#twst unveil headcanon
harunayuuka2060 · 27 days
Cute headcanons
Leona, Akihiko, and Yuurin are overprotective of each other.
They use each other's pictures as screensavers.
Yuurin once asked Leona if having a big chest was a struggle. Leona, in response, asked if she thought his chest was big, to which she replied, "Yes."
Leona is picky about who Yuurin should date, while Akihiko, on the other hand, wants a decent and responsible man for her. They do agree on one thing: Yuurin should not hastily enter married life.
Yuurin would eat the vegetables Leona refused to eat.
Akihiko once teased Leona about how he would watch over their little sister after he graduated. Leona confidently replied, "I'll just repeat a year then."
Yuurin sometimes does Leona's homework and projects because she doesn't want him to fall behind, especially when Ruggie is too busy to help.
Yuurin aims to find someone as gentle and kind as Akihiko, while also wishing to emulate certain qualities of Leona for her future partner.
Yuurin's favorite items are the Arctic tern hairpin from Leona and the lily flower earrings from Akihiko.
The three cuddled in bed once (when Aki first visited NRC). Yuurin was in the middle, using Leona's arm as their pillow, while Aki held the blanket.
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