#turns out maybe the tags of a tumblr post isn't therapy
theforgottenfreefaller · 10 months
Me: I hate it when people don't respect my boundaries. Also me: Doesn't respect my own boundaries.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 33,136 times in 2022
1,630 posts created (5%)
31,506 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 33,120 of my posts in 2022
#fandom stuff - 15,882 posts
#star wars - 8,202 posts
#the clone wars - 3,224 posts
#videos - 1,866 posts
#animals - 1,672 posts
#self reblog - 1,579 posts
#what we do in the shadows - 1,384 posts
#tumblr - 1,027 posts
#fashion - 1,018 posts
#kenobi show - 880 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#jango can’t turn to look at her without craning his neck; but he can guess she’s tapping at her own cheek with a look of mock thoughtfulness
My Top Posts in 2022:
I think a nightmare situation (for someone) is Anakin getting dosed with truth serum in TCW
And everyone's like "Oh, he's going to confess to the Amidala thing," and he's just like "I have murdered babies"
In front of like. Half the council.
"Obi-Wan did you know about--" "NO"
"Ahsoka please leave the room while we figure out what the fuck is going on. You shouldn't be here." [sounds of the pedestal she put Anakin on just crumbling]
They were expecting Anakin to admit he's horny and stupid about Padme and maybe planning to leave for her post-war. They were not expecting 'yeah I did a massacre,' okay?!
"Oh, we'll finally be able to stop pretending we don't know, and he'll stop being really awkward and pathetic about his affair!" Nope, it's so much worse.
I've seen truth serum fics for Anakin before but it's almost always for a Romance Confession and like. No. I want him to fuck up his entire career by admitting to an atrocity he committed. He deserves to fuck up his career at the minimum. He has killed so many people. Please make him go to therapy or something.
Palpatine: I'd like to speak with General Skywalker. Jedi: No, sorry, there's been an incident. Palpatine: …what kind of incident? Jedi: I'm sorry, but we can't tell you that. Palpatine: I am the supreme commander of the armed forces. You are legally obligated to tell me the actions of a high-ranking military member. Jedi: Technically it happened before the war, and outside of Republic space, so it's an internal Jedi matter.
2,609 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
I think Anakin and Padme deserve to Stay Besties in any AU that isn't Anidala specifically because their love languages are absolutely buckwild and insane to almost anyone else, but match up to each other pretty perfectly, which means that if they aren't dating each other, they are the exact right person to have egging the other on and enabling whatever unhinged bullshit they're planning on doing in the name of romance.
Anakin thinks he needs to serenade his partner? Padme hires him an orchestra.
Padme wants to meet daringly under the cover of night with her new secret lover because that's the only right way to do it? Anakin is staging a kidnapping for her, zero questions.
Anakin is swooning over how his love interest was kissing him! but it was actually lips-to-leg attempts to suck out the venom of a bad bite (something you're not even actually supposed to do, but hey, the Force slowed his heart down enough that maybe it helped! and he survived anyway, it's fine)? Padme is over the moon for him, that's so romantic!
Their brain cells are so, so allergic to each other. Put them in a room and all common sense flees in the face of "okay, but if I challenge her to a sword fight--" "Padme you can't challenge a Sith to a sword fight." "No no, but if I challenge her and then you swoop in for me as my substitute, and I promise a kiss to the winner and you throw the match--" "Okay I don't want to lose to Ventress but oh my god, I love it."
Move aside, Idiots to Lovers, there's a new ballgame in town!
Friends to Lovers to Idiots
2,779 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
This is a little random but thoughts on a crack au where Luke has an “imaginary friend” that is, in fact, Mace Windu’s force ghost
Mace: Now remember what I have taught you
Luke, levitating his things into his backpack for like Tatooine elementary school or whatever: We forgive and love and do no harm, but if we see Palpatine it’s on sight
Mace: Exactly
Owen: Beru it’s happening again-
tfw things with your kid get so weird that you have to bite the bullet and go ask your wizard-in-law to help figure out what the hell is going on.
This would be a lot of fun, and I think Leia deserves a ghostly mentor as well. Let's give her Shaak or Jocasta?
3,798 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
Another really funny plot concept for "Jedi leave the Republic for their own safety/survival well before the war hits" is that Dooku goes out, claims his title as Count of Serenno, and then just invites his entire ten-thousand-strong extended Jedi Family to join him.
Who's going to stop him? His planetary government, that he's in charge of and can easily convince that Jedi are a good thing for agriculture and education and medicine? The Republic?
Sidious is left staring because not only did he fail to make this rich old former Jedi fall, but the rich old former Jedi stole all the Jedi he was in charge of, including ten-year-old Skywalker.
3,832 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I think that... a lot of the time, fics that want to give the clones more agency and vilify Jedi tend to focus in on the Jedi not being trained for war (truth) and shouldn't automatically be given positions of leadership (arguable truth) and so the clones shouldn't listen to them (...no)
Because. I mean. Listening to the psychic is a tactical advantage
The clones should have massive influence on battle plans! But if the Jedi says "not that route" then there's a solid chance it's because they are getting Bad Vibes that are predicting a possible ambush or rock slide
Ignoring a Jedi for not being a tactical expert is like ignoring the engineering specialist for not being frontline
Like yeah, they aren't battle planners. They still have pertinent information that could cost you the battle if you ignore it.
This doesn't get into the Jedi being solid field leadership (again, being psychic helps massively with making snap decisions) and just a major force in war themselves.
But as far as pre-battle leadership goes, I just think a lot of the This Character Is Literally Psychic gets understated. Not enough scenes in fic where the Jedi offer an opinion on the plan and just
"Bad vibes, sir?" "Bad vibes, captain."
"Sir, requesting a vibe check." "Vibes are good. We are clear to proceed."
I just really need clones requesting vibe checks as a matter of procedure.
4,478 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dammitjameskirk · 2 years
tw suicide, tw death mention, tw suicidal ideation
hi guys!! today is my birthday!!
i have a long post here full of some stuff i felt was important enough to share. don't worry, it's not anything actually bad or scary, but it IS talking about the concepts and how much today means to me.
(if this posts 2 times, tumblr is a fcking dumpster fire and i wrote this out once already but it didn't schedule properly that i can see so i'm posting it a little early bc i have to go to bed now)
it's been a while! like a long while. we've all been around here for years at this point. i'm writing this bc my birthday is today, and it was pretty important to me in my whole tumblr time bc….at some point, i started making a 'death queue' for when i killed myself. not 'if', but 'when'. like it was unquestionable and matter-of-fact, not having to think about life past the age of, specifically, 26.
well today is my 26th birthday. and guess what? i'm still here! i'm still kicking! i'm going to keep on doing that!
this isn't meant to be inspirational; it's actually meant to be a little bit sad in the way that i have to admit to it at all. i made a death queue, and i had to remove a bunch of posts before midnight tonight so i could make sure to tell anyone who's still out there that i am not, in fact, dead. (i'm also much cooler than i was when i was making these posts! it's fun to see the old tags.) i have a queue tag of 'since queue been gone' because of this. honestly i'm not getting rid of most of the posts, since i still like them AND i think they deserve to be scattered on my blog. but i did do a fair amount of them just…..randomly scheduled throughout the next couple of years.
here's the post that was meant to kickstart everything; i'm sharing it here because for quite a while it was…comforting? in a way? to think of it as a little capsule. the beginning of the queue, something to both dread and look forward to. it's not easy or something i would ever want to make someone look at. but at the same time, i need to share it, because of how much it meant.
Tumblr media
it was so morbid. making a death queue? hello? but it helped me, when i was having really rough nights. i wanted….a little wave? to anyone who still followed a defunct blog? or if my friends ever wanted to check on my old profiles. i don't know what kind of therapy that would've needed but yknow. here we are. i just wanted to be able to say 'hi, i'm still thinking of you, and i still want to share what's in my brain with you'. it was…nice, in a way, to think about the future like that. it's very scary to think about the future like this instead. can you believe i now have to make myself be in the future? i hate this. this is the Bad Place. but at the same time, i'm still here, i made it this far. i will keep on making it, for now.
anyway, if you see a post crop up on my blog with weird tags or something that doesn't make sense with my current content (although most of it is still pretty in line with me lol i have not changed that much)… well. at least there's this half of an explanation. i'm still here. life is hard and scary and now i can no longer tell myself 'dont worry, you wont have to deal with this once you turn 26'. jokes on me, because now i've turned 26 and i very much have to deal with 'this'. i'll figure it out though! things will turn out better. i will make them.
thanks for reading! this wasn't intended for any pity parties or anyone really talking to me about it. maybe one day i'll be able to afford a therapist to actually break things down. but for now, there's this. love you all!
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thedreadvampy · 3 years
this is kind of a Hot Take (and rlly long) so don't feel pressured to post this
also no one cancel thedreadvampy over posting this ask if she does these are my beliefs and not necessarily hers kthx
I'm honestly really uncertain why people are so militant about aphobia on this site. like obviously aphobes are Not Nice People and it's good to be against their shitty beliefs. But I've been on this site for ~5 years and I have never, in my memory, seen an aphobe (with the few exception of like. literal nazis but their main label isn't aphobe). I have seen a lot of people who were then harassed/cancelled being called aphobes in addition to a lot of other things like (homophobic, racist, abusive, etc) but as far as I bothered to figure out, the label of aphobe came from one specific phrase they used or one post they reblogged (though I can't be bothered to Deep Research so I genuinely don't know on this one).
(I have seen casual acephobia in my own personal life. however, that is not Tumblr.)
I have seen scores of posts along the lines of "aphobes are bad" "aphobes dni" etc etc.
Maybe it's just who I follow, but it seems like there's a lot more anti-aphobe sentiment than aphobes. Which is good! It's the goal! However, I think it's possible that that anti-aphobe sentiment has not become "look how few aphobes there are! yay!" it's "there are hidden aphobes all around us and you have to interrogate everyone to know who to ostracize"
You're a fairly popular figure in the mechs/tma fandoms and the thing about Tumblr is that it hates popular figures. And more than that, you're visible, so a) people will see if you answer a bunch of questions about ace things, and b) you exist in everyone's brains more than little blogs.
to be clear. to be absolutely crystal 100% clear: I am not saying that people got together and went "let's interrogate all the popular blogs so we can pretend theyre acephobic and have fun bullying people," I'm saying it's possible that what was once a positive emotion, "we don't tolerate intolerant people" has possibly, in some people, morphed into a fear that intolerant people are hiding all around them. And frankly, that fear can be understandable (not right, not kind, but understandable), especially if they face hate irl and their only outlet for emotion is tumblr. shit, Tumblr is one of my emotional outlets.
I don't think it's bad to engage with these people in good faith, or to answer questions, but I think it's possible that some of them are coming from the "intolerant people are hiding all around us and must be ferreted out" kind of perspective instead of a "hey I wanna check that this person isn't an intolerant asshole before following/supporting them" or "I want to engage with a person who may be ignorant" (I'm not attempting to imply that you're ignorant). Im not saying "not answer their questions" this is just, like, my opinion. I'm not making a lot of actionable statements here.
that's my whole Hot Take, hopefully I made some kind of sense, I just honestly feel kind of mad on your behalf that you have to go thru an interrogation to be Not Tumblr Cancelled. If people were generally having a nuanced discussion then that would be fine but you've already stated several times that ace/aspec people are valid and deserve love and respect etc etc. which as an aspec person makes me feel that your blog is safe for me, and I don't feel the need to play 20 Questions Are You Sure You Aren't An Aphobe
I don't know how much of this I entirely agree with and I refuse to think
(not about this. just in general. today I refuse to think)
my main response to this is:
a) I think my confusion is I have less than 1500 followers I think I always assumed the You Are Now A Public Figure People Have Opinions On mark had to be higher than that but this appears to have been a totally incorrect assumption
b) I don't feel like. a threat of Cancellation except inasmuch as I don't want Kofi to eventually get any kind of kickback if I turn out to be or people understand me to be a shitty person. I didn't ask for a platform or do anything to deserve it, if I get distressed it's largely just that I don't want to be a shitty person! and I have a whole thing about. I don't ever feel secure in my ability to say I'm NOT being shitty so like if enough people start saying AH RUTH THEDREADVAMPY IS A GARBAGE PERSON I definitely do stay wondering if they're right even if I think my position is morally defensible. like I'm very easy to get into a spiral of I think that's highly defensible but maybe I'm just in denial/trying to cover my ass/self-justifying so I can avoid accountability/etc. like this is a thing and it's why I'm very uncomfortable with absolutism, a lot of my family in my experience have a phenomenal capacity for denial and for rewriting reality into something they Fully Believe despite all the evidence, and so I'm really conscious of the possibility that I'm doing that and I wouldn't. know about it. it's a really really powerful subconscious force and that's been like. a big fear point for me my whole life. that I could be being a cunt and be obviously being a cunt and be so deep in denial that it just doesn't register at all. this is like. the thing I fear most. So I DO want people to tell me if I'm being a dick because the only way I can 100% know I'm not just in denial is if I can trust people to call me in, but I really, really, really struggle with when people say I'm being a dick and I disagree, not because they're harassing me necessarily but just because it really sends me into a spiral of doubting my own ability to be sure about like, anything. at all. it's a whole unreality thing which is, uh, it's MINE to deal with, it's not something I would want to put on other people, but it very much does affect my responses and I didn't mean to write this but hey, no therapy last week and it shows.
oh also c) on reflection I don't agree that there's very little aphobia on Tumblr (although as I've said I'm not ace or aro so my opinion should hold little weight) but I do think that there's a lack of give and take, not just in aphobia stuff but also in general, in these kinds of conversations, like sometimes yeah people are actively hateful but I don't think there's any room for misunderstanding, poor phrasing, or questioning, and I understand that that's coming from a really genuine place of pain and devaluation of aro/ace experiences but I also think people jump straight to assuming active malice very fast, and often explicitly consider "actively not stating an opinion" to be an offence on the level of "actively staying a harmful opinion," which I think is unhelpful. like. we learn by listening, there are times in my life where I would have been lying at the time to agree unconditionally with something like "I think we should believe survivors" (I was a 2000s teen who hung out with 4channers) but I also was conscious of the harm that it would do to publicly debate from the perspective that No We Shouldn't Believe Survivors, so you know I waited and I listened and I thought about it and ultimately I came to a position I could say with my chest. but like. The online social more that you Have to have an opinion and I Have to hear it to prove that you have the Right opinion is. uncomfortable to me to say the least. I don't think it gives you much room to learn and improve, especially given that everything on the internet is permanent and often treated as if it forever reflects your current beliefs. like I have changed my opinions So Much since I was 16 and if someone went back through a tag on my blog to Prove My Bad Opinions they could paint pretty much any picture they wanted with 12 years of changing opinions.
anyway yeah like. no I don't fully agree with this ask but I appreciate the alternate perspective. I also did not mean to write another wall of text I'm just very much In A Brain Hole today and sometimes words Just Happen.
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