouble filling in all the action and context around or preceeding the scene im trying to write, and sometimes (most often if i’m honest) it’s a struggle just to get the words going at all lmao
8: do you listen to music while you write? if so, share a song that’s been inspiring you lately.
i really cant listen to music when i’m writing, it makes it hard for me to focus and the lyrics make it hard for my brain to focus on the words im trying to actually write! sometimes when i can’t get rid of the song that’s in my head, however, or if i’m really trying to get into a vibe for the story i’m writing i’ll listen to low fi hip hop or coffeeshop playlists on spotify, or occasionally if there’s a story or character or relationship i can’t get out of my head i’ll build a playlist for it and listen to that specifically built playlist for the Vibe and the Tone, if that makes sense!!
send me fic asks!!! :))
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