#ts fusion
skeletinmoss · 7 months
Alright lets go for a tripple threath! Logan remus and virgil fushion go!
I see what you did
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We have a sexy artificer y'all
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chaos--gremlin · 2 months
🩵💛 They're lying to you 💛🩵
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🙊🙈🙉 Patton/Janus fusion! 🙉🙈🙊
Part 1 | Inspiration
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hyperfixated-homo · 1 year
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the overthinker, aka my analogical fusion that i may or may not make a cosplay for.
click for quality, unshaded + lineart + sketch under the cut
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I always see "mad scientist intrulogical fusion", and I raise you "crime detective intrulogical fusion"
A crime detective who is incredibly smart, and often takes this literally, but who also just loves crime scenes and knows so much about murder weapons that you just might wonder if they were involved in the murder themselves..?
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intrualityweek · 6 months
And here’s the Patton-heavy fusion video.
“Depression Meatloaf”
Yeah, that checks out.
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bonker-bananas · 8 months
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here’s a little something for day 2 of @intrualityweek!! the theme was fusion!
i had way too much fun with this, i love being able to go all out with so many accessories and i’m pretty proud of the outfit! he definitely needs glasses and will not acknowledge it
i can and will ramble about the outfit and accessories if asked
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hauntedfalcon · 7 months
there are a handful of significant missteps in the His Dark Materials books but I think the biggest one was saying that when Lyra left Pan on the shore, that was the fulfilment of the prophecy about her committing a terrible betrayal
and not, you know, when she delivered her best friend to be killed
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esompthinfics · 1 year
I love love love love we hereby establish! scrutiny is my favorite fusion so far, are there any draws of Samuel?
Hi friend!
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I hope these little doodles are satisfying enough.
I love learning which fusions (or the sides) people like the most. They're all so much fun to write, I never know who will be popular
Thank you for reading We Hereby Establish! There will be plenty more to go lol
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kjack89 · 2 years
Guess who watched and is now reading The Sandman and had an idea…
Probably the start of a longer fic. We shall see.
As soon as night had fallen on the barricade, as soon as the fighters, exhausted and hungry, made what beds they could among the rubble and spent ammunition, Grantaire had known he would come. Still he kept his eyes closed, as if keeping them shut might keep him at bay.
“If you wish to avoid me, feigning sleep is not the wisest idea.”
Grantaire cracked one eye open, then the other. “Who said I was feigning?” he asked, a weak attempt at humor, as if that too might keep the tall, thin man standing next to him from his purpose.
The man did not smile. “That you managed to slip from the Dreaming into the waking world is feat enough,” he said, his voice low. “That you have continued to evade me these years is even more remarkable.”
“Can you blame me?” Grantaire asked, his voice no more than a whisper.
If the man had any response to that, it did not show on his pale, thin features. “You are a nightmare of the Dream realm,” he said. “Your purpose is to haunt dreams, not this place.”
“You are the master of stories as well as dreams, are you not?” Grantaire replied. “And this – this is a story that deserved to be told.”
“A story, yes,” the man said. “But one that would have been told without your part in it.”
“You will see.” The man’s fathomless eyes stared at him and Grantaire wet his lips before starting, “Please, let me just—”
“Just what?” asked Morpheus, Dream of the Endless, Grantaire’s maker and, in due time, Grantaire was certain, his unmaker.
“Let me see his nightmare through to the end,” Grantaire pleaded. “Let me stay until Enjolras finds himself in your sister’s realm. Let me see if there is any role yet that I have to play in his story.”
For a long moment, long enough that Grantaire was certain he would be refused, Morpheus’s eyes bore into him. Then, when Grantaire could almost take it no more, he nodded. “Very well.”
Grantaire gaped at him. “You mean—”
“You may finish what you started,” Morpheus allowed. “But I warn you, should you fail to find yourself back in my realm where you belong—”
“I will not,” Grantaire said, practically tripping over himself to assure him. “And I will face whatever punishment you have for me, I promise.”
Morpheus said no more, just disappeared into the shifting sands of his realm, and Grantaire all but collapsed against the table in relief. His relief was short-lived as another figure stepped out of the shadows, scaring him half to death.
Of course, as he saw the ankh pendant that swung around her neck, he supposed that was half the point.
She studied him for a long moment, and he wondered just how much of his conversation with Morpheus she had overhead. “I will be back for the rest,” she said finally, and he recognized it for the gentle warning that it was.
“I know.”
“But not for you,” she continued. “Nightmares do not belong with the dead.”
He nodded, his throat suddenly tight. “I know that, too.”
She looked at him closely, a frown puckering her forehead. “If you are worried about my brother—”
“No,” Grantaire said, a little too quickly. “It is not Lord Morpheus that I fear.”
“Then what?”
For the second time that night in the presence of one of the Endless, Grantaire wet his lips before uttering something so foolish even he could hardly believe it: “May I ask you for a favor?”
She stared at him as if he had grown a second head, not that he blamed her. Grantaire doubtedly highly that Death was used to being asked for favors by nightmares.
Then, to his surprise, she smiled. “Yes,” she said simply.
Grantaire blinked. “Yes, I may ask, or yes, you will grant my favor?”
“Both,” she said. “Depending on what the favor is, of course.”
“Why?” Grantaire blurted.
“Because I suspect that whatever favor you’re going to request will provide my brother with a certain amount of, shall we say, consternation,” she said cheerfully. “And I rather think my brother could use some consternation.”
Grantaire tactfully chose not to comment on whether he thought the Lord of Dreams needed additional consternation in his life. Instead he met Death’s eyes and took a deep breath before starting, “It’s about Enjolras…”
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biomic · 1 year
wasn't drago knight hunter a berserker form before they got over it after like one episode
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confusedand-dazed · 1 year
Does anyone remember that tumblr posts talking about the Sides fusing and becoming more and more monstrous like Steven Universe until the last ones fused and they just made Thomas? Where can I find that tumblr post I want to find that post
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skeletinmoss · 6 months
Ok, so big mistake on my part. Deleted a request I just completed. I couldn't redact it so I panicked, and I forgot that requests don't get back in my inbox if I do that. Basically request was to do a triple fusion of Virgil, Remus and Roman
I'm calling it kingxiety
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I'm really sorry that mistake happened. But you still got yourself a cool art
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lovelivingmydreams · 2 years
Aftermath8:InThisTogether-A sanders sides fanfic reading
Alright! Going strong!!! At this rate I might actually finish something. Imagine that.
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tstwitterupdates · 1 year
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TS tweet march 1, 2023 :
The Patton x Pedro Pascal fusion I never knew I needed.
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mewling-central · 5 months
Introduction to Collective Seraphic
Now that Seraphic's at a stable place, I think I'm gonna take some time to delve into the basics of how it operates. For this post I'll only be going into the language itself and not the writing system, as that's going to need a post of its own to elaborate on. I'll try to keep this as concise as possible, but I may make separate posts expanding on topics discussed in this one. So, without further ado, onto the infodump!
Collective Seraphic (which I'll be referring to as "Seraphic") is an artlang that I've created for a comic that as of this post I have not began yet, but am still developing. The majority of the comic will take place on the Seraph Homeworld, an alien planet some 3,000 lightyears from Earth populated by the seraph species (pictured below):
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Within the story, Seraphic acts as the lingua franca of the Seraph Homeworld and the many colonized planets under Seraph control. It's used in the government, and among speakers of differing languages. As such, this language was the first one that I knew I would need to make as it will play a vital role in both the storytelling and narrative structure.
Seraphic is largely a fusional language, employing affixes to modify the semantic role and meaning of morphemes. Seraphic does not, in the traditional sense, have verbs, so the sentence structure is strictly subject-object (will expand upon later). Nouns decline for number and tense, and are grouped into seven noun classes. Adjectives agree with nouns in number, except if derived from nouns themselves, in which case they'll also agree in class. Seraphic is very head-initial; with demonstratives, numerals, possesives, adjectives, genitives, and relative clauses following the noun the modify; and prepositions preceeding the nouns they modify. Auxiliaries preceed procedurals (again, will expand upon later).
Here is the phonological chart for Seraphic:
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It has a syllable structure of (CC)V(CC). Plosives cannot exist word finally, clusters of consonants of the same manner are illegal, and vowel clusters are also not permitted. Syllabic consonants are grouped with vowels and behave much like them, carrying tone and stress, so they together are grouped and referred to as vocalics. Seraphic is a tonal language, employing the use of four tones: rising (á), falling (à), high (ā), and low (a). Low tones remained unmarked in both the Seraphic script and in romanization. Stress is syllable-independant. It will take either the ultimate, penultimate, or rarely the antepenultimate. Stress always falls on the syllable with a voiceless initial obstruent nearest to the end of the word. If none are available, it will fall on the syllable with an initial sonorant within the same parameters. Stress will never fall on a voiced obstruent. For clarity, I'll provide a key describing the pronunciation of the romanization.
Sounds that are similarly pronounced as they're read in American English:
m, n, p, b, t, d, k, g, f, v, s, z, y, w, l
Sounds that have special pronunciations:
ŋ, like the ng in English "sing"
p', like the ጴ in Amharic "ጴጥሮስ"
t', like the t' in Navajo "yá'át'ééh"
k', like the კ in Georgian "კაბა"
', like the the space within English "uh-oh"
c, like the sh in English "sharp"
j, like the s in English "measure"
x, like the gh in English "ugh"
ğ, like the γ in Greek "γάλα"
pf, like the pf in German "Pfirsiche"
ts, like the z in Italian "grazia"
tc, like the ch in English "chain"
kx, like the kh in Lakota "lakhóta"
r, like the rr in Spanish "perro", although occasionally like the r in Spanish "amarillo"
i, like the ee in English "meet"
į, like the ы in Russian "ты"
u, like the oo in English "boot"
e, like the é in French "beauté"
œ, like the a in English "Tina"
o, like the o in Classical Latin "sol"
a, like the a in English "bra" although this can change to be more forward or more backward.
Another letter that might trip people up is ł, which is meant to represent the high tone syllabic 'l'. Otherwise, syllabics are written the same as their pulmonic counterparts, with tone markers written when applicable.
Nouns make up the bulk of the Seraphic lexicon. Every noun is grouped into one of seven classes:
Solar class: nouns related to seraphim or seraph-like beings, and seraph body parts. Prefix appears as zā-, zō-, zē-, s-, or ts-.
sēr = "person"
Astral class: nouns related to non-seraph animate lifeforms (their equivalent to "animals"). Prefix appears as ğr-, x, or kx-.
xuc = "cherub"
Vital class: nouns related to inanimate lifeforms (their equivalent to "plants"). Prefix appears as wā-, wō, w-, ū-, wē-, or wī-.
wējlux = "tree"
Terranean class: nouns related to landscapes, locations, and natural phenomena. Prefix appears as va-, vo-, vu-, f-, and pf-.
voxāl = "sun"
Metallic class: nouns related to inanimate objects, both natural and artificial. Prefix appears as ja-, jo-, c-, or tc-.
jağrú = "rock"
Lunar class: nouns related to abstract concepts, and terms related to time. Prefix appears as la-, lo-, le-, li-, y-, or l/ł-.
levren = "job"
Oceanic class: nouns related to general words, tangible concepts, numbers, all adjectives, and non-incorporated loanwords. Prefix appears as a/ā-, o/ō-, or aw-.
awuf = "group"
Adjectives do not agree in class, due to the fact that nouns originally are derived from adjectives, and noun classes acted as a way to differentiate between nouns and adjectives.
fa = "warm, hot"
jafa = "fire" (lit. "a hot thing")
When adjectives are used as predicatives, they decline into the oceanic class in order to take the procedurals (once more, will expand upon later).
Nouns also decline for four numbers: singular (one thing, usually unmarked), dual (two things, both things; suffixes as -ac, -oc, -œc, or -c), plural (things, many thing; suffixes as -n, -an, or -in), and collective (every thing, all things; suffixes as -āf/ōf, -áf/-óf, or -'ōf).
Seraphic doesn't use pronouns. Everything and everyone is referred to by name, including yourself. From our perspective, the Seraphic language constantly speaks in the third person. However, it can be repetitive to use the same name over and over again in a sentence, and sometimes you don't know the name of things, so they'll apply what I've called pro-forms. They consist of the demonstrative adjectives fl "this", sl "that", and xl "yon" declined into the Solar class and taking the place of the first, second, and third person respectively. For ease of reference, I'll provide the forms and their declensions below.
zāfl (I/me), zāflc (both of us), zāvlin (we/us), zāfláf (all of us)
zāsl (you), zāslc (both of you), zāzlin (you guys), zāsláf (all of you)
zōxl (they), zōxlc (both of them), zōğlin (many of them), zōxláf (all of them)
Seraphic makes no distinction in the gender of the speaker, in this regard. Although these resemble pronouns, they're not meant to be used as often as regular pronouns, and whenever possible it's much preferred that you refer to someone or something by name.
Adjectives and Prepositions
Adjectives are fairly straightforward. Adjectives follow the noun they modify (e.g. sēr tan "big person"), and agree with them in number (e.g. sēr tan "big person" vs sērn t'aŋon "big people"). Adjectives agree in the singular form with singular and collective nouns, and they agree in the plural form with dual and plural nouns.
There are three main types of adjectives: native adjectives (e.g. cna "good"), borrowed adjectives (e.g. anzn "nice"), and noun-derived adjectives (e.g. arfi/ofi "new"). Native and borrowed adjectives don't agree with noun classes, but noun-derived adjectives do. It originated from the animacy-based adjective agreement system in Proto-Seraphic, which has been lost in all other adjective instances. When you want to make a noun into an adjective you'll affix one of two prefixes to it: ar- (if agreeing with Solar, Astral, and Vital nouns) and o- (if agreeing with Terranean, Metallic, Lunar, and Oceanic nouns). There are specific rules on the forms each prefix takes based on the noun they're attached to:
"ār-" when preceeding high or falling vocalic syllables (e.g. sēr ārzājna "popular person")
"ar-" when preceeding low or rising vocalic syllables (e.g. wēn arfe "local fruit")
"ó-" when preceeding high or falling vocalic syllables (e.g. lalel ówē "grassy flavor")
"o-" when preceeding low or falling vocalic syllables (e.g. lesar olvulvren "economic problem")
"ōw-" when preceeding words that start with a vocalic (e.g. lnin ōwāsāvbas "momentary event")
Prepositions occur before the nouns they modify, and don't change form in any circumstance. There are currently 19 prepositions in the modern language, and they are usually connected to nouns via a hyphen (e.g. e-fe "at (the) place"):
cu = of; indicates possession
pr̄ = indicates the indirect object, equivalent to "to" in the phrase "The man sends the letter to me."
in/īn = as or like; indicates similarity or resemblance. Will either be low or high tone depending on the tone of the following syllable.
e/ē = at or on; indicates location.
tsa = near or for; indicates relative distance from a location or an action performed for the sake of the referent.
cni = without; indicates a lack of possession or company.
wa = in or inside of; indicates interior position.
tn = on top of, above, or before; indicates superior position or a prior instance in time.
pux = under, beneath, or after; indicates inferior position or a following instance in time.
pi = with, together with; indicates being in company of or making use of the referent.
fān = from or away from; indicates the motion of leaving the referent.
ku = out of; indicates motion from within the referent towards the exterior.
tun = into or through; indicates motion from outside the referent towards the interior.
xel = to or towards; indicates the motion of approaching the referent.
kxun = across; indicates motion from one location to another
pn̄ = around; indicates location surrounding the referrent.
cāza = between; indicates location in the middle of the referrent.
tē = after, behind; indicates posterior position.
fr = during; indicates a moment in time
Prepositions aren't combined in Collective Seraphic, but may be in certain instances in colloquial speech.
Okay, this is probably the most complicated part of Seraphic, so I'm going to need to get into things individually. First, I'll start with defining a procedural itself. Procedurals are the term I use for the prefixes used to describe the relationship or process of and between the agent noun and the patient noun. These are what act as the equivalent to "verbs" in earth languages. There are three in use:
Existential: used to denote a state of being or equivalence between agent and patient, or to the patient and itself. Equivalent to English "to be" (e.g. A is B, there is B). Usually prefixes as some variant of n-, m-, or ŋ-.
Actional: used to denote an action or process between the agent and patient, or with the patient and itself. Equivalent to English "to do" or "to act upon" (e.g. A acts upon B). Carries a connotation of agency and intent. Usually prefixes as some variant of re-, ra-, or r-.
Resultative: used to denote an occurence or change in state between agent and patient, or patient and itself. Equivalent to English "to become", "to happen", or "to change into" (e.g. A becomes B, B happens to A). Carries a connotation of passiveness or motion. Usually prefixes as some varient of ed- or ez-.
The procedural will change its form slightly depending on the class and declension pattern of the noun it modifies. It always affixes to the patient noun, demonstrating a relationship of an action and what is being acted upon. In this way, the patient can be clearly identified. In transitive or causative clauses, the word order is always S(P)O, with the agent acting as the subject and the patient as the object. In intransitive and passive clauses, the word order is always (P)S, with the patient acting as the subject and the agent demoted to the indirect object or omitted entirely.
Although seemingly limiting, using these three procedural, as well as prepositions, nouns, and adjectives, altogether can be used to make all sorts of verb equivalents that are called "procedural phrases". I'll demonstrate how to build a sentence now. First thing we need to know is the subject and object:
Sāx ... jafa (The child ... the fire)
Next, I'll add the actional procedural in the present tense to this.
Sāx rejafa (The child acts upon the fire)
By itself this is technically grammatically correct, but it doesn't really mean anything. It's too broad. So we add a prepositional phrase to specify exactly what action the child is taking towards the fire.
Sāx pi-sīman rejafa (The childs acts upon the fire with (their) eyes)
Now we know that the child is performing an action involving the use of their eyes. Now of course this could mean many different things in English, but in Seraphic the first thing that comes to mind would be fairly obvious: to see! Thus, "Sāx pi-sīman rejafa" would be the same as saying "The child sees the fire" in English! There are a lot of set phrases that equate to verbs, and remain consistent in their arrangement. Often differing phrases are a useful way to ascertain where someone is from or what their first language is.
Tense and Aspect
Seraphic has six main tenses: two pasts, two presents, and two futures. The two pasts consist of the recent past (happening recently) and the remote past (happening a long time ago), and they prefix and/or combine with the procedural.
Sāx pi-sīman ğrejafa (The child just saw the fire)
Sāx pi-sīman eğrejafa (The child saw the fire a while ago)
Similarly, the future tenses consist of the near future (will happen soon) and the distant future (will happen eventually).
Sāx pi-sīman drejafa (The child will soon see the fire)
Sāx pi-sīman izrejafa (The child will eventually see the fire)
The present tenses consist of a general present tense (happens) and the infinitive (to happen) which is used with auxiliaries and copulae and carries no presence in time.
Sāx pi-sīman rejafa (The child sees the fire)
Pi-sīman ezrejafa (To see a fire)
Whether someone considers an event to be nearer or farther in time from them is completely up to their discretion. There's no set timeframe for when to use the recent vs. remote past, it's all fairly subjective. However, whether you decide to use the recent or remote can really indicate whether you believe something to be in the distant past or future, or just a few moments ago or soon.
Seraphic also makes use of two copulae, the perfective -r and the imperfective -l, helping clitics that expand on the aspect of the procedural, i.e. how the procedural happens over time instead of when in time. The copulae are separate from the procedural, being placed directly before it and conjugating on their own similarly to the lexical procedural. When the copulae are in use, they are conjugated instead of the lexical procedural, while the lexical will be put into the infinitive. The exception to this is if the point in time is considered necessary to be stated for the sake of clarity or emphasis, in which case the lexical verb will also conjugate (though this isn't considered to be the default). The two copulae each conjugate to six tenses, and give 12 individual aspects in total. They are as follows, starting with the perfective:
āgxōnr - Pluperfect: indicates that the action happened at a point before some time in the past either specified or implied (e.g. āgxōnr nidsl "that has happened")
xōnr - Preterite: indicates that the action happened in the past with no reference to if it was completed recently or remotely. A general past (e.g. xōnr nidsl "that happened")
nar - Relative: indicates relative clauses, i.e. clauses that act to modify a noun similarly to an adjective. Equivalent to "that", "who", or "which" (e.g. lsl nar nidsl "the thing that happens")
ednr - Gnomic: indicates general truths, common knowledge, and aphorisms (e.g. ednr nezłsl "things happen")
t'enr - Future Simple: indicates the action will happen in the future with no regard to how near or far it is from the present (e.g. t'enr nidsl "that will happen")
āt'ēnr - Future Perfect: indicates that the action will happen before a time or event in the future (e.g. āt'ēnr nidsl "that will have happened")
And the imperfective:
ŋ̄xōzl - Discontinuous: indicates that an action was happening in the past, but is no longer happening in the present (e.g. ŋ̄xōzl nidsl "that used to happen")
xōzl - Habitual: indicates that an action is done often or out of habit (e.g. xōzl nidsl "that always happens")
īzl - Progressive: indicates that an action is happening at the very moment of conversation (e.g. īzl nidsl "that is happening")
nizl - Prospective: indicates that an action will be starting to, or is in the process of happening (e.g. nizl nidsl "that is about to happen")
t'ezl - Iterative: indicates that an action happens again, repeatedly, or more than one time based on context (e.g. t'ezl nidsl "that happens again" or "that happens again and again")
nt'ezl - Continuative: indicates that an action happens continuously and without end (e.g. nt'ezl nidsl "that still happens")
With both tense and aspects, this largely expands the capability of Seraphic in referring to time.
Seraphic makes use of seven modal particles to denote seven moods. They are always placed at the beginning of clauses, and no two modal particles can exist in the same clause. They are grouped into four categories: the declaritive (indicative and negative), the inferential (evidential and interrogative), the deontic (volitive and imperative), and the epistemic (subjunctive and conditional). They add extra clarity in the speakers mood or opinion concerning the clause they modify, and are as follows:
Indicative: base form of a clause. Indicates that the speaker is stating a fact or what exists, and is unmarked (e.g. idsl "that happens")
tu - Negative: indicates that the speaker is stating a fact that is untrue or what doesn't exist. Usually only appears in formal, official texts, as the first syllable of the procedural will chage tone to contrast as well and leaves the particle unneccesary in colloquial speech (e.g. tu īdsl "that doesn't happen")
cuc - Evidential: indicates that the speaker is stating a fact that they believe or understand to be true, regardless of having experienced it or not. (e.g. cuc idsl "apparently that happens") Direct evidentiality is denoted using a different method.
an/ān - Interrogative: indicates that the speaker is confirming whether a statement is or isn't true. Forms questions (e.g. an idsl? "does that happen?")
tcān - Volitive: indicates that the speaker desires for the statement to be true (e.g. tcān idsl "that wants to happen" or "that needs to happen" or "that should happen")
má - Imperative: indicates that the speaker is giving a command or suggestion, to themselves and/or to other referents. Functions additionally as a cohortative and a jussive (e.g. má idsl! "let that happen!")
tir - Subjunctive: indicates that the speaker believes the statement to be possible or likely (e.g. tir idsl "that could/would/might happen")
nun - Conditional: indicates that speaker believes the statement to be possible under specific circumstances or conditions (nun idsl "if/when that happens..."
That's about the basics of the Seraphic language outline. I'd like to eventually get into things like comparison, evidentiality, declension forms and the like, but those are all topics that definitely need their own individual posts. Real quick, I want to provide one more additional fact about Seraphic.
Seraphic uses base-16, meaning it groups numbers in sets of 16 instead of sets of 10 like we do. 1-16 would be written 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, 10. 10 would be read as 16, and equally 20 would be 32. They're still counting the same amount of things, they're just dividing it up differently!
Anyways that's about it, I hope to share more about Seraphic soon, and when the comic gets released I hope you'll all be able to read it and pick out the many many lines of Seraphic I've poured into it!
ŋKowīci cu-stux 'ōf tsa-levp'ā cu-zāsláf pi-lizt'n ğōdjasa! (Thank you all so much for reading!)
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intrualityweek · 6 months
"You can beat a few and then suck on the rest."
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