#tumblr shit on the quality of this zoom in!!!
del-uxie · 6 months
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skullfragments · 2 months
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soooo i've been real busy this past month and change working on this monster of a painting! it was originally for the GO Ref library study club but clearly took much longer than i anticipated😅
for those of you who don't recognize it, this is based on one of my favorite historical paintings, Judith Beheading Holofernes (1620) by Artemisia Gentileschi. i love the Baroque period and this painting (as well as her other works) makes me insane. here it is Good Omens style so maybe all of you can be insane with me <3
"Aziraphale (and Crowley) Beheading the Metatron"
(non-bloody and non-glowy versions under the cut)
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mellohd · 5 months
the timelapse for this is abhorrent, so i will not include it with tthis one
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i kinda gave up rendering once i got to the sketch on the left but tbh i kinda like the less blended look. i was trying to render this like my self portrait from a little whiles back and also tried to styalize the features a bit more than i would have normally for a drawing like this… i miss drawing house heads with eddsworld mouths also i had to reexport cause i forgot to sink his head in more so he looked more bitchy than uncomfortable‼️‼️
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keanuiver · 2 years
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SEBASTIAN STAN on Gold Derby’s 2022 TV Contenders
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soldier-poet-king · 2 years
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Had the LOVELIEST weekend in Stratford 'off Avon' with @im-not-the-one-youre-looking-for and @ihaveonlymydreams seeing TWO absolutely fantastic shows and also book shopping because of course there was book shopping.
Weeping and wailing not just from two tragic productions but also bc Rae made me this gorgeous cr m9 themed quilt which my shitty phone camera does NOT do justice at all and Maria 3D printed my curse of strahd pc!!! It's him!! My awful little guy!!! My horrible alcoholic coward slut grave cleric (affectionate)!!!
They ALSO unlocked the secret bonus Fran experience (met my nonni and were strongarmed into espresso and biscotti despite having just come from brunch)
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rayelizabethvivix · 1 year
Tumblr videos/photos be scrolling when you click on them in mobile like I'm on fucking Facebook (and presumably TikTok which I continue to refuse to get). someone shut this shit off. @staff I'm looking at you.
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oflgtfol · 2 years
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okay so i threw this together in like an hour but in reality it took longer bc i fell asleep midway through it so its. 3am now and i dont have any more time to work on it. turns out setting it as my icon makes it look like shit because of the thin lines at such a small size so im gonna have to work out a solution tomorrow when its not 3am and im not falling asleep midway through. but i really like how the thin lines are so here it is at full size 😔
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t-t-p-d · 2 months
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just for fun... here are some pics i took at my show 😋😋
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For @where-does-the-heart-lie 's DTIYS ! Hoping tumblr doesn't down the quality too much, in any case feel free to zoom in there's so much; stuff and textures and shit
First time joining a dtiys teehee
(version without the background and additional thoughts under the cut)
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For his face, I got inspired by the Sabo with the triangle shape langage from this post, and the facial hair from here
It does end up making him look older, but I thought he looked too unhinged to pass
Also I didn't draw the top hat bc I desperately wanted to draw the goggles
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nardos-primetime · 2 months
Drawing requests you say?????
How about some disaster twins angst? For something more specific, what about some separation anxiety/reassuring one another that they're ok?
(U might have to zoom in for some text idk tumblr fucks quality sometimes)
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They share a lot of issues but they keep each other grounded I think. I also like the concept of the twins comfort falling under a "this sucks" "Yeah dude this sucks" solidarity type thing, especially bc neither of these boys have gone to therapy n share so much trauma and both still have ego issues they would NOT know proper tactics to calm down they just try to cope in ways that hopefully won't kill them
And Doodle for a Potential upcoming comic (or fic, hopefully a comic though) with Disaster Twins Angst. I just wanna practice a bit more n relearn come comic shit before I make it lol. This will probably fall under separation anxiety more than any of the doodles above.
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Donnie is mean sometimes. He doesn't know why. He can only guess, but Donnie doesn't like guessing.
Leo guesses all the time, though.
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three-dee-ess · 3 months
going on a deepdive into 3DS/DS purikura games
I saw this image on a tumblr post and I wanted to look for the original source (so I could properly credit the person and to find out what game it was):
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I couldn't find the original, however, I did find this yahoo ask asking what game it was.
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The person answering seemed to think it was a hello kitty game, likely because of the hello kitty sticker used to cover the face of the person taking the selfie, but it's clearly one that was added after the photo of the DS was taken, it's not a sticker that exists within that software.
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As you can see here, it seems to be a piece of hello kitty fanart- it's not official art, and therefore not featured in the game. This helps with my search a bit.
Also, I believe this is a 3DS title, not a DSI/DS one like the person above suggested- the "select" button in the home menu is the same as the o3DSXL's. This suggests this game was published BEFORE the n3DS series was released.
I remembered playing a game in the past called "Sanrio Picross" that had some purikura elements, however, that game doesn't allow you to edit photographs, and upon looking at them side by side, the UI is completely different.
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I googled "3DS purikura game" (purikura being the Japanese word for photo booth) and the only result was "Sparkle Snapshots." From what I could see, the 3DS title didn't have UI that matched either. I decided to look up the DSI game as a last ditch effort into this line of thinking and I didn't find anything.
I did find a screenshot of the title screen on khinsider VGM and the title song goes HARD.
It doesn't seem like this is a purikura game, (or at least not solely), so my research must continue. The next thing I looked into was the UI. I know some Japanese, not very much, but enough to read some basic katakana.
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Under the X button it says "Zoom." The L button seems to say "Erase Button."
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And it seems that R and A also say "Erase Button." Start obviously says "Menu" It seems like this is a very basic game.
For the bottom screen, it was taken at an angle and it contains some Kanji, so I put it through some photo editing to make it easier to read.
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Typing that into google translate I got "Saved! Do you continue doodle?" (and then obviously yes/no)
The phrasing of doodle is interesting. This implies it could be an art program, like the yahoo commenter suggested earlier.
Searching up 3DS art programs doesn't really help me, and coloring games doesn't work either...
My last resort is to go through every 3DS game released in japan, (since we already have a copy of every game ever released for the 3DS online...) However, before I do that, I'm going to look for this image some more.
I found it running rampant on pinterest...
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No one else seems to know what it is either LOL.
However, the version on pinterest is significantly higher quality!
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Next step, finding more games. I simply need to try to find MORE games. Because I know what the UI looks like, it shouldn't be too hard.
I'll run this search again and just scroll till I see a new lead...
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Oh, that was quick!
I found a series called "minna no" which seems to be similar to the "imagine" series in the US- just kind of children's shovelware that never got translated to english.
I ran a search for みんなの (Minna no) on google and...
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Huh that sounds familiar... oh my god.
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It'S THE SAME FUCKING GAME THE GUY FROM EARLIER WAS TALKING ABOUT. The one I dismissed entirely because it was a DSi title and the game's UI wasn't DSi? It was a 3DS title.
The best part about all of this... the best part about all of this... the UI doesn't even match at all. I went full circle and just accidentally proved this guy completely wrong.
I checked the rest of the minna no games, and yup, no dice. It's some other title.
Next up, I looked at Girls RPG Cinderella Life, mostly because it kept coming up over and over during my research- and holy shit their website is adorable.
Their website is an accessibility nightmare, but it's absolutely adorable. If you are into web design at all, I'd recommend checking it out.
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super cute!! looking through the website only proves to me though that this is not the game we are looking for though, so let's move on.
Okay okay okay, how about... JS GIRL: Doki Doki Model Challenge?
Found some information about it.... oh shit there's a camera function?
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Dammit... Doesn't look anything like the image.
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WAIT WAIT WAIT. A photo decoration option??????
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While trying to find more images I found out the game was in this pretty holographic packaging. God I'm jealous. More games should do this.
Either way I can't seem to find any images on this, so it's going on the list of possible candidates. And While looking up this game, I found more under the same artstyle that also might be culprits.
While trying to find more information, I realized how many of these games there are. And also how many of them I have played in the past, lol.
I've been a big fan of Style Savvy (AKA Girls Mode) and I've tried out Girls Fashion Shoot, which was an english translation from a different game series about becoming a model.
Yet another knocked off the list!
By extension, the second game is also knocked off the list.
Another model game- this one called Neco*Petit Girls Runway. Another dud, but also very cute.
Pretty Rhythm series seemed to have a camera function but it didn't line up with the UI shown in the screen either.
If anyone has any more ideas or lists of games, please tell me below! I need to take a break from researching this, and I'll need to play some of that JS model game from earlier, since I doubt anyone has used the photo function during a youtube Let's Play, but based on the UI, I sincerely doubt that it's the one we are looking for.
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ceoofakimizuairi · 1 year
Honkai star rail is slowly taking over my life, fandom wise (I don't play it that that much)
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I think Tumblr shitted on the quality it's ok. Don't zoom in.
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kafus · 6 months
OKAY HERE'S MY CYNTHIA BATTLE FROM LAST NIGHT!!! i actually recorded it with my cap card and then put some subtitle commentary on it. i managed to do the entire battle in just under 10 minutes so it would fit on tumblr though i did have to make the file crunchy as fuck/low quality LOL. instead of typing out everything here you can just watch the battle happen. here's my team for context (i took these photos after beating her):
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i did not record the E4 nor am i gonna talk about it much because it was honestly 10x easier than cynthia and not that interesting. i solo'd flint with my lumineon and i solo'd lucian with my scizor, and bertha/aaron weren't much better.
a few notes about the team though:
i wasn't thinking ahead to specific strategies to beat the E4/cynthia, i just picked movesets i thought were generally good and was like "i'll figure it out when i get there"
as a reminder scizor has technician which boosts the power of moves 60 base power or less, which is why i'm using shit like bug bite lmao
lumineon has ominous wind over attract literally just bc i wanted to use my stockpile of shards on a move tutor move SOMEWHERE on the team and the idea of her getting an omniboost in a fight was objectively funny (though it didn't happen during this run rip)
i picked thunder on clefable over blizzard because of the potential synergy with rain dance (zoom lens doesn't make either 100% accurate but rain makes thunder always hit) however i brought a blizzard TM along in case i needed to change my mind midway. i did not end up having to
return is on luxray just because luxray's movepool sucks and i think it's cute for my pseudo starter to have Return on it
sucker punch's priority ended up being ESSENTIAL to the cynthia fight and i'm very glad i delayed murkrow's evolution until level 45 for it. i actually didn't change pepper's moveset at all before the e4, she's the only one who received no changes
the shiny golem named dandelion is from my qpp gold :] he traded it to me at level 7. i spent nearly 2 hours grinding her to level 50 and used her on the team and did not tell him. i sent him the battle video and the first he was aware of this was when he saw her use explosion LMAO (i plan to use my hippowdon on future runs of the E4!)
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75 hours... very little of that was idling i just really spent that damn long on this game huh.... sdfkdfsksd
i'm pretty much wrapped up here, i intend to use this save as my main platinum save moving forward but i think the liveposts can come to a close now. i may post about me catching the lake trio but that's about it. I HOPE IF YOU'VE BEEN FOLLOWING THE SAGA THAT U ENJOYED IT. THANKS FOR READING MY INCESSANT AUTISTIC RAMBLING THUMBS UP
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tyrograph · 9 months
Dear @staff
Fuck you very much*,
*p.s. forever and ever
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It will ALWAYS say "NEW". I will not turn it on. I came here to get the fuck away from tiktok you idiots.
If you want to make this site work better, try fixing the broken functions, don't force load new shit no one (except advertisers) has asked for.
And by broken, what i mean is: we all know image quality on tumblr sucks especially on a phone, so I'm in the habit of avoiding eyestrain by clicking open images to see them better. Thanks to the latest update, images open BUT!! cannot be rotated! And usually can't be zoomed into either!!!! A fabulous choice you fucknuts. Guess I'll never be able to read those imformative and amusing screenshots of tags.
Of course, if the post I'm hoping to dive into includes an embedded video anywhere, I'm fully SHIT OUT OF LUCK!! Tapping on any part of such a post will catapult me into a random tiktok stream.
If your goal is to force all tumblr users off mobile and onto the browser, just cut to the chase and delete the damn app.
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lesbianneopolitan · 7 months
I recently zoomed in on your novelty mug piece and realized how much DETAIL you put into Neo. I have so many questions while I go back and look at all your pieces zoomed in because mobile doesn't let me see detail for shit;
What size canvas do you use?
How do you maintain the quality when you upload to tumblr???
Has Neo always had cute little FRECKLES?!
I work with big stuff, YEAH!
I always have the canvas be over 4k px when it comes to height, whatever ends up being in the end is random ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and they're not freckles! the red on her cheeks is rosacea! I actually added it not that long ago to my design of her, alongside the beauty marks xD
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transmortifried · 1 year
fuck the tumblr video player changes, i keep scrolling through the video or changing posts by accident
fuck the image viewer changes, i want to double tap to zoom in god damn it
fuck the tag location changes, i have a decade of muscle memory
fuck tumblr live, i've never once felt even the slightest urge to see what it's like and i resent the fact that you won't let me turn it off completely
fuck blaze, stop spamming your low-quality shit on my dash
fuck the promotional tie-in, i am now even less likely to watch this show than before, i hate it for disrupting my internet experience
@staff @support you did a bad job, put it back and be ashamed
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