#ttte mrs Topham hatt
fabianvalencia561 · 1 year
It was quiet and dark. D10 was trying to move but it as like he was stuck and couldn’t talk he tried everything to move but he couldn’t. Then he stopped as he started to see something in the dark, the darkness slowly faded away and saw a figure that looked like him.
D10: *He kept forcing himself to talk and then he was able to* H-Hey who are you...? *but the figure didn’t move.* HEY ARE YOU LISTENING ME!!?  
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The figure started to move but D10 started to quickly realized that something was horribly wrong every time the figure moved it looked uncanny, it was like a old toy that’s joints could barely move correctly anymore.
More and more the figure looked less and less like D10. It stood up and it started to bend its head back and it kept repeating something in an unfamiliar language.
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D10 felt it harder and harder to breathe or to move as the figure got closer. He woke up and gasped for air, tears ran down his eyes. He finally got himself to calm down he was still a bit shaken up.
After an hour, he got up and tried to clear his head by walking around the house and then he got into a room he stood there for a long while.
D10: ... *Sigh* ... *He looked hesitant and then he opened his chest and slowly took his core out of his body. As he did that he started to change a bit his hair started to glow like a magic humanoid and his core also looked like a magic humanoid as well.* ..... Everything is my fault....
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He looked down at his core and then he started to crush his core, his core started to slowly crack open but then he stopped as he felt like he was being watched.
Pinchy: So you are a magic humanoid... I never thought I would see a magic humanoid that's a diesel...
D10: *gasp!*
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D10: Oh... It's just you.. what do you want..?
Pinchy: Have you forgotten who I am? ... I'm the Grim Reaper of this world..
D10: ... R- Right... Um.. *he tried to hide his core*
Pinchy: I know what you were doing 10... And I'm telling you right now .. you might not want to do that.... You think that if you do that everything will get better-
D10: *he quickly cuts off Pinchy* Of course not!
Pinchy: Don't lie D10 you know you can't lie to Death.... *His eyes glowed a brighter red.*
D10: .... *Sigh* you're right.... *He slowly looked at his core and put it back in his chest* ... I may have lost myself a bit...
Pinchy: I know ... But just to remind you if you think this is the way out of all this it's not because I know that you know that Jackie will bring you back once he finds you....
D10: so you do know Jackie...
Pinchy: yes and I know that if he finds you dead he is going to bring you back.... And besides killing yourself is probably going to make things worse for your son and the others....
D10: *he felt tears run down his face. He remembered a memory almost similar to this moment* ..... I know.... I can't believe I almost did it again...
Pinchy: *Sigh* you're lucky that I ...I stopped you.. come on now let's go to get out of here you still look pretty tired...
D10: .........alright... *He looked somewhat defeated and he shamefully walked by Pinchy* ....
After a while, D10 was sitting quietly still thinking of what he almost had done.
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Pinchy: ...... *sigh* ... D10 *he looked at him * don't try to stress about it... the more you stress the more you want to give up....
D10: I know... but ... everyone is trying to depend on me... because they know that I know the corruption in some way... and it's just.... *he sounded like he wanted to break down and cry* ... it just too much... I'm sorry... for sounding weak.... but it's so difficult and scary....
Pinchy: *He hesitate to put his hand on D10's shoulder.* .... you're not weak D10... I understand how it feels... when everyone is depending on you... and you are scared... you feel like you want to run or disappear.... I understand all that.... but you got keep moving and try to keep some kind of hope....
D10: .... *sigh* I'm really trying my hardest.... but I don't think it's enough.....
Pinchy: *He frowned at him he felt pity for D10 then he heard the sound of a phone ringing.* !!!!!
D10: ???- .... *he grabbed his phone that was ringing and answered it.* ....Hello?... *D10 heard the familiar voice of a man... it was Jerry.* Jerry- !!!- .......... I- I'll be right there... * he hangs up the phone and gets ready to leave.* I'm sorry I have to leave .....
Pinchy: *He still looked upset but he didn't say anything. * ......
At the crime scene ( at the morgue)
Once D10 walked in the smell of blood and rotting corpse hit him badly he tried his best to not gag. Then he saw Jerry but he looked a lot worse there was more scars on him and one was really bad.*
Officer Jerry: .... Hello 10.... come on follow me...
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D10: *He followed Jerry and looked around the horrible sight he was seeing. * .... W-what happened?
Officer Jerry: .... Something broke in killed two people and stolen four bodies...
D10: *He was disturbed by all this*.... who were the bodies that they took?
Officer Jerry: *He gives D10 a list. * ..... here..
He looked and his eyes widen. Bridget Topham Hatt, Charles Topham Hatt, Jake (Gordon's fireman), and an unknown man. Were the bodies that were missing.
Officer Jerry: We tried to tell.. the rest of the Topham Hatt family but .... it didn't went well... .... *he paused a bit * .... Mrs. Topham Hatt... we found her... but.. unfortunately not alive... and Richard Topham Hatt is no where to be found.... and of course we tried to find.. Sir Topham Hatt but he was missing as well
D10: .... This is getting worse and worse *he thought to himself * .... did a corrupted cause this?
Officer Jerry: Well we are going to check... come on 10 follow me...
D10: ... alright...
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steam-beasts · 7 months
Fun Game Concept!
So as you know, Choo Choo charles is a open-world game that has you constantly being hunted down by a man-eating steam engine monster while also gathering enough upgrades and weapons to kill it. Well, I just thought...
...what if it was on Sodor and the monsters were the ttte characters we know and love?
The game would take place after BWBA (but better), and would be followed up as a sequel to my TATMR, which I'm currently writing. There would also be a few elements from Security Breach, which would involve you getting collectibles or weapons that would benefit the player independently, having to sneak through certain areas.
The Story
It's been years since Lily and Patch, along with Mr Conductor had saved Lady and her magic railroad from doom. Both are now young adults when Lily gets a strange letter from her grandpa, asking for help. She decides to see what's going on and Patch tags along for the sake of it. One thing leads to another and the two find themselves on Sodor again.
But something's wrong. The engines have transformed into beast-like creatures, attacking anyone they see on sight. Mr Conductor and the two soon reunite and are enlisted to help find a cure to stop the insanity. Along the way, Lily and Patch must dodge, weave, stun and defend themselves from the horrors of Sodor!
Gameplay + tutorial
In this (not real) ttte horror game, in the first segment, you play as Mr Conductor.
Mr Conductor is who you play as for the tutorial and the rest of the segment. The tutorial involves you learning how to collect items, sneak through areas where engines are roaming and how to shoot/throw and distract enemies using the environment around you. The location of this tutorial is on Misty Island, and the tutorial uses the location as an advantage to help the player be able to navigate through foggy or dark areas without a flashlight.
The three main antagonists for the tutorial are the Logging locos (they seem fitting for baby-step missions) who are always gonna be patrolling the Logging station and beach.
For the rest of the segment, Mr Conductor is tasked with helping around the camps that are inhabited by most of the Sodor residents. Here are the tasks;
1# Reach the other end of the Logging station without being spotted (tutorial begins here)
2# Find the storage hut to store the fish
3# Talk to Ruth
4# Collect 10 peices of jobi wood around the camp to help Ruth build the handcar
5# Give the wood to Ruth
6# Talk to the three railway controllers
7# Find Junior
8# Use the handcar and go to Sodor
Scattered around the island are a total of 13 wooden sculptures of the engines. They can be found in areas that are linked the most to them.
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The Thomas sculpture can be located in the mines, a call back to Down the Mine.
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The Percy sculpture can be found hanging off the edge of a dilapidated truck, a somewhat reference to Percy's Predicament.
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The Edward sculpture can be located at the back of his old berth at Tidmouth Sheds. This is a reference to Edward's Day Out.
The game would have ps1-style graphics and the environment is really dark to increase uneasiness for the player.
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The engines
The engines are the enemies of the game. They don't have any dialogue as they've all gone nearly fully insane and feral, practically animals at this point. So good luck begging them to stop, your pleas will fall on deaf ears.
But they're not evil! They're just hungry...I promise. The hunger is strong, so powerful that it hurts. They are just as innocent as you...
The engines are so hungry that they don't want a friendly chat. You smell...so good, every fleshy creature they find smells so sweet...so divine...so delicious. Looks like you've got some massive mouths to feed, Sir.
They stalk around the darkness, looking for something to eat, somewhere to sleep, somewhere to be free. Sodor has recently been gathering a lot of dark clouds, making everywhere dark, but they don't mind at all. Too much brightness hurts their eyes.
You'll know who and where they are, just listen for the blast of a whistle or the honk of a horn.
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mintydeluxes-blog · 2 months
Man to Engine
The story is that both controllers of northern railways suddenly became engines. With no knowledge of how to change back Decide to keep it a secret in hope they figure out how until then, they now live their lives with their engine, but controlling over the railway isn't the same a riding among it rails ( Please note this is mostly from the tv series)
Bertrem the Stanier black 5 aka Sir Topem Hat: When he turned into an engine, he'd definitely freaked out. Especially since he's a lot bigger than he ever was as a human.
But once he calmed down, he looked at things from a logical standpoint and used the opportunity to work with his engine he is strict but funny and fair. He cares for his engines like his own kids. Normally, he's also their authority figure, but the engine see him as a bossy boiler. Regardless, He doesn't stand bullies and is more willing to face anyone if anything happens to his engines
He can't be forgetful at times if not a bit hasty, but he knows better than to cause confusion and delay
Peregrine the narrow gauge engine, aka Mr. Percival: When he woke up, he was literally screaming. because he was blind as a bat and can't feel his arms. It wasn't until Sir handel found him in an abandoned shed. Once he's calmed down and realized that he became an engine, well, he was pretty hesitant but willing to work. He is a lot like sir topem hat As he also see the engines as his sons. But he remains Stern and focuses on the job ahead, yet he is worried about who is taking his place at the moment.
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bluy1206 · 2 months
Bananas of sodor
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No sé porque se me ocurrió esto
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ohmystarrynight · 1 year
hey pilot. ur sooooooo cool so I was wondering if you would draw my husband, who is also so cool and plays the kazoo, and was featured in Thomas and the Magic Railroad [2000] featuring Lily Stone, an actress known for her role as Matilda in Matilda [1996] and has no relevance to this ask? ty in advance
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Ahaaaa I enjoyed doing this a normal amount I swear I swear
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steamdragon1 · 9 months
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man-to-engine · 2 months
Mr. Percival as
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(I don't know the model's name) Also, if you have any other suggestions, please reblog below
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feigeroman · 8 months
The Boulder Quarry Line
I recently binged the entire Classic Series again, as background noise while I was working on something else. When I got to Series 5-7, I remembered a headcanon I’d developed ages ago, to link together most of the Skarloey Railway episodes from those seasons. This recent binge spurred me to finally write it down, and bash it into something a little more coherent. Most of this is just me thinking aloud, but I thought I'd run it up the flagpole and see who salutes it...
Just as operations are winding down at the old slate quarry at Ward Fell, new beds of good-quality slate are discovered in the hills north of Rheneas. A new quarry is established to extract this slate, and this helps to revive the Skarloey Railway’s then-declining fortunes. Even so, the surveyors who uncovered this slate are convinced there are still further treasures to be found deeper into the mountains.
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The search for such treasures is carried out as time allows - which isn’t very often, considering all the new developments which take place on the SR during this time.
Roughly 1970
Finally, a discovery is made - large deposits of stone in the northern foothills of Shane Dooiney, of similar quality to that quarried at Ffarquhar. Plans are quickly devised to extract the stone, and the Skarloey Railway is tasked with building a line to the new quarry.
The proposed line branches off the Rheneas Quarry line, passes through a natural ravine known locally as Echo Pass, travels alongside the main Skarloey-Peel Godred road, and finally turns south towards the new quarry site.
1970-early 1972
The line is constructed, following the route described above. When it is completed, trains start carrying building supplies to the site of the new quarry. Some trains are also laid on for the benefit of a road-building company, which is upgrading the Skarloey-Peel Godred road so that heavier vehicles can access the quarry as well.
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Winter 1972
Due to a problem with the winch, some trucks break away on the incline at Rheneas Quarry. The breakaway tumbles into Echo Pass, triggering an avalanche which buries Skarloey, who happened to be travelling through the Pass with a supply train. He is subsequently rescued by Rusty.
These events are later loosely adapted into the episode Snow.
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Early 1973
The new quarry finally opens for business, and even has a new name - Boulder Quarry, after an enormous, spherical boulder which looms ominously over part of the line. Boulder Quarry enjoys a prosperous first few months, and the Skarloey Railway enjoys the revenue boost provided by the new stone traffic.
After a while, Rusty begins to feel nervous about the Boulder, but can’t really explain why. The others don’t take him too seriously.
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Autumn 1973
After several weeks of heavy rain, Boulder Quarry is able to try out its latest acquisition - an experimental drilling machine known as Thumper. Unfortunately, the vibrations from Thumper cause the Boulder to fall off its perch, and run away down the Skarloey Valley. The Boulder causes a great deal of damage to track and property all down the valley, culminating in the destruction of some new stone-cutting sheds just outside Crovan’s Gate.
All concerned parties agree the disaster is an act of god telling them to leave that part of Sodor alone, and Boulder Quarry shuts its doors for good - financially crippled by having been forced to pay substantial compensation to every property owner in the valley.
The Skarloey Railway also ends up in dire straits - besides the damage caused by the Boulder, several years of hard work have just gone down the tubes.
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The remainder of 1973
The Thin Controller decides to temporarily close the SR, so that everyone can focus their efforts on repairing all the damage to track and property. The rest of 1973 is spent doing just that.
The events of Duncan Gets Spooked take place during this clean-up operation.
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At some point, the time is found to move the Boulder to a new, safer perch - on a specially-constructed plinth on a hill near to Crovan’s Gate, and positioned to face in the direction of its old perch.
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That winter, during a break, the little engines tell Thomas (or more likely some other standard gauge engine) the story of Skarloey’s Avalanche.
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The clean-up continues into 1974, and the line remains closed for the first half of that year. The Thin Controller hopes to have the line ready to reopen in time for the start of the summer operating season. Fortunately, Rheneas Quarry is closed for the two weeks before, freeing up men and engines to help. Elizabeth also happens to be working in the area, and is persuaded to lend a wheel. With all this help, the clean-up is completed in the nick of time, and the Skarloey Railway is officially declared open once more.
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Meanwhile, the people of Glennock decide to treat themselves to a new organ for the village school. Headmaster Hastings personally oversees the delivery of the organ. This isn’t really relevant to the Boulder saga - I just felt like mentioning it.
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By this year ,things are more or less back to normal on the Skarloey Railway. One day, Rheneas takes a special charter train carrying a party of schoolchildren from the Mainland. On his way back down the line, he is accidentally diverted onto the abandoned line to Boulder Quarry. The line isn’t in the best condition, and wasn’t designed to carry passengers anyway, so Rheneas has a real rollercoaster ride to the Quarry and back.
Since the children enjoyed themselves so much, the Thin Controller lets Rheneas off for his mishap, but it gets him thinking about the old line, and how he might be able to get his money’s worth from it after all…
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Surveys are carried out, and it is decided to reopen the old quarry line to serve as a connection between the SR and the Culdee Fell Railway - the latter being reached by rerouting the line in the direction of their station at Skarloey Road.
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 The line also passes through many areas of natural beauty, and so a number of stations are proposed to serve some of these areas. These stations include Elephant Park (above) and Rumblin Bridge (below).
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The terminus of the line is at the village of Skarloey Road. So as to avoid confusion with the CFR station, the SR station is known as Upland Station. While not a direct link between the two railways, their respective stations are still a reasonably short walk away from each other.
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The reconstruction of the line takes place throughout the first half of 1975, and is completed just in time for the summer operating season. Sir Topham Hatt and Lady Hatt attend the grand opening, having first viewed the new line from a hot air balloon (and then made a crash-landing in said balloon).
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To finish off, here is a rough map of the original Boulder Quarry line, the subsequent Upland Extension, and how they both relate to the main SR line.
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unpopularvivian · 6 days
Sir Topham Hatt: So let's start with a simple problem to start our day. So Mr Percival has 19 bottles of dish soap-
Fergus Duncan (Small railway controller): Wait why does Mr Percival have so many soaps? Mr Percival: MIND YO BUSINESS FERGUS! This my life! Damn!
Lolllllllll. But Mr. Percival would probably have 19 bikes instead of shampoo because he just loves bikes.
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littlewestern · 8 months
See what happens
Bingo! Sir topham hatt/ Mr percival
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Oh boy, lol.
At the risk of being the boring adult in the room once again, this is another one that just doesn't do anything for me as a romantic relationship. Far be it from me or Sir Topham to get in the way of what is clearly a very loving and robust relationship between Peregrine and his darling wife.
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(I mean, goddamn. Look at all those kids.)
That said, I do think their business relationship is one that contains as many weird facets and nuances as a romantic one, and that's why I find it so fascinating. If I thought people would read them, I have more than one fic idea involving these two just sitting down and talking over tea.
See, Hatt's a real hardass, especially in the bad old days. I think part of the reason he ran the NWR the way that he did for so long was because it *was* just him, his five pains in the ass, and the zero dollars he had to split between them. Anyone else might have sought out a business partner early on to help ease the financial and operational strains of running this kind of slapdash outfit. The way Hatt was doing business though, I think he didn't trust anyone else to see his vision and to let him make the decisions he felt needed to be made. Not having to answer to investors or business partners meant he could run his railway however he liked. At a certain point, though, I think this became untenable.
There's some question as to what their business relationship is exactly. I've seen it suggested that the Skarloey Railway is Mr. Percival's and that the NWR and the Skarleoy Railway have nothing to do with each other, but I prefer the idea that Hatt actually bought all the railways on Sodor and then ceded their operation to Mr. Percival (and later Fergus Duncan). Personally, I think it's tidier if Hatt's in charge of everything and is simply delegating power where needed. In either case though, Hatt is clearly the one with the raw captial, and Mr. Percival answers to him if not strictly in chain of command, then at least in spirit, because Hatt's is the biggest and the one setting the tone for how all the other railways on the island should comport themselves in advertising and operation.
For Hatt to go through all the hardship and trouble of bootstrapping his way to that position of power, and then to put that much of it in the hands of some other guy... I think that speaks to how much trust Hatt puts in Mr. Percival, and rightly so in my opinion. Mr. Percival runs a tight ship, has a great deal of faith in his engines, and doesn't take any shit when they start acting up. We can surmise from this that he and Hatt are very much of the same mind on how engines ought to be treated, and I think that was as much a determining factor in Hatt's decision to appoint Mr. Percival as his business acumen or service credentials.
Yeah, I could go insane about these two for a while, but I'll cut it here. This is a dumb shipping bingo, after all.
That said, if you really did want to make it shippy, I will say that Mr. Percival's history is left deliberately vague and there's no reason that he and Hatt couldn't have met while both working for the GWR in some capacity. Probably as young, unmarried men... Just a thought.
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number1spongebobfan · 2 months
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trainalt22 · 2 months
Tidbits & Bobs #2
(NG Edition)
• Rusty transitioned to gender-neutral in 1998 and goes by they them
• Duncan and Rusty are unlikely best friends but the two get along greatly
• Skarloey and Rheneas see the newer fleet members (except Duke) as their kids and act accordingly with Rhen being the "cool dad"
• Skarloey has a Welsh accent while Rheneas has an English one although Rheneas learned Welsh just for Skarloey
• Rusty has a Macabre sense of humor often their jokes don't land on the SKR fleet but they don't mind they get a laugh out of Duncan sometimes though
• Sir Handel and Peter Sam are in a relationship and have been since 2002
• Rusty can't see ghosts but they can sense them they can sense many different paranormal events and tries to warn others however Sir Handel never listens
• Duncan tries to listen to rustys advice including saying thank you to the "Forrest spirits" but he doubts their existence but he sees what happens to Sir Handel and doesn't wanna take that chance
• Rheneas hates when his name is mispronounced he says it's pronounced Rhen-E-as, not Rhen-A-as but Skarloey says it wrong on purpose just to wind him up
• Duke is a former guardian however when his shed was buried he respectfully retired and relinquished his powers so that it could find a new engine to take up the mantle
• Sodor technically has two guardians one on the NWR and one on the SKR it's a rare occurrence and as such it drains the sudrian golden well more than if there were just one leaving the guardian on the SKR weaker than their NWR counterpart
• Sir Handel is considered a cursed or unlucky engine that paired with his general bad attitude means that he rarely has a crew that wants to work with him
• Mr. Percival Sir Topham Hatt and Sir Robert Noremby try to gather once a month for tea and more often than not they take a scenic route around The Skarloey Lake pulled by the railway's namesake
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steam-beasts · 4 months
The Little Steam tram and Brakevan that Could
It was a stormy winter's night at Arlesburgh West. In the diesel sheds, Toby and Henrietta's pups; Bruno and Tabitha were staying the night with DJ to keep him company. To pass the time, DJ was telling the two about his journey for the ballast truck a couple weeks ago.
"And so, I brought the ballast truck back! The end!" DJ said happily. His little audience of two just sat there quietly, it was hard to tell if either were looking at him with their still unopen eyes. Nevertheless, he knew the two were listening, especially Bruno.
Speaking of Bruno, the little orange brakevan replied with a squeak and a little wiggle. DJ giggled and smiled "Glad you liked it, Bruno"
"Gaahhh...pbbbffhh!!!" Tabitha babbled, DJ rolled his eyes "I didn't mean to wake Rex up, Tabitha"
The steam tram pup blepped her tongue out and yawned. DJ raised an eyebrow and looked up at the clock "Oh, I guess it's bedtime, huh?" He remarked to Bruno, who was also yawning. He couldn't help but let out a yawn himself.
As if right on cue, a guardsman wearing a thick coat cracked open the shed door with a lantern and walked inside. Strangely, he had a pair of fluffy blankets and baby bottles full of milk.
He tipped his hat to DJ "Hullo', DJ"
"Hi, Mr guardsman. Why do you have those?"
The guardsman gently shook one of the baby bottles "These are for these two little boxes here" He said, gesturing to the two pups on either side of him. Tabitha looked up at the guardsman despite her very blurry vision and perked up excitedly once she smelt the warm milk. Bruno stirred in his sleep, but was stopped from crying as the familiar smell of his mother filled the air, hitting his nose.
The man chuckled "Alrighty, you two. One at a time" and so the tiny diesel watched as the guardsman sat down and set Bruno in his lap first.
After the first bottle was emptied, the brakevan was set back on to the miniature guage rails, where one of the cozy blankets was set on top of him. The same pattern happened with Tabitha and soon enough, both of DJ's friends were wrapped in blankets.
"What's with the blankets?" He asked curiously.
"Bruno and Tabitha normally sleep beneath their father or mother for warmth during the nights. But since those two can't do it this particular season, we've had to improvise and give them blankets" the man explained. The wind outside howled loudly and deeply, sending shivers through the mini diesel's frame. The guardsman patted the young engines roof.
"Settle down, little one. The storm will only be here until tomorrow night" He assured him. DJ gave him a small smile and closed his eyes with a sigh as the man left.
Bruno's eyes fluttered open with a yawn, the bright daylight shining into his eyes. He looked around groggily at his surroundings and squinted at the sunlight shining on his face.
Ignoring the light the best he could, Bruno took a better look around and... was it just him, or did everything shrink? Or maybe he grew? It certainly seemed that he grew overnight, because the brakevan saw who he was pretty certain was DJ and his big sister Tabitha out of the corner of his eye. Tabitha warmly smiled at him as she rolled out of the shed "Morning, Bruno" she greeted kindly. Bruno gasped – when did his sister learn how to talk like their parents?! The brakevan watched, slightly dumbfounded as Tabitha rolled away into the distance. Was she leaving without him? Also, were they grown-ups?
Hesitantly, unsure of what would come out, he called out "W-Wait, where are you going?" To his surprise, he could also talk!
"Don't worry! I'm coming back, Bruno. Like always, don't get your axles in a twist! I'm just gonna to switch to your track" she called back.
"What's the matter, Bruno?" He heard DJ ask. He looked over to the diesel, who looked back, waiting for an answer. Bruno averted his gaze "Uhhh..." He tried to think of a good answer, something that he would hear his mother or father, or even the workers would say. So awkward...
"I'm... fine, DJ. W-What, um... makes you say that?" He replied, simply reciting words he'd heard before "Eh, just curious. You looked like you saw a ghost for a second, heh heh!"
"Oh, ok..." he mumbled, taking his time to get a good look at his friend and playmate. As a pup, the little brakevan would typically be able to make out a blurry box shape in his dark and blobby vision, but this time, DJ looked a lot more detailed. He had a pointy nose, lots of weird little boxes along his sides, lumps and bumps here and there...the red rectangle below his face even looked more clear! Bruno then yelped as he felt a bump on his front, the bump turned out to be Tabitha backing up into him. Out of thin air, a man dressed in a blue uniform appeared with a big stick with a hook in his hand. He began poking at his sister's rear buffers and hooked on to the small chain thingy. Next thing he knew, the man hooked the chain thingy on to the hook thing on his buffers and shouted something to Tabitha.
Everything that happened next was a blur, and Bruno found himself being hauled along the track by Tabitha. All around them were infinite amounts of grassy green fields filled with sheep and cows, along with plenty of mountains. He had no clue what Sodor actually looked like in detail, but he supposed it was something like it. It was all bright and sunny, a complete opposite to all the weirdly cold white fluffy stuff that had been everywhere.
He and Tabitha then found themselves going up a big hill...a very big hill. Tabitha went slower and slower as they went up, strangely not talking to him. Well, to be honest...he was kinda glad she wasn't saying anything, they're both supposed to be little pups and talking felt too abnormal. As they rolled further up the slope, the gentle breeze began to get colder, and significantly stronger. Dark clouds began crowding in the sky, the sky's natural blue colour slowly transitioning into a dark purplish hue
The brakevan looked around anxiously, taking notice of the rabid change of weather "It's dark..." He gulped in a quiet and nervous tone. Tabitha didn't say anything, remaining deathly silent. Only the sounds of her chuffing and the rumble of their wheels against the ground was heard. He may not favour how they were now capable of talking, but he didn't like how silent it was besides the howling wind. It was scary.
Eventually, they finally reached the top of the hill. Rain drops had begun falling from the sky as soon as the sun's light was completely snuffed out by the clouds. The cold rain sent unpleasant shivers through Bruno's frame, making him shudder "T-T-Tabitha, can't you go at least a bit faster...? The rain is c-cold"
Tabitha still remained completely mute. Bruno really hated this now, the silence was creepy and he wanted to hear something or someone speak. They were going really slow now, they weren't even going down the hill yet. Mountains and forests could be viewed as far as the eye could see.
Just then, Bruno's attention was dragged over to something in the corner of his eye – a man. Not just any man, a conductor. Bruno didn't know what a conductor even was, so he had no idea what he was looking at.
The two siblings were slowly approaching the man, wheel turn by wheel turn, they got closer within each agonising minute.
(A/N; Lengthy character description coming up! Be prepared, and warned)
The conductor had a tall and slenderish build, his uniform was a maroon pink colour...or was it maroon ruby? Nevertheless, his uniform looked quite fancy, and was accented with golden trimmings that absolutely popped out of the jacket, almost as if they were glowing. His conductor's hat was the same.
Admittedly, there were a couple coal stains here and there, but it was overall stylish. His trousers were black and he wore a pair of sleek black shoes. Something creepy about the conductor though was his strange looking mask which prevented his face from being seen.
The mask looked identical to that of a steam engine's face, except cartoony. The mask held an eerily cheery grin with rosy pink cheeks and eyes that bulged out slightly. The eyes themselves were an amber yellow colour, both glowing like an engine's lamplight in the darkness.
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He held an umbrella above his head, a sensible thing to do in this type of weather. Bruno didn't like him already, his face was creepy and he just stood there. Not to mention that a weird droning sound filled the air as he came closer.
Soon enough, they were now coming up beside him, and the conductor was staring right at him. Bruno stared back down at him intensely. The conductor slowly pulled his hand up to his mask's mouth and made a shushing sound, as if to keep him quiet. Then in the blink of an eye, he disappeared immediately, no quieting footsteps, nothing. The conductor was gone...
Bruno then felt a sudden tug on his buffers and noticed Tabitha moving much faster...and faster...and faster. Too fast! They had already began going down the hill when he began frantically putting on his brakes, but they were failing.
"A-AAH!! S-STOP, PLEASE STOP!! AHHHH!!!" He screamed and begged to his sister, tears leaking out of his eyes. They were going to crash!
A scorching pain erupted from his wheels as they barreled down the oh so huge hill. As they were about to hit the bottom, poor little Bruno woke up...
High pitched wailing could be heard from the diesel sheds at around 4am at night, the storm hadn't stopped, but that didn't stop the guardsman from going inside and checking. Once he found that it was Bruno behind the sobbing, he quickly managed to console him and put him back to sleep. Tabitha cuddled up to him for the rest of the night to make sure no scary monsters entered his dreams. Poor Bruno was a weeping, sniffling mess for the rest of the night.
The next week rolled around fast, Christmas Eve was two days away. Over at Knapford station, decorations such as bunting and fairy lights were being hung around the station. Sir Topham Hatt was out on the platform, finishing off on telling a couple of workers where to put the wreaths.
"Hmm, right a bit... no, left a bit...ah, yes! Thank you very much, lads. That'll do!" He smiled gratefully. The two workmen nodded and retreated with their step ladders and boxes. Until they were out of sight, the stout man's face fell a little as he took out his pocket watch and looked at the time with slight concern. He glanced around for any diesels that could've been pulling any particular goods train. None so far.
Sir Topham Hatt turned heel and went into his office, sighing and shaking his head as he sat down at his desk "Dear, oh dear...it was supposed to be here last week" he muttered under his breath. He was about to drink some of his tea when he heard his phone ring.
"Oh, bother that telephone..." he groaned before picking it up "Hello?"
"Good morning, Sir. Apologies if I bothered you, but Theodore and Charles have arrived at Platform 5" the stationmaster informed.
"Oh, right. Tell them that I'll be over in a few minutes" Sir Topham Hatt replied before setting the phone down.
Roughly 15 minutes later, Sir Topham Hatt made it to Platform 5, where on the benches sat Theodore and Charles, Toby's driver and fireman. Beside them was a rather big stroller with two babies that the controller recognised well.
"Hello, you two. Sorry about the wait, I was at Platform 1 helping some men with the decorations" He apologized. Theodore waved dismissively "Oh its alright, Sir. No rush"
"We're not in a hurry" Charles added.
"Very well, then. So, what brings you two here with these little bundles of joy?" He asked, squatting down a little to see Bruno and Tabitha who were hiding under the blankets. Charles beamed at the question "Oh! That's actually the reason..." he said as he pulled the stroller closer "...you see, these two little flower petals have a little surprise for you"
Inside the stroller, the two pups were squirming around in blankets. Theodore pushed down the roof more and gave the blanket lumps a little poke as Sir Topham Hatt moved closer to see.
Tabitha and Bruno finally shook the blankets off themselves and looked up at Topham, who gasped – the two pups had finally opened their eyes!
The two little babies babbled and giggled as they looked up at the controller and their surroundings, leaving the stout man dumbfounded.
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"W-Wow...oh goodness me, their eyes are open!" He stuttered, still bewildered at the sight. Toby's crew chuckled at his reaction, because it was the same as theirs.
Theodore and Charles, a pair of divorced old men who shared a house and drove an elderly steam tram. Their kids often came around every couple weeks or so, so they weren't depressed or lonely. They both had each other as well, so it wasn't entirely sad. They also had Bruno and Tabitha to look after while their parents were sleeping.
Theodore had just woken up when he went over to the playpen with his mug of coffee.
"Good morning, lil' ones..." he cooed, sticking his hand down to tap the blankets. To his surprise, Tabitha shot right out of the little makeshift pillow den she and her brother somehow made. She pinned his hand down with her wheels and nibbled at Theodore's wrist, which didn't really hurt as her teeth still haven't came through.
The old train driver chuckled "Good morning, Tabby-catty, still attempting to fight my hand, eh?" He then gently pulled his hand away, much to the steam tram's disappointment. She looked up at Theodore and whined for attention, ringing her bell and making little wheeshing noises. The moment he got a good look of her face, Theodore nearly spat out his coffee – Tabitha's eyes had opened at last. She was now staring at him with those little dough eyes.
"Oh my..." he gasped, hands trembling as he set down his mug. Bruno came rolling out of the den, and sure enough, his eyes had fully opened as well, though they were more half-lidded that his sister's. Theodore stood there in amazement, taking in what he saw. The pups looked up at him blankly, making little chirping noises. Another pair of footsteps were then heard behind the old man, accompanied by a yawn and the creak of the door. It was Charles "Morning, Theo... heard you gasping and –"
"Call Sir Topham Hatt"
"Huh? What's wrong? Did something happen?"
Theodore then snatched his shirt and pulled Charles over to the playpen, at first Charles complained, but once he saw what Theodore talking about, his mouth was shut tight. He looked down at Bruno and Tabitha, then back at his co-worker in stunned silence.
"I'll call him..." he said in a quiet whisper.
"Ah, so this was why Charles sounded so hyper on the phone" Sir Topham Hatt commented, petting Bruno's roof, making the latter blush with embarrassment. He then paused momentarily, remembering Toby and Henrietta and sighed "It's quite a shame their parents aren't here to see this wonderful change"
Theodore and Charles both frowned and exchanged deflated looks as Sir Topham Hatt took a step back from the stroller, adjiusting his hat "Now, gentlemen, I must get back to my office, you never know when that telephone will go off"
"Of course, Sir. We'll see you at Christmas Eve then?"
"Certainly! Oh, and one more thing?"
Theodore raised an eyebrow "Yes, Sir?"
"Could you maybe collect the star for the Christmas treeat Brendam Docks? It will be arriving on Christmas Eve afternoon, i...erm...couldn't get an earlier date" He said. The driver and firemen exchanged looks shrugged "Sure?"
Suddenly, the loud honk of a horn filled the station, accompanied with Diesel oiling in at Platform 1 with a big rectangular crate on a flatbed "Oh Sir! I've got a special gift for yooou~!" He called out in a sing-song tone. The Fat Controller perked up "Ah, finally! The Christmas tree is here. Got to go, lads! I'll be sure to see you at the party" He said, bidding farewell as he walked off the platform. Indeed, on Christmas Eve, there was to be a big party in Knapford. Tabitha and Bruno both babbled and cooed as they watched the man with the top hat get smaller and smaller until he disappeared. Then the stroller began to slowly move, letting them see the rest of the station.
Bruno was too busy giggling and looking around to notice the same man from his dream at the platform opposite from them.
It was an early Christmas Eve morning, the whole station was getting prepared for the big party, and all the workers were invited. All the decorations had been set up and the tree was standing right in the middle of the station. The tree stood tall and was already being decorated by the many workmen and stationmaster. Sir Robert Norramby was even there, insisting that he wanted add some extra "razzle dazzle" to the place. By "razzle dazzle", he meant littering the station with fake elves and reindeer, along with a few mini christmas trees. He even added a fake Santa Claus with his sleigh and reindeer on the roof (which Sir Topham Hatt thought was quite unnecessary).
"So, what do you say, Bertram? Does the station have the razzle dazzle that you needed?" The older man asked, hand falling on the stout man's shoulder. Topham jolted a little from surprise and smiled with a little strain "W-Well, it certainly looks festive"
"Indeed, all that's needed now is the star! In fact, I believe it should be at Brendam as we speak. Are any of your engines free to go and collect it" The Earl chirped cheerfully. Sir Topham Hatt sighed "Afraid not, the rails on the mainline are severely icy, and there's been a shortage of sand recently, so I've sent Toby's crew to collect it. In fact, I'd say they should be coming from Brendam Docks as we speak!"
And so they were.
Theodore drove along the frosty road of Suddery, Charles sat beside him with the star in his hands, humming a merry Christmas song. The darkening sky was a beautiful orange, but the road ahead was dark, so they had their headlights on.
"Well, to Knapford station we go then, aye?" Theodore piped up, glancing at his co-worker
"Yeah..." Charles replied quietly. An awkward silence filled the car, neither had much to say. The only noise was the ringing of a bell.
Theodore broke the silence "Charles, check on the little puppers" Theodore told him. Charles huffed and set aside the star before looking at the back passenger seats. Playing on a nest of heated blankets were Tabitha and Bruno. Bruno was currently nudging at his sister's bell.
Charles looked back at Theodore "Yeah, they're alright" he murmered. All was silent on the drive, until Charles spotted two little pin prick eyes up ahead, they were very small but still noticeable.
"Hey, there's eyes on the road"
"No there's not. I don't see any" Theodore replied.
"Uh, yeah. There are, just look!" Charles argued. Theodore glanced at him "No, there's not –"
Just then, Bruno began jumping up and down, making little barking noises. Tabitha just giggled and babbled, as if she were encouraging him. Theodore sighed annoyingly and looked over at Bruno "Bruno, settle down —"
Theodore yelped and looked back at the road to see a escaped cow on the road. The car slid and slipped on the road and careened down the slope towards a stretch of tracks. Everyone screamed and the pups squealed as the car hit the rails and went over them. Finally, the car came to stop as it hit a muddy ditch.
The two old men stared at nothing for a dead minute, their eyes blown wide, their hands trembling, Tabitha and Bruno were whimpering, and everyone was catching their breath.
Slowly, Charles dragged a glare towards Theodore "...I told you there were eyes on the road" He hissed.
"Oh, shut up..." The driver spat back, narrowing his eyes. Their attention was quickly drawn to the pups behind them, who were crying and whimpering. Theodore's gaze snapped to them, and his frustrated look softened into a more sympathetic one.
He let go of the wheel and opened the door "C'mon, Charles. We gotta get outta here" Charles shoved his angry mood and followed suit , taking the star with him.
Bruno and Tabitha watched tearfully as the men left the car. They wanted their parents, they were so scared.
Soon enough, the men came back like they hoped and lifted them out of the car.
Theodore and Charles grunted as they scrambled up the slope and past the splintered and broken fence with the pups (and star) in hand.
Theodore panted as he set Bruno on the wide track, Charles doing the same.
"Oh man..." The fireman panted, hands on his knees. They took a moment to gather their breath before setting their focus on the situation;
"Alright...wheeeere did we crash?" Theodore drawled, looking around. Charles hummed, taking in the sight around them "I think...this is where Edward broke down during that passenger run"
"What do you mean?"
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"Edward's driver told me a story he heard from Edward; Edward's crank-pins broke somewhere in this area. He had his siderods taken off and still had to pull the train home, but he pushed through the struggles and got back safely...I think he got an overhaul after that or something" he told him in a rather ominous tone, which was a little opposite to the story's actual tone.
Theodore raised his eyebrows with intrigue "Huh, never knew that" He muttered. He then glanced back at the car "How're we gonna get to Knapford now? Car's a wreck and we need to get that star there before 6pm" He said, pointing to the decoration.
Charles shrugged "I suppose we have no choice but to continue on foot"
"In this weather and time?" Theodore exclaimed "It'll be two to three bloody hours or so until we reach Knapford!"
"We might as well try. Here, hold this" Charles replied, handing him the star "I'll be right back" and then he went back down the hill to where their car crashed.
After a few minutes, he came back carrying a small green wagon "This will do" He grinned.
His co-worker frowned "How's that old thing gonna help? It's as old as you!"
Charles rolled his eyes "Very funny. I got it when I was 5! Quit your whining!" He shot back as he set it on the track in front of Bruno. He then went back and grabbed the star from Theodore's hands. He placed the star gently in the wagon and beckoned Tabitha and Bruno to come closer. The pups rolled up to him with curious little chirps and squeaked as he lifted both of then into the wagon.
"Tada! It's like a baby-sized flatbed. We'll just pull this to Knapford and–"
Theodore cut him off "Woah woah woah...what do you mean by we?" He asked. Charles picked up the handle and started pulling "We'll take turns!"
Theodore just watched as Charles walked to Suddery with the star and pups in tow. Tabitha and Bruno babbled and gurgled as they were taken along the track. Reluctantly, Theodore groaned and followed behind. This was gonna be a long trip...
They travelled...
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...and travelled.
...and traveled. It was until they reached the Wellsworth bridge that something happened.
"Ah shit!" Charles cursed, picking up the handle which had snapped and came off. They in the very middle of the mainline, and things were a little tense but all the more cold. It was now 5:00pm, the two were miraculously fast walkers, so at least it didn't take several more hours.
"Oh that's just great!" Theodore growled, smacking his face. Bruno sniffed at where the handle used to be and sneezed.
"We should just wait for an engine to come by" Theodore told Charles "Maybe if we shout, they'll hear us. They have ears like a rabbit!"
"There are no engines here or nearby! The mainline is closed for maintenance and gritting you stupid plonker!!"
While the two were arguing, both Tabitha and Bruno had climbed out of the wagon. Bruno was at the back and Tabitha at the front. They felt agitated and nervous from all the frustrated noises the two men were making, and it was almost night time.
"Tablpfffffffh! Ba...!" Bruno chattered, using his pilot wheels to pull himself up to see his sister.
"Braappffh! Gabah...bah!" She blabbered back. Just then, the two heard the sound of footsteps crunching against the ground. A fire-yellow colour drenched the snow in its hue, and a funny sense of calmness overcame both babies.
They looked up, and Bruno squeaked as looking back down on them was the man from his bad dream a few nights ago. He loomed over them, and Toby's crew didn't even acknowledge his existence, it was almost as if they couldn't see him.
He stared down at them, even with that creepy mask, it still felt like he was boring his eyes into their souls. Behind him, there was something big coming closer, it was gold and slightly sparkly; it was a golden cloud of mist. As it came closer, outlines appeared, along with two angelic eyes.
The outline soon took the shape of a ghostly engine, a steam engine, coming up behind the conductor. The ghost soon came to a stop directly behind him, both stared down at the two with golden eyes.
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Theodore and Charles seemed to have faded out of existence, now only the siblings, the engine and the conductor remained. The conductor turned to face the engine behind him, the engine's mouth moved like she was talking to him, and he nodded. He turned back to them and stepped forward.
He gazed and crouched down to them, holding some sort of sparkly golden powder. Gently and slowly, he sprinkled some into Tabitha's funnel. Next, he sprinkled some gold powder into Bruno's funnel (tube? I know he's a brakevan but I'll just call it a funnel–). Both ended up sneezing and coughing a bit.
The gold dust felt weird, but nice...it was like having some lovely warm soup enter your stomach.
Soon, a burst of adrenaline coursed through the pair! Their faces lighting up and their wheels itching to move! Without waiting for Theodore and Charles to stop arguing, Tabitha and Bruno rolled forward at an amazingly fast pace.
"Wait, wha..." The driver and fireman noticed the two leave, moving the wagon themselves along the track. In panic, they gave chase.
"Stop! No, stop!!" Charles yelled.
"Oh god, Toby's gonna KILL us if they get hurt!" Theodore fretted, following Charles.
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The two little pups panted and hurried along the tracks, whizzing past the nearby Nunnery.
Even with the energy burst, both babies were getting tired. Tabitha sweated profusely, on the verge of crying from the ache, even Bruno was crying a little.
Eventually, the sped past Crock's Scrapyard, where the workers gasped and yelled. Then, they zoomed through the town of Crosby. Bear gasped as he watched the two whizz past, confused and startled.
A tunnel soon came along and consumed them. It was dark and scary for a moment, but the light came back, what a relief! Bruno cried from the funny burn under his wheels, but kept pushing from behind while Tabitha pulled. They had the feeling of doing something important; never ever EVER give up!
After what felt like an hour of irresistible energy bursts, the two pups soon came to a halt, and found themselves pushing the wagon off the rails and up on to the platform where Sir Topham Hatt and his wife stood along with Mr Percival, Mr Fergus Duncan and the Earl.
Tabitha weakly rang her bell and squeaked for their attention. The Earl was the first to notice, and as soon as he did, he came running over "Oh my goodness!" He exclaimed, stopping and scooping up the two babies "Oh you poor poor things! What were you doing pushing such a heavy decoration?!"
Sir Topham Hatt and the other controllers came over as well, baffled and dumbfounded as well at the sight.
"What is the meaning of this?! Where are Theodore and Charles??" Sir Topham Hatt said, looking around angrily, angry at the thought that his own employees may have forced the two babies to work their frames off. It wasn't right!
"Sir!" Came a new voice.
Following the voice, two cold and out of breath men came running on to the platform. But before they could say anything, Sir Topham Hatt cut them off.
"What were you two THINKING?!" He boomed, stepping forward "...making an engine and her brakevan, who are still INCREDIBLY young do your own work?! Why, I am BEYOND disgusted!"
"W-Wait, no, Sir! Please, let us explain!"
"Explain?! Explain why you—" just then, Lady Hatt interrupted him with a hand on his shoulder "Hold on, Bertram. Let them explain...we need the full story if we are to understand the situation" She said soothingly.
The Fat Controller glared at the driver and fireman before sighing "Alright then, you two...tell us what happened"
And so, the duo explained their actions. They explained how it all started with nearly hitting a cow on the road, crashing into a ditch. Then how they used a little old wagon to pull the star across a chunk of the railway, then entering a problem with the handle snapping off. Finally, they ended on how the two pups suddenly began speeding off with the wagon in tow.
The group stared at them with blown wide eyes. They were as silent as mice, not a peep. Finally, Mr Percival spoke up "Ehem! Well, considering how our engines became giant furry train monsters, that story doesn't seem our of the ordinary!" He chuckled. Everyone took a second to murmer their agreements and giggled themselves.
"Well then, now that we got our star...I believe the party should be going underway right about now?" Sir Topham Hatt asked. Now that was something everyone would settle with.
So, the star was taken to the new Christmas tree and placed on top where everyone would see! The light shows were spectacular, and the music was amazing. It was certainly the dawn of a happy new year!
Happy New Year!!
Credit songs (listen to if you want ^_^)
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lianaboom · 11 months
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bluy1206 · 4 months
Oh how nice, it's almost Christmas and I haven't put up the nativity scene yet and I already hit myself 17 times in the face for getting into the piñata at the posadas :v🩹
And so I just leave this little drawing of the four inspectors and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, have a good time 🎄🎁✨❤️^w^
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Because Mr. Fergus Duncan is staring at his cup of chocolate?
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (37)
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