#tree to moderate
makenna-made-this · 2 months
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Ah, spring in new england
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Not live, laugh, leghorning this weather^
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cupsofsilver · 1 year
“Navidson is "forced to light the cover of the book as well as the spine," causing him to burn his fingers and lose some of the text. Left in the end with one page and one match, Navidson literally consumes and lets be consumed the last remnant of the book: "First, he reads a few lines by match light and then as the heat bites his fingertips he applies the flame to the page. Here then is one end: a final act of reading, a final act of consumption. And as the fire rapidly devours the paper, Navidson's eyes frantically sweep down over the text, keeping just ahead of the necessary immolation, until as he reaches the last few words, flames lick around his hands, ash peels off into the surrounding emptiness, and then as the fire retreats, dimming, its light suddenly spent, the book is gone leaving nothing behind but invisible traces already dismantled in the dark" (467). What we experience here is an inversion of the postmodern topos of the mise en abyme: stripped of its epistemologically debilitating impact, this episode of Navidson reading the very text in which he figures as a fictional character functions to foreground the equivalence between the two forms of consumption— reading and material destruction— here thematized. The point, then, is to emphasize the absence of any "sacred text"-literally instanced by the destruction of Navidson's copy of House of Leaves— and the primacy of the singular act of reading that forms its necessary correlate.”
Mark B.N. Hansen, The Digital Topography of Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves
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itstimeforstarwars · 3 months
I think I'm gonna try and finish my current sketchbook in the next three months. I've been working on it since 2018 and I still have like 147 pages to go but I believe in me.
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beansnpeets · 1 year
People can scream all day long about how show line labs are so much lower drive and energy than field bred, but considering how much go-go-go Sprocket does have I just don't buy it. She doesn't have a ton of endurance, just because we haven't worked on it, but she's otherwise very driven and ready to Do Stuff at all times. She also takes very little time to recover. After our 6km hike, she was exhausted, but by the next morning she was harassing me to do stuff with her. She definitely does have a super great off-switch, too, but she lets me know when she needs me to give her something to do.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure a field bred lab would have more energy than she does, but the way people talk about it, it's like they think show line labs just lay around all day and don't do anything at all when mine would love to be doing 6km hikes every single day.
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drinkthemlock · 28 days
alright now azevedo (fake álvares) is not just a bit of a cunt he is straight up the villain of this novel.
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spoofyleaf · 7 months
okay so incase anyone was curious, macadamia nuts are treenuts
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lakeofvoices · 10 months
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arthur-r · 10 months
accidentally doxxed myself online you guys…. i’m my own worst enemy
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josephslittledeputy · 7 months
Okay but not only am I curious af about the fic (can you spoil a lil more maybe 👀) but also: Where could one read it, if you did the username change? ALSO ALSO: You can do it!! And it is very nice to read that you are so excited and happy. Keep at it!! ✨
Here's the link to my AO3 :) I know I've gone through a few username changes, so that's my bad, but I believe this one is here to stay! (For a long while at least) and oho boy, can I spoil it! I honestly have to refrain from posting spoilers anytime I make a post about it haha
So Willa's dark AU contains some supernatural elements and is broken into two parts, with They Watch From The Pews being part 1 & They Watch From The Trees being part 2. Both are set in Hope County (obvi), but part 2's Hope County is just a liiittle different. Changed, per se... Which is all I'll say on that, ha
Putting a read more since things get kinda long under the cut.
Pt. 1 Summary: Former Deputy, Willa Rook, is on a mission to retake Hope County from Eden's Gate. It should be easy, right? Just blow a few things up, rescue some people, take out the Heralds and she's golden! But things are not always as they seem. There's something someone much darker and sinister pulling the strings behind the scenes. The longer she stays in each Heralds grasp region, the more hazy and confusing things—and the line between good and evil—become. When she's teetering on the brink of the abyss, will she turn back? Or will she go into free fall and see where it takes her?
Additionally, there are a few things that Willa's done—and seen—prior to coming to Hope County that she'd rather not remember. If anyone ever found out about them, well, it certainly wouldn't shine a favorable light on her. Unfortunately, the Seeds (specifically John) pry these things out of her and, well, once that door to the mind is open... who knows what could get in 👀
Pt. 2 Summary: Everything we know about Hope County has changed. After the bombs dropped and Eden's Gate took over, it's never been the same. But have no fear! If you join them, you will be loved and protected and you'll never have to be alone again! Doesn't that sound just absolutely wonderful? Lots of other people think so too! Or, that is, until they've broken the rules (intentionally or otherwise) and then that's when They come for you. Who's They, you ask? Oh, don't you worry about it! Just don't break the rules and don't ever go into the Tainted Woodlands and you'll be juuuust fine! :)
Long story short, the fic is pretty much my attempt at a transcendental horror! If that isn't satisfactory enough, here's the link to my other side blog where I post more spoilery stuff :) Pt. 1 & Pt. 2 also have their own respective tags! (TW: Gore, blood, body horror, angst, etc)
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lichensings · 1 year
happy one year birthday to my ocs wrenne and mockingbird. these bitches gay good for them
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casualavocados · 2 years
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okay so there's like a 1 foot gap complete with TREE and pat climbs over the railing to the edge below, then shuffles down against the house to where it looks like the ledge either gets wider or extends further around the house (and it's on the other side of the tree) and he steps on that so he doesn't have to step on shingles. and then he hops from there to pran's balcony
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we're on Medicaid as a family and I have to say the thing that's been the most genuinely helpful is the people willing to do the research for me about what people are included/covered by our plans, especially for Loaf. Like people call me and make sure we have the help we need -- transportation, food, etc. this is good policy in action.
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thelastspeecher · 2 years
me: the weather's supposed to be nice this weekend, maybe I should go enjoy it before it gets really hot next week.
me: *checks the pollen count forecast*
me: ....
me: never mind.
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indecisive-dizzy · 3 months
This is so Daisey/Eddie coded I’m spiraling rn I love them
Also should I make a Daisey/Eddie or Daisey/Howdy playlist? I have more ideas for the Daisey and Eddie one, but I like the Daisey and Howdy idea a little more :,3
god that song is so good thx for giving me a new lil jam
I say both! throw the ideas for the Daisey/Eddie one down then crack into the Daisey/Howdy one! and I say that bc idk how ur mind works but ik if I don't get an idea down quickly enough it's banished to the shadow realm never to return lmao so yeaaa
Srsly tho I make so many playlists all the time,, so I encourage just going for both! the more the merrier hehe
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espytalks · 9 months
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Time for a plant update!
Almost everything is dead or dying, mostly cause of my own inexperience, and i decided to let everything but the peppers go.
I bought shade cloth a couple months ago, but it wasnt enough to save the tomatoes. Theres some new growth on the indeterminate ones, but i dunno if its worth the effort to salvage it.
Theres a hurricane coming, though, so i took down the shade cloth, cause we just kinda draped it over everything, instead of doing anything permanent. Im mostly worried about the wind knocking down my peppers, which is the one thing i wanna save right now.
I moved it closer to the house, where its shady most of the day. its very sunny right now, and too intense for my plants. Hense the shade cloth. It should be protected enough where it is for the moment. Im really happy with how well its surviving right now, though. Out of everything, the peppers were what i was most excited about. Its pretty disappointing, though, cause the peppers are veeery small, and im pretty sure all this stress ive cause my plants has stunted its growth. Im hoping that fertilizing it and keeping it in the shade will help it out. The leaves at least look healthy now.
And lastly, i started some herbs on the windowsill, and some summer squash, cause thats supposed to do well in the fall here, and im hoping the temperature becomes manageable by the time i transplant everything.
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softgrungeprophet · 11 months
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we got city and county council primary shit going on!!! don't forget to vote! i mostly agree with the stranger's guide for this, but city council district 6 is rough cause all of the candidates are kind of awful, though i think jon lisbin is like... mostly decent? his stance on cops is definitely... flawed... misguided?
he is a 60-something year old white liberal is what i'm saying. but compared to the other candidates is much less awful, and he has by far the best stance on housing, community sustainability, homelessness etc. so i think he's the actual lesser of six evils here, and not strauss like the stranger claims
(there's a chance they wrote their endorsements before he was added to the ballot though cause they don't even mention 4 of the 6 candidates so i'm thinking it was before most of them were put on)
i agree with their OTHER endorsements for my districts though lmao
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